HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/1967 Sl: MINUTES OF THE REGUlJ!. R SESSION OF JUNE 20, 196'7 8 June 20, 1967 Port Townsend, Washington The city council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 20th day of June 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of t;he City Hall. MEyor Sullivan presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follOWS: mayor Sullivan, Ci t;y Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Swietzer, Hoglund, Ruby, Siebenbatll1l, Lindsey, Carter. Councilman Judy absent. I ¡vII NUTES. OF TH3 PREVIOUS SESSION '. ~ The minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMITS I The following building permi ts were presented and ac ted upon as follows: Antone Rogne, House, 571 sq', Frame, 134 Holcomb, $;4,000.00 William Rickenbach, House, 37'X43',. Frame, 727 Jackson, $15,750.00. W.H. Winterburn, Comfort Stations, 22'x 36', Frame & Concrete, PT Boat O.E. Edney, Gar~ge, Cembnt Blocks, 24'X24', 2010 Landes, $800.00. Ed May, Re-?'Roof, Fiber Glass Tar & Sheating, 926 Water st., $eoo.oo.. Bob Reed, Fence, 45'x6~1, 54Ix5}', Wood, 1135 3rd st.; $150.00. Haven, $10,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Sieber..baurn that the building IE rmits be granted. Motion carried. 8 MOVING PERMITS The following moving permits were IT esented and ac ted upon as follows: I M. Reed, Building from Fort Worden to 1217 Corona, to be moved by Btbib.deéi House NIovers Bremerton. Lloyd L. Hansen, Ðwelling, 24'x40', from Fort Worden to Lot 25&26, Cherry Park, to be moved by Bonded House Movers (Bremerton) or Neb Balch Port Townsend. Llo~ L. Hansen, Swelling, 36'X24', from Fort Worden to Lots 1&2, Block 23, Petty Grove 2nd. to be moved by Bonded House Movers (Bremerton) or Neb Balch Port Townsend. Lloyd L. Hansen, Swelling,. 36'X24', from Fort Worden to Block 23 lot 7&8, Tettygrove end Addn. to be moved by Bonded House Movers (Bremer ton) or Neb Balck Port Townsend. Lloyd L. Hansen, Swelling, 36'x24', From Fort Worden to Block 23, Lots 5&6, Petty Gove 2nd Addn. to be moved by Bonded House Movers (Brernerton) or Neb Balch Port Townsend. All moving permits to abide by Ord. No. 907. It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Swietzer thàt the ÌIlo-vlrlgngepmits be granted. Motion carr~ed. coMr..ruNIcA TI omrs The following communications were pÐesented,and acted upon as follows: From Edward W. Roberson, Longview, Wash. June 17, 1967 towit: Mayor City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Wash. 8 Dear Sir: I We purchased the Hamilton Addition and the Phoenix Addition except lots 7&8, of the city of Port Townsend, There.are several matters I would like cleared up. The owner of tþe land just north of the Hamilton Addition has placed a new fence in the middle of Howard St. from Hastings St. to our north line. He has cultivated the land right up to the fence. It is our desire to use Howard St. and grade it and possibly gravel it und run water main at least two thirds of the way thru our land. The land owner states he was given permis& on to build the fence in the middle of the right of way and is disturbed with our desire to build the road there. This is the most logical location to tap our land. \fuat can be done to get the owner to move the fence? If he refuses to move it do we have the right to remove its Does the city allow Trailers within the city if inspected septic tanks are enstalled? We have considered building loop roads east and west and estab¡ish trailer home sites on one to 3 or 4 ~ots if thi s is allowable. 'Ihe loop roads would both lead off of HO\vard st. If we did develop it like this we would want to leave the timer standing so it would more or less be like a park. There are several other matters to be discussed with you and your council if the two questions above can be ironed out. I Yours truly Ed Roberson Mayor SullivE).n .referred the above communication to the Street -Supt. From H. J. Carroll, Port Townsend, May 31,1967 to-wit: City Cl erk, Port Townsend, Wash. Dear Sir: Re: Water Line. 8 I wo:..J.ld like to hå.ve a six inch water line installed from iiastings Avenùe to 30th St. and Bowar Street about 600 feet. I will pay the cost of the pipe. Very truly' yours, H. J. Carroll Mayor Sullivan referred the above co~mun~cati n the the Water Supt. änd the Water committee. 82 r.1INUTES OF THE R~GUL1iR SESSIJN OF JUNE 20,1967 CONTINUED f-rrtr-v, , -- --------------_._.__._----~--_. '~-~---=--~~:s.+._~~~-~----=--=':"'::~~-=-~ '_--_n From-Uf2;ene 0 Forest, Port Townsend Garden Club, June 15, 67 to-wit: ~ort Townsend City Council City Hall Port Townsend, Washington n ,., - - ._'- ' - -...--. '~--'---_.'-'---- 8 Dear Council Members: At our June 15th meeting it was brought to the attention of the Garden Club that the new planting we sponsered at the foot of the terrace just prior to the Rhodendron Festival is not being properly watered. Mrs Roberts, a guest at our meeting told the members th~t T.Ir. Roberts, park Caretaker, has difficulty in properly watering the ~ark, the Terrace, etc. as he bas to abide by the spr:~nkling hours. ';,'e would like to request the Council to reli.e'im Mr. Roberts of the sprinkling r8strictions because of the vast area he has to water è'.nd the fact that he is hampered by tht:3 many vis:.tors to the park area. 'i,/e as a Garden Club take pride in contributing to our City's beautificati n ö.nd do not like to see our time, effort and money wasted because of lack of necessary water. l'je would be most p;rateful if the City Council would act on this DB tter at once and grant the caretaker permission to water without restrictions. I Sincerely, j.Jrs Eu.jene O. Forest Secretary I Councilman Swietzer thoujht it \vould be perl:1isu~:le for t~1e pö.rk and Golf course at night as long as they kept in the restricted- Jours. ~Iiater Supt. Ùrey stated that the council make the r:Jp;ulations, rules and byla'Ns and that; the wa ter department was doinp; all they could to live by it è,nd if to nuch water WRS used as night it was impossible to keep enough water in the reservoir so people on morGan hill could hö.ve rlater. Councilman Rub; said that special hours should be ê:J.IDwed for the city parks a::1d golf course. Councilman inebenbaum said that the ci ty should live up to the rep;ulat' 'ns as imrosed on others. Councilman Lindsey reconIT.1ended leavin('; the matter in the hands of the Vlö.ter Supt. in vievl of his knowledge of the situation. =fo further acti~n was taken by the council. 8 From Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce June 19, 1967 to-wit: Port Townsend City Council Port To1l1ffis end ~.¡Tashington Gen tl emen: I ','}e the members of the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce do hereby recommend that you the City Council consider removing Chetze:-.1oka Park, the terrace at the foot of .~'ater Street and the 3lks 3-olf Course from Via ter ~np; res tr ic ti ons du e to their size and the problems involved in their being watered during sprinkling hours. Very truly yours, A. Clemens Grady Secretary From Olympic Ferries June 5~ 1967 to-wit: 30norable Dennis Sullivan - Ci~ Council ~ i ty Hall Port Townsend, iJashington Gentlemen: 8 Q,uincy Street has been proved and extended beyond the pr esent blacktopping. ;Je earnestly urge this portion of ~uincy Street between the ferry dock and surfaced be blacktopped. To do this will provide more parking area for ferry pa trans and to th¡" t extent releive Port Townsend :?arkinrr) problem. Respectfully yours, 01ympic Ferries A. Clemens Grady Vice President I I>Œayor Sullivan referred the above col't1lílUnication to the Supt. of Streets and ';treet Cou1mi ttee. To City Council We the J:B ople and property owners whose sir;natures appear oeloVl and residents on ~~iscovery Bay road from I':IcPherson to ci ty limits. ..Je respec tfully request your consid.œa-::;ion ut this time for city water service. Sam Taylor A. c. Swanson, J;rwin Graves, Steve Castellano, ~Jildred Scni th, Virgil L. See~ Doris C. ',';'£1. tkins, Bob Ja tkins, Doll G..ihi tnack, norma A. ilolz, ~lubert ~1. ii:nfield, H. ,T. Carroll Roger Kilmer, Ken Loftihus. I No Action taken by the council. 8 ..~_nl - 8B MItWTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF ~Œ 20, 1967 CONTI NUill) ORDINANCE NO. 1510 8 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING GRADES ON SANJUAN AVENUE AT THE CEHTERLINE OF SIMS VifAY, AND OF 12TH STREET FROM TIlE CEìITERLINE OF SAN JUAN AVENUE TO THE C~~TERLINE OF LANDES STREET I It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by ti tIe only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1510 was again read by title only and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by councilman Hoglund that Ordinance No. 1510 do now pass. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1511 I AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, AND ITS. ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, Ì\'LAINTAIN, OPEEATE AND REMOVE PIPE LINES ACROSS A STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AND GRANTING TO SAID UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, A CALIF-::- FORIA CORPORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT ~'O OPERATE, MAINTAIN AND RET'JTOVE A WHARF IN SAID CITY OP PORT TOWNSEND, IN RENEWAL.OF RIGHTS GRANTED :IN dRDINANCE NO. 1299. " - It was moved b~ CoqncLlman Lindsey seconded ~y Councilman Hoglund that the first reading be considered the .secÓnd reading and the third ,reading be by title ODl :1. Motion carried. . ' Ordinance No. ~5ll was again read by title only and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hogl~nd,that Ordinance No. 1511 do now pass. ' Motion earried. 8 ,.~. ". ORDINANCE NO. 1512 AN ORDINANCE APiROPRIATING THE SUM OF $75.00 FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES IN TIill PLANNING CO~~~ ISSION BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1967, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Due to the nature of ordinance No. 1512 it had to be held ovel' until the next regular session. I ORDINANCE NO. ~5l3 .AN ÒRDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,000.00 TO 'YrIE FIREMENI S PENSION AND .RELIEF APPROPRIAT=ON )OR "THE 1967 BUDGET, AND DECLARINC~ AN EMERGENCY. . Due to the natl!l'e of Ordinance No. 1513 it had to be held over until the next regular session. PUBLIC l:.rEARING The Public Hearing that was held over from the last regular session was again brought before the council. Councilman Lindsey stated that there had been an error in not vacating that portion .of front street that was now being asked to be vacated, he said that it had been fillecil. in and felt that tha t por tion should be vacated. Counc ilman Lindsey made a motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that the portion of Front Street be vacated. Motion carried. 8 Mayor Sullivan informed the council that the next regular session of the council would fall on the fourth of July and that a new date would have to be set to hold the next regular session. Councilman Hoglund made a .mo~ion seconded by Councilman Ruby that due to the council meeting II fa"lli)1g on the fcurth of July that the next regular council meeting be held on the 11th of July. Motion carried. Councilman Hoglund said that inves tiga tion and .neggotia tion:3 vIas s till going on wi th !VIr Porter on the property and should have a defini te ansvver one way or the other by the next council meeting. I Councilman Lindsey said that he had been approched about the height of fences and special type of fences thtJ.t are being build in the ci ty. Councilman Huby said that the ci ty would havy to have zoneing before any regultitions could be set on the height or type of fences being built. Engineer Becker stated that the sewer project is going to bping about a lot of side sewer connections, different contractors aree quoting different priees on side sewer work, mainly. because some contrac tors aree quoting on pIes tic pipe and the l'iber type. He tough tit would be good for the city council to go on record which t~e to accept and which not to accept and recommended any type except the plastic or fiber type. Atter some discussion it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Swietzer to exclude the use of plastic or fiber type sewer pipe on side sewer connecti:ms in the ci ty of Port ,Tm'ffisend. Motion carried. I Councilman Ruby asked what happened to the progress of work on discovery road, he WaS informed by the Street Supt. thèJ.t another dozer was being arranged for to finish the project. ADJOURNI\lliNT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time it was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Carter thèJ.t the Ineeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. 8 At teg t: ~~ f!I?~ ~ CitY. e r.íA YOR ¡¿: . :~ ~A f/~~ ~ .