HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/1969 188 MINUTES OE THE REGlJLAR SESS.IDN OF-EEBRUARY 4., 1.9,69 CDNT,INUED Attest~ T 1V~ . t erk Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion p-ì in ~~ MAYOR7~~ .- ---- 8 Cotlncilman Siebenbaum seconded by councilman carried. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 18,1969 February 18., 1969 Port Townsend; Washington I The city counc ilof the City of Port Townsend met in. regular session this 18.th day of Feb. 1916 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Ma~or Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members ppesent were as follows; Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham. City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Moody. Councilmen Hoglund, Scheyer absent. I MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Moody that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Mot~o~ carried. C OMM1JNICATI ONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: 8 From Daniel J. Evans,'Governor, Olympia, Washington Feb. 13, 1969 to-wi t: The Honorable Frank M. Smith Mayor of Port Townsend 540 Water Street Port Townsend, Washington Dear Mr. Smith: I congratulatelyou and the citizens of Port Townsend for receiving the Distinguished Achievement Award in the Nation al Clean Up Contest. Your efforts are a fine example of the civic spirit which characterizes the people of Port Townsend. It is my hope that other cities in the state will follow your example so that the State of Washington will remain the beautiful state that it is. I S inc erely, Daniel J. Evans Governor From Henry M. Jackson, U.S.S. Washington D.C. Feb. 12, 1969 to:wit The Honorable Frank M. Smith Mayor 640 Water Street Port Townsend, Washington Dear Mayor Smtth: I was most pleased to learn from the National Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Bureau in washington D.C. that Port Townsend has again received a Distinquished Achievement Award in this year's National Clean Up Contest. 8 This is the oldest and largest competition of its kind in the United States. My warmest congratulations to you on this fine achievement which does credit to your wonderful co~nunity. If you plan to have a delegation attending the National Congress on Beautification held in Washington, D.C. February 23-25, I hope that it will be possible for the membepst to stop by my office so that I might have an opportunity to personally congratulate you or your representatives. I .. - . Kindes t regards. Sincerely yours, Eehr¥ M. Jackson, U.S. S. I To: Honorable Mayor Frank M. Smith and Members of the City Council Subject: Discontinued and Inactive light Standards on Lawrence St. Ref: Letter uptown Business Club to Mayor and City Council dated March 1,1965 We, the undersigned, feel that the Port Townsend School District should be given all of the subject standards, as ~hey will be able to put them to good use and properly maintain same, Rsing the complete unit. We therefore wish to relinquish any right of ownership we may have in said standards so that the title may be transferred to the school district. We ask that all of the subject standards be removeq at no expense to ourselves, and that we have no further responsibility in regard to same. 8 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 í89 \ f'--. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 18,1969, CONTlIruED - Signed, Charles E. Wallin, Madge M. Wallin, Harold Lewis, A.B. Aldrich, John L Harlan, Louis B Schultz, Dick Wiley, Margaret Morrow, Anna B. Olsen, Hilda Good L.E. Greenfield, Helen B. Gunn, Ken Frown, M. ~een. Mayor Smith said he would take up the above con~unication in new business. COMMITTEE REPORTS The city clerk read the fo~lowing Annual Report of To His Honor, Mayor Frank Smith. Dear Sir, The followiBg is a brief summary of the activities the year 1968. the Fire Department for the year 1968.. of the Port Townsend Fire Department for Alarms, 99, Residential 33, Non Residential 3, Mercantile 4, Misc. 15, Grass or Brush 37, Emergency Calls 4, False Alarms 3.Eshrl1tetdd Loss ~~35, 460.00. No. of men in the Department: 5 paid Firefighters, 27 Volunteers, total 32 men. , . Total Appròp~iations for year $47,674.00 0 cost of fire protection per capita $8..79 Fire loss Per capita $6.53 . The department had a routine year, men to a call. 866 man hours were at tendanc e. During fire and posters at the fire a total of 1164 men answered 99 alarms for an average of 11 spent in drills änd meetings with an average of 18. men in prevention week, classes from the local schools were shown through the fire station were displayed downtown and the achoo1 area. Four contest winners spent the night hall. Some bu Idings were inspected for pre-fire plans. Respectfully submitted Rober Jones Chief. Councilman Ruby said that he had been contacted by Supt. Perkins about getting a chain saw æh~y~nGeded to clear trees at the disposal area, he said that permission was granted to get the saw that was needed for the depårtment. OLD BUSINESS Under old busine ss the city clerk presented the foJ.lbvdng ordinances. " ORDINM~CE NO. 1561 AN ORDINANCó AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT T"rlE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO LABOR UNION AGREEMENTS WITH THE SERVICE EIVIPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL NO. 262, GOVERN- ING WORKING GONDITIONS ArID W~GES FOR TIill PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE EMFLOYEES AND rn-IE, PORT TO;}NSEND POLIC E DEPARTMENT EJvIfLOYEES FOR THE YEAR 1969. . It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading ~ by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1561 was again read for the third time by title onl y and it was mOl ed by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Moody that the ord. do now pass. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1562 . AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCORPORATED, A VIRGINIA CORP- ORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE AND RE- MOVE PIPE LINES ACROSS A STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOVmS~ID, WASHINGTON, AIID GRANTING TO SAID SHELL OIL COMPANY, INC., A VIRGINIA CORPORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN AND REMOVE A WHARF IN SAID CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. < - It was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Ruby that the first peading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1562 was again read for the third time by title only 1:ind it was mOled by councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Moody that the ordinance do now pass. Moticm carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1563 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE COIJPHEHENSIVE PLAN SUB- MITTED TO TlLE: CITY COUNCIL BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSI 'N on FEBRUARY 4, 1969. . It was mo~ed by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1563 V/èlS again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Moody seconded by Councilman Judy that the ordinance do now pass. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS - Under new business the city clerk presented the following resolution. . RESOLUTION NO. 69-1 RESOLUTI ON OF THE CI TY OF POR T TOWNSEND WASHINGTON. . '.' -,-- 190 -- -- ----- . ~1}_~1!TE~ _~F THE R1?G~~_~---~~~-~J-?~--~.._~!2~~~~_~:ç~8, _J:~~~~?NTIN~D - ~._-.,¡_. - --- --- . -. --..- ._-- -..-. --.-.------....---- -----~._----u._._------_._--_._----'-'-_. REEAMBLE: ~HEREAS, The City of Port Townsend, Washington is a plaintiff in one or more lawsuits insti- tuted by it under federal antitrust laws, which lawsuits are co~nonly described as the West Coast Pipe Cases; and WHEREAS, it has entered into an a~reement, knovm as Western Associated Pipe Plaintiffs Org- anization, with other public agencies who are also plaintiffs in the same litigation, which agreement provides for the e~uitable sharing of 'costs of litigation and recoveries made as a result of litigation or compromise thereof; and WHEREAS, such agreement provides for the retention of special legal counsel and the agreement has been implemented by the employment of the law firm of Ferguson & Burdell of Seattle, Wash- ington; and vVH~REAS, said special counsel and the defendant, American Pipe & Construction Co., of Monterey Park, California, have reached agreement on the terms of a settlement and compromise which will satisfacorily terminate this litigation, as are more fully set out in the attached document en ti tIed MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SETTLEIII3NT OF '¡VEST COAST PIPE CASES BETlr¡EEN ALL PLAINTIFFS AND AßlliRICAN PIPE & CONSTRUCTION CO. and WHEREAS, the terms embodied in the MmWRANDlITvI OF UNDERSTANDING HAVE BgEN APPROVED BY IE GAL council for this agency and he recommends acceptance thereof as being in the best interest of this agency; and ViliEREAS, such memorandum of understanding provides for the payment to this agency of a pro rata share of the settlement ænount of Eight Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (8.,500,000.00) and interest over a period of seven (7) years; NOW THE?ŒFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The MEMORANDUM OF illifDERSTANDDm FOR SE'rTLEMENT OF VlEST COAST PIPE CASES BET~TŒEN ALL PLAINTIFFS AND AMERICAN FIPE & CONSTRUCTI~)N CO., a copy of which is hereto attached as Exhibit 1, is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed. 2. The Mayor of this agency is hereby authorized to sign the release of claim against the defendant, attached hereto as Exhibit 11, as the official act of this agency. 3. The law firm of Ferguson & Burdell, special counsel retained by Western Associated Pipe Plaintiffs Organizati n, is hereby authorized by this ~gency to enter into a stipulation dismissing this litigation with prejudice and without costs in the form and manner as provided in Exhibit 111 hereto attached. 8 I I Adopted this----day of 1969 8 Mayor A ttes t: City Clerk City Attorney Abraham said that tL.is is the last phase of' the pipe litigation, the company is ready to settle, he said he didnt know exactly what the city would receive from the settlement but as the council knew they häve already received over 7,000.00 from the suit. He suggested thclt the council adopt the resolution for it needed to be in in a hurry. Councilman Siebenbaum made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy the the resolutinn be adopted. MotLm carried. I Under New Business the fo~lowing Ord. was presented: ORDINANCE NO. 1564 A1\f ORDINANCE GRANTING TO PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TIm RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO SET, ERECT, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OP3RATE POLES AND \iIRES IN, OBER, UNDER, UPON, ALONG AND ACROSS THE STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES OF TH~'~ CITY OF PORT TQ1fJNSEND FOR THE ,.URPOSE OF 'l'RANSMISSIGN, DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF ELECTIC PO~NER, HEAT AND L II}HT, AND FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE OR PURPOSES FOR ~illICH ELECTRICITY ß~Y BE USED. Mayor Smith said that Puget Sound & Power has had a franchise with the city for 30 yrs., it expires March 5th, this ordinance is to renew the franchise again for another 30 yrs. 8 It was moved b~ Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Moody that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1564 was again read for the third time by title only and it WaS moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman ~oody that the Ordinance do now pass. Motion carried. Mayor Smith said that the Ie tter ~D:ãXK~~nr2DOŒ1íXID[K~HXKID(]{~m~X he referred to new business, the letter signed by individuals that had ~o due with the light standards on Lawrence st. He said he had the clerk look up a letter that the council had taken action on clt the meeting of the council on March 2,1965 and the action that was taken hy the council at that time. Tœ clerk read the fol10v1ing letter. I From the Uptovm Business Club March 1, 1965 to-wi t: To: Mayor Dennis Sullivan and City Council Members Subject: Street light standards on Lawrence St. I It has come to the attention of the uptown Business Club tllat it is the intent of the City to remove the existing street light standards and put the new lights on other poles. In the Lawrence street area the merchants, as members of the Uptown Business Club, have installed elaborate brackets on these poles to facilitate street floral decorations during the summer. Also these are so designed so as to attach Christmas trees and lights during the holiday season. Since the club went to considerable time and expense to install these brackets and further, that we feel their use is an asset to the ci~ and community, we wish to make the following renuest. We would appreciate having the light standards remain after the changeover and turned over to our club for further use. Our intent is to cut them off at a lower height, approximately six feet above the existing bracket level, which would be done at our expense. iJe wish to thank you in advance for any consideration you can see fit to give us on this matter. Sincrere1y yours, Ch~rles L. Wallin Secretary, Uptown Busire ss Club. It was moved by Councilman Judy, Seconded br Councilman Ruby that the request be granted. Mot ion carried. 8 II - ,", . IJ 19,1 " MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 18,1969 CONTINUED 8 Mayor Smith called upon Mr Wallin who spoke on giving the liglht standards" away, and Mr Lester who spoke in keep'ing' the' s tandaràs. After some discussion by the '~.ayor & Cbuncil', it was the opinion of the Mayor and Council that the city had given the standards to the up town business area and it was up to them, to make theip _own q.ecision on ..what they were going to do w~th them./' " ' . I Mayor Smith g)aid that some time ago he had sent around an informal proposal made by an engineering firm on the general situation of the city hall. He said that there was a represena- tive who represents that firm here tonight and asked ~~ Warren of Cramer, Chin & Mayo engineeriBg firm to comment on the city hall. '-' , , ,- II Mr Warren explained that a study of the city hall would determine whether it would be feasible to think of restorat:i.on of the city hall or whether it would be feasible to build a new one. He also said that it it was possible to restore the present building funds from other agencies might be available. He said that at the next regular session of the council he wculd have a firm proposal that would be presented to the council on how long it would take for the study and also the cost of the study. I Mayor Smith said that he had contacted several engineering firms for services for the city some had made proposals. He said to have an engineer to attend meetings would be around 20.00, to have one work the lowest figure would be around 9.50 per hr. Mr Warren of Cramer, Chin & Mayor and an engineer from R.J. Fox Engineering, firm from Tacoma both suggested that the city hire a full time engineer.1Wter some discussion Mayor Smith said that he would have at the next regular session K proposals or contracts from engineering services that he had contacted. Councilman Judy said that Mr Hall hIìd~;ëöìi~âë'fed him about a street light that he owned and was paying for, he wanted the city to"tãke-Tt over. Councilman Judy said that he had inspected XXKãri¡IJX]!]f~ŒftiU~1UDn(M~"tllnm~'ŒiDVC:t0CXlf~:;al1X~ã the light and found that it was on rrœ Halls property and recommended that the city not take it over. Supt. Hawley said that it was not on Mr Halls property for he had put the pole in. No furtl~r action was taken. 8 ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time it was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Embdsej; that the meeting do now adjDurn. Motion carried. // ......, MAyð~ \VJ ~ 4~7~ Attest: City I MINUTES OF THE REGUIJAR SESSION OF MARCH 4th 1969 March 4, 1969 Port Townsend, Washinp;t.on The city council of the city of Port Townsend met in regular session this 4th day of March 1969 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk, Youngblood, Councilmen, Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbawn, Lindsey, Moody. MINUTES OF THB rn EVIOUS SESSI';N It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconè.àd by councilman Moody that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. 8 BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented and acted upon as follows: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher No. S'rREBT FUND----------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND-_2'_____-------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND------------------------------Voucher No. WATER FUND-----------------------------Voucher Nol G~BE~§fFUNB-----------~---------------Voucher No. FIRE1ŒNT PENSION & RELIEF FUND---------Voucher No. 6122 1426 1706 870 2157 1341 259 through 617E. ---16'151.01 through 1439 --- 1,609.97 through 172?' --- 914.03 through 879 ---$ 234.06 through 217E, ---!2, 610.50 through 1354 ---11,270.99 through 263 ---~ 91.90 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFFICERS REPORT I CITY CLERK The city clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Month of February 1969. CURRENT E'XPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher No. STR2ET FUND----------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND---------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND--~---------------------------Voucher No. WATER FUND-----------------------------Voucher No. GARGABE FUND---------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN Pension & Relief fund---------Voucher No. 6102 through 6121 ---,6,702.8.8. 1420 through 142E, --- 2,237.90 170fi through 170E, --- 435.28 869------------~---- 316.56 2151 through 2156 --- 2,040.8.2 1337 through 1340 --- 1,542.61 257 through 258 700.00 8 TREASURER The treasurer's repor t vias read in full for the Month of Feb. 19651 and was ordered filed. POLICE ~ne police report was read in full for the Month of Feb. 1969 and was ordered filed. BULLDING PERMITS The following building permits were presented and acted upon as follows: ,-~,-".. ---,-~ '- .."--~- '