HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1987 429 ----------------------------------------------------------------------__--__un______--- --- - -- ------ ----- - _u_- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 15,1987 -- --------- ì EL ~~: ii~~ ~J~ f~:~~~ ~; g f p~ ~r i~ T~~:~ ~~:~ i I Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, Karen Chang, John Clise, '¡Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, and Norma Owsley. Also present were City ¡Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David: Grove, and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. , I - -- - - - .- _n- ._-- , in regular session this 15th Chambers of City Hall, ~~yor ROLL CAll, I MINUTES Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of November 30 and December 1, 1987, as written and to dispense with the reading of them whi¿n was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: I Current Expense $15,673.84 Street 4,310.54 Park 2,673.67 Emergency Medical Services 914.31 Federal Shared Revenue 702.19 Kah Tai Lagoon Park 41.23 Water-Sewer 14,953.85 Storm and Surface Water 332.03 'I Equipment Rental 2,920.98 Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Còuncilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS I The council received a letter dated December 10, 1987, from Lawrence E. Matson. ¡requesting an opportunity to meet with the council to show them projects his firm Ihas done for municipalities because he is interested in providing architectural, site engineering and planning services for the remodeling of the Carnegie Library Building. Mayor Shirley referred this to the library board for their information I IA letter dated December 8, 1987, from William H Broughton to KeitC1 Harper was copied for the council alledging that a contract for Animal Control Services is a contract for non-professional services and therefore subject to the bid law ,requirements and requesting that the city re-award the 1987 animal control contraèt ¡!Under mu_____tually agreed upon procedures which are fair to bidders and the public. : Mayor Shirley referred this to the City Attorney. IAn Environmental Checklist dated December 9, 1987 from Douglas and Nancy Lamywas : ¡copied for the council on a proposed conversion of four cabins at 430 to 444 Watet Street from monthly rental use to daily rental use. Mayor Shirley referred this ¡ to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. i ,A letter dated November 19, 1987 from Judy Hentz to David Grove ~~s copied for the ¡council indicating her support for the proposed Local Improvement District No. 1'1 ¡Mayor Shirley referred this to later on the agenda. I A letter dated December 2,1987, from Barbara J Ritchie, Environmental Review j Section of the Department of Ecology, to Mayor Shirley was copied for the council! 'I-commenting on the determination of nonsignificance for the improv,ement of the I wastewater treatment plant. !'1ayor Shirley referred this to the Legislative/ !Environmental Committee. IThe council received a letter dated December 4,1987, from Susan D. ~'Doughton ¡'indicating her support for the sewer project to serve Seaview Estates. Mayor ,Shirley referred this until later on the agenda. I ~ letter dated November 30,1987 from Peter Buck to Michael Hildt was copied for: ~he council regarding condition 12 of the approval for McDonald's restaurant alon~ fith a response from Mr. Hildt dated December 7,1987. , 430 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF U~CEMBER 15, 1987 Cont. ----- ~- ------ - ---.------..---- - ~-------,-------------,'---'-'-------""- ------ A letter from Bob DeWolfe to the Editor of the Port Townsend Leader was copied for the council commenting on the China Gardens matter. A letter dated December 4,1987 from David Grove to the Jefferson County Commis- sioners was copied for the council requesting financial and statisical informa- tion used to determine the dump fees at the Jefferson County Landfill. Mayor Shirley indicated that he and Mr. Grove will monitor the progress on this. A letter dated November 30, 1987, from Lawrence H. Tew to David Grove was copied for the council opposing the formation of Local Improvement District No.1 to provide sewer service to his property at 2490 Seaview Drive. Mayor Shirley ¡referred this until later on the agenda. ¡The council received a letter dated December 3,1987, from Gail Brandt in support I[Of Local Improvement District No.1 Mayor Shirley referred this until later on the agenda. A letter dated November 30,1987, from Ronald Taylor, Project Manager for the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, to Kevin Burke was copied for the council reporting that their agency has accepted the Kah Tai Lagoon Park as complete. Mr. Grove indicated that the final report from Kevin Burke was also copied for the council for their information. I The Council received a letter dated December 10, 1987, from Sharon L Barrea expressing her continued opposition to the formation of Local Improvement District No.1. Mayor Shirley referred this until later on the agenda. Mayor Shirley indicated that he also received a telephone call from her inquiring on the planned discussion for this meeting. A letter from Glenn Ison to David Grove was copied for the council on December 14, 1987 indicating that the letter of November 24,1987, from Wilbur E Harms in opposition to Local Improvement District No.1 only represents one half of the ownership of the property listed. By copy of the deed, he demonstrated that he and his wife also have an interest and are in support of the Local Improvement District. ~~yor Shirley referred this to later on the agenda. I i IA letter dated November 30, 1987, from Cheryl Van Dyke to Sue Sidle was copied ¡for the council indicating that she must resign from the Library Board because her current employment does not leave her with enough available time to meet the needs of the board. Mayor Shirley expressed his graditude to Ms Van Dyke for- her ¡service on the board. I liThe Council received a letter dated December 7,1987, from Raymond J Rollins ¡informing the city that Port Townsend Cable 1V is increasing it rates on January 11'1, 1988. After a brief discussion of changes in the law since our franchise was adopted, Mr. Harper indicated that the city has nothing to say about the rates they charge and Mr. Grove explained that some pressure can be brought to bear in the fact that the cable company will need to renew their franchise when it expires. , 'Two letters from Carl Allen and Evelyn Allen dated December 15, 1987 were copied for the colliìcil in opposition to Local Improvement District No.1. Mayor Shirley referred them until later on the agenda. A letter dated December 1, 1987, from Bill and Kathy Myers was copied for the council opposing the present sewer service charges and asking Vern Jones to answer their questions. The council received a letter dated December 9,1987, from Jay Vollmer requesting that the Water Meter Reader walk to read meters in a designated area rather than being allowed to drive from house to house. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Public Works Director. I PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Shirley announced that there is no public hearing tonight on Local Improve- ment District No.1 but he does anticipate that the council will discuss it later in the meeting. He invited anyone with new information about the LID to make their comments at this time. Cheryl Van Dyke was recognized and presented the council with a letter dated December 13,1987 from the accomodations committee of the Chamber of Commerce. They requested that the city restore funds separately for Centrum and allocate $30,000 for their advertsing budget in 1988. 431 MINUTES OF THE REGUlAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 15, 1987 Cont. ------~------------------------------------------- ------------ --__-___n --- ------------~---~-------------~--------------- ----------------------------_u -- u.- -- - -------_u_- I Mr. Lars Watson was recognized and spoke in favor of increased appropriations for the construction of the addition to the library by considering the needs at the library on par v,,¡ith needs at City Hall. Gv,,¡en Howard was recognized and spoke in favor of the library construction project. She then presented the council with a check for $16,000 from the Friends of the Library for investment in the Memor- I ial Fund. Sue Sidle was recognized and thanked Cheryl Van Dyke for her years of ¡ service on the Library Board. She explained the concern the Library Board has : ¡for the damage being caused by the roof leaking at the Library and invited the ¡city council to come and inspect the problems first hand. I ¡ I COMNITIEE REPORTS Street/Storm Drainage/Light. Councilmember Jones reported on the committee's in-' vestigation into problems with the sidewalk at Lawrence and Pierce Streets, the ¡traffic problems at 31st and Hancock suggesting that it be handed back to the ¡Police Committee, and a suggested curb cut at Van Buren and Water Street requested by the Sullivans. He suggested that they send a letter to the city council making it official. He reported that the committee believes that the two Maple trees: remaining on the "F" Street right-of-way be removed because they are rotting from: the inside. He made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Councilmember ! Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna reported that the committee con- ! ducted a public hearing on the proposed update to the Shoreline Master Plan and: there was no significant opposition to the draft with the amendments proposed by ! Mr. Hildt. A recommendation v.TÍll be forthcoming next month. Garbage Franchise for Olympic Disposal. Mr. Harper explained that the city is obligated to grant Olympic Disposal a franchise to provide garbage service in the' Island Vista area for five years because of the annexation. He then explained the ¡nature of the document. I I ! PJESOLUTION NO. 87-75 I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ISSUE A FRANCHISE TO OLYMPIC DISPOSAL Councilmember Kenna made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 87-75 which was seconde~ by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. : ! I Appointments. Mayor Shirley announced the re-appointments of Jim Tavernakis to the Planning Commission, Bob Grimm to the Planning Commission, and Don Droscher ' to the Civil Service Commission. He also announced the appointment of GvIen Howar~ to the Library Board to replace Cheryl Van Dyke. Councilmember Camfield made a . motion to approve the appointments which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and' passed unanimously by voice vote. I 1988 Council Committee Assignments. Councilmember Camfield reported that the committee structure is recommended as follows for 1988 indicating that the indi- : vidual desires of the councilmembers were taken into account as much as possible - and where there were differences, they used seniority on the-council to deter- ¡ Imine placement. Councilmember 1son made a motion to approve the assignments whiC~. was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I ¡WATER-SEWER ¡STREET/STORM DRAINAGE/LIGHT ¡PARKS/PROPERTY LEGISlATIVE/ENVIRONMENTAL POLICE/FIPJE/ ANIMAL CONTROL FINANCE COMMUNITY SERVICES (Note: the first councilmember Julie McCulloch, John Clise, Mike Kenna Vern Jones, Norma Owsley, Karen Chang Jean Camfield, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley Mike Kenna, Vern Jones, Jean Crunfield John Clise, Karen Chang, Mike Kenna Norma Owsley, John Clise, Jean Camfield Karen Chang, Julie McCulloch, Vern Jones ¡ listed is the designated chairman of the committ$e) , , Mayor Shirley reported that there may be a problem with Mrs Chang serving on the: Health Board and there is an opening left on the transit board to be filled by i ,a councilmember. I ¡ 432 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF DECEMBER 15, 1987 Cont. --------- --------.------.-."-' .-..-, - . ------ -,--'--------------'------' .,--- - ------.-- I I PUBLIC HEARINGS Variance Application No. 987-03 - Gunde & Biorn Lunde., Mr. Hildt explained that the Planning Comnission is recommending that the council grant this variance to allow construction of a 105 square foot laundry room addition to the residence at 1806 Clay Street under certain conditions. Mayor Shirley then opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Bjorn Lunde was recognized and spoke in favor of his appli- ¡cation explaining that he has considered other locations on his property to ,locate the laundry room and was unsuccessful. There being no further testimony, ¡Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over ¡to the council for disposition. Councilmember Ison made a motion that the council ¡adopt the following findings of fact and make the following conclusions to approv4 ¡the variance provided that the current pipe chimney in the area of the proposed !laundry room be replaced with either a factory built chimney or a masonry chimney manufactured and installed in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code. Councilmember Owsley , ,s'econded the motion which passed unanimously by voice vote. I Findings of Fact :1. The applicants propose a 105 square foot laundry room addition to their resi- ,dence at 806 Clay Street. With the proposed addition the total lot coverage would ¡be 25.6% of this 10,780 square foot lot. TIle current east side yard setback is '31feet 3 inches and would be reduced to 27 feet 6 inches. The current building separation between the garage and the house is six feet and will be reduced to 4~ feet instead of the required 10 feet. A variance is required for two reasons: (1) for the building separation (17.20.020 PTMC)and (2) for expansion of a non- conforming building (17.52.080 PTMC). 2. To the west is the Trinity Methodist Church and parsonage, to the north is a single family residence and chiropractic office, to the east and accross the street ia a victorian inn and single family residence and to the south and across the I street is a vacant victorian single family residence under renovation. The zoning ¡of the subject property and imnediate area is R-2 with the exception of Block 136 ¡which is C-3. I ¡3. There is adequate access for firefighting equipment available from Adams and ¡Clay Streets. !4. The Fire Department made an inspection of the property and has no objection !to the variance provided the current pipe chimney in the area of the proposed laundry room be replaced with either a factory built chimney or a masonry chimney !manufactured and installed in compliance with the applicable requirements of the ¡Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code. I i i I I 11. The proposed variance would not amount to a rezone nor constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the official zoning map. i I '2. Because of the high water table and clay soil under the house and lack of drainage there is concern for the flooding that occurs under the house during the rainy season. The hot water heater is located under the house and the flooding that occurs is hazardous to the water heater. Also, because of the existing close proximity of the garage to the house, special circumstances exist which do not I I¡result from actions of the applicant and ~1ich are peculiar to the subject property and are not applicable to other lands in the district. I 13. The variance requested would not confer a special privilege to the suþject ¡property that is denied to other lands in the same district. ì [4. The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the publicwelf?re or ¡injurious to the property or improvements on the vicinity and ~one ip which ,the ¡property is situated. i Conclusions I I' 5. The reasons set; for, th in the above referenced application justify the granting of tqe variance tha.t will make possible the reasonable use of the land. I " 16. The granting of the variance would be in harmony with the general purpose and ¡intent of Title 17 (zoning) of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. I I I 433 -______nJ1INU!:~_~~~n_~_~~~ß~§~_~ON_g£ ~~s;EMBER 1.5 L}J87. ~;;ont---____------ .____n_____._--_.._--_._-_._---",...-~...--u.- ."-nnu._-- .--.' Garbage Rate Increase. Mayor Shirley explained that a hearing ~1S set in anti- cipation that the county would be increasing the dump fees on January 1st but the decision was made not to change the rates as anticipated. TI1erefore there will be no increase in the garbage rates at this time. He opened the hearing to the audience to hear any COITlll1ents which were prepared for the hearing. He en- couraged citizens to get involved because of the restrictions nO\N being imposed , by the state. I I OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 2095 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ADOPTING THE 1988 BUDGET FOR TIIE GENERAL CITY GOVERNMENT, THE WATER-SEWER UTILITIES, THE STORM AND SURFACE WATER UTILITY, AND BOND REDEMPTION FUNDS I , Mr. Grove reviewed the changes proposed af ter the the hearing vJas closed. Mayor ¡ Shirley proposed that the City Attorney's budget be increased by $650 to provide I $2,400 for overhead expenses to be offset by an increase in estimated beginning! fund balance in the Current Expense Fund. Councilmember Ison made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Ison made a motion to incorporate the changes in the", Library Fund Budget proposed by the Library Board which was seconded by Council-: member Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. A discussion ensued about tha Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Fund. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Council~ member Ison made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and th~ third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unan~ imously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Council- ' member Camfield made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2095 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by roll call vote. 1 Elevator for City Hall. Mayor Shirley explained that the real decision which is i being made here is where the City Council is going to do its business. He in- ! dicated that the Library Board has suggested that the City Council can conduct its meetings at the library and cautioned that this includes comrùittee meetings' as well. He reviewed the history of the discussions prior to this meeting and' I indicated it was his understanding that the desire was to continue to have city: council meetings in City Hall. A discussion ensued about the handicapped requir$- ments and condition of the building. Councilmember Camfield reported that the"' corrmittee reviewed the recoITlll1endations from staff and the architect and indicated ! that they support scheme 5 suggesting that the bid specifications be written to : leave the city with the option to postpone the construction of a new restroom if I needs be to fit \.vithin the available funds. She made a motion that the city cal~ for bids for the construction of an elevator as specified in scheiTle 5 with both: options, with or without the restroom, which was seconded by councilmember Owsle~ which was passed by voice vote with six councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmember Ison abstained. Local Improvement District No. 1. Mr. Stricklin reported that as the LID now; stands, those objecting to the original proposal now represent 56.4% of the totat cost of the project. He reported that he received a revision to the LID from Clark and Associates proposing to delete two lines which are valued at $102,180 bringing the total cost down to $371,170. This revision has not changed the 'I boundary of the district but eliminated service lines in two district which lowers the assessment against the property in that area. It was indeicated that: there are only approximately twenty ownerships affected by this reduction. Mr. : Stricklin reported that if the district is reduced down to only Seaview Drive anq service is redesigned to install a lift station the cost will be approximately. I $326,000. Mr 0 Harper explained the legal options available to the council. ; ! A map showing the location of property opposed, uncorrmitted and in favor was. reviewed by the council. Mter further discussion, Councilmember Kenna made a i I motion that the city go ahead with the revised assessments developed by Clark and I Associates which was seconded by Councilmember Jones. Councilmenmer Kenna then! ! revised his motion to direct that the appropriate ordinance be prepared as well . as an Environmental iliecklist on the project and to notify all the affected: property owners about the changes in their assessment. He also added that the, Baker parcel be deleted from the proposed district. Councilmember Jones concur- , I red with the additions to the motion which passed unanimously by voice vote of , ! the councilmembers present. Councilmember Ison excused himself frora the room at ; 'I the beginning of this entire discussion and returned at its conclusion. : Councilmember Kenna announced a meeting of the Legislative/Environmental Corrmittae 434 MINUTES OF ~ REGULAR SESSION OF DEqEMB~ 15, 1987 Cont. at 6:30 PM~~~~he CitYCoun~~~ Ch~bers prior to ~he counc~l meeting onJanUar;-5J 1988. Some concern was expressed as to whether all this will be accomplished be- fore the next council meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 87-76 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DESIGN CONTRACT FOR SECONDARY SEWER WITH Œ2M HILL Mr. Harper explained the changes to the contract language negotiated since the last council meeting. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Ison made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 87-76 subject to the approval of the City Attorney which was seconded by Councilmember Clise. After discussion of the grant potential, the otion passed unanimously by voice vote. . I ¡Daily Fee Structure and Golf Cart Shed at Spring Valley Golf Course. A discussion ¡ensued on the history and financial plans for the golf course. After the discussioh, the motion tabled from the previous meeting was approved by voice vote with six ¡cour:cilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmember Jones voted against the motlon. I NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 77 I I I ¡ I ~is resolution set the hearing for January 19, No. 1187-01 from James M. Mathias. I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL FO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING ON A PETITION FOR VACATION OF A STREET. 1987, on Street Vacation Application RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING ON A PETITION FOR VACATION OF A STREET. ~is resolution set the hearing for January 19, 1987, on Street Vacation Application No. 1087-02 from James C. McCarron. Councilmember Kenna made a motion to adopt bolh resolutions 87-77 and 87-78 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I ball for Bids. Councilmember Ison made a motion to authorize a call for bids on fuel and 0110rine which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley declared a recess into executive session at 9:56 PM to discuss þending litigation and potential litigation. The meeting was reconvened at 10:26 PM. I I I I , I 1 There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 10:26 PM. I i I Attest: i i ADJOUP~ J~~ G?2:X2 Mayor City Clerk .- - --.. . -- . I I I