HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1994 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 7, 1994, Cont. Library. Ms Silverblatt reported that new Library Board Member, Lee Tickell, has been welcomed and that the Library Board will be holding a special session on February 8, 1994, to develop the management by objective list for the Director for the year of 1994. The Library Board will be developing a 5 year plan for the Library in the fall to start in the year 1995. Ms Silverblatt reported that she had attended a retreat held for Library Directors for the State of Washington and discussed concerns that thè Public Library has for the education of new Librarians, and the use of LSCA monies in libraries around the state by the state Library. Police. Chief Newton reported that the new Police Advisory Board is now up and running, and will travel to Oak Harbor on February 16,1994, to share experiences with other boards and become focused more rapidly. Chief Newton also stated that Crime, Youth Violence and Guns are popular subjects with legislators in the state and the nation, and that policing agencies are very concerned about some of the legislation that could be passed during the end of sessions êlnd how it may affect their departments. Fire. Chief Scott reported that the emergency traffic lights are up and operating in front of the Fire Hall. A brief discussion ensued. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Rhododendron Festival. Councilmember Sokol reported that thE! Rhody Festival is under way; the first official function was held February 6,1994, which was the Rhody Royalty Tea. The Rhody pins for this year are now on sale. ' ADJOURNMENT There being no further adjourned at 10:35 PM. Mayor lise declared the meeting . Attest: M~~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Twenty-second day of February, 1994, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Pro-Tem Julie McCulloch presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Bill Davidson Dan Harpole, Julie McCulloch, Diane Perry-Thompson, Ted shol.líberg Robert Sokol, and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Clerk': Trea~urer David Gr:ove, Police Chief Jim Newton, City At:torney Dennls McLerran, Dlrector of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. 525 526 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, Cont. PRIORITY ITEM Resolution Authorizing an Environmental Agreement with the Port Townsend Elks Regarding Future Environmental Cleanup Liability for A Fuel Tank Located Within the City Street Right-of-way. RESOLUTION NO 94-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE PORT TOWNSEND ELKS LODGE BPOE NO 317 REGARDING POSSIBLE FUTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP LIABILITY FOR A FUEL TANK LOCATED WITHIN CITY STREET RIGHT OF WAY. Mr Wheeler gave the background of the resolution. Bill Robinson, Exal ted Ruler of the Elks was recognized and stated that all parties are in agreement with the terms of the agreement and are waiting for approval by the City. Councilmember Perry-Thompson abstained from any discussion and vote. Councilmember Davidson made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-20 which was seconded by Councilmember Sokol and passed by voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Sokol made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman. After a brief discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ' Approval of the Minutes for January 3, 1994, as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: 010 094 110 120 130 150 170 310 311 314 320 330 331 333 335 337 340 371 411 412 500 610 Current Expense Garbage Street Library Park Hotel/Motel Emergency Medical Services Waste Water Treatment Plant Const 94 WWT Biosolids Compost Facility 94 WWC Sewer Trunk Line city Dock Reconstruction Water Quality Improvements 94 Wtr Tri-Area CT compliance 94 Wtr Sys standpipe 94 Wtr cty CT Compliance 94 Wtr cty Land Purchase 93 GO Bond Projects 94 San Juan Ave Improvements Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Water Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension and Relief Total Adoption of Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO 94-21 $ 17,606.92 34,684.10 2,643.85 20.43 2,243.06 10,251.47 840.27 411.20 91.00 1,403.95 366.65 17,449.90 18,750.76 457.10 2,806.68 102,208.35 111.24 120.00 24,834.14 28,068.96 2,315.87 225.70 $ 267,911.60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING ON A PETITION FOR VACATION OF A STREET. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, Cont. Street Vacation Application No 9311-01 would vacate Hancock Street between 27th street and Hastings Avenue set for April 18,1994. RESOLUTION NO 94-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE CLERK/ TREASURER TO SEGREGATE CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 1. RESOLUTION NO 94-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS FROM ,]~HE CENTENNIAL CLEAN WATER FUND FOR A SE\o1TER COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PL}~N, WATERSHED WATER QUALITY PROGRAM, NORTH LAGOON/ NORTH BEACH STORM WATER FACILITY. RESOLUTION NO 94-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER TWO AS THE FINAL CHANGE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION COSTS OF THE POPE MARINE BUILDING RENOVATION PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO 94-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING A LATECOf/IER UTILITY CONTRACT PURSUANT TO RCW 35.91. Fred Kimball has constructed or caused to be construc:ted a 6-inch water line in 57th Street within the service area of the City of Port Townsend. Communications: A letter dated February 1, 1994, from Mayor Clise to Roger Evans thanking him for his contribution to the Gateway Project by preserving a 100-foot buffer of the forest corridor along the south side of SR 20 was copied for Council. A letter dated February 1, 1994, from Mayor Clise to Doug Mason thanking him for his contribution he made in completing the transfer of the City's five acre parcel to Roger Evans in exchange for the preservation of the 100 foot forest buffer along SR 20 was copied for Council. A letter dated February 5, 1994, from Robey Robichaux citing excellent service from the Planning Department with regard to his building permit was copied for Council. A letter dated February 7, 1994, from Calmar McCune to the City Council, County Commissioners and the State of Washington giving two additional reasons to remove Union, Wharf was copied for Council and referred to the Parks & Property Committee. A letter dated February 9, 1994, from Laurie Young suggesting return to the recycling system with Jefferson Recyclin9 rather than with Superior Refuse was copied for Council and referred to the Community Services & Housing Committee. A letter dated February 9, 1994, from Dr Eugent~ J ]~edina, Superintendent, Port Townsend School District, transmitting a fully executed Interlocal Agreement Regarding Construction of Sewer Facilities was copied for Council. 527 528 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, Cont. A letter dated February 11,1994, from Mayor Clise to Dr Medina, in response to his letter dated February 9, 1994, was copied for Council. A letter dated February 11, 1994, from Robert Wheeler to K Robert and Penny E Henderson denying their request that System Development Charges (SDC's) be waived. A letter dated February 12,1994, from Onda Kilham in opposition to the proposed Kur Ort project was copied for Council. A letter dated February 14,1994, from Bonnie Fahrnkopf, Industrial Insurance Accounts Auditor, Washington state Department of Labor and Industries releasing the City of Port Townsend from any further liability pursuant to RCW 51.12.050 and RCW 51.12.070 in connection wi th a contract calling for installation of a fire protection sprinkler and alarm at the City Dock was copied for Council. A letter received February 16, 1994, from Doug Orsborn, Manager, Palace Hotel and signed by 10 others requesting a street light or two in Tyler Street was copied for Council and referred to the Transportation Committee. This concludes the Consent Agenda. INTRODUCTIONS AND/OR RECOGNITIONS Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch introduced and welcomed Nancy Pearsoll, a new member of the Historic Preservation Commission, Maggie Kelleher, a new member of the Parks Board, and Lee Tickell, a new member of the Library Board. PUBLIC COMMENTS Terri Choate was recognized and spoke about concerns for the CH2M Hill contract which is later on the agenda. Kathryn Jenks was recognized and reported that the Seattle chapter of the Audubon Society is checking counties and cities statewide for implementation and enforcement of environmental ordinances and that a representative of the society will be in Port Townsend on February 25,1994. Ms Jenks also stated that she has been on the Water Advisory Committee since 1991 and that the city made a valiant effort to explore the possibilities for filtration and non- filtration and involved anybody in the community who wanted to participate. Mr Wheeler responded to issues raised about the CH2M Hill contract indicating other firms have been hired by the City, the decision to continue with CH2M Hill was made by Council in 1991, rate increases will be re-evaluated later this year and it is hoped the increase will be less than what was projected last year, chlorine is being added to the water now at about 1.1 parts per million (if we had to meet state standards right now, it would be about 3 parts per million) with the standpipe and other projects being contemplated, the chlorine may be decreased to about .75 parts per million as well as give adequate pressure to all parts of the City. Councilmember Shoulberg responded that the utilities Committee is currently discussing this issue and will continue to discuss it and stated that citizens are more than welcome to attend the meetings and enter the discussions. PUBLIC HEARINGS Conditional Use Permit Application No 9401-04 -Ro~ert and Edeltraut Sokol. Councilmember Sokol left the Council Chàmbers. Mr Hiløt reviewed the findings, conclusions and conditions of the Plann~ng I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, Cont. commission recommending approval of the application as well as staff recommendations. A brief discussion of cooking facilities and off-street parking ensued. Mr Grove noted a letter received this evening from J Mark wilcox noting that the proposed style of the building would be in conflict with the Victorian archi1:ecture of the Historic District. Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch. opened the hearing to the public. Edel Sokol was recognized and spoke in favor of the application suggesting changes in conditions 5 and 7. Bill Blackman, General Contractor, was recognized and clarified the setback request in condition 5. Leah Hammer was recognized and commented on the architecture and color of the proposed project. There being no further testimony, Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch closed the hearing to the public and turned to the Council for disposition. Mr Hildt reviewed the Port Townsend Municipal Code for tandem parking. After discussion including Mr Hildt, Mr McLerran, Ms Sokol and Mr Blackman, Councilmember West:erman made a motion that the Council adopt findings 1 through 20, conclusions 1 through 4, conditions 1 through 10 and approve Conditional Use Permit Application No 9401-04 which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg. After a brief discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Sokol returned to the Council Chambers. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE REPORTS Land Use. Councilmember Davidson reported that the Committee involved in the land use element has scheduled a meeting for March 9, 1994, at 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Planning. Meetings were scheduled for March 16, 1994, and March 23, 1994, at 7:00 PM for Comprehensive Plan Community Workshops. Planning Commission. Mr Hildt announced a Public Workshop of the Planning Commission meeting set for March 10, 1994, on mother-in- law apartments and accessory rental units at 7: 00 PM in the Council Chambers. STANDING/ADHOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks & Property. Councilmember Harpole reportE:!d that the Committee had met and discussed the Sofie property swap and the relationship between the Committee and the Parks and Recreation Commission. A discussion of the priori ties for the Parks and Recreation Commission for 1994 was started and will be continued. The Pope Park Building rates were also discussed and will be before the Committee again. Councilmember Harpole reported that the next mee'ting of the Committee will be at noon on March 8, 1994, to discuss an overview of the Master Trails Plan, a checklist on priorities for the Parks and Recreation commission, Pope Park Building rates and the letter from Cal McCune regarding Union Wharf. The following meeting will be on March 22,1994. Councilmember Harpole reported that Public Works is writing letters of interest to the IAC, a grant funding source for monies for park and recreation development for trails, recreation development for properties being negotiated with Jefferson County and the urban wildlife corridor. Transportation. Councilmember Westerman set a meE!ting of the Committee for March 7, 1994, at noon in the Council Chambers to discuss the letter from Doug Orsborn and others. Housing & Community Services. Councilmember Perry-Thompson set a meeting of the Committee for February 28, 1994, at noon in the Council Chambers to discuss updating the recycling program. ' 529 530 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22,1994, Cont. Finance. Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch reported that the Committee had met and discussed the history of the TCC funding and of the TCC itself for background information pending any future developments wi th the TCC or the County Commissioners. The Committee also discussed cable consultants funding sources and recommends a budget appropriation of $5,000.00 as seed money toward hiring a cable consultant and hopes to involve the School and the County in the process. Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch also reported that the Committee discussed and supports the Veteran's Assistance Fund voucher program for the provision of financial aid in meeting utility bills. Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch reported that the Budget Calendar is in draft form and will be presented to Council for review at the next meeting on March 7,1994. Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch set a meeting of the Committee for March 3, 1994, at 5: 00 PM in the Council Chambers to discuss the draft Budget Calendar. utili ties. Councilmember Shoulberg reported that the Committee had met and discussed the CH2M Hill contract and recommends that it be approved. Councilmember Shoulberg also reported that the Committee recommends that the consultant selection policy be returned to them for further discussion. Rate Request from Port Townsend Cable Television and Request for ProDosals on Cable Television Consultants. Mr Grove explained his report on the Request for Cable Rate Approval from Port Townsend Cable TV Ltd and his recommendation. Councilmember Shoulberg further explained the process the rate approval request and the use of a consultant is going through. After a lengthy discussion of the process, funding, costs and consultants, and other entities included, including Mr Grove and Mr McLerran, it was the consensus of Council to go ahead. Further discussion ensued. Councilmember Shoulberg made the following motion "I move that the City Council authorize the utilities Committee, in consultation with the Cable Committee, the School District and the County, to conduct interviews and establish a scope of work regarding the proposals made for cable consulting services and make a recommendation back to the Council at its next meeting regarding contracting for such services. Further, that the Council authorize expenditure of presently appropriated money for Mayor & Council consulting services to be used for payment of cable consulting services, and furthermore, we shall try and recoup these costs from other entities and rate payers. This being done with the understanding that a budget amendment will be presented for consideration at the next Council meeting appropriating $5,000 from the contingency fund for seed money for cable consulting services" which was seconded by Councilmember Davidson. STAFF REPORTS Ground Improvement Techniques Contract Closeout. Mr Wheeler reported that the Biosolids composting Facility contract with Ground Improvement Techniques is expected to be concluded at the Councilmeeting on March 21, 1994. Public Works. Mr Wheeler explained the Centennial Grant applications being requested by the city, reported that t~ere is a meeting on February 8, 1994, to deal with Forest Management, and reminded Council that there will be a public hearing on March 7, 1994, on the Chlorine Contact Time (CT) and the Department of Ecology Agreed Order and that the Department of Health will be present. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, Cont. Mr Wheeler reported that there will be a public informational meeting on March 30, 1994, at 7:00 PM. City Attorney. Mr McLerran explained the state requirements for bidding, prevailing wage, performance bonds and the policy of the City when calling for bids. Discussion of bid procedures or pre- bidding conferences including Mr McLerran and Mr Whee,ler ensued. Planning & Building. Mr Hildt reported that a brown bag lunch for the Planning and Building Department with Councilmembers has been tentatively set for March 9, 1994, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Mr Hildt announced that there is a Practical Wetland/Stormwater Management Workshop on March 8, 1994, in Everett and that there are two staff members who will be attending. Mr Hildt encouraged any interested Councilmembers to attend as well. Mr Hildt reported that the Department has been working with the Port Townsend Leader on the 1994 edition of the Building and Development Guide which should be published on March 9, 1994. Mr Hildt reported that the disagreement with the consultants on concluding Arterial street Plan has been resolved, the changes that have been requested will be made and a new draft before the Trans- portation Advisory committee and a final draft in t,he next six weeks or so. civil Service Commission. Mr Grove reported that the civil Service commission has begun the testing process for the Assistant Fire Chief and that interviews will be conducted on February 24, 1994, and that the list will be certified on March 7, 1994. PUBLIC COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Councilmember Shoulberg read his motion for clarification and public comments. A discussion including Mr McLerran ensued. Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch requested public comment. Kathryn Jenks was recognized and requested clarification of "chlorination". Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch explained that the higher level of chlorine now used in the water system will be lowered when the standpipe and the additional waterlines are installed. VOTE ON MOTIONS MADE DURING COMMITTEE/STAFF REPORTS wi thout further discussion, the motion made by Councilmember Shoulberg authorizing an interviewing selection process for a cable consultant passed unanimously by voice vote. RECESS Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch declared a recess at 9:49 PM. reconvened at 9:57 PM. The meeting UNFINISHED BUSINESS Final Plat #9303-11 -Doug Woodside. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Sokol made a motion that the Council approve Final Plant # 9303-11 which was seconded by Councilmember i!lesterman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Engineering Selection policv and CH2M Hill Contract. Mr Wheeler reviewed the history and policy options of the engineering selection. After discussion of an ad hoc Con1:ract Review Commi ttee , it was the consensus of Counci 1 that the :Finance Committee have a meeting to address this issue and ëLetermine how best to set a policy and return to Council with reco~Rendations. 531 532 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 22, 1994, Cont. RESOLUTION NO 94-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CHLORINE CONTACT WATER STANDPIPE AND CHLORINE CONTACT FACILITIES AND PIPELINE. Mr Wheeler explained the resolution. After discussion, Council- member Davidson made a motion that the Council adopt the original contract without Table L which was seconded by Councilmember Shoulberg. After clarification, Councilmember Shoulberg withdrew his second. Councilmember Harpole seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion including Dave Peterson, Engineer from CH2M Hill, and Mr Wheeler, the motion passed by voice vote with six Councilmembers voting in the affirmative and Councilmember Shoulberg voting against the motion. Chanqe Orders -standpipe Construction. RESOLUTION NO 94-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SETTLE CHANGE ORDERS FOR UP TO $5,000 FOR A SINGLE CHANGE, OR $25,000 FOR SEVERAL CHANGES COMBINED, FOR CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE ONE MILLION GALLON STANDPIPE. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that the Council adopt Resolution No 94-27 which was seconded by Councilmember perry- Thompson and passed unanimously by voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss the acquisition of real estate and pending litigation and an appeal to the Growth Hearings Board including Dave Robison, Dennis McLerran, Doug Mason, Michael Hildt and Robert Wheeler at 11:15 PM. The meeting was reconvened at 12:45 AM. NEW BUSINESS Appeal to Growth Management Hearing Board. Councilmember Westerman made a motion that staff be authorized to proceed with preparation of an appeal to the Growth Management Hearing Board which was seconded by Councilmember Davidson and passed unanimously by voice vote. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Pro-Tem McCulloch declared ~he meeting adjourned at 12:46 AM. --- \ttest: Mayor Pro-Tem Clerk-Treasurer I I I