HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1991 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF APRIL 16, 1991, Cont. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Repairs to City Hall. Councilmember Westerman expressed concern that the repairs be accomplished that are needed for city Hall. Mayor Shirley suggested that this be taken up at the Finance Committee meeting scheduled for April 25th. Franchise for Walkin9 Tour. Mr. Harper explained that this ordinance can not be acted upon at the same meeting where it is introduced. He reported that according to his investigation this approach is not common. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley recessed the meeting into Executive Session to discuss litigation including Keith Harper, David Grove, Michael Hildt and Robert Wheeler at 11: 20 PM. The meeting was recc,nvened at 11:50 PM. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 11:50 PM. AtteM ~ Clerk-Treasurer MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 7, 1991 The City Council of the city of Port Townsend met in regular session this seventh day of May, 1991, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Brent S Shirley presiding. Rhody Queen Melanie Iszley called the meeting to order and read a proclamation declaring May 11th through May 19th as Rhodoèlendrun Festival Week. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Vern Jones, Michael Kenna, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsley, and Sheila Westerman. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer David Grove, ci ty Attorney Keith Harper, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt, and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Thomas Jackson was recognized and expressed concern about golf balls crossing San Juan Avenue. He showed the council a sack of golf balls which he reported have been collected from his yard this year. Councilmember Camfield responded that the Parks and Property Committee is looking into this to determine what is being done in other cities which have golf courses and have discussed it with the City Attorney. Bonita Flagg was recognized and gave a brief report on acti~'ity at the animal shelter. She reported that the sixth annual Rhody Rover Run will be on May 11, 1991. She explained that they are loosing staff at the shelter and will be attending a convent:ion in Spokane. Programs are being taken out into the schools. License purchasing is up, the rate of adoption is high, and the ne\.:ltering program is working. 205 206 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF K~Y 7, 1991, Cont. Carol Hasse was recognized and indicated that the Wooden Boat Foundation has no interest in renting space in the building proposed in the Lamy Conditional Use permi 1: application nor is the Wooden Boat School interested in purchasinq the cabins for student housing. She expressed concern about the density this project would create. Virginia Wolf was recognized and requested cushions for the audience in the council Chambers. The Mayor delivered his pillow to her. She asked if the city has an affirmative action plan and what roll the civil Service Commission has. She expressed a desire that more females be given an opportunity 1:0 be hired by the city. Mayor Shirley offerred to meet with her to ~o over the record since this is an administrative matter. Timothy witten was recognized and requested that city support free bicycle use in town. He then read a let,ter dated May 7, 1991, which was addressed to Sheila Wes'terman outlining the justifications, procedure and anticipated costs and related issues. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Jones made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by Collncilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval of the minutes for April 2 and 16,1991 as written without reading. Approval of the following Bills and Claims: Current Expense Street Library Parks Emergency Medical Water-Sewer Storm and Surface Equipment Rental Firemen's Pension TOTAL $41,241.42 10,560.77 5,200.88 1,673.64 952.58 41,519.40 3,788.04 8,502.52 660.70 $114,099.95 Services Water and Relief Approval of Appointments: Tod Wakefield and John Edwards to the Parks Board to fullfill unexpired terms until January 1,1994. Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 91-3'7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING ON A PETITION FOR VACATION OF A STREET. This resolution set a hearing at or about ?:oo PM on June 4, 1991, to receive testimony on street Vacation Application No. 9101-08 from Mike Marson and Lee Wilburn to vacate a portion of the north end of Magnolia Street. Communications: The Council received a letter dated April 15, 1991, from Chester A. Briggs requesting that the city take steps to mitigate hazards that exist along the bluffs on Washington Stree1:. This was referred to the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee. I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 7,1991, Cont. A letter dated April 16,1991, from Mayor Shirley to Gordon Meling was copied for the Council asking him to delay the SE!parate collection of yard waste because of the uncertainty of handling at the landfill. The Council received a letter dated April 16, 1991, from Cindy Wolpin in behalf of the Urban Resource Alliance requesting that the Council be cautious in approving the conditional use permit for the James Swan Hotel. This was referred to unfinished business later on the agenda. A letter dated April 17, 1991, from Martin Walther, RE!gional Engineer for the Southwest Drinking Water Operations of the Washington State Department of Health commending the Water Department for their handling of the recent handling of a water quality incident. A letter dated April 17, 1991, from Doris Bliss to Governor Booth Gardner was copied for the Council expressing concern about the effects on the peninsula caused by the proposed land exchange by Mitsubishi and development of Fort Worden. The Council received a request on April 22, 1991, from lJ.lÍchael Gilman asking for a clarification of the conditions imposed 1¡iThen he was granted a conditional use permit. This was referred to the Legislative/Environmental Committee. A letter dated April 23, 1991, from Keith Harper, City Attorney, to Ms. Jackie Griffiths advising her that the city cannot aut:horize her to use the sidewalk to serve customers at this time. The Council received a letter dated April 23, 1991, from Alison Hero requesting that the Rhododendrom Festival street Fair bE~ moved to the waterfront. This was referred to the Legislative/ Environmental Committee. A letter dated April 24, 1991, from Mayor Brent Shirley to Peter Steel was copied fro the council addressing concerns he expressed with regard to the construction of the Hildt residence. The Council received a letter dated April 24, 1991, from Barbara Bogart opposing the implementation of additional Real Estate Excise Tax or "impact fees" to finance improvements suggested in the Gateway Plan. The Council received a letter dated April 29, 1991, from Jay Vollmer expressing concern about the posting of addresses in town. This was referred to the Department of Planning and Buildil1lg. PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE NO. 2238 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS, AMENDING SECTION 18.38.120 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FOR SUMMARY SUBDIVISION OF PARCELS CREATING TWO OR LESS LOTS OF 500 SQUARE-FEET AREA WITHIN ESTABLISHED PARTS OF THE CITY THAT ARE COMPRISED OF LOTS OR SIMILAR SIZE. ORDINANCE NO. 2239 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING, AMENDING SECTION 17.08.276 OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE THE AREA OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS IN THE CALCULATION OF LOT AREA. 207 208 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF M~Y 7, 1991, Cont. Rick Sepler, staff planner, was recogn:.zed and explained the ordinances. Mayor Shirley opened the he!aring to the audience. Barbara Bogart was recognized and spo:~e in favor of these ordinances siting examples from the past where it could be used. Linda LeBrane was recognized and explained that she has a piece of property which she would like to subdivide under these ordinances. She expressed support for the changes becéluse of the economics of building a home. virginia Wolf was recognized and asked what history the city has of requests like this. Michael Hildt responded that he estimates four in the last year. Nora Porter was recognized and spoke in support of the change because she owns a parcel which was purchase for subdivision twenty years before the law was changed in 1976 which is much too large for one lot, but under the present law falls just short oJ having enough square- footage to be subdivided into two. ThiE would allow for lower income buyers to be able to purchase a home. There being no further testimony, Mayor shirley closed thE! hearing to the audience and turned to the council for disposition. After a brief discussion, Mr. Grove read Ordinance No. 2238 by title. Councilmember Owsley made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember McCulloch and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the council é,dopt Ordinance No. 2238 which was seconded by Councilmember Owsley and passed unanimosly by roll call vote. Mr. Grove read Ordinance No. 2239 by title. Councilmember Camfield made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seGonded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmembe:~ Camfield made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2239 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimclsly by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS Dock License Agreement - Clipper Navigatic~. Mr. Hildt explained that Clipper Navigation has applied for ~ Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to place a float at the Quincy Street Dock, but will also need a conditional use pel~it and have parking requirements which are yet to be determined. The proposal is for them to temporarily use City Dock which they can do without a float while the permits are being heard. He suggested that allowing them to operate before permits are issued would allow a trial period to evaluate the real parking needs. Mr. Harper- explained the features of the agreement section by section. He E!xplained that generally the agreement is acceptable to Clipper Navigation the way it is written. A discussion ensued on the rates proposed and repairs to the dock which will be made at Clipper's expense, the parking arangements on the west side of the Bi shop Motel, passenger loading and unloading schedules, and how this coincides with the Urban Waterfront Plan. RESOLUTION NO. 91-3B A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE A DOCK LICENSE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY WITH CLIPPER NAVIGATION, INC. Councilmember Clise made a motion to adopt the resolution with the times of 9: 00 AM to 8: 00 PM included which was seconded by councilmember Camfield. After further dÍE:cussion, he amended his motion to cover only the hours of 9:00 to 10:00 AM and 7:00 to 8:00 PM which was agreed to by the second. A discussion ensued about the parking study. Councilmember Westerma~ made a motion that the I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 7,1991, Cent. agreement be amended to read that Clipper Navigation provide at least ten but no more than thirty parking spaces at the Bishop Block which was seconded by Councilmember Kenna. She explained that if they needed more than that they would need to go somewhere else. The amendment passed unanimously by voice vote. After further discussion on enforcement, the main motion passed unanimously by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Conditional Use Permit Application 8912-07 - Lamy. Mr. Hildt reviewed the action taken to date and summarized the concerns identified. He presented the measurement information requested at the last meeting and reported that Mr. Lamy has indicated that there will be only one residential unit. Mr. Hildt explainE!d that the measurements indicate that there is not presently a full parking space between the driveways even though smaller cars do park there. After the driveways are removed, there will be~ three parking spaces and a loading zone on Water Street. A discussion ensued on the condominium declaration reference to residential use. The balance of the discussion addressed the number of off-.street parking spaces that should be required for this project. Mr. Lamy was recognized and explained how the requirement for ten parking spaces was arrived at. After further discussion about the parking requirement, it was a concensus that seventeen off-street spaces should be the minimum parking requirement. A discussion then ensued on the maximum length of stay in the hotel units. The concensus seem to be to go with twenty-nine days within a callendar year. Councilmember Camfield made a motion directing staff to prepare the final findings, conclusions, and conditions for the next Council meeting along the lines of the recommendation from the Planning Commission with the changes identified this night which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman. Mayor Shirley rE!opened the hearing to the audience. Mr. Lamy was recognizE~d and complained about the twenty-nine day limit because other like businesses in the city do not have the same restriction. Sylvia Thomas was recognized and pointed out that a portion of Water Street in this area was vacated at one time and questioned whether on-street parking credit was in order. Mr. Harper explainE!d that a part of Water Street was vacated a number of years ago by the city council, but it has continued to be utilized as a public street throughout the time following the action. He maintained that the position which should be taken be the city is that 1:his is still a public street by use and custom. Mr. Harper then coDunented on the definition of transient accomodations which was used in other documents related to this project. Cindy Wolpin was recognized and explained that the difference between this h01:el and others in the community is that it is being "condominiumizeCl" with individual units owned by different people. Nora Portl3r was recognized and sought clarity on the number of parking spaces settled on by the council. She was advised that the number is seventeen. Sylvia Thomas was again recognized and asked for an explanation of where the three on-street parking spaces would be located. Councilmember McCulloch explained that they result from the elimination of the driveways for the three cabins. Mayor Shirley then closed the hearing to the audience. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ORDINANCE NO. 2240 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1991 Mr. Grove explained the changes made as a resul t c)f the recommendations of the Finance Committee. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed 209 210 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF R\Y 7, 1991, Cont. unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by ti tIe. Councilmember McCulloch made a nlotion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2240 which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimosly by roll ca,ll vote. RESOLUTION NO. 91-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ADOPTING THE JEPFERSON COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Mr. Grove reminded the council that they passed a resolution last year approving the plan. It has undergone some revisions since that approval and the Jefferson County Commissioners have now adopted it and are requesting that the city do the same. Councilmember Clise explained the advant:lges of the plan which encourages education. He made a motion to :ldopt Resolution No. 91- 39 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Joint Use Parking Signage for Rose Theate~. Mr. Hildt explained that this is a minor change to a cond.Ltion imposed with the Conditional Use Permit granted Robert Friedman for the Rose Theater. The requirement for individual signs on each parking space at the Antique Mall would be eliminated in exchange for identification in newspaper advertising. He indicated that this allows the joint use parking agreew!nt to remain valid. Councilmember Kenna made a motion to apprclve the change which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 91-4) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING MA~OR TO SEND A LETTER TO STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REJECTING GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000 FOR REPAIR AND DOCK WORK ON THE POPE MARINE COMMUNITY CENTER. Mr. Wheeler explained the resolution. Councilmember Owsley made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-40 which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks and Property. Councilmember Camfield reported that the committee met at the golf course with Tim Rymer, Bob zegler, Bob Wheeler, Mike Early, and several community members. She explained that they evaluated the cutting of vegetat:ion which has been done and what restoration may be needed as well as standing water on the site. A mitigation plan will be developed. The next meeting of the committe was announced for 7:00 PM on -the 22nd. Mayor Shirley pointed out that the council received a co:;>y of a letter dated May 6, 1991, from Richard Fankhauser to May,:>r Shirley on the land classification of the Fort Worden State Pélrk Chinese Gardens. communi ty Services. Councilmember Weste]~man reported that she, David Grove, and David Hero are going to Seattle to look at recycling containers which might be used in the downtown area. She expressed support for the free bicycle concept and indicated that her committee would work on it if other councilmembers are in favor. Councilmembers McCulloch and Clise indicated their support of the concept. Mr. Harper was asked 'to look into the legal aspects of providing the service. Water-Sewer. Councilmember McCulloch reported that the committee met to discuss the Adelma Beach water linE! and recommend approval I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 7,1991, Cont. of the agreement listed later on the agenda. She indicated that they also received a report on the work being done on development of impact fees. She indicated that the committee is planning some public meetings in June with CH2M Hill to receive input on the Comprehensive Water Plan Update. Finance. Councilmember owsley reported that the committee met and approved a request from the Senior citizen Association f,or the purchase of equipment and materials for the Community Center. She made a motion that the Council appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the purchase of this equipment and let the Senior citizen Association choose from their list what equipment and furnishings to purchase from contingency funds which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield which passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Owsley reported that the library was asked to attend their last meeting, but arrived late and were not prepared to explain why more funds are now needed to pay for the complet,ion of the addition and renovation of the building. She announced the next meeting to be held on May 28th at 5:00 PM (this was changed later in the meeting to June 5th at 6:00 PM due to a conflict with the Street/Storm Drainage/Light Committee meeting which had. to be scheduled at the same time). Mayor Shirley requested that the commi ttee consider the request from David Robison for matching funds on a grant to appraise property for the Gateway Project. He reported that there are problems with the foundation of the Police station. councilmember Owsley made a motion that the council appropriate $5,000 from Contingency to complete the repairs, which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Legislati ve/Environmental. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the council issue a determination of non-significance for proposed Quimper Credit Union building which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilme;mber Kenna made a motion that the council issue a declaration of non- significance on the proposal from the City of Port Townsend to build a gravel road in the 20th Street right-of-way to serve the reservoir which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kenna made a motion that the council issue a miticated determination of nonsignificance on a proposal to subdivide a thirty plus acre parcel of land into seventy-four single family detached residential lots proposed by Vantage Home, Incorporated. After a brief discussion, Councilmember Westerman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Kenna announced a meeting at 5: 00 PM to consider checklists on a proposal from Nclrdland Construction for an 11 unit condominium at 1633 Water Stree1~ and a new addition to the existing Bayview Restaurant, a proposal from Eldridge Homes for 12 new homes on a site located south of Discover Bay Road near Howard and Eddy streets, and revisions 1:0 the findings and conclusions concerning a physical education and therapy facility at 913 L street requested by Michael Gilman. He suggested that the council visit the marine science center display on eel grass. He also suggested that the council get involved in the beach cleanup planned for the following Sunday. Pink House. Councilmember Camfield announced that the Pink House Committee will be meeting on May 9,1991 at 7:00 PM in City Hall. STAFF REPORTS David Grove. Mr. Grove reported that Kathy MacDonald has been promoted to the position of Deputy Clerk-Treasurer to replacH Carol Bal tes who was promoted to Utility Accountant. He reporte:d that the Fire Chief has requested that the civil Service commission create an eligibility list for the position of Dispatcher/Clerk to replace Kathy MacDonald. 211 212 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF M~Y 7, 1991, Cont. Robert Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler reported that several complaints have been received about the tree cutting reç:uirements of a service hired by puget Power and he is meeting with them to resolve the difficulties. A discussion ensued about the value of trees for energy conservation. Mr. Wheeler reported that a form has been developed to field complaints about brush cutting by city crews and he reported that he has formed a work group to review these complaints when they are received to take some of the burden from the ci ty Counci I Street/storm Drainage/Light Committee. He reported that he has reached an agreemer,t with Andrew Thurston about his project which will be confirmed in writing soon. He distributed some proposed budget changes to cover the cost of a wetlands consultant on the seaview Sewer project. The value engineering study on the changes to the sewer treatment plant has identified some cost saving measures which can be taken. He reported that there is a' one word dÜ;agreement between the Department of Ecology and the Sensible Sewage Solutions people on a part of the settlement which the ci ty is in the role of moderator. Michael Hildt. Mr. Hildt distributed a letter dated May 7, 1991 from vincent Vergel de Dios, Principa:./Director of Planning indicating that the Port Townsend Urban Waterfront Plan was selected for an Honor award by the American Planning Association and the Planning Association of Washington. Mr. Hildt noted that the council has received complaints about the "Expreso Cart" and reviewed the enforcement problems the city has faced with it. Arterial Street Plan Additions. Mr. Hildt presented the council wi th a proposed new Arterial Street Plan explaining the need identified in a build-out analysis. Mr. Wheeler reviewed the theory and plans for public process. Mr. ~;epler reviewed a map of the city with the current and proposed arterial streets shown in an overlay. He pointed out that there is n:>t adaquate north-south access on the west side of town at the present time and reported on the traffic counts obtained at certain intersections. Mr. Hildt explained that a great deal of additional street construction is not called for immediately, but new development is going to restrict the options for the future if certain property is not acquired soon. Mr. Wheeler suggested that the Street Committee might conduct a public meeting to receive c,:>mments on the proposal. Mr. Hildt explained that another step might be to establish interim controls to regulate development along theBe roads. Councilmember Jones announced a Street/Storm Drainage/Liqht Committee meeting to address this issue for May 28, 1991 at ~i: 00 PM. Councilmember Owsley announced that the Finance committee Meeting scheduled for that night would be moved to June 5,1991 at 6:00 PM. RESOLUTION NO. 91-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN CONTRACTS FOR FEMA FUNDS A VAILAB::"E TO THE CITY FOR DAMAGE INCURRED DURING SEVER WINTER STORMS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Mr. Wheeler explained the grants. Coun::ilmember Jones made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 91-41 which was seconded by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. ORDINANCE NO. 2241 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POSITION OF CITY ATTORNEY AS APPOINTIVE RATHER THAN ELECTIVE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH CHANGE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE I I I I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MAY 7, 1991, Cont. Mayor Shirley explained that if this ordinance is adopted, he will be setting up a committee to deterrmine how best to consider the position in form, composition, and budget so that it will be resol ved by year end. Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion that the first reading be considered the second and the third be by title only which was seconded by Councilmember Jones and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Grove again read the ordinance by title. Councilmember Jones made a motion that the council adopt Ordinance No. 2241 which was seconded by Councilmember Camfield and passed unanimosly by roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 91-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A WATERLINE AGREEMENT FOR ADELMA BEACH Mr. Wheeler explained the agreement. Councilmember McCulloch made a motion to adopt the resolution which was second,ed by Councilmember Clise and passed unanimously by voice vote. Commercial Recycling Contract with superior Refuse. Mr. Grove explained that the council received a copy of a draft agreement. He explained that the attorneys have yet to make any needed corrections to the draft, but Superior is satisfied wi1:h the content. He indicated that the council's approval would be sought at the next meeting. In addition, a resolution directing that a one percent set aside be established for education and promot:ion of recycling. ORDINANCE NO. 2242 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $23,350 TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, $1,900 TO THE STREET FUND, $7,000 TO THE LIBRARY FUND, $125,000 TO THE LIBRARY RENOVATION AND ADDITION FUND, $30,450 TO THE PARK FUND, $105,000 TO THE ARTERIAL STREET FUND, $267,584 TO THE HOTEL/MOTEL TRANSIENT TAX FUND, $525,140 TO THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 FUND, $70,000 TO THE F.A.U.S. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FUND, $806,032 TO THE WATER-SEWER FUND, $96,000 TO THE STORM AND SURFACE WATER FUND, AND $46,500 TO THE 1956 TRANSM;ISSION LINE REPLACEMENT FUND, MAKING FINDINGS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Mr. Grove read the ordinance by title and explained that this is for introduction only and cannot be acted upon until th43 next regular council meeting. COUNCILMEMBERS GENERAL DISCUSSION Videos for Elected Officials. Councilmember Westerman requested that the videos "Doing the Right Thing" and "The Council's Choice" produced by the Association of Washington cities be purchased. Street Fair. Councilmember Westerman expressed support f,or the moving the street fairs to the waterfront. Mayor Shirley explained that it is too late for the Rhody Festival. Ray GreE~r was recognized and indicated that in behalf of the People's Guild he explained that they once set up on the dock until its condition became questionable. He indicated he would discuss this with their people for future street fairs. Parking Lot by Police Statim). councilmember Camfield ask,ed Mr. Wheeler if the lot would be open soon. Mr. Wheeler indicate!d that /' / 213 214 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF ~~Y 7, 1991, Cont. it will take some time before it has a final surface, but it may be opened relatively soon with gravel. Point Hudson Study. Councilmember Clise commended the Mayor for the work he has put into getting cooperation between the city and the port on this issue. He suggested that the committee include some citizens at large without a special interest. Shoreline Master Program Revisions. Counc:ilmember Clise asked if seaweed gathering is considered mining. HB asked if someone would look into this question. Gatewqy Project. Councilmember Clise made a motion to approve an appropriation of three thousand dollars to match a grant for appraisal of property in the Gateway projeet which was seconded by Councilmember Westerman and passed unanimc,usly by voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Shirley declared a recess into execui:ive session at 11:19 PM to receive and evaluate complaints and charges brought against a public officer or employee and to discuss with legal counsel litigation with which the city is likely to become a party. In addition to the City council, the Mayor re:quested the presence of the City Attorney and Clerk-Treasurer. ThE! meeting was reconvened at 11:32 PM. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Shirley declared the meeting adjourned at 11:32 PM. Attest: Ht~ ~J MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION O:P MAY 21,1991 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this Twenty-first day of May, 1~Þ91, at 7: 00 PM in the Council Chambers of city Hall, Mayor Brent~ S shirley presiding. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at Roll Call were Jean Camfield, John Clise, Michael Kenna, Julie McCulloch, Norma Owsl ~y and Sheila westerman. Councilmember Vern Jones was excused. Also present were Clerk- Treasurer David Grove, City Attorney Kei th Harper, Director of Planning and Building Michael Hildt and Public Works Director Robert Wheeler. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember McCulloch made a motion to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda which was seconded by councilmember Camfield and passed unanimously by voice vote. Approval reading. of the Minutes 1991, as written without for May 7, I I I