HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/1968 1'70 MINUl'ES OF TI-:IE STATUATORY BUDGET SES;;rON OF OCTOBER 7, 19E,8 CONTINUED It y,ras moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by CouĊ“ ilman Judy that the chang;ès in the Water Department Budget be confirmed and that the Vvater Department Budget for the Ye:ar 1969 be adopte . r'.'Iotion carried. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that The Sewer Department Budget for 1969 be adopted. Motion carried. It was moved by Co'.mcilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the Garbage Department Budget for the Year 1969 be adopted. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the Firemen Relief and Pension Fund Budget for the year 1969 be adopted. Motion carried. It was moved" by Councilman H"oglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the Port Townsend General Obligation Bonds 1955 budget for the year 1969 be adopted. Motion carried. PREPARATION OF ORDINANCES It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman L:i.nc1sey' that all changes in the bu; et for the City of Port Townsend~be confiremed and the Budget for the City of Port Townsend be adopted for the Year 1969. M tion carried. . ,.., It was moved by Councillnan Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary ordinances for the 1'969 Budget. Motj,on carried. ADJOURNMENT Consideration ana adoption of the Budget for Councilman Juäy seconded by Douncilman Lindsey 1969 having been completed, it was moved by that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. /"5ì . g7 I ~//. .- MA~~ ~- ~~ Attest: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 15,1968 Oc tober 15, 1968 . Port Townsend, Washington The Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 15th day of Oct. 1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the- City Hall~ Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, City Attorney Abraham, CmUpcilmen, Scl~yer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsew, Mood#-. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS,SESSION '1'he NIinutes of the previous sess ion vvas read in full and i ~ was moved by "Counc ilr:1.an Lindsey seconded by Councilman Moody that the minutes be approved as read and the mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. ' MINUT~S OF THE STATUATORY BUDG2T SESSION The minutes of the statuatory budget session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk sign- same. - Motion carried. BUILDING ill m.nTS The following building permit was presented and acted upon as follows: G. T. Chul j ian, enlarge tool shed, 10' X12', frame, 1305 Washing ton, ~þ500. 00. It was moed by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Moody that the building permit be granted. Motion carried. MOVING PERr-UTS The following moving permits were presented and acted upon as follows: Ned Balch, House,13'X18', Frame, From V St. to Jeff. Co. To abide by ðed. No. 907 B. W. Brocherman, Building, From Railroad Bldg to 22nd & Cleveland. To Abide by Ord. No. 907. It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the Dravìiìg~-rgermi ts be approved. Motion carried. C OMiJillnCA TI ONS The following c olmnunica t-i_on ViaS presented and ac ted upon as folloV1S: Ci ty Council Port Townsend, Washington Gentlemen: As it is within the power of the members of the City Colliîcil to reconsider allocation of funds withing the total budget before the final ordinance is passed, the Library Board of Trustees urges that you do SOo - The 28 hours that the library is open to the pjblic does not constitute the amount of hours required to prepare the library to serve the public,. and with our present circulation and service I it is not possible to manage the library without two person~ on duty. . Other city offices word a 5 day - 35 hour,week and are stafred by two full tlm.e employees. But ," 8 I. I 8 I 8 I I 8~ J71 MTNUT~S OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 15, 196E1CONTINUED 8 the library, open only 7 hours difference, is over a period of 6 da~ls and 3 evenings and at half the pay. - The increases in salaries asked are far below those geanted to other city employees. Tentlemen, the Library Board reC1ues ts that you reconsider our appropriation for 1969.. Thank you, Sincerely yours, Library Board of Trustees I Mayor Smith said there is no authority to change the budget at this time. The only procèdure to go by after the firt of the year would be þy an emergency ordinance. Mrs Wallin spoke for the Library saying that it was hard to get help, compentent.help at the hourly wages paid at present. Dr. GT Chul,jian also spoke in behalf of the Library. AftE( some further discussion not action was taken by ,the Council. The City Clerk said the Vlculd like to make on'e correction in the lette;r>.' where it. said that the city offices only worked 35 hrs, a week, the offices in the, ci ty worked a 40 hour 'vveek. ". ~" to>, "';' Committee Reports I Police Chief Phegley said he wollid like to advise the council that he \":/as ordering two new police cars so that they would be her.B3by the first of the year. He also asked if he sho,Üd order the new meters before the first of the year, he was àdvised by the Mayor to hold off on the meters until after the first of the year. street Supt. Hawley said that the sewer line construction had came to a halt due to strikes against the pipe companies", and did not know 1¡vhen the strike would be over, he s~id that they had completed 1720' on the sewer line. Councilman Lindsey reported that he didnt have much to report at this time on the drainage of water at the car wash but should have by the next regular session of ~he council. 8 Counciiliman Judy, chairman of the light committee said he had checked the light situation that was mentioned by Councilman Ruby, at the lower end of water street. He said that there were .two vapor lights in that area but another could be installed by the Theriault Building supply that would light up that corner area but would wait until after the first of the year. Councilman Judy said thel"e had been a re"uest for a street light B.t 58th & Jfu.hn for some time, a new light was needed. Councilman Judy made a motion seconded by Councilman Moody that a new Vapor light be insta.lled in place of the old type light. ¡,lotion carried. Mayor Smith nlentioned that today was the last day ~D~t Mr Phil Copps manager of Puget power saying that he had been transferred, He said that he had received his resignation from the planning commissionand at this time would like to say in publi~ that ~æ Copps has done an outstanding job for the city and deserves a ~ote of thanks. I Councilman Hoglund siad that in regards to the proposed B & 0 tax that is included in this next years budget, right at the presEimt time we are engaged in looking at ordinances that other cities have and hope to have a meeting with the corporation coünselor next week along with the conllnit.tee from the Chamber of Commerce. He said that the committee would have something ready for presentation to the council in the near future. '. '. OLD BUSINESS 8 Under Old Business, the city clerk brought up the renewal of a lease for Mobil Oil Company which had been requested. He said that he had received a call from D. W. Tibbott Real Estate ? Representa tive from Mobil Oil Corporation and was akked by Tra> 'ribbott it the neVI lease was approved it a clause could be put in that they ternlinate their lease in three or six months due to the fact that they had heard Shell Oil Company might tm:lck their fuel in instead of use:img the dock facilities, in case that happened in all probability Mobile would have to also truck their supplies in. City Attorney Abraham said if the council chooses to permit that type of termination that it would be sensible that it require notice prior to Oct. 1st of the year presæ::ling termination SJ this could be taken in account at the time the budget comes up" After some discuss ion i-t was moved by Counc i lman Hoglund seconded by Councilman City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Ordinance that would include clause [¡long with that it rec;uire notice prioD to. Oct. 1st of the year proceeding carried. Judy tha t th e the terminati)n year. Motion I Tlje City Clerk read the following communication: From Office Of The Mayor, Port Townsend, Washington, Oct. 2, 1968 to; VI' it. MEMORANDUM FOR PORT TO~mSEND CITY COUNCIL: I By prior action, the council caused to be placed'upon the ballot for the election on September 17; the question, "Shall the City of Port Townsend implement fluoridation of the City's water Supply?" Discussion and action by the Council up to that time indicated that the mahority of the Counc il felt that the (lues tion was one which should, in effec t, be decided 'by the elec tora te, or that at least the Council would have the benefit of the act:i..on by the electorate- in making any deci:!i on. The question was defeated in the balloting. At its meeting on October 1, 1968, the Council passed, by a vote of 4 to 3, ,a motion to request the County Auditor to place the measure on the ballot for the election to be held on November '5, 1968. , . In accordance with the provisions of the Washington State Statutes governing the administration of cities, I. hereby return this acti,n to the Council, unapproved, for action as the Council may see fit under the Statutes. Said statute provides that the Council may reconsider, in which case a 5 to 2 vote 1s necessary to overide this veto, or that the Council may take no further action. My reasons for this acti n are as follows: 8 1. The Council desired the expression of opinoon by the electorate before further action has received it. The fact that voting machines were being used for the first time is not considered to have confused more people on one side of the issue than on the other. 2. The Council took no steps to act on the issue after the election of Sept. 17, other than the motion passed on October 1, 1968. Balloting on the same part of the Council and prolonging of an issue. Resubmission to the electorate because on side loses is a process without end and not in accord with the principles of a democratic government. _."-~'.. .-- . "*',. 172 MINUTES OF THi; REGULAR SßSSION OF OCTOBER L, 1968 CONTIUUEB - - - . - --- ---- _..n- m__-- -- - -------- -- ---..----------- - -- -- '--------- ----- ------------ -- ---.. ---- -.. - -_._---------------- - - - - - --- Should the Colillcil members desire, I will call a special meeting of the Council at the earliest possible time for reconsideratinn. The foregoing action by me should not be construced as being taken because I am "anti-fluoride." In the absence of further action should a local responsible organizati;n desire to institue a flUDridation clinic, or a system of voluntary fluoridati~n for youngsters, I would be glad to see the City cooperate as far as it could, and to personally cooperate. I r )gret that the community is so solidly split on the subject, and do not want to see the split prolonged by constant referral to the ballot, together with the possible application of the principle to other issues after the precedent is set. Frank Smith, Mayor Mayor Smith asked if there was åny further action desired by the council. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that no further discussion be held on fluoridation. ?\/Tayor Smith ruled the motion out of order "ro the reason that the council is free to take action to overide the veto if they so desire. After some discussion there was no further acti n taken by the council on fluoridati)n. NEW BUSINESS Under new business the city clerk presented the follo'wing ordinances: ORDINANCE NOL 1545 AN ORDINANCE OF Trl:~ CITY OF PORT T::rilHSEND, FIXING AI'ID ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR Trill CI TY FOR THE YEAR 1969. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the firs"~ reading of Ord. No. 1545 be considered the second reading and the third reading ~e by title only. Wotion carried. Ord. No. 1545 was again for the third time by title only and it was moved by Council~an Hoglund seconded ')y Councilman Ruby that Ord. No. 1545 do now pass. I!.otion carried. ORDINAnCE NO. 1546 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT'[ OF PORT TO','i1JSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATEB';" SEWER DEPARTMENT OF TR'.~ CI T¥5'OR THE YEAR 1969. It vms moved by Cl)uncilman Judy seconded by Councilman Ruby that the first :eading be considered the second reading and the third readinp; be by title only. T,'lotion earried. Ord. No. 1546 was again read for the third time by title only and it was ;"1oved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman rÆoody that Ord. No. 1546 do now pass. Motion carried. ORDINANCE no. 1547 AIIT ORD}NANC¡~ OF THE CI'l'Y OF PORT TO'iJUSEND FIXHTG AND ADO;-TING A BUDGET ?OR Tn ~ POR T TO'HN3END Gl\.RBl\.'J-E C OLLECTI ON SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TO¡mSill~D POR THE Y~AR 1969. It was moved by Councilman Ho;lund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the first reading cf: Ord. liTo. 1547 be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1547 was again read for the third time by title only and it waß moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1547 do now pa~s. Motion carried. ORDINANCE no. 1548 AN" ORDINANCß T/IAKHTG AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY JOR THE CITY OF PORT TO"Jj-SEND POR Trr~ YEAR 1969 It was moved by Council:-:lan Moody seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first l"eading be considered the second reading and t"le third reading be by title onl;-,'. Motion earried. Ord. No. 1548 was again read for the third time by title only nnd it was moved by Councilman Rub' seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. No. 1548 do now pass. Tlotion carried. City Attorney Abraham aid that some gentlemen frO!'l the Teletronics Incorporation ?rom Seattle were present and as the council recalls that ~efore the city ~ot involved with the sewer project and also fluoridati ìn, these people we:."e hel"e and gave a presentation about cable television for the city of Port Townsend. lle said that they had been in touch with him a number of times and had suggested to them that t- ey be here this evening. Attorney Abraham said that they had submi tted sev Jral ypes of ordinances to h5_m which were based on franchises of t::is kind and the one from Port Orchard was probably the best for this city. lIe said whA.t they wanted is a yes or a no on a branchise, the franchise would be at the rate of 4% on the '~oss. A presentation was again made by f,íembers of the Teletron:i_cs Co. saying that if the francfuise was ;:;rantad the cable service could be in operation :'11. about nine mJnths. After some discussion Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that a Teletronics-Port Townsend ?ranchise be ~ranted. Motion carried. ADJOUHITMENT As there was no further business to come befol"e the council at this time it was moved by Coun~ilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman JU.dY that the mceti~ do no~_adj ,no Motion carrled. !!AYoð~ k. '~ Attest:~~ C' erk 11 - -- --- - )j i 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8