HomeMy WebLinkAbout030724 Arts Commission Packet Port Townsend Art Commission Meeting Agenda March 7, | 3:00 p.m. | In-person and Remote Meeting nd The meeting will be held in Council Chambers on the 2 floor of the Historic City Hall. The entrance is the first door on Madison Street, which opens to the elevator. Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 729-067-131 Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 496-365-513# Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: https://publiccomment.fillout.com/cityofpt A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of Agenda D. Approval of Minutes February 4, 2023 E. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) F. Committee Business A. Chair Update B. Treasurer Update C. Grant Funding G. Correspondence H. Set Agenda for Next Meeting I. Next Scheduled Meeting April 4, 2024 J. Adjourn 2024 Tresury Report GrantRequestDifference Chimacum $1,000.00$1,000.00 Saltfire The$1,250.00$1,500.00 OCEAN the$1,416.00$2,000.00 $3,666.00$4,500.00-834 March 3,666.00 March Applications Gfcvsbsz!31-!3135 EbojfmmfGpeps 6414138254ebojfmmfgpepsAhnbjm/dpn !Usff!QfpqmfQvqqfuQbsuz'Qspdfttjpo PvueppstjoVqupxoboeEpxoupxoQpsuUpxotfoe-GpsuXpsefo SipezGftujwbmNbz29.2:-Kvof.TfquQpq.VqUCE %2311 o o 4711 ÆUsff!QfpqmfÇ!Qvqqfu!Qbsuz!boe!Qspdfttjpo!xjmm!cf!b!spwjoh-!qpq.vq!qfsgpsnbodf!pg!hjbou!Usff! 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QUBD!bt!b!gvoefs/ Xf!ibwf!opu!sfdfjwfe!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo!gvoejoh!jo!uif!qbtu/ o o o o From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Wednesday, February 21, 2024 11:25:47 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - 11:25pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Tue, 02/20/2024 Organization Name PT Swingouts Primary Contact Corinne Adams Phone Number 5126358942 Email corinne.elysse@gmail.com Project or Event Name Swingin' by the Sound Event Location The American Legion/Brigid's Loft Date(s) of Event 4/12/24-4/14/24 Amount Requested 1500 Admission Charge $200 Weekend Pass/various prices for dance passes/free beginner dance lesson Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? 12490 Please attach the proposed budget for this event sbts_budget_2024_art_commission.xlsx Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Over the last two years, PT Swing Outs has been working to bring more swing dancing opportunities to the Port Townsend Community. We have hosted many events (some donation- based, some free, and some with a cover), brought teachers to teach lessons and workshops, and organized community practices and learning opportunities. This is the second year of our event, Swingin’ by the Sound. We were able to host the event successfully last year, partially due to a grant from the PT Arts Commission. This weekend workshop of collegiate shag swing classes and social dances brought over fifty people from around the region and country to attend, as well as multiple dance teachers and musicians. These attendees supported local businesses and connected with local dancers, many of whom hosted out-of-town dancers. To connect our local community into the event more directly, our Friday night dance will offer a free beginner lesson to anyone in the community who is interested in the dance style, and will allow those who take the beginner class a discounted entry to the dance that night. Our goal remains to bring swing dancing opportunities and classes to our community, to engage them in this historically important dance and musical tradition. We have put together a diverse team of instructors and musicians from all around the world to create the best and most educational possible experience for our local community. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: With the help of the grant last year, we were able to break even. However, we hosted all of the musicians and teachers ourselves amongst the organizers and other PT Swing Out members, and were unable to cover the costs of the instructors and musician’s travel or other expenses. This year, we would like to be able to offer better pay and accommodations to our instructors and musicians, including a small stipend to cover travel to Port Townsend, and some group accommodation options. We have already made a decent part of our basic budget up in presales for the event, because of last year’s success, but we do not have enough money written into the budget to cover accommodations for our out-of-town staff. We are hoping that a grant from the PT Arts Commission will allow us to find decent housing for our instructors and musicians. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: Swingin’ by the Sound aims to directly benefit residents of the tri-counties and bring visitors to our area who will patronize and support local businesses, such as hotels and restaurants, while attending the event. By offering a free taster class and live music social dance, we also aim to provide our local community with the opportunity to experience this historical dance and musical tradition. We are using social media, flyers, and word of mouth to actively market the event locally, regionally, and nationally. Our teachers and musicians have followings in the swing dance community all around the country, and word has spread from last year’s successful event. We already have registrations coming in from places such as Chicago, Austin, San Francisco, Victoria, Vancouver, and around the country. Bringing these more experienced visiting dancers will give our locals access to higher level dancing and will connect them with dance communities around the country. Swingin’ by the Sound aims to bring visiting dancers who may not otherwise find their way to Port Townsend to experience our town and connect with local dancers. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. We received a $2000 grant from the Arts Commission in 2023. We are applying for a slightly smaller grant this year, because we are trying to slowly create a successfully self-sustaining event. However, we are also trying to pay a better living wage to our musicians and instructors, which includes providing good accommodations and a small travel stipend to cover expenses to our town. Last year the Arts Commission funding paid for one of our dance nights full expenses (band, venue, sound person, etc). But because we were a first-year event, the teachers and musicians covered some of their own costs out of a desire to support the event and help it be successful. Because our event is run by dancers, and professional dance instructor, and a professional swing musician, we are all well aware of how hard it is to make a living in this field, and our goal is to make a name for ourself amongst swing dance events in the United States for our high quality treatment and compensation of our staff. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47389 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 Payments Still Due Actual Income from Donations Actual Income from Contest Actual Income from Tickets Actual Income from Other Actual Profit/Deficit Cost of the Event Total Income Income Fees$240.00#NAME?#NAME?$0.00$0.00 Actually #NAME?#NAME? What We Have Paid 2,000.004,725.00$8,825.00$8,825.00 350.00200.000.0050.000.00375.00240.00$0.00 #NAME? Expected Expenses as 700.00375.00 1,075.00 We Approach 2024 #NAME?#NAME?#NAME? Visibility on Travel Expenses 2,350.003,620.003,500.00$11,368.00$10,495.00$2,000.00$12,495.00 350.00450.000.00143.000.00275.00640.0040.00 Paid in 2023 Current Expected Profit/Deficit Expected Income from Ticket Sales Expected Income from Contest Fees Other Income ExpectedExpected Fundraising Needed Dance Instruc. Travel Expenses Musician Travel Expenses Advertisements/Supplies Other Musical Expenses Others Travel Expenses Photography & Video Equipment Rental Dance Instructors Petty Cash Used Food & DrinkCompetitions Category Venues Bands Other From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Tuesday, January 16, 2024 3:31:53 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 3:31pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Mon, 01/15/2024 Organization Name Port Townsend Summer Band Primary Contact Steve Reed, Treasurer Phone Number 3603854245 Email steve.reed@cablespeed.com Project or Event Name 2024 Concerts Event Location Chetzemoka & Pope Marine Parks, American Legion Hall Date(s) of Event Memorial Day through Veterans Day (May 27 through November 11, 2024) May 30, June 26, July 4, July 31, August 13, August 28, Amount Requested $700 Admission Charge Free Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $10,880 Please attach the proposed budget for this event approved_2024_budget_ptsb.xlsx Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: The Band performs 7 to 8 concerts starting on Memorial Day. The free concerts are open to all persons. Two of the concerts are performed in the American legion Hall and are well attended by veterans and non-veterans alike. We advertise through the Chamber of Commerce, flyers and reader boards. We offer assistance to those who need help getting to the venues. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The PT Summer Band operates totally on donations and small grants. Printing costs are a significant part of our budget. We print flyers that are distributed throughout the community, concert programs, donor letters, trifolds and paid reader boards. The project can still be done without Arts Commission funding, but we may not be able to get the word out as widely in the community as we would like. All funds granted by the Arts Commission will go toward offsetting printing costs. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: The concerts are open to all people in the community as well as visitors. We put notices in local businesses, on the Chamber of Commerce and Carl's Lumber reader boards and on the website These notices are easy for visitors to see as they enter or shop in Port Townsend or go to our website. The notices distributed around the County include the concert schedule and venues. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. The PT Summer Band has received Arts Commission funding the last few years. There are not significant changes to our concert series other than the fact that we are improving our repertoire every year. There is no significant change to our request for funding. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47082 Actual 2024 2,850.001,250.001,100.001,000.00 10,880.00 75.00300.00300.00200.0010.00200.00150.00700.00500.00150.00100.00175.00100.0050.0040.0095.00200.00825.0050.00300.0060.00100.00 Budget PT SUMMER BAND - 2024 BUDGET (approved by the Board Novembr 9, 2023) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,850.001,107.65 9,154.24 99.00100.00660.94472.00193.54931.29176.0058.1616.3572.33260.00500.00810.00651.8560.00135.13 --------- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2023 2,250.00 8,305.00 75.00300.00300.00250.0010.00200.00150.00200.00500.00150.00100.00800.00175.00100.0050.0040.0095.00800.00200.00300.00750.0050.00300.0060.00100.00 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,000.001,602.70 8,231.32 65.00225.00295.00100.00176.25472.00120.9785.51892.15166.0048.6638.1665.02778.74180.00738.0044.7260.0077.44 ----- $ $ $ $ $ Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2022 2,000.001,000.00 7,980.00 75.00250.00300.00250.0010.00200.00100.00100.00450.00250.00800.00150.00100.0010.0040.0095.00700.00150.00700.00100.0050.00100.00 -- Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,075.003.43 5,608.70 65.00225.00295.00100.00401.00493.39590.12134.0019.6355.0026.93672.00125.5450.00277.66 Actual ------- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2021 75.00250.00300.00100.0010.00200.00350.00200.00800.0095.00100.0010.0040.0095.00700.00150.00500.00600.00100.00100.00 1,575.00 6,350.00 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WA Music Educators Assn PayPal Fees from Donations Pay Pal, Ipage & Facebook ASCAP/BMI Perf. Fees (Actual 2021=3 yrs) Jefferson County CofC Federal Taxes & Fees CategoriesEXPENSES Dues & Memberships Hall/Venue Rental TOTAL Expenses Music, Purchased Scholarship Fund ASCAP Dues Miscellaneous Music, PrintedWA Filing Fee Guest Player Fund-Raising Paper & Ink Equipment Conductor Web Site Insurance Uniforms P.O. Box Supplies Publicity Postage Storage Printing 8,200.001,500.00 10,900.00 500.00700.00 20.00 -- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10/25/2023 8,345.001,485.00 9,830.00 675.76 ---- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,200.001,800.00 9,000.00 500.00500.00 695.00 -- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12/5/2022 6,084.991,521.002,000.00 10,105.992,169.67 500.00700.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,500.001,000.001,000.00 9,000.001,020.00 500.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 195.91 4,068.61656.001,080.00 5,804.61 $ $ $ $ 800.00400.00500.00 850.00 5,500.00 7,200.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ Grant - P.T. Arts Comm. Grant - P.T. Rotary TOTAL INCOME Concert Receipts INCOME CARES Act/CRF NET INCOME 10/26/2023 EDC ARPA Donations From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Sunday, January 7, 2024 4:34:30 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Sunday, January 7, 2024 - 4:34pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Organization Name PT Artscape Primary Contact Margie McDonald Michele Soderstrom Phone Number 360-774-0332 206-940-3248 Email ptartscape@gmail.com Project or Event Name Festival Events Event Location Varies, Port Townsend Date(s) of Event Multiple. Our events appear in our attached 'budget proposal' form. Amount Requested $3500. Admission Charge Free Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $3500.00 Please attach the proposed budget for this event ptartscape_festivals_2024.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: PT Artscape facilitates creativity for all ages and abilities at our booth. The public has opportunities to come and create small art projects with us at or acquire a 'take away' art kit with enclosed instructions. Our projects may be quite simple or a little more complex and time consuming, depending upon our guests' preferences. Example is our semi prepared weaving projects involving yarn and cd's. People may choose to weave on one side of the cd, both sides, or take their supplies for finishing later. We are happy to show you images from recent pride and Finn River events. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The City's funding will support the project through funding of art supplies which make up our art kits and art activities at our booth' The breadth of the project will likely be smaller if we do not have City funding. And we would be spending time asking for support elsewhere, in order to purchase art activity supplies. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: PT Artscape has become more visible during the past 4 years, to our local public. Margie and Michele took over pT Artscape in 2019, shortly before the pandemic, and have been building up the program since. PTArtscape funds professional teachers in the classrooms as guest teachers for a week or two at a time. Our events are designed to facilitate guest teachers in the classroom and giveaway art kits during local fairs. We do other activities which benefit our community, and ultimately, students, as end goal, for example the recent community created mural at the High School near the tennis courts, led by our instructor Jesse Watson. Families with children as young as 3 and multiple students and adults created this. Advertising is through our social media page, lnstagram; @ptartscape, and through Soundcheck's media. PTMainstreet posts our events on their monthly calendar. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. In 2023 we applied in the Fall and so received $700 for one event which covered expenses perfectly and enabled us to give away a lot of art kits, and pay for our labor and instruction time. Our 'sign in' sheet showed us that we had folks from 11 different communities and as far away as Lake Stevens. This past grant and one festival informed us that we are on track with our monetary grant request. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47009 PTArtscape Festivals 2024 $3500.00 Total Ask: 2024 Interdependence Day at Finn River in July 2024 Pride Festival in June 2024 Uptown Street Fair in August 2024 Soundcheck in August 2024 Holiday Tree Lighting Festival Cost of Supplies each festival: $200. (chenille sticks, paper, plastic storage bags, printing cost, googly eyes, beads, sticky gems, yarn, duct tape) $1000 total cost of supplies for all fairs/festivals Average art instruction day of each festival: 6 hours, 2 instructors, $25.00/hour each $300 per fair/festival $1500 total Average of $300.00 per festival. (Does not include additional time of our volunteers) Art Kit Prep time (ordering, making illustrations and printing ng our loom for group art) About 8 hours prep time per festival at $25/hour. 32 hours for 5 festivals. $1000 People are walking away with something that says Port Townsend on it in some form including PT Artscape and Port Townsend Arts Commission From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Tuesday, February 20, 2024 2:34:12 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 2:34pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Tue, 02/20/2024 Organization Name Northwind Art Primary Contact Mary Black Phone Number 360.379.1086 Email development@northwindart.org Project or Event Name Open Studio Event Location Building 324, Fort Worden, 210 Battery Way, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Date(s) of Event April 3, 10, 17 and 24; May 1,8,15,22 and 29, 2024 Amount Requested $3,666 Admission Charge Pay what you wish/donation Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $4,140 Please attach the proposed budget for this event open_studio_-_april_and_may_2024_budget.png Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? No If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Northwind Art School’s guiding principle is that art is for all of us. We believe making and sharing art promotes the well-being of individuals, community, and the world. We invite anyone and everyone to join us in learning, growing an artist’s mindset, and cultivating their art practice in a safe space. We are particularly interested in fostering a creative community within Port Townsend and East Jefferson County, and in promoting individual and community wellness by instigating learning, joy, connection, self-reflection and self-exploration. Northwind Art School’s Open Studio sessions are an opportunity for people in our community to gather in a supportive, communal space to make art. These sessions meet the needs of many different members of our community, including younger people looking to explore new skills and establish themselves in the arts community and older people wanting to stay engaged and grow their skills. Because the sessions are free and open to anyone 18 or older to attend, they are inclusive for all adult members of the community regardless of financial situation, ability, or background. We know many community members work or attend school/college, and may be coming to our campus at Fort Worden from outside Port Townsend. We will alternate Open Studio sessions on weekday evenings and weekday afternoons, to make it easier for these individuals to attend. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The Open Studio sessions enable Northwind Art School to invite participants to come and make art alongside other artists in a supportive space where they are able to pursue their own work. In the past, participants have been asked to bring their own materials, and have worked on their projects without a facilitator. The school does have a small supply of donated art supplies available for participants to use, but City funding would enable the school to acquire a more comprehensive and thorough catalog of art-making materials for anyone to use during the sessions. This would enable Northwind Art to serve a larger audience of participants by lowering barriers to entry. Making the initial investment in art materials and supplies can be prohibitive for many potential artists. Having additional funds in the Open Studio budget to purchase supplies to provide directly to participants would allow us to expand our reach in the community and invite a more diverse audience to participate. The City’s funding would also allow us to hire artist facilitators to lead the Open Studio sessions. These artists act as a resource, offer feedback, and provide demonstrations and instruction to participants. Having artist facilitators lead the Open Studios would further lower the barriers to entry for community members interested in expanding or learning new skills. These facilitators help bolster attendees’ confidence and sense of discovery, and provide guidance for how they can continue to expand their artistic endeavors. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: While we welcome everyone, we will spread the word about our Open Studio sessions primarily to Jefferson County residents. We do this through many channels and collaborations with local media, including KPTZ community radio, the Leader, the Peninsula Daily News, and message boards including MyCityScene and Bareboards. We also promote our offerings on Facebook and Instagram and in the biweekly Northwind Art newsletter. We will hold Open Studio sessions at times when people with daytime or nighttime work schedules can join in. We will alternate the times each week: For example, the Week 1 session will be Wednesday from 6 p.m.-8p.m. and the Week 2 session will be Wednesday from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. This is a new proposed offering from Northwind Art. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47367 EbojfmmfGpeps 6414138254ebojfmmfgpepsAhnbjm/dpn !Usff!QfpqmfQvqqfuQbsuz'Qspdfttjpo PvueppstjoVqupxoboeEpxoupxoQpsuUpxotfoe-GpsuXpsefo SipezGftujwbmNbz29.2:-Kvof.TfquQpq.VqUCE %2311 Gsff!Xpsltipqt! o %!36!gps!uif!Cjh!Tipx o 21-811 Qmfbtf!Tff!Buubdife!Obssbujwf Qmfbtf!Tff!Buubdife!Obssbujwf Qmfbtf!Tff!Buubdife!Obssbujwf Uijt!fwfou!ibt!opu!sfdfjwfe!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo!gvoejoh!jo!uif!qbtu/ o o o o Uif!Cjh!Tipx-!Dpnnvojuz!Dpohsftt-!boe!Xpsltipqt!xjmm!cf!ifme!bu!b!wbsjfuz!pg!gvmmz!bddfttjcmf! mpdbujpot!jo!uif!epxoupxo!bsfb-!jodmvejoh;!!Qpqf!Nbsjof!Qmb{b-!uif!Dpuupo!Cvjmejoh-!uif!Bnfsjdbo! Mfhjpo!Ibmm-!boe!uif!Kfggfstpo!Nvtfvn!pg!Bsu!boe!Ijtupsz/!Uiftf!bsf!mjtufe!jo!EBTIÉt!mjtu!pg!gvmmz! bddfttjcmf!wfovf!mpdbujpot/ Djuz!gvoefe!xpsltipqt!xjmm!bmm!pddvs!jo!gvmmz!bddfttjcmf!mpdbujpot!bt!mjtufe!bcpwf/!! 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Qpsu!Upxotfoe!Qpuufsz!Hvjme.651! )291!b!npoui* Dmbz.311 Tpnf!ofx!hmb{ft.211 Gsbnft!boe!nbu!cpbse.611 Sfou!gps!b!qsjounbljoh!tuvejp!jo! Tfbuumf.bqqspyjnbufmz!211 Upubm!cvehfu;!2-551 From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Wednesday, January 17, 2024 4:02:10 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - 4:02pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Wed, 01/17/2024 Organization Name Jefferson County Farmers Markets Primary Contact Amanda Milholland Phone Number 360-379-9098 Email info@jcfmarkets.org Project or Event Name Music at the Port Townsend Farmers Market Event Location 600 Block Tyler St, Port Townsend Date(s) of Event Saturdays April 6-December 21 Amount Requested 2000 Admission Charge 0 Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? 13,800 Please attach the proposed budget for this event 2024_music_budget.xlsx_-_sheet1.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? No If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: The nonprofit Jefferson County Farmers Markets (JCFM) offers free community concerts on Saturdays from April through October at the Port Townsend Farmers Market. We additionally host live music for our season closing market on December 21. Our location is on the 600 block of Tyler Street. The roadway is fairly accessible for people using walking assistance and the general public. The Market neighbors a Jefferson Transit stop. Concerts are always offered without a fee and are events for all ages. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: We rely on community business sponsorship, donations, and Port Townsend Arts Commission support to offer stipends to the performing musicians. JCFM will continue our highly-valued live music program with or without PT Arts Commission support. However, without your support, we may reduce the length of our music season. The requested $2,000 will pay for 10 concerts or about two months of Saturday music. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: We promote the Port Townsend Farmers Market weekly through social media, our community newsletter, our website, on KPTZ, as well as through the Leader and Peninsula Daily News. Our farmers markets are an established, important part of our community web. Last year, we counted nearly 38,000 guests during the Port Townsend Farmers Market season. The majority of these folks are local. In addition to serving Port Townsend and Jefferson County locals, we serve people from the region and nationally. We advertised on the Washington State ferries via local visitor centers, the Seattle Stranger, the Seattle Times, and other publications. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. The live music program will not change in any significant way this season. We will continue highlighting local and regional artists bringing high-quality and diverse music to uptown Port Townsend. Arts Commission support allows us to offer a $200 music stipend per market. Last season, the PT Arts Commission granted us $1,200. Our general music sponsorship level starts at $2,000. We welcome grant funding at the level you can provide and encourage your contribution at our standard music sponsor level. Thank you for your consideration and support of the arts. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47092 From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Monday, February 19, 2024 2:35:44 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Monday, February 19, 2024 - 2:35pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Mon, 02/19/2024 Organization Name Jefferson County Historical Society Primary Contact Alexandra Toombs Phone Number 2013905364 Email alex@jchsmuseum.com Project or Event Name Jeanne K. Simmons Exhibit Program Event Location JCHS Museum of Art + History Date(s) of Event Sunday, May 5 Amount Requested 500 Admission Charge No Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? 535 Please attach the proposed budget for this event budget._simmons._5.5.24.xlsx Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Jeanne K. Simmons is a land artist living and creating here in Port Townsend. Photographs of her art, alongside sculptural pieces made of organic materials, will be exhibit at our museum March through July. Her art focuses on the connectedness between humans and the natural environment. As she outlines in her artist statement >> https://bit.ly/3ORl8rE During this event on Sunday, May 5, museum visitors are invited to join Port Townsend artist Jeanne K Simmons for an afternoon of creativity and conversation. This is an opportunity for the community to engage with an established artist in an approachable and accessible environment. The artist will be in the exhibition gallery, available to discuss topics such as art, the creative process, and the natural world, while exploring natural materials and their properties. Visitors will be invited to create their own art project on site, or find inspiration to create something in nature. Materials will be available for free for participants to make art alongside the artist. Materials may include natural fibers, yarn, fabric, string, beads, or a variety of other textiles. While the program is complimentary, standard museum admission fees will be applied as this is during regular business hours. However, to ensure accessibility for everyone, we are considering making admission a "suggested donation" for the day, inviting guests to contribute what they can for the experience. Admission prices are as follows: • Senior (65+) - $7 • Military - $7 • Regular adult - $9 • Youth (17 or under) | SNAP/EBT | JCHS or NARM member - free Support from city grantors could secure this program as a complimentary offering, affirming our commitment to cultural inclusivity and enriching our community's arts engagement. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The grant will allocate $200 for artist honoraria and up to $300 for program supplies, which participants can use for free during the workshop. Currently, the artist is preparing for the March 2 exhibition opening. Post-installation, we'll finalize the May program's details, with the understanding that increased funding allows for a more enriching experience. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: Our museum typically attracts visitors from across Washington State, yet our public programs are designed with a local focus, particularly for East Jefferson County residents. For this event, we will leverage our website, email newsletter, and local media outlets like KPTZ and Local 20/20. Additionally, we'll distribute flyers throughout the county to ensure community awareness and engagement. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. This event has not been funded by the Arts Commission before. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47359 Jefferson County Historical Society JEANNE K. SIMMONS ARTIST PROGRAM BUDGET 5-May-24 Artist Honoraria$ 200.00 Printing - flyer (??)$ 35.00 Craft supplies - max spending$ 300.00 TOTAL$ 535.00 From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Tuesday, January 23, 2024 2:58:18 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 2:58pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Organization Name Primary Contact Claire Ragland Phone Number 971-334-2558 Email Slipstreamtattoo@gmail.com Project or Event Name Inner Worlds Event Location Jeanette Best Gallery Date(s) of Event May-July Amount Requested $1000 Admission Charge None Donations Accepted? No Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? 1,280 Please attach the proposed budget for this event 1fb73478-b4bb-4561-bfe3-54054f5fcde0.jpeg Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? No If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: This will be my first group show! We are a group of young women and myself, a non binary person. I think representation of younger voices as well as female and queer voices in our community is so necessary and the artists in this show all come from varied backgrounds. I really think the work in this show will be very inspiring to the people of port townsend and hopefully inspire more young people in the area to get involved to make and show work. I think my artistic voice is something I haven’t seen in this town and I am really excited to share it! Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Any amount of funding towards this project will be extremely helpful. I am a self employed artist and am usually scraping by. This funding will allow me to spend more time focusing on making work and less time hustling to afford the supplies and rent I will need to make this body of work. This is a huge opportunity for me and I want to be able to have the time and materials to make my vision come to life. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: I think this event will pull in a diverse group of folks from within port townsend and the rest of Jefferson county. Between the four artists showing work, we live in port townsend, irondale, quilcene and Seattle, so I am looking forward to both a big local crowd showing up as well as folks from Seattle. We all have fairly large social media following so I am confident there will be an exciting turnout. I also think this show will be an opportunity to connect the Port Townsend art community with the Seattle art Community. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. I have not received funding in the past The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47143 City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support Use additional space as needed. We encourage applicants to submit the application as an attachment to an email. Please submit by the 20of the monthprior to the next grant review meeting. th Return completed applications to artscomm@cityofpt.us Date of Application Organization Name (if any) Primary Contact EbojfmmfGpeps If under age 18, please provide the name of an adult willing to sign an agreement with the City on the applicant’s behalf Phone NumberEmail 6414138254ebojfmmfgpepsAhnbjm/dpn Project or Event Name !Usff!QfpqmfQvqqfuQbsuz'Qspdfttjpo Event Location PvueppstjoVqupxoboeEpxoupxoQpsuUpxotfoe-GpsuXpsefo Date(s) of Event(s) SipezGftujwbmNbz29.2:-Kvof.TfquQpq.VqUCE Amount Requested %2311 Admission Charge$ Donations accepted? Yes No o Is there at least one free or “pay what you wish” performance? Yes No o Please attach the proposed budget for this event. Total Budget Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? (If yes, please attach a copy Yes of the assessment report or complete the attached Venue Accessibility Statement.) No 2 of 3 Please attach the proposed budget for this event. Venue Accessibility Statement According t o the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination "in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others in the services, programs, or activities provided or made available \[funded\] by local governments, their instrumentalities or agencies.” To operate legally and to ensure that ALL members of our community may benefit from arts events funded (wholly or in part) through the Port Townsend Arts Commission, any event receiving funding must be held in an accessible venue, and accessibility and any inaccessible aspects of a venue be noted in the publicity for each event. "Accessi ble" means that anyone in a wheelchair, scooter, walker, or on crutches or cane(s) can gain access and entry to and participate in the event beingheld, as can anyone who is temporarily able-bodied. Thisincludes access torestroom facilities. The accessibility of several Port Townsend area venues is on record. If you are not sure, DASH (Disability Awareness Starts Here) has agreed to do assessments free of charge. Call 360-385-1790. Please check each question below. For further information, consult the booklet “People First: Planning Events Everyone Can Attend," which is available in City Hall, 2nd floor. Can a person with mobility issues or using walker, crutches, wheelchair, or scooter: Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? o Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers toentry, o door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavilyweighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied o person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab o bars) 3 of 3 FYQFOTFTUpubm Ijhimjhiufe!jufnt!xpvme!cf!dpwfsfe!cz!QU!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo!tvqqpsu Qspevdujpo!0!qmboojoh!ujnf Wjefp!dpnqpofout!vqebuf Mpdbujpo!dptut;!uijt!cvehfu!bttvnft!op!mpdbujpo!gfft-!tqbdf!epobufe!cz!Dfousvn BOUJDJQBUFE!FYQFOTFT!UPUBM%6-271/11 JODPNFUpubm Bsujtu!Usvtu!HBQ!hsbou%2-611 JODPNF!UPUBM%6-271/11 From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Tuesday, January 23, 2024 3:48:54 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - 3:48pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Mon, 01/23/2023 Organization Name Primary Contact Isabel Elena Pérez Phone Number (206) 388-6355 Email pugetsoundwaves@gmail.com Project or Event Name Group Art Exhibition (Name TBD) Event Location Jeanette Best Gallery- Northwind Date(s) of Event Early May Opening Event (exact date TBD), show runs May-June Amount Requested $1600 Admission Charge free Donations Accepted? No Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $1600 Please attach the proposed budget for this event budget_proposal_for_isabel_perez-2.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: My project is a group show with me and 3 other visual artists in downtown Port Townsend. I am planning on creating a series of oil paintings to be included in the exhibition. As a young artist, I believe that showing my paintings in Port Townsend amplifies the voice of the younger creative community here. My art is often a reflection of my life on the Peninsula and I think it will be relatable to everyone in the community. It is also a strong reflection of my ethnic background which is Cuban, Armenian and Lebanese. I think it's always beneficial to appreciate other cultures and perspectives through art, especially in small towns. It is also therapeutic to me to be able to share those parts of myself with my community, Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The exhibition will happen with or without funding. However, city funding would allow me to create large-scale and more elaborate works of art, something that has never been possible for me before because of materials cost. It would help me pay for oil paint, something that is expensive and hard for me to purchase on my own and it would help me pay for large canvases. I am a young working artist and don't have very much money to put into materials. With the help of Port Townsend, I could create the pieces that I've always dreamed of making. I think this show will be a very important step in my career as an artist and I'd love to be able to go all out. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: The art show will be right in downtown Port Townsend and be very accessible and visible to all. The gallery, myself and the other artists will all be advertising online and on social media. I also plan on making posters and fliers. One of the artists is very well known in Seattle and will most likely bring in some visitors from there to see the show. I'd also like to figure out a way to advertise in the Seattle free paper, "The Stranger," if possible, to bring in some more folks from the city, If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. I've never received a grant funding before! Thanks for taking a look at my application, please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! -Isabel The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/47145 City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support Use additional space as needed. We encourage applicants to submit the application as an attachment to an email. Please submit by the 20of the monthprior to the next grant review meeting. th Return completed applications to artscomm@cityofpt.us Date of Application Organization Name (if any) Primary Contact EbojfmmfGpeps If under age 18, please provide the name of an adult willing to sign an agreement with the City on the applicant’s behalf Phone NumberEmail 6414138254ebojfmmfgpepsAhnbjm/dpn Project or Event Name !Usff!QfpqmfQvqqfuQbsuz'Qspdfttjpo Event Location PvueppstjoVqupxoboeEpxoupxoQpsuUpxotfoe-GpsuXpsefo Date(s) of Event(s) SipezGftujwbmNbz29.2:-Kvof.TfquQpq.VqUCE Amount Requested %2311 Admission Charge$ Donations accepted? Yes No o Is there at least one free or “pay what you wish” performance? Yes No o Please attach the proposed budget for this event. Total Budget $ Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? (If yes, please attach a copy Yes of the assessment report or complete the attached Venue Accessibility Statement.) No Describe how your project will benefit and take into considerationthe diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Pvs!Ñstu!ebodf!jo!Gfcsvbsz!ibe!b!wfsz!ejwfstf!nvmuj.hfofsbujpobm!uvsopvu!pg!pwfs!71! buufoefft/!XfÉsf!dpoujovjoh!xjui!pvs!qmbo!up!pfs!b!ejfsfou!tuzmf!pg!ebodf!fbdi!npoui!jo! ipqft!pg!buusbdujoh!uif!xjeftu!sbohf!pg!qbsujdjqbout!xip!xjmm!ipqfgvmmz!dpoujovf!dpnjoh! npoui!bgufs!npoui/! 1of 3 (continue on back) Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Benjttjpo!fydffefe!pvs!fyqfdubujpot!gps!uif!Ñstu!ebodf!cvu!xfÉsf!cfjoh!sfbmjtujd!jo!pvs! qsfefjdujpot!gps!uif!dpnjoh!npouit/!Xjui!uif!DjuzÉt!gvoejoh!xf!dbo!qbz!gps!npsf! bewfsujtjoh-!qpufoujbmmz!jowftu!jo!tvqqmjft!gps!vtf!bu!fbdi!fwfou-!boe!qbz!pvstfmwft!gps!pvs! ujnf!jo!qspnpujoh!boe!pshboj{joh/! Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: Gps!pvs!Nbsdi!ebodf!xfÉmm!ibwf!b!cboe!jodmvejoh!uxp!mpdbm!nvtjdjbot!boe!uxp!gspn! uif!Tfbuumf!nfusp/!Ibwjoh!uif!gvoejoh!up!qbz!nvtjdjbot!gbjsmz!xjmm!bmmpx!vt!up!csjoh!jo! npsf!xfmm.lopxo!bdut!uibu!xjmm!buusbdu!ebodft!gspn!uif!xjefs!sfhjpo/! Jo!uif!qbtu!npoui!bmpof!xfÉwf!bewfsujtfe!bu!uif!Cfmmjohibn!Gpml!Gftu-!Qpsumboe!Pme! Ujnf!Hbuifsjoh-!Pmznqjb!Pme!Ujnf!Hbuifsjoh-!boe!xjmm!cf!bu!Xjoufshsbtt!jo!Tfbuumf! uijt!xfflfoe/!Cvu!pvs!qsjnbsz!gpdvt!sfnbjot!xjui!Fbtu!Kffstpo!sftjefout/!! If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount: Xifo!xf!Ñstu!sfrvftufe!gvoejoh!jo!Efdfncfs!uijt!xbt!kvtu!bo!jefb-!opx!xfÉwf!hpu! qsppg.pg.dpodfqu!boe!bsf!fydjufe!bcpvu!jowftujoh!npsf!pg!pvs!ujnf!boe!sftpvsdft!joup! uijt!qspkfdu" Xf!bsf!btljoh!gps!gvoejoh!gps!cpui!uif!Bqsjm!boe!Nbz!ebodft-!lopxjoh!uibu!efqfoejoh!po! bwbjmbcjmjuz!xf!nbz!cf!bcmf!up!gvoe!uif!Nbz!ebodf!xjui!b!tvctfrvfou!sfrvftu!bu!uif!Nbz! nffujoh/!Dvssfoumz!xf!qmbo!up!ublf!uif!Tvnnfs!npouit!p!boe!sftvnf!jo!uif!Gbmm/! Please attach the proposed budget for this event. 2 of 3 Venue Accessibility Statement According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination "in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others in the services, programs, or activities provided or made available \[funded\] by local governments, their instrumentalities or agencies.” To operate legally and to ensure that ALL members of our community may benefit from arts events funded (wholly or in part) through the Port Townsend Arts Commission, any event receiving funding must be held in an accessible venue, and accessibility and any inaccessible aspects of a venue be noted in the publicity for each event. "Accessible" means that anyone in a wheelchair, scooter, walker, or on crutches or cane(s) can gain access and entry to and participate in the event being held, as can anyone who is temporarily able-bodied. This includes access to restroom facilities. The accessibility of several Port Townsend area venues is on record. If you are not sure, DASH (Disability Awareness Starts Here) has agreed to do assessments free of charge. Call 360-385-1790. Please check each question below. For further information, consult the booklet “People First: Planning Events Everyone Can Attend," which is available in City Hall, 2nd floor. Can a person with mobility issues or using walker, crutches, wheelchair, or scooter: Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? o Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, o door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied o person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) o 3 of 3 DIJNBDVN!NVTJD!'!EBODF! Ebuf;!303103135 3135! Qspkfdu!Ujumf;!Gjstu!Gsjebz!Dpnnvojuz!Ebodft Qspkfdu!Eftdsjqujpo;!Bqsjm!Ebodf!qspkfdufe!cvehfu! BQSJM! CVEHFU Qspkfdufe!JodpnfBnpvou Hsbohf!Tqpotpstijq!pg!fwfou%59/11 Jodpnf!gspn!Ujdlfu!Tbmft21!A!%2121!A!%31%411/11 QUBD!Gjobodjbm!Tvqqpsu%2-111/11 Fyqfotft 5.ipvs!Hsbohf!Sfoubm.%59/11 QB!tztufn!Sfoubm.%361/11 Tvqqmjft.%61/11 Qptufs!Eftjho0Qsjoujoh!Dptut.%61/11 Cboe!'!Dbmmfs!Gfft.%611/11 Tpvoe!Fohjoffs.%211/11 Bewfsujtjoh.%311/11 Pshboj{fs!gfft.%411/11 Ebodf!Jotusvdups!Gff.%61/11 Cvehfu!Tipsugbmm)%311/11* QPSU!UPXOTFOE!BSUT!DPNNJTTJPO ! GJOBODJBM!TVQQPSU!GPMMPX.VQ!SFQPSU! Jg!!zpv!ps!zpvs!pshboj{bujpo!ibt!cffo!hsboufe!gjobodjbm!tvqqpsu-!xf!bsf!btljoh!zpv!up!dpnqmfuf!uijt!gpsn!xjuijo! 41ebztpguif!fwfoupsdpnqmfujpopguif!qspkfduzpvbqqmjfegps/Zpvsujnfmz!tvcnjttjpopguijtgpmmpx.vq! sfqpsuxjmmifmqvtepdvnfougvuvsf!sfrvftutgps!cvehfubmmpdbujpotcz!uif!Djuz/! Dijnbdvn!Nvtjd!'!Ebodf Pshboj{bujpo0Joejwjevbm)t*!```````````````````````!Ebuf!``````````! 2392!Wbo!Uspkfo!Se-!Dijnbdvn-!XB!:9436 !826.382.57:4 Beesftt!````````````````````````````````````!!Qipof!`````````! Lfmtfz!Ofmtfo dijnbdvnnvtjdboeebodfAhnbjm/dpn Dpoubdu!Qfstpo!````````````````````````!!!!F.Nbjm!Beesftt!`````````````! CSJFG!EFTDSJQUJPO!PG!QSPKFDU! )Jg!qfsujofou-!dpnqbsf!uif!pvudpnf!xjui!zpvs!pxo!fyqfdubujpot*;! Pvs!gjstu!uxp!ebodft!jo!Gfcsvbsz!boe!Nbsdi!ibe!b!wfsz!ejwfstf!nvmuj.hfofsbujpobm! uvsopvu!pg!pwfs!71!buufoefft!fbdi/!XfÉsf!dpoujovjoh!xjui!pvs!qmbo!up!pggfs!b!ejggfsfou! tuzmf!pg!ebodf!fbdi!npoui!jo!ipqft!pg!buusbdujoh!uif!xjeftu!sbohf!pg!qbsujdjqbout!xip! xjmm!ipqfgvmmz!dpoujovf!dpnjoh!npoui!bgufs!npoui/! BUUFOEBODF!EBUB! )Jodmvef!dpnqbsjtpo!xjui!qsfwjpvt!fwfout0qspkfdut*!;! Gfcsvbsz!.!84 Nbsdi!.!71 TVNNBSZ!PG!FYQFOTFT! )tvdidbufhpsjftbtnbufsjbmt-spzbmujft-ufdiojdbmqspevdujpo-mpdbujposfoubm-qspgfttjpobmtfswjdft-qvcmjdjuz*!; NvtjdjboGfft.%2411 TpvoeTztufnsfoubm%611 JotusvdupsGfft.%261 Nbslfujoh%311)qptufseftjho-qsjoujoh-gbdfcpplbet* TVNNBSZ!PG!SFWFOVFT! )tbmft-!epps!sfdfjqut-!bxbset!fud/*!;! Dbti!gspn!Epps!.!%2181 QUBD!.!%2111 DPNNFOUT! Xf!xfsf!wfsz!qmfbtfe!xjui!uif!uvsopvu!gps!pvs!gjstu!uxp!ebodft/!Ijhi!fofshz!boe!b!mpu!pg! fydjunfou!gspn!uif!dpnnvojuz/!Mput!pg!dpnnfout!bcpvu!fydjunfou!uibu!uijoht!bsf! ibqqfojoh!jo!uif!Fbtu!Dpvouz/!Xf!xfsf!nptu!tvqsjtfe!uibu!91&!pg!buufoefft! qbsujdjqbufe!jo!uif!jouspevdupsz!ebodf!mfttpot!cpui!gps!uif!Dbkvo!boe!Txjoh!Ebodft/!