HomeMy WebLinkAbout11022023 Agenda Port Townsend Art Commission Meeting Agenda November 02,2023,| 3:00 p.m. | In-person and Remote Meeting nd The meeting will be held in Council Chambers on the 2 floor of the Historic City Hall. The entrance is the first door on Madison Street, which opens to the elevator. Join virtually via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com enter the 9-digit Webinar ID 729-067-131 Join by phone in listen-only mode: (360) 390-5064 ext. 6 access code: 496-365-513# Submit public comment emails to be included in the meeting record to: publiccomment@cityofpt.us A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Approval of Agenda D. Approval of Minutes October 5, 2023 E. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) F. Committee Business A. Chair Update B. Treasurer Update C. Grant Funding D. PAC Update E. 2024 Workplan Discussion G. Correspondence H. Set Agenda for Next Meeting I. Next Scheduled Meeting December 7, 2023 J. Adjourn Wayland and contracts that the city . 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Motions/Recommendation/Action , 2024 Workplan pm 6 3 4: t rrespondence. a maintenance ed ourn Grant Funding Meeting adj public No Co , 2023 meeting. November 2 for next ence : ng Correspond t agenda ti n: Mee r ou opic xt j Ned Se T A JanuaryOlympic Pride - Queer Expressions$600.00$3,666.00 Poet Laureate$900.00 MarchPT Swing Outs$2,000.00$3,666.00 Saltfire Theatre$1,000.00 Calligraphy in Schools$1,200.00 JeffCo Farmers Market$1,200.00 JeffCo Historical Society$710.00 PTHS Inverse Images$566.00 MayTalking Story Podcast$2,000.00$3,666.00 Wilderbee Poetry Series$770.00 PT Summer Band$762.00 JulyBill Evans Summer Dance$500.00$3,666.00 Meeting Place Chapbooks$550.00 PTFF$566.00 Salish Sea Butoh$750.00 PT Soundcheck$1,000.00 Saltfire Theatre$300.00 SeptemberPTArtscape$700.00$3,666.00 Fireweed Film Festival$2,000.00 Bolokada Conde Master Drummer$966.00 November$2,956.00 $6,622.00 From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Wednesday, October 25, 2023 4:49:47 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - 4:49pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Fri, 10/20/2023 Organization Name Indigo Sky Productions Primary Contact Jade Evans Phone Number 360 912 2710 Email indigoskyproductions2022@gmail.com Project or Event Name "Fever Dream" a Cabaret Burlesque show Event Location Brigids Loft Port Townsend Date(s) of Event Fiday Decemebr 8th Amount Requested $1,000 Admission Charge $25 Donations Accepted? No Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $3,230 Please attach the proposed budget for this event proposal_ptac.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? No If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: I believe my project will help benefit the community by bringing business to local venues and by creating an event that highlights the creative talent of the local community. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: The city's funding would be a major help to the project. Although the project can still happen without funding, it makes all the difference in regards to the value of the production we are trying to put on. We are aiming to put on productions that make the audience feel as though they have paid more than $25 to see a show. Funding from the city means a better budget to make all of that happen. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: While our shows are meant to bring the local community together, we have also had visitors from other areas which is great! Advertisement includes social media, local publications, and word of mouth. Specifically for visitors we advertise in other counties as well. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. No it has not received funding in the past. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/46478 Joejhp!Tlz!Qspevdujpot!Qsftfout;! ÆGfwfs!EsfbnÇ!B!dbcbsfu.cvsmftrvf!tipx!jotqjsfe!cz!uif!xpsme!pg!Ujn!Cvsupo/ Up!uif!Qpsu!Upxotfoe!Bsut!Dpnnjttjpo-! Nz!obnf!jt!Kbef!Fwbot-!J!bn!uif!pxofs!pg!Joejhp!Tlz!Qspevdujpot/!Joejhp!Tlz!Qspevdujpot!jt! bo!Bgsp.Joejhfopvt!xpnbo!pxofe!qspevdujpo!dpnqboz!uibu!bjnt!up!csjoh!npsf!bvuifoujdbmmz! dvmuvsbm!fwfout!up!Kffstpo!Dpvouz/!Ju!jt!bmtp!ipnf!up!pvs!Ofp.Cvsmftrvf!uspvqf!ÆUif!Tlz! Ebodfst/Ç Po!Gsjebz!Efdfncfs!9ui!uif!Tlz!Ebodfst!bsf!qfsgpsnjoh!bu!Csjhjet!Mpgu!jo!epxoupxo!Qpsu! 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Uibol!zpv!gps!zpvs!ujnf!boe!dpotjefsbujpo-!qmfbtf!gffm!gsff!up!dpoubdu!nf!xjui!boz!rvftujpot!ps! gvsuifs!dmbsjÑdbujpot!zpv!nbz!offe/ Uibol!zpv Kbef!Fwbot/ From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2023 5:40:45 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 5:40pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Wed, 10/11/2023 Organization Name Jefferson County Historical Society Primary Contact Kelsey Caudebec Phone Number 360-385-1003 x102 Email kelsey@jchsmuseum.com Project or Event Name JCHS + KPTZ Holiday Extravaganza Event Location Jefferson Museum of Art and History Date(s) of Event 12/9/23 from 1pm-5pm Amount Requested $850 Admission Charge $0 Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $1,135 Please attach the proposed budget for this event budget._holiday_extravaganza._12.9.23.xlsx Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Some of the highest priorities for JCHS’s public programming are offering accessible programs that are free or low-cost, and occurring during hours when more locals (and their families) are available. Our non-local audiences’ interactions with our museum happen more in our physical exhibition spaces, and our limited hours of operation tend to be less of a barrier to them, as tourists traveling for leisure can more easily plan their visit around our hours. However, it’s extremely important to us to ensure that our local audiences—particularly those with more schedule constraints and responsibilities— also have access to engaging arts experiences in our community and multiple opportunities to participate. Along with the timely priorities described, a perennial priority in our museum programming is involving and supporting local artists. Our request is intended to support these priorities and fund the annual JCHS + KPTZ Holiday Extravaganza event that will most directly benefit local residents and artists as well as visitors. The Holiday Extravaganza is free to attend and open to the public on Saturday, December 9, from 1PM to 5PM. Guests can join in-person at the museum or listen live on the radio at 91.9 FM or online at kptz.org. In addition to musical performers, there will be interviews and trivia in between sets. JCHS operates Jefferson County’s only non-commercial, publicly accessible art museum where artists can exhibit their work for public engagement and educational purposes rather than the sale of artwork. Showcasing local artists for our local audience will always be at the a critical component our exhibitions and programs. With that distinction comes a great responsibility to eliminate barriers to engagement while also supporting our local creative workforce and staying fiscally healthy as an organization. Our regular museum admission and fee-based programs are both critical sources of earned revenue for us, but it’s important for us to offer periodic programming that is free, multidisciplinary, and geared towards our local community. Offering programs that are free or pay-what-you-wish throughout the year is a key way for us to expand access to local arts. Artists involved in this programming should be paid equitably for their time to ensure we have a thriving creative workforce. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: This grant from the Port Townsend Arts Commission would fund $100 honoraria each for five musicians who will be performing as part of this free, all-ages arts program. This gift will also fund a $350 honorarium for the sound engineer running the broadcast. Without the grant we are requesting, we may not be able to do the program. We don’t currently have funds to pay the honoraria, and we are hesitant to do the program if we are unable to provide them. We want to set a precedent by offering honoraria to musicians and the sound engineer; these working artists should be compensated for their time, expertise, and value - they should not be expected to work for free. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: Our free museum programming is one of the vital ways we connect Port Townsend and Jefferson County residents to local arts. Each first Saturday of the month, we offer free, extended hours, to afford those who live nearby multiple chances to visit the Jefferson Museum for free throughout the year and experience our changing exhibitions and programming. The Holiday Extravaganza will provide an additional opportunity for residents to visit the museum near the holidays. In the summer of 2023, approximately 23% of museum visitors were from Jefferson County and 47% from elsewhere in Washington State. However, in the Fall and Winter seasons, our local visitation percentage trends further upward. Additionally, our public program participation tends to be more overwhelmingly local; it’s expected that two-thirds or more of the Holiday Extravaganza participation will be Jefferson County residents. (For example, at our free We Are One exhibition opening in early October, about 70% of the roughly 100 attendees were from Jefferson County.) This programming also gives our community a free opportunity to experience three exhibitions that are on view through the end of the year: "We Are One" is a multimedia exhibition curated by Port Gamble S’Klallam artist Brian Perry, featuring works by four artists from the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe and Lummi Nation. "Ruby Woods" is a collection of colorful, whimsical, nature-themed paintings by Frank Samuelson, an artist who has been based in Port Townsend for decades. "Journey Stories" is comprised of posters provided by the Smithsonian Institution, complemented by items from our collections, exploring how movement has shaped the nation, taking a broad look at American expansion and migration (and displacement). The Holiday Extravaganza will be promoted via our website, digital communications, and printed fliers, with additional promotional support from KPTZ. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. The Holiday Extravaganza event has not received Arts Commission funding. The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/46357 Jefferson County Historical Society HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA 2023 BUDGET 9-Dec-23 Sound engineer $ 350.00 Performer honoraria ($100x5)$ 500.00 Printing - flyer $ 35.00 Craft supplies$ 50.00 Beverages $ 200.00 TOTAL$ 1,135.00 From:City of Port Townsend To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Arts Commission - Online Application Date:Friday, October 20, 2023 5:21:34 PM CAUTION: External Email Submitted on Friday, October 20, 2023 - 5:21pm Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Date of Application Fri, 10/20/2023 Organization Name Key City Players, Inc. dba Key City Public Theatre Primary Contact Denise Winter Phone Number 360-379-0195 Email denise@keycitypublictheatre.org Project or Event Name What the Dickens?! - KCPT Holiday Show Event Location Key City Playhouse - 419 Washington Street Date(s) of Event Nov 30, Dec 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 Amount Requested $3666.00 Admission Charge General Admission Prices: $15 - $49 Donations Accepted? Yes Is there at least one free or "pay what you wish" performance? Yes Total Budget? $52,000 Please attach the proposed budget for this event kcpt_projectbudget_wtd_studentaccess_2023.pdf Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the Venue Accessibility Statement below. Venue Accessibility Statement Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: Key City Public Theatre (KCPT) will offer Free Student Tickets and dedicated Family Performances of their 2023 holiday production, WHAT THE DICKENS?! This world premiere play features the work of local award-winning playwright Doug Givens whose new script is commissioned by KCPT, and currently in development, with 20 performances scheduled from Nov 30 – Dec 23, 2023. The project also features the work of 18 performing artists, technicians, and artisans including local BIPOC and LGBTQI artists in featured and leadership roles/positions. The play promises a holiday adventure in which Ebeneezer Scrooge meets Sherlock Holmes with music, comedy, and spectacle delivering a joyful theatrical experience for audiences. This is an opportunity for students and families across Jefferson County to build a holiday theater-going tradition in an atmosphere appropriate for children of all ages and their families. Offering free student tickets as well as discounted prices for family-attendees, including an option for children sitting on an adult’s lap, KCPT's goal is to reduce barriers to participation for families who may hesitate to attend the theater with young children due to ticket prices or the often-quiet environment required of a live audience. Family Performances, are designed to allow for young people to respond to live theater in their own unique and often highly verbal ways and include additional activities such as post-show photo opportunities with characters from the play, and complimentary treats for children. Attracting students and families, locally, county-wide, and from throughout the region is imperative to the growth and dynamic of its audience, as KCPT continues to foster art that educates, entertains, and inspires our diverse community. While a wide cross-section from our community can benefit from KCPT and its body of work, this proposal focuses specifically on families with children. Residents who may otherwise not have been able to attend can come together with family as an audience to enhance the performing arts experience of the community. The accessibility made possible through Free Student Tickets and Family Performances allows KCPT and Port Townsend Arts Commission to fulfill their mission to educate and engage our community through intergenerational participation in the arts. Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Revenues from ticket sales of all KCPT productions are used to settle the cost of production and programmatic expenses. At present, ticket sales and other earned income contribute 55% of annual operational income. Donations from individuals, businesses, sponsors, and foundation/government grants off-set the short fall between total operational expenses and production/program revenue. Free Student Tickets and Family Performances significantly reduce potential earned revenue in KCPT's theater that regularly plays to sold-out houses. City funding will be applied to both the promotional expenses for marketing these free and discounted tickets, as well as to offset the revenue loss to provide increased accessibility to the performing arts for families and children who otherwise have limited access to these experiences. Funding from PTAC will directly increase the number of free student tickets KCPT will be able to make available to area students as well as the number of dedicated family-priced performances offered. The goal is to make a minimum of 300 tickets available to Jefferson County students at no cost and to offer a minimum of two Family Performances that will encourage families to attend with their students as well as increase accessibility for families visiting Port Townsend. If this proposal is partially funded, the projected number of students and families served may be reduced, but access to the arts will still be increased over the amount of currently funded reduced price/free tickets. KCPT perpetually endeavors to find additional funding sources to reach or exceed our access goals for this program. Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: Promotions for this production began on the KCPT website in mid-summer. Print ads and publicity materials, local and regional radio spots, and television promotions are scheduled for November/December. Print ads to specifically promote Family Nights are planned throughout late November and early December. Flyers announcing Free Student Tickets, Family Nights, and Pay What You Wish Performances will be distributed to all Jefferson County school districts and Home School Connections students/families via hard copy and/or school’s electronic distribution systems. Casting of several local students in the show from County school districts as well as two of KCPT’s professional teaching artists who regularly work within our local schools will also add to the outreach to students and their families. A number of Jefferson County school groups are also being scheduled to attend performances. If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. KCPT launched its Family Performances program in 2009 and received a grant of less than $500 from PTAC for the pilot program. Since that time KCPT has consistently renewed, broadened, and honed its policies and programs to promote accessibility for students and families. The holiday show offerings have become a traditional avenue for increased awareness and accessibility for students to both participate onstage and as audience thanks to these efforts. Most recently, PTAC supported this initiative in 2022 with a grant of $3666, improving access for 366 students and family members and another 152 patrons who attended with Pay What You Wish pricing. This year, KCPT has provided more advance planning for schools to schedule groups, added an American Sign Language interpreted performance with Pay What You Wish seating option, and has increased the total number of Pay What You Wish seats throughout the performance run to accommodate families who may not be able to attend on the designated family show performance dates: KCPT now offers one fully Pay What You Wish Performance as well as 10 designated Pay What You Wish Seats at every general audience performance, a 45% increase in availability of accessible pricing over last year. Various funders including individuals, businesses, and foundations have contributed to the programs’ success for more than a decade. We would welcome the return of PTAC to the funding pool that helps bring our area students into the world of live theater. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. • Our request fits directly into the Grant Guidelines of the Port Townsend Arts Commission. • Key City Public Theatre is located within the city of Port Townsend in Jefferson County, WA. • Our program area is in the arts -- theater arts. • Key City Public Theatre is a 501(c)(3) organization. • The area for which we request funding is for Youth and Family Financial Accessibility to Arts The results of this submission may be viewed at: https://cityofpt.us/node/12931/submission/46436 From:Cosmo Rapaport To:Lonnie Mickle Subject:Fwd: here are the numbers I have put together from this year Date:Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:21:39 PM CAUTION: External Email ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cosmo Rapaport <movement.cosmo@gmail.com> Date: Friday, July 7, 2023 Subject: here are the numbers I have put together from this year To: "Alexis Arrabito (alexisarrabito@gmail.com)" <alexisarrabito@gmail.com>, Alexis Arrabito <alexis.arrabito@gmail.com> Arts Commission Grant Request numbers Do you think this is useful information to collect in an effort to make a clear argument for increasing PTAC funding for next year's budget? I would love to see if there are pie charts or other ways to organize the info better. January 2023 Amount of $ requested: 2,480 Total sum of all project Budgets: 2,980 Total funds PTAC has for January cycle: 3,666 percentage of funding capability for grant proposals: 147% March 2023 Amount of $ requested: 12,400 Total sum of all project Budgets: 32,627 Total funds PTAC has for January cycle: 3,666 percentage of funding capability for grant proposals: 29.5% May 2023 Amount of $ requested: 9,740 Total sum of all project Budgets: 55,140 Total funds PTAC has for January cycle: 3666 percentage of funding capability for grant proposals: 37% July 2023 Amount of $ requested: 13,366 Total sum of all project Budgets: 171,207 Total funds PTAC has for January cycle: 3666 percentage of funding capability of grant proposals: 27% QPSU!UPXOTFOE!BSUT!DPNNJTTJPO ! GJOBODJBM!TVQQPSU!GPMMPX.VQ!SFQPSU! 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Xfsfdfjwfe%881/11gspnQUBDboe%3166/jojoejwjevbmepobujpotZUE3134/ UifQspevdujpoBmmjbodfjtpvsgjtdbmtqpotps/Gvoetxjmmcfefqptjufeupuif UQB0TuspohfsUpxotbddpvouboeejtusjcvufeupXjmefscffGbsntQpfuszTfsjft0Qpfusz DPNNFOUT! XfbsfwfszhsbufgvmupuifQpsuUpxotfoeBsutDpnnjttjponfncfstboetubgggps uifjshfofspvtgjobodjbmifmqboetubggtvqqpsu/UibolzpvftqfdjbmmzupMpoojfNjdlmf gpsxbmljohvtuispvhiuifdpousbduvbmboesfqpsujohtufqtpguifhsbou/Uiboltupbmm uifdpnnjuuffnfncfstxipupplbdibodfpobofxmjufsbszbsutqspkfdu/Ipqfuptff zpvbutpnfpguifsfbejohtofyuzfbs/ PORT TOWNSEND ARTS COMMISSION FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOLLOW-UP REPORT If you or your organization has been granted financial support, we are asking you to complete this form within 30 days of the event or completion of the project you applied for. Your timely submission of this follow-up report will help us document future requests for budget allocations by the City. Port Townsend Film Festival 10/12/23 Organization/Individual(s) Date 211 Taylor Street, Suite 401A,P.T. WA 98368 360-379-1333 Address Phone Keith Hitchcock keith@ptfilmfest.com E-Mail Address Contact Person BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFPROJECT (If pertinent, compare the outcome with your own expectations): PTFF’s main event of the year, the Film Festival, was a big success. Our five-day in- person event welcomed 50+ films and nearly 40 special guests, including the Indigo Girls (iconic folk rock duo), Lindsay Wagner(known for her Emmy-winning performance of the “Bionic Woman”), many other filmmakers, and hundreds of attendees. ATTENDANCE DATA (Include comparison with previous events/projects) : This season,wehosted 903 unique customers/attendeesat the festival, with a dramatic increase of ticket sales (41%) over last year’s Festival. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES (such categories as materials, royalties, technical production, location rental, professional services, publicity): Please see additional document “Profit and Loss 2023 PTFF” SUMMARY OF REVENUES (sales, door receipts, awards etc.) : Please see additional document “Profit and Loss 2023 PTFF” COMMENTS Thank you. PORT TOWNSEND ARTS COMMISSION FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOLLOW-UP REPORT If you or your organization has been granted financial support, we are asking you to complete this form within 30 days of the event or completion of the project you applied for. Your timely submission of this follow-up report will help us document future requests for budget allocations by the City. 11/01/2023 Jefferson County Farmers Markets Date Organization/Individual(s) 360-379-9098 PO Box1384, PortTownsend,WA 98368 Phone Address Amanda Milholland info@jcfmarkets.org ContactPerson E-Mail Address BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFPROJECT (If pertinent, compare the outcome with your own expectations): With support from the Port Townsend Arts Commission, the Port Townsend Farmers Market hosted 31 free concerts on Saturdays April through October. Live music added to the vibrancy of the farmers market with shoppers stopping to enjoy tunes and lunch, visit with neighbors, sing along, and dance at the market. We expected to see the farmersmarketbecome more festive resulting in longer shopper visits, increased sales, and community enjoyment. All these things happened! ATTENDANCE DATA (Include comparison with previous events/projects) : Thisyear the Port Townsend FarmersMarket (PTFM) reached 869 to 3540 shoppers each market day. These attendance numbers mark an increase from last year where our highest attendance day brought 2,500 shoppers. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES (such categories as materials, royalties, technical production, location rental, professional services, publicity) : We spent the Port Townsend Arts Commission grant funds on stipends paid to local and visiting musicians. With the addition of local business sponsorship funds, we paid musicians $200 per market day. Grant funds allowed us to compensate musicians for their time and attract high-quality acts to the Market. SUMMARY OF REVENUES (sales, door receipts, awards etc.) : All music at the Port Townsend FarmersMarketis offered free of charge to the public every market day April-October. The Jefferson County Farmers Markets (JCFM) did not directly earn any revenue from hosting music. However, 80+ participating market businesses generated sales in part from the lively market environment. COMMENTS Your grant support rippled out to benefit local small businesses, musicians, and the JCFM. Thank you so much for your support of free, weekly live music at the PTFM. The Market music has a truly positive impact on our work and community supporting people of all ages in accessing local art and creating an environment that supports small business sales. Thank you!