HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1982 368 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SF.SSION OF APRIL 20, 1982 Cont. Discussions ensued on various provisions such as the implementation of review process by the Planning Commission on building permits, hiring a full time civil engineer to evaluate all construction plans, relocation of the ferry terminal, establishing one way streets during special events to improve traffic flow to Fort Worden, etc. Councilmember Kenna made a motion at the conclusion of the discussion that the Council refer the draft to the Planning Commission and plan to hold a joint work session when the Planning Commission has had an opportunity to evaluate the draft. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT I Councilmember Hunt made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 10:34 P.M. which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed unanimously by voice vote. ATTEST: Pt~~ CITY CLERK MINUI'ES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 4, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 4th day of May, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, Mayor Barney McClure presiding. I ROLL CALL CouncilIœrnbers present at roll call were Joseph Ciprioti, Janis Hunt, Frieda Imislund, Dale Judy, Janes Parker, and Brent Shirley. Also present were City Engineer Roger French, City Attorney Glenn Abraham, and City Clerk-Treasurer David Grove. MINUTES Counci1rœmber Judy made a Irotion to approve the minutes of April 20, 1982, as wri tten and to dispense with the reading of them which was seconded by Council- nernber Shirley and passed unanirrously by voice vote. BILLS AND CIAIMS The follCMing bills and claims were presented for payment: CUrrent Expense Street Library Park Kah Tai Park Ðærgency M3dical Services Hotel;'M:>tel Transient Tax Library Services/Const. Act Grant Federal Shared Revenue Water/Seær Equipnent Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Payroll 31,299.32 2,846.26 3,598.35 866.30 12.08 873.77 3,000.00 748.93 2,945.51 13,533.69 5,290.45 1,263.84 27, 721. 90 I Councilrœmber Ciprioti made a Irotion that the bills and claims be paid frcrn the proper funds which was seconded by Councilrœmber Hunt and passed unanirrousl y by voice vote. 369 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 4, 1982 Cont. COMMUNICATIONS I The Council received a lettèr dated April 20, 1982, from Frank Hansen of the Division of Marine Land Managerœnt for the Depart::rrent of Natural Resources pre- senting them with a copy of the resolution and map relating to the establishrœnt, of a Public Place in the existing harbor area for the new ferry tenninal. Councilmember Hunt asked for an explanation of this action. Mayor McClure explained that it is similar to the City declaring property zoned P-l. A :meIrorandum dated April 29, 1982, from Stan Finkelstein, Assis,tant Director of the Association of Washington Cities was copied for the Council indicating that if the City wished to inplerœnt the local option sales tax on July 1, 1982, an ordinance must be passed by May 7, 1982. Mr. Grove explained that the City Attorney has prepared the necessary ordinance for the convenience" ofL'!.the .Council. After a brief discussion, Counci1mernber Ciprioti made a ITOtion .to table the matter until the Council receives a report from the Clerk-Treasurer after the meeting May 18, 1982, which was seconded by Counci1mernber Imislund and passed unanim:msly by voice vote. The Council received an Environrrental Checklist dated April 29, 1982, from Nor' West Village on the proposed Planned Unit Developrœnt of 15 townhouse duplexes, laundry facilities and recreation building at the S.E. corner of 14th Street and Logan Street. Mayor McClure referred this to the Legislative Environmental Comni ttee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Donna Puliz was recognized and requested that the Council take action on their conditional use pennit application to open an arcade at the SeaBreeze MJbile Home Park. Mayor McClure explained that their request is on the agenda to set a public hearing. I Mayor McClure reported that the state will be awarding the contr-act to construct the new Port Townsend Ferry Tenninal torrorrow and corrpletion of the project will be in a year and a half. CCMMI'lTEE REPORI'S Legislati vejEnvironmental. Council1œmber Judy made a ITOtion that the Council issue a final declaration of non-signtficance on',:the '.environrreilt.éil, :Oheè::kl.tst submitted by Nonnan Smith on his rezone request. The ITOtion was seconded by Counci1member Imislund and passed unanimously by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS I Street Vacation Application No. 182-01 - Richard P. Boyd. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Comnission is recorrmending approval of this n~quest to vacate 3rd Street between Thomas and Logan Streets. Mayor McClure opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Richard Boyd was recognized and spoke in favor of his application explaining that he is concerned about drainage backing up into his property if the street were opened. There being no further testimony, Mayor McClure closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the Council for disposition. Councilmember Judy made a ITOtionto approve the application with the stipulation that no filling of the gulley be permitted without prior design approval by the City Street Superintendent and that - appropriate utility easerœnts will be retained., which was secoI].ded, by Council- member Hunt and passed unanirrously by voice vote. Rezone Request No. 282-01 - Ronald Smith. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Comnission is recOITU1EI1ding approval of this application to have Tax Lots 26 and 42 at the intersection of Glen Cove Road and SR- 20 rezoned from R-lA to C-2. Mayor McClure opened the hearing to the public but no testirrony was offered. Mayor McClure then closed the hearing to the audience and turne:l the application over to the Council for disposition. Counci1mernber Imislund asked if the drainfield problem had been resolved. Mr. Ron Smith was recognized and explained that the Health Department has limited the seating capacity to conform with available septic system. Counci1mernber Shirley made a ITOtion that the Council find as fact: 370 ------- ~--MlliIUTES__OF THE_RE~ ,E;ESSIQl'LQF MA¥4, 1982 Cont. - --- on ---- ----- --------_._---- -------------- a. That the property under consideration is and traditionally has been used for comrercial purposes. b. That the nost appropriate future use of the property is for commercial purposes and specifically for General Comnercial (C-2) , as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance. c. That the proposed rezone is in keeping_with the purposes and intent of the City zoning Ordinance. - . I d. That the proposed rezone is in keeping with the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan for Land Use and, That- Council approve Rezone Request No. 282-01. The notion was seconded by Counci1rœmber Hunt and passed unélIÛ1rously by vòice'ivoœ. Rezone Request No. 182-02 - Elwin E. Fetty. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Canrnission is recomœnding approval of this application to rezone Tax lot #29 frcm R-JA to C-2 at the intersection of Glen Cove Road and SR-20. Mayor McClure opened the hearing to the public but no testiIrony was offered. He then closed the hearing to the audience and turned the application over to the Council for disposition. CouncilIœmber Judy made a lIDtion that the Council find as fact: a. That the property under consideration is and traditionally has been used for commercial purposes. b. That the nost appropriate future use of the property is for conmercial purposes and specifically for General Conmercial (C-2) , as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance. c. That the proposed rezone is in keeping with the purposes and intent of the City zoning Ordinance. d. That the proposed rezone is in keeping with the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan for Land Use and, I That Council approve Rezone Request No. 182-02. The notion was seconded by Councilrœmber Hunt and passed unanllnousl y by voice vote. conditional Use Permit No. 282-03 - Harold DeJong. Mr. Grove explained that the Planning Comnission is recomnending approval of this application to allav the sale of antiques from the premises of the Hastings House Tour Home located at the intersection of Washington and Walker Streets. He reported that the applicant telephoned this date to formally withdraw his application~ * the Çouncil need not conduct a public hearing. Mr. Calhoun Cartwright was recognized and expressed a desire to address the Council in regard to their opposition to the use of this home for tours and nightly rental. Mayor McClure indicated that he would allow them tiITe at the end of the agenda under new business. *Mr. Abraham indicated that in light of the applicants decision to withdraw his OLD BUSINESS application, ORDINANCE NO. 1914 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $10,000 FROM THE HOTEL/MOTEL TRANSIENT TAX FUND AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title which constituted the second reading. Councilrœmber Imislund made a lIDtion that the second reading b~ considered the third and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Shirley and passed u.nanirrDusl y by voice vote. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilrœmber Judy made a notion to adopt Ordinance No. 1914 which was seconded by councilmember Hunt and passed u.nanirrDusly by roll call vote. I RESOLUTION NO. 82-14 A RESOLUTION AUI'HORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A TOURIST PRO.M:n'ION CONTRACI' Councilrœmber Judy made a notion to adopt Resolution No. 82-14 which was seconded by Counci1mernber Hunt and passed unanimously by voice vote. 371 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 4, 1982 Cont. Public Hearings. Counci1member Ciprioti made a IIDtion which was seconded by Counci1member Imislund that public hearings be conducted on June 1, 1982, for the following applications: I Conditional Use Permit Application No. 382~02 - Puliz Street Vacation Application No. 282-02 - Olson et al Rezone Request No. 382-03 - Norman Smith Variance Application No. 382-04 - Har:ry Pollard Conditional Use Permit No. 482-01 Fifer Variance Application No. 482-02 - Mustin The IIDtion passed unanimously by voice vote. I Hastings House '!bur HOOle. Mr. Calhoun Cartwright was recognize:ì and requested that the Council not allow the residence at the corner of Walker and Washington Streets to be used as an Inn or '!bur Home because of the potential for fixe, lack of off-street parking, change to the character of the neighborhood, addi tional traffic, and because it would violate the zoning ordinance. Mr . John Kircher was recognized and stated his concurrence with Mr. Cartwright's statements testifying as to the traffic hazards there recently. Mr. Keith Hoskins was recognized and explained how much parking is presently required for the Courthouse. Mrs. Ermna Kircher was recognized and expressed objection to the preparation of food at this location because of the odor and potential fire hazard. Mrs. Dorothy Cartwright was recognized and testified as to the type of litter generated by tourists in the area last weekend. She requested that the State Fire Marshall and State~: Insurance Commissioner be called in to evaluate this property. Mr. Fred Park was recognized and calle d to the Council's attention that retired people are a major revenue source to the cœmuni.ty. Council Hunt asked Mr. Floyd if any off-street parking locations were considered by the Planning Carmission. Mr. Floyd explained that the Planning Ccmrnission limi ted their discussion to the sale of antiques and didn't examine potential sites for off-street parking. Counci1roernber Judy explained that the Council has not had an opportunity to pass judgerœnt on any permit for the use of the Hastings House. Mr. French reported that Mr. DeJong indicated to him ~ that they would not be renting out rooms. Mrs. Doroth¥. Calloway was recognized and reported that she was present during the recent homes tour in the Hastings House and witnessed the distribution of leaflets praroting bed and breakfast use of the Hastings House. She them presented Mr. French with a sarrple of the leaflets. Mr. Abraham indicated that if they are renting out rocros, they are violating the law. Mr.Cecil Brown was recognized and explained that the group of neighOOrs are not accusing any city officials of not doing their job but hope to bring to the Council's attention that this is a detriment to the neighborhood . that they believe that Council has the authority to do somethin~ about. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Shirley made a IIDtion to adjourn the mæting at 8: 55 P.M. which was seconded by Councilmember Hunt and passed unani.Irousl y by voice vote. S¡f (1£ CU. ~~--- MAYOR U ATI'EST: I J~~ City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF ~ffiY 18, 1982 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 18th day of Hay, 1982, at 7:30 P.H. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Pro Tern Dale Judy presiding.