HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1982 380 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 1, 1982 Cont. -----------_. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor McClure declared the mee"ting adjourned at 9:01 P.M. ATTEST: J)~~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 18, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 15th day of June, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Barney McClure presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, and Brent Shirely. Also present were City Engineer Roger French, City Attorney ~lenn Abraham, and City Clerk- Treasurer David Grove. Councilmembers Hike Kenna and James Parker arrived later in the meeting. MINUTES Councilmember Imislund made a motion to approve the minutes of June 1, 1982, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded bylCbuncilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for paYMent: Current Expense Street Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Kah Tai Park Fund Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Water/Sewer Equipment Tmmtal Payroll 1,823.32 7,010.47 219.17 1,508.20 38.57 180.32 19,500.00 15,183.84 4,292.45 4,488.06 Councilmember Imislund made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS A feasibility study on the Utilization of the Quincy Street Ferry Terminal Facilities for the Port of Port Townsend dated May 13, 1982, was copied for the Council describing how a float might be designed and the estimated costs involved. A letter dated May 27, 1982 from Walter Carlson of the Department of Natural Resources to Mayor McClure was copied for the Council outlining the permit procedure the City must follow with their department in order to construct a hydro-electric facility on State owned land. I I I 381 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 15, 19?2 Cont:. A letter dated May 28, 1982, from Russell Milnes of; the Economic Development Administration to Mayor Steve was copied for the Council explaining where their refund request of $21,985.00 is within their appeal process. They are indicating our only choice is how we pay them back and not whether we still owe the money back. Mr. Abraham explained that this individual is out of the main stream of communication on this negotiation. I The Council received a copy of a letter dated June 7, 1982, from Mayor McClure to Mary Jo Laughlin thanking her for the print of a rhododendron flower donated to the City and displayed presently in City Hall. A letter dated June 7, 1982, from D.W. Freeman,Project Engineer for the Department of Transportation to Mayor McClure was copied for the Council indicating the State is assuming jurisdiction of the Harrison Street right-of-way as of June 7, 1982. An Environmental Checklist dated June 9, 1982, was copied for the Council as prepared by J. Leslie Donovan and Anthony Stroder on a proposed rezone near the City Limits on SR-20. Mayor McClure referred this to the Legislative/Environmental Commi 1:tee. The Council received a letter dated June 10, 1982, from Lee Smith, Jefferson County Sheriff, reporting that the Port To~insend Leader published a favorable article to the 911 System on June 2, 1982, and that as a result a letter to the editor in complaint of their position would be unappropriate. I The Council received a letter dated June 1, 1982, from William and Lillian Small opposing the construction of multiple family low- income housing on Blocks 179 and 182 in Eisenbeis Addition by rezoning the property because it would downgrade tax value of their property, injure the quality of the neighborhood and cause problems with water run-off and vandalism. A "Motion of City For Extension of Time to File Late Response" was copied for the Council dated June 21,1982, regarding the Hydro Electric Project at Lords Lake. A letter dated June 4, 1982, from Calhoun Cartwright to Mayor McClure was copied for the Council requestinq,that the City erect no parking signs in front of their property at 329 Walker Street because of the Hastings House Inn. Mayor McClure indicated he had no recommendation at this time and indicated he would like to discuss it with the Police Chief. A Notice of a Public Hearing dated June 10, 1982, re~rarding the Jefferson County Flood Plain Management Ordinance was copied for the Council notifying them of a public hearing on July 8, 1982, being held by the Jefferson County Commissioners. A Summary of Economic/Market Feasibility for Nor'Wes1: Village (Planned Unit Development Application No. 482-03) was copied for the Council as further documentation to the application of Dujardin Development Company. I A letter from Mayor McClure to Brain J. Boyle of the Department of Natural Resources dated June 15, 1982, was copied for the Council asking for an extension of time to accumulatE~ requested information. A letter from George Edensward- Breck of the State Jail Commission dated June 12,1982, to B.G. Brown, of the Jefferson County Commissioners was copied for the Council notifying him of the proportiònate Allocation of the j ail project fundi:(1g::and requesting that all comments be submitted in writing to the Jail Commission before July 9, 1982. A memorandum dated June 10, 1982, from Charles E. Peace, Control Officer of the Olympic Air Pollution Authority was copied for the Council notifying the City that the 1983 contribution to them will 382 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 15, 1982 Cont. --.--- be $1,090.00. Mr. Grove explained that this will be for next years budget. He also indicated the preliminary estimate of population in the City is down 10 people to 6,150 which effect our per capita revenue as well as this per capita cost. It was indicated that the Council received a summary of a joint special meeting of the City Arts Commission and Park Board on June 9, 1982, to discuss the Jackson Bequest. The minutes of the April 7, 1982, Park Board meeting were copied for the Council. I A telephone report dated June 9, 1982, from Phil Osborn regarding the Big Quilcene Hydro Project was copied for the Council outlining the chain of events which will lead to a decision on our permit application. Mayor McClure reported that the Federal Energy Regula- tory Commission is within a week or two of making their decision. An Environmental Checklist dated June 3, 1982, was copied for the Council as prepared by Greg Knowles on a proposed rezone from R-l to R-IA of Blocks 1-4,7-10,11-14 and 17-20 of the California Addition in the North Beach area. Mayor McClure referred this to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. Mayor McClure read a letter dated June 9, 1982, from Rev. Dennis R. Brouillette asking the City recognize their rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and not attempt to impose zoning regulations and building codes on the construction of their new church facility. Mr. Abraham reported that he had earlier copied a summary of the court ruling in a case between the City of Sumner, Washington and the First Baptist Church of Sumner which was referred to in this letter. Mr. French indicated that he would examine our requirements as they apply to Peninsula Christian Fellowship. I ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Nora Porter was recognized and indentified -~,herself as repre- senting the Chamber of Commerce Tourist Promotion Committee and reported on the activites of the committee and use of the Hotel/ Motel Transient Tax under the City contract with the Chamber. She indicated that they have placed advertisements in several summer supplements, printed posters, and brochures and are planning a television campaign which will last three weeks on KIRO television station~ ~uncilmember Kenna made a motion to approve the appointment of Robert Henderson of the Arts Commission which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 82-16 A RESOLUTION URGING THE STATE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONERS TO SET CERTAIN TOLL FOR THE HOOD CANAL BRIDGE Mayor McClure read a resolution adopted by the cities of Port Angeles, Sequim, and Forks as well as the Clallam County Commis-' sioners. Councilmember Shirley made a motion to adopt this resolution with the amendment to show a maximum of $1.50 for toll going one way only which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt. It would be up to the State Transportation Commissioners to decide which way to charge for. After a brief discussion, the mot10n passed unanimously by voice vote. I Proposed City Hall Sidewalk Improvement Project. Mayor McClure explained that the City is requiring property owners to improve their sidewalks while the sidewalk in front of City Hall is in need of repair. He indicated the estimate of cost for the improve- ment is $6,000 and $5,000 is presently budgeted in the Street Fund. After a brief discussion, is was noted,' that it would be necessary to call for bids because of the dollar amount. 383 MI.NUTE S- 0 F~THE-RE G.u.LJ\R-SEs.S~r; 0 N-O£-JJ1NE-l.5_,.-,1.9.82-Co n.t-t COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks and Property. Councilmember Imislund made a motion that the City spend up to $200.00 to reimburse Trees for Port Townsend for necessary spraying done to trees along the public right of way which was seconded by Councilmember Parker and passed unanimously by voice vote. I Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Imislund expressed a desire to have an ordinance drafted to eliminate hotels and inns as outright permitted use in the R-II zones. A conversation ensued on the application of future ordinances to the Hastings House Inn. Mr. Abraham explained that any proposed change to the zoning ordinance needs to be presented in a public hearing before both the Planning Commission and City Council before action can be taken on the proposal. Human Affairs/Library. Councilmember Shirley explained that the recent cut to budgets mandated by the Governor means as much as 50% to some agencies and demonstrations are planned in opposition. I Water/Sewer/Street. Mayor McClure reported on the results of a meeting of the committee with the State Department of Transportation on the new ferry terminal design indicating that some changes to the plans might be possible. He indicated that the State was not aware that the City has never seen a set of plans for the terminal and vowed to supply him with a copy. He indicated that it may have been an exercise in futility but aü least the City agreed as to what the problems are. He indicated he is continuing to pursue the State on these problems. Ms. Leslie Sirag was recognized and asked if no left turn would be allowed into the new terminal. Mayor McClure explained that the City is not offering solutions but are only pointing out the problems. It was pointed out that the U turn 'farther down the road will also cause problems. Councilmember Shirley asked for a report on the progn~ss in plans for a Public Works Director. Mayor McClure reported that the task force he organized has prepared a job description and recommended the salary to be offered. The advertisement is being prepared from the job description. He indicated that he would place the advertise- ment in several trade journals before the Council is asked for' approval. A discussion on the wisdom of advertising for the position before the' Council has indicated their willingness to provide the funds to finance it ensued. Because of the apprehension expressed, Mayor McClure agreed to provide the Council with all the necessary details to evaluate whether the position is necessary. He then explained the qualifications and authority proposed for the position. Mr. French reported that a full survey of the City Dock is underway. It has already been established that at least four pilings are rotten and two must be replaced immediately at a cost of $2,000 before the Marine Park Community Building can be rented out for meetings. I Mayor McClure reported that a meeting is being held with the State Transportation Department on Monday at 2:00 P.M. to evaluate where the Washington and Benedict Street Project is a't in relation to construction. Legislative/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council issue a final declaration of non-significance on the Nor-West Planned Unit Development which was seconded by Councilmember Imislund and passed by voice vote with four Councilmembers voting in the affirmative. Councilmember Ciprioti voted against the motion. 384 ---. - __!~URU.TE S_OF_TH E_REG.ULAR_5.ESS.IÜN ._QF~J_UN.EJ5_,__19~82_CQJl~L ---.--- OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 1920 AN ORDINANCE REZONING SECTION 9, T 30, RIW, TAX NO. 15, EAST HWY & N CO. RD LESS TAX 22 (PORTION INSIDE CITY) LESS TAX 20, ENLARGED BY N 45' OF TAX 22 AND BLOCK 8 LOTS 1,2,3,4, & 5 EVERGREEN ADDITION EAST OF STATE HIGHWAY 9 FROM RI-A TO C-II AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING HAP. I Mr. Grove read the ordinance in full. Councilmember Shirley made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Imislund and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Imislund made a motion that Ordinance No. 1920 be adopted which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 1921 AN ORDINANCE VACATING MCCLELLAN STREET BETWEEN SIMS WAY AND VACATED 4TH STREET. Mr. Grove read the ordinance in full. Councilmember Imislund made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Parker made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1921 which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS I ORDINANCE NO. 1919 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES AND WAGES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Ciprioti made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote" Councilmember Kenna asked if a decision has been reached on the new park assistant and Mayor McClure reported that Mr. Steve Corra has been hired. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Ciprioti made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1919 which was seconded by Council- member Ciprioti and passed unanimously by~ roll call vote. ADJOURNEMENT There being no further business, Mayor McClure declared the meeting adjourned at 8:59 P.M. I MAYOR ATTEST M~ CITY CLERK