HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1970 24f '\ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION. OF FEBRNARY ~, 1._910 8 February 3, 1970 Port Townsend, Wn. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 3rd day of Sept. 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present-were as follows: Mayor Smith, City .Attorney Abraham, City'C1erY! Youngblood, Councilmen Hoglund, Judy, Camfield, Lindsey, steve, Norwood. Coucilman Scheyer absent. I MiNUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BI-LLS & CLAIMS I The following bills & Claims: as audited by the finance committee were presEnted and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher WATER-SEWER FUND-----------------------Voucher STREET FUND----------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND---------------------------Voucher PARK FUND----- ------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FUND------------------------:---Voucher FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND----------Voucher No~692l No~2533 No~1671 No:1975 No~, 994 No~1570 No.301 through through through through through through through 6974 ---~7,496~55 2558 --- 3,520.23 1690 --- 2,5l4~60 2004 --- 1,48l~45 1004 --- 434~80 1588 --- 1,699~22 305 492.88 8 It Was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the bills & claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrant~ upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFFICERS REPORT City Clerk The City Clerk reported the following salary warrants for the Month of' Jan. 1970. . . . through 6920'---16,752.93 2532 --- 2,547.89 1670 --- 2,402.37 1974 ---I 459~00 . --- '343.92 1569 --- 1,656.02 I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher WATER-SEWER FUND---~-------------------Voucher .STREET FUND----------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND--------------------------~Voucher PARK FUND -----------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FUND------------------------~--Voucaer No~6901 No~2526 No:1665 No~1973 No~993 No.156q through through through through Treasurer . The treasurer's report was read for the Mon~h of Fanuary 1970 and was ordered filed. Police ~ ) The police report was read for the Month of' January 1970 and was ordered filed. COMMUNICATIONS From: National Clean Vp Bureau, Washington D.C. ,8 Dear Mayor: I. CONGRATULATI iNS. The Judges of the National Clean-Up Contest have just informed me that your town has won a Distinguished A.chievemnt Award for your highly sucessful clean up and beautifica- tion activities for towns of under 25,000 in population. This beautifully designed award will be presented to your town's delegation at an elaborate Awards Ceremony, which will be held in the Presidential Ballroom of the Statler Hilton Hotel on Tuesday, February 24, beginning at 9:00 a.m. This will be covered by all news media, and I urge you not to contact the City Editors of your- newspapers to request either AP or UPI coverage of this momentous event. Press releases announcing this grea~ achievement have been sent to a11'your news media nad a similar letter of congratulation has been sent to your clean Up Chairman.' I Enclosed is the fúl1 meeting format. We suggest that you plan now to attend the entire two and a half' day Congress. Please comp1eted'the enclosed registration form as soon as possible, also /I a Hotel reservation card is inéluded. If you have any auestion about the Contes or the Congress, p1:'ease call me immediately. '., " On be half of the Bureau and our juding pàne1, again, our most sincere congratulations, and we hope to see a large delegation from your town in February. - . I R. H. Hackendahl Director COMMITTEE REPORTS 8 Councilman Norwood r~~ported on the request for a street light at 49th st., had checked the location and could see it would be quite dark, it was not on and there were no other homes close by. She recommended that a light should there at this time. . Counc'ilman Norwood said she did recommendi two lights right opposi te on Blaine Street be installed. Councilman Norwood moved and seconded a 20,000 1um light be installed at the Junior High School and a 7,000 further down the block at the same location. Motion carried. she said that she an intersection not be installed the Junior High school by Councilman Judy that lum light be installed OLD BUSINESS The City Clerk presented the following Ordinance under old business. ~ ORDINANCE NO. 2584 242 " , MINUWES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 3rd, 1970, CONTINUED ---- -- -- - - - - ----------- --,- ----q---- _. _m ---------,. -- -- - --.- -- ----- -- - ---------- --------------------- AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF BAKER STREET LYING BETWEEN BLOCKS 1,2,3 and 4 OF THE FAIRMOUNT ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TO~mSEND, RESERVING EASEMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS OF PUBLICATION. 8 It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by ,Councilman Ste"de that the first reading of Ord. No. 2584 be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 2584 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Steve that Ord. No. 2584 do now pass. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1585 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF $4,000.00 FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND TO THE LIBRARY FUND, PROVIDING FOR REPAYMENT THEREOF ON OR BEFORE JULY 1,1970, AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST THEREFOR. I Mayor Smitp said that this ordinance WaS do ~o a low cash balance to pay t~e necessary bills for the first few months of the year untlltax monies started comming In. Councilman Norwood said that she asked the Washington State Cities on whether we could carry a fund in the red if there was money in other funds that could cover it, there: answer was yes~ She said it seemed foolish to borrow 4,000. and charge a fund that is alread in trouble 5% interest for six months when we can do it this other way. I ~e~ity elerk said that he had called the State Auditor òn the situation and was informed by the State Auditor that this is the way it had to be done. Councilman Norwood asked the opinion of the City Attorney. Attorney Abraham said that Councilman Norwood knows his opinion as does the city clerk. In his opinion it isnt necessary but it is proper, he said the City Clerk has much more respect for the State Government than he had. He said the practicality of it completely evaded him. He added that the interest charge represented merely words on paper as the actual money is any event would remain in tax supported area of' city government where budget allocations are determined by the council. 8 Councilman HGg1und said this is obvious a stop gap measure to tide over the library for a short period. He said he was not for carrying any department in the red. He said he agreed with the city clerk that the State Auditor-attitude on it is assinine and f'elt the state is violating the sovereignty of the city. Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Counci.man Lindsey that the f'irst reading of' Ord. No. 1585 be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1585 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Steve that the ordinance do now pass. Motion carried. Under Old Business Mayor Smith said tfiät he hàd put the garbage question back on the agenda for this meeting. H~ said a countèr~ proposal had been provided to the Union representing the employees and as of now still havent heard from the union on the counter proposal. He said as far as the status of the work in the department is concerned, there has been a marked improvement, catch up work is underway at the dump site and added that the matter of smooting out pick up operations is also retaining a high priority status. A Member of the audience complained of the gargabe þicup and was informed if he would contact the gargabe superintendent it could be worked out to his satisf'action. I NEW BUSINESS 8 Councilman Norwood sa id when she was running for office, one of the things that she promised people who she talked to was that she would do her best to seethat we have a theater opened in Port Townsend. She said she was reluctant to bring this up because it has been brought up in the past, but felt that she was obligated to do this. Councilman Norwood made a motion that the admission tax be lifted from the local theatre. Councilman Stated that if the tax was lifted it would have to include more than just the theatre. Councilman Camfield asked Councilman Norwood if' she would change her motion to take all admission tax of'f. After some discussion by the City Attorney, Councilman Hoglund and Camfield it was the opinion that either it be retained or repealed in its intirety. A member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce said for information, the JCts were looking in the possibility in putting in a theatre. Councilman Norwood said she had talked to a JC member told that they~had abanded the idea that they could not do it. Councilman Norwood changed her original motion to read that all admission tax be removed. seconded by CoUncilman Steve. Upon the question Councilman Judy made a motion to table the motion until all councilmen were present. Seconded by Councilman Lindsey. Upon roll call vote motion to table the motion did not pass. ' Mayor Smit. called for a vote on the original motion. Councilman Norwood, Steve, Camfield voted Yae, Councilmen Judy, Lindsey, Hoglund voted nae. Motion did not pass. Councilman Steve recommended a change of a str~3et light at 47th & SanJuan, saying it was at the intersection leading into the fair gronds and at the Fort. Mayor Smit~ referred the recommendation to the Light committee. Councilman Steve said it was appropriate, he would like to have a resolution drawn up to hire the city engineer officialy. Councilman Stëve made a motion seconded by Councilman Norwood to have a resolution drawn up making the hiring of the city engineer official. Motion carried. and WaS I I CLAIM FOR DAMAGES The following Claim for Damages was presented and acted upon as Do110ws: Comes now Jodie G. Stewart; and makes claim against the Port Townsend Garbage Disposal Service in the sum of $500.00, for damage done to real property owned by claimant at E and Cherry Streets in ~he City of Port Townsend on or about December 12,1969. Said damage was caused when a garbage truck, mperated by employees of said City, ran over, bent and damaged a certain meta1 fence post and concrete footing at said premises, all of which occured while said employees and said truck were in the normal course of their work in collecting garbage from said premises. 8 Jodie G. Stewart - --..Ü 243 , " '. - ---.---.--- MINUTES OF mBERRGGllLAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 3rd, 1970 CONTINUED --------- , 8 r.--Ìt~~'-;;s;:;-mõvedrbt-\:;è'o~iici1man Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey. that' the claim be denied and that it be ref'erräd to the proper insurance company. Motion cw'ried. PETITION FOR SIDE-SEWER CONTRACTORiS LICENSE Mr. Jack Hensel petitioned the city for a: Side-Sewer Contractor ]~icense. It was moved by Councilman steve seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the request fo]> a side-sewer contractors license be granted. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT I As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman E~~asej seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. I Attest4..:Æ J2 7f~ City fIe7 . --~-/)'- -~ß . ~~- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 17-,1970 February 17, 1970 Port Townsend, Wa~ ington The City Council of the City of' Port Townsend, met in ~egu1ar session this 17th day of Feb. 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha1i. Mayor Smith presiding. 8 ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: . Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, H~ Judy, Cambield, Steve, Lindsey, Norwood. Councilman Hoglund absent. MINUTES OF THE PREVI !US SESSI,)N It was moved by C:¡unci1man Lindsey seconded by Coúncilman Judy that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. ~otion carried. COMMUNICATIONS I The f'ollowing c ommunica tion was presented and ac ted upon as fo11ow;3: , Fro~ Jefferson County Historical Society, To the Mayor and Honorable Members of' the Council of the Ci~y of Port Townsend Ci ty Hall Po~t Townsend, Washington Feb. 17, 1970, to-wit: Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Jefferson County Historical Society the Board of Directors directed its president to write to you to inquire as to your program for making r'3pairs to the Bell Tower. , , 8 Last Monday I inspected the Bell Tower and found that one of the fow~ supporting beams, the beam on the southeast corner, appears to be substantially rotten at a point about 12 to 18 feet above ground. In addition, portions of the upper siding have fallen, leaving the mechanism for 9perating the bell vulnerable to rain. We would appreciated being advised RS to your intentions to restore. the Bell Tower. I Very truly yours; Calmar A. McCune, President Jefferson County Historical Society. DEPART~ŒNT REPORTS I Mrs'Wa11in,Librarian, said that there was an emergency warrant drawn on the Library for 1,246.00 last year and asked what fund it came out of. It VIas explaIned out of the Library fund that it took an emergency ordinance to add money to any fund. JVIrs Wallin questioned if the city clerk had authority to write vouchers and warrants against the'Library Fund without it going through the board, such as Withholding Tax, Insurance, Medieal, Retirement, utilities. . Mayor Smith said yes, that actually some bills are payable by the eity clerk, it has been a matter of policy procedure and in some cases by law, some are recwrlng bills that the city is liable for. NEW & OLD BUSI NESS Councilman Norwood said that a request for a street light at the last regular session by Councilman Steve for a street light to be installed- at 47th & SanJuan. She said that it had been looked into and there was a definite need for a light there, at the Jresent there was an old type street light a new mercury light should be installed but on the'high side of the steet. CounciJman Norwood 'made a motion seconded by Cåuncilman Judy that a 7,000 1um light be insta1]ed on the high side of the street at 47th & SanJuan. Motion carried. 8 Councilman Steve commented' that a light WaS needed at that corner, but he wanted all to know that he lived two blocks away. RESOLUTI ON 70-1 The follwoing Resolution was presented and acted upon as follows: A Resolution Confirming The Appointment of A City Engineer