HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1966 4... " -;) Minutes of the .Regular Session of November 1st 1966 8 Nov. 1, 1966 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the Ci ty of Port Townsend met in regular session this Is t day of Nov. 1966 at 7:30 P.M. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Sullivan presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Sullivan, City Attorn~y Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Swietzer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Carter. I MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSIO N The minutes of the II' exious session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund, seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. BILLS & CLA$MS I The following bills ö.nd claims as audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: 8 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher No. 4297 through 4338 ---12,950..80 WATER FUND---------------------------¥oucher No. 1339 through 1350 -.-- 1,260.64 STREET FUND-------~------------------Voucher No. 869 through 878 --- 1,143.44 GARBAGE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. 822 through 833 -.--$ 769.Q6 PARK FUND~-----------~-----------~~--Voucher No. 586 .through 591 ~)--$ 140.39 LIBRARY FUND .------------------------Voucher No. 1022.through 1039 -.--$ 429.09 . SEWER FUND--------------------~------Voucher No. 476 through 484 -'--1 361.06 ORD. NO.o 1321------------------------Voucher No. 238 through 241 --- 2,002.55 FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF-------.------Voucher No. 118 through 119 -'--. 385.00 I twas .moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded b~.,' Councilman Ruby that the bills & c,laims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City. Clerk .draw warrants upon the prop~r funds for payment of same. Motion carried. . OFFI CERS REPOR T Ci ty Clerk The city clerk reported the following salary warrants for thg Month of October 1966. I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher No. WATER FUND---------------------------~oucher No. STREET FUND ----------------------,---Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. EARK FUND----------------------------Voucher ,No. LIBRARY FUND-------------------------Voucher No. SEVŒR FUND----~-----------------~-~--Voucher No. FIREMEN PEN & RELIEF ----------------Voucher No. . . 4279 through 4296 ---$4,760.89 1333 through 1338 ---$1,692.30 ~65 .through 868 ---$1,205.44 817 through 821 ---$1,883.94 585 -----------------$ 254.99 1021 ----------------$ 361.60 475 ----------------$ 401.17 116 through 117 ---$ 275.00 Treasurer . The Treasurer's report was read in .full for the Month of Oct.. 196€: and was ordered filed. Police Report ¡ The Pol~ce Report was read in full for the Month of Oclb1966 and was ordered filed. BUILDING PERMITS 8 The following building permit was pr esented and actGd upon as follows: . I.. Robert Harper, Shed, 18' X12', Frame, Madis on & Franklin, ~~.11(BID( $350.00. 0 . It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy the the building permit be granted. Motion carried. COMMUNICATI iNS I The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: From: Mrs Margaret J. Keehn, Park Boö.rd Chairman - Oct. 28,1966 ,to-wi t: To The City Council Port Townsend, Wn. Dear< Sirs: I As Parkboar~ Chairman, I request that three hundred follars be transferred in the budget, for 1966 from wages, temporary & hourly, to maintenance of buildings. 'I'his moneys is needed for repairs to the caretakers house in Chetzemoka Park for floor covering in back porch, kitchen, ba th, and bed roo, as it is worn and begin::ing, to peel up from the floor. Tha~.k you, Sincerely r~s Margaret J. Keehn Park Board Chairman. 8 It was moved by Councilman Carter seconded by Councilman Rub:r that a resolution be dra~n up to transferr 30.0.00 from wages to main tenance of buildings. Motion carried. Mayor Sullivan had the city clerk read the following bid: I submit the bid to paint up all existing holes in brick vvork and sand stone, clean out all loose joints and fill with cement mortor for the sum of $485.00 plus tax. Bruce Matheson TJiayor Sullivan said tha t Jhhe fron t of the building needed fixing real bad and tha t Mr Matheson had submitted the bid and would like to turn it over to the building commi~ee for study and work. \~ ..,_.~._.,,->'. . --..- hh._- -- 46 ___n______- ---- .' . ".. MINUTES OF THE REGUL~R SESSION OF NOVKiIBER 1, 10966 COlJTINŒGD -- --- -- ----------- --- ------------------ - -. - ------------------ -- - Un---_- ------ -------- BID WìJ11ARD T~ city clerk again read the following bids for police cars that were held over until t~is regular session. Kruse Car Center Total bid $3,295.00 Thomas Motors Total Bid 2,959.95. It was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Siebenbaum that the low bid of Thomas ~otors of $2,959.95 for two police cars be accepted. ~otion carried. 8 ~ayor Sullivan asked ~œ Ar~ Chin and Mr Keith Grimm to speak before the counc:_l on behalf of the sewer project. !'Ær Chin said that dr Keith Grimm would be the inspecting engineer for the sewer project and would see thö.t the the project would go to specifications. -Ml~ Chin also stated thö..t the bids on the sewer hö..d been checked and said that Ott-Atwater Co.. was low on Schedule A etnd that National Construction was low on Schedules B & C. The City Clerk Ìlvas asked to read a letter written by Carey and Kramer. I Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, ;,,1 ashington Subject: Award of Contracts Sewage System Improvement Program Gentlemen: I Enclose are tabulations of bids received on October 18, 1966 for your Sewage System Improvement Program. There were eight bids for Schedule "A", ten bids for Schedule "B", and fifteen bids for Schedule" C". - The low bid for Schedule "An is $367,000.00 submitted by Ott-Atwater Inc. of Seattle. The low bid for Schedule "B" is $293,615.00 submitted by National Construction Co. of Seattle. They qualified their bid by stating they will ö.ccept award of both Schedule "B" and "c" or none. The apparent low bidder, Hanson and Dominico of Seattle, had an error of over $120,000.00 in totaling their extension. Til_is makes them the sixth low bidder. The low bid on Schedule "c" is $212,534.45 submi tted by Tonnesen Construc tion and Slead' s Sep tic Sy's tem of 'racoma. National Construction Co.'s bid is fifth low at $241,227.50. However, Nat~onal Construction's combined aids for Schedule "B" and "c" totals ~t534, 842. 50 whereas the combined possible low bids for Schedule "B" and nC" totals $534,842.50 whereas the combined possible low bids of Commercial 3::xcavating on Schedule "B" of $339,915.50 and Tonnesen on Schedule" C" totals ~p!552, 449.95. Thus Nationals combined bids are $17,607.45 lower. 8 In effect the low bids are as follos: Schedule "A" Ott-Atwater 5t367,000.00 Schedules "B" & "c" National Canst. ~534,842.50 Total $901,842.50 The cost estimate we submitted to the City on Sep. 15, 1966 for the above work is $915,000.00. I ~e have discussed-the matter of financing the project with ~œ. Flint of McClean. He indicated the project to be -financially feasible. We have reviewed the project status with the Federal t~ter Pollution Control A~ninistration in Portland. They indicated that approval for award of project would be given when the application for approval hö.s been processed. This will take some tirle. Tn ordêr;tò,~eKpedite-'the.prajeètwe"~recommend that the City nward the contracts to the low biddÐrs Ott-Atwater and l'Jational Const. subject to aprroval of award by Federal 'dater Pollution. Control Administration and completion of financing. This will allow all who are involved with the project to plan ahead. de will attend the Council meetinp; on November 1st to answer any nuestions you may have on the project. Yours very truly, CAREY AND KRAÌ\ŒR Ark G. Chin. 8 Mr Lindnuis t Supt. of Fort Worden s ta ted that he had went to Olympia and ment:~oned to his su~)eriors the Department of Institutions thö.t he understood that the council would be meeting tonight and perhßps accept the low bids for the sewer project, he said that he was informed that the institution had no knowledge DDr had been contacted by Carey & Kramer. He said that he was not in the position to commit the Department of Institutions for any funds. Mr Lindquist asked l,œ Chin if this had been cleared or if there was any agreement or commitment from the: Department or Institutions. Mr Chins aaid that there had been contact with the l~)cal level but as far as a commitment for financing from the Bepartment of Institutions he did not know cut he had talked to lVIr Flint of McLean & Co. and was told that as soon as all the cost figures were in that the Department would be contacted. Mayor Sullivan informed the co~nc:l that the bids were up for accepting or for re:tjection. Attorney Abrham said that this is not the custom for accepting bids but would reccomend teat the motion be in form of a resolution which Has prepared, this is because under the federal grant it is necessary to forward a copy of the resolution of acceptancy of the bid. ¡ïe said the resolution was prepared as sup;gested by Cary and Kramer that it contained a number of qualific~ ations that the bids are accepted contingent upon completion of the federal grant and various other things that would appear in the resolution. ~ayor Sullivan called for the question. Engineer Becker said that about a year ago a few fir;ures were mentioned on how this was going to be paid for and at that time it was two or three dollars per customer, but s:Lnce then nothing: has been heard about the parice and wondered if Cary & Kramer had analyzed the east. Mr Chin said that they had talked to Mr Flin~, and thought the he waslgoing to attend this meeting and explain the cost, but didnt know why he did not show up. Engr. Becker said that the people were concerned on how much the cost would be to them believed the council could make no awards until they knew exactly what the cost would be. ~ayor Sullivan asked the City Clerk to read the foll~ving resolution. I I 8 R~SOLUTION 66 - A n::;SOLUTION PROVIDETG FOÌi A dARD OF BIDS ON TIlli SEWAG3 SYSTET:I IT.r¡PROVKiIóNT PROGRA]\1, AIm S _TTIlW FORTH CERTAIN COi'TDITIONS THEREON. / 4'7 ~ MINUTES OF 'l'}Œ REGULAR SESSION OF NOVEMBER 1st, lSJ66 CONTIì>TUED 8 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO RESOLVE: The City Council of the City of Port Townsend after reveiwing all bids submitted on its Sewage System Improvement Program awards Schedule "A" to Ott-Atwater Inc. of Seattle for the sum of $367,000.00, Schedule "B" to National Construction Co. of Seattle for-the Sum of . $293,615.00, and Schedule "c" to National Construction Co. for the swñ of $241,227.50. These awards are conditioned on approval of award by the Federal Water Pollution Administration and completion of financing. Carey and Kramer is hereby authorized to give "Notice to Proceed" to the contractors when the (j.pproval of award has been received from the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and the financing is completed. I Passed this Day of 1966 Mayor ATTEST: Ci ty Clerk I APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ci ty Attorney Councilman Carter said that the price per hookup that was talked about before was $3.00 to the ones who were already hooked up and $4.öO to the new hookups., He said that before we award any bids there shouldnt be any question on anyones mind of charges and felt that the awarding of the bids should be held over until we have something in writing from the State Depö.rtment of Institutions saying whether or not they are going along with us. 8 Councifuman Hoglund said he would like to echo Councilmö.n Carters feelings and felt that we shouldnt award the bids until the financial feasability study was s1wmitted to the council so that we will know exactly what the monthly rate will be. After some further discussion it was moved by Counc ilman Cè:rter s(~conded by Councilman Ruby that the bid award be held over until the next regular session. Motion carried. I RESOLUTION 66-8 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERING TIlE STJM OF $300.00 FROi'L THE 'rEí'\œORARY AND HOURLY WAGES APPROPRIA TI ON TO TI-IE MAINTENANCE OF BUILDING APPROPRIATION IN TI-IE 1966 BUDGET FOR THE CITY PARK FUHD. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSillTD, in regular session assembled, Do~s hereby resolve: That the sum of $300.00 be and it is hereby transferred from the appropriation for temporary and hourly wages to the appropriation for maintenance of buildings in the 1966 budget for the City Park Fund. Passed this day of November, 1966 MaY1r AT TES T: 8 City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney It was moved by Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Judy that Resolution 66-8 be adopted. Motion carried. I Councilman Siebenbaum reported that he, Supt. Arey and Engineer Becker made a trip to Tacoma to confer with thö.t citys water supply supervisor who also had had trouble with seagulls. It was found tha t on two reservoirs, Tacoma had elimated seagulls with expensive wÐ.ter spraying systmms along with overhead wires, and etc. On a third reservoir system, criss cross wires a.lone effectively discouraged the gulls for they could not lar..d or take off and t¡'lÍs was the one that was recommended for Port Townsend as the most effective and economical. Supt. Arey also reported that the wire and cable had been ordered ö.t a cost of around #380.00 and would be installed at the reservoir by the city as soon as possible. Councilman Lindsey said that this was the time to make a decesion on the request for a street lease that was held over until this session. The City Clerk read the fallowing recomæn- dation from the Planning Commission I Recommendation of the Port Townsend Planning Commission regarding the street lease petition as requested: That portion of Grant Street lying between the south boundary of T\velfth Street and the North boundary of Tenth Street, and that portion of Eleventh Street lying west of the west boundary of Sheridan Street, and the east boundary of tlendricks Street, all in the Eisenbeis addition to the City of Port Townsend. 8 The Commission members were not unanimous in their recommendation. Fojr members voted against the granting of said lease; three members voted for granting said lease. Two of the seven members of' the Commission felt the lease should be granted if the City were to receive considerately more remuneration than the 8.nnual amount suggested in the petition. Respectfully submitted, Marilou Breen Chairman ....4 ". 48 ------ -.---- -- ------- ---._-- - ----------------_.-- MINUT.L!;S OF TH.2 REGULAR SESSION OF N()V3~'iÍBER 1st 1966, CON':rrNUED -----.-... ------------- - - -------- -- _.------- ------- -- - - -- - Councilman Lindsey said that the co~mittee had not net on the reQuest of the lease and asked if any of the councilmen members would like to be heard. Couhcilman Hoglund said that based on the split vote of the planning commission plus the fact that the two that voted for granting of the le~se did so providing that the city receive more Doney that he th01~ht the lease should be denied. Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Councilman Sweitzer t:1.at the petition for the lease be denied. Motion carried. 8 Councilman Sweitzer reported on the request of the Elks Club for ö. long term lease for a building at the city golf course, he said that the city could not ~ive a lons term lease, the the best that could be done was a twenty year lease wi:ich "vould have to be renewed every five years. Ene Elks committee hQd asked about purchasing some of the propert;y and th~t he h~q told them he wo1.:_ld have to bring it up befor e the council. After some discussion I.Iayor Sullivan turned the requ)st over to the building comrni ttee and the Ci ty A ttorney for a :::eport Q t the next regul~r session. - I Police Chief Fhegley requested that the city council give permission for a new penatrator and also a plectron for the new police car that the city was purchasing, He said that there would be money ~or the items in the 1967 budget. dequest was granted by the council. Police Chief Phegley also reported on Halloween night, saying that it was quite and felt that due to his departments youth activities crime prevention programs of recent years was the reason for the quiteness. He mentioned that costs of the program was borne mainly by local service clubs the Rotary, Kiwanis and Elks. I Police Chief Phegley said that he had started a photo lab ö.t the police station but to have it complete he needed an enlarger, the cost wmld be around 100.00. He stated that at the present time he was paying ö.round 35çt per print and when they could start doing their own prints the cost would be around 6çt per print and on reprints would only be around lçt. Mr Vince Lux congrö.tulö.ted the water dept. for taking actim on the seö.gul1 matter but wand ered wh~t was being done about the organisms in the water. T~e health officer who vias present at the meeting said that by taking care of the seagulls it wOlld prac tically cleal' up all problems. 8 ADJ jURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time it vias moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Counilman Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. Attest:4& 12 /tw~ City Cle~ MAYOR (jJ¿f/J#~ g¿¿~~. I 8 I I 8 ~ h --.-.Ii