HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/1967 6.0 NlnmTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 17th 1967 CONTnmED The city clerk also reminded the council that all house numbers were given. out bþ the E~~ineers office. Engineer. Becker said that who e~er wanted a house number, all that they had to do was call his office. 8 ADJOURNMENT. . As therè Councilman J&:arried. was no further business to come before the council at this time it was moved by Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siebenbau:~~:t ~~~tion J4i:~~~ I Attest: MIN~rES OP THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 7th 1967 Rebruary 7, 1967 Port Townsend, Washington The city council of the City of Port Tovmsend met in regular session this 7th day of Feb. 1967 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city hall. May:)r Sullivan presiding. I ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Sullivan, City Attorney Abraham, City Cle¡rk Youngblood, City Councilmen Ruby, Judy, Sweitzer, Carter, Lindsey, Siebenbaum. Colillcilman Hoglund absent. MINUTES OF THE PR EVI OUS SESS ION 8 Judly Minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman XXKM~XMM seconded by councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and that the .Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. REGULAH ORDER OF BUSINE:S DISPENSED It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Sweitzer that the regular order of business be dispensed with at this time so that the bijs could be openàd road project and also bids ~or a pickup for the water department. Motion carried. The follmving bids were opened for the road pro j ec t: J.P. Surace Construction Co. Buck Mountain Logging Co. J.W. Misich & I.M. Saimons Kent & Tucker, Inc. Ralph Wells Seattle, Wn. Quilcene Wash. Snohomish 'vVb. Bellevue, Washington Ephrata, Wn. 14,928.40 9,572.33 23,201.10 21,35.0.80 9,416.11 I It was moveè by Councilman Judy seconed by Councillnan Siebenbaum that the ci~r engineer check the bids. for errors band when finished give his report to the council on his recommendation. Motion carried. . . The following ~ids were ope~ed for a 1967 Pickup for the Water Department . . Buhler Motor Company ~ort Townsend ¡Thomas Motors ~ort Townsend I It was moved ~y CouncilmaQ Lindsey seconded by Motor Co. be accepted. Motion carried. Tota¡ bid " $1,690.88 1,915.81 Councilman Judy that the low bid of Buhler 8 REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS RESUMED . . It vvas moved ,by CounciL1an Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the regular order of business be res.umed. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS 'l'he following bills and claims audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as fOllows: I CURRENT EXPENSE FU}ID-------------------VouchÐr WATER FUND-----------------------------Voucher STREET FUIID----------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FUND- --- --- -- --- ------ -- -,-- - -- -Voucher LIBRARY FUND---------------------------Voucher PARK FUND------------------------------Voucher FIREMENT PENSION & RELIEF FUIID---------Voucher ORDINANCE NO. 1321---------------------Voucher ORDINANCE 1(0. 1506---- ----- -,--- ----- ---Voucher . No.4496through4502 ----~8,014.22 No .1404through 1424----~?2, 053. 3l2¡olfl, 'II No.919 through 933 ----$3,769.40 ~o.~?? Through ~~~ ---_dr 762.~2 ~Jo.lQ87throur;h l120----~1, 252.4!ffi I,To.619 through 628 ----'jt 251.89 No.135 through 141 ----~ 583.26 No.243. through 246 ----~~3,082.79 No.4 thr ough 6 -- --$26,678.31 I It was Jnoved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum thät the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayor & City Clerk draw warrants upon the prop!3r funds for ~ayment of same. Motion carried. AWARDING OF BID Enr;incer Becker informed the council that. all bids had been checked and ti:wt :~alph Wells Const. Co. 'Nas low bidder for ~;9,4l6.1l and reco:nmended that Ralph 'iiells Const. Co. be awårded the bid. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Judy tha t Ralph Wells Cons t. Co. low bid be accepted. Motion carried. 8 61' MINUTES OF THE REG1;LJ-\.R SESSION OF FEBRUARY 7th 1967 CONTINUED 8 OFFICERS REPOR T The city clerk reported the following salary warr~nts for the Month of Jari 1967. I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND---------Voucher No. WATER FUND-------------------Voucher Nå. STREET FUND------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE Fm\ID-----------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FŒ1D-----------------Voucher No. PARK FUND--------------------Voucher No. FIREM~N PENSION & RELIEF-----Voucher No. 4478 1397 915 872 1086 618 133 through 4495 through 1403 through 918 through 876 -.--$4,919.30 -.--$2,214.65 ,-.--~~l, 27l.14 -'--11, S 83.55 _.-- ;:.60.60 -'-- 273.58 -.--$ 275.00 t~ough 134 Treasurer Report The treasurers report was read for the Month of Jan. 1967 and Was ordered filed. Police Report The police report was read for the Month of Jan. 1967 and Was ordered filed. I BUILDING PERMITS The following building permi ts were' presented and ac ted upon as follows: Cijarles E. Hanby, House, 27'X44', Frame, 1225 Jefferson, $6,500.00. John E. Fish, Fence, 125' X 3' 3", Wood, 857 Tyler, ~~15 0.00. Robrcœt Sahli,. Apartmen t House, 168' X34', Frame & Brick, Harrison, Lot 2, Kuhns Ranch, $50,000. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Ruby that the building permits be granted. Motion carried. 8 ¡'.:HDVI NG PERMIT The following moving p ermi t W1:J.S pr esented 1:J.nd ac ted upon as follows: Cec il L. Muggy, Building, 22' X24', From 17th & Sfueridan to :27th &: Wilson, mover Cotton corporation, to be moved Feb. 11th and to abide by Ord. No. 907. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Rû.by that the building permit be granted. Motion carried. COj\lIMUNICATIONS The following communications VJere presented and acted upon as follows: I From Port Townsend Planning Commission, Feb. 6, 1967 to-wi t: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Port Townsend, Washington Dear Sirs: 8 We again urge the City Council to adopt the Standard Building Code and/or Fire Code as was requested in a letter to your body several months ago, and, fu ther, upon adoption of said codes, that an applicant for a building permit be required to submit to the City Council and the Planning Commission building plans to be studied by the proper committee 3nà the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval before said building permit be granted. Also, we respectfully request that prior to building permit b'3ing granted, us site plan be submitted to the City Council and 'the Planning Commission for study and recommendation, especially in the case of commercial building~ and replats. These requests are the result of a motion made and passed unanimously at a regular session of the Planning COmi'11Íss ion held on I:Ionday, Januäry 30, 1966. Respec tfull;y submi tted, Marilou Green Chairman From Widells Hardware January 24th 1967 to-wit: I Ci ty Counc il City Hall Port Townsend, Washington Gentlemen: I Sometime ago we were approached by the Police Department, and advised that we either pay $8.00 per month for a loading zone at our rear entrance, or that a parking meter wruld be placed the T'e. We have complied with the $8.00 monthly fee; however, it is a rare occasion that we zone as other merchants and business men make it a practice to park there all day. We are not adverse to paying for the priviledge of parking; unless it is possible for us to the spac e when needed, it seems redicul 'us for us to be the one s to pay for it. IIow therefore please be advised that unles s steps are taken by the police dera rtment to keep the main offenders out of this area, we will no longer comply with the ~~8. 00 monthly charge. can use the II use ':"'ours very truly, Paul A. Widell 8 Mayor Sullivan referred the above communication for study and a report at the next regular sessijn by the street and License colnmittee. From Stbtewide City Employees Retirement ~ystem Jan. 18, 1967 to-wit: Gale I. Youngblood City Clerk Port Townsend Washington Re: Carl P. Mullen Membership No. 6024-58 62 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 7th 19ö7 CONTINVED --~---- - ----'----~-~--~-_._-'--~--~._--~--- -h .. ~~-- ~-._--- ._~ ~---- -- ----~~--'_.._..'-------------'-' ----- - ,----.-.---- ----...-- Bear Mr. Young~lood: 8 ~~. Mullen has written us requesting information on his retirement as of July 1, 1967. The member ~'JaS extended one year to April 1, 1967 þy your City Council. no ,ever, this retirement date may be extended to meet the July 1, 1967 date by action of the Council. Please advise Counci~ acti n at your early convenience. Also please furnish earnable compensation re))ort for the member. Sincerely, Statewide City Employees Retirement 3ystem E.T Stowell It was moved by Copncilman Ruby seconded b~ Co1}lncilman Lindsey that ~,,'Ir 1.lullen e-:oloyment by the city be extended to July 1, 1967. Motion carried. I From Jess LaVera, Port 10wnsend January 26, 1967 to-wit: Ho¡-"orable ~:¡ayor and Ci ty Council of the City of Port Townsend I served as a regular paid fireman on the City force from December Under RCW 41.16.150 (2) HAny fireman who who shall have served for and shall resip.,n or be discharp;ed, sháll be paid the am.ount of his compounded interest~. The ci ty attorney has advised me tha t I should make application to the City Co'C,ncil for the return of contributions and interest, and I hereby make such application. 7, 1941 unti,l my resignation. a period of less than 20 years contributi~L. Plus accrud I Dear Sirs: Re spec tfully Submi tted, Jess LaVera 8 Ci ty Attorney Abraham stated tha t Iílr LaVera came into his offic e and asked al::;out tllis and it seemed that he intended to make al)plication for many years but hadnt he also said und surnested that the rèquest of ~f1r LaVeras be forwarde on to the Sta-:;e office for Firemen &: Pension & Relief and get an opinion on whether he could het his contributions back. Nfl" LaVera said that when he resil?;ned that the city clerk =IIr Christian and I'.1r Daly the city attorney at that time told .:.1Ím the he could not get his money back but now he understood that a lctw was passed in 1947 that could get your contributions back. May~r Sullivan told 1~ Lavera that the request would be looked into an6 a re;.ort would be ~iven on the decision at a läter date. R~"U~STS FOR STR¡E~T LICE-ìTS Port Townsend City Council Port Townsend 1¡v'ashington I Subject (light at Scout Cabin) Morgan Hill l:Ie feel that s street light is needed at the side entrances road to the scout cabin as the roadway is very dark and dangerous to the boys walking to and from the cabin, also it is very dark where the boys wait for their parents after the meeti~~s. 'de thank you for your attention to this matter. George G. Little, .L1. E. Bollinß Eonorable-Dennis;3ullivan, Mayor City C~'ncil of the City of Port TJvmsend Ci ty Hall Port Townsend, ~ashington 8 Gntlemen: This is my formal request for a street light to be placed at the corner of 57th Street and ¡rill Street. The corner is very dark and is need of a light. '::.'hank you Sincerely, Byron L. Ruby I rfayor Sullivan referré)d the two requests for street lights to the fire and light cO:-:l1nittee. Councilman Ruby said that the request for the street light had been looked into at 57th streIBt by Councilman Judy änd I~ Copps and the other request at the scout cabin would also be looked into to see if one is needed. SIDs.JALK R£C)ill.3T ~e the undersigned of the Port Townsend farent Teacher Associati n reQuest the city council to approve and install a sidewa~k on Blaine ~t~eet between the streets of ~Ialker and Benton. I Request signed by 20 signatures h~ayor Sullivan referred the above request to tile street cornmittee and t>e street supt. To the Mayor and Ci ty Council ~IIembers of 20rt Townsend, iJashinßton '.'Ie, the unders i?;ned, are r;s idents living on either s ide of .:.iolcomb street. ,i e are reques ting the city council to instruct the .futer Depärtment of Port Townsend to lay a water main of suff- icient size to furnish our homes with water and pressure that are adequate for our needs. Signed: Konrad Schvv'encke, James F ':')hillips, Ra'I1ond N. Benton, \'!ayne L ~-Jolfer, Fred R Thacker, Cliff Folmsbee, A.C. Benton, Raliegh Haynes, Ida ...lenrikson 8 "Iayor Sullivan said that the request had cmne up before and referred the renuest to the "rater co~~~ttes a%d Rhe water ~upt. ;;a ~r up. ~rey stated. tnat one person ~~ad, b)UP'ht a one inch.tap about .~5 o~ f'gr,.t_\T..., tyeavspa.,O".,o ana Slnce then there has been several Deop~e nookgö on ~o tile Ilne ana none hac c u~~ a ~a - from the city, if they buy ta)s from the ci ty he \'Jould guurantd:Je water. .~L ~ c} na MINUTES OF 'lHE REaULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 7, 1967 '::;ONTIN'UED 8 NEW & OLD BUSINE3S I Councilman, Ruby said that at Polk street between Maple and Cosgrove street was only about 10' wide and that a car had gotten stuck and had to be pulled out ~y a wrecker an~ ~uggested that the street committee shoiJlld take a look at :i.t. st:¡jeet:',ßp.pt. Arey stated that the street had been graded a short time ago but it was so steep that every time it rained it washed everything away. Áfter SOIOO further discussion it was the decision of the council th~t the block long street in question should be blocked off to car traffic. Councilman Siebenbaum request of Mr Wilbur to committee had looked it 1~ Wilbur to proceed. Councilman Sweitzer reported on the requ~st of the Elks Club to purchase some property at the eikw golf course to build an elks lodge. :le said that he found tha tit could be sold, he said there were mixed emotions on whether to sell some of the pro[.e rty for a Elks lodge and for his personal opinion he was against selling any city pro~rty but he would be in favor of a lease. Mr Milo Hammers ER of the Elks Lodge stated that he was representing Cecil Hall who was chair- man of the building conuni ttee and all they wanted is an ok from the counc il if they 'I'D uld be in favor of buying or leasing taeportion of the land for a clw). Attorney Abraham said that ~s Councilman..Sweitzer stated ther>e is a way that the property can be sola.. 'The:lease"possibility had been discussed in committee before but the problem for a lease"woulà have. to be neogiated every five years. 1'IM1 Hammers asked the Ci ty Attorneÿ if they should go ahead and form a plan for the building and also to assume that they have ¡::::ermission from the city council to either buy or leas the property. , . Attorney Abraham said that as he recalled the elks wanted an expression of an opinion from the council on whether or not they ~uld consider a lease if it could be worked out and if he was correct the council indicated they v.ould considerit, the p:('oposition on whether they would consider selling had never been put to the council as far as he knew. Mayor Sullivan asked ¡vIr Hammers if the Elks wanted the c~unc:Ll to go on record to either Ie as or sell the property. Mr Hammers Stated they would like to héJ:¡e the council go on record for favoring a lease or selling the pr~perty. Councilman Ruby suggested if r~ hammers & Mr Brown go before the Elks committee and determine the amount of property that they would be interested in for that would give the cou~cil somethi ~ to go on. Mr Brovm stated that the area the Elks vvanted was about two :3qu~re blocks and that it would not interfer with the golf in anyway. Councilman Siebenbaum felt that it would pose a problem if the city sold some of the propert, for s-omeone else would also ask for some, i t sho~:,ld be given considerable thought. Councilman Sweitzer said that he would like to h~ve a meeting of all the ouncil before next meeting to get it settled once and for all. Mayor Sullivan and the City Council p~id tribute to Miss Rutledge àong active ?s a civic work r, Miss Rutledge will make her home in California. IvIayor Sullivan announced a meeting in Olympia at 7 :30 Wedensday evening" the meCtting was for more monies for the cities, he asked all to attend that could. ' The ci ty clerk announc ed th~ t there would be a meeting at 9: ;30 A. M at Olympia to discuss more monies for street departments, illhe Mayor, City Engineer, and councilmen to attend if at all possible. , City Attorney Abrham mentioned that he 'vV',)uld like to mention the proposal of the Govençr. to ins ti tute a payroll tax for ci ties, he said it would be fine i'or Seattle but would do nothing for Port Townsend and other cities of this size and if anyone had any politician friends they should contact and let there feelings be known that it wood not help the smaller cities out. Mayor Sullivan brought up the letter from the planning commission on building code~. City Attorney Abraham stated that on building permits the council could not refuse to pass one unles it was in fire District No 1, a code should be adopted. MarR~l Green Chairman of the Planning Commission said that Port Toi'msend was the only city in the State its size that does not have a minimum building code. After some furt~er discussion it was moved by Councilman Sweitzer seconded by Counc :Llman Ruby thât a building code be adopted. Motion carried. Mr Richard Morgan Realtor spoke before the council concerning the large luxury type mobile homes presently being displayed at 10th & Sheridan. He said he hoped the city ordinance prohibiting the placing of mobile homes on private property would exclude this type of a mobile home. Alter considerable discuss ion on the pros and cons of that type of a mobile home. Mal1or Sullivan rèferred it to commi ttee and the planning commission :~or further study. report~d for the cormnittee that had been appoint~d by the Mayor on the log off blown down tim~er on city property at lords lake. He said the over and made the decesion that it should be logged off and had told I I 8 8 ADJOURNMENT I As there was no further business to come before the council at this time it vIas moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Ruby that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion Carried. & /~ MAYOR '. ~~~~ I Attes~&(1.17~ C i t le' I 8