HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1968 17'1 8 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF NOVEMBER 19, 1968 CON'PINUED Ordinance No. 1553 was again read for the-third time by title only and it was TIloved.by Council~ Ruby seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. No. 1553 do now pass. Motion carried. I Councilman Judy, Chairman of the light committee said that the requests for street lights had been checked, the one at the skating rink to be replaced by a 20,000 lum vapor light,' a light to be installed on water street in the vicinity of Mobile station w~~ich is to be a 20,000 lum vapor light. A 7,000 lum vapor light to be installed at P and ~Jler St. Counc ilman Judy mQ.de a motion sec ond by Councilman Moody tha t the thl'ee 1 ißhts be ins tal1ed. Motion carried. ' Councilman Lindsey said that he had a request for a street light at 19th m Sheridan. Mayor Smith refered the request to the light committee. Councilman Lindsey said he thought that the council should get together and talk about the Theatre license. Councilman Hoglund said thnt would be done along with other licenses that would have to be looked over before the first of the.~ar. AD J OURNlVIE NT I .As there 'vvas no further bus ine ss to come before the counc il a t this time it was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion . carried. Attes t~~-~ Clty .. OJ i ß L=W2 MAYOK--,¿A-~ ~- . . 8 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DEC. 3, 1968 Dec. 3, 1968 Port To\msend, Wn. The City Council of the City of Port ToWnsend met in regular session this 3rd day of Dec. 1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and membel"s present v/ere RS follows: Mayor Smith, Ci ty Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey and I',loody. , MINUTES OF ,TIT:::; PREVIOFS SESSI'JN I It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAHiS The following bills and claims as audited by the ffinance committe were pl"esented and acted upon as follows: 8 CURRENT EXPENSE FUrID---------------------Voucher WATER-SEWER FUND-------------------------Vøucher STREET FUND------------------------------Voucher GARBAGE Fu}ID-----------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FU}ill-----------------------------Voucher FARK FUND--------------------------------Voucher FIREì.ŒN PENSION & RELIEli' FUND------------Voucher Port TOm1SEND 1967 SEWER CONST. FUND-----Voucher No. 5912through5953-.--~5, 299.98 No. 2061 through2084-o--~p3, 110.11 NO.1352throub.)'h1363-'--~~Pl,425. 00 No.1282through1297-,--~.1, 100. 75 No. 1623through1641-'--f 617.01 No.84m thlmugh844 -,--.¡p 145.16 No.245 through246 _._-~t 20.40 No .115 through122 -.--~h3, 108.97 It was moved by Councilman Hogl~md seconded by Councilman Ruby that the bills & claims be approved as read and the ivlayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFFICERS REPORT City Clerk I The ci ty clerk I'eported the regular salary warrants for the hlonth 01' Ne~omber 1968. I CURRm~T EXPENSE Fm~D---------------------Voucher ViA TER-SE"NEH FUl-ID--- ---- ---- -- -- - -- --- -- --Voucher STREET FUND------------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FU~ID-----------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND-----------------------------Voy~her PAm~ FlmD-----------------------------~--Voucher FIREì':IEN PEl',JSION & RELIEF FIDTD------------lloucher No.5892ThrOugh5911_~-f6,107048 No. 2055thIH,mgh2060-.--.;h, 821. 43 No . 1346throuQ'h1351-o- -~;;2, 118. 97 - 0 d No.1277thro~lgh1281-,--~1, 906 .10 No .1621 throuR'h1622-.--~ 428068 No.840 -----~--------~ 277.78 No.244 --------------~ 150.00 Treasurer The treasureI"s report was rGad in full for the Month of Nov. 1968 and was ordered filed. Police The police report was read in full for the Month of Oct. 1968 and was ordered filed. BU:LDING PERMITS The follo\1ving building permits were presented and acted upon- as follows: 8 James R. Jones, Horne, 60'X28', l"rame, 14th & Hendricks, ~þ12,000.00 Dwayne Tolle, Addn. to home, .12' X24', Frame, 715 T St., ~p2, 000. 00 It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by, CounciJman Judy that the building permi ts be granted. Motion carried. CLAIM CO]'vIT;'iUNICA TI ONS 178 ~::r~UTßS OF Tm~ R i;GULr.:;1 SESSIO:T OF D-i:C>~:IB~R 3, 1968 CT~TLnrJ) ----,_.,--------- ,-,---------. -'-"--'-'._--------' .. -. .--- ,.-.- -- a_. .-_.--- .. ._____a__, From D.H. Solomonson Port 1'ormsond, .In. lTov. 21, 1968 to -rIi t: City of Fort Townsend, 8 Attaation: Glenn Abraham, City Attorney On Tuesday morning, Ì'TovombGr 19, 1968, at 9 :45 a.m. ~=rs. Dan 3010monson received an est5J1ated (;40.00 damaGe to her car from a storm drain cover in front of the Port TOl'IllSend A~)pliance on Sims 1Jay. This incidence was wi tnessed by BDJ ' ~echenberger of the Port Tormsend Appliance. 'rhe cover fliDped up as s;J.e drove over it to !Jark, pinchín:3 al,'los t closed the ri~ht exhaus t 9i})e and partially tearinG it loose from the exhaust manifold. The dama~e is ~ui te visivle ~!l1d andible. A prelirÜnary repair esti¡nate is about (::25.00 for the front exhaust CDossover pi~0 and about {a5.00 labor to install it. ¡Tot :~_ncluded is f,1.Y ti'l1'J to cut n~7ay the Dinched ¡-ire find \"!eld ;n a patch to make the car (1964 Buick LG Sabre) runable for sh,')rt trips in town o":ly. I I trust the Cit),. of Port Tovmsend v¡ill handle this claim promptly and more im:!!ol"tnnt correct t~'lis defectibe cover before it results :in an in1jury to someone. :r: unc~erstand that ::.:1'. "'echen- berser has :'1ade s ev:::;: al reques ts that it be fixed and l11.Jj.llcrous ",:eople Ìl[1ve had troLJ.blG ni th 1 t. Vory truly :'Ours, D.E. Solo:n1ol'1.son I Ed Hawley, street Jupt. said tJ.1at the city had installed the drain on a free Gratis deal, and.: r/as told tha t the ormeJ7 of' the es tablish1118nt rJould finish :~, t so 1 t no uld not be a ha::-,ard, tba t . nas about triO ~rears ago, it is on t:'lO llighnay ri~ht of way, a letter :1as been r.'ri c'~en to her insurance com.~)any and also the ci ty insUl'ance com::any l'Jas notifiGd. It nas moved by Councilman 3iebenbaum seconded by Councilman rlv])y tha t the clair1 be denied. ==otion carried. 8 ::L:;S I "FL^. TI :)H -- The follon:i!1C; res:i.ßnation ViaS road and acted lX)On n.S f0110rlS: £i'rom ~dwin .'L ~ecker - County- City ~n~inecr, l:()v. 2c), 1968 to-',vi t: Honorable "~ayor and City Council Ci ty ()f Fort Townsend Ci ty Hall Port Tormsend, ,.'..,s:'lil1f!,ton Gentlemen: I It has been a sa tisfyine; exyerie!1ce to have served as Ci ty~n8i!1:; 81' for the past n~_ne (g) years ~~:l rela t5,ons Hi th the :::i ty of Port To';ll1s end have been rleasan t and reual'd',rlG. I t is Hi tl1 deep regret and concern that I must sever t:;:Üs relati::ms:-ip as of January 1, 1969. The reasons for this 3ction are rlanifold. The most i:"lIi1enent beine; that tl1.e C5_t~T nc~ods ti1e servic~s of more than a part-time 3nginGer. The expanded proc;rams that tho ::::i ty \'15.11 be ini t- iatinc in t:,.o nGar future will re,."uire extensive planninc; and clesine; ¡-lOrl:, v/hich :'.n my IJresent position, I vJill be unable to satisfactoril~T perf'orm.!~ven thow~h I feel personal obliGations because I am a part of tlÜs City, m~r pril:\ary professional duty is to Je.fl~~rsol1 :::o~l.nty. ~:;x- panded activities in both the County and city non and oven ,'1101"0 30 :.n the :::."uturo nalœ this stop necessary. 21ease call on me for any aid th2.t I can rcn~er d1.1..rin[; t;".is transi tion tiY'le f'rO:;l one en,rjinee-. ring service to fJl1other. :=any thanks to you for a nleasant c9sociat:i.on during the past nine years, I I'emain, 8 S'ncorely, jòn:i.n A. 'Jeclrer Ccmnty-Ci ty'~n3ineor :':ayor Smith said that nos t everyone Finew th.'1 t';Jiis was co' in~ ::JOoner or la tor, that the load '.-.'as ~ettino: to much h8~_nß t',_e c')unt"rr enc;:i_neer and city en,S:Lncer both. :~e said tl:at hG kneVl 1:1' Becker had done an ~mfu) lot for tho city of Port Tounsend in the 7ears that he has served as city engineer .=e also said tijat ~prt Torrnsend vms ßoin~ to need a rublic works direc tor J city engineer, bu~;.ldine; inspEhc tor combin'"' tion on or those days. I - C')uncilman 3iebenbaum made a motion that EnßinGer 13.Jckers resi~nation be accel}ted uith regret seconded by Cnunc i1man Boody. 1.10 tion carried. From A. Clemens Grady, 1.)01' t Toìlnsend, \In. :.:ov. '26, 1968 to-vIi t: The ~IonoraÌJle City Counc il Ci ty Hall Port Tovmsend, ~Jashington I Gentlemen: T'nis letter rrill serve to advise that I b.ave been L:str1.1C tad by E. J. ::;arroll to advise you that in the construction of l1is shoppinc; center he :i.ntends to abide by all fire ord::tnances and re~ulations of the City of ~ort To~nsend, and any other rlùe or regulation of the Ci~ of Port Townsend in the conatruction of his proposed shopj'ing center. The buildin.c; w:al be open for inspection at all ti:-:les. Actually, it is LIr. Carroll t s inten.tio:~ to exceed m~_nimu_m standards in all respects :ix', the construction oE the facilIties. 8 I am aut;lori zed to rrt te t', is le tter on l1is behalf-. if ery trul:'T ~"O urs, A. Clenlens (}rady ,I d_, ,- - I 179 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR .sESSION OF DECm'TBER 3, 1968 COîTTINUIID 8 Mayor Smith said that he had confirmation from the planning consultant and Bhe planning commission, the plan and data will be available on the 16th of Dec and the tabled permit will be on the agenda an the 17th of Dec. CALL FOR BIDS The city clerk asked permission to call for bids for a 1969 dump truck for the street dept an::! the bids to be opened on the 17th of Dec. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by ColIDcilman Hoglund that the city clerk be authorized to call for bidß. Motion carried. I RESOLUTION NO. ffi8-12 The following resolution was pl~esented and acted upon as follows: I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF TH~ SUM OF št75.00 FROM THE BOOK FUHD TO TI-ill PERIODICAL " " FUND, AND THE TRANSF:SR OF THE SUM OF ~p15. 00 PROM THE FILM RENTAL FU1ID TO THE BOOK FUND, AND THE 'TRANSFER OF' TIm SUM OF ~¡~73.43 FROM THE BOOKK]I]"DING FUND TO TETJIPORARY AND HOURLY r!AGES IN 'IHE 19G8 BUDGET OF THE :eUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. It was moved by Councilman Siebenbawn seconded by Councilman Judy that the resolution be approved. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 68-13 \. 8 A RESOLUTION 'rRANSFERING TEE SUI'\1 OF ~p250. 00 FROIIl TRAVEL AND SUBSISTANCE TO IDRFICE SUPPLIES IN THE 1968 AFPROPRIATION TO TI-IE CITY CLERK IN THE 1968 BUDGET. It was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the resolution be approve. Motion canried. COf¡1i;TITTEE REPORTS I Councilman Siebenbaum stated that he had been contacted by Mr Horton from the port on whether the city, could lay about 1250' of water pipe to the property where tile new boat building was being built, he 3aid that the port wo'Üd furnish the pipe, hydrant and etc. Councilman Sieben- baum said that he had contactad the street supt. who told him that he could not spare any men or equipment, there Y.Jas a water line to be run at dundee hill also the hastings sewer was not completed plus the extra work that the vvinter \'ieather was causing. Councilman Siebenbaum said that he had suggested to Mr Horton for the port to hire some private contractor to do the work. IftayorcSllltth said that he felt very strongly that the first priorty for men, equipment or - extra hours go on the hastings sewer. Councilman Judy said that there had been a reques,t to replace an old stI'eet light with a new Vavor light at 19th æJ Sheridan. Councilman Judy made a m.tion seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the vapor light be installed at 19th /): Sheridan. Motion carried. Engineer Becker said he would like to pass out some information to the council, saying that there were laws relating to traff.ic control signs on all city street~3, in the past the city and aars.o the county have been real negligent in putting signs up required by law. He said lately there has been increased prea'sure by the sta te to get at least; the arterial up to standard, the signs are expensive but the county was gett~g a machine to make the signs which would cut the cost Quite a bit and that the city could use the machine v-.¡hen necessary. 8 NE~ & OU) BUSINESS Councilman I'./Ioody again bI'ought up under old business if there had been anything done as far as water and water rights, he said as population grows more water wi11 be needed and would like to see it pushed. l)jayor Smi th said as of about a week or ten days ago Mr. Daly had not pursued the case about snow creek as he volunteel~d to do. Counc ilman Judy a:3ked if the city attorney would contacfu Mr Daly to give a report to the co~mcil. Under ne1;V business the city clerk presented the follovving ord i.nance. I ORDINANCE NO. 1554 AN ORDINANCE REqUIRING ~ DAILY LICEHSE FOR DOBR TO DOOR SALES, PROVIDING FEES TEE'REFOR~, ESTABLIS~HNG APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, AND REQUIRING DISPLAY OF LICENSE, AlTD PROVIDING PENAL'l'IES. I Under discussion of the ordinance the councilmen debated whether it Ylould applyyto news boys, avofu salesmen, fuller brush and such, City Attorney Abraham ex~lained to the council who it would apply to and also said it had to be tempered VIi th a cert2.in amount of justice, he stated it is not our intention to run door to door salespeople out of town, but the transient businessï man should help pay the freight of our city business tax too. After some further' discussion, i~ was moved ty C,uncilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the first reading be considered the second read:i.ng and the third reading be by ti tIe only. Motion carried. 'l'he ci ty clerk a[?;a~n read the ord5.nance for thB third time by title oriJly and it was moved by Counc ilman Ruby seconl ed! by Councilman Scheyer that the ordinAnce do now pass. Motion carried. 8 -/,/- Councilman Hoglund said he would lilœ to have a I!1eet::,ng of all counc:Llmen; to discuss licenses and taxes that have came up due to the B&O tax. lie said this meeting i'lOuld be an executive -- session and also an open meeting. The time was set at 8.00 p.m. 1?ied,. the 4th at Dons Pharmacy. TtIa-;Tor Smi th an' ounced that the union aas asked the state mediator to come in and see if they could get the city and police dept to an agreement. He appointed Councilman LIndsey to negotiate for the city. Mayor Smith såid the budget for 1969 included' 4,000000 for medical for employees of the city, which would mean around 9.00 per person. At the P' esent time there ape two pay roll deductions ~ - 180 J'IillNUTES 0," ~~I2 REGUIAR SESSION OF D..:;::; ~. '.~1_~ 3, 1968 COT:TIEUm ~ , ".o ..., .0. ,~ ,O~-'.o_, -.-.o -, .o_.o~-~_._.._.o_,-~ ~_. _.o,--_.,--,._-,-,----~._~_.o_.o_--'-"--'-...' 00,_'..'. .._~.- .o_~~.o'.o ~, ......o"~"~" ..o..,.. . .. ,-~,~.,.o_.o,_..o,-_..._--,--------"_.o --'----""""'.o. . ,-, ...o, ... one with Jeff. Co. ]\Iedical and the other Bankers Life. Aft3r SO[<18 discuss7.on on di=~ferent kÜlds of ::;roup insurance, it was suggested by Dolores Hoyt that the employees have a meeting to see what type of insurance they would prefer. Mayor Smith asked the departments hends to inform the employees that there would be a meeting at the Flre hall Thursday evening the 5th of Dec. to discuss the type medical that they would prefer. 8 ADJOTTRFT1'.~NT As there \7aS no further business to co>ne before the council at this Councilm!'n Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siobenb¡:1un that the meetin,,; carrind. tt~e it was moved by do now adjourn. j,;o ti 0::; ~ Þ:~~ I Attest:... ~ -~'.o- .--.:,Y . ',.r. ,T~""" / 1~ MINUTES OF THE REGLAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 17,1968 December 17,1968 Port Townsend, Wn. I The city council of the city of Port Townsend met in regular session this 17th on Dec. 196B at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Clork Youngblood, Councilmen Moody, Lindsey, Siebenbaum, Ruby, Judy, Hoglund, Scheyer. MI 'UTES OF THE P REVI OUS SES SI ON 8 Minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Moody that the minutes be approved as read. Upon t~e,~iuestion Councilman Scheyer asked the minutes be ammended to show th~t he h~d voted no on the~~ialm against the city by D.H. Solomonson. Mayor Smith called for a roll call vote. Motion was carried. BUILDING PERMITS The following building permits was presented and acted upon as follows: Sparkman & McLean Co., Rock bulk-head, Water st between Harrison and Taylor St. $76,200.66. I It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Judy that the permit be granted. Motion carried. CONWITTEE REPORTS Councilman Siebenbaum reported again on the request from the Port Commission for the city to lay a water line for them, he said he that he had checked Ord. No. 1110 which states that thE~ city can only l~y a line to the property line itself. Councilman Lindsey reported that he had met with the State union negotiator and also members of the union and that there would be a vœitten report from the union on what they wanted at the next regular council meeting. 1ŒW & OLD BUSINESS 8 BID OPENING Ifhe following bids were opened for a 1969 dump truck for the stl'eet department, and was acted upon as follows: Thomas Motors - Port Townsend Wn. Total Bid as per specifications - Alternate Bid - Daybrook Body $8,307.23 7,841.16 I Kruse Car Center - Port Tovmsend. Total Bid as per specifications - Alternate Bid - Daybrook Body Buhler Motor Company - Port Townsend Total Bid as per specifications - $7,868.78 7,638.88 $7,308.08 It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Ruby that the low bid as per specifications of Buhler Motor Company of $7,308.08 be accepted. Motion carried. Mayor Smith said that under old business, a permit was issued for a shopping center that was tabled, the request for the permit is now back on the agenda for tonight. He said there might be a feeling in some quarters that someone was trying to stall the situation, but felt that the council and Mr Carroll should be given an opportunity to see any and all research data that went into the comprehensive plan, the copies of the plan as made by the consultant are now available. He also stated that the plan is not the plan until the council accepts it. After some disuussion, it was the opinion of the council that the artist cGnception and plans that Mr Carroll submitted was not adenuate, that it should be tabled until Mr Carroll submitted a general floor plan a plot plan and other general detail construction information. Councilman Siebenbaum made a motion seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the permit again bø tabled. Motion carried. Mayor Smith said he would contact ~~ Carroll on the councils decision. I 8 The city clerk read the following communication which was acted upon as follows: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. Enclosed is a check for $500.00 to renew my license for the operation of amusement machines fro~ December 31, 1968 to December 31, 1969. Thank Y 9-11 ò-.o Max Plattner ;1