HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaterfront Shore Protection & Enhancement 1984, nE. .:i ..,. l$ay 3, t98tt CIIY 0F PORT rcI^INSEND 540 Water Street Port TownsenrL, WA. 98368 Att: Ted Stricl{ln RSI I,IATERtrBONT SHORS PROTMTION & EOHANCS,IENf Gentlanenl r arn pleaseci to submlt prelirninar'Jr designs and locations ' of storm-protectlve betm beaches and associated ndni - par{<s for the clty waterfront. Opportunitles exist here for the tax dol-Lar to brly nnrltt-puryose, rather than single-purpose shore erosion protection. The various re- uraini.ng gaps betlreen existlng buildings and on street ends prorirlde here a most urdque occaslon to focus on the townfs seascape locatlon and herltage; provide green mbi-beach-par{<s to offset l-ack of a oentfaL rdorrntown pad(i ard, at the sare tlrne create dryl abovE-tlde driftwood bEaches !fiithi.rr an ur4can envirorment. fhe basic deslgn approach inc}rdes the followlng critertal 1. A beach-berm that ls porous ln order to absorb we\re runup ard, badswash cu:rents wtrich normalJy tear down a beach. Thls ls actdeved by closely sized gravel naterLal. /2 2. A berm crest elevatlon that Ls abovE hlghest tidel ard rrtde enough to disslpate stor:n raves ?rith t.}re help of drd'ftrvood and planted dunegrass' 3. A shorellne re-orLentatlon by ld.rtue of stnategl- ca3-\y loeated enchor grolns and buri.€d drlft s11Ll to reduee lateral beach naterd-al noveaent out of the beach 8?€8o Mater{.el requlraents cannot be flxed wrtlL foreshore proflles ane made at each Locau.on. As a prelin5-narXy rough estfunate, you nlght gsslme e vo}rme of about I cqblc yard,s of gravel per foot of beach firont es tbe rnaJor cost ltan. It wogld be velf extrrensive to create a beech envi.rorment bettreen Qulncry and Madison streets ln vLew of the tx|gh and non-productLve cost of removi.ng e:d.stlng r.l.prapl p1L1ngs1 doakagel and other necesserxr slte preperatlon. r do not wlsh to offer deslgns or value Judgaments for thLs locatlonl but have s5:nply lndlceted a possible alter.matj.ve and errang€ment. There ls also a good opPor- tuntty to locate e sea-promenad,e conneeting the several beach par.ksl and also to bring merchants and restaurants lnto a sltrlmer trunerourd. orLentatlon to seaslde plazas; tetracesl and actlvltles. In othercwordsl I suggast to you to. stop hrrtrtng your colleetj've badcs on your rnost precl.ous esthetlc and econmlc shorescap€ ?e- source, and start creating here an anblent resortFt1tPe atnosphere for the spring, Sl&ttt€F1 and faIL seBSoIlSr The econmic Spinoff 3, from such a resort-type urban envl'rormEnt ls wel1. docu- mented. Iou have both the cllnrete ard resource base. I tmst that this prellnS-nary lnfor-natlon nlLL aid you ln both short and long-tem pLeruring for the ueterfront' I appreclate belng tnvlt€d to aont'rlbute' Gordta{y f,ours; /" Z ryaa#LWol-f Bauer I lJBslIiilJr 3 (In'[e No. cpf-8l+t) ShorE-Resouree ConsuLtant i| '.r'{ r ,\ t+ ,.tiLt' i*ttJi:it rr,L i ..- .".. \:,.' COtSr( nr0 eNAtHE€,l r , ;:''. j'.I, ^- - $;: .' " :7':i. i. : , . ::: r: i:''l'i.:$$;fr {,1 .fr g,o-l't'o " 2enr lrtP''P'r$ H0l(E - l(rsou l(Lr): ccr l{s'uLlaNl- "/June t2, 1985 l,lr. Brent Shlrleyl i{ayor Clty of Port Tomsend Clty HaIl Port Towneendr WA. 98368 Dear llayor ShirIeY: Encloeed ara the deeigmer sP€cificationg, and report of the Port Townsend Beach Enhancement Study authorized under Coaatal Managen€nt Grant No. G0850168' Ttre writer la prepared to diccuae the varloua facete of auch propossd ehore proteetlon and waterfront enhancsnent plan with your city councl-l.at your convcnienc€' It haa bean a coneiderable gatiafaction to be aeked to contribute to the futurc develoFrnent of yotrr CLtyre rhore reaourcetr tnd t vant to thank you for havl'ng had thEt opportunity through thia lnvcltigatLon. I trult that you rill flnd thc resulta of thle effort exltlng ard ugc- ful in your futurc plane for th6 clty. Ve.ry elnccrelY , --:'!*-. , Wolf Bauer shore-Retourcc Consul tant MANAGEMEilT AIID 6Y€TEttl I PORT TOI.INSEND WATERFRONT EROSION CO}TTROL AND SHORE ENHANCEMEMT 'Thepreparationofthisreportrraafinancia}lyaidedthrough a gnant from the Washington State Department of Ecoloiy witfr funae obtained from the National oceanic and i-tmospteric Adminietrationl and appropriated for Section 306 of the Coastal Zone Managenrent Act of 1972' PRO''ECT COMPLETION REPORT WOLF BAUER SHORE RESOT'RCE CONST'LTAFT 1 985 cRAvr NO. G0850168 t'UMMARY ACCOUNT The f,'4crk under Grant No. G0850168 ie baeed on a preliminary atudy of th€ port rownsend downtor*n waterfront which asseeaed opportunities for reducing erosion through creation of etorm - resistant berm beachea' The report and map for thic evaluation are lncluded in thie report in the form of the tlay 3d letter to the city of Port Tor*nsend titled: rWaterfront Shore ProteCtion & Enhancementr. Ttre map for that report has b€en updatedl and ia included here ae an index map. Dl{G' No' cPt-841 r titled rpotential Taterfront claes r Beach Sites'. fhe city of Port Twnsend determined that particular attention ahould be directed to the shore problems and correction opportunitl'es at the Adans street and $ler stteet shore termlnalel aa well ae shore erosion aouthwegt of the now ferry dock. ttre latter eite includea a reetaurant being underminedBrrttorm-tid. ,"*r. action. A potential undercutting of the new aearrall centef eection along t{ater Streetlrr further defined the ex- tent to which a proteetive beaeh Eystem can be provided here' Desigins and specifications uer€ Prepared for these three eitee in the form of drawinga No. cPT-852'Adams S'treet Beach Plaza Site'; DWG' No' cPI - 853r$terStreettlaterfrontEnhancemgnt.'andDt.lG.No.cPT-854rFerry Beach - Park Siter aa the primary produet of thie grant application' Ag euch, theae desiqfna and approachea are to serve aB a praetical shotreaee for further apptication to other erosional shore reachee withln the city waterfront. t GENERAL OBSERVATIONS In evaluating the Port Tpwneend waterfront between Point ttudeon and th€ Port l,larina, it ie evldent that th€ lnter-tidal foreshore has 4reen invaded and inpacted by various butldinge and faclllties resting on ancient foundations snd pllinga. Many structures and eroding banks have been revetted with riprap armor, while eon€ other fill and natural eacarPmente continue to erode and reeede landward. Beaeh maintenace gravel no longer suppliee the present ghoreline aa protruding etnreturea and bulkheads internrpt littoral drift along the upper foreshore. ThuB the foreehore haa elorly been lorpred in eleva- tionr and gtorm wave6 find increasing acceaa to backehore atructurea and urban facilitlee. Slnce it is not feaeible to Provlde further eet- back for auch exposed etncturesrit is nevertheleee poseible to re- eatabliah hiatoric beach berme such aa Btill exist along the east gide of Point Hudaonl and the aouth beach of Point Wileon. Such porous gravel beach berme abaorb deatnctive atorm wavear inhibit backahore eroeionr and at the aame tinre create a dryl above-tide beaeh environnrent for publlc use and esthotic enhancement. It was tath qbir goal in mind that the ahore bathymetry and geohydraulic environment wag evaluated at these three chogen beach - restoration siteg. A case can be made for eimilar solutions at several other waterfront locationa, eap€cially where future private ahore-gide developrnent would normally lead to bulkheadlng and riprapping for stonn protection. It must be cautionedl howeverrthat not all shore locations lend them- 6eves to the airnple instaUation of auch protective berm beaches' It Ls important that any particular shor€-front ie oriented ae eloeely aa poeaible to the major wave-front in order to prevent exceBeive loga via longehore material movencnt. ft is for that reagon:-that the pro- po8d doryntorn berm beaches have been pocketed betrrcen drift-gills or barriere that help to re-aligrn and orient each beaeh-front to the major wave-ffont. Storm protection wittr euch beaches is achieved not so truch by the height pf.the. baFn erest above hlgh tidel ae it is by the porosity and width of 6";; to abaorb wave runup. Wave erogion is further redueed by the use of a backshore root systenr in the form of E\uopean beach graaa planting' ac nell as allowing driftwood to accumulate belotr the backghore elevationt and aeaward of the berm cregt above the 9' tide elevation. By obaerving atorrn-rave action along the south beach of Point l{ilson1 the public can handily obgene hou the lan&rard !:unup swaeh currentg of each breaker navs are partly abeorbod ln the porous grravel bartn. Such a parcolation cffect reduces the aeaward erogion.of the returning gwagh current. Whlle gand sill tend to fill the porouo gravel during the eultrner months, thia sd y-d.LI be again pulled sea]tald during storm actlonr leaving the coarser gravel to pile up on the backshore berm. Sueh na- tural beacbes are maintained and nurtured by sand and grravel drift from nearby feeder bluffs. Since the propoaed urban beacheg are self-contained pocket beachca, occaal.onal additions of aome gravel ie part of their up- keep reguirement. ADN,IS STREET BEACH PLAZA Ttre Adams street ehore site repreeente the wideet 'shott windotr to the sea" Here there ie an open gap between bulldlnga of about 180 feetr'and a potential pocket bsach length of twice that width. It would eeem an obvloue aacri- iege thit such a ready-made beach plaza be uaed fo. parking cars. fn view of the protnrding old maaonry-wall ghed to the eastl and the piling - eupported sea Galley restaurant to the weatr a gtorm - protective pocket beach can be ideally fitted into thie apace. A porous grravel berm beach sith duneg:raas creet and graaay backahore fringe could form a natu- ral seascape to a landscaped 'Beach Plaza' sLthin the bueineee center of Port Tornreend. Such a mini-park would enhance the eeaport image for both touriate and citlz€nar and yould introduce an original eea environnent directly into the city core aa no other Rlget Sound tot,n eould equal' IYLER STREEr WATERFROITI'I ENHANCET'IENT A potential $Ier Street beach Park and mini-Plaza is a logical and feaaible exteneion of a Adans Street beach plaza with ready pede- etrian connecting walkway between the tvo. l{hile the etreet-eide plaza would here be . f""a deal gmaller than at Adane stre€t, there iel on the other handr over 300 feet of potential beach-scape with anple backehore parkland acceegible fron three eldes. Here tool the proteetive berm beaeh can be readily pocketed between protruding bulkheads and foreghore piled buildinge. Unlike the Adams Street siter here the beach iteelf l-a also open and and accessible on the j;est Eider and ite backshore park can be made to blend into the bare and bleak parking lot aa ghoryn on DwG No' CPt 853. ft ehould be obvioue that at thege streot-end locational the city hae a golden opportunity to turn potentially troubleeome shore conditiong into multi-faceted aaaeta. 'f PERRY BEACH PARX A emall beach park at the new ferry landing would bearrattractiveandpractica}op€nspaceaddition to the weatcrrr boundary of the dotrntosn district. Not only will arriving ferry paBEengere get a good city ahoreline impreeaionl bnrt the waiting p""""rrg"rs and public will especially enjoy guch a facility and beach at thie ideal location. The rock rubble revetrnent along the ferry caua€way can be softened by both partial burial and vegetation alongeide the park beach, while the new aeawall along l{ater Street can be protected from future undercutting by carrying a low gravel berm westward along ita to€' while a corner pocket beach can be readily deeigned and maintained at this eite, a protective beach berm propogal has also been included to cover the expoeed ehoreside reetaurant to the we6t. Holding and etabilizing a beach at thia location Ls more difficult becauee of the angled orientation to th€ major wave front. Thus the use and poaltLoning of proper drift-aiIIe here ie propoaed aa a shore treatrnent demonetration for poeeible future use along aimilarly eroding shores of this waterfront. Here the beach berm extension frqn tjre feery beach park to the restaurant forms a natural crescent beach bay that adde to the total protection and reaource value of this ahoreline. CONCLUSIONS The protective bsach desigme and specifications repreeent minirmrm reguire- menta for the purposeg stited. It is nevertheless poasible ''be phase the basic beach elementa in terme of reduced eize and material volumes while retaining Bome measure of ehore protection. Ho*ever1 it would be rry recommendation to make a full sho11caee project out of one of these eites in order to prove the deeirability and advantagee for such a dualEPurpose approach to ehore protection and uee. The Port Torrnsend corrm.rnity has already been guceeasful in cashing in on ite legary of hietoric buildings. Rehabilitating its rdaterfront shoreline to what rtere once accretion beaches is also of historic value' Here the tax dollar ean not only create functional shore protectionl bnrt produce esthetic and reereational urban amenitiea. In the final analysisr Prrblic funds can act as a pump prlmer and catalyst for private investrnents in such a aeaaeap€ environrnent and reaource. IE is a time for retrieving a lost ehore heritager one that can bring a more attraetive seaeide resort character to this cltY.