HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 Financial Statements & Federal Single Audit ReportWashington State Auditor's Office Financial Statements Audit Report City of Port Townsend Jefferson County Audit Period January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Report No. 1000548 Issue Date February 2, 2009 Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag February 2, 2009 Council City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington Report on Financial Statements Please find attached our report on the City of Port Townsend's financial statements. We are issuing this report in order to provide information on the City's financial condition. In addition to this work, we look at other areas of our audit client's operations for compliance with state laws and regulations. The results of that audit will be included in a separately issued accountability report. Sincerely, BRIAN SONNTAG, CGFM STATE AUDITOR Insurance Building, P.O. Box 40021 • Olympia, Washington 98504-0021 • (360) 902-0370 • TDD Relay (800) 833-6388 FAX (360) 753-0646 • http://www.sao.wa.gov Table of Contents City of Port Townsend Jefferson County January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards ....................... Independent Auditor's Report on Financial Statements Financial Section Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards City of Port Townsend Jefferson County January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Council City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington We have audited the financial statements of each major fund and the remaining funds of the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2007, which collectively comprise the City's basic financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated October 14, 2008. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to the financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING In planning and performing our audit, we considered the City's internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City's internal control over financial reporting. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the City's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the City's financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the City's internal control. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected by the entity's internal control. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. Washington State Auditor's Office 1 COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the City's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of the City's compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. This report is intended for the information and use of management and the Council. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. It also serves to disseminate information to the public as a reporting tool to help citizens assess government operations. BRIAN SONNTAG, CGFM STATE AUDITOR October 14, 2008 Washington State Auditor's Office 2 Independent Auditor's Report on Financial Statements City of Port Townsend Jefferson County January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Council City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington We have audited the accompanying financial statements of each major fund and the remaining funds of the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2007, as listed on page 5. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As described in Note 1 to the financial statements, the City prepares the financial statements for certain proprietary funds in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America applicable to proprietary funds of local governments. As described in Note 1 to the financial statements, the City prepares its financial statements for the remaining funds on the basis of accounting that demonstrates compliance with Washington State statutes and the Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System (BARS) manual prescribed by the State Auditor, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each major fund of the City of Port Townsend, as of December 31, 2007, and the changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows thereof for the Water/Sewer and Stormwater funds for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. For the remaining funds, in our opinion, the financial statements present fairly the financial position and results of operations of the funds of the City of Port Townsend, for the year ended December 31, 2007, on the basis of accounting prescribed by the BARS manual. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report on our consideration of the City's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. Washington State Auditor's Office 3 The management's discussion and analysis on pages 6 through 9 is not a required part of the basic financial statements but is supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. BRIAN SONNTAG, CGFM STATE AUDITOR October 14, 2008 Washington State Auditor's Office 4 Financial Section City of Port Townsend Jefferson County January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Management Discussion and Analysis — 2007 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Fund Resources and Uses Arising from Cash Transactions — 2007 Statement of Net Assets — Proprietary Funds — 2007 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets — Proprietary Funds — 2007 Statement of Cash Flows — Proprietary Funds - 2007 Notes to the Financial Statements — 2007 Washington State Auditor's Office 5 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS This discussion and analysis is designed to provide an overview of the City of Port Townsend's utility financial activities for the year ended December 31, 2007. Please read this supplementary information in conjunction with the City's financial statements. Overview of the Financial Statements The basic financial statements include the Statement of Net Assets, the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets, and the Statement of Cash Flows. The Statement of Net Assets presents the City's Water/Sewer Utility and Stormwater Utility assets and liabilities with the difference between them reported as net assets. This statement provides information about the amount of investments in resources (assets) and the obligations to creditors (liabilities). The net assets increase when revenues exceed expenses. This statement provides the basis for evaluating the capital structure, and assessing liquidity and financial flexibility of the City. The Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets reports revenues, expenses, and the change in net assets for the years indicated. This statement measures the success of the City's Water/Sewer Utility and Stormwater Utility operations and can be used to evaluate the level of cost recovery from charges for products and services. The Statement of Cash Flows provides information concerning cash receipts and disbursements resulting from operational, financing, and investing activities. This statement provides insight into the City's Water/Sewer and Stormwater Utility ability to generate cash flow and to meet obligations and is an important indicator of the utility's liquidity and financial strength. The Notes to the Financial Statements provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the information contained in the basic financial statements. Financial Highlights No rate increases were implemented for 2007 for water and sewer services , as the utility rate study was not completed until 2008. The new water/sewer rates adopted in October 2007 do not take affect until January 1, 2008 and include a cost of service componet that changes how the customer classes are derived and billed. Effective April 1, 2007 an additional 10% utility tax was implemented on all utilities. This additional tax was embedded in the utility rates charged to customers. When the new customer classes take affect in 2008 these taxes will not be embedded in the rates. Stormwater rates increased effective April 1, 2007 from $6.00 to $7.25 for single family dwellings that do not exceed 3,000 square feet of impervious surface. Water customers increased by 69, or 1.6%. Sewer customers increased by 60, or 1.6%, in 2007. Water/Sewer revenues increased by 6.3% due to the additional taxes embedded in the rates. Water consumption billed decreased 4%. Washington State Auditor's Office 6 The City Water/Sewer Utility ended 2007 with $8,081,231 unrestricted cash. The City Stormwater Utility ended 2007 with $443,119 unrestricted cash. These levels of cash are enough to provide adequate insurance for meeting continuing cash flow needs. The City Water/Sewer Utility is maintaining debt service coverage levels of 2.67, well above the minimum required level of 1.25. The Stormwater Utility has no outstanding debt. Financial Analysis The following information provides analysis of the 2007 and 2006 comparative financial information provided in the following table. Water/Sewer Utility Fund Condensed Financial Information for December 31, 2007, and 2006 Statement of Net Assets 2007 2006 Change % Change Restated Current Assets 8,532,846 8,802,681 -269,835 -3.1 Noncurrent Assets 25,735,320 25,487,901 247,419 .9 Total Assets 34,268,166 34,290,582 -22,416 .06 Current Liabilities 912,148 902,546 9,602 1.1 Noncurrent Liabilities 4,918,920 5,679,912 -760,992 -13.4 Total Liabilities 5,831,067 6,582,458 -751,390 -11.4 Net Assets 28,437,099 27,708,124 728,975 2.6 Statement of Revenue. Expenses and Chanaes in Net Assets 2007 2006 Change % Change Operating Revenues 4,627,886 4,355,066 272,820 6.3 Operating Expenses 5,350,327 4,783,488 566,839 11.8 Net Operating Income -722,441 -428,422 -294,019 -68.6 NonOperating Revenues 718,505 538,918 179,587 33.3 NonOperating Expenses -160,496 -181,129 20,633 -11.4 NonOperating Revenue/ 558,009 357,789 200,220 56.0 (Expenses) Contributed Capital 893,406 692,787 200,619 29.0 Change in Net Assets 728,974 622,154 106,820 17.2 Net Assets — beginning of year 27,708,124 27,085,970 622,154 2.3 Net Assets — end of year 28,437,098 27,708,124 728,974 2.6 Washington State Auditor's Office 7 Stormwater Utility Fund Condensed Financial Information for December 31, 2007, and 2006 Statement of Net Assets 2007 2006 Change % Change Current Assets 505,153 501,531 3,622 .7 Noncurrent Assets 2,683,959 2,641,847 42,112 1.6 Total Assets 3,189,112 3,143,378 45,734 1.5 Current Liabilities 0 3,164 -3164 -100.0 Noncurrent Liabilities 0 0 0 0 Total Liabilities 0 3,164 0 0 Net Assets 3,189,112 3,140,214 48,898 1.6 Statement of Revenue. Expenses and Chanaes in Net Assets 2007 2006 Change % Change Operating Revenues 574,048 457,296 116,752 25.5 Operating Expenses 607,151 448,509 158,642 35.4 Net Operating Income -33,103 8,787 -41,890 -476.7 NonOperating Revenues 64,580 102,318 -37,738 -36.8 NonOperating Expenses 0 0 0 0 NonOperating Revenue/ 64,580 102,318 -37,738 -36.8 (Expenses) Contributed Capital 17,420 140,936 -123,516 -87.6 Change in Net Assets 48,897 252,041 -203,144 -80.6 Net Assets — beginning of year 3,140,214 2,888,173 252,041 8.7 Net Assets — end of year 3,189,111 3,140,214 48,897 1.5 Assets Water/Sewer Utility current assets in 2007 decreased $269,835 from 2006, or 3.1%. Noncurrent assets increased in 2007 in the amount of $247,419 or .9%. A prior year correcting entry to depreciation in the amount of $497,968 accounts for a portion of this change. Stormwater Utility current assets in 2007 increased $3,622 from 2006, or .7%. Noncurrent assets increased in 2007 in the amount of $42,112 or 1.6%. A prior correcting entry for over depreciation accounts for $26,973 of this increase. Liabilities Water/Sewer Utility current liabilities increased 1.1 % in 2007 from 2006. Noncurrent liabilities decreased $760,992 mostly in debt outstanding. Washington State Auditor's Office 8 Stormwater Utility current liabilities were reduced $3,164 in 2007, resulting in the Stormwater utility now having no liabilities. Net Assets Water/Sewer Utility net assets increased by $728,975 or 2.6%. The increase in total net assets was mostly due to a decrease in liabilities due to debt repayment. Stormwater Utility net assets increased $48,898 or 1.6%, from 2006. The increase in total net assets was mostly due to an increase in capital assets. Operating Revenues Water/Sewer Utility operating revenues increased by 6.3% over 2006. This is an increase of $272,820. This increase is due to the additional 10% tax levied by the city on all utilities effective April 1, 2007. This new tax is embedded in the utility rates, in the same manner as the original 10% utility tax. The City Water and Sewer Utility customers increased by 69 in 2007. Stormwater Utility operating revenues increased by 25.5% over 2006. This is an increase of $116,752. This increase is mostly due to rate increase of 20.8% effective April 1, 2007. There was also an additional 10% utility tax imposed by the city on all utility rates. Operating Expenses Water/Sewer Utility operating expenses increased by $566,839 or 11.8%, in 2007. This was mostly due to an increase in utility tax paid to the city. Stormwater Utility operating expenses increased by $158,642 or 35.4%, in 2007. This was due to a increase in the taxes due to city and payroll expense increases. Nonoperating Revenues and Expenses Water/Sewer Utility total nonoperating revenues and expenses increased by $200,220 or 56%, in 2007 due to grant revenue and money received from the Port of Port Townsend as reimbursements for improvements. Stormwater nonoperating revenues and expenses decreased by $37,738 or 36% in 2007. Capital Assets and Long Term Debt Activity Water/Sewer Utility Net Plant Assets increased by $728,974 in 2007. The main capital projects included work on Jackson Street utilities. The Stormwater Utility net assets increased by $48,897, the purchase of Quimper Jefferson Land Trust Land accounted for the bulk of the increase. No new debt was issued in 2007. The debt service coverage ratio for 2007 is 2.67 for the Water/Sewer utility. The Stormwater Utility has no debt. Washington State Auditor's Office 9 MCAG NO 0364 STATEMENT C4 City of Port Townsend FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS For the Year Ended 2007 BARS CODE Beginning Net Cash Investment Revenue and Other Sources 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 390 Total Revenue and Other Sources Total Resources Operating Expenditure Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Goods and Services Fines and Penalties Miscellaneous Capital Contributions Other Financing Sources Fund Number and Name Fund Number and Name 010 General Fund 110 Street Budget Actual Budget Actual $ 297,084 $ 258,409 $ 101,423 $ 44,660 $ 5,547,391 $ 5,575,847 $ 437,492 $ 411,539 336,199 339,879 - 387 146,829 160,167 213,653 213,713 1,179,589 1,134,596 26,000 8,836 108,000 106,062 - - 25,383 30,898 5,697 172 (2,750) 7,343,390 7,347,622 677,145 637,422 $ 7,640,474 $ 7,606,031 $ 778,568 $ 682,082 510 General Goverment 1,440,005 1,481,929 520 Public Safety 2,554,076 2,565,173 530 Physical Environment 3,600 - - - 540 Transportation - - 499,296 485,717 550 Economic Environment 863,344 879,486 - - 560 Mental and Physical Health - - 570 Culture and Recreational 60,599 39,985 - - Total Operating Expenditures $ 4,921,624 $ 4,966,573 $ 499,296 $ 485,717 591-593 Debt Service - 3,697 - - 594-595 Capital Outlay 28,293 22,552 322,781 50,522 Total Expenditures $ 4,949,917 $ 4,992,822 $ 822,077 $ 536,240 597-599 Other Financing Uses $ 2,363,935 $ 2,320,971 $ - $ - Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 7,313,853 $ 7,313,793 $ 822,077 $ 536,240 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses $ 326,622 $ 292,239 $ (43,509) $ 145,842 380 Nonrevenues (Except 384 and 388.80) 400 1,087 9,110 580 Nonexpenditures (Except 584 and 588.80) - (60) (8,281) (8,281) Ending Net Cash and Investments $ 327,022 $ 293,265 $ (51,790) $ 146,671 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 10 MCAG NO 0364 STATEMENT C4 City of Port Townsend FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS For the Year Ended 2007 BARS CODE Fund Number and Name Fund Number and Name 120 Library Fund 140 PW Admin & Engineer Budget Actual Budget Actual Beginning Net Cash Invenstment $ 3,000 $ $ $ Revenue and Other Sources 310 Taxes $ - $ $ $ 320 Licenses and Permits 330 Intergovernmental 22,648 340 Charges for Goods and Sery - - 1,001,493 938,359 350 Fines and Penalties 10,000 12,592 - - 360 Miscellaneous - 8,311 1,027 370 Capital Contributions - - - 390 Other Financing Sources 712,547 693,996 - - Total Revenue and Other Sources 722,547 737,547 1,001,493 939,386 Total Resources $ 725,547 $ 737,547 $ 1,001,493 $ 939,386 Operating Expenditure 510 General Goverment - - - - 520 Public Safety - - 530 Physical Environment 981,493 938,971 540 Transportation - - 550 Economic Environment 560 Mental and Physical Health - - 570 Culture and Recreational 675,547 663,774 - - Total Operating Expenditures $ 675,547 $ 663,774 $ 981,493 $ 938,971 591-593 Debt Service - - - - 594-595 Capital Outlay 62,000 73,773 20,000 415 Total Expenditures $ 737,547 $ 737,547 $ 1,001,493 $ 939,386 597-599 Other Financing Uses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 737,547 $ 737,547 $ 1,001,493 $ 939,386 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses $ (12,000) $ - $ - $ - 380 Nonrevenues (Except 384 ar 580 Nonexpenditures (Except 58, Ending Net Cash and Investments $ (12,000) $ $ $ The Accompanying Notes are an Integral part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 11 MCAG NO 0364 STATEMENT C4 City of Port Townsend FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS For the Year Ended 2007 BARS CODE Fund Number and Name Fund Number and Name 150 Lodging Tax 171 Fire and EMS Budget Actual Budget Actual Beginning Net Cash Invenstment $ 158,753 $ 213,385 $ - $ 13,652 Revenue and Other Sources 310 Taxes $ 343,322 $ 351,119 $ 382,500 $ 376,827 320 Licenses and Permits - - - - 330 Intergovernmental 2,274 340 Charges for Goods and Sery 77 350 Fines and Penalties - - - 360 Miscellaneous 6,350 9,169 370 Capital Contributions - - - - 390 Other Financing Sources - - 829,248 826,262 Total Revenue and Other Sources 349,672 360,289 1,211,748 1,205,440 Total Resources $ 508,425 $ 573,674 $ 1,211,748 $ 1,219,092 Operating Expenditure 510 General Goverment 26,000 26,000 - - 520 Public Safety - - 1,218,779 1,219,092 530 Physical Environment - - 540 Transportation - - 550 Economic Environment 305,850 288,331 560 Mental and Physical Health - - 570 Culture and Recreational - - - - Total Operating Expenditures $ 331,850 $ 314,331 $ 1,218,779 $ 1,219,092 591-593 Debt Service - - - - 594-595 Capital Outlay - - - - Total Expenditures $ 331,850 $ 314,331 $ 1,218,779 $ 1,219,092 597-599 Other Financing Uses 28,000 28,000 - - Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 359,850 $ 342,331 $ 1,218,779 $ 1,219,092 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses $ 148,575 $ 231,342 $ (7,031) $ 380 Nonrevenues (Except 384 ar - - 580 Nonexpenditures (Except 58, - - Ending Net Cash and Investments $ 148,575 $ 231,342 $ (7,031) $ The Accompanying Notes are an Integral part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 12 MCAG NO 0364 STATEMENT C4 City of Port Townsend FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS For the Year Ended 2007 BARS CODE Fund Number and Name Fund Number and Name 195 System Dev Charges 199 Community Services Budget Actual Budget Actual Beginning Net Cash Invenstment $ 377,306 $ 578,390 $ $ Revenue and Other Sources 310 Taxes $ - $ - $ $ 320 Licenses and Permits 330 Intergovernmental 340 Charges for Goods and Services 75,000 76,383 350 Fines and Penalties - - - - 360 Miscellaneous 25,092 28,500 14,207 11,837 370 Capital Contributions - - - - 390 Other Financing Sources - - 659,089 689,137 Total Revenue and Other Sources 25,092 28,500 748,296 777,356 Total Resources $ 402,398 $ 606,890 $ 748,296 $ 777,356 Operating Expenditure 510 General Goverment - - 11,050 7,216 520 Public Safety - - 530 Physical Environment 540 Transportation - - 550 Economic Environment 75,805 69,080 560 Mental and Physical Health - - 570 Culture and Recreational 697,941 701,606 Total Operating Expenditures $ $ $ 784,796 $ 777,901 591-593 Debt Service - - 594-595 Capital Outlay 500 - Total Expenditures $ $ $ 785,296 $ 777,901 597-599 Other Financing Uses 715,000 351,368 - - Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 715,000 $ 351,368 $ 785,296 $ 777,901 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses $ (312,602) $ 255,522 $ (37,000) $ (545) 380 Nonrevenues (Except 384 and 388.80) 335,584 357,496 545 580 Nonexpenditures (Except 584 and 588. - - - Ending Net Cash and Investments $ 22,982 $ 613,018 $ (37,000) $ The Accompanying Notes are an Integral part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 13 MCAG NO 0364 STATEMENT C4 City of Port Townsend FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS For the Year Ended 2007 BARS CODE Beginning Net Cash Investment Revenue and Other Sources 310 Taxes 320 Licenses and Permits 330 Intergovernmental 340 Charges for Goods and Services 350 Fines and Penalties 360 Miscellaneous 370 Capital Contributions 390 Other Financing Sources Total Revenue and Other Sources Total Resources Operating Expenditure 510 General Goverment 520 Public Safety 530 Physical Environment 540 Transportation 550 Economic Environment 560 Mental and Physical Health 570 Culture and Recreational Total Operating Expenditures 591-593 Debt Service 594-595 Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 597-599 Other Financing Uses otal Expenditures and Other Uses Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses 380 Nonrevenues (Except 384 and 388.80) 580 Nonexpenditures (Except 584 and 588.80) Ending Net Cash and Investments The Accompanying Notes are an Integral part of This Statement Fund Number and Name Fund Number and Name 200 G.O. Debt Service 301 General CIP Projects Budget Actual Budget Actual $ 51,704 $ 53,974 $ 243,416 $ 279,006 $ - $ - $ 473,972 $ 463,349 939,000 149,275 62,585 67,265 13,195 17,266 586,824 537,609 244,089 415,661 649,409 604,874 1,670,256 1,045,551 $ 701,113 $ 658,848 $ 1,913,672 $ 1,324,557 1,000 1,212 - 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,212 $ $ 500 641,124 638,126 - - - 1,869,177 554,440 $ 642,124 $ 639,338 $ 1,869,177 $ 554,940 - - 512,824 786,504 $ 642,124 $ 639,338 $ 2,382,001 $ 1,341,443 $ 58,989 $ 19,510 $ (468,328) $ (16,886) $ 58,989 $ 19,510 $ (468,328) $ (16,886) Washington State Auditor's Office 14 MCAG NO 0364 STATEMENT C4 City of Port Townsend FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS For the Year Ended 2007 BARS CODE Beginning Net Cash Investment Revenue and Other Sources 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 390 Total Revenue and Other Sources Total Resources Operating Expenditure Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Goods and Services Fines and Penalties Miscellaneous Capital Contributions Other Financing Sources Fund Number and Name Fund Number and Name 302 City Hall Annex/Renovation500 Equipment Rental Budget Actual Budget Actual 391,264 42,410 854,115 912,022 7,500 - 8,492 - 104,208 105,387 73,116 73,321 768,353 746,822 19,000 18,959 73,116 80,821 891,561 879,660 464,380 123,231 1,745,676 1,791,682 510 General Goverment 125,143 113,425 520 Public Safety - - 530 Physical Environment - - 540 Transportation 553,519 542,060 550 Economic Environment - - 560 Mental and Physical Health 570 Culture and Recreational - - Total Operating Expenditures - 678,662 655,485 591-593 Debt Service - 14,063 - - 594-595 Capital Outlay 100,000 62,025 762,999 629,030 Total Expenditures 100,000 76,087 1,441,661 1,284,515 597-599 Other Financing Uses - 23,913 - - Total Expenditures and Other Uses 100,000 100,000 1,441,661 1,284,515 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses 364,380 23,231 304,015 507,167 380 Nonrevenues (Except 384 and 388. - - - - 580 Nonexpenditures (Except 584 and ° - - - - Ending Net Cash and Investments 364,380 23,231 304,015 507,167 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 15 MCAG NO. 0364 STATEMENT C-5 PAGE 1 OF 2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTION For The Year Ended December 31, 2007 Fund Type: Beginning Net Cash and Investments: Revenues and Other Financing Sources Total Resources Expenditures And Other Financing Uses Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses Nonrevenues (Except 384) Nonexpenditures (Except 584) Ending Net Cash and Investments Fund Type: Beginning Net Cash and Investments: Revenues and Other Financing Sources Total Resources Expenditures And Other Financing Uses Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses Nonrevenues (Except 384) Nonexpenditures (Except 584) Ending Net Cash and Investments Fund Type: Fund Number And Name Fund Number And Name 101 - DRUG ENFORCEMENT ED 102 - Continaencv $ 66 $ - 659 - $ 154,495 6,180 $ 160,876 7,725 $ 66 $ 659 $ 160,675 $ 168,601 $ 66 $ 659 $ 160,675 $ 168,601 ]]$ 66 $ 659 $ 160,675 $ 168,601 Fund Number And Name Fund Number And Name 170 - Fire EauiD Joint Maint 1190 - COMM DEV BLOCK GRANT $ 10,248 $ - 10,091 118 $ 35,943 18,707 $ 80,241 51,830 $ 10,248 $ 10,248 10,209 10,209 $ 54,650 40,000 $ 132,071 - $ - $ - $ 14,650 $ 132,071 $ - $ - $ 14,650 $ 132,071 Fund Number And Name Fund Number And Name 610 - Firemen's Pension & Relief 1 613 - Aaencv Beginning Net Cash and Investments: $ 294,582 $ 296,383 $ - $ 51,012 Revenues and Other Financing Sources 90,194 91,578 - - $ - $ 51,012 Total Resources $ 384,776 $ 387,961 Expenditures And Other Financing Uses 80,679 73,229 - - $ - $ 51,012 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses $ 304,097 $ 314,733 Nonrevenues (Except 384) - - - 88,570 Nonexpenditures (Except 584) - - - 114,043 Ending Net Cash and Investments $ 304,097 $ 314,733 $ - $ 25,539 The Accompany Notes are an Integral Part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 16 MCAG NO. 0364 Fund Type: STATEMENT C-5 PAGE 2OF2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FUND RESOURCES AND USES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTION For The Year Ended December 31, 2007 Fund Number And Name Fund Number And Name 621 -Memorial 1 623 - Golf Course Beginning Net Cash and Investments: $ 20,176 $ 27,290 $ 6,000 $ (834) Revenues and Other Financing Sources 8,720 8,147 20,000 17,708 $ 26,000 $ 16,874 Total Resources $ 28,896 $ 35,437 Expenditures And Other Financing Uses 15,000 15,307 22,000 8,853 $ 8,021 Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses $ 13,896 $ 20,130 Nonrevenues (Except 384) - - - - Nonexpenditures (Except 584) - - - - $ - $ 8,021 Ending Net Cash and Investments $ 13,896 $ 20,130 Fund Type: Beginning Net Cash and Investments: Revenues and Other Financing Sources Total Resources Expenditures And Other Financing Uses Excess (Deficit) of Resources Over Uses Nonrevenues (Except 384) Nonexpenditures (Except 584) Ending Net Cash and Investments Fund Number And Name 631 - Maritime Center Fund $ - $ 2 - 1 $ - $ 3 $ - $ 3 17,505 72,401 - 72,401 $ 17,505 $ 3 The Accompany Notes are an Integral Part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 17 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Statement of Net Assets Proprietary Funds December 31, 2007 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalent Account Receivables (net) Inventories Total Current Assets Noncurrent Assets: Capital Assets, net of accumulated depreciation Construction Work In Progress Loan Receivable Unamortized Sewer Com Plan Unamortized Debt Discount Unamortized Flood Control Plan Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Refundable Deposits Unclaimesd property Compensated Absences Accrued interest Current portion long term debt Total Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities: Deferred Amount (refunding) Bonds Other Long Term Debt Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities NET ASSETS Investment in Capital Assets, net of debt Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Assets 2007 2007 2007 Enterprise Funds Water/Sewer Storm Fund Fund Total $ 8,081,231 $ 443,119 $ 8,524,351 451,615 62,034 513,648 8,532,846 505,153 9,037,999 25,267,938 2,522,003 $ 27,789,942 350,000 350,000 64,509 64,509 52,873 52,873 161,956 161,956 25,735,320 2,683,959 28,419,280 34,268,166 $ 3,189,112 $37,457,279 $ $ 12,388 $ - $ 12,388 70,452 - 70,452 38,377 - 38,377 790,931 790,931 912,148 - 912,148 (258,069) (258,069) 1,700,000 - 1,700,000 3,476,989 - 3,476,989 4,918,920 - 4,918,920 5,831,067 $ - $ 5,831,067 $ $ 19,558,088 $ 2,683,959 $ 22,242,047 8,879,011 505,153 9,384,164 $ 28,437,099 $ 3,189,112 $31,626,211 The Accompanying notes are an Integral Part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 18 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Proprietary Funds Year Ended December 31, 2007 Operating Revenues Charges for services Total Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Operations and Maintenance Administration Amortization Depreciation Taxes Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest Income Interest Expense Grant Revenue Other Miscellaneous Income Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) Income (Loss) Before Transfers and Contributed Capital Transfers (to) from Other Funds: Total Transfers (to) from Other Funds Contributed Capital Change in Net Assets Net Assets, January 1, as restated Net Assets, December 31 2007 2007 2007 Water/Sewer Storm Utility Fund Total $ 4,627,886 $ 574,048 $ 5,201,934 $ 4,627,886 $ 574,048 $ 5,201,934 $ 1,909,255 $ 339,173 $ 2,248,428 1,512,589 121,175 $ 1,633,764 58,694 17,970 $ 76,665 751,534 22,175 $ 773,708 1,118,255 106,658 $ 1,224,913 $ 5,350,327 $ 607,151 $ 5,957,478 $ (722,441) $ (33,103) $ (755,544) $ 414,509 21,723 $ 436,232 $ (160,496) - $ (160,496) $ 71,590 38,241 $ 109,832 $ 232,406 4,616 $ 237,022 $ 558,010 $ 64,580 $ 622,590 $ (164,431) $ 31,477 $ (132,954) $ 893,406 $ 17,420 $ 910,826 $ 728,975 $ 48,897 $ 777,872 $ 27,708,124 $ 3,140,214 $ 30,848,338 $ 28,437,099 $ 3,189,111 $ 31,626,211 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral Part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 19 MCAG NO. 0364 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Statement of Cash Flow Proprietary Funds For the year ended December 31, 2007 Enterprise Funds Water/Sewer Fund Storm Fund Total Cash flows from operating activities: Receipts from customers $ 4,565,864 $ 554,296 $ 5,120,160 Payments to suppliers for goods and services (3,420,688) (460,348) (3,881,036) Payments to employees for services Payments for taxes (1,118,255) (106,658) (1,224,913) Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 26,921 (12,710) 14,211 Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Interfund Loans Operating transfers -from (to) other funds - - - Receipts from other operating revenues 234,922 4,616 239,538 Net cash provided (used) by noncapital financing activities 234,922 4,616 239,538 Cash flows from capital & related financing activities: Acquisition and construction of capital assets including Work In Progress PWTF & SRF Loan proceeds Payments for principal on revenue bonds and contracts Payments for interest on revenue bonds and contracts Operating Transfers from other funds Cash contributed in aid of construction Loss on retirement of assets Net cash provided (used) by capital &related financing activities Cash flows from investing activities: Sale (Purchase) of investment securities Proceeds from interest and dividends earned Net cash provided (used) by investing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents, end of year Cash and cash equivalents consists of: Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents Restricted cash and cash equivalents Total cash and cash equivalents Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Net operating income (loss) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: (550,693) (64,836) (615,529) (765,342) (765,342) (157,302) (157,302) 483,849 38,241 522,090 (989,488) (26,595) (1,016,083) 414,513 21,723 436,236 414,513 21,723 436,236 (313,132) (12,966) (326,099) 8,394,364 456,085 8,850,449 $ 8,081,232 $ 443,119 $ 8,524,350 $ 0 $ 8,081,232 $ 443,119 $ 8,524,351 443,119 $ 8,524,351 $ 8,081,232 $ $ (722,441) $ (33,103) $ (755,544) Depreciation 751,534 22,175 773,709 (Increase) decrease in Accounts Receivable (45,816) (16,588) (62,404) Increase (decrease) in Current Liabilities (15,049) (3,164) (18,213) (Increase) decrease in Deferred Debits 58,693 17,970 76,664 Prior year capital acquisition received grant funding this year - Total adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: 749,362 20,393 769,755 Net cash provided by operating activities: $ 26,921 $ (12,710) $ 14,211 The Accompanying Notes Are An Integral Part of This Statement Washington State Auditor's Office 20 City of Port Townsend Notes To The Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2007 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the utility funds of the City of Port Townsend conform to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applicable to utility funds of governments. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. In June 1999, GASB approved Statement 34, Basic Financial Statements — and Management Discussion and Analysis — for State and Local Governments. This and consecutive statements are reflected in the accompanying financial statements (including notes to financial statements). The following is a summary of the most significant policies (including identification of those policies which result in material departures from generally accepted accounting principles): A. Reporting Entity The City of Port Townsend was incorporated on January 16, 1860, and operates under the laws of the State of Washington applicable to a non -charter code city. The city is a general purpose government and provides police and fire protection, water, sewer, storm drainage, as well as maintaining parks, streets, and a library for use by its citizens. B. Basis of Accountina and Presentation The city uses single entry, cash basis accounting for its governmental fund type funds, which is a departure from generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The proprietary funds use the accrual basis accounting. Proprietary funds are used to account for activities that are operated in a manner similar to private enterprise business. The City of Port Townsend uses the revenue and expenditure classifications contained in the Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System (BARS) manual. The manual is prescribed by the State Auditor's Office under the authority of the Washington State law, Chapter 43.09 RCW. The City of Port Townsend applies GASB pronouncements and has not elected to apply Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) statements and Accounting Principles Board (APB) pronouncements issued after November 30, 1989. The accounts of the city are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Each fund is accounted for with a separate set of single entry accounts that comprise its cash, investments, revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. The accounting records of the City of Port Townsend's utilities are maintained and reported in accordance with the methods prescribed by the State Auditor under the authority of Chapter 43.09 RCW. Washington State Auditor's Office 21 The city's resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds depending on what they are to be spent for and how they are controlled. The following are the fund types used by the city: Governmental Fund Types.- are used to finance most governmental functions and account for and report expendable financial resources and related obligations. General Fund (Fund 010) (Current Expense Fund) This fund is the primary operating fund of the city. It accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds (Funds in the 100 series) These funds account for revenues derived from specific taxes, grants, or other sources which are designed to finance particular activities of the city. Debt Service Funds (Funds in the 200 series) These funds are used to gather resources to pay general government debt. Capital Projects Funds (Funds in the 300 series) These funds account for financial resources which are designated for the acquisition or construction of general government capital improvements. Proprietary Fund Types - are used to account for activities similar to those in the private sector and measure net income. Enterprise Funds (Funds in the 400 series) These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to the general public and are supported primarily through user charges. Internal Service Funds (Funds in the 500 series) These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to other departments or funds of the city or other governmental units on a cost -reimbursement basis. Fiduciary Fund Types - Fiduciary funds account for assets held by the city in a trustee capacity or as an agent on behalf of others. Pension (and Other Employee Benefit) Trust Funds (611-620) Firemen's Pension Private Purpose Trust Funds (621-630) Funds used to report all trust arrangements under which principal and income benefit individual, private organization and other government. Agency Funds (Funds 631-699) This fund accounts for assets whereby the city acts as a pass through agent for various government entities. Washington State Auditor's Office 22 C. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Revenues are recognized only when cash is received and expenditures are recognized when paid, including those properly chargeable against the prior year(s) budget appropriations as required by state law for the governmental fund types. Purchases of capital assets are expensed during the year of acquisition. There is no capitalization of capital assets, nor allocation of depreciation expense for the governmental fund types. Inventory is expensed when purchased. A different basis of accounting is used for the water, sewer, and storm drainage enterprise functions as prescribed for. See Notes 8 through 16. D. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for all funds. The financial statements include budgetary comparisons for those funds. Annual appropriated budgets are adopted at the fund level. The budgets constitute the legal authority for expenditures at that level. Annual appropriations for all funds lapse at year end. The city manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between (department within and fund/object classes with departments); however, any revisions that alter the total expenditures of a fund, or that affect the number of authorized employee positions, salary ranges, hours, or other conditions of employment must be approved by the city council. E. Assets, Liabilities and Equities Cash and Equivalents It is the city's policy to invest all temporary cash surpluses. The amounts are included in the net cash and investments shown on the statements of fund resources and uses arising from cash transactions. The interest on these investments is prorated to the various funds. The average compensating balances maintained during 2007 were approximately $450,683.22. The city's deposits are entirely covered by federal depository insurance (FDIC and FSLIC) or by collateral held in a multiple financial institution collateral pool administered by the Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission (PDPC). Investments See Note 3. Capital Assets Capital assets are long-lived assets of the city and are recorded as expenditures when purchased in the government fund types. The proprietary funds capitalization threshold is $5,000 and utility capital assets are depreciated over their useful lives. See Notes 4, 8 and 9. Compensated Absences Vacation pay, which may be accumulated up to 6 weeks, is payable upon resignation, retirement or death. Sick leave may be accumulated up to 1440 hours. Washington State Auditor's Office 23 Lonq-Term Debt See Note 6. Other Financing Sources Or Uses The city's "Other Financing Sources or Uses" consist of Operating transfers -in, Operating transfers -out, Special assessment bond proceeds, Proceeds from refunding bonds, and Capital leases. Risk Management See Note 8. NOTE 2 - COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY There have been no material violations of finance -related legal or contractual provisions. NOTE 3 - INVESTMENTS The city's investments are either insured, registered, or held by the city or its agent in the city's name. As required by state law, all investments of the city's funds are obligations of the U S Government, the State Treasurer's Investment Pool, or deposits with Washington State banks and savings and loan institutions. Investments by type at December 31, 2007 are as follows: Investments Carrying Amount Market value Washington State Treasurer's Investment Pool $9,958,291.39 $9,958,291.39 US Bank Savings Account US Bank Investment Account Frontier Bank CD $581.69 $18,706.13 $1,026,136.99 $581.69 $18,706.13 $1,026,136.99 2007 Total Investments $11,003.716.20 $11,003,716.20 NOTE 4 — UTILITY CAPITAL ASSETS Major expenses for capital assets, including capital leases and major repairs that increase useful lives, are capitalized. Maintenance, repairs and minor renewals are accounted for as expenses when incurred. Capital assets are recorded at cost. Donations are recorded at fair market value at the time of donations or the appraised value. Washington State Auditor's Office 24 The Net Capital Assets includes a prior year adjustment for over depreciation from prior periods. See note 18. Utility Capital Asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2007 was as follows: Beginning Ending Balance Increase Decrease Balance Depreciation Capital Assets not being depreciated: Errors from Previous Yrs Land $ 2,146,112 $ 84,297 $ 2,230,409 Construction in Progress $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Assets not being deprreciated: $ 2,146,112 $ 84,297 $ - $ 2,230,409 Capital Assets being depreciated: Other Improvements $ 31,862,621 $ 880,688 $ $ 32,743,309 Machinery & Equipment $ 7,617,200 $ 149,111 $ $ 7,766,312 Total Capital Assets being depreciated: $ 39,479,821 $ 1,029,799 $ $ 40,509,621 Less accumulated depreciation for: Other Improvements $ 8,740,331 $ 569,361 $(183,603) $ 9,126,088 Machinery & Equipment $ 5,960,992 $ 204,347 $(341,339) $ 5,824,000 Total accumulated depreciation $ 14,701,323 $ 773,708 $(524,942) $ 14,950,089 Total Capital Assets being depreciated, net: $ 24,778,498 $ 256,091 $(524,942) $ 25,559,532 TOTAL CAPITAL ASSETS, NET $ 26,924,611 $ 340,389 $(524,942) $ 27,789,941 Washington State Auditor's Office 25 NOTE 5 - PROPERTY TAXES The Jefferson County Treasurer acts as agent to collect property taxes levied in the county for all taxing authorities. Collections are distributed after the total collected surpasses $10,000; with any balance left over distributed at month -end. Property tax revenues are recognized when cash is collected. Delinquent taxes are considered fully collectible because a lien affixes to the property when taxes are levied. The city's regular levy for 2007 was $1.40629 per $1,000.00 on an assessed valuation of $1,193,600,895 for a total regular levy of $1,678,549. In 2007 the city also had a special levy for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The EMS levy rate was $ .31659 per $1,000 for a total levy of $377, 882. NOTE 6 - LONG-TERM DEBT The accompanying Schedule of Long-term Debt (09) provides a listing of the outstanding debt of the city. A. BONDS The City of Port Townsend issues general obligation and revenue bonds to finance the construction and remodel of capital assets. Bonded indebtedness has also been entered into to advance refund revenue bonds. General obligation bonds have been issued for both general government and business -type activities and are being repaid from the applicable resources. The revenue bonds are being repaid by proprietary fund revenues. Washington State Auditor's Office 26 General obligation bonds currently outstanding is as follows: Issue Date Purpose Original Issue Interest Rate Maturi y Date Debt Outstanding Limited GO Bonds for reconstruction 1991 of the Balloon Hanger at Ft.Worden $535,000 6.4 — 5.45% 2011 $72,790 for performing arts. Limited GO Bonds for Fire & Library 1999 repairs from interfund loans;city $645,000 5.0 — 6.0% 2016 $455,000 facilities, Marine Science Ctr and Police Station. 2002 Limited GO Bonds for construction of $3,465,000 1.95— 2022 $3,130,000 City Hall Annex and old City Hall. 4.70% 2003 Limited GO Bonds for Skateboard Park, the Wave Viewing Gallery, City $2,390,000 1.85-4.60% 2023 $2,195,000 Hall, Fire Station, Pool & Pink House Lease settlement. 2005 Limited GO Bonds for construction funds for City Hall Annex and Old City $1,545,000 3.05- 4.35% 2025 $1,495,000 Hall TOTAL $ 7,347,790 Washington State Auditor's Office 27 The annual debt service requirements to maturity for general obligation debt is as follows: Govermental Activities Year ending December 31 Principal Interest 2008 $351,336 $311,396 2009 $351,800 $300,145 2010 $367,920 $288,046 2011 $383,401 $274,646 2012 $393,000 $260,635 2013-2017 $2,130,000 $1,059,646 2018-2022 $2,640,000 $556,950 2023-2025 $820,000 $63,369 Total $7,437,457 $3,114,830 As of December 31, 2007 the long term debt payable from proprietary fund resources consisted of the following: Issue Date Purpose Original Issue Interest Rate Maturiy Date Debt Outstanding 1978 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 5% 2018 $ 190,000 Water and Sewer Improvements $395,000 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds Refunding 1992 issue Sewer 1998 Treatment Plant, refunded 1978 Series B Bonds $5,950,000 4.10-4.65% 2011 $2,040,000 TOTAL $2,230,000 Washington State Auditor's Office 28 Debt service requirements to maturity for proprietary funds: Business Type Activities Year ending December 31 Principal Interest 2008 $790,931 $133,467 2009 $811,527 $108,537 2010 $842,133 $82,208 2011 $722,748 $53,150 2012 $283,372 $29,663 2013-2017 $1,446,559 $101,071 2018-2022 $975,703 $28,391 2023-2024 $99,947 $1,881 Total $5,972,920 $538,367 B. Public Works Trust Fund Loans and State Revolving Fund Loans State of Washington Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) Loans are an intergovernmental loan from the Public Works Board to undertake local public works projects. These loans are a direct responsibility of the City of Port Townsend. The City currently has five such loans. State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans are State of Washington Department of Ecology low interest loans for projects that protect and improve water quality. The City of Port Townsend currently has one SRF loan. Washington State Auditor's Office 29 As of December 31, 2007 the long-term debt payable for PWTF and SRF loans consisted of the following: Issue Date Purpose Original Issue Interest Rate Maturiy Date Debt Outstanding 1998 PWTF Loan $2,172,055 1 % 2018 $491,898 CT Pipeline Tri-Area Water Storage Tri-Area Well upgrades (payoff of $1,186,718 with sale of Tri-Area assets) 1999 PWTF Loan $1,434,365 1 % 2019 $715,137 Gaines St Lift Station San Juan Sewer Trunk Line 2001 PWTF Loan $1,153,350 .5% 2021 $773,870 Wastewater Treatment Outfall Expansion Trunk Sewer Line replacement 2002 PWTF Loan $1,242,742 .5% 2022 $1,000,529 Morgan Hill Water System Improvements 2002 SRF Loan $856,803 1.5% 2024 $761,486 Wastewater Conveyance Storm and sewer separation Gaines St Lift Station Phase 2 Trunk Sewer Replace 2003 PWTF Loan $90,000 0% 2009 $90,000 Transportation Plannng TOTAL $3,832,920 C. ADVANCED REFUNDING AND DEFEASED BONDS In 1998 the City of Port Townsend refunded two prior revenue bond issues while issuing an additional $1,000,000 of debt. This 1998 Revenue Bond issue was partially defeased in 2002 due to the sale of some associated asset improvements in the Tri-Area. The 1978 "series B" revenue bonds were refunded in the amount of $115,000 and the 1992 Revenue Bonds were refunded in the amount of $4,835,000 in the 1998 Bond issue. As part of the Tri-Area well and reservoir assets sold in 2002, $1,490,000 in bonds were defeased. Washington State Auditor's Office 30 NOTE 7 - PENSION PLANS Substantially all city full-time and qualifying part-time employees participated in Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Retirement System (LEOFF) Volunteer Firemen Relief and Pension Fund, Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund administered by the Department of Retirement Systems, under cost -sharing multi -employer define benefit public employee retirement systems. Actuarial information in on a system -wide basis and is not considered pertinent to the city's financial statements. Contributions to the systems by both employee and employer are based upon gross wages covered by the plan. Historical trends or other information regarding each plan is presented in the state Department of Retirement Systems 2006 annual financial report. A copy of this report may be obtained at: Department of Retirement Systems PO Box 48380 Olympia, WA 98504-8380 NOTE 8 - RISK MANAGEMENT The City of Port Townsend is a member of the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA). Utilizing Chapter 48.62 RCW (self-insurance regulation) and Chapter 39.34 RCW (Interlocal Cooperation Act), nine cities originally formed WCIA on January 1, 1981. WCIA was created for the purpose of providing a pooling mechanism for jointly purchasing insurance, jointly self -insuring, and/or jointly contracting for management services. WCIA has a total of 126 members. New members initially contract for a three year term, and thereafter automatically renew on an annual basis. A one year withdrawal notice is required before membership can be terminated. Termination does not relieve a former member from its unresolved loss history incurred during membership. Liability coverage is written on an occurrence basis, without deductibles. Coverage includes general, automobile, police, public officials' errors and omissions, stop gap, and employee benefits liability. Limits are $3 million per occurrence self insured layer, $12 million per occurrence in the re- insured excess layer. The excess layer is insured by the purchase of reinsurance and insurance ans is subject to aggregate limits. Total limits are $15 million per occurrence subject to aggregate sublimits in the excess layers. The Board of directors determines the limits and terms of coverage annually. Insurance coverage for property, automobile physical damage, fidelity, inland marine, and boiler and machinery are purchased on a group basis. Various deductibles apply by type of coverage. Auto physical damage coverage and property insurance are self funded up to $500,000, for all perils other than flood and earthquake, and insured above that amount by the purchase of reinsurance. In-house services include risk management consultation, loss control field services, claims and litigation administration, and loss analysis. WCIA contracts for the claims investigation consultants for personal issues and land use problems, insurance brokerage, and lobbyist services. WCIA is fully funded by its members, who make annual assessments on a prospectively rated basis, as determined by an outside, independent actuary. The assessment covers loss, loss Washington State Auditor's Office 31 adjustment, and administrative expenses. As outlined in the interlocal, WCIA retains the right to additionally assess the membership for any finding shortfall. An investment committee, using investment brokers, produces additional revenue by investment of WCIA's assets in financial instruments that comply with all State guidelines. These revenues directly offset portions of the membership's annual assessment. WCIA is governed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of one designated representative from each member. The Board elects an Executive Committee and appoints a Treasurer to provide general policy direction for the organization. The WCIA Executive Director reports to the Executive Committee and is responsible for conducting the day to day operations of WCIA. NOTE 9 - UTILITY ACCOUNTING AND PRESENTATION The Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS) chart of accounts is used for the Water - sewer Utility and the Storm Drainage Utility as prescribed by the State Auditor under the authority of Chapter 43.09 RCW. A full -accrual basis is in use where revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred. Capital asset purchases are capitalized and long-term liabilities are accounted for in the appropriate funds. Unbilled water, sewer and storm drainage utility service charges receivable are recorded at year end. Operating income in utility funds includes gains and losses from the disposal of utility plant. The Water -Sewer and Storm Drainage Utility's financial statements include the financial position and results of operations of all enterprise operations which the water -sewer and storm drainage utilities manage. The financial statements include also include the assets and liabilities of all funds for which the water -sewer and storm drainage utilities have a custodial or trust responsibility. NOTE 10 - UTILITY PLANT AND DEPRECIATION Utility plant in service and other capital assets are recorded at cost where the historical cost is known. Where the historical cost is not known, assets are recorded at estimated cost. Donations by developers and customers are recorded at donor cost. The original cost of operating property retired or otherwise disposed of and the cost of removal, less salvage, is charged to accumulated depreciation. However, in the case of the sale of a significant operating unit or system, the original cost is removed from the utility plant accounts, accumulated depreciation is charged with the accumulated depreciation related to the property sold and the net gain or loss on disposition is credited or charged to income. Depreciation is computed on the straight-line method with useful lives of 10 to 70 years. Initial depreciation on the utility plant is recorded subsequent to purchase. Preliminary costs incurred for proposed projects are deferred pending construction of the facility. Costs relating to projects ultimately constructed are transferred to the utility plant; charges that relate to abandoned projects are expensed. Washington State Auditor's Office 32 NOTE 11- FUND EQUITIES A. Proprietary Fund Types 1. Capital Contributions — Capital contributions in internal service funds records the amounts of working capital and capital assets received from other funds. 2 .Restricted Net Assets- Net Assets in proprietary fund types is generally restricted to indicate that a portion of net assets has been externally restricted for specific purposes. The amount restricted equals total restricted assets except for amounts intended for payment of current payables and debt proceeds for construction purposes. B. Designated Net Assets This category is used to set aside fund equity when city management has plans or tentative commitments to expend resources for certain purposes in future periods. Further legal action will be required to authorize the actual expenses and expenditures. NOTE 12 - RESTRICTED FUNDS In accordance with bond ordinances and certain related agreements, separate restricted funds are required to be established. The assets held in these funds are restricted for specific uses, including construction, debt service, and other special reserve requirements. Assets and liabilities shown as current on the accompanying balance sheets of the Water -Sewer Utility exclude current maturities on revenue bonds and accrued interest thereon because debt service funds are provided for their payment. NOTE 13 - UTILITY RECEIVABLES All delinquent accounts receivable must receive prior City Council approval before they are written off. NOTE 14 - UNAMORTIZED DEBT EXPENSE Costs relating to the sale of bonds are deferred and amortized over the lives of the various bond issues. NOTE 15 - CONTINGENCIES AND LITIGATION In the opinion of management the city's self-insurance reserves are adequate to pay all known or pending claims. (See Note 8.) NOTE 16 - UTILITY PLANT CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES It is the policy of management to charge all expenditures for enterprise utility plant construction materials and supplies to plant in service or maintenance expenses. The inventory account is immaterial to the total assets of the fund. Washington State Auditor's Office 33 NOTE 17 — INTERFUND LOANS During 2006 the council approved two interfund loans. The first interfund loan was in the amount of $100,000 from the Equipment Rental Fund, which had an excess of cash, to the Fire and EMS Fund. The second interfund loan was approved by council in order to close out the City Hall Project. The lending fund , the Transmission Pipeline Fund, also was deemed to have an excess of funds available for investment purposes, so was able to loan $350,000 to the City Hall Construction Fund. Interest payment rates for both loans were based the current Local Government Investment Pool rates. As of December 31, 2007 these loans were still outstanding. NOTE 18 — PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS During the fiscal year the prior period adjustments below were made to Net Assets. These adjustments were attributed to over depreciation in the amount of $497,968. in the Water and Sewer utility and $26,974. in the Storm utility from prior years. In the Water and Sewer Utility there was also a prior period adjustment for $60,683 to Long Term Debt for debt that was refunded to the Public Works Trust Fund and issued by the The Public Works Trust Fund in 2006 and not properly recorded. Water and Sewer Utility - Account Adjustment Amount Accumulated Depreciation $ 497,968 Long Term Debt — Other 60,683 Water and Sewer Utility Total $ 558,651 Stormwater Utility — Account Adjustment Amount Accumulated Depreciation $ 26,974 Stormwater Utility Total $ 26,974 NOTE 19 — UNREIMBURSED CAPITAL PROJECT EXPENSE The General Government Capital Improvement Fund ended the year with a $16,885.95 deficit in Fund Balance. There is currently an outstanding reimbursable expense for the Joint Emergency Operations Communications Tower that was built on top of the new Fire Hall. The unreimbursed expense total is $79,338.01. Washington State Auditor's Office 34 NOTE 20 - AMORTIZATION OF ENGINEERING STUDIES COSTS Storm Flood Control Proiect Year Expenditures from 1994 Year Amortization to 1999 spent on Storm over twenty Flood Control Project years following each year's expenditures 1994 $64,444.02 1995 $3,222.24 1995 65,563.55 1996 6,500.42 1996 120,976.03 1997 12,549.23 1997 52,054.17 1998 15,151.94 1998 28,810.00 1999 16,592.44 1999 27,560.63 2000-2019 305,392.13 Total $359,408.40 Total $359,408.40 Washington State Auditor's Office 35 ABOUT THE STATE AUDITORS OFFICE The State Auditor's Office is established in the state's Constitution and is part of the executive branch of state government. The State Auditor is elected by the citizens of Washington and serves four-year terms. Our mission is to work in cooperation with our audit clients and citizens as an advocate for government accountability. As an elected agency, the State Auditor's Office has the independence necessary to objectively perform audits and investigations. Our audits are designed to comply with professional standards as well as to satisfy the requirements of federal, state, and local laws. The State Auditor's Office has 300 employees who are located around the state to deliver our services effectively and efficiently. Approximately 65 percent of our staff are certified public accountants or hold other certifications and advanced degrees. Our regular audits look at financial information and compliance with state, federal and local laws on the part of all local governments, including schools, and all state agencies, including institutions of higher education. We also perform fraud and whistleblower investigations. In addition, we have the authority to conduct performance audits of state agencies and local governments. The results of our audits are widely distributed through a variety of reports, which are available on our Web site. We continue to refine our reporting efforts to ensure the results of our audits are useful and understandable. We take our role as partners in accountability seriously. We provide training and technical assistance to governments and have an extensive program to coordinate audit efficiency and to ensure high -quality audits. State Auditor Chief of Staff Chief Policy Advisor Director of Administration Director of State and Local Audits Director of Performance Audit Director of Special Investigations Director for Legal Affairs Local Government Liaison Communications Director Public Records Officer Main number Toll -free hotline for government efficiency Web Site Brian Sonntag, CGFM Ted Rutt Jerry Pugnetti Doug Cochran Chuck Pfeil, CPA Linda Long, CPA, CGFM Jim Brittain, CPA Jan Jutte Mike Murphy Mindy Chambers Mary Leider (360) 902-0370 (866) 902-3900 www.sao.wa.gov (SAO FACTS. DOC - Rev. 05/08)