HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-035 Implementing National Incident Management System for incident mgmt within City of PT IŒSOLUTION NO. 05-035 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlI:'llCJL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASIII:'oIGTO:'ol, I:VWLEI\1ENTIN(; THE NATION:\L INCIDENT MA:'oIAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR INCIDENT :\IANAGEMENT WITIIIN TIlE CITY OF I)ORT TOWNSEND WIŒREAS. In llomeland Security Directive (HSPD)-5. the President directed the Secretary of the Department of lIomeland Security to develop and administer a Nalionallneident l\'Ianagement System (NIMS). ",hieh would provide a consistent nalionwide approach t()r federal, state, local and tribal governments to work together more effectiyc!y and et1ieiently 10 prevent. prepare () ", respond to, and recover from domestic incidents. regardless of cause. size or complexity: and WHEREAS. the collective input and guidance fi'om all federal. state. local and trihal homeland security partners has been. and will continue to be. yital to the development effective implementation and utili;¡ation ofa comprehensive NI\1S; and \VIIEREAS. it is neccssaJ") that aillederal. state. local. and tribal emergency managcmcnl agencies and personnel coordinatc Iheir cfforts to clTectivc!y and efficiently pro\'ide thc highc>t Ie\'cls of incident management: and WHEREAS. to facilitate the most efficient and efTectiyc ineidentmanagement il is critical that federal. state. local. and tribal organizations utilize standardized terminology. standardized organizational structures. uniform personnel qualification standards, unil<mn standards for planning, training. and exercising. eomprehensi\'e resource management. and designated ineidenlllieilities during emergencies or disa>ters: and \VIIEREAS. the NI\,¡S standardized procedures for managing personnel. communications. Illcilities and resources "ill imprO\e the City of Port TownsencJ's ability to utilize Icderallìmding to enhance local and state agency readine>s. maintain Jirst responder ,afely. and streamline incident management processes: and WHEREAS. Ihe Incidenl Command System components ofNIMS are already an integral part of\arious incident management activities throughout Jefferson County. including the City and all public safety and emergency response organi;¡mions; and WIII::REAS. th~ National Commission of'] errorist AUacks (9-11 Commission) recommended adoption of a standardized Incident Command Sy slem. \lOW TIIEREFORE. BE IT RESOL VED by the City Council of Ihe City of Port Townsend that the :-Jationallneident Ivlanagement System he utili/ed I<)r all incident management within the City of Port I"ownsend. Resolution 05-035 ADOI)TED by the City Council of the City olî'ort Townsend at a regular meeting thereof held this SIXTII day of September 2005. ~~',2L',-L. Catharine Robinson. Mayor Attðt: Approved a.f to form: ~.. - \j --- - ~-- John Wails, City Allorney Cï2n,~ c«¿/'~ u. Pamela Kolaey, C~Ic. (ï~~lð 2 Resolution 05-035