HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1966 r:~' ,., ,)a MLNJtTES QE T..HE-R.EGLLLbJ} SE;3S-I ON QF DE_CEMBE_R 20th 1£166 8 December 20,1966 Port Townsend, Wash ington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 20th day on Dec. 1966 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Sullivan presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Sullivan, City ~ttorneyAbraham, City Clerk Youngblood, .Councilmen, Swei tzer, Judy, Ruby, S iebenb aum, Linds ey, C,arter, Counc ilman Hoglund absent. I MINUTES OF TIm ill EVIJUS SESSION It was moved by Counc ilman Cart-er seconded by Counc ilman Swei tzer the t the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMI~TS I The f,ollowing building permi ts were pres ented and ac ted upon as follows: Robert Sahli, Business Bldg., 40'x80', Lawrence & Kerney, Block & Frame, $11,000.00 William Richenbach, garage, 24'x24', Frame, Maple & V. ~~3,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Sweitzer that the building permits be granted. Motion carried. COMMUNI CA TI -ms The following communicati ons were pr esented and acted upon as foll:ows: 8 From Carey And Kramer, Seattle, Wash. Dec. 19, 1966 . to-wit:: Ctty Clerk City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington Dear Mr. Youngblood: I We have the contract documents executed and on file and suggest that the City Council direct us to issue the "Notice to Proceed" to both contractors. The effective date is optional and should be a few days after the contractor receives the notice. January 2nd would be a reasonable date. We also enclose the Army Engineers permit for construction of the outfall. The permit should be part of your permanent records. Very truly yours, CAREY AND KRAMER Keith E. Grim It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by councilman Sweitzer that Cary and Kramer be authorized to give notice to proceed. Motion carried. From Edgar. F. McMinn Port Townsend Wn. Dec. 12, 1966 to-wi t:: Council Members Ci ty of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington 8 Dear Sirs: I I write to ask you to review a situation and correct it if you can. I refer to the, regularion which requires that the Key City Lanes pay ten dollars per lane and fifteen dollars per pool table to the city annually, amo\mting to a total of one hundred, forty five dollars. I have talked with the city attorney and with several members of the Council. I learned from the city clerk that the records show the levy, or tax, as a lieense fee which was originally levied during the second World War, "more as a regulatory measure than for a souce of income." Since the Key City Lanes is operated as a legitimate business in the field of recreation, and since its clientele is composed of all segments of the oommumhty including youth, Golden Agers, church goups, the usually known ö.dult leagues both men ö.nd women, and open bowling for everyone including visitors to the city, I believe-that the business does not need to be regulated but' rather encouraged as a definite asset to the community. I doubt that few of the patrons who use its services would agree that its atmosphere or reputati n is such that a license is necessary to control or regulate its activities. As a businessman who wants a healthy business climate in the community and who desires to maintain a first class operation, I understand the need for t~ces and am quite willing to pay my fair share along with other businessmen in the co~~unity. But I strenuously object to paying discriminatory taxes or those which penalize those who cater to the healthful recreational needs of the areas citizenry, particularly at a time when such recreational facilities ö.re need9d more not less both here and throughout the nation. It seems to me that in an era when people have more cecreationHl time, ö.nd need ever better facilities in which to spend this time, the City would be well advised not to limit such businesses or cause higher costs to the consumers who use their services. Thank you for your study of this matter. As a Council, I know that you are hard pressed to find the means of financing many of the projects you must pursue. But because you do render a service to the community by virtue of your positi.ns on the Council, I hope you will understand my point of view and remove what I consider an antiquated, out of step kind of unfairness to a business concern which has not only its own survival at stake but, indirectly, the recreational welfare of the entire community. I 8 Sincerely, _Edgar F. McMilm, Owner Key City Lanes Mayor Sullivan referred the above communicati n to the Police & License commi'Eee at the next regular session. for a report From Pacific Northwes Bell Telephone Compay Dec. 14, 1966 to-wit: - - - -..--- - - - --- - --- 54 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSI )N OF DECENIBER 20, 1966 CONTINUED ._--~.- -. -.- -.n- -- -_.. ___n -- ------.---_u.-_u_-_u-------'-- .-----.-----.-.-""--- --------.-----.---- . - - - -_... -- -..- . City of Port Townsend City.dall Port Townsend, Washington 8 Gentlemen: Pacific Northwest Pell TeLephone Compay applies for a permit to place approximately löOO feet of buried telephone cable along the east side of Sheridan Street from Sims Way south to 3rd Street then along the south side of 3rd Street west to Grant Street; then along the west side of Grant Street to the south. The 1:J.ttached prints are marked in red to show location. The Telephone Company field engineer is O. Rask on ES 3-9511, Ext. 243 in Bremerton. If tho proposed work is agreeable, please sign below 1:J.nd return one copy to th:Ls office. Yours very truly, P.E. Davis Engineering Staff Supervisor I Supt. Arey said that he had talked with a representative from the telephone eo. but thö.t the line would be goine; down the same side as the nèw sew:er line, "lay or Su.Llivan a~3ked Supt. Arey to contact Nary and Kramer so that the line would not conflict with the new sewer line. From Plattne~ Amusement Dec. 19, 1966 to-wit: I Honorable Mayor and City Council , Gentlemen: Due to my illness I have sold my business which includes the amusexœnt master :License to Mr Hal McKee formerly of Olympia. Mr Mckee wishes to make application for the amusement license under the same name Plattner Amusement for the year of 1967 from Dec. 31 - 1966 throu December 31 - 1967. Enclosed is a check for $500.00 to cover the same, 8 Yours Respectfully Plattner Amusement Hal McKee It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Council'nan Judy that the amusement masœr license be granted to Mr McKee. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1507 AN ORDIHANCE AUTHORIZING THi!: SUP,~RINTEND~HT OF THE PORT TO.JNSEND GARBIWE DISPOSAL S3RVICE TO FIX FE~S )'OR TliE DUMPING OF GARBA3-E IN CITY OP~RATED GARBAGE DUMPS AND DISPOSAL SITES, UPON AP.ROVAL OF SAID FEES BY TIill CI'Yý COUNCIL, FOR CO:i"ILŒRCIAL US'óR3 OF SAID DUMPS IN CERTAIN CAS3S I It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Ruby that the first reading of Ord. No. 1507 be considered the second reading 1:J.nd the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1507 W[\s again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilm1:J.n Ruby tgat Ord. No. 1507 do now pass. ~otion carried. Supt. Arey asked the council if the billing of the new seHer rates would be in January he W3S informed by the City Attorney that the Rate Ordinance had not been prepared so it would not be until February. ADJOURNMENT 8 As there was no further business to come before the council a t this time it W1:J.S moved by Counc ilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Judy tha t the meetin.e; do now adjourn. :VIoti n carried. Attest~~ ~~ Ci. le UAYOR &~-?~, ~ ¿£~r ~/ .... I OIV. OF MUN. CO~ ~.~,M.4~ STATE iõXAi.jj,.ER I . 'I'" .~ I .'~', \.' .f., /: ." t ".. I 8