HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1968 1~6 MINU'r}~S OF rI'HE REGULAR SESSION OF ?/:ARCH 5, 1968 CON~'I NUED City Attorney Abraham informed the audience that there seemed to be some'^\~ppr1ehension of law, I - .. he s ta ted thepe is no amusement func tionin tüo c i t-ý of Port 'I'ownsend tho. t is not taxed or licensed in some way, and all of thoes taxes or~)licenses are rather stiff, und the reason for this is, the S ta te Legislature grants to cities a v cry limi tad taxing power. One of thoes taxing pov¡ers are on amusement and the reason it is on amusement is mecause thoes things are not necessary, but commenting on the merit of this tax I do not want anyone to leave with the impression that the city tax is only on theatres OJ' skatiD.g rinks because all the amusements in the city are taxed or licensed in some way. AD J 0 U RHI';IßÌ'T '}' As there was no further business to come before the counc il at this time it vias moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Counc ilman Scheyer the the meeting do now adjourn. I;~otion carried. Attest: ~~~d cityv-er ;'¡A~~ ~7 ~ I-iIINU'fES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MJ..RCH 19, 1968 L'Tarch 19, 1968 For t Town send, Fvash ington 'Yne City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 19th day of ¡\larch 1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chanlbers of the city hall. lila/or Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present v:el'e as follows: iilayor Smi th, Ci t-J Att-orney Abraham, Ci ty Clerk Youngblood, Counc ilmen Judy, Siebenb aum, Lindsey, I':loody, Schoyoer, I-Iogl und, Ruby. I-.lIFUTES OF 'I'l{E ill EVI,)US SESSION It vIas l1:oved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Counc:Uman Ruby tl-rat the minut'es 0'1' the prev:1J)us session be dispensed with. I':Iotion carried. BUILDING PER~ITS The folloning bu:1,lding }Ð rmits i'ier'e presented and acted upon as folloris: Charles W. Guthrie, Addn. to home, 20'X21', Erame, Cherry & J Robort Sahli, I-louse, 30'X55', Frame, 57th & l~1L.'l.n, ~¡~16,000.00. ~~500.00. I t was moved by Cour~ jlman L:Lndsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the bui Iding permi ts be granted. Motion carried. TEAH DOiIJTJ PER I.:; I T Tll,e follmnng tear down jarmi t WaS presented and Acted upon tlS follows: J.F. Rees, shed, 633 S Street, two weeks, to abide by Ord. No. 907. It ViaS r,loved by Councilman Ruby ::econded by Councilrnan l"Ioody that tte tear d~rin p3rrÜt be granted. IrLOtion carried. C Oi,1r/UVI C AT I OJ\TS The following communications ';'iel~e presented and acted Wion as follor-!s: From, Wonterburn Construct:Lon Co. Fa't Tovmsend, \Vn, L¡aI'ch 18, 1968 to-wit: Honorable ¡';layor 8: Ci ty CóÙpcil Port Townsend, Washington Gentlemen: "'Ie are enclosill.[!, data and Ii torature on the Rent Su::;:Üement Program for Low Income Families, for your appro'.¡al. . Vie have been investic;ating the possibility of financing si)ch a multifamily building here in Port 'I'O'.'Jl1send and find that the approval of the City Governing body is required. Your prompt action in this matter rro;lld be appreciated. Yours very truly, W. H. Viin terburn Mayor Smith referred tile roquest to the building com>nittee. He also stated that there is a federal program whereby the PEA viill loan money at lowere interest for bu'lding multiple units for the low income gl~oupS, they pay a quarter of their income and the federal Gov, mal-~es up the dii'i'erence, yet the FHA does pay the rent. Ie cities where they have programs of this t::.cþe, such I3.S modern cities, urban renewal, they go under that, in other tovrns they wont go into any discussion '-'lith it until the city administration 1:12S snid they have no quarrel \'iith it,.He stated that the only town that he l{nev¡ of that has objected to such a program Has Bellevue. From Mrs Elmer Stanton, Port ToBnsond Wn, March 8, 1968 to-v,¡it: Dear Sirs, I am, a housoviife and tho mother of tHO young children. 1m vœitlng you concerning the theater. Please do something. I try to respect the law and maybe repealing the tax isnt the ans"'¡er but its eems as th ouCh it ':¡QulCt bo cheaper than maybe hir'ing, more police off ic ers. You people seeìì1e~. to, be ,inter~ste~- in our J2'l_rth~". OK t~l~n, put yo"Lir, mçmey vÎhere your mouths were end do sometl1lnz to nelp the th,eatl:;r. vlcl\: ~lJlley crys to keep prlces do\'m so people can afford to go ~ 8 I I 8 1- 8 I I 8 8 I I 8 .1 8 I I i~:¡ LIIHUTES OF' ~TŒ REGUIÞ. R SESSICH OF I,A RCH 19, 19,38 Cm:TINUED '1'0 TI-L;; híOVIES AIm 1-IE 'rR.LES TO SHOW DECEj';'r hW.lfIES. So I aGk you plea"-,,e, find some Hay to help and do it fast. Sincerely, I,Irs EImerS tanton F'rol11 lvII's F'. E. Spaulding, Port Tormsend Wn. to-vIi t: . Citv Council Port To~nsend, Bn. . Gentlemen: Im not in the habit of trying to tell people hovv to run their ::>us5.ness, nor how to conduct city affairs, but as fl cone ered citizen 1m ask ing that you ple':\se dc, something for the young people of our city. . Somehow try to reopen the Roc. Center and thea b:e, thu t they' II h,avro sOmO\'-Jl-lero 1;ïorthi'f}-;.ile to go. Busy young people, and children are much less apt to cause tro~ble than thoes with nothing bett~r to do than stand on street corners and think up mischief. If nece,ssary put an extra tax on SOlJî3 of the amusement places for grmvn .ups. 'I'here seem to be plenty of them in our city, bars, taverns, bLlg0 games and 1. u:'1derstand gambling rooms two. Arn't tlH3 parents who go to these places responsible for the ¡F'JU!l;C';sters. Sinc erely, Mrs T E Spaulding < From Vi Conover, Port Townsend, ',Vn, ¡¡¡arch 7, 1968 to-wit: . . Deár Sirs, . I I ve never. subscribed to the theory tho.t recrea ti~m f ac ili ties ilre some sort oJ' rnagic wand \'¡e can wave, thus guaranteeing a swift, neat end to the problems of ju~enile delinquency. Nor do I agree that their absence gives kids a right to get into mischeif. Nevertheless I do feel that in a ¡~O'.,n yvith so many :kids, SOi(e provision ought to be mè.\Cie to give them a chance to enjoy themselves and to work off their excess enerty in some acceptable mannorl The very least ~e can do is to refrain frcm stan~ing out such facilities as we do have. I I m referring, of c ours e, to the roc ent clog in,g of tì:'10 Up town 'Theatre. This is abl0EJ t the las t thing l:ids in Port Tmvnsend have to occupy their leisure; time, nnd I thinl,= it's a Sha!:l0 to have it closed dm'ln for the sake of a few hundred dollars ",¡hen a few years ago the CoLlntry riBS appropriatLnß I~ìa.Ùÿ,.~:bj;[;resothat amolmt for lCecrc)3.tion. l-~S to the b 1 i the sugi?;es tioD tha t r:L;f:1mies and dac1d ie s w:Lll jus t have to dig dorin in their :)ockets for an extra nickel, mo:1lnlies aDd daddies llave been dlgging doym into th2,t same 'oocl-;:ct for lots of extra nickles la tcly. Th'3 drain hé.',s got to stop someVihere, émd this is a good B place as any. Sincerely, Vi Conover , CLAn: FOR DA=V:AGES . The follmving claims rías presented aDd DC ted upon as follows: I-1onorablo I','Iayor, Ci ty Counc il Fort Townsend . Dear Sirs: - j','Iarch 12, the Sanitat:Lon truck pulled the telephone line and some siding i'rom our :lOme. Ropairs have since been made and" the bill paid by myself. I am submi t':;ing the bill, Hi.':ich I received, s,eeking reimbursement from the city. v Sincerely, Lee Arey Repair, replace and paint [" iding on Lee Arey' 3 IIov.se. 1 - 2 hI's labor 10.00 2 - Jevel siding 1.75 3 - paing 1.50 13.25 J ames IT. P arlœr . City Attorney Abraham in.:t'ormed the council that the claim fop, damages ',',-as not in proper form and suggested it be referred back to the claimcnt end be advised that there is a sT'-':::cial cHiCl ra thoI' importand kind of aL' orm to ircaJ;:e a cIa bl age. j.ns t the c i "::,y. j',jayor Sr{)i th rGf~:;~-:?r0d the c laiirn to the health co~nittee. RESOLUTICIT 68-4 . A I~ESOLUTlm,T AUTIIORI:?;nTG Al~D =JInT~CTIEG 'nI:~ C:ï. TY AT'l'O::=iNE:-ý 'I'D IIHT:!:i¡'PE SUI'r '1'0 DE: T ~m,'¡ 'ILC V.iJ-";.~: ERIn GII'l' S OF Inn:: C J: flY OF POET 'l'O";,'}TSSND Oli TEE SITOlV CREEK ;.JA'l'ER SHED" , D.t:; IT' RBSOLVED, III A HI~èTULAH ¡':IEETIEG OF' Yl-ì3, CITY COÜ="JCIL OIl' TEE CI1Y 01" canT TOWNSEND, AS FOLLaw~) : That the City Attorney of the City of :!?ort Tmmsend be and ne is hereby authorized and directed to initiate, in the name of the Ci'~y of PO1"t l1'o\'msend:, and action at law in the Superior Cour.t of' the state of VJash:l.nßton f'or Jei'fel'son County:, to determine vihút, if any, water rights the Ci t-ÿ o:f POl' t Tor!l1send may hold on the Snow Cl"oek \'Jater Shed in Jeffer30n County, ~Dshington. Fassed this day of' I"-;arch, 8 Attest: Gale I. Youngblood Ci ty Clerk Approved as to ll'orm: Glenn Abraha.'11 PEA:TK ¡,,~. S'iII'l'E j,byor It ',','as moved by Councilman Siebcnbé:.vJn seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the resolut;_on be adop ted. I"lotion carr ied. - -- 128 ------ - -- -- - . ::n¡UT-C:C; OF 'y,:~~ ¡: },}ULA~:¡ '3'::;,'3';:'0:: Œ' - P.:WII l~th 1968 CŒ:~C:~~:Œ_=D- - -,-----,_. ,- ,---------------~,----_.--,---,-,---------- --.., --- - ._,. --- -------. ---- --,---- '-'------"- --- --------------------- ,------------ City Attornoy Abraham s£,id that rÚlOn :le rlo.s nl"e-'ari_:r: 4;:'J,e rosolv_tion ::.t occl~r()d to "--" t~,èlt tho PUD has 11,ado various renresentationsabo'.J_t tl'lo cooperati:m thC\t -::;:".0'7 'iJol_Ùd e:ctond 5_-'-! "c~Üs }:J~:ctel".:::';l.d as far o,s !:w rlQS co"'1cornod o.nd Ð-S far as'~ll.e council 3>.0 l:i CO~COl"n th,o rc.;'Jresonto.tion -:le:::; ta':on :'Ln Good fE:ith and if the coo:'JoratiJ:_1 doGS not :naterializo ':¡e :Ür;ht nant to re-oJ:a::1Ìno¡~:lÍ~, :~'or if it turns out -that if t: is Ü¡ a El3tlJ_od o:::~ SQC::_ca¿_~~,:~ t=10 ~:i.ty \'lit1-: a :e:.m :')roblo::l t>.-;n :-:0 t::,ougJ~,t the cit-,' shoò:ld ~racioFsly retire. ::ayor Sr.1Ìth sa:i.d for tûe benefit of t:.003 wo did ~l.ot 'now vr:-.o.t t'-~.3 :.s, it ,S a C"'u¡Jst:¡_o~, to deteI'T.1Ìne i'or SUl"B nhotl1er or I;,Ot tJ.-lO city C3t:_ll llOlds tl1e -,JatoI' ri,:~hts at 3::101.7 Creek '.i:è.:Jy'e t:_1e u-ijz;y uater S1.:IJply came frœJ years aGo. co :' I':'T_~ ";.,:~l<L'-,-'~ Joe :,Iinish, "ater 3upt. said '~l:.at ::r .~aI'ry Deits of Cro,,:n ?, ':laG :'.n -C:10 Quc1icnco and ',.auld oxplQine about a QutŒ.1[',tic \'later' valve for tlle ci t-:,T of :~0:2t 'l'o':mso:.:d. - -1" Dei ts said t:,'lat such a valve l1Ed been und;r study for S) rno tLle, cn auto:nc.-::;ic ve.lvo YJould l:Gop tl-1G cit-:,r I'oservoir e.t a co~:.sto.~lt level o.t Ell tines, it '\nuld be a tro'-,ol:.c.101~s help clur~ng sprinLlinß ~ours in sœ:~;1Gr r:ea t~ler, è.',nd it rrolÙd not offec t the ::Ül1 '.'Ie. tOl" sJP:rly. ~=o said tho co::> t of tilL: V[') ve uould oe around (:;7, 000. [,~1d tll.ero ',ïould be a contL'ucLIS coot to the city of o..::,ound 14.QB ,.'Jer :l1onth for Do',:eI'. ::r Ilon lTo-,-¡ak, ,'"s'~i3to::l.t)lo..nt 0-,1!!,:~,rleor ox'J.cir. d doti_ls of t;::e project :Juch ;~s sEusir\"., elomen ts at t:1.0 ros orvoirs 0..1.1 an 0.10.1":-,1 sYG tOlY'- tl"lf', t c o1.-:.ld be loc a tcd o.t t::':-.e :"irf ho.ll ,'ho:L"e t'1ere VI 1),ld o,e a 24 l1r ïlC,tch,io also said "C~lo.t tÌ10Y ho.d personal at t:Je r'Üll iJLO could ',lOrk on '\:;~le system in case anyt~Ün'ç ì70nt ',¡rong. CoL1cih:lan :Toody o..sJwd 'if' Cro'.m ?eller~)acl1 would ")o.y a share of tl1e eXiJense. -:r J.J. ~oss, C? !:,o.nar-;er, 3D:id l:.G :C(~lt t~le :"roÌJlo:n Vias more involved ',ïith the city. 'Col1n.cil:~^an 3cheyer a[£reet that t::.'lO PJl,}M-œ;r benefit is to t"-e city a:1Q tl10 city should pay the bill. i~f tel" some di scuss ion it was :c:lov:d b":T Counc j_lY,1an 'ì;o:;llmd sec onded by Counc ilman l1uby t:12 t the city take tl1.e necessary steTls to have tl1.e autO:-:1atic valv3 inst¡,lled. :-:otion ca::,ried. :q': C: JL') 31]T =:.i;SS ---,------ Lfnder nevI business ;,¡r l"rank 3rb of "clIo Jefferson ~O:-:lty l.Ja:)or Coordir.ation Co:::Ü tteo s ]cJ:e cefol"e ti1e council, askinß the council to pass a resolution ronuostinc tll':; ::layo::' to a~jJoint a co::r:1ittee Col:Dosed of representatives of business, lJPofo;,G1.'l1al, ;/,:)uth, la-or anc. l)'r'A to sÞ,,:.d7l city financ:Js and reviorl reVO:1ue sourcès and also su,':';o S ted t:1a t is c or.rÜ tteo study the feasibility of acquiril1g or buicUnc a c01;lr:mnity cGYlter. :,;r 3ruce Reid of tl1r Port Townsend 3ducatioYlal Associatj.on s2.id t~1at t:-o asso-;iaticn \1ould oe vlillin['; to p:ilJovide J'opl"Gsontativos to servo '.1i t1:. such a ::::;roup. Ci ty Attorney Abraham s aid, ~) efore t is ,';0 ts to f Qr 011'101 'led, t~10 ci t;T council ho s no aut"ori t;y of any kind to a2"Poj_nt such a cor.cittee, the l"oc.son, t11e city cOLmcil o:;orCctes -:l:i.tl:in a rathor ::.."id:;od and confinin¿; set of rules. It is ~iITen ceptai~1 poHers of ap'.'Joint-'ont, lHæ t~le ':,laT-i!1C; co-:,.',lÌssion, Park De¡Jt. board, LiiJrary coard, 'Jut to a:J'-oint a co:nitteG 1'1"0":1 a ::<;roup or' 31'0-l1PS for any variety of ~'ur~oses, that is f3O':1eth 11r; the co,,-.ncil or "Javor just are "lot e:T oìrered to dd. Ie said that any:;roll"'" may pr'esent its ViO;lS but tl1.e coED;:ittee as s'cl,;:c;eGted Honld ;Je a ;c)l"ivate ' grouD, ans~orable to no one as arc the elected and other city o:fkials covered by existin~ statutes. Ed 3arcott of Fort/orden, said t:lat :tJ:ilis city does not 1l.2.ve a 3rÐ tax, so:-',e iJusinesses i'1 t)'18 town are tald-;,g :ll;ney out by the truckload, ì7hat are thore contribut:.o:1S to tl10 city, 1..0 said t is cQl'ncil is -'}red:=c::i.n1:::'~eJ;ousir_oss orientated. LeadorS'1~Lr) 11,as been 2sk3d for, if t'is C -vDcil does :'.'lot give leD.dership ';:;11en I SQY 'Cie would be oetta::.." off to :laITe a coè.lncil na(Je un of hov_sO1.':i '3S teachers and ministers. After' some discussi::m, ~'=ayor Smith said he personally 'i:ould ÌJe Glad to serve us a clearL1.2; house for an:Tone iYl teres tod in serving or contributinz, to tho solution of the c:L tys -rjr osen t inter-relè:tted problems of finance, l".;creati:Jn, and General improvement. Councilman Hoglund, chairman of the finance CO"l1Ì tteesaid he would '.ïelcOl71e at any time reco;j1~'TIenda ti ns from any sort of a c ornl1luni ty ac tin spour such as tho one propol3ed by ~::r. ci;rb. Councilman Schoyer s2.id that all councilmen at t:Üs time have on their desk infornation dealing vIi th sourcXes of revenue. ~~e s ta ted the tho c ounc il:-:1en V10re s tudj:ing r:;crea t:i.on, anYlexation and otc, this was being done L1. !Jriva'~e and it ìIould co'Jtinue to be done in private. Counc ilman Siebenba1.ll11, :10mber of t-he financ 0 c omr.Ü ttee s nid 11e agreed ì"li th ~o-mcilman :Io~;lund on any sort of a co"':.'mmi ty act~ n [';roup :nd ':JOuld oe YíÌlLtlV¡; to meet rri th such a 3rol-_1' at any time. 'Ie aÆso stated thèJ.t táo corr'l.Ì-tteo llud raised 6,000. for tho noli:;e clenart;',lont to ':~ove to tl1::: rec center to help alone:; rr:i.th th-e recr:3atLm program, liUt just found out illltlat ~_t fell through do to a deed to t.:le school. .. '~ayor Sr.'lith sa:i.d ho l:[Ol1r.ld lilce to clarify the situat"o',1. :'egardhl"'-, tho rGC center, sa:rinp; ti1.at t11e property was dona tad to tl:,_o scl1.001 for school I)UrpO'¡ os only, ~~-,-e s a:i.d it vIas not a deaè1 sub j oc t, it is still beinr; ì'lor;~3d on and tl-:-.e re::'.son that .\'[as beh:i.Yld to "'love tho nolic e deDQrtm3n t to the rec center nas so thay could have bet~cer vlorl-:i:tl..g cOl'Jdi tions ,:lore roo:-:~ and etc, it '"¡'~uld elso o~en up -cûo door for rocroat::.on, n.)t that t~1e Chief of~olico rnuld be the rocr::;at:~n director t '.'nuld o:~en it up until 0 c '1Üd .'7,et some tyr-e of program p;oing. Dick -'i:!iley, o'!;)ora tor of the up t-oTIn t~J.oa tre aßa::n spoJ\:e before the c ounc il on r/n.y :j,e cloEed tl'le uptown theatre. '.~ayor Smi th said tl1at based on the PGco~:lOndat:':,on by tho Library Board he nould lil:e to ask approval of t.he council on tho appoint-:1ent of .;rs ":¡ay ~Ji'ist to the cit~r li'JPary board, she vi:ì_ll I'eplè'.ce :,:rs Sallie Hill rr:'lO is no lon:::;er oli";ible to serve after two terr:ls on tllG board. Counciitr.lan I:Ioddy :--.1ade a motion seconded by Councilman Judy t~la t the council approve tho a.9pointment of ~,Irs Hay Crist to the City Library Board. :,:otion carried. AD J ~jUmTLU1JT As there Councilman carried. ---------- ---- 8 I I " 8 I 8 I I 8