HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1985 I I I 187 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1985 Cont. kgreement suitable for use in this situat~on provided certain blanks- a~e COmPleter!' ~fter a brief discussion, it was indicated that the council would be ready to act ,¡at the next regular meeting when all blanks are completed and anv questions raise. during the discussion have been rested. ~torm Sewer Plan. Councilmember Hunt made a motion instructing the Publ ic Works ¡Director to prepare a call for bids on the development of a storm sewer plan whicm ras seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I bister City - Jalapa, Nicaragua. Ms. Chris Rhinehart was recognized and reported 'Ibn her recent trip to Jalapa, Nicaragua. Mr. Doug Millholland was recognized and reported that the shipment of school suppl ies prepared in the schools here will Ie del ivered later in September. I I t I ¡ I I kfter a brief explanation from Mayor Shirley, Councilmember Ison made a motion , ¡that the council adopt Resolution No. 85-29 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I j ~t 8:20 P.M. Mayor Shirley announced that the council would recess into executive ression to discuss potential 1 itigation. The meeting was reconvened at 8:34 P.M. I ADJOURNMENT I ~here being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at ;8: 34 P. M. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 85-29 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MONTH-TO-MONTH LEASE OF THE KAH TAl LAGOON PARK BUILDING EXECUTIVE SESSION G3:=D -4 Mayor IAttest: : j I I l I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1985 I !The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular ¡session this 17th day of September, 1985, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL I Icouncilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones and Mike Kenna. IAlso present were City Attorney Keith Harper, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, and Clerk-Treasurer David Grove. MINUTES I ¡Councilmember Hunt made a motion to 13, 1985, as written and to dispense ¡which was seconded by Councilmember !by voice vote. approve the minutes of SeptembeTI with the reading of them Jones and passed unanimously .. 1 88 ------- - ---- _I'1J_NJ1TE_S__OF. - T.HE_RE.G_ULAR_S_E.S_S_LON_DF_BEE_T.EMB.ER_L7_,_1_9_85-Can,t-- -1------------- ------..---- ----.-----.,-------------- , I BILLS AND CLAIHS I The following bills and claims were presented for payment: ! I I I I I I I Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid I from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and I passed unanimously by voice vote. I I ! Current Expense Street Parks Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Kah Tai Park Water-Sewer Equipment Rental $6,992.63 4,856.30 1,327.31 81.06 300.00 3,214.01 10,611. 70 1,581.49 COMMUNICATIONS ¡IAn invitation dated September 6, 1985, from Maureen Richter was cop}ed for the council inviting them to attend an Open House on September 26, i 1985, for the new offices of the Department of Social and Health Se}- ¡vices in the Castle Hill Shopping Center. I IThe Council received a letter dated September 10, 1985, from Lynn A~ju suggesting that some sort of warning signs be placed in the area ofl the entrance to Cherry Street Park. Mayor Shirley reported that the Parks Department is looking into this. He indicated that the park will shortly be shut down for the winter anyway. The Council received an offer of $3,640.00 from Roderick Timber dated September 13, 1985, on the tre~s-they propose to remove from city pr~- perty on the Snow Creek area in order to construct an access road t~ their property. Mayor Shirley referred this to later on the agenda! PUBLIC COMMENTS Councilmember Imislund. reported that she has shares available in exl¡ change for donations to buy a diesel pump for the city of Jalapa, omr sister city, to aid in irrigation during dry spells. COMMITTEE REPORTS Call for Bids - Garbage Collection. Mr. Grove reported that a call for bids has been prepared along with specifications. He reported that the requirements have been modified to make it possible for mOKe bidders to bid such as reducing the bond requirements from $50,000 io ,$25,000, increasing the insurance requirements, and eliminated the 4uess ¡work about dump fees and taxes by allowing the bidders to bid based! 'on the present tax schedules. He explained that the bids will be I opened at the regular council meeting scheduled for October 15, 1985. Parks and Property. Councilmember Ison reported that the committee let with members of the Park Board and Parks Department as well as the ~ayor and Clerk-Treasurer and evaluated the development cos~s and cash fl~w for the Kah Tai Lagoon Park and have been told that there will be a~- proximately $9,500 available when the grant requirements are met tol pay for dredging to expand the lagoon. He reported that the commit~ee reaffirmed its position that the city would only invest part of the! Park Superintendents time this year as the city's share of the devei- opment costs and will be monitoring the progress closely to insure III that this commitment is not exceeded. Legislative/ Environmental. Councilmember Kenna reported that the Committee has received an environmental checklist from the Port of I Port Townsend on the proposed construction of 1030 lineal feet of c~ncrete mooring floats,in the,boat hav~n. He indicated,tha~ they I wlll have a recommendatlon durlng the flrst regular meetlng ln October. He expressed opinions on the proposed changes to land use laws and I ¡reported on plans to conduct a workshop on the matters. He summarized !the elements of the Mainstreet Resuorce Team Report and recommendat~ons \of the board as to improvements needed in the downtown area. On October 22, 1985, the Rotary Park next to the ferry landing will be dedicatr' - ¡ I I I I I I 189 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBE~_,_~7__,-}_9ß?_- ~()2!!-._'- ------ ------->-----------~----------- -~--- Appointment. After a brief description of his qualifications from Mayor Shirley, Councilmember Hunt made a motion to approve the appointment of Denny Sullivan to the Library Board which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. Proclamations. Mayor Shirley proclaimed the week of October 7, to 12, 1985 as "UGN Week" and the week of September 17, to 23, 1985, as "Constitution Week". Homes Tour. Mayor Shirley called upon Keith Harper to report on the plans for the Homes Tour and Mr. Harper explained that City Hall will be open to the Public on Saturday and Sunday provided the council can take turns manning the building. Volunteers were then organized. PUBLIC HEARINGS Rezone Request No. 485-01 - Victor Coster. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this application to rezone property from Grant Street to Hendricks ¡ facing Sims Way from R-I to C-II. Mayor Shirley opened the hearin~ to the audience. Mr. Coster was recognized and spoke in favor' of his application explaining the disadvantages of trying to use it for residential purposes and why commercial development would be the best use. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the audience and turned the request over to the council for disposition. Councilmember Kenna requeste~ that the council require some area of green belt alonq Sims Way which was not well received. Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the council find that the application meets the review criteri~ established in Ordinance No. 1625 and that the rezone be granted! which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed by voice vote with five councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Council-! member Kenna voted against the motion. > OLD BUSINESS Temporary License Agreement for Roderick Timber Co. Mr. Ken Trotman was recognized and offered to pay the city $4,290.00 as a fee for the license provided that he receives the timber cut from the approximate two acres of ground involved in the I construction of the road. He requested that the insurance require~ I ment be $500,000.00 indicating that while the trucks are on the ¡ road he will carry $1,000,000.00 of insurance coverage. Council- member Kenna reported that according to the Department of Natural ¡ Resources, the city should have a professional crusier present ~ them with the options. After a brief discussion, it was determined 'that a performance bond of $25,000 and the option for the city' to decide whether the land should be restored at a later date would rest any fears of granting the license for eighteen months. RESOLUTION NO. 85-30 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A TEMPORARY LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF REAL PROPERTY WITH RODERICK TIMBER COMPANY Councilmember Ison made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 85-30 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. Claim for Damages from Dorothy Adams. Mayor Shirley requested that the Council turn this claim over to the insurance company for disposition. Councilmember Hunt made a motion to that effect which was seocnded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously I by voice vote. I 190 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1985 Cont. ---------.-----------------.- -- ---..---,-----..----.--------------.---------- ---,---,_.- ----------------- -------------- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. I Attest: jJ~ 63':k?~ I City Clerk I I J I The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 1st day of October, 1985, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent Shirley presiding. I I I ROLL CALL Icouncilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, Glenn Ison, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, and Jim Parker. Also present were City Attorrley Keith Harper, Publ ic Works Director Ted Strickl in, and Clerk-Treasurer David GrovJ. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 1, 1985 ¡ ¡ I I ICouncilmember Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes of September 17, 1985, as ~ritten and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Councilmemöer rones and passed unanimously by voice vote. I ¡he following bills and claims were presented for payment: ì Current Expense , Street Library Pa rks Arter i a 1 St reet Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvements Federal Shared Revenue Ka h T a i Par k Water-Sewer Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief MINUTES I BILLS AND CLAIMS i ~ouncilmember Hunt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the prope~ funds which was seconded by Councilmember Ison and passed unanimously by voice vale. I COMMUN I CAT IONS I I ~ letter from Leslie Aickin to Jefferson County Planning and Building Department åated August 31, 1985, was copied for the council requesting that an environmental I impact statement be required on the proposed expansion of the Port of Port Townsend I þoat haven. Ms. Aickin was recognized and explained that she is not sure that an ~ntire environmental impact statement is necessary, but suggested an expanded theckl ist evaluating the water qual ity before a permit is granted. Councilmember I Kenna indicated that they are considering her letter and reported that the port ~ecognizes the need for a study of the water qual ity as part of the checklist. I ~ayor Shirley referred the letter to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. $18,185.13 811.21 2,891.04 5,310.74 13,383.49 237.44 56.70 3,400.00 3.38 6,128.18 5,299.90 32.30 I , ¡ I ~ letter dated September 11, 1985, from Robèrt F. Morgan of the United Seafood Americanization Coal ition to Mayor Shirley was copied for the council requesting that the Council consider a resolution supporting the phasing out of all foreign \ I I