HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1994 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4, 1994 The city council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Fourth day of April, 1994, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of city Hall, Mayor John M Clise presiding. ROLL CALL councilmembers present at Roll Call were Dan Harpole, Julie McCulloch, Diane Perry-Thompson, Ted Shoulberg, and Sheila Westerman. Councilmembers Bill Davidson and Robert: Sokol were excused. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, Police Chief Jim Newton, City Attorney Dennis McLerran, Librarian Cheryl Silverblatt, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember McCulloch made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Perry-Thompson and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the Minutes for February 7, 1994, as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: 010 094 110 120 130 170 301 309 311 320 330 331 333 370 411 412 500 610 Current Expense Garbage Street Library Park Emergency Medical Services 94 Storm -Property Acquisition 94 Stormwater Master Plan 94 WWT Biosolids Compost Facility 92 city Dock Re-Construction 93 Water Quality Improvements 94 Water System -Tri Area CT Comp 94 Water System -Standpipe F.A.U.S. Construction Project Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total Setting Hearings: $ 13,937.77 52,623.50 45.16 10,818.39 1,495.29 1,745.76 375.00 3,741. 39 12,246.05 565.19 1,7014.83 449.50 2:8.30 5,7.29 21,938.75 1,138.33 3,366.73 12:4.32 $ 126,401.55 Hospital Rezone and Conditional Use Permit for May 5,1994 Approval of Appointments: Mariam Lansdon to Arts Commission until April 4, 1997 Lois A Venarchick to Arts Commission until April 4,1997 Adoption of Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO 94-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING ON A PETITION FOR VACATION OF A STREET. Public hearing of Street Vacation Application No 9401-10 from Jefferson General Hospital. 549 550 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4, 1994, Cont. RESOLUTION NO 94-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LATECOMER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.91. James and Beverly Dickgeiser, Daniel Rasmussen and Marty and Judy Peterson jointly have constructed or caused to be constructed a 6- inch water line in Carroll street within the service area of the City of Port Townsend. RESOLUTION NO 94-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LATECOMER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.9l. Lisa Enarson and Randy Kraxberger have constructed or caused to be constructed a 6-inch water line in Hancock Street within the service area of the City of Port Townsend. Communications: A l~tter dated March 8,1994, from Cheryl Bergener, Program Manager, Waterworks certification board, announcing that a certificate of Competency is being issued to Sean R Campbell as a Water Distribution Manager 1; Mathew G Capriotti and John F Freitas as Water Distribution Manager 2 was copied for Council. A letter dated March 14,1994, from Robert Hinton, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, to Bill Blake, Funtastic Carnival, reporting that the Commissioners cannot approve the use of Memorial Field by the Carnival in 1994, but would be willing to reconsider the request next year was copied for Council. A letter dated March 16, 1994, from David Hermanson requesting consideration of the latecomer/payback agreement fee was copied for Council and referred to the utilities Committee. A letter dated March 18, 1994, from Dr Niki R Clark, Director, Jefferson County Historical society, reporting on plans for the permanent curation of the original Haller Fountain Sculpture was copied for Council. A letter dated March 22, 1994, from John Clise to Bob Hinton, Chair, Jefferson County Board of Commissioners, concerning the city's appeal to the Growth Planning Hearings Board was copied for Council. A letter dated March 23,1994, from John Clise to David Goldsmith, Director of Community Services, Jefferson County, requesting a proposal for animal control services for consideration was copied for Council. A letter dated March 24, 1994, from Joseph Wheeler, Executive Director, Centrum and Jim Farmer, Manager, Fort Worden State Park requesting funding for heating in the McCurdy Pavilion was copied for Council and referred to the Finance Committee. A letter dated March 28,1994, from John Clise to Dr Niki R Clark, Director, Jefferson County Historical Society, approving the request to use the Jail Exercise Area as a location to install the original Haller Fountain Sculpture and noting the need for some written agreement for permanent'usage was copied for Council. A notice of Public Hearing dated March 28, 1994, from Lee Tickell, Executi ve Director, Community Action, to provide citizens the opportunity to comment on community development and housing needs for consideration of building a joint service facility for the I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4, 1994, Cont., Jefferson Community Counseling and Clallam-Jefferson community Action Council was copied for Council. A letter dated March 29, 1994, from Sheri Robison, Chair, Tourism Coordinating Council/Tourism Advisory Group (TCC/TAG) report:ing on the future of the group and proposed budget requests was copied for Council and referred to the Finance Committee. A letter dated March 30,1994, from Robert J Erickson, Senior vice President, Summit Communications, Inc, reporting that they are not adverse to extending the period for cable television rate regulation review for an additional 30 days was copied for Council and referred to Public Hearings later on the agenda. This concludes the Consent Agenda. INTRODUCTIONS AND/OR RECOGNITIONS Mayor Clise proclaimed April 10-16, 1994, as Washington Eart:hquake Awareness Week. PUBLIC HEARINGS Cable Television Rates. Mayor Clise introduced the hearing and opened it to the Public. Bill Lilly, Senior Vice President of Cable operations, Summit Communications, was recognized explained that the 1992 Cable Act has 600-700 pages of ratt~ regulation material that have been replaced by a second set of regulations during the past three weeks that is over 600 pages, so feels that the 60 day period for extension is well warranted. Mr Lilly commended the City for doing the most thorough job of rate analysis and compliance of all the 25 franchises and appealed 1:0 Council to renew the franchise so that their system can be upg-raded.. There being no further testimony, Mayor Clise closed the hE~aring to the Public. After discussion, Councilmember Shoulberg made a motion that the Council request that Summit Cable keep records of all amounts received by reasons of the proposed rates and the identity of the subscribers amounts on whose behalf such amounts were paid which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Shoulberg read a note from Bob Hinton, Jefferson County Commissioner, requesting that Summit Cable respond to joint cable negotiations between the County, City and themsel VE~S . Mr Lilly responded that they will cooperate jointly wit:h the County and City and have no problem with that at all. Port of Port Townsend Floating Fuel Sales Facility Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application 9401-01. Mr Hildt reviewed the findings, conclusions and conditions of the Port Townsend Shoreline Advisory Commission recommending approval of Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application No 9401-01. Mayor Clise opened the hearing to the Public. There being no testimony, Mayor Clise closed the hearing to the Public and turned to council for disposition. After discussion, Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt findings 1 through 6, conclusions 1 through 5, conditions 1 through 4 and approve Substantial Development Permit Application No 9401-,01 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE REPORTS Transportation. Councilmember Westerman reportE3d that the Commi ttee is seeking members from other transporta-tion oriented commi ttees, citizens at large as well as a high school studE:!nt, and a builder with a possibility of ten members other than Councilmembers. A discussion of the size of these committees ensued. 551 552 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4, 1994, Cont. Coordination. Councilmember Harpole reported that he has held pr~limina:y discussions~nd will be presenting something on how thlS commlttee can serve ln the Comprehensive Plan process at the May 2,1994, Councilmeeting. STANDING/ADHOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Committee has received a report from the remaining members of the Tourism Coordinating Council on the future of a committee as well as their recommendation for appropriation of Hotel/Motel Tax money. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council approve the following funding allocations, that Hotel/Motel Tax funds not spent this year be rolled over into 1995 projects and that the Tourism Advisory Group (TAG) return to the Finance Committee with by-laws and a structure by the first week of May which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that Councilmember Harpole serve on the TAG. $34,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 1,300 2.700 $63,000 PT visitor Information Center/Chamber of Commerce Rhody Float Travel/Rhododendron Festival Off-Season Promotions/Main Street Project Marketing/Miscellaneous "Historic Points of Interest" Map/Chamber of Commerce Administration/Main Street Project Total Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Committee is in support of the request from Centrum to partially fund the heating system for the McCurdy Pavilion. Joe Wheeler, Centrum, was recognized and explained the project. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council allocate $15,000 from the Hotel/Motel Tax fund for radiant heat for the McCurdy Pavilion and that the City's rights purchased with these funds be worked out by staff which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the Committee is in support of the supplemental budget request for a temporary receptionist in the Planning and Building Department for the rest of 1994 and made a motion to that effect which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg. A brief discussion of permitting service to the Public ensued. Councilmember McCulloch set a meeting of the Committee for April 11,1994, at 5:00 PM to discuss a carryover and supplemental budget request from Public Works as well as the Pink House proposal. Parks & Property. Councilmember Harpole reported that the Committee has been discussing a rental policy for the Pope Park building and that a draft policy has been sent to the Parks Board which will be further reviewed by the Committee on April 26,1994. A Public Hearing on the ordinance was set for the May 2, 1994, Council meeting. Councilmember Harpole announced that there will be a discussion of the Pink House and the status of the property purchase at Umatilla and 25th as well as plans for its use at the committee meeting on April 26, 1994. A discussion of the concept of a "Tagging Wall" for graffiti artists will be held during a future meeting in conjunction with the Arts Commission. Councilmember Harpole reminded Council of the Parks Tour on April 20,1994, which will start at 12:00 PM at Chetzemoka Park. councilmember Harpole recognized work done by City Planner Dave Robison on the Union Wharf project through the years. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4, 1994, Cont:. Land Use. Councilmember Perry-Thompson reported that the Land Use Workgroup for the comprehensive Plan has had it's firs't meeting and is a very good group. Housing. Councilmember Perry-Thompson reported that she ,~ill be meeting with the Planning Department to discuss formation of the Housing Workgroup for the Comprehensive Plan later this week. Councilmember Perry-Thompson reported that the Planning Commission will be holding an accessory unit workshop on April 21, 1994, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Clise noted the Wetlands Workshop to be held on April 9, 1994, at the Port Townsend Community Center and urged anyone interested to attend. Mayor Clise announced that a committee will be formed to INork on the Union Wharf project in the very near future and requested written notice from anyone interested in serving on the committee. Mayor Clise reported that there is a three and a half day Consensus Building Workshop at the Fairgrounds in July being sponsored. by the Jefferson County Public Works Department for County Officials and is open to City Officials and interested citizens at $220.00 each. STAFF REPORTS Planning & Building. Mr Hildt noted that the Planning Department is working on the Union Wharf project and as well as sE::!veral things for the Comprehensive Plan that are just getting undE~r way. Public Works. Mr Wheeler reported that John Merchant has been selected as the Chapter Award of Merit recipient for 1994 from the American Public Works Association, Washington state Chapter. Mr Wheeler noted advertisements in the Leader report:ing chlorine contact time for water service areas and steps being taken to lengthen the contact time. A public meeting was held March 30, 1994, which only one citizen attended. Mr Wheeler announced the dedication of the Wastewater Treatment Facility and the Biosolids Composting Facility is set for May 6, 1994. Mr Wheeler reported on a problem found downtown where a building was connected to the stormwater system rather than the sewer system that was discovered during maintenance of the stormwater lines. This problem will be corrected next week but is an example of what the storm sewer maintenance program can do. A brief discussion ensued. Library. Ms sil verblatt reported that the Library Automation project is moving forward and it is hoped to be completed by June or July, the summer reading program theme is "Books to Grow On" and a security system vendor has been selected. A discussion of the importance of the library and work done by the Library Board ensued. Police. Chief Newton commented that vandalism and t,heft "through car prowls are the most popular crimes in Port TownsEmd and there was an episode of fifteen tire slashings Friday night. Chief Newton noted that there will be materials available at the Library, Police Department and City Hall in conjunction with "Earthquake Awareness Week" and urged everyone to be prepared and 553 554 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4,1994, Cont. be self sufficient for the first 72 hours in the case of a disaster. A brief discussion of the Police reports in the paper and increase in youth crime ensued. Ci ty Attorney. Mr McLerran reported on the status of the G2B Partnership litigation. A brief discussion of the litigation and time spent on the case ensued. Clerk-Treasurer. Mr Grove reported that Bobbe Dossett will be leaving the Clerk-Treasurer's office at the end of the month to move to the Portland, Oregon, area to be near family and that there will be an advertisement for her replacement in the paper this week. PUBLIC COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Mayor Clise opened the meeting to the Public for comment on the motions made by Council during the Committee/Staff reports. There being none, Mayor Clise closed the Public Comment portion of the meeting. VOTE ON MOTIONS MADE DURING COMMITTEE/STAFF REPORTS The motion regarding the Tourism Advisory Group and Hotel/Motel Transient Tax fund allocation passed unanimously by voice vote. The motion regarding the McCurdy Pavilion heating improvement and to direct staff to prepare the contract amendment passed unanimously by voice vote with Councilmember Harpole abstaining. The motion to authorize a receptionist for the Planning/Building Department passed unanimously by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Addendum to Middle School Sewer Line Agreement. explained the two following resolutions. Mr Wheeler RESOLUTION NO 94-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AMENDMENT TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH PORT TOWNSEND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 50 TO INCLUDE THE DESIGN AND COORDINATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER LINE TO SERVE A BASIN WHICH INCLUDES PROPERTY OWNED BY DANIEL YESBERGER. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-51 which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO 94-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND AGREEMENT WITH DANIEL YESBERGER CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER LINE. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-52 which was seconded by Councilmember perry- Thompson and passed unanimously by voice vote. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4, 1994, Cont:. NEW BUSINESS Resolution Authorizing Amendment for Farmer's Market. RESOLUTION NO 94-53 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND MAIN STREET FOR THE OPERATION OF THE FARMER'S MARKET WHICH WOULD ALLOW ,]~HE MARKET TO OPERATE UNTIL 1: 00 PM ON SATURD}.YS RATHER THAN ONLY UNTIL 12:00 NOON. Councilmember Harpole explained the resolution and made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-53 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by voice vote. Ordinance Setting Salary for Receptionist. ORDINANCE NO 2399 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE SALARY FOR ']'HE POSITION OF RECEPTIONIST EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1994. Mr Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by C:ounci:Lmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr GrOVE~ again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance No 2399 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg and passed unanimously by roll call vote. Resolution for puget Sound Water Ouality Action AgreE!ment. RESOLUTION NO 94-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A PSWQA ACTION GRANT CONTRACT FOR AN $80,800 PROJECT TO DIVERT AND BIOFILTER STORMWA,]~ER THROUGH THE PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-~53 which was seconded by Councilmember Harpole and passed unanimously by voice vote. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Councilmember Harpole announced that he will not be able to attend the next Councilmeeting on April 18, 1994. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Clise recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss personnel items and potential litigation including Dennis McLerran, David Grove, Michael Hildt or Dave Robison and Robert Wheeler at 8:49 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 11:54 PM. 555 556 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 4,1994, Cont. ADJOURNMENT There being no further adjourned at 11:54 PM. Attest: . ~~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 18, 1994 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Eighteenth day of April, 1994, at 7: 00 PM in the council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor John M Clise presiding. ROLL CALL councilmembers present at Roll Call were Bill Davidson, Julie McCulloch, Diane Perry-Thompson, Ted Shoulberg, Robert Sokol, and Sheila Westerman. Councilmember Dan Harpole was excused. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, Fire Chief Howard Scott, Police Chief Jim Newton, City Attorney Dennis McLerran, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt, Engineer Randy Brackett and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. INTRODUCTIONS AND/OR RECOGNITIONS Mayor Clise introduced Miriam Landson, new appointee to the Arts commission and John Roberts, new Executive Director of the Economic Development Council. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember McCulloch made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the Minutes for February 22, 1994, as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: 010 094 1l0 120 130 150 170 180 311 312 320 330 333 334 335 $ 15,875.69 37,609.00 5,047.84 128.17 607.43 9,043.72 2,578.64 25,000.00 12,983.87 2,265.90 3,857.98 24,420.78 73,120.88 837.46 12,224.72 Current Expense Garbage street Library Park Hotel/Motel Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvement 94 WWT Biosolids Compost Facility 94 WWT Treatment Plant Comp 92 City Dock Re-Construction 93 Water Quality Improvements 94 Water System -Standpipe 94 Water System -Trans Tri Area 94 Water System -City CT Compliance I I I