HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1982 374 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 18, 1982 Cont. ORDINANCE NO. 1916 AN ORDINANCE REZONING TAX LOTS 26 AND 42 AND LOT 29 FROM RI-A TO C-ll, AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL MAP. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title,Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Ciprioti and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Imislund made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1916 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by roll call vote. I Local Option Sales Tax. Mr. Grove reported that it is estimated that the City could raise revenue from retail sales tax to $363,492 by adopting an additional ~ç of sales tax, but recommended that the Council coordinate their decision with the County Commis- sioners and keep in mind that the reasons for levying the tax should be clear because the citizens have a right by initiative to vote on it. He explained that this is the most comprehensive new legislation providing additional revenue sources to cities. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. ~~~ -- ATTEST: I &J~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 1, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 1st day of June, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Barney McClure presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, Dale Judy, Mike Kenna, James Parker, and Brent Shirley. Also present were City Engineer Roger French, City Attorney Glenn Abraham, and City Clerk-Treasurer David Grove. MINUTES Councilmember Judy made a motion to approve the minutes of May 18, 1982, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. I BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for payment: Current Expense Street Library Park 28,302.99 1,640.55 2,026.26 93J.16 ,'.. c". 375 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 1, 1982 Cont. I Library Services/ Const. Act Grant Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue water/Sewer Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Payroll Fund 548.51 1,169.34 18.28 5,429.10 1,163.13 1,231.58 24,964.21 Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Imislund . and passed unqnimously by voice vote. CONMUNICATIONS A. letter dated jI~ay 13, 1982, from Peter Kohn; an attorney represent- ing Crown Zellerbach to Kenneth F. Plumb, Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was copied for the Council requesting that the commission strike amendment to the City's Competing Application for Preliminary Permit to conduct a feasibility study for a Hydro-Electric project at Lords Lake Reservior. An article entitled "Bad Timing For New Duplexes" by Jeffery C. Ingman was copied for the Council on May 18, 1982 opposing the construction of subsidized housing in Jefferson County be~ause of the number of vacant housing units presently available. A letter dated May 20, 1982, from Howard Ranto of the Employment Security Department was copi~d for the Council indicating that unless they are notified otherwise, Social Security coverage of city employees will terminate on December 31, 1984 as requested. I A letter dated May 21, 1982, from Keith M. Eggen of the Urban Arterial Board was copied for the Council indicating they are going to use the 1980 Six-Year Program to demonstrate a need to the 1983 Legislature. The Council received a letter dated May 19,1982, from Keith Eggan of the Department of Transportation outlining the City's responsi- bility to update the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plans and requesting copies of the updated plan by July 30, 1982. Mayor McClure referred both of these to the Water/Sewer/Street Committee. A memorandum dated May 24, 1982, from David Grove was copied for the Council capsulizing several items of communication on future tolls on the Hood Canal Bridge. Mayor McClure indicated that he might prepare a resolution for the Council's consideration on this issue. I A memorandum dated May 24, 1982, from David Grove was cppied for the Council reporting on the workshop entitled "Choosing Your Options - The 1982 Revenue Package" and recommended that the city approach the levying of an additional sales tax with caution. He further recommended that the city levy a one-quarter of one percent real estate excise tax to'begin a reserve fund for capital improve- ments. It was explained that a decision to levy the sales tax must be made at least two months before the tax is scheduled to go into effect in order to allow the window for a petition to place it on the ballot. Mayor McClure referred this to the Finance Committee with a request that they report their findings during the month of July. A petition dated May 25, 1982, was copied for the Council with 32 signatures opposing the building of duplex complex on Blocks 179 and 182 in the Eisenbeis Addition. r1ayor McClure referred this to the public hearing which will be held on the Planned unit Development Application No. 482-03. The Council received a letter dated May 25, 1982, from Clifford C. Benson, Attorney at Law and Executor of the estate of Ruth Margaret Seavy Jackson (deceased), indicating that the city would 376 . --_____Þ1.I:j\JUTES OF THE REGULAR S~S§.Imi..Q:r_J:UN_E_~LJ9_~_£_,Ç9nj:~____----------~--,- . ------ ~---- share in her estate provided that the money was used to construct a monument or art object which would be visible from Puget Sound as well as from the area surrounding the .object. Mayor McClure reported that the total estate is worth in the area of $200,000. He recommended that the Council refer this to the Arts Commission and the Park Board for a recommendation. A letter dated May 27, 1982, from Greg Wright, Recyc~ing Manager of Bayshore Enterprises to Mayor McClure was copied for the Council reporting that they have been awarded a grant to construct facilities and operate a recycling project from the Department of Ecology and requesting that the city endorse their plan through resolution. It was indicated that this would be covered under new business. I A request from the Port Townsend Planning Commission dated May 28, 1982, was copied for the Council requesting that the city initiate contact" with the Department of Transportation to review the pro- posed design of the traffic circulation and public safety and other issues effected by the new ferry terminal before the final contract is signed. It was indicated that this is on the agenda under old business. A letter dated May 28, 1982, from Calhoun Cartwright to Mayor McClure was copied for the Council expressing his opinion that Mayor McClure should be held accountable for the implementation of 'declarations about the Hastings House Inn by Mr. French and the City Attorney. ~response to this letter dated June 1, 1982, from Mayor McClure was also copied for the Counil welcoming his comments and clarifing the statements of the Citv Attorney and Mr. French. A letter dated Supervisor for indicating the tion on forest Mechanical and and Krenite. Hay 28, 1982, from Richard D. Beaubien, Forest the Olympic National Forest, to Mayor McClure method of controlling encroaching roadside vegeta- service maintained roads preferred is Hanual, Thermal in combination with the Herbicide Spike I A memorandum from Mayor McClure to David Grove dated June 1, 1982, was copied for the Council notifying"him that the Marine Park Community Building is temporarily condemned for use until further notice due to deterioration to supports for the building. Mayor McClure reported that the improvements to City Hall requested in earlier correspondence from SAFECO Insurance are possible to make and he is taking steps to implement those changes. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor McClure announced the appointment of Bob Henderson to the Arts Commission. COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative/Environemental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council make a preliminary declaration of non-significance on the proposed construction of a church by the peninsula Christian Fèllowship which was seconded by Counci1member Judy and passed unanimously by voice vote. I Fire/Light/Sanitation. Councilmember Ciprioti reported that the committee met with representatives from the fire districts and indicated that the communications in the Port Ludlow area will need an additional repeater station in order to be effective at a cost of $461.16 to each district including the city. Councilmember Ciprioti made a motion that the city participate in this project" and pay its share of the cost which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. 377 MINUTES OF THE RRGl!LAR-5.ES1'-IDliJ_QF_J_UNE_L,_1.9_8.2_Con.t.. PUBLIC HEARINGS I Conditional Use Permit Application No. 382-02 - Puliz. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this application to operate an entertainment enterprise in a building near the intersection of Hendiricks and Sims Way. Mayor McClure opened the meeting to receive public testimony, but none was offered. Mayor McClure then c16sed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the Council for disposition. Councilmember Hunt asked if the facility would be opE:!n seven days a week and Mr. John Puliz said it would. Councilmeru)er Imislund asked if it would be available to all ages and Mr. Puliz said it would. Councilmember Parker made a motion which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt that the Council find affirmatively with regard to the requirements of Sub-sections A,B,C, and D of Section 6.08 of Ordinance No. 1625 and that the conditional use permit be granted for one year provided that the following conditions are met: 1. That the facility close not later that 11:00 P.M. 2. That an adult supervisor will be present in the facility during all operation hours. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. I Street vacation Application No. 282-02 - Olson, et ale Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this application to vacate McClellan Street between Sims Way and vacated 4th Street. Mayor McClure open~d the hearing to receive public testimony but none was offered, so he closed the hearing and turned the application over to the Council for disposi- tion. Councilmember Imislund made a motion that the Council find that the application meets the review criteria established by Section 5.20 of Ordinance No. 1802 and that the application be approved provided that there is a provision that filling of the gulley will not be permitted without prior design approval by the City Street Superintendent and a utility easement is retained which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. Rezone Request No. 382-03 ~ Norman Smith. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending that the Council approve' this request to rezone from R-IA to C-II a parcel of land east of S.R. 20 and adjacent to the City Limits. Mayor McClur~ opened the hearing to the public, but no t~stimony was offered. Mayor McClure then closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the Council for disposition. Councilmember Shirley made a motion to adopt the following findings of fact and approve the rezone request which was seconded by Councilmember Judy: a. That the property under consideration is and traditionally has been used for commercial purposes. b. That the most appropriate future use of 1:he property is for commercial purposes and specifically for General Commercial (C-II) , as defined by the City zoning Ordinance. é. That the proposed rezone is in keeping intent and purposes of the City zoning d. That the proposed rezone is in keeping intent of the City Comprehensive Plan. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. with the Ordinance. with the I Variance Application No. 382-01 - Harry Pollard. Mr.. Grove ex-- plained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this application for a variance from the 20 foot rninimum front setback requirement of the zoning ordinance at 1828 Lincoln Street. Hayor HcClure opened the hearing to the public, but no testimony was offered. He then closed the hearing and turned the application over to the Council for disposition. Councilmember Hunt made a motion which was seconded by CouncilmembE:!r Imislund that the Council màke the following findings of fact and approve the application: 378 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 1, 1982 Cont. .~ --'--- - __H- .-,._--- The motion a. That the provisions of Sub-sections 6.l0A 2 & 3 of the Zoning Oridnance are not applicable in this case and are waived. b. That the proposed variance does not constitute a change to the Official Zoning Map, nor will it amount to a rezone. c. That the granting of the proposed variance will not confer a special privilege on the subject property that is denied other lands ìn the same dìstrìct. I d. That the granting of the proposed variance will not be materially deterimental to the public welfare, nor injurious to the property or ìmprovements in the zone in which the property is located. e. That the proposed variance is the minimum which will permit the applicant to make reasonable use of his land in accolJ7dance with the plans set forth in his application and that the reasons set forth therein justify granting the variance. f. That granting the proposed variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and not be injurious to the neighborhood. . passed unanimously by voice vote. Conditional Use Permit Application No. 482-01 - Fifer. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending that the Council deny this application for a conditional use permit to operate an entertainment enterprise at 2019 Sims Way. Mayor McClure opened the hearing to the audience. Mr. Robert Wheatley was recognized and spoke against the application because of the danger to pedestrian traffic in crossing Sims Way and the small number of parking spaces available after the other businesses in the area are taken into account. Mr. Claude Pray was recognized and spoke against the application because of the noise heard in his business next door and the parking and litter in the area. There being no further testimony, Mayor McClure closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the Council for dispostion. Councilmember Shirley made a motion to deny the application whièh was seconded by Councilmember Kenna and passed unanimously by voice vote. I Variance Application No. 482-02 - Mustin: Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Commission is recommending approval of this request for a variance from the off street parking requirements for a cafe at 921 Washington Street. Mayor McClure opened the hearing to the public, but no testimony was offered. Mayor McClure then closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the Council for disposition. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the Council find affirmatively with regard to findings one through seven of Sedtion 5.10 of Ordinance No. 1625 and that the variance be granted as requested which was seconded by Oouncilmember Judy. After a brief discussion on alternative parking space, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS I Ferry Terminal site Location. Mr. John Floyd was recognized and recommended that the city initiate efforts to mitigate the adverse impacts on traffic caused by the design of the new ferry terminal. He indicated that the design did not meet the criteria established by the Mediation Panel. He recommended that a meeting be held soon with the Department of Transportation before the contract is signed with the successful bidder. Mayor McClure indicated that the concerns of the Planning Commission have been discussed with Dee Freeman for the Department of Transportation. It was indicated that the request of the Planning Commission has not been distributed to the Mediation Panel. He indicated that the Department of Trans- portation is still willing to accept recommendations from the City 379- M I NTU E S OF T IlE_RE-G_ULAR_S_ES.S_I.oN_OLJ_UNE_l_,_19_82_Con:t... Council. A discussion ensued on the possibility in reactivating the Mediation Panel to evaluate the plans in light of the agreement with Barbara Bogart, Robert Harper and George Yount participating from the audience. At the conclusion of this discussion, Mayor '1cClure referred this recommendation to the Water/Sewer/Street Committee with the suggestion that they use the Mediation Panel in an advisory capacity. I ORDINANCE NO. 1917 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1768 Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. He explained that Ordinance No. 1768 is the ordinance which granted Standard Oil Company a lease of Harrison Street where the new ferry terminal is to be constructed. Councilmember Shirley made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only "which was seconded by Councilmember Judy and passed unani1mo.uSly by voice vote. Councilmember Kenna made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1917 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 1918 AN ORDINANCE VACATING 3RD STREET BETWEEN THOMAS AND LOGAN STREETS. I Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by'title only which was seconded by Councilmember Judy and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Counci Imember Judy made a motion to adopt Ordiri.ance No. 1981 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 82-15 A RESOLUTION EATABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR WRITING OFF AMBULANCE SERVICE CHARGES Mr. Grove explained the reasons for the conditions. Councilmember Judy made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 82-15 which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley. After a brief report by Mr. Grove on the methods used to obtain collectLon and an explanation of the implied contract between the customer and the City by the City Attorney, Councilmember Ciprioti made a motion to amend the resolution to require the Clerk-Treasurer to write off accounts which have not been collected within two years. The motion died for lack of a second. The main' motion passed unanimously be voice vote. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 82-16 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE JEFFERSON COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECYCLING PROJECT. I Mr. Greg Wright was recognized and explained that they will be building a facility at the County Dump and will be expanding their present operations to include such things as cardboard and a secondhand store. It was explained that there is no financial 'commitment required of the city because of this endor,esement but the endorsement is necessary for them to receive the grants. A discussion" of present recycling activities and the effects of recent legislation were discussed. Councilmember Shirley made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 82-16 which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. 380 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 1, 1982 Cont. ~ ---~.~ --~--~-----~~~--~--~-----~----~----- ._------~,-----~------- -~---- ----,-------~~--~-----~------ ~ ~ ,. - ----'._-~-----,-------------'-~----,---~--------~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor McClure declared the meeting adjourned at 9:01 P.M. ---- ATTEST: ¿)~~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 18, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 15th day of June, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Barney McClure presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, and Brent Shirely. Also present were City Engineer Roger French, City AttorneY~llenn Abraham, and City Clerk- Treasurer David Grove. Councilmembers Mike Kenna and James Parker arrived later in the meeting. MINUTES Councilmember Imislund made a motion to approve the minutes of June 1, 1982, as written and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded bYICbuncilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented for pay~ent: Current Expense Street Park Hotel/Motel Transient Tax Kah Tai Park Fund Emergency Medical Services Federal Shared Revenue Water/Sewer Equipment TR~ntal Payroll 1,823.32 7,010.47 219.17 1,508.20 38.57 180.32 19,500.00 15,183.84 4,292.45 4,488.06 Councilmember Imislund made a motion that the bills and claims be paid from the proper funds which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS A feasibility study on the Utilization of the Quincy Street Ferry Terminal Facilities for the Port of Port Townsend dated May 13, 1982, was copied for the Council describing how a float might be designed and the estimated costs involved. A letter dated May 27, 1982 from Walter Carlson of the Department of Natural Resources to Mayor McClure was copied for the Council outlining the permit procedure the City must follow with their department in order to construct a hydro-electric facility on State owned land. I I I