HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1970 283 MINUTES OF THE REG LAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 6, 1970, CmrTINŒD -'-- 8 Mayor Smith announced that there would be a Washington Gity Association Regina1 Meetin held at 7:00 p.In. at Port Angeles on the 27th of Oct. and urged all councilmen and officials to attend if possible. Mayor Smith said at the last mee.ting he had passed,out to ~hG councilmen a.~ar1(ed up copy of lit¡he proposed zoneing ordinance, and thought another worklng seSSl~n wwld now be In order. After some discussion it was decided to hold another worldnD; session at 7:30 p.m October 13th and a1s0 to i:"vite the planning commission members.t::,Counci1man Hoglund said that the meeting could be held at his place of Business. Councilman Steve suggested that the Planning commission hold their meetings at the city hall not at the Fort. I Mayor Smith said that he had been working on the survey team that tl}ey would have some help for h:m study had turned up budget wise. budget, and had been advised by the personne~ ~s _k ~ she Mm s~ idea ~ ~t ~1 the city, he \'/a~ inf'ormed the the cJB rk thait be looked into. Mayor Smith asked the City Mayor Smith asked about andy delinquent taxes due there was a couple of B & 0 delinquents that should Attorney to check on the delinquents. I ADJOURNMENT As there was nÐ further business to come'before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman JHdy seconded by Councilman Sqheyer that the meeting do nO\v adjourn. Motion carried. 8 Attest~~~ , C rk ~ /- -- ,- \, .~- -:.l/~-/~~ ~Ið:i~¿ )~ ~~ - . t- MINUTES OF TR~ REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 20, 1971 Oc tober 20, 1971 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 20th day of Oct. 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CA1L I Of'ficers and members present-were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Gamfie1d, Steve, Norwood present. Councilmen Judy, Lindsey absent. MINUTES OF 'l'RE PREVIOUS SESS ION It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the minut s of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. OLD BUSINE3S Under Old Business, j\'!rs Jennie Zaccardo spoke before the cnunci1, again, to complain that after ,more than two years the construction contractor still had not restored the disrupted street by the Harrison Street Apts. - After some discussion, I'fJr W~tkins of the Street Dept., said he would check the street over. - ,8 PUBLIC HEARING- I Mayor Smith said that the- e was a public hearing scheduled for tonight on the request of N!r and Mrs Roger Dickersonfor the vacation of portions of Hood ::;treet. Mayor Smi tri' declared the meeting open for the Public Hearing and asJœd if there were any members of the public would desire to make any cornment concerning the request. Mayor Smith said. that due to the absence of. comment, he would now rev']rt back to the regular order of - busino~:s. . Councilman Steve made a motion that the P3 tition be tabled, seconded by Councilman Norwø'od. Upon the question, Councioman Hoglund asked if the street and planning commission committees had brought back any reco~~endation. Councilman Steve said that hE:, Scheyer and Lindsey wem on the street committee, that chairman Lindsey had not called for a meeting. mayor'Smith said that there had been no recommendatj, n from the planning commis~::ion. Councilman Scheyer mentioned that the planning commission wanted' a' city wide may of all vacated streets and streot that were opened. Engineer-French said that a màp would be fL~nishE:d to the planning commi- ssion. Upon roll call vote. Motion WaS carried. NEiiV BUSINESS I The City Clerk presented the following Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1597 AN ORDINANCE APFROPRIATING TH~ SillJ OF $2,900, TO THE MISCELLANEOUS APPROPRIATION OF TIlE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND BUDGET FOR TI-IE YEAR 1970, AMfi IillCLAHHJG AN Ei':IERGENCY. The City Clerk explained the ordinance contehts, money had to be appropriated for the cost of a city job analysis project being conducted. 8 Due to the nature of the above ordinonce it had to be held over until the next regular session. hIayor Smith again reminded the cO)uncil of the WSC meeting being held "tp Ðort Angeles the 27th of Oct. Mayor Smith commented that the Preliminary Budge$; would be available for the public the 1st part of November. ADJOURNMENT Codßct~5~ -§~lnRdfY~~Bn8eaußtn~ðtln~~lm~fleS8nè9êr t~tc~~cil ~t th~s time ~t w Attest: '--' e~~l~go. ' - W a Jo MAYO~~~~ carr led. 1\