HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1987 361 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 16, 1987, Cont. - - -- - - ----, ---1-- - - Ms Franz read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ms Franz bgain read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Ison made a motion to adopt the brdinance which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by rol I call vote. I RESOLUTION NO 87-27 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO GOLF COURSE LEASE ~ouncilmember Ison made a motion to adopt Resolution 87-27 which \~as seconded by Coumcilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT rhere being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 9:44 PM. 63Jb -UlJ Mayor v~ ~ttest: I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 7, 1987 ~he City Còuncil of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 7th day pf July, 1987, at 7:30 PM, in the Marine Park Community Building, Mayor Brent S 6hirley presiding. ROLL CALL Founcilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Janis Hunt, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna and Mary Norwood. Also present were City ~ttorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk..Treasurer David Grove and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. MINUTES Councilmember Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes of June 16, 1987, as written þnd to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS I ~he following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Library Park Hotel-Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Kah Tai Lagoon Park Water-Sewer Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Memorial $79,998.96 4,952.16 3,457.81 1,347.26 2,287.13 118.71 2,000.00 48FJ.08 20,886.83 3,605.99 . ! 204;. 201 5,65~!1P ~ 362 _____l:iINU~ES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 7, 1987, Cont. -- ----- ---- ---- --- Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the prope~ funds which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice VOTIe. COMMUN I CATIONS A letter dated June 15, 1987, from Barbara J Ritchie of the Department of Ecology to Mayor Shirley was copied for the council commenting on the determination of non-significance for the Townsend Meadows Senior Retirement Development proposed by William Grace. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Legislative/Environmental Commi tt~e. . I A letter dated June 19, 1987, from Robert A Ginter, Project Engineer for the Wash- ington State D~partment of Transportation, tò Ted Stricklin was copied for the council proposing a scenic bike route and discussing other alternate routes in lieu of SR .20 (Sims Way). Mayor Shirley referred this to Old Business later in the meeting. i A letter dated June 23, 1987, from Dora Saylor, President of Pet Protection League, to Keith ~arpér was copied for the touncil aski~g the city to investigate further into their allegations of fraudulent behavior of Bayshore Enterprises. Mr Grove also mentioned memos dated July 2, 1987, and July 7, 1987, from Keith Harper on the same subj~ct. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Police/Animal Control Com- i ttee. A Notice of Surrender of Preliminary Permit dated June 26, 1987, was copied for the council reporting that the City of Tacoma and Public Utility District #1 have requested that their preliminary permit be terminated on the Big Quilcene Hydro- Electric project. ' . A letter dated June 30, 1987, from Theresa Lowe of the Office of Financial Manage¡ ment was copied for the council reporting that the official estimate of population ¡in Port Townsend is 6,550. . I IA letter from John Lindsey was copied for the council on June 30, 1987, suggesting ¡that the city build a recycling plant for our waste in lieu of a new sewer treat- ¡ment plant. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Water/Sewer Committee. ¡A letter from H B Mosher was copied for the council on June 30, 1987, opposing construction of a new senior center because the Golden Age Club is currently in !use. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Parks/Property Committee. I I ¡IAn invitation dated July 1, 1987, from Gregg Knowles to tour the Chinese Gardens on July 11, 1987, at 9:30 AM, was copied for the éouncil. Councilmember Ison will ¡be attending this tour. . I \A letter dated July 2, 1987, from Forrest Walls, City Bond Counsel, to David Grove ¡was copied for the council explaining that a vote to raise the 106% levy lid on I property taxes for the purpose of replacing fire trucks would be legal and included a draft ordinance for the Council's consideration. Mayor Shirley referred this td ¡Committee Reports later in the meet i ng. . I IA letter from Robert July 7, 1987, was on Ilary help of Michael I I ! i I !Water/Sewer. Councilmember Ison reported that the committee met with represent- jatives of CH2M Hill on June 30, 1987, to review the draft of Chapter 6 of the ¡Engineering Report. He made a motion to direct the efforts of CH2M Hill to ¡develop plans for an oxidation/trench method for the Secondary Treatment Plant ~hich'was seconded by Councilmember Kenna and passed unanimously by voice vete. I Padbury, President, Port Townsend Senior Association, dated the eouncilmember1s desks, thanking the City for the exemp- Hildt toward the goal of a senior center. COMMITTEE REPORTS I ¡Police/Fire/Animal Control. Councilmember Clise reported that the committee has a ¡recommendation for consideration by the Council to replace three 1940lS pièces of ¡equipment with two new vehicles: a pumpler/ladder and a pumper, which will give much better protection. The preliminary costs would be approximately $630,000.00 ¡including underwriting fees. Fire Chief Warren Erickson explained the reasoning ¡for the needed trucks. Mr Grove explained the process of the bonding that would ¡be necessary. ¡ ) / 363 --------------_u._----______MÆUIE~..QLTHE.J~JGJ.!lJ\R$J~$JOJL_O£ _J.Ul '(.1.,__.1987, - CPJlt_! - --- ---'--p ----- '--n_- --_0-_____------------- ---____'.0._0.'..__- 0__.'----.----.---0--__00-.- - -- -- ~------_-._n- ____0--____- I Councilmember Clise reported that the committee reviewed information about law enforcement from the Association of Washington Cities Meeting in Yakima and found that the City is doing well. IUnion Wharf. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the city appeal the variance, denial of the Washington State Shorelines Council which was seconded by Council- i ~ember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I PUBLIC HEARINGS ¡senior Center Site Selection. Michael Hildt explained the process of elimination; ¡of the va.rious sites considered and the recommendation of the Jeffe.rSon County Recreation Center site. David Goldsmith was recognized and reported that the County Commissioners had voted to sign a Memorandum of Understanding for County and City cooperation for funding and renovation of the Port Townsend Community ¡ Center. Larry Dennison, Jefferson County Commissioner, was recognized and urged the~;C6uncil to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding and start as soon as possibl$ on the planning for the Center. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the public. ! V Wayne Hackett spoke on behalf of the Senior Center Association, pledging their! ¡support for the Senior Center. Ray Pennington, representing the 01ymP.iC Area Age~cy on Aging as the Program Administrator, spoke for the Center and offered to work f ~ith this group and provide any information through his office. Tora Hutchison, : ~epresenting the Soroptomists of Port Townsend, spoke in favor of the Center and: ffered support from her organization: as a businesswomen, she also supported th~ Center. Rusty North was recognized and voiced her support of the project. Leone! 'Western Vollmer was recognized and spoke of the support the Senior Citizens will! be giving. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to; the public. Councilmember Ison made a motion that the Mayor be authorized to sigm the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the City which was s'~conded by Council- ~ember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. The Community Services Committ~e ~ill be meeting with the County Commissioners as soon as possible. ' 1 During a brief discussion to follow, Councilmember Hunt expressed concern about the financial impact this will have on the taxpayer. I OLD BUSINESS Bid Award on Chetzemoka Beach Access. '¡was: Design: I Central Project: I Extended Revetment: , I The one bid received, from Seton Construction No charge $24,760.00 $100.00 per lineal foot I Councilmember Jones made a motion to authorize the city to negotiate within the: legal limits with Seton Construction and come back to éouncil with a recommendati9n ¡WhiCh was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. . I RESOLUTION NO 87-29 i I I I ¡ I I Icouncilmember Ison made a motion to adopt Resolution No 87-29 which was seconded: ¡by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. IBid Award on Removal of Surplus Building. The four bids received are as follows: ¡ I Ed Cane Purchase $ ~1 0.00 II R Wilson Charge 1,940.00 ' I Seton Construction II 3,250.00 j Leavitt Trucking II 3,269.86 I ICouncilmember Ison made a motion that the bid be awarded to Ed Cane which was sect londed by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT TO MASTER AGREEMENT FOR THE NORTHWEST ONE CALL SUBSURFACE WARNING SYSTEM. 364 MINUTES Of THE REGULAR, SESSION OF JUt Y.L 1987, Cont. Is~-d~:~~~--;;-C~~~~-~~n-~~--~dal Park. The lone bid received was as follows: / I I ! Fabrication Specialities Alternates: 1. Add 2. Add 3. Add $329,468.00 4,440.00 33,505.00 7,522.00 Revised price as per meetings with the City, Artists and Contractor: I i i I Councilmember Ison made a motion to award ities which was seconded by Councilmember vote. Fabrication Specialities Alternates: 1. Add 2. Add' 3. Add $233,950.00 4,440.00 19,970.00 7,500.00 I the revised bid from Fabrication Special- Jones and passed unanimously by voice RESOLUTION NO. 87-30 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, CITY ATTORNEY, CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT AND THE ATTORNEY FOR THE JACKSON ESTATE TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH FABRI- CATION SPECIALTIES AND INITIATE PHASE NO.~2 Councilmember Kenna made a motion to adopt Resolution No 87-30 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. Scenic Bike Route. brdinance on Street Trees. 1 I Ico_unc_i_lmember Jones made a motion that the Counci 1 set hearings on the following {or July 21, 1987: ! Conditional Use Permit Application No 587-01 - Waterbury Management, Iric i Variance Application No 587-04 - Friends of the Port Townsend Library I . rhich was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I This topic was referred to the Street Committee. This ordinance was referred to tbe- Parks Committee. NEW BUSINESS I I ¡There bei ng 19:10 PM. I ADJOURNMENT no further business, Mayor Shirleydedared the meeting adjourned at ; ¡ , ! i i I I i !Attest: i , i i ~ M~ I Clerk-Treasurer