HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1970 291' i'lIINUTES OF 'rIIE :,;rj'ATUTORY B1IDGET SESSION OF 'l'RE CITY OF' PORT TOWNSEND, CONTINUED 8 $7',084.00 to $7,200.00, under Emp10,yee Benefits, item A,to be raised from ~þl,579.00 to $1'593.a~lpl Under Contractual Serviçes, item D, to lowered from ~p150.00 to 100.00, under' material & SupJ?lies, item d be lowered from ~300.00 to $200.00, under Other Expense, itern B to be lowered from ~300.00 to $200.00. It WaS moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the changes i the Garbage Collection Service Budget be confirmed and that the Garbage Collection Service Budget for 1971 be adopted. Motion carried. FIREMEN PEl\[SION & RELIEF FUND I No changes in the Firemen Pension & Relief Fund Budget. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the Firemen Pension & Relief Fund Budget for 1971 be adopted. Motion carried. CIDÆULATIVE RESERVE Fillm Under Capital Outlay, item A, be reduced from ~~70,000.00 to $20,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the chanF.!;es in the Cumulative Reserve Fund Budget be confirmed and that the Cumulative Reserve Fund Budget for the year 1971 be adopted. Motion carried. I SPECIAL ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FUND .:"'.: , No changes in the Special Arterial Highway Fund Budget. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the Special Arterial Highway Fund Budget for 1971 be adopted. Motion carried. PORT TOWNSEND GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 195Q No cha~es in the Port Townsend General Obligation Bonds 1955 Budget. It was moved by Counc ilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the Port Townsend General obligat: ons Bondé' 1955 Budget be adopted. Motion carried. 8 PREPARATION OF ORDINANCES It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that tho City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary ordinances, for the 1971 Budget. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Consideration and adoption of the Budget for 1971 having been co~)leted, it was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carrie. I Attest: JJ/Lé ~(!;~ ' t. ' ~-;? ~ ;;..--- /'/ /' ~ //~ ~Vt y~~;íýr: ~~~~4-~ " MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE CrI'Y OF PORT TOWNSEND Decenber 15:, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington " , The City Council of the Cityat' Port Townsend met in'regular session this '15th day of' Dec. 1970, at -7:30 pm in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL C 14 erl< / IJog1und 8 Officers" and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney li.bràham, Youngblood, Councilmen Judy, Cambield, Steve,' Lindsey, Scheyer, Norwood. Councilman absent. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Camf'ield seconded by Councilman Steve that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. I MINUTES OF THE STATUTORY BUDGET SESSION - It wàs - moved by Councilman Lin dsey seconded by Councilman" Judy that the minutes of the Statutory Budget 'Session be dispensed with. Motion carried~ COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: I TO: The City Council of' the City of' Port Townsend. 8 Bishop Development Corporation is the owner of' approximatëly 600 feet of frontage on Hancock Street between 9th Street and Sims' Way. The other owners of abutting properties in this area are also. interested in this application.' Our Corporation respectf'ully requests that a' water line be installed in Hancock Street, under the provisions recently enacted in amending Ord.' 1110. We are willIng to discuss with the City some financial participation in the project, to the extent Of paying some of the f'rontage charges iñ advance of hook-ups on a new line, and we woVld like to rooet with the appropriate City officials to 'work out p1áIis. for' this project in the near -futUro. " ,,' " Mr. WillIam F. Bišliop, our vice-president 'lives' at 6th & Hancock in Port Townsend, and is authorIzed to negotiate in 'behalf ofthë corporatiori :for-these þurpos'ès. We'look forward to being the first to tàke advantage of your recent action in helping to solve water distribti~ion problems in the City. Dated December 12,1970 BISHOP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION B~ . Harvey W. Bishop President 29:¿ , I.. '. , t --,..- -______m___-_'---- ---------- --- ----- --- ------ ------------------------ MINUTES OF THE REaULAR SESSrON OF DECEMBER 15,1970, CONTINUED - - - ---- ,- --- --- - -- ---- ----,----- ------------------------- - Mayor Smith -referred the above communication to the Water Committee and the Ci ty Engineer. From Port Townsend Fire'ighters Dec. 15, 1970 to-wit: The Honorable Frank Smith Mayors Off'ice --- Port Townsend, W~shington The Port Townsend Fire Fighters Local 437 request a meeting with the Mayor or designata for negotiation of wages for the year 1971. Please advise immediately f'or acceptable meeting .ate. Yours truly, Howard H.'Scott Secretary, Port Townsend Fire Fighters Local.4,37 Mayor Smith referred the request to the Fire Committee. OLD-BUSINESS Under old business Emergency Ord. No. 1603, duly recorded in the minutes ßf the previous session was again brought before the council for passage or rejection. It was moved by Councilman Camfield secondedby Counciman Judy that the first reading be, considered the seêondrreàd~ng and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. PASSAGE OF ORD. NO. 1603 Ordinance No. 1603 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1603 be now adopted. Motion carried. NEW BUSI NESS Under new business the following ordinances were presented and acted upon as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1604 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL CITY GOVERN~~T OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FOR THE PORT TO'NNSEND WATER-SEWERDEPARŒMENT, AND FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1971. It was moved by Counci~an Camfield seconded by Councilman Lindsey'that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1604 Was again read for the third time. by title only and it was moved by Council.an Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1604 be now adopted. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1605 An ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1971 It was moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1605 was again read for the third time by titie only ànd it was moved by Council.an Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. No. 1605 be now adopted. Motion carrieel. ORDINANCE NO. 1606 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REQUIRING SET-BACK STANDARDS AND MINIMUM BUILDING TRACT SIZES, AND REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WI TH THE SAME AS A CONDITION FOR OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS, AUTHORIZING VARIANCES AND APPLICATION FOR HEARING THEREOF, AND DECLARING THE ORDINANCE NECESSARY FOR THE' PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE. Mayor Sait~ said that the ordinance was one that the City Attorney WaS directed to prepare at the last meeting and said he f'e1t it provided minimum of requirements. Attorney Abraham. said he considered the ordinange a stop gap measure and presumed someday will have a f'ull blown up plat and subdivision ordinance which will take these' things up in desai1. He went on to explain parts of' the ordinance such as lot size, set backs and etc. After some some discussion .i twas moved by Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Camfield thãt the -i'irst . reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only.. - Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1606 was again read for the third time by- title only and it was moved' by Cóÿncilman Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ordinance No. 1606 be now adopted. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1607 \ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 196, AND THEREBY ESTABLISHNG STANDARDS FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF STR"ŒT IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Smith commented that this is the only way the city can get off the hook on streets is to require the developer who opens up an area, he has to put in streets that the city will not have to put in maintenance for the first ten or fifteen years, we have to go firšt class improvements when a development is opened up and did not think a good developer wold object. Af'ter some discussion it was moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the first reading be considered the--second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1607 was again read f'or the third tìme by title only and.~t was moved by Councilmam Judy seconded by Councilman Steve that Ord. No. 1607 be now adopted. Motion carried. 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 293 ," , :'. '. MINU1'ES OF THI? REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 15, 1970 CONTINUED 8 ORDINANCE NO. 1608' . AN ORDINAWCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,000.00 OTHER CONTRACTURAL SERVICES' OF THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE SEWER . DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Do to the nature of the abo~e ordinance it- had to be held over until the next regular session. I ORDINANCE NO. 1609 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING' THE SUM OF $1,200.00 FOR THE 1970 BUDGET OF THÐ POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, Doc to the nature of the above ordinance it had to be held oÞer until the next regular session. . , I RESOLUTION NO. 70-10 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $150.00 FROM TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE TO OFFICE SUPPLIES IN THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. , . It was moved byCounci lman Camfield seconded by Counc ilman Scheyro the Resolution 70-10 be passed. Motion carried. . 8 Councilman Judy, water committee chairman ,reported ,on a meeting tilat he had attandedalong with the PUD commissioners and representative of the counsulting'engineering firm of Kramer Chin and Mayo, the sub ject' of' the meeting was ways and means of' providli1g¿additional water serVilice, in the Tri-City area. He said there was no particular decision made and what it boils down to is ; the area still needs water even after the surveys. Attorney Abraham brought up about the young men who ar.:el'òpeninga new business behing the Light H:u S8 Caf'e, he said the dance license wouid cost'150.00 per yoar and the ordinance read that no one under twenty one years of age could attend, and it was his feelings that the license and ordinance should be changed to cope with the teenage business. After some discussion on II what to establish as far as fees for a teenage dance,' it' was the opinion of the council that the City Attorney and License committee have an ordinance prepared to meet the situation at the next regula: session. . ADJOURNMENT As there WaS no further business to come before' the council at this time it was moved by Councilman JUdy seconded by Councilmah Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carrieël.. I Attest. f<rærJy, /&P -<.{Ci y 7 rk' { MA~94b~~ ¿~,:". 7~----~ z--C-"~ c::=:; c--,-~,_.<:o-.' \Þ ~~_:::-~:-~ - ' ,: o-~ 1;- -Œ-e-c_~---,,--,~.:...-~ MINUTES OF THE RIDULAR SESSION OF' JANUARY' 5, 1971 r¡~~/~/ January 5; 1971 Port Townsend, Wh. 8 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 5th day of January 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. Mayor Smith presiding. . ROLL CALL I O1'i'icers' and members present'were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Camfield, Steve, Lindsey, Norwood. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by qSuncilman Hoglund seconded'by CoUncilman Camfield that the minutes of the previous session be disp ensed with. Motion carried., ' BILLS lIE CLAIMS I The f'ollowing bills & Claims were presented and acted upon as follows: CuRRENT EXPENSE FUND--~-----------Voúcher No~ WATER FUND-SEWER------------------¥oucher No~ GARBAGE FUND----------------------Voucher No~ STREET FUND-----------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND----------------------Voucher No~ PARK FUND-------------------------Voucher No~ FIREMEN RELIEF & PENSr)N FUND-----Voucher No~ ARTERIAL STREET FUND--------------¥oucher No~ URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND--------Voucher Nó. 7764.through 7824 --- 11;374~77 2946 through 2974 --- 5i467~85 1819 through 1840 --- "2,752.06 1954 through 1970--- 3,153~18 2277 thro~h 2301 --- 1,478~18 1120-tfipe~R-~lðð---- 6l1~97 337 through 340 '478~72 21' thrcugh 22 --- 14,496~49 18 through 19 700.40 8 It was moved by @ounci1m~ Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy' that the Bills & Claims be approve1i as read' and that the Mayor & City Clerk draw warrants upon the P' op er funds f.or payment 01' same. Motion carried. OFFICERS REPORT ~eC~~~ clerk reported the regur sal~ w~r=ts ror The MonTh ~ Dec. 1970.