HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1970 , ' 261' "' ;, , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 19; 1970 '.. . -- 8 May 19, 1970 " Port Townsend, Washingto~ , The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 19th day of May, 1970, at 7:30 p.m in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. - ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as f'ollows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk !oungb100d, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Camfield, Steve, Lindsey, Norwood. ;1 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carriéd. COA~ITTEE REPORTS I Councilman Hoglund said that Councilman Norwood 'had asked him to report for her due to the fact that she had a cold and etc. He s'aid that he WaS absent when Councilman Norwood was given the authority to contact Dunsworth Association of Seattle with regards to the estimated cost of conductin a job survey project for the city of Port Townsend. Whereby we ~ou1d be able to have our different munic ipa1 posi tims valuated and try had help fit them in to a scheme of compensation based on their reßPonsibility of their activities and also"try and set down a table of projections as' far as the positions are concerned so that the employees would be able to hav~ some idea of what benefits he would receive. He said this had been discussed ,at one of the budget meetings last fall and a number of' the councilman felt that this appr~ach would be a reasonable one. He said that Councilman Norwood had contacted this company and had received a reply indicating they could do the job, a roughf estimate would be'aroUnd 45.00 per position investigated and an~lizied the total cost would r01~hf1y be around 1,350.00. Councilman Hog1uncl said he felt it would be money well spent. He also ment oned that they had sent information' along from the Cïty of Kent. Mayor Smith said he felt we should go ahead and get a specific proposal from the companþ and would put it on the agenda- for the next meeting and asked Councilman Norwood to renew contact and see when they cDu1d come over. Councilman Norwood said she would contact the company but did not know whether t[ley could make it in the evening or not but would find out. 8 OLD BUSINESS Under old business the following Resolution was presented and acted upon a follows: RESOLUTION 70-4 I A RESOLUTION OBJECTING '1'0 LEASING OF STATE LANDS FOR COMMERCIAL OIL DRIL- LING AND EXPLORATION. I WHEREAS, it appears that from items contained in the press that the State of Washington, acting by and though its Commissioner of' Public Lands, intends to lease certain state lands pursuant. to public b ids to various oil producing companies for, the purpose of' off-shore exP1ora-11 tion and drilling for il and petroleum in and along the shores of' Puget Sound, and: WHEREAS, in other areas where said off-shore drilling has been permitted, there has been established a pattern of fouling of beaches, pollution of tidal waters, death and destruction 04 f'ish and wild life, and a cessation of the use of beaches adjoining said drilling for recreatiorta1 purposes, and ,. WHEREAS, the Puget Sound area is a particularly unique area in the United States, in that there exists a large inland sea which, while being tidal waters, is not subject to the stormy conditions of the open ocean, and because of the size thereof contains thousands of miles of beautiful beaches and shorelands, and WHEREAS, because of the unique character of this tidal water, the area has been utilized to a great extent for recreational purposes, and, as a result of' this use, tourism in and about the Puget Sound area has become one of' its primary industries, and WHEREAS, it appears that the utilization of' portions of said tidelands and shore1ands änd beaches f'or oil drilling would completely ruin not only the immediate portion being so utilized, but large portions of the area adjoining said spots for recreational purposes, substantially decreasing the income this area receives from the tourism industry'and substantially damaging beach homes and recreational areas because of the tlœeat of pollution and the attendant noise, disruption, and unsight1inèss of commercial operations drilling for mil in the area, and WHEREAS, it appears that the oil producing industry rails on many occasions to'take proper steps to ensure that waters will not be'po11uted, and beaches will not be fouled, that fish and wildlife will not be killed and destroyed, but, on the contrary, it appears that, through either negligence, inefficient operation, or lack of technical ability, such incidents are increasing in every area of the country, and' '~lliEREAS, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION OF THE State of Washington is, infact, detrœ- mental to the citizens of the Fuget Sound area, wherein there exist many industries producing goods and materials and renEÌering services in connection with the tourism insustry, including such concerns as marinas, boat yards, sporting goods establishments selling fishing tackle, all of which will be substantal1y and severely damaged, if not rendered useless, should pollution and fouling of the beaches occur; Now, Therefore, . BE I T RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND: That the C unci1 of the Ci ty of Port 'l'ownsend, for and on behalf of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, does hereby express, most strongly, its objections to the proposed leasing of State lands in ahà about Puget Sound for commercial oil drilling and exploration, which II ac tivi ties almost certainly will result in the polluting of the waters of Puget Sound, a fouling, and spoiling of vast areas of shore1ands adjacent to puget Sound, the death and destruction of' I many fish in Puget Sound, the death and destruction of many waterfowl living in and about Puget Sound, and a substantial loss in income to the residents of this area from the tourist industry. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby directed to send copies of this resolution to the Govenor of the State of Wasijington, to the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington, and to all other public officials, State and Federal, who in the course of their official duties may bE ercise control or jurisdiction over the use and utilization of State lands and the use and utilization of navigable waters. :8 I 8 Adopted this 666~é day of May, 1970 - Atte1rt~ gale I 1 y nungn100d , l'ty c.; erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLENN ABRAHAM ".,C i ty Attorney FRANK M. SMITH Mayor , . " ,- '... - 262 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 19,1970, CONTINUED ----- --------.----------- ---- . -.-_.-". -.,--- -----.... --------.---'----. It was moved by Councilman steve seconded by Councilman Camfield that the resolution now be adopted. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Smit~ said that under old business, we had scheduled tognight public hearings on two requested vacations or streets, they were referred to the planning commission, city engineer, and street committee, the planning commission have not had a meeting to discuss the vacations and unless there -is some ob jec tion we will hold the pu1blic hearing and place it on the agenda for council action at the next regular session at which time we will have the planning commiss- ions recomendation. Mayor Smith said the meeting is declared a public hearing now, first the rëgard to the request vacation on certain portions of' C Street, and asked the city clerk to read again the Petition for the vacation of that portion of C street, lying between Willow Street Rod Rose Street, after the reading, Mayor Smith asked if anyone in the audience desired to comment for or against on the requested vacation. After no comment was made, Mayor Smit~ said we would proceed to the requested vacation of that portion of Landes streeet lying between the North Boundary of 28th street and the South boundary of 29th street. Mayor Smith asked the city clerk to read again the petition for the street vacation, after the reading, Mayor Smith asked if anyone in the audience desired to comment for or against on the requested vacation. There was no comment. Mayor Smith said the Public Hearing was declared completed and would revert to the regular order of business. Councilman Lindsey reported for the sbreet committee on the request for the two vacations, saying that the committee agreed they would vacated both streets as re~uested. Mayor Smith said the council has endorsed the concept of LI D's in b~ic improvement of water sewer and streets, we have discussed the subject with a bonding company regarding the possibility of bonding. The Bonding Company has been here and have pretty well covered the town, and asked the Bonding company represenatives who were pre$ent what the situation was. Mr Granberg of Foster and Marshall, said they had spent the best part of the afternoon with the city engineer looking at areas in the city where improvements were needed. Mr Granberg said in a rough estimate considering water-sewer and streets there was close to ~ million dollars worth of financing of projects which are under consideration or which would like to be considered. He mentioned different types of financing such as G.O. Bonds which would not be applicable, revenue financing which would not be suitable due to population density. Streets could hot be financed from revenues, that in the street program would have to be by LID's along with gas tax monies. Sub divisions completely improved by developers, he wxplained and described developer extension, where utility lines must cover a considerable distance to reach an area to be served, in an instance such as this, he suggested, the line is built by the developer, who then enters into a contract for reimbursement f'rom the city when new customers are obtained on the originally unused portion of the line. Following questions from Councilmen, . Mr Gransberg po,nted to the essential ingredients of need and desire in such development projects such as public hearings and etc. Mr Granberg said that they wo¡;ld like to go with an agreement with the city, an agreement that involves no cost to the city in the event that eventual revenue and LID bonds are sold to the firm, the firm will offer its services free of charge in the meantime in reviewing methods of financing under the most advantageous terms to the city. Mr. Dowd passed out copies of the agreement to the members of the council and asked that the following agreement be placed in the minutes. May 19, 1970 The Honorable City Council City of Port Townsend City Hall, 540 Water Street Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Re: Financing of Water, Sewer & Street Projects Gentlemen: It is our understanding that the City is planning a series of improvements that will require ling-term revenue bond and LID Financing. To finance the improvements being considered by the City, we respectfully propose that the City retain Foster & Marshall Inc. to act as investment banker as follows: (1) Review with your engineers and staf'f any and all reporss pertaining to the cost of the proposed projects, grant sources and applications, and other sources of funds, if any, for the purpose of determining the size of' any proposed bond issues. (2) Review with your staff 'the current water and sewer rate structure and, if necessary, reco- mmend changes as may be re"uiråd to produce the amount of added revenue needed to support the proposed bonds and the outstanding bonds. (3) Review ordinances authorizing outstanding revenue bond issues and assist your bond attorney and staff in the preparation of the ordinances that will authorize these issues. We will aid in the development of various protective bond covenants, optional call provisions and bond amortization schedueles with the objective of accomplishing financing under the most advantageous terms to the City and at favorable interest rates in relation to conditions of' tax-exempt bond market existing at the time of sale. (4) Present the information on these issues to the various national rating bureaus and assist, as necessary, in obtaining the best possible rating for the City. (5) Make available such members of our staff as we may mutually agfee will be required to complete preparations of' the financing plan. (6) At such time as construction costs are known and after all steps have been taken by the Cit to assure that the bonds may be legally issued; and upon evidence satisfactory to YìU and to us that the project is financially feasible, we will submit an offer, or offers, to purchase revenue and LID bonds f'rom the City at a price and interest rate to be ~ommen- surate with that for issues of similar nature and'character at the time of sale. If, after exclusive negotiations with Foster & Marshall Inc., you and we fail to agree on the interest rate or other terms of sale of any series of bonds, you may then offer the bonds to others after so notifying us in writing. . If a particular series of' bonds is sold to others on a negotiated basis or if, after rejecting our purchase offer the bonds are sold at public sale, we are to be reimbursed f'or ouD tire and expenses incurred with respect to that series of bonds. The amount of m¡r reimbursement shall be the greater of $3,750. or 3/4 of 1% of the principal amount of revenue bonds sold at anyone time. The City will retain the right to terminate this agreement at any time upon written notic if, in the Citys judgement, Foster & Marshall Inc. has failed as of that date to exert reasonable ef'forts to establish an adequate financing plan for the ¡:>roject. In the event of such termination, the City shall reimburse Foster & Marshall Inc. a reasonable amount for time and expenses a1rea~y iÌ H 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 26~l MINUTES OF TIlE REGULAR SESSION OF I'/fAY 19, 1970, CONTINUED INCURRED-:-;¡tlich amount of reimbursement shall be ~~25.00. per hoUr and actual e~penses incurred. II It hsa11 be unserstood that if we purchase any particular serives of bonds on a negotiated basis we shall not be entitled to the rece ipt of any reimbursement as dete:romined in the preceding - II Paragraph. : Respectfully submitted, FOS TER & MARS HALL INC. Thomas J. Dowd TJD:pc Acc ep ted this Day of' 1970 By: Mr"Dowd~aga:i:n'mentioned that no bond issue, no fee. Engineer French reported on various areas under development, areas planned f'or development, and said that in view of necessary study, hearings, etc, the city would be doing well to be ready to proceed with construction by next spring. Engineer French said he would like to call the attention of the council that he had an excellent water map which ,vas pr epared by Jack :¡"ie1ds on his own time. Af'ter some f',urther discussion it was moved by Councilman Steve seconded by Counci 1man Camfield that the Foster & Marshall Inc. Proposal be accepted. Motion carried. Mayor Smith announced that he had requested a variance for burning at a letter from the Pollution Control saying .that they only grant waivers appearances so .he would attend a meettng at Olympia on June 3rd and try allowed to do some burming. the dump, he received after fB rsonal to prove that we be Mayor Smith announced that he had appofunted Gerald Barnhart to the City Librgy Board and Mrs Les Bailey as chairman of the M3yor'~ Beautification Committee. Councilman Scheyer wanted to know if there ~vas a statuate to have the Port Commission to use the city or county garbage dump instead of starting'a new one at the Lagoon. Mayor Smith said he wo!~d look into the matter. Councilman Steve said that Mr Huntingf'ord had approched him about new water taps, but in the meantime WI1' Kive1ey ~ofHadlock had thanked .him for the. effort th.it the taps wasnt needed for he was going into the water business himself. Councilman No~wood said she would like as. a member of the council to thank Jack Fields for his dedication above and beyond the ciU1 of duty and also suggested that we have a map of the sewer lines. Mayor Smith Also thanked I~Ir Fields and mentioned that a map of the. sewer ¡ines was being made. . ADJOURNMENT As there Was no further business to come before the counci1at this time it was-moved by Councilman steve seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do novr adjourn. Motion carried. Attes t: )}ú~ ry ~ ~ MAYOR .1 '! II .~ ¿