HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/1987 337 --------,--------------------------_____!1IN1Œç~- QL JMf- REßUL8R.$E5$JQN- QL APRlL21,,- J_9.8l_- -- - - ---- -- - --------- --- -----..------------ -____----h,,__..----- ------ --- ---------- -- .._- _W-------'---"------------- _n__----------~----- I I The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 21st day of April, 1987, at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent Is.shirley presiding. I I I ICouncilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Janis Hunt, ¡Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna and Mary Norwood. Also present were City ~ '¡Attorn?y Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Deputy City Treasurer Vera Franz and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. ! I I I ¡The following bids were opened and read aloud to replace decking on City Dock: i i I i I ! I I \ ¡¡MaYOr ation I ¡ I ! ROLL CALL BID OPENING Sukert Constrúction Co Paul Thomas Diamaco, Inc General Construction Co $3.42/lineal foot $5.88/lineal foot $5.93/lineal foot $6.45/lineal foot I I I a recommendL I I I I Shirley referred the bids to staff, headed by Michael Hildt for to be given to the Council later in the meeting. MINUTES Councilmember Jones had a correction to the minutes: he had voted against the motion to award the Trash Receptical Bid. Councilmember Hunt made a motion to - approve the minutes of April 7, 1987, as amended and to dispense with the reading; I¡Of them which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice! vote. ! BILLS AND CLAIMS I ¡The following bills and claims were presented for payment: I Expense I I I I I I I ~ouncilmember Hunt made a motion that the funds which was seconded by Councilmember vote. Current Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Water-Sewer Equipment Rental $13,807.69 21 .21 332.05 562.28 3,488.81 20.65 11,651.35 38.87 bills and claims be paid from the prope~ Ison and passed unanimously by voice I I ~ letter from Norman Smith requesting a reconsideration of the Storm/Surface! ~ater Tax was copied for the c?uncil Ap~il 10,1987. Mayor Shirley referred this I ~o the Street/Storm Drainage/Llght Commlttee. í IAn article from the "Jimmy Come Lately Gazette" of April 8, 1987, regarding the: tare Car was copied for Council on April 14, 1987. Larry Ennen, operator of the: service, was recognized and said he was available to answer any questions from Council. After a discussion in which City Attorney Harper expressed his opinion, ¡that a Master Taxi-Cab License was necessary, Mayor Shirley recommended this be ' referred to the City Attorney and Police/Fire/Animal Control Committee if necess-- fry. Councilmember Kenna made a motion to that effect, which was seconded by touncilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I . I I ~ letter dated April 9, 1987, from Ron Johnson of the Port Townsend Public SchoolS ~as copied for the council requesting that the Port Townsend School District be ; bxcused from the storm drainage charges. Ralph Williams of the School Board spoke bbout the budget problems of the School District. Councilmember Camfield did not, ~ake part in this discussion. After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Shirley referred: ~hiS to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. . ¡ I , COMMUNICATIONS 338 ~-- -- -- ______MINliIE 5-0LII:IE_RLGUL 8 R_SESS_LON_OL8 P..RIL2_1,_19.8.I,-Co.nt-. ------------------ ,---- - , A letter dated April 9, 1987, to. the Mayar fram State Senatar Paul H.Cannar thankl ing him far infarmatian abaut the pasitian af the City af Part Tawnsend regarding manufactured hausing was capied far cauncil. A letter fram Jahn Andersan to. the City Caunci 1 and "The Leader" was capied April 16, 1987, requesting a speed limit af 15 miles per haur between the Pal ice Statio. and the Ferry Dack. Mayar Shirley referred this to. the Street/Starm Drainage/ Light Cammittee. I A capy af an itemized budget far the pramatian af Part Tawnsend and Jeffersan Caunty with city and caunty bed tax maney was capied far the Cauncil an April 17, 1987. Cheryl Van Dyke was recagnized and nated that this was also. a request far ¡¡additianal bed tax maney in the amaunt af $650.00. Cauncilmember Hunt made a matian to. apprave the request which was secanded by Cauncilmember Kenna and passeø unamauSly by vaice vate. I IA letter fram Michael Neubauer to. Dear Cauncll Persan discussing prablems an Landes Street was received by the cauncil. It was referred to. the Street/Light/Starm Drainage Cammittee. . I ' !Decking far CitY Dack Bid Award. Michael Hildt was recagnized and reparted that ¡the cammittee is recammending that the Caunci 1 accept the bid af Sukert Canstructiam ¡far a price af $3.42 per lineal faat. Cauncilmember Isan made a matian to. accept ¡the bid whi ch was secanded by Cauncilmember Janes and passed unanimausly by vaice vate. , I, PUBLIC COMMENTS David Kahley was recagnized and annaunced that a ballaan had been faund that was sent alaft by a first grade student in Lynnwaad by the Mainstreet emplayee, Carl (aeppo A l~tter and Rhady pin will be sent to. Aaran Gunsaules. Mr Charles Batts was recagnized and invited the cauncilmembers to. a warkshap an the Open Public Meetings Act an April 29, 1987, being put an by the Public Utility IDistrict No. 1. - ¡ i I ¡Legislative/Enviranmental. Cauncilmember Kenna made a matian that the cauncil !issue a declaratian af nan-significance an the new canstructian at Jeffersan Gen- eral Haspital with an amendment that there be a change to. 30% imperviaus surface arÙr there wi 11 be a net gain af 15 to. 20 park i ng spaces an the side adj acent to. Seventh and Cleveland. The matian was secanded by Cauncilmember Janes and passed -¡unanimaus 1y by vai ce vate. -ICauncilmem~~r Ken~a made a matian that the cauncil issue a mitigated declaratian ¡of nOn-SignifiCanè~,pn the new construction of the addition to the building known I as the Caast to Cpast Building awned by Walter J Wilsan at 1104 Water Street. The ¡requirement beiD9 that the first flaar be canstructed with the requirements far a ~assible thi-rd and .faurth flaar parking facility ar ather cammercial use. The ather requirement is that the plans be reviewed by the Histaric Preservatian Cam- ittee. The matian was secanded by Cauncilmember Janes and passed unanimausly by ,vaice vate. I i ¡Street/Light/Starm Drainange. Cauncilmember Janes turned his repart aver to. Mich- ael Hildt who. spake an the results af the Dawntawn Parking Warkshap held an April ,16, 1987, which was spansared by Mainstreet. I I ¡Palice/Fire/Animal Cantral. Cauncilmember Clise reparted that a meeting was held regarding the camplaint af Jack and Karen Chang qnd Palice Chief Hintan wauld cammunicate,: with them. I COMMITTEE REPORTS I I ¡Parks/Praperty. Cóuncilmember Isan reparted that the cammittee met April 17,1987; !with Mike Early regarding changes to. the galf course lease. City Attarney Harper l~xPlained the changes made. Councilmember Isan made a matian to. authorize the Mayor to. execute this leaseamendment an behalf of the City. The matian was sec- pnded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimausly by voice vate. -- - ------------------,,--~---- --------------.-----'---------- - - ----- ---u- ---- ---------------------- ------,,- I I I 339 -_._---~-~-----_--____MINJ1JE;$--PE_IHLB_çJ~UJ.8fLSEs...SI OlLJlF_8PRJl-_21,_198L,- Cont_.- -- ----- - u_------ Councilmember Ison announced the còmmittee was represented in a meeting with a i representative from Reid and Middleton, Michael Hildt and Ted Stricklin. Those ¡ consultants will be at the May 5, 1987, council meeting with two alternatives for! ¡construction under the grant for the Beach Enhancement Project at Chetzemoka Park. ¡Union Wharf Leas~. Michael Hildt reported that a Letter of Intent is in the! process of being drafted because of difficulties with the amount of liability I insurance required in the proposed lease agreement. This Letter of Intent will; be turned over to the Parks/Property Committee whèn ready. : I I i I I I I ~r Harper explained that Mr Early needs to have authority to assign the lease to ì ,¡seattle First National Bank to obtain financing. Councilmember Ison made a motio~ that the council adopt the resolution which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. ! I ~treet Trees. Councilmember Camfiéld reported that unauthorized pr~ning of the, ¡trees along Water and Washington Streets are killing them and she asked for a ¡ status report on an ordinance ~o con~rol this. Mr Stricklin reported that it is ¡ before the Park Board for conslderatlon. . beaview Local Improvement District. Mr Stricklin reported that Clark and Associates ~ill be finished with the preliminary assessment rolls of the proposed sewer line; ~o serve Seaview Estates in about two weeks. He indicated that then the citizens! ¡in the area will have an opportunity to voice their opinion for or against the I project. He explained that it is possible for them to vote it down. I I ~eather Tower. Mayor Shirley warned the ['council that they will be receiving a . letter from the National Weåther Service asking if the City wan~the tower. The! ~istorical society expressed a desire to keep it. He indicated his recommendation ~s going to be to let them take it out. i [proclamations. Mayor Shirley proclaimed the week of May 10 through May 17, 1987, : ¡as "Just Say No Week ". Mayor Shirley proclaiimedthe week of May 17 through May 23, 1987, as;"National I . PubllC Works Week". ! I ~aYÐr Shirley proclaimed the week of May 10 through May 18~- 1987, as "Small Business Week". I I ¡ ì , I ì I ¡ ~fter an ê~planation of the need for an extension from Michael Hildt, Councilmember ~enna made a motion to adopt the resolution which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. I ì 1 - prdinance Reclassifing Utilities for Tourist Lodging. Councilmember Ison explained rhat the Water/Sewer Committee is recommending that facilitœs lodqing tourists be I þeparated from apartment buildings and be billed at the commercial rate instead. I He made a motion to prepare an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No 2062 which was heconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. ~all for Bids on Directional Signs and Posts. David Kahley was recognized and. ~xplained the developing of the bid package to improve the parking signs downtown; ~fter discussion, Councilmember Kenna made a motion to call for bids which was) ¡seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I RESOLUTION NO 87~21 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE OF THE SPRING VALLEY GOLF COURSE. OLD BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO 87-22 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF AN INTERIM ANIMAL CONTROL AGREEMENT. NEW BUSINESS 340 -,-------_____j11JiUlE~_Qf_THE REGVLAR SESSION OF APRIL 21,- 1987, Cont. ~t~-r-~~-~t-;~~~---~av~~-~ah~-~;- re~uested ~uthority to 'apply to the Department of Ecology for funding to continue the program presently in place for litter pick up and trash cans. Councilmember Jones made the motion to that effect which was ,seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT There being ¡9:42 PM. I ! I I no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at Attest: ~~~ I ~'~~ Deputy City Treasur r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OFMAY 5, 1987 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 5th day of May, 1987, at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S. Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Janis Hunt, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna and Mary Norwood. Also present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. I PROCLAMATION 1987 Rhododendron Festival Queen Thessaly Hale proclaimed the week of May 9th through 17, 1987 as "Rhododendron Festival Week" and called upon the citizens of Port Townsend to participate and make the many visitors feel welcome. MINUTES Councilmember Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes of April 21, 1987, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- member Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAI,MS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvement Kah Ta i Park Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water : Equ i pment Renta 1 , Firemen's Pension and Relief $39,598.10 6,921. 72 6,072.12 2,540.32 15,642.50 526.91 20,173.20 632.06 7,131.33 421. 91 3,521.20 869.67 I Councilmember Hunt indicated that there are two bills from the Parks Department that she would like to put on hold, one for plants from Chicago and the other is for boots for Community Service workers, totaling $421.61. She made a motion to approve payment of the ,remaining bills and claims from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote.