HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1968 JJ :3' iVIEETIH OF TI-IE REGULAR SESSION OF D~CEILBER L9, 1967 C ONTDruED 8 IIiayor Smith asl,;:ed ::he councilmen to read the standing committees r>epm:t t}~a t was on their desks, if no obj~ct:Lons the COlilIÜtte3s would stand for tr~o year 196t). No object:i.on. 1Iayor Smi th said in regards riith the meeting VIi th the PUD, Chamber' of Cëbmmorce ~ Fort Comlniss ion ay,¡d others on the water s i tUë:t tion, a mee ting t:as been arranged for the 28th of Dec. at the court hons at l:p.m. . ADJOURNMENT I As ther e CoL-mc i l-'an carried. . was no further business to come before the co"LITlcil at this time it was moved by Hoglund seconded by Councilman Siebenba= that the mee~ir;? no~ adjourn. Motion ~" 1~ -, ,- - -,- -/' -- ~ ¡{¡AYOR ' , ~.:/'L(?:4':e ~ -.,.. , I Attest: ~ðc -z:~ ~ 4City C 0/ ~-/, (' 'p c-"';. '/ II ¡,- 1/ I ~ ~', B;. . ST. l:X. . MIHUTES OF' 'TIm Ri';GULAR SESSION OF JAIWF.RY 2, 1968 January 2, 1968 Port 'I'ovmsend, rJashir..gton --. 'rDe city council of the City of Fort Tormsend met in regula~ sessicn this 2nd day of January 1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council charnbers of th.::; City Hali. Liayor Srdth presiding. ROLL CALL - 8 Officers and members presen.t ¡,¡ere as folIous: \ "layor Smith, Ci ty Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Clerk Youngblood, Counc ilmen Schier, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, I\'Ioody. ;'iIIFUT3;) OP ~'HE ill EVICJUS S2SSI0j\J The minutes of the previous session were read in full and it ViaS mc-ved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Ruby tho. t the minutes be approved as read and the ¡ilayor and City Clerk sign same. ~otion carried. BILLS & CLAli':TS Bills and claims ,verB presented as audited ::y the finance committee and acted ppon as follôl'ils: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND----------------Voucher Ho. 'v'jA'l'ER FUND--------------------------Voucher Hol STl1EET FUND-------------------------Voucher Ho. GARBNlE FUlTD------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUl')TI-- - --- --- - - ---- --- -- -- -- --- Vt5ucher IIIo. LIBRARY FillID------------------------Voucher No. F'IRm'IEN PENSIOI'T 6: RELIEF FUND-------Vouchor No. ORDINANCE iW. 1506------------------Voucher No. 5159 through 5207 "--- 338,517.33 1696 through 1713 ---~2,558.77 1101 thr oogh 1114 - --'jpl, 878. 40 1085 through 1098 ---~1,834.78 736 through 746 ---~ 544.85 1350 through 1377 ---$ 922.46 195-----------------$ 12.00 48-----------------$7,856.80 . . It was moved by Cou,ncilrnan Hoglund seconded by Councilrrlan Judy thèJ.t the bills and cla:Lms be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk draw vlarrants upon the proper flmds for payment of same. ï\':o tion carried. . " OFFICER3 REPORT 8 CI TY CIE RK 'fhe city cl~rk presented the regular salary Y/arran'ts for the l,lonth of December 1967. I CURRENT EXPENS~ Fm~D----------------Voucb8r No. Wi\ TER FUI~D- ---- --- - --- - ---- ---- - ----Voucher No. STREET FU:I'TD-- ---- ---- - -- -- ---- --- --- Vouc ner No. GARBAGE FUND------------------------Vouchor No. FARK FlmD---------------------------Voucner No. LIBRARY FUND------------------------Voucher No. FI?mŒN PE}TSIOi'T &' rmLIEP l"U1JD-------Voucher No. " 9141 through 5158 - --~i)4, 869.88 ).689 through 1695 ---\~2,207.15 1097 throvq:h 1100 ---~~1,231.60 v -'c ¿' 10~0 through 1084 ---il,940.87 705-----------------,;) 271.08 1349-, ----------------~f:' 358 10 . ,,' 193 through 194 ---~ 300.00 < . rI'REASURER The city treasurers repprt was read in 1"\;.11 for the T;Ionth of Dec. 1967 and was ordered fj_led. POLICE ~he ~olic~ report was read in full for the Month of Dec. 1967 and was ordered 1'iled. BUILDING PSmU',I'S I 'The following building permits r¡ere II' e sen ted and ac ted upon as follows: Everett Rempfer, House, 681X361, Frame, 12th '& Holcomb, ~?12,000.00 George Capr-iotti, Enlarge Basement, C15IX20', C:mcreLj, 708 Garfield, $200.00. Robert Sahli, Hoouse, 26"X58', Prame, 25th & SanJuan, Lot 13, Ellis Addn. ~þlr¡,500.00. I twas moved by Counc ilman Ruby seconded by CoL-mc ilrnan i'.-!oòdy tho. t the bu:Uding permi ts be granted. I\'íotion .carried. CorvE'IUIHCA'l'IONS 8 The fo.Llovling conünunications '>ivere read and acted upon D.S folloy/s: From l'iIcLean 8; Company, Inc. Tacoma, V'lashington, Dec. 19, 1967 to:nit: Mayor Dennis Sullivan Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Re: Has till~-:; sand J ac bnan S tre et Sewers ,~ ~'-, 114 :U::-UT::;S O? T~I; ;:¡ ~G-UL1\l1 r)~scn c=~ OF' JAIlUAHY 2, 1968 C ŒTTI~,'Œm ------- - --- - --- - --- -----0' ---- -------,- --------'--,_u -, - --- -- ---------,------- ',0 checked__:today- Ùi th Carey 8: Kramer ni t:L1. re:,';ard to t:1C ~)rogress beinG made to'::ards the L~ttin2; of construction contrac ts for sewers in the lia3tin;.!;s and Jackr.1an}treet ¡.;roa. ',;0 are inf:)rmed tha t the Farmers =~olí1e Administration did not ~1.ave funds available for a ,3rant, 2...'1.d that l;ational Construction CoYD.pany, your present contractor, is close (mouGh to boil1£'; co:rloted vrith thls project tJ.1.at it does not appear practical to construct the Uastin¿3;s and Jack1~1aL "3treet SO,i'ers as an extension of the present contract. As :TOU aro undoubtedly aVlare t:L1.e prese-_t l~arl~et for lmr.cici)al bonds is o.t the lo',-,'es level \!0 have seon in many years. Alt=-:,oußh vIe have no indication that the municipal bond barlœt is going to take a sudden tl.'.rn for tho betto:i.'l, nor -do ',:e ha7e any assurance that ;?oderal ~;ra::1ts VIiI 1 be easier to obtain in the monti1s ahead, vIe suß"'est that un loss -~~,¡lÌs -t?roject is particularly urgent that you ~ost)one t:L:e project for a t:':..::le rlith a scl1.cd -led revie':l of col1ë,itio:1s 1'01" p3rha:;Js late spring or early swmner. ',ïe would anYJrociate hearin,3 from 7oU at any tL'.e concertÜnr, tl-:.5_s project and \'1111 review the financing on your renuest. VeJ."Y truly :,T')urs, ::cT,3an &; Co::lpany, In,c. ßy ,3. J. Granberg Eo act::,on talien on the above comrnunication. P~TITION,10n )r)3-C)~-'m '~'):'T:1f.CTOnS LIC ';-:-31-<::; - -'----- To tho IIonorabL; Llayor and Council of the City of Port Townsend The undersigned hereby yeti tions and relJreser:ts th,Ü h~ is a porsod s:-5,lJ_od in the b_csinc3s of laying and corL,ectins se':lers, and asks t:1.at he be;rQ~:tcd a 1ic~ sa for such PV.l')OSOS u.nc~or and by virtue of tl1.e provisions of Ordinance j\;o. 1527 ,-n::l current amendments thereto. The undersiGned furt:1er agrees to e.bide by tlle provisio::J.s of Ordinance ~\Yo. 152'7 and current aïllendments threto as completely as if it v/ore incOl':porated here in. Ap:nlicant: Tony? Bronimo -~usiness Address 722 üast:Ll[;S /\.ve. 3usiness Tele]:)hone 385-0400 It was moved by CounciL'an :Ioglund seconded by Col'-Dcilman J'...1..dy that tllO license be :;raLted. :iotion carried. ORDÜTA:W..E :':0. 1529 Ordinanc e :Fo. 1529 d"LÜ~T incor !'ora ted in tho :'1Ìnut~~ s of Dec eY1b er 19, 19G7 vms a3ain bl~OU',:h t u~ for adoption or rejection. It ':fa'] ::lOved by Council:man Hogl"Lmd seconded by Councilman SiobenbauIT. that the first reading of Ordinance :TO. 1529 be considered the second :'oadin¡;; ancl the t- ird reading be by title only. :';otion carried. Ordinance 2"0. 152~ rras a.'~ain read by tj,tle only and it o.~ :'loved :-7 Council:-mn ':or;ll.md seconded ;:y Councilman Ruby til.at the ord:Î-nance do nOVI nass. I:ot:i,on carried. A;,"U,:-U:;--,-~:¡\TT L I C~ITS Z -:astor :,;r :,:cKee of Peninsula Amusement LTD asLed for an a.rr¡uSGHlont Lie ense for the year 1:;68. :.as tor It Has '110ved by Councilman Judy seconded by Coul1,ciL:an L:ndsey tllat tl1.e anusf3nent license for 1968 for jJeninsula A.,~u:;er.1ent LT.ù be 3rantod. :Iotion carried. BID 01~ ,':;UETG TI'le follo\Jing bids \7ere or)ened for a 1968 l'icLup truck for tl:.e 3e',;or Department. Kruse Car Center Thoma s = To tor s Buhler =:otor Co. Total Bid If (;2,346.03 2,270.31 2,045.15 w It was moved by Councilman i{uby seconded 1:;y Councilr.1an II031rnd tJ-lct tl~e lor" -:::~d of Buhler .:~ tor Company be acc ep ted. ;~o tion carried. ,~:~ .' t~ Oill n::rJrT ~":;s FIr 2erlcins, supt of' the .r;2.rba~;e de;')art--'lOnt s¡:id t=1èlt ;,0 ViaS st~_ll not charg::i.:~G the fort for du:"'.Dinß ßarba 'e at t::!_e dllJ11,";> and asl"ed the councils ofJinj_on. Cocmcilr.1Qn Ruby scdd t:-lèlt t- 53 ;:8.3 been hanro;ing fire for some tif,10, t.::lC 'ort vIas ai/are of it, t;'lat there vIas four to six j,oi=,ds"o:~' rreek. After s :~,-; discus~Üon ':é1.;Tor'3ni th sa5_d lie \ruld discuss tDe è"r12t:;er wit:, t:¡e fort. Councilman Lindsey said t~at he would like to ask:~ Prank Badolato, deal on the book on the operation of the treatment plant. ;:1' Badolato been ;)roduced yet but felt the book is ä: very nort11 whIle Dnd Vias sure cbo :layor S:~1Ì th about i t :nore that he 11.[: s vIi th him. ':ayor Sni th said tllat Carey C: Kramer recom~lended in a letter thut the city 118ve an ins truc tio.n book comr)lete r!itl1. all specifications of the enui"1'.1ont ,:~d pumJinr; statiol}s, -)rinted f'or the treatment plant at a cost ì'l>':.ch they v¡ere willing to rut a ceiling on at ~:2,5CO.00, they will do the work on ~ourly rate. ~!e said he felt tho real ~uestion ~oy vanted to ask is what ~he book is goi-ng to cos t and asked mr Badola to if he had any es ti'l1ate that 2,500.00 sounds to us a pretty hj~h figure for an ~nstructio~ book. ~:r 3adola to said thèl t tl-i s isnt a book that y-¡u can,. t:';o do\ln to the 1 ibrary and buy, t:::is is to t:1is particular treaV';1ent plant it starts out n~th tho ')r..~losoY'.hy of':-ll.,j T)lant ani 5_t take-- you s te-._: by step through the nlan t explaining rrha t t l-:o Dlant is all aboc-,t, 'Tou',~i ",:i'1 t hava a top man like :,:r Becker, ?:te [Jrobably m uld Eot noed a book, '10 reflect'::m on :;r ;:',-::;ie tzer::>r anyone else :.:;ut some people ',¡j.ll Get a lot out of tl'wt book thD-n others 3.nd it is our reGœ:lr;lcndati tho. t you sl1.ould 11.ave one, ¡Jut it is up to you people of c ours e and I do not kr..OVI h,~, t the minin:ium cost vlould be. CounciL1.an ;,Ioody asked if tl:is vIas tl'le only pl~'nt like t:lÌ3 one, ::r Badolato said - ex2,ctly like this,thèlt:,'le knew of but variat ~ns of thi3 t~~>elD-nt allover. Council:nan Li¡1dsey as};:ed j;'lr J3aL,ola to if the ordi:lary nan ~novI rr:la t he \7L'.S getting 5,nto 5.f he :'1.2.d t:lÌs b ook. res iÔent e':g:L - or, the said tho book had not that :Tr Chin had tDlked .11 - . j 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 115-': --~ METUT~~S OF 'D-LE REGULAR .s~:SSIr)rT OP JANUARY 2, 1968 coNTnrul';D I Mr Badolato said that is what the böok is for. , Councilman Judy asked ì"Ir Badolato if the plans & Specifications dj~dnt take care of this situation. HI" Badolato said that you are entitled to for this particul~r plant, books on the pwnps, books on the motor's, we have books that :-rou are going to get., Engineer Becker said thi s seems like a very .f inanc ial thing on thE) part o.f Carey and Kramer. 'I'b.e city hus hil"ed these people to design and to supGl"vise the building of the plant but they are not going to tell us what they have done unless we pay them to. :LToV/ it dosent seem right to me that we shouid have to pay them to tell us how to run somothirlg th~t they have done .for us. This $eems like a scro.fulous effort.to me and I will not hold n~ tongue, but I think it is a very unethical thing to do and I think it should be referred to the licensing board o.f the state of Washington to fj_nd - out vihy. It kind of distm'bs me to have anything said about enginee:r:s, IDee this, beinß one mysel.f, but it is not right thut shey should do this.' Tnis shouldnt be any. secret in that t,:is shouldnt be the only },Üant Ince this that is in operation. Basically, all plants are very similar to this, maybe d:Lfforent hoPse power pLLîlpS, mabe different flumes go through ' tho thing-or a different clari.fier, different aspects like this, but basically it is the same. So I dont k110\1 why \'1e talk about (;2,500.00 to wrie up something that is already written up. r-.~aybe not :the exact form for tho City o.f Port Townsend, it may have been rœi t ten up for the City of Oak ".Labor or some ody 1 ike that. This '\,'ll"i tins o.f this book for ~~2,500.00 is a real plum, boy it should be a cinch. Mayor Smith said he was a little surprised when he found it was not included in the original contract, and as },t .stands n01:'! they \'fill not do anyt:ing about tJ1Ìs unless VOle tell them to go ahead and do it. Councilman E 'glund said he .failed to seo the need o.f this type o.f publicati 'n and would assume '-"Ie wol.Ùd receive the necesssry maintenance manuels and ov-;ration i,nstructions of the jDb and fail to see the need in reducing this down to the grade school level of philosophy. POI' the averege individual to understBnd what is happening out there I ~ssume that the only manuols we need is for the .field striping of eoui_pment, :;nd if it is for somet~ling more technical then we co'Üd c;:èll in the manuSacturer. Councilmo.n Hoglund asked I:¡Ir Badolato if this book goes farther than just maintenance & Operation, the answer by Mr Badolato was yes it does. T,'lay~)r Sm1th asked if there \'iere any fv.rther quest::_ons - there ii/as none. 8 I 8 ADJDUmnŒNT As therG was no further business to come be.fore the council Councilnan Siebenbaum seconded by Counc ilman Lindsey tho. t the l';Iotion carried. :!A X9R:'::~~ ~ at this time it was moved by 1~ a~journ. I I,In-JUTES OP TEE REGULJÜ1 SESSIOlT OF JANUAHY 16, 196B Januar-.f 16, 1968 Port Tovmsend, Wa~¡hing ton The city council of the City of Port 'l'ownsend r:1et- in regular session this 16th day of January 1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City rIall. I'llayor Srilith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present we:ee as follovlS: Mayor Smi th, Ci ty Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Clerk Youngblood, Counc ilmen Schier, Hoglund, Judy, Siobenbaum, Lindsey, Moody, Councilrllan Huby abs onto I-¡IDTU~'ES OF 'I'H3 PREVIO~JS SESSION 8 I:Tinu tes of the nrev ious ses s i on were re ad in .full and it was moved by Counc i Iman Li.n6sey seconded by Colmcilnan I'.1oody that the minutes be approved as reDd and the l',Iayor and Ci ty Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BILLS 6: CLAIMS The following b ills and claims for the ye ar 1967 \'fa s pres en ted end 3C ted u~)on as foJ.lows: I CUi.={FŒN'I' EXPENSE FUND------------------Voucher No. Street FUND- - - - - ----- --- - -- ---- - - - - -- - -Voucher :no. WATER FUND----------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FŒ1D--------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FU1W--------------------------Voucher No. FIREMENS PENSION & RELIEF-------------Voucher No. ORDINANCE NO. 1506--------------------Voucher No. 5208 through 5215-~-~694.28 1115 through 1119----4:;584.54 1714 through 1717----~~255.84 1378 through 1379---$ 49.01 1099--------------~-~ 5.08 196 through 197----'iP 52.70 1 a c"~9 A52 ~6 L.r",- ----- --- ---- ----'i?O , ':: .0 I It Vias moved by Councilman Hoglund :::;econded by councilman .Schier ttLat the bills &- claims be approved as read. and tha t the l'iiayor and City Clerk draw v¡arrant s upon thcp proper .fund s .for payment o.f same\~, j',Iotion carried.':'iith the exception that the claim i'or ~~39,452.36 for National constructlon be held until all claims against the amount has been satisfied. BUILDHTG PERr-,UTS The follovling building parmi ts r!eY'e IT' esen ted and ac tad upon as follows: Richard Morgan, O.ffice Bldg. 12'X20', Frame, 10th & Sheridan, $1,400.00. Ro~ert Sahli, House, Frame, 26'X50', Frame, Lot lõ; Ellis Addn. $17,500.00. Julian Oen, Port Office, 20'X22', Frame, Water & Benedict , ~4,000.OO. . It VIas moved by Councilman Lj,ndsey seconded by Council-an Judy thë:tt the buj_lding permits be gl"anted. ¡':otion caY>rie d. 8 C O!.ï¡',OTTI C A 'i'I ONS The follow:~ng cormnunications Vlere Pl'osented and ac tcd upon as follows: From Joseph C. Heitz, Port Townsend, Wn. Jan, 10, 1968 to-'ni t: Attn. - City Council We have a claim of ~~9.93 "gainst the sewer construction company for damage òcme our automatic washing machine ~s a result of a broken water pipe. Joseph C. I-Ieitz -- -',-