HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1987 323 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 3, 1987 -------,-~-~-------------------------------------- -- ----- --------- -- ------d---_- -- - - -- - --- --------- - -------------~--- -------- - ----------~-------f---- ------- -------- -- ----- ----- - -- ----- - -- -------- I'The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 3rd daJ of March, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent is. Shirley presiding. I i ! - --- - - ---- --- ----------------- ROLL CALL I I 'I Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Janis Hunt, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, and Mary Norwood. Also present were City I Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Clerk-Treasurer i David Grove, and Executive Administrative Assistant/Planner Michael Hildt. I ! I ICouncilmember Hunt made Iwritten and to dispense I ¡member Jones and passed I i ! i ; MINUTES a motion to approve the minutes of February 17, 1987 as with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS íThe following bills and I i ! ! claims were presented for payment: I I ! i I I : iCouncilmember Hunt I . ¡proper funds wh1ch Iby voice vote. I i i , i Current Expense Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Emergency Medical Services Water-Sewer Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief $32,173.19 371 .28 ]0,564.90 ]0,378.69 6,000.00 ]23.75 ]3,478.72 3,834.88 72.70 k ~ .Jt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously COMMUNICATIONS I ¡ A letter dated February ]2, ]987, from Cheryl Van Dyke, Executive Secretary for ¡the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, to Mayor Shirley was copied for the ¡council requesting an amendment to the contract for tourism promotion to pay I for staff at the visitor's center to distribute information. Mayor Shirley i referred this to the Finance Committee. ! ! A letter from Peter Badame, Manager of Jefferson Transit, to Mayor Shirley dated ~ ¡ February] 7, ] 987, was copied for the council requesting a waive:c of the Loading: zone Fees for bus zones because he believes they are helping the parking problem, : downtown. Mayor Shirley reported that the council received a meloorandum from: 'I 'Mr. Grove with some background information and Mayor Shirley ind:,Lcated he told: , Mr. Badame his request is denied. Mayor Shirley asked the membe::s of the counci~ ¡who serve on the board for the authority to see what we need to do to secure I payment for what they already owe. IA letter dated February 13, ]987, from Ron McElroy, President of the Economic ¡Development Council of Jefferson County, to Mayor Shirley was copied for the council indicating their board is in support of the Union Wharf Project. !A letter dated February ]7, ]987, from Richard Warren, President of Warren I Consultants, Inc., to Ted Stricklin was copied for the council providing a I sample newsletter to go out to utility customers and proposing an addition ¡ to the ordinance which will clarify the minimum bill for commercial customers. ¡Mayor Shirley referred this to later on the agenda. i !A letter dated February 23, ]987, from Mike Kenna and ¡Washington State Department of Ecology was copied for i their support for the efforts of the Jefferson County i to obtain a Centennial Clean Water Act grant. I ¡ I ! A letter dated February 23, ] 987, from Peter Simpson, President of the Jefferson I County Historical Society, was copied for the council requesting that a procedur~ be established to examine plans for development prior to implementation in or i adjacent to the historic district. Mayor Shirley referred this to the Legislati~e Environmental Committee. ; Michael Hildt to the the council expressing Conservation District 324 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OFMARCH 3, 1987 Cont. ------------- --¡--I T:e co::ci¡-:~~ei:~-:'-~ett:~-:ated February 26, ] 987, from Frank Vane requestinJ that the council postpone its consideration of his request for relief from I I manditory garbage charges. Mayor Shirley indicated that the council would consider his request later on the agenda. I i Individuals of the~council reported that they had received a letter dated February 25, ]987 from Barbara Singleton, Executive Director of Kitsap paratranS1't, expressing concern that a new taxi cab has been observed operating in our city without the necessary licenses and permits and asking for a response from the council as to his insurance coverage, appropriate licenses, etc. Mayor Shirley ¡I indicated that he ,would look into it. Councilmember Hunt expressed a desire that some kind of cab service be continued. i I I I I PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Wayne Hackett was recognized and requested, in behalf of the Senior Center Association, that the city council dedicate the Marine Park Community Building for a senior center and that they submit an application for a Community Devel- opment Brock Grant. He indicated that the board of the Senior Center Association will pro¥ideas' much volunteer help in the preparation of the application as possible. He -indicated that the deadline for applications is May], ]987. I Mayor Shirley- ašked Mr. Hildt to provide the council with information that they I should understand in considering this request which he did. Several tasks were described and Mr. Hildt explained that he would need to devote almost full time between this date and May ]st in order to prepare a respectable application. He explained that the competition is heavy and priority is higher for other types of projects. The difficulties in completing a survey as required were discussed, Other possible sites were also discussed. After a substantial amount of discussion, Councilmember Jones made'a motion that the Marine Park Community Building be givdn I to the seniors subject to the award of Community Development Block grant funds ,which died for lack of a second. Councilmember Ison made a motion instructing I the Mayor to request that the Senior Center Association conduct a survey to determine whether there are enough low to moderate income senior citizens in I town to meet the required percentages which was seconded by Councilmember Norwood. II After a brief discussion, the motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS I I I i i I I I I I Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the council issue a declaration of non-significance on the proposed renovation of Union Wharf which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I II Street/Storm Drainage/Light. Councilmember Jones reported that the committee has met to consider pedestrian and bicycle traffic on the S-curve of StaDe Route 20 i and made a motion that signs be placed on the righthand side going up the hill i prohibiting bicycle and pedestrian traffic on that side of the road.which was I seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimousl~ by voice vote. Council- I member Jones reported on the legal requirements of a street lease as it pertains I to the request from the Port Townsend School District. Councilmember Jones made I a mo:ion to co~duct a public.hearing on this request ~uring the regular council I meet~ng on Apr~17, ]987 wh~ch was seconded by Counc~lmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the lease be for a term of five years with a five year renewal for a fee of one dollar ¡,per year plus the cost of advertising which was seconded by Councilmember Ison I and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Camfield abstained from the I vote on this motion. i Proclamation. Mayor Shirley proclaimed the week of March 8 - ]4, ]987 as "American Association of University Women Week" I PUBLIC HEARING Rezone Request No. ]286-02 - Anthony Stroeder, et. al. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this request to rezone block 209 of the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of Port Townsend from R-II to R-III. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the audience. Mr. Stroeder was recognized and spoke in favor of this application indicating that it will allow the property to be available for its highest and best use, the construction of an apartment building with one bedroom apartments in it. Mr. Norman Ellis was recognized and spoke against this app£ication because it would spoil the view of the neighbor- hood and the traffic hazzard it would cause. He noted that the Planning Commis- : sion rejected this same application five years ago. There being no further il testimony, Mayor Shir1ey closed the hearing to the audience. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Hunt made a motion to continue the hearing to the next regular council meeting which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and 325 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 3, ]987 Cont. -------------------------------------------------- ------ -- - -- ---- ------- ----- d_____------ ------ ---------~-------------------------- __m- ------- ----------- --- ----- ------------- ~--- ------- --------- passed unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS I Appeal from Garbage Charße. Councilmember Jones made a motion to continue the 'appeal from Frank Vane to the next regular councilmeeting which w-as seconded by ,Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. \ ì i I I I 1 ¡Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. After he explained the purpose of the -amendment, Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Counci¡member II Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by¡ ¡title. Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the council adopt the ordinance: ~hich was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by roll call vote~ I I I ORDINANCE NO. 2065 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 2054, BY PROVIDING A MINIMUM STORM WATER UTILITY RATE FEE FOE COMMERCIAL/MULTIPLE PROPERTY. RESOLUTION NO. 87-13 I I I I I which was I I I I A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF AN INTERIM ANIMAL CONTROL AGREEMENT I ICouncilmember Ison made a Iseconded by Councilmember I , I I I motion that the council adopt the resolution Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 87-14 I i I I ~ouncilm~mber Jones made a motion that the council adopt this resolution which ras seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. i RECESS I I . Mayor Sh~rley declared a recess at 9:16 P.M.. The meeting was reconvened at ~:26 P.M. with all council members present. , I I i OLD BUSINESS I bhoreline Substantial Development Permit No. SH5-86 - Diversified Marine IndustriJs. t1r. Dirk Nansen was recognized and presented the council with a B,aseline Survey ~nd Management plan which was .---:prepared by the Diversified Marine Industries ¡ }'lith the participation of Bob Sanders of the Department of Ecology and Bill James I of the Department of Fisheries. He explained that both agencies have approved ~his plan. He explained that this is a research project at the railroad "y" to - qetermine whether this location is productive for use as a salmon farm. He indi-: þated that a relatively small number of fish and pens will be placed at this site ¡ . ! to begin with and the number of fish will be increased: ~radually over eighteen months until the population nears that of a normal fish ¡ [arm while they monitor the environmental effect monthly. It was stated that the! þrovisions of this plan are more extensive than anything else in l~Jashington. All ' provisions of all permits still apply to this operation. Mr. Nansen explained ~hat the reason the baseline study is being presented to the council for their ¡ approval is because it is a requirement in one of the conditions for the Shorelin~ ~ubstantial Development permit before they begin to load fish at this site. The council was reminded that the issue is not whether the fish pens can be placed þt this location, but rather whether or not the Baseline Survey and Management plan presented is sufficient to meet the condition established in the permit. }fr. Nansen indicated that a couple of local individuals wish to become involved !in the business and there is only a short period of time in which a load of fish ~ill be available. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUC- TION OF A SECONDARY WASTE TREATMENT -FACILITY 326 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 3, 1987 Cont. -------,------ ------ ---- -----------,--------------------- RESOLUTION NO. 8d-IS I I I I Councilmember Norwood made a motion , seconded by Councilmember Clise and i i I I I I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN APPROVAL OF THE BASELINE SURVEY AND MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED BY DIVERSIFIED MARINE INDUSTRIES to adopt Resolution No. 87-15 which was passed unanimously by voice vote. I NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 87-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WASHINGTON CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY TO JOINTLY SELF-INSURE ITS GENERAL LIABILITIES Mr. Grove explained the circumstances leading up to the offer the city has re- ceived to join the Washington Cities Insurance Authority and the advantages in belonging to the pool. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Hunt made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 87-16 which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vote. I 'Public Hearings. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the council conduct public hearings on April 7, 1987, to consider Variance Application No. 187-01 - Prindle and Variance Application No. 287-01 - Van Der Vorst which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. I ~ Attest: ¡¿~~ Clerk-Treasurer I