HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/1987 420 MINUTES OF _THE REGULAR SESSION OF NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ------------ ------------ ------ -- --- _-_n_- -- - The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Seven- teenth day of November, 1987, at 7:30 PM, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna and Norma Owsley. Councilmember Norwood was out of town. Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David Grove and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michae' Hildt. MINUTES Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of November 3, 1987, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- member Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Park Arterial Street Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Kah Tai Lagoon Park Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental $ 2,720.08 4,218.41 1,090.68 24,634.68 4,169.72 5,252.59 2,022.27 . ,151.58 14,324.82 342.51 1,658.72 I I I i i I I I iCouncilmember Camfield made a motion that the bills and proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley vòice vote. claims be paid from the and passed unanimously by COMMUNICATIONS ¡Twenty-nine-individual letters were received in response to the notice of hearing ¡for the proposed Seaview Sewer LID #1 opposing either the assessments or the form¡ lation of the LID. Mayor Shirley referred these to the Public Hearing later on the ¡agenda. i ¡The Council received an environmental checklist for the City of Port Townsend ¡Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant from the Department of Public Works. Mayor ¡Shirley referred this to the Legislative/Environmental Committee~ , I iA letter dated July 24, 1987, from Kenneth G Hulett, Vice President, Interwest Savings Bank, to Lowell Bogart, Chairman, Shoreline Commission; a letter dated October 7, 1987, from the Màrrowstone Island Community Association to the Board of Commissioners, Jefferson County; and a letter dated October 21, 1987, to Cal McCune from Bob Duffy, Assistant Planner of the Jefferson County Planning and Building Department were all copied for the Council on November 13, 1987, regar- ding the Shoreline Master Program Update. Mayor Shirley referred these to the ¡LegiSlative/Environmental Committee. A letter dated November 9, 1987, from Bob Duffy, Assistant Planner, Jefferson County Planning and Building Department to Mr Charles J Chebuhar regarding a Shoreline Violation: Chinese Gardens, was copied for Council information. i I !The Council received an announcement of the death of ¡from the Jefferson County Public Utility District #1 ¡MaYOr Shirley commented that Mr Botts will be missed I I ¡ ; Commissioner Charles Botts on Friday, November 13, 1987 by the Council. I I I I I I 421 --------------~_~~~~ES_Q~_!_~E_.!3--~_§U~~~- SESSION OF_.~9Y.E_~~~_~-)? ~-- 1 ~-~~--~~~~t~ -----------_. ---------._------------- --.-----. - ---------._____m ...__.. - - - - ------- - .u ------- ----- - ----- I ~ letter dated October 29, 1987, from Bob Sherwood, Real Estate Representative, ~cDonald's Corporation to Gary Swett, Port Townsend Civic Trust was copied for Council on November 4, 1987, regarding McDonaldls Restaurant Project in Port I fownsend and the input of the Civic Trust. I ~etters from Mayor~Shirley dated November 5, 1987, to Gary Swett of the Main StreJt Board and to Bill Romadka of the Port Townsend Historic Preservation Commission; ~ere copied for Council thanking them for the insightful help broÜght to the McDo~- ðldls restaurant review process. Mayor Shirley explained that similar letters we~e ~ent to those who were involved. i I ! ~ letter dated November 3, 1987, from Randy Sheriff to Mayor Shir-'ey was copied for Çouncil expressing his concern with late night drug and alcohol activity in the. Çhetzemoka Park parking lot. Mayor Shirley announced that an ord!:r for repair of Fhe light is in at Puget Power and the Police Chief is working with Mr Sheriff. Î further report is pending. I ~ letter dated November 2, 1987, from Patrick M Malone, Mahagét òf thè Downtown Revitalization Program for the State of Washington Department of Community Devel- i bpment to the Mayor and Council urging continued support for the Port Townsend i ~ain Street Program in 1988. Mayor Shirley referred this to the 1988 Budget Hear~ng. ~ report from Bayshore Animal She1tèr Environmental dated November 10, 1987, ; dncluding highlights of city activity from January through October, 1987, and a : þocument outlining emergency response prodecures effective Novemb!~r 1, 1987. Mayqr rirlQ ~ff~ ~- ~ fu ~::;:::~ß i legiSlative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council is~ue a declaration of non-sigñificance provided the following mitigat-ing measures are ~aken for the Nordland Construction Company, Inc to build a new commercial space! pn Sims Way across from the Jackpot Gas Station-Grocery Storeowhich was seconded' by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I MITIGATING MEASURES ATTACHED TO THE DECLARATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE ISSUED FOR THE: fOMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION BY NORDLAND CONSTRUCTION, INC. In. Fire hydrants shall be installed at each of the following locations: - a. The southeast corner of Lot 16. I b. On the proposed parking lot island at the south end of Lot 8. ~. A six inch 'diameter water supply line shall be installed from the vicinity waier main to each fire hydrant. h. I I I I~. I 5. Existing trees not in conflict with development shall be retained. Exterior siding material shall be of wood product stained to natural earth color tones. A single freestanding monument-style sign may be erected not to exceed six feet in height above finished grade at the base of the sign. , p. Exterior flood, sign, landscaping or parking lot lighting shall be hooded and' I shielded to prevent hazardous glare to motorists. ¡ ~ouncilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council issue a declaration of non-sigT picance for the City of Port Townsend Secondary Wastewater Treatml:nt Plant which ~as seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I'councilmember Kenna announced a Public Hearing for the Shorelines Managemènt Mastèr Plan scheduled for December 9, 1987, at 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers. ¡police/Fire/Animal Control. Councilmember Clise reported on the Animal Control ~mergency Service Program in effect since November 1, 1987, and that there will ¡be an Animal Welfare Plan submitted by Bayshore by June of 1988. 1 422 MINUTES OF TH~_REGULAR S~SSION OF NOVEMBER 17, 1987, Cont. ~~~--:a~::-ShirleY announced a meeting with the Finance Committee and Mike ¡Earley of the Golf Course for an update on November 24, 1987, at 5:00 PM. ¡Health Board. Councilmember Ison announced a Retreat on Thursday, November 19, 11987, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Fort Worden and that whoever will be representing the City in 1988 should attend. Councilmember-elect Chang will be attending if ¡Possible. IMainstreet. David Kahley was recognized and gave a report on the Litter Control Iprogram and the Recycling Program. i RESOLUTION NO 87-67 I i I I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH PORT TOWNSEND CIVIC TRUST After explanation by Mr Kahley, Councilmember Clise made a motion to adopt Resol- ution No 87-67 upon the approval of the City Attorney which was seconded by Council- member Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Handicapped Access. Mayor Shirley announced that the next regular meeting of the City Council will be held in the Jefferson County Courthouse which will include the Public Hearing for Handicapped Access to City Hall. Budget Hearing. Mayor Shirley annoucned the Public Hearing for the 1988 Budget is fcheduled for November 30, 1987, at 7:00 PM at City Hall. I ~olice/Fire/Animal Control. There ~ill be a Committee meeting on December 1, 1981, at 5:30 PM at City Hall. Newly Elected Officials Workshop. Mr Grove announced an Association of Washington fities Newly Elected Officials Workshop to be held in January, 1988. I PUBLIC HEARINGS ~reation of Local Improvement District No 1. Councilmember Ison left the chambers. ~ed Stricklin explained the hearing process. Mayor ShirleY;1opened the hearing toJ fhe audience. Gene Seton, Bill (W E) Harms, Kurt Lamberton, Al Levinski, Carl ~llen, Penny Balk, Ed Burnham, Larry Hovde, Frank Hillier, Margie Burnham and Mar' ~ilcox were all recognized individually and spoke against the LID. Gary Kenworth~ IIOf Northwestern Territories, inc, Engineer for the LID was present as a technical advisor. John Kassebaum~ was recognized and spoke in favor of the LID. Mr Grove and Mr Harper explained the legal requirements and clarified the steps necessary ¡for the LID to pass or fail. After lengthy discussions, Councilmember Kenna made a motion to table this hearing to the next regular Council meeting on December 1, ~987. which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice Note. Councilmember Ison returned to the chambers. I I I ORDINANCE NO 2093 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS, DEFINING A DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT, AMENDING SECTION 17.28.020 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO EXTEND THE AREA IN WHICH THE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED FOR A PARTICULAR USE MÚST BE LOCATED, REDUCING CERTAIN PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT, ENCOURAGING RETENTION OR CREATION OF ON-STREET PARKING SPACES, AND PERMITTING PAYMENT OF A FEE IN-LIEU-OPÇPARKING SPACES IN SATISFACTION OF CERTAIN PARKING REQUIRE- MENTS. i I , I ~r Hildt reviewed the ordinance. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the audience. David Kahley was recognized and spoke in favor of the ordinance. There being no I (urther testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the audience and turned the prdinance over to the Council for disposition. After a lengthy discussion, Mr prove read the ordinance by title. I I \ I I I 423 ---_._-------------_.._---_r:11.~_~IE.?QL_IJ:!LJ3_t()_UL_AR- SE~~JON_.Qf.NQIJ.EMßJ:R _1l.LJ9BZ,_~(QIJJ_._-- ---.- ---' ---------------.-."----'---- -.-- ---- --,_..._-- -- --"-'---- - n_- ---- '. j --n ---- ------.-- - ..._--_.--------...-- -~---'. OLD BUSINESS I I I Mr Grove read the ordinance by title and explained that no action can be taken at' ~his time and the ordinance was for introduction only. I I NEW BUSINESS I RESOLUTION NO 87-68 II- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE I AN EASEMENT TO PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL. ¡ ~r Stricklin explained the resolution. Councilmember Ison made a motion that the I Council adopt Resolution No 87-68 which was seconded by Councilmember Kenna and þassed unanimously by voice vote. I þarking for Port Townsend Athletic Club. Mr Stricklin explained that thère'is~no þrovision for parking for an athletic club at present. After considerable discUS9 kion, Councilmember Ison made a motion that there be one parking space per 310 ' ~quare feet which was seconded by Councilmember Kenna ánd passed unanimously by ~oice vote. . ORDINANCE NO 2094 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $158,000 TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, $30,525 TO THE LIBRARY FUND, $20,234 TO THE PARK FUND, $50,000 TO THE WATER-SEWER FUND, $71,139 TO THE 1956 TRANSMISSION LINE REPLACEMENT FUND, MAKING FIND- INGS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I I I I Çouncilmember Kenna made a motion to adopt Resolution No 87-69 wh"ch was seconded: þy Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I i ~ayor Shirley recessed the meeting into executive session at 9:47 PM to discuss pitigation. The meeti~g was reconvened at 10:20 PM. RESOLUTION NO 87-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUB- MIT AN APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON- FOR A LOCAL DEVELOPMENT MATCHING FUND GRANT IN SUPPORT OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GATEWAY PROJECT. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT I there being rO:20 PM. I I I I I I Attest: I i. no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 63:=tJ Mayor j~~ Clerk-Treasurer