HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1990 406 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20, 1990 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Twentieth day of March, 1990, at 7: 30 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Vern Jones, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley and Sheila Westerman. Councilmember Kenna arrived at 7:55 PM. Also present were Clerk- Treasurer David Grove, Public Works Director Ted Stricklin, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Planner Kevin O'Neill. I Tammy Quinn, Planning and Building Assistant, was introduced as a new employee of the city. PUBLIC COMMENTS Kathryn Jenks was recognized and requested that the public be allowed to comment to the council on the shorelines permit application for the sewage treatment plant which is under way as well as written comments to the Department of Ecology. Greg Knowles was recognized and presented a copy of the letter from Michael Gendler which is listed on the Consent Agenda. Milton Foss of Cape George was recognized and spoke about the need for odor control at the proposed secondary sewer plant. Francesca Knowles was recognized and requested that the Council withdraw it's determination of non-significance and require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed secondary treatment plant. She had a number of suggestions for adverse impacts and improvements to the statement. I Bill Nelson was recognized and spoke responding to comments made at the last councilmeeting regarding the treatment plant when it was built in 1968 and against the proposed location of the secondary treatment plant. Councilmember Kenna arrived at this time. Casey Trapp was recognized and thanked Councilmembers Westerman and Clise for listening and understanding the concerns of the citizens against the proposed secondary treatment plant and Mayor Shirley for making information available to the group. She also stated the group has other alternatives they will be pursuing. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember owsley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the Minutes for February 26,1990, without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense Street Library Library Renovation & Construction Park Emergency Medical services Capital Improvement Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total $ 9,589.93 5,988.69 728.34 126,931.02 5,964.80 274.54 1,034.76 17,778.52 2,938.13 4,806.23 282.67 $ 176,317.63 I 407 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20,1990,. Cont. Setting the following hearings: Rezone Application No 8912-05 -Hassrick on April 3,1990 Conditional Use Permit Application No 9001-02 -Niemenin on April 3, 1990 I Adoption of Resolution: RESOLUTION NO 90-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LATECOMER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.91. James Parker has agreed to construct a six-inch water line in 7th Street from Hood to Spring within the City of Port Tmmsend. Approval of Appointment: Carol Toyne to the Arts Commission - Term to expire February 1, 1992. Communications: A letter dated February 8, 1990, from Greg Bennett requesting permission to plant trees at 123 Milo Street in th,e alley way behind the property and in the front right-of-way was copied for Council on February 15, 1990, and referred to the street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. I A memorandum dated February 21, 1990, from Linda Atkins enclosing an article from Biocycle magazine entitled "Communications and Odor Control" was copied for Council on February 23,1990. A letter dated February 22,1990, from Michael Hildt, Planning and Building Director, to William Barth referring to a le1:ter sent by Kevin O'Neill, Planner, and ordering Mr Barth to stop work on his property, Lots 5 - 8, Aldrich's Addition and the U and Chestnut Street rights-of-way until a Washington State Environm~:mtal Policy Act review and authorization from the City is obtained was copied for Council on February 26,1990. A memorandum dated February 23, 1990, from Mike Shaw, Chief Engineer, Jefferson General Hospital, requesting street lighting on behalf of the Hospital's safety Committee was copied for Council and referred to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Commi 1:tee. A letter dated February 26, 1990, from Edensaw Woods, Ltd., in support of Admiral Marines' proposal to construct a new facility on Port property was copied for Council on March 5,1990. I A letter dated March 5, 1990, from Donald J Bales, Environmental Review SeGtion, Department of Ecology, commenting on the determination of nonsignificance for the filling of 400 cubic yards of material in a ravine by Robert Vig was copied for Council on March 6, 1990. A letter received on March 5, 1990, from Doug and Nancy Lamy requesting extension of his conditional use permit because of plan review for his building permit was copied for council on March 5, 1990, and referred to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. A letter dated March 6, 1990, from Charles MAdams, Executi ve Director, Bayshore Enterprises, was copied for Council on March 15, 1990, recommending the Animal Control Vehicle be replaced was referred to the Police/Fire/Animal Control Committee. 408 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20,1990, Cont. A letter dated March 7, 1990, from Tamara Conway opposing a peti tion being circulated requesting a noise ordinance in Port Townsend was copied for Council and referred to the Legislative/ Environmental Committee. A letter dated March 8, 1990, from Dora saylor, President, Pet Protection League enclosing information on the League's forms for their pet neutering program which was copied for Council and referred to the Police/Fire/Animal Control Committee. I A letter dated March 8, 1990, from Nancy Zussy, State Librarian, Washington state Library, stating that correspondence received from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation completes the documentation necessary to officially close the section 106 Review Process on the Pink House was copied for Council. A letter dated March 8, 1990, from Kristen Bartlett and Stephen smith stating their concerns on the opening of Hendricks street between 30th and 31st Streets was copied for Council and referred to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. A letter dated March 8, 1990, from Barbara Bogart stating her concern that the expansion of the sewer treatment plant as planned may prove to be a bad decision by the time the project begins was copied for Council. A letter copied for Council on March 9, 1990, from Lynne Reid asking that Council consider what the treatment plant expansion will do to the property tax base in the North Beach Area was copied for Council. A memorandum dated March 9,1990, from John C Kassebaum reporting the "History, Frustrations and Status of the Northwest Sewer Proposal" for LID No 1 was copied for Council. An Environmental Checklist dated March 12, 1990, for the City of Port Townsend for an ordinance amending the zoning code to provide for design review in the Port Townsend Historic District was copied for Council and referred to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. I A letter dated March 12,1990, from Michael W Gendler, Bricklin & Gendler, Attorneys-at-Law, stating concerns of a group of Port Townsend residents for the proposed secondary wastewater treatment plant was copied for Council. A letter dated March 13, 1990, from Barbara Bogart to Christine Gregoire, Director, State Department of Ecology, asking for an extension of time to consider a better location for the proposed secondary sewer plant expansion was copied for Council. A letter dated March 14, 1990, from Calmar McCune enclosing a preregistration form and tentative program for the Fourth Annual Workshop regarding earthquake hazard reduction was copied for Council. A letter dated March 14, 1990, from Mayor Shirley to Stephanie Lutgring thanking her for her years of service on the Arts Commission was copied for Council. I A letter dated March 14, 1990, from Michael Hildt, Planning and Building Director, to Robert Vig asking that a barricade be erected on the approach to his property from Sims Way until a state of Washington Road Approach Permit is issued was copied for Council. This concludes the Consent Agenda. I I I 6. 409 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20,1990, Cont. PUBLIC HEARING Conditional Use Permit Application 8910-03 -Port of Port Townsend. Mr O'Neill reviewed the findings, conclusions and condH:ions of the Planning Commission recommending approval of the application. Mayor Shirley opened the hearing to the public. Andre!a Fontenot, Port Planner, was recognized, spoke in favor of the application and emphasized that the Port considers this a temporary structure. There being no further testimony, Mayor Shirley closed the hearing to the public and turned the application over to the Council for disposi tion. After discussion of parking, Counci1member Owlsey made a motion that the Council adopt the following findings and conclusions and approve Conditional Use Permit Application No 8910- 03 under the following conditions which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Findings: 1. The applicant proposed to establish a temporary office structure on a portion of vacated Benedict Stree,t extending southeast of washington street. This portion of vacated Benedict Street is surrounded by water to both the southwest and northeast. The property is located in the C-II zoning district. Government office buildings are permitted in the C-II zoning district by conditional use permit. 2. The proposed office would be located adjacent to 1:he existing Port of Port Townsend office building, which is located at the southwest corner of Washington and Benedict Streets. The Port office was constructed in the early 1960's. The site of the proposed temporary office structure is current,ly used as parking spaces for the existing Port office building. 3. The portion of vacated Benedict Street immediaitely to the southeast of Washington Street is currently utilized as parking. A 22-foot paved road extends down the cEmter of the vacated street, with graveled parking spaces on both sides. These spaces are not individually marked; th~a applicant estimates that there Are currently 29 spaces available. The applicant estimates that the proposed temporary structure would displace four of those spaces. The spaces which would be displaced are currently designated as parking for Port employees. The southeastern portion of vacated Benedict Street is used as facilities for the Coast Guard. 4. The property to the northwest of the subject property is currently vacant, while a hotel is being constrülcted on the site to the northeast. The property to the northwest of the subject property to the west of Benedict street Ü; zoned M-I, while property to the northeast of the site is zoned C-II. 5. Ordinance 2175 lists off-street parking requirements for various land uses. The off-street parking requir4ament for an office building is 1 parking space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. The applicant states that t,he proposed temporary structure would be 300 square feet. ~~herefore, 1 off-street parking space would be required. The applicant has provided a site plan showing the location of parking spaces on vacated Benedict Street; the applicant also states that off-street parking is available on a vacant lot across Washington Street from the Port office building, located on the northwest corner of Washington and Benedict. The Port proposes to construct a new office facility on property to the northwest of the existing Port offices beginning in early 1990. This project requires a conditional use permit and a shoreline substantial developll1ent perIni t. These permits are currently on hold before both the Plaøtng 410 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20, 1990, Cont. commission and Shoreline Commission. The applicant states that the proposed temporary office would provide additional office space in the interim for three Port employees. The applicant estimates that the proposed structure would be necessary for a period of approximately 10 months. 7. The Jefferson County Planning and Building Department has prepared a shoreline permit exemption for the proposed use dated January 16, 1990. I Conclusions: 1. The proposed use of the subject property will not endanger the public health of safety, nor will a nuisance be created. 2. The proposed use will be required to meet all of the conditions and specifications set forth in the C-II zone in which the property is located. 3. The proposed use will not be injurious or detrimental to adjoining or abutting property. 4. The site is directly adjacent to an existing office use. Therefore, the location and character of the use will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and will be in general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. In Consideration of the aforementioned findings and conclusions, the City Council grants the above mentioned application as conditioned. 1. Should the necessary permits for the Port office complex (Condi tional Use Application 8908-01) be approved by City Council, the temporary office shall be removed no later than 30 days after occupancy of the new office. Because four parking spaces would be displaced due to the proposal, and one parking space is required, five off-street parking spaces shall be designated for use by Port employees until such time as the temporary office is removed. I 2. 3. The proposed temporary office shall be removed from the site one year after the date of the board's decision on Application 8910-03. COMMITTEE REPORTS Street/Storm Drainage/Light. Councilmember Jones stated that the Committee had met and requested Councilmember owsley to report on the recommendations for Brad Lovelace. Councilmember Owsley reported that Mr Lovelace is planning to build a home at the corner of Hendricks and 30th Streets. Councilmember Owlsey made a motion that Mr Lovelace be allowed to approach from Hendricks to 30th which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Jones stated that the Committee is recommending that a latecomer agreement for streets be started. I Street /Storm Drainage /Light and Parks /Property . Counci lmember Jones reported that his Committee had met with Steve Corra and Forest Shomer on the possibility of developing a Tree and Greenbelt Commission or Committee being formed to take the responsibility for requests regarding trees. Councilmember Camfield reported that her Committee had also discussed a Tree and Greenbelt Commission and is waiting for information before further action is taken. Mayor Shirley reported that Forest Shomer and others will be working on a presentation for the Council. 411 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20, 1990, Cont. I Street/Storm Drainage/Light. Councilmember Jones also reported on a meeting with Andy Thurston and asked him to present his wetland proposal at the intersection Beech and C Streets, which he did. After discussion, Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council approve the proposal in concept which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vo.te. Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Camfield reported that the Environmental Checklist for the Comprehensive Water System Plan will be discussed at a meeting of the Committee at 6:30 PM on April 3, 1990. Environmental Checklists for All City Auto-body and the Historic District Review will also be discussed at tha't meeting. Water-Sewer. Councilmember McCulloch read a portion of a memorandum from Dave Jochim, CH2M Hill, to the 'Water-Sewer Committee regarding the adequacy of the environmental checklist included in the Water Comprehensive Plan in light of the public concern for the siting of the secondary wastewater treatment plant. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Committee had met to go over the environmental checklist for the draft comprehensive plan and the surface water treatment regulations but because! of limited time had not finished. I Water-Sewer & Watershed Advisory. councilmember McCulloch reported these Committees had differing interpretations as to what is needed for the draft comprehensive plan. DSHS will be invited to come to a meeting of the Watershed Advisory Committee for clarification. Since CH2M Hill has offered to interpret some of these regulations at no charge to the City, Dave Jochim set up a meeting with them on April 26, 1990, and with city staff on the same day. Councilmember McCulloch reported that another consulting firm, PEI Consultants, has offered to give a presentation to the Council about the Surface Water Treatment Regulations. It was the consensus of the Council that Councilmember McCulloch contact them to set up a time during a Councilmeeting in the nex-t couple of months. Councilmember McCulloch set a meeting of the Water-SeWE~r Committee for March 28, 1990, at 5:00 PM, to discuss water tap requirements at North Beach for Joel Singer and John Maher. Latecomer Street Agreement. Mayor Shirley stated 1:hat a note should be sent to the City Attorney stating that the street Committee is requesting that an agreement be written. Seaview Sewer LID. Mr stricklin reported that the City is ready to advertize for bids for the construction. Councilmember Jones made a motion to call for bids for the Seaview Sewer which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO 90-29 I A R~SOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL TO JOIN JEFFERSON COUN~~Y AND THE PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND TO PREPARE A JOINT PARKS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Mayor Shirley explained the resolution. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 90-29 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Department of Ecology Meeting. Mayor Shirley announced that he will be attending a meeting with the Department of Ecology on March 412 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20, 1990, Cont. 27, 1990, Councilmember Clise and anyone attending is welcome to go along. else interested in Historic Preservation Commission. Mr Hildt invited the Council to a Public Hearing for the preliminary recommendations for design review by the Historic Preservation Commission on March 28, 1990, at 7:30 PM. I Doug and Nancy Lamy Letter. councilmember Clise made a motion to extend the Conditional Use Permit for ,the James Swan Hotel for 60 days which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Downtown Parking Improvement Plan. Councilmember Westerman presented the Downtown Parking Improvement Plan as presently proposed by the Downtown Parking Improvement Committee which was discussed street by street. Councilmember Westerman indicated she will be discussing the plan with the Police Chief, get a new map drawn up with all the changes, publicize the plan, and send a copy to the Insurance Authority Risk Manager. Councilmember Westerman also proposed that when the final plan is approved that the parking lot behind city Hall be restriped with more spaces and landscaped. NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO 2187 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2.64 ENTITLED "VACATION AND SICKLEAVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES TO ADD A NEW SECTION 2.64.035 ENTITLED "SHARED LEAVE" PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF VACATION LEAVE BETWEEN EMPLOYEES AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS THEREFORE, ESTABLISHING AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I Mr Grove explained the ordinance and read it by title. Council- member Clise made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Clise made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2187 which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by roll call vote. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Recycling. Councilmember Jones reported that they have stopped taking magazines in the recycling program which prompted a discussion of the recycling program and the city subsidizing the program. Public Hearing for the Shoreline Permit for the Secondary Treatment Plant. Westerman questioned the request for a public hearing for the shoreline permit for the secondary treatment plant. It was the consensus of the Council that public comments can be taken at the meeting in which the Council discusses the mitigating measures that are to be placed on the permit. ci ty Dock Ad Hoc Committee. Councilmember McCulloch requested that someone attend the City Dock Ad Hoc Committee meeting on March 22, 1990, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at City Hall as she will be out of town. After discussion, Councilmembers Westerman and Owsley will both try to attend at least part of the meeting. I 413 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 20, 1990, Cont. EXECUTIVE SESSION I Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 10:13 PM to discuss acquisition of real estate by purchase and pending litigation including David Grove and Ted Stricklin. The meeting was reconvened at 10:45 PM. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM. 6:ID M. Mayor Attest: LJ~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 3, 1990 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Third day of April, 1990, at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presidinçr. ROLL CALL I Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Jean Camfield, John elise, Vern Jones, Mike Kenna, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildtand Planner Kevin O'Neill. City Attorney Keith Harper arrived at 9:20 PM. PUBLIC COMMENTS Michael Ajax was recognized and asked the Council to rE~member that under the present contract he and his neighbors are not receiving garbage collection service in front of their door. HE~ asked that the new contract be written in such a way that all households must be offered service at their door. He further requlS!sted to be notified when the City Council will be discussing the contract so that he may be in attendance. Joshua Sage was recognized and spoke against the sidewalk construction beginning on the triangle at the intersection of Kearney and sims Way. I Greg Bennett was recognized and spoke against enlarging the sewer treatment plant to become a regional plant beCall1se of the unrestrained growth that he estimates will result.. He also requested that the speed limit be strictly enforced within the City. Mary Hoffman was recognized and spoke against the sidewalk construction which is beginning on the triangle at the intersection of Kearney and Sims Way. She presented the Council with three drawings recommending that diagonal parking be allowed on the Washington Street side of the property. Mayor ShirlE~y explained that this will be discussed under Committee Reports later in the meeting. Joanne Lammers was recognized and identified herself as the manager of Interwest Bank near the triangle where construction is beginning on the sidewalk. She indicated that the bank is concerned that