HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/1967 101 fiIETU'I'ES OF THE ;:;:SGULAR SESSI N OF NO'1E~'hl5ER 21, 1967 COHTIl\TUED 8 Councilman Judy reported on the request for a street light at 52nd & Landes, saying that he an Mr Copps had checked the location and a street light was needed at that location. C:mncJlmal1! JUdy made a motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that a new Vapor street light be installed at the location that was requested. Motion carried. Ccmnci1man Lindsey reported on tho requesti'or a street to be Of)enod at 3rd and Sims way, saying that the conr!1ittee v~'ould have a report at the next regular se~;sion. I Marilou Green, Chairman of the planning comnission, informed thecauncil that at the last regular mee ting of the council she hc.d told them that ace ording to s ta te 1m"! a roc;inal planning commL::;sion board had to be set up, <-md it VlQS to be made up with oloctive officials, the I'¡;ayor and one cotì.l1cil member from the city. Iilayor Smith said that he \'ioulcl e;ive the name of the councilman to be a manbel' of' the board in the near f'uture. Frank Badalota, resident Engineer said that the South "'Jest Area Dnci the I'Torth Beach ar'3a vIas completed, the Horb East area would be completed by ton-lOr'row evening and recommended that the proper ty owners '0 e al~ov¡ed to connec t to the seller. I AD JO lTRNi'iIEN T As there \,-¡as no further business to carre before the ccnmc il at thÜ: time it was rr1.oved by CaUDC ilr,wn Lindsey see onded by Councilman :3iebenbaLHn that the me e ting do now adj :Jurn. IvIoti on carr ied. -'----- 8 Attes~~ C l - , er ---- MI~UT~S OF THE REGI~AR SESSION OF DECEMBER 5, 1967 December 5th k967 Port Townsend, Washington . The Ci ty Council of' the Ci ty of Port Townsend met in reguhœ sessic,n this 5th day of December 1967 at 7:30 p.m in the council chambers of the Cith Hall. L1ayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL I JM({1l Off'icer s and member's present '!leEe as 1'0110\...-8: Mayor Strlli'v""'8.n, Ci ty Attorney Ab.raham, City Cler-k Youngblood, Councilmen Ruby, Judy, Sc,hier, Siebenbaum, Lindsey. Councilmen Hoglund and Councilman Moòdy anived during session. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes of the previous session be dispenced with. Motion carried. BILLS Al'ID CLAIL'IS The following bills and claims audited by the f'inance coJTI..'Tlittee were presented and acted upon as follow s: 8 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND--------------------Voucher 'iJA TER FUND- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - --- - - - - -- - - V o1:ccher GARBAGE F1lliD----------------------------Voucher STRE:ET FUliTD- - -- - -- --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- --- - -- V o1J.cher LIBRARY F1~ID----------------------------Vo1:ccher PAffi\ FUIID-------------------------------Voucher FIREMEN PENSION AND RELIEF FUND---------Voucher ORDINANCE NO. 1506----------------------Voucher No.5099 No.1670 No. 1069 No.1083 No.1336 No.729 liTo. 190 No.43 through through thr ough thru ugh thDough thr ough through thr ough 5140---~4,598.48 1688---~p2, 213. 00 1079---~ 843~23 1096---il,531.31 1348---~ 399.45 734----$ 445.49 192----~ 133.27 47-----~48,149.81 I r.t was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Ruby that the bills and claims be approved as read and the r;!ayor and Ci ty Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment" of' S8J11e. TiIotion carried. OIï'[ì'IC ERS REF OR T C-i ty Clark The city clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Month of November 1967. I CURRENT EXPENSE Fu~D--------------------¥oucher WATER FUND------------------------------Vo1:ccher GARBAGE FUND----------------------------Voucher STREET FUrID---------~-------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND----------------------------Voucher PAm~ Fm~-------------------------------Voucher FIREhTEH PEr.J:3IOI'T AIID HELIEP FUND -- - -- --- -Voucher No.5080 throtgh 5098---$4,839.88 No.1663 through 1669---$2,207.15 No.1064 through 1068---¿~1, 940.87 ~o.1079 through lO82---~1,194.99 ~0.1335----------------~ 358.10 ~o. 728----------------~ 271.08 1';0. 188 through 18.9----~p 300.00 Tre£;surer Repor t The Trc-:;asurers reLort vIas rend in full f'or the !(lOnth of Nov. 1967 and was ordered filed. f'olic e Repor t The Police Report was read in full for the ;ilonth of' Nov. 1967 8nd VJas ordered filed. BUILDUiG PERMITS 8 The following building permit WÐS presented and acted uy;on as follcws: Nicholas R. D'Andrea, I-louse, 1500 sq', Frame, Block Z, Lot 2-4, Kunz Ranch Addn. ~?9,000.00. It WctS moved by Councilmë:.:n Huby seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the buildIng permit be granted. Motion carried. JUS ~,=I TUT_j,s OF L¡:~;; r;.:c;G-1JLAR 3~3.sIDH 0,-" D~~':;,l:;=B=H 5th 1967 COH'l'LnJ~D ,---, "'__M,"'-"- .------ Un ..- ---, "..,-,------------ ----- - ,-, -..--- --. ,,- -- -, ,--, -,,--, ------------ '--'-' CO=,=~:1I~':-ICAT:I' ITS The f'ollowing communications vIers r.r esen ted and ac t~d upon as f'olloviTS: 8 From Carey and Kramer, Seattle, ,:ashington Dec. 1,1967 to :vlÌ t City of' Port Townsend Port Townsend, l,;ashington iionorable Úayor and Ci ty Council: H ational Cons true ti on Co. Contrac tor for Schedu10 s "B" pond II C" on tho ~ewaße Sys~em I:TIprovemen t Pror;ram haD sllbstantia1ly completed their contract except :.:'or the restorat:i,on of the lir;ht bituminous ~troGt surfaci:1.r;. '.Je extirmte the max~mWil exrlense for' t:1.0 light 'oiturninous re[;tora- tion to be ~,,:26,000.00. This v~ork must be done dvrinr; VIal" dry weather v,r-ich Hill ~\e early SUYrlmer of' 1968. ',ie sug:;est holding (:10,000.00 of' l'Jat:i-ona1t s teE ',Jorcent retainao;e "laney until t is restoration is com;J1eted just to :insure tl-leir l.7Ìllinßness to do t:Üs vJOrk. ','ie have submitted a signed statement f'rom l'at:i,ona1 Construction a~reGinr; to do the light 'Jituminous street rostoratL:m along VI"th some otl:or minor it oms. )e also have ,sub'-"1ittod the final e s tima tes for ar'proval. '.'!e rec or1inend tho 'J i ty of 20r t To'~msend accept th e se':!er 1:1,ne s for maintenance and onerati:::m. The City has a one year ':!arranty against f'au1ty vlOrk or m[~teri8,ls in the contract with the C ntractor. I Very truly yours, -:;!l~iSY A=:D KRL':~R Keitl:. .Li;. Grim I ,.ayor Smith ref'erred tile above col11.1'!lunication to;';:le st:ceet mè. seVIer cQ:¡mlittoG ~'or a l"eCOEh'?l- endation for the aceptanco of the sower. ~l::'SIG:~A'J'I IT The f'ollo1."iing resigna ti"n nas presented and ac t3d '),con as f'ollous: 8 ::onorab1e l'.J,ayor 8: City Council Gent1enen: I hereby tender my re signa ti -n as ',,:ater, Sem:::œ 2nd ,stroe t'3u:perintenden t effec ti "lIO J anuaI'Y 1, 1968. I have aDprecia ted 1.ïorking for the City of' 20rt Townsend for t:-:.e :ra st tv:l<mty t:'ree Joars. ::1esTìectfulJ.y ~;] ur, Lyall k2,"ey CO1..'.l1ci1man Judy made a r.l0tion seconded by Council;:;}an L~_-,èse:,T that ":;l18 rDsi~nation 'oe acce:-;ted. "otion Carried. i,=ayor Smi th complimented ~,:r Arey and told him :lis nresence would be missed. ::a~,~or Smith said a letter \7D..S recs:i.vod f'r:):n "Gl'w Ch[cllJer of Co"1l"'.:.erce ren'L'.osti~:1E: t;~o City 2:1d PUD to set up a program to study and survey vIator needs, t:Loy r¡ould llke to haTe the C')ìJllci1, 200 and Cham'oer of Co~'Jerce Trustees t:;et to~etb.or and get a preseEta'..;icr: on just n::2t ele 1~2CtS are, E'nd if there vIas no objoct::"n frO:~l t:ì.1.e council, he 'NTLÜd Go ahead and answer the 10:;1;131" tell:'nr; them the c i t~T viould :Je Glad to 2'Y10 et vlÌ th them al1ytime. 'l'l1.ere 'O'Jas no ob joc t:,on from the council. I OriDI ,A '=:~ ::0 1523 A~': OHDIlTAi"C;~ V ACA T}_~',G 'l'I:~ ALL:ÓY l:¡~ 3LOCK 215 in tho ,¿;I SEl,r:::UI S A.cDI ':.:.'10:: '1'0 'l'T':; C D,Y OP POH'I' r~'0..lT3::'::ED, AFD 'J.J..~AT .?OliTIJH 0::::' TI.~~ fl.LL,~Y ~O1,)T.iI IJ;,: 'l'13 ,3'rAT;'::;:::L:L',,'AY L: BLOCK 188 0;,,' SAID l::;IMNT~IS A1J,CITI0lT, 'l'0::,L~T-=~R ",iIT_I 'IT,,:::AT ~ OR'l'T ~: 0..7 JACICJœ 3'l'l-U~'l' LYL:,} D~r?."~=:a-T SIXTH I'3TR~ET Al:D 'J.,I'l: .sTA'l'~,:::IJ-.~=,;AY; n~SLjl1VI1TG ::IAS~::~:rTTS ri':~-=_:,3I~: A"D PTIOVIDLTG lì'0:~ PR~:3:~HVATlt)lT OF ZLZC TIUC ~'O,:3n LIlT~ RIG-IIT-O:?<iAY T:í.LmEIlT. 8 Ci ty Attorney Abraham COl~l1"jOntod tllè::lt t~1e Ordina.."'lco was t:lO resul t of the council vacat5,'1.~ ':::10 alleys and port' ons of stro.Jts at tho "ublic :::ear:':1.S ot t:1.e last council nee-til1.;::;. Councilman Lindsey :n1ade a :'...otion secon,dod by Co1J,DciL..,an J"..ldy t11at the :f'.irst read:i.n¿; of' Ord. no. 1528 be considered the second reading and tIle t:':.:i_rd rood:i,n,r; be by title only. "Totj,on carried. Ordinance no. 1528 1:¡CS aßain read for the t: 'il""d th1e by title 0:"=7 and it vIas }":'1oved by Councilman Ruby seco!lded by Co'...'Dci1man Lir:dsey that ttle ordina:1ce do nOl'1 nass. :,:otion carried. I C '} -:ITT3--;; r::::;o:\'rs Co:.."nc iLlan Judy re orted for '~:1e ?iro c.: Li""óh t Cœ;I,:i ttee, s ayin,r; tha t t:'ler3 ~1ad b eon a re,"1Ues t for a street light at 4th & Logan, the location had beon chedked and the,'e ~as a need for a -'-~['-)lt and reco::Llended Ülat a ne,,-¡ street li:;ht 'oe infJta11ed at t-_at lac at:"on. Counc il:nan Linds'ey reported that he and the Chie1" of no:"ice hud c:ledked an a r'GI;ort that a street lir;ht was needed by tl'lG nor¡ buildinr!; projo~t on SanJuan. ~:a~rDr Sr:1.ith rGferl~od tl1.e r:atteD to the _?ire c.. LiGht Conr:1Ì ttee. I Councilman Ruby said that :ì.l,e rJOlÜd llke to have a :~leet:",ns; of tl:e -~aròor and ~Iea1tl' CO~'1!'::ïtt::;e wr:ich had to do wi th the garba:"",e deJ]art:-nent. OLD BUSI:ïSSS :,l:ayor ::':;'1lith sta ed that u,'c' er old business the bu Idi~r:; code s}'ould Òe taj~erl ur due to the hearins the other night. ~ì:e said it seomed at the moetin,~ the majority of the '"eo-le are for a budilding code, \'lith SO":le u.ncertai"ty tmïards enforce'11ent featnros, and '{J:lere to draw the'_"ne between the code and old bu~_JdiYJgs. Jle said as far as t:"2e ctb.ir ca:l. see rj_r;h t r,ow, they'e were two alternatives, 0 u can pass the code ',1.0W or 110têì8.SS t>',e code or table ~:ho code '~wo ueeks or a :-:1onth for a cÌlance f'or several to get to?;ct>er :~nd go tLrou,o;h and fj,nd 0 ut what 'r)arao;ra'~hs could be changed. The c:ì.1.air '//0' Id entertain a moti.,n e:i- tJlOr way. Councilman Lindsey said :le ':Jo~..üd like to see all~he c ')'ncil l:.ere oGi'ore vot Ln~ 0:-:' -:;ho c()deand ~'el tit s ould be tabled. Co 'ncil~nan L1,nsoy :"lade a ":J.~)tion seconded by CO11DC il:l1an Judy that the building code be tabled until the 16th of January. I:Iot:lor., carried. 8 II l09 NINUTES OF THE RßGULAR SESSION OF DEC~IiIBER 5th 196'7 CON'I'INUED I j\Jiayor Smi th said the chair would like to throvv out a couple of items vi.hich should be though about because the '"el'e go:Lng to show up on the agenda in one way or another in the near f'uture. One is the ci ty hall, the physical condi tion of the building, the crowded offices and etc. 1he rec. center was a possibility, rental was a possibility and suggested the council study.:-al1 areas. The other item was the establishment of a graduated pay sca.le, based on merit and length of service for city employees. Counc ilman Lindsey sugges t:-;d a counc il be formed to check vri th school and see if the roc centér could be hade-i.n one way or another. Councilman Scheye:r', Judy and Siebenbau.m spoke briefly on the rec. Center. rvIr Fred Lester coTILmented that th8 school ViaS a little unhappy with the set up at the rec c<;:nter at this t:Lme-:. Iilayor Smith ~oncluded the discussion by stating thb.t some remar'ks attributing to the school systems vrillingness to part vri th the Rec. Center would be immediately investigated. Councilman Lindsey said he "'/Quld like to see SOI!1e :,ort of a fencE:d area on city property in which city equipment could be parked at night. CouncHhman Ru y also commented that city equipment sho'.'1d not be parked allover town. ìflayor Si ty said tha t could be handled on the administrative side. 8 AD J 0 UTI ~n.'ÏEN T I As there Co1jncilman carried. was no further business to come bef'ore the council at this time it was moved by Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that.: meeting do T<t1/yjourn. I'~otion ~I- . V_~ r-"'~ /' ,'-' LUY O~~~æ.- ;L2~z..; .,() 8 IvIIl-JUTES OF THE REGUIA R SESSION OF DECØvIBER 19, 1967 December 19, 1967 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 19th day of Dec. 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. IEayor ;)mith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and memoers present were as f'ollows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerkf Youngblood, Counc ilmen Judy, Hoglund, Scheyer, Siebenbaum, Lir.,dsey, Moody, Ruby. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION I I,Unutes of' the previous session were read in full und it ViaE, moved by Cçmncilman L~.ndsey seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as rEad and the l'.-1ayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BUI LDING PERUiITS The f'ollowing building permits were presented and acted upon as f'ollows: Edward %,aylor, Stone Wall, 1501 long, Chestnut & P, ~~300.00. Stanley Robichaux, Enlarge Living Roo!}l, 4IX12', Frame, 510 Lawrence, $;1,000.00. 1:'Jilliam Cunningham, Carport, Frame, 201X121, Oak & Cosgrove, ~i75.00. Fred Stapf, Addn. to Home, 121X151, Frame, 147'20th & McNeil, $500.00. John C. Newsom, Fence, 1241X41 high, Cedar, Steel posts, 335 Sheridan, $150.00. Frank Kilham, Addition to Porch, 7'X231, Frame, 607 ~Jler, ~~lE)O.OO. 8 It was moved by Councilman l1uby seconded by Councilman Judy -t.'1at ~..;he building permi ts be granted. Motion carried. C OMj,ImnCA 1'1 ONS The f'o.uowing commurÜc at1ions were pres et1ted and ac ted upon as follow s: From the P'acific National Bank of Seattle Dec. 8, 1967 to;wit: I ~iss Dolores Hoyt, City Treasurer City Hall Port Townsend, Washington Re: Port Tovmsend Special Water Revenue Bonds No. 7-0722 Dear I'.1i ss Hoyt: Now that the construction of the Ì'vater1ine is complete we are left '¡'lith approximately ~þ109,000 in the Construction Fund. I According to our interpretat:1.on of' the Ordinance' thére are two possibili tes in handling this money: (1) it may be left in the Construction Fund on the written direction of the City where it may be used by the city f'or the purpose of Dlaking replac:eoments to the lease system other than thoes described in Ordinance No. 1318; or (2) it shall be transferred to the Bond Redemption Fund. 8 There are no provisj.ons for iŒlesting money within the Bond Redemption Fund. It would have to be held in cash until such time there was enough money to redeenl all of the bonds out- standing. Therefore, it is our rec OInrnenda tion tlLe money be 1ef t in the Cons true tion Fund and inve s ted in U.S. Government securities. At present' you may expect to receive a 5 3/4 % yield which is greater than the interest you arc pay'ng 01': the bonds novi out~;tanding; naxnely, betneen 2.75% and 3.15%. Our fee f'or handling the monies in the Construction Fund would be 1/4 of 1% of' the amount invested annually. Them3fore, would you present these reconmwndations to the City Council when they meet December 19 and \'te will act in accordance wi th their direc.tions. The letter should also approve our proposea fee. Should you need any additional information or clarification you may expect our full cooperation Yours very truly, Collin E. Blakley Assistant Trust Off~cer