HomeMy WebLinkAboutMabel Addition Block 124 - Cleanup Level Calculation Kearney Street Substation 1998.01.0901/13/98 llltlN 1l:il FA-I l?5 861^ ^q0;0 rjE(J ENGIj'iEERS Ianuary 9. 1998 a oDr Geo$1f Engirtccrs Ct)rls(r lting l,ogi netrJ altd tieoscientists () f licr-.s in \\'irs lt i rtlton. ()reqrru. it;lt! .\litskit Pugec Sound EnergY Environmental Services P.o. Box 97a34 ri'fER-04 Believue, Washingrorr 98009-9734 A*ention: Barry Lombard Summary Report Interim TPH PolicY - N'ITCA Method B Cleanup Level Celculation Perroleum-Hydrocarbons in Soil Kearney Street Substation Site Pon Townsend, Washington File No. 0186'385-85 INTRODUCTION This lener presents rhe resulrs of GeoEngineers' calculadon of tvlodel Toxics Conn'ol Act (14TCA) lvlerhod B cleanup levels for insulation (urai:sformer) oil- and hydraulic oil-related hydrocarbons derected in soil in rhe eastern (undeveloped) po*ion of Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Kearney Street Substation site in Port Townsend, Washingtgr' The MTCA Method B cleanup levels presented herein were calculated using the Washin$on State Department of Ecology's @cology) Inteim lweryrerive and, Potiq Statement, Cleanup of Total Petroleum Ilyd.rocarbons (lnterim TPH Policy). Our services were completed at the lequesl of Barry Lombard of pSE in accordance wirh our existing agreemetrt wirh PSE (Contract No' BX0I07^1- c01A). DISCUSSION Recent sftdies (Insulating oii Fate and Transpoil Report, May 1996, prepared for Bonneville power Administration et. al. by CHzMHill) havs shown that the more toxic constituents rypicajly associated with many petroleum products such as semi-volatile organic compounds, volatile organic compounds and metals are present at tracs eoncentratiorLs or are not detectablo in insulating oils. The studies also have shown that insulating oil has a relarively high viscosity, migrates through soil relarively slowly. and has a low Potential for volatiiization' leaching or lransport to ground watef. Additionaliy, hydrauiic oil rypically does not contain high concentrations of volatile andlor more toxic compounds found in some peroleum GccIngirrccls. lttc .r+l(t lr+tlr Arenue \.[. iicCnr,:ns. "\n 910ij Ttltpilor r,"' t +1"; 1 ljdl'6U(lil lru iiti r.S6i{0i0 '*..rctsoel' gitlef rl. col:: 01r12,'fr$ lI0)- 1l:51 FA-\ lt5 ,161 B0;(l (;E() EN(;INEERS Puget Sound Energl January 9, 1998 Page 2 hydrocarbons. Renrediarion oi perroleum-h),drocarbon spills hiscoi:ically has been c.ompleted using d:e lr{odel Toxics Conrrol Act ftlTCA) Merhod .{ cleanup levels tbr petroleum producu. The MTCA iv{ethod A cleanup levels for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil (200 miJligrams per kilogram lmg/k-ql for diesel- and heavy oil-range hydrocarbons ard 100 mglkg for gasoline- range hydrocarborrs) cannot be adjusted to account for specific properties of petroleum products such as rhe absence of tlre moretoxic constituents in insulating and hydraulic oils. The Ecology Inrerim TPH Policy allows for calcularion of a N{TCA Method B cleanup level for the petroleum prociuct in soil based on rhe actual constinrenEs present in the petroleum. PSE requested rhar GeoEngineers use interim TPH Policy merhodolory to (1) calculate site specific insularing and hydraulic oil cleanup levels, and (?) evaluate *re regulatory significanc.e of remainirrg insularing and hydraulic oils in soil at the subject site. A detailed discussion of the Interim TPH Policy methods is preseoted in Anachnrent A' CHEMICAL ANALYSES Two soil samples (TPa and HA-l) were obkined by GeoEngineers, from portions of the .sire whereprior chemical analysis confumed the prssence of insulating oil (i'Pa) and hydraulic oil GIA-1). The approximate locations of these soil sam!les are shown on Figure 1, affached. The soil samples were submirted to North Creek Anail'rical of Bothell, Washington for chemical analysis of diesel- and heavy oil-range petroleum hydrocarboru by Ecology lvlethod NWTPH,D extended and benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylenes (BETX), methylene tert- butyl ether (MTBE), naphrhaiene, volatile petroleum hydrocarbon (VPII) fractions and exiracrable petroleum hydrocarbon (EPH) fractions using Ecology Interim TPH Policy methods. The chemical analyticai resuirs for TP*4 and HA-l ale sufiImartzd in Tables I and 2, respectively. The laboraory report is presented in Attachment B. Insulating oil was detected in TP4 at a concentration of 2,020 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Aliphatic EPHs were detected in the EC12-16, EC16-ZI, and EC21'34 ranges. Aromaric EPHs rvere detected in he EC15-21 and EC21-34 ranges. Volatile petroleum hydrocarbon fractions were frot detected in the TP4 sample. Polyrtuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), BETX, N,ITBE and naphrhalene \yere not detected in the TP4 sample. H),draulic oil rves detected in H.{-l at a corrcenrarion of 63i nrgikg. Aliphatic EPHs tvere derecred in rhe EC16-21, arrd ECz1-34 ranges. Aronratic EPHs were detected in &e ECz1-34 range. PAHs were derecied in HA-1 at concentrs.tions less rhan MTCA cleanup levels- BETX, MTEE and naphthalene wete nol detected in tire HA-l sample- MTCA METHOD B SOIL DIRECT CONTACT CALCULATIONS Petroleum products, including insulating oil and hydraulic oil, contain multiple fractions and irrdiuidual compounds that have associated norrcarcinogenic health effects. MTCA @ ou; GeoEnginecr5 File F;o, 0l S6-385-85-1 150 01/1:/98 llrlN 1{;' 3 Fi\-{ l!t 8dl- 605{)(;E(] EN(;I-\EERS Puget Sound Energ., January 9, 1998 Proo i scipulates that individual hazard quo[ients associated with these fractions are additive, and rhar the total hazard index (rhe sum of all individual hazard quotien',J) should nor exceed 1.0 for the risk to be considered acceptable. We calculaced tlrat rlie hazard irrdex for the insularing oil in soil sample Tp-4 is 0.46 as shown in Table 3. Carcinogenic contpounds were not detected ar concentrations of re$llatory significance in TP-4, A sice-specifi,: Medrod B soil cleanup level prorective of human heahh direct contsct (non-carcinogen) exposures was calculared for insulating oil using rhe MTCA Method B equations and uhereference dose values as shown in Table 3. The lr{erhod B cleanup level *,e calculared for insulating oil iir soil at *ris sile is 4,241mglkg. We ca.lculated that the haeard index for the hydraulic sil in soil sample HA-l is 0.il as shown in Table 4, Carcinogenic compounds were not detected at concentrarions of reguiatory significairce in ihe soil sampie tested. A site-specit'ic lr{ethod B soil cleanup ievel protective of human health direct contact (noncarcinogeir) expcsures was calculated for hydraulic oil using the Ir{TCA \{erhod B equations ald the reference dosevalues as shqq'n in Tabie 3, The Medrod B cleanup level we calculated for hydraulic oil in soil at rhis sire is 3,864 mg/kg. The Method B cleanup levels are based on (l) evaluation of the direct conracr exposure pathway, and (2) the ratio of aliphatic to aromatic consiicuents. The cleenup levels calculated based on evaluation of rhe soil-to-grcund water exposure parhway (described below) would be significantly higher. This difference between the caiculated cleanup Ievels reflecrs (t) the relatively conservative surrogates used in the direct-conhct calculations arrd (2) the reiatively low solubility of both insuladng oil and hydraulic oil. POTENTIAL SOIL-TO-GROUND WATER TRANSPORT OF HYDROCAHBONS As described in Attachment A, the Interim TPH Policy aiso requires ttrat soil contamination be evaluated relative to its potential to migrate to ground water. In accordalce wi*r the Policy, the evaluation of this fate and rransport pathway was based on a determination of whether TpH remaining in vadose eone soil could cause exceedence of the lvfTCA Method A ground warer cleanup level for TPH of I miiligram per liter (mgll). The concenrration of TPH parritioning from soil to soil pore waler was estimated using Raoult's Law. Raoult's Larv is used to es'Limale resultart chernical concenttations dissolved in water q,hsn rnore than one chemical compound fifPH fraction) is present in soil. Each TPH fracrion has a different solubility in watef . Based on the reiative concentration of each fraction, Raoulr's Law was used to estimate the resultant concentration of TPH in pore water. Consistent with the Interim TPH Policy, tire estimated concentration of TPH in pore water using Raoult's Law rvas then assumed to directly enter the grcund water (assumes that contaminared soil is in direct centacr wirh ground water). Once the Pore water enters che ground water, it is assumed under the Interim TPH Policy ttrat the concentrations of dissolved TPF{ will be diluted by 2A times before reaching a drinking @ottg GcoEnginaErr Fiie ]io. 0 r 56-185-85-l I 50 r.rl,i1!;98 liI0N 1{:'1t FA-I l?5 861-605() Puget Sound Energy January 9, 1998 Page 4 CJEO ENGI]{EER,S @ttai rvater well, This ,lilureC concentrarion of dissolved hydrocarbons is comparerJ [o the N'ITCA fufethod A ground rlaler clearup level for TPH of I mg/I. Using (1) tire merhods described above, the VPH and EPH faction data for TP'4, and (3) the grearest concenkation of insulating oil detected in soil at the site (2,QZQ nglkg in TP'4), &e predicred TPH concentration in ground rvater is approximately 1.8xi0-r mg/l as shown in Table 5. This concentration is significa.ntly less rhan the MTCA Method A cleanup level for TPH of I mg/}, Based on rhe soil-to-$ound waler [ranspofl eva]uation in accordance wittr the Interim TPH Policy, irsulating oil remaining in soil at the sire would not impact ground water, even if ir was in direct cenlact witir ground waler. Using (1) rha methods described above, (2) the grealest concentration of hydraulic oil derected in soil at rhe sir,e (?,910 mg/kg detected in a prior sample from the viciniry of HA-l) (3) rne rarios of hydrocarbon fractions detected in HA-I, the predicred TPH concentration in ground *,arer is appro.<imarely 8.3x10-5 nrg/l as shown in Table 6. This concentration is significanrly Iess *ra.n the VITCA lvlerhod A cleanup level for TPH of 1 nrg/I. Furthermore the hydrocarbons in soil are not in direct contact with ground water, as use arrd Raoult's Law assumes. Therefore, concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbons if any, would expect to be less than 8.3x10'J mg/I. Based on the soil-toground water transport evaluation in accordarce with rhe Inrerim TPH Policy, hyCraulic oil remairring in soil at the site would not impact ground Tvater, even if it was in direct contact with ground warer' CONGLUSIONS Based on chemical analyrical resul6, Ecology's Interim TPH Policy guidance and the resulu of prior sire sardies, itis ouropinionthat no further remedial action by PSE is necessary in the eastern portion of PSE's Kearney Street substation site to satisfy the regulatory requiremenrs of MTCA for insulating oil ald hydraulic oil relared petroleum hydrocarbons. CSemical analytical resulu indicate that residual insularing oil concentrations in remaining soil in the eastern portion of the sire are less than the calculated MTCA Method B cleanup level (4,242 mglkg) and are protective of hun:an health for the direct contact and soil-to-ground warer exposure pathways. Chemical analytical resuits did nor derect VPHs in TP4- Based on our knorvledge of fie character of insulating oil and the chemical analytical results, it is our opinioit thar remaining insulating oil concentrations also are protective of humarr health for the soil-to-vapor exposure Pathw aY. Chemical anall'rical results indicate that hirdraulic oil concenrations in remaining soil in rire eastern ponion of rhe site are less than rhe MTCA Method B cleanup level (3,864 mgikg) and are prorective of human heal*Jr for the direct contitct and soil+o-ground water exposure pathrvays. Chemical analyrical resulcs did not detect VPHs in HA-1. Based on our knorvledge of the characrer of hydraulic oil and rhe chemical aaaJytical results, it is our opinion that GeoEngioear:l File No, 0l E{t-385-85'l 150 01/1119,9 ]ttlN 1l;5. FAI 115 861 6fi50 GEI] ENGINEERSaI Puget Sound Energy January 9, 1998 Page 5 remaining hydraulic oil concentrations also are proteclive of human health for the soil'co'r'apor exposure pathway, LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for use by Puget Sound Energ.,' and its authorized agents, This report is not intended for use by others, and the information eontained herein ruay nol be applicable to o$rer sites. Regulatory policy regarding risk-based evaluatiorts of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination continues to be formulated b1' Ecology. The Interim TPH Policy is a conservative and temporary measure inrended to allow for dre use of a risk'based approach to petroleum hydrocarbons while final policy is developed. The policy describe,l herein is subject to future regulatory revisions. GeoEngineers has performed this study in accordance with our agreement with Pugel Sound Energy (Conracr No. BX0l0l74-C0lA). Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, oul sEn,ices have been executed in accordance rvi*r generally accepted environmental science practices in this area at rhe time rhis repoit was prepared. No *'erraary or other conditions, express or implial, should be understood. tAooS 6soEngineirs Filc No. o 186-38i-85-l !50 ltiL2,,98 )Ir:tN 1{;53 FAI {?5 861 60;0 (;EO ENGII,iEERS-) I'uget Sound EnergY January 9, 1998 Page 6 We appreciare rhe oppornrniry to assist you rvith this dats evaluation. Please cail if 5'ou have any queslions. Yours very truly, GeoEngineers, In6 @ oos tu{-. {-' 4-tl-{ Gary R. Stevens Staff Hydrogeologist Kurt R. Fraese Arsociate 6RSTKRF:ja I.b. p :\00Ot0099\01 86385\iinalr\01 E63E5ltr.doa Anachnents Two copies submitted cc: JeffRandal GcoEngintcrt File )to. 0t86.385'85-l I 50 TABLE 2SOIL CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL RESULTSHYDRAULIC OILI(EARNEY STREET SUBS-I-ATIOI.I SI'TEPORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTONtstsIJ'<t(F'1tsfilr.C)'4,P'4*-lcvr{P-,@UIExtractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 3 (mg/kglrllrl'z,zfr,t47i,NDNDArornaticsEC21-3499.0EC162-1NDVolatile Pctroleurn l-lydrocarbons a (mgikgiAromaticsEC12,13EC12-r6NDEC10-12EC10-12NDEC8-10NI]ECz1-34314AliphaticsEC10-12EC16-2117-9ECB-I0EC12-16NDECS-8EC10,12NDECSSECB.1ONDPolynuclear fuomaticHydrocarbons & Compounds {(mg/kg)--01BBenzo(alanthracene -- 0.048SBenzo(a)pyrene - 0.0394Benzo{b)lluoranthene -- 0.083tlenzo(ghilperylene -- 0.01 57Benzo(k)fluoranthene - 0.0598Chrysene - 0.0598Fluoranthene - 0.101I deno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene -- -0.024 4Phenanlhene -- 0.0614Pyrene -- 0-0866TPH ? (mg/kg)neavy url-Range 3631Diesel-RangeND$anrpleNumberIl-tA-1NsFtsl':100Dt0099\O I 1163 85\lirrds\] ablts.xlsll' I (11/1:,.98 .{JN 1i;(){) F_\f, l?5 861 6{)50 (:iErl EN-(;I.\-EERS TABLE 3 (Page 1 of 2) HAZARD INDEX AND METHOD B CLEANUP LEVEL CALCULATICNS INSULATING OIL KEARNEY STREET SUBSTATION SITE PORT TOWNSEN D. WASH I NGTON MTCA METHOD B CLEANUP LEVEL CALCULATION Tcial Hydrocarbofi Concentraticn Delect:d = 1,718 + 235 = 1'953 mg/kg c/oTotaialiphatic fraction - 1,718 mg/kg / 1,953 mg/kg x 100 = 88% % Totel aromatic fraction = 235/1.953 mg/kg xlAA = 12Yo I(TCA Method B Cleanup Leve/ = 4,241 mg/kg This Method g c{aanup level results in a Hazard lndexof 1.0with the aliphaticfraciion representing gg% and the arornaiic fr-action representing 12% af the tctal hydi'ocaibons as shorvn below: Total aliphaticfraction =3,731mg/kg (88% of 4,241 mg/kg) Total aromatic fraction = 510 mg/kg (12% af 4,241 mg/kg) Notes appear on Page ? of ? @oLz HQFactorMultiplierORfDoundCom 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.302.08E-04 4.178-04 1.25E-04 6.25E-05 6,25E-06 4.178-44 0.1 4.7 2 0.03 0.06 0,03 1.25E-05 1.25E-05 1.25E-05 1.25E-05 1.25E-05 1.2sE-05 Total aromatic RofiTar.la Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes Total aromatic+B-E-X otal aliph HQMultlplierFactorORfDComound 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.21 0.782.08E-04 4.17E-04 1.25E-04 6.258'05 A ?qtr-nA 417E-AA 0.1 0.2 2 0.03 0,06 0,03 1.258-05 1.25E-05 1.258-05 1,25E-05 1,25E-05 1.25E-05 Totalaromatic Beneene EthYlbenzene Toluene Xylenes Total aromaiic+B-E-X aliphatic P:\000ro099\0 I 8f:i $ 5\fi nals\Tablcs.xls\T'l 0L/ L2/ S8 llrlN 15 : 01 F.{X {ti 'f\00;o 1 TABLE 3 (Page 2 of 2 -(JEt] ENGINEERS a @0L.3 ) J Fr\000to099\0 I 86i 8S\tinals\Tablcs.nls\T4 0L/12,'gg )ION 1;:01 F-^\'I t35 86.1 8050 GEO EN(;INEERS TABLE 4 (Page 1 of 2) HAZARD INDEX AND METHOD B CLEANUP LEVEL CALCULATIONS HYDRAULIC CIL KEARNEY $TREET SU BSTATION PORT TOWNSEN D, WASHINGTON @t)U lculationndexH HQMultiplierFactorORfDndCom 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.04 0.07 1,25E-0s 1 25E-05 1.25E-05 1 25E-05 1 2qtr-ni 6,258-05 6.25E-06 4,17E-04 4.17E-04 2.081.2sE-05 1.25E-05 U.UO 0.03 0.1 a.z 2 0,03 Total aromatic Benzene Ethylbenzena aromatic+F'E-X aliphatic oluene Xylenes [4TCA METI{OD ts CLEANUP LEVEL CALCULATION Total Hydrocarbort Concentration Detected = *r3? + 99 = 431 mg/kg % Totaialiphaiic iraction = 332 mg/t(g / 431 mg/kg x 10A = 77% % Total aromatic fraction = 99/431 mg/kg x 100 = 23% MTCA Method B Cleanup Level = 3,864 mg/Rg This Method B cteanup lavel results in a Hazard lndex of 1.0 with the aliphaiic frection representing T7% and thE aromatic fraction representing 23% ol the total hydrocarbons as shown helow; Totalaliphaticfraction=2,976mglkg(770/oof3'864mg/kg) Totalaromaticfrection=865mg/kg(23%of3'390mg/kg) HO ili; :i:iii;;lS€Fl qFf'ttl+ Multiplier ilillii;i'lii;*itii:$l;r11 l FactorORfDComound 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.37 .6t2,088-04 4,17E-04 1.25E-04 A "(tr-n66.25E-06 4,178-04 1,25E-05 1.25E-05 1.25E-05 1.25E-05 1 "5F-n(1 258-05 0.1 4,2 /- 0,03 U.UO 0,03Totalaromatic Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes Total aromatic+8-E-X lii:ii l:i!;i Ifii liii:L i Ii;ii I ir: Totatalip Notas appear on Page 2 of 2 p'16q91q99!\0 1 $ 63 85\t-rnc,ls\Tabl cs.xl:\T3 r)1/1!/98 ]lrlN 15; tll F.{I {?5 ,36-1"_6050,\ irl ) TABLE 4 (Page 2 of 2) (:;E{] ENGINEERS l @or.: ) P1000tDtr99\0 I $63 8 5\f inEls\TEblcs.tls\Ti C,tstsIJ(tCoc.zF(Jl,!J,r1'/4'l-l{vr(oFoc.lITABLE 5PROJECTED TPH CONCENTRATION IN GROUND WATER 1INSULATING OtLKEARI,IEY STREET SUBS'TATION SITEPORT TOWhISEND, WASHII{G'TON14Ot4z.4.ztdrrlniJDCgrvtr{nrgi Li0.ooDDo.ooD00.00000.00000_o0000-00000,00000_00000.00'i}00.001Bo.o000.{,0Qr.sQ00{.DF202020202fr202020202020EffectiveSolutrility(mstr)0.00000o.000000.000000.000000.000000.000000.000000.000000.o0000o.000000.00 t 65S [rns/L)o.33o.o2Go.000590.0000010_000001't7805201r,5.80,5r0_o066x0.{000.otxi70.00400.001 c0-00000_00000-00000.uto{}0.o0050.0006r*!0'$0?fiiiiiiiMW{ginrcl)13016020t}27027078971301501!0240Per<nnt oIrnixlure0.00%0.00066.9t%55_30%25-76n/o87.9]o/s0.00%o.00%0.00%0.00%5_17%6.869'ot2-o3%Concenlration{ms&s}0013510805031718oo00t0t13.1235FractionEC >B-10 {9-0}EC >10-12 (11_0)EC >12-16 {14.0}EC >16-21 (1S.0)EC >2t-34 (2r1.0)TO]-ALALIPHATICSBenzene (G.5)Toluenc {7-6)EC >10-12 tr t-0iEC >r2-1G {14.0}Ec >r6-2t {11}.0)EC >21-35 (20.0)TOTALAROMAIICSAliphaticsAronralacsNc.FCDIriv)00lo09tVl I 86l8i\linalsTl'ablcs.x ls\'[ fi TABLE 6PROJECTED TPH CONCENTRATION IN GROUND WATER 1HYDRAULIC OILKEARNEY STREET SUBSTATION SITEPORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTONtsFl'J(o(nc.,ztsy.'*-'rl'P,4'l-IJvr€<,ts.3(/l,nfrl.-,rrl2zlflrrJnVDNgP-tCgwtr (rng/L)0.00000.00000.00000.0000o-00000.o0000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0001,i8i253?6E;05DF2020202020202020202020EfiecliveSotubility(mg/L)0-000000_000000_000000.000000"000000.000000,000000.000000.000000.000000_00165S (ms/L)0.330_0260.000590.0000010_00000117 B0520255.{}0.s10.0066X0.00o.000_000-04o.710.000,,i.lti00imMoles0_00000.00000.00000.00050.00790.00000.00000.00000"00000.00000_0028MW{g/mol}13016020027A2797B92130150190240Perceni ofmixture0_00%0.00%0.00964.15%72-87%77.02o1n0.00%0.00%o.o0%0.00%0.00%22.58%22_98%Concenlrationirng/kg)0001222142.42264.40oo00€75.067s.6FraciionEC >B-10 (S.0)EC >10-12 {11.0}EC >12-16 (14.0)EC >16-21 t1s.0iEC >21-34 t2B.O)TOTAL ALIPHATICSBenzene (6.5)Toluene (7.6)EC >10-12 (11.0iEC >12-16 (14.0)EC >16-21 t19.0)EC >21-35 {28.0}TOTAL AROMATICSAliphaticsAromaticsl''L00utgU99l0tSfiJl 5ilirruls$'rblcg.r I sTl r 01,'1r.'98 lIr)N 15:05 FA-I lt; 8dl 605{)(:iE(J E]'i(]I)EERS ATTACHMENT A @ org rl1"1t,'9,9 )l{J.\- 1i:{i5 F.{-\ lt5 861 0050 GE(J EN(.;INEERS ATTACHMENT A INTERIM TPH POLICY METHODS The MTCA cleanup regulations require that the evaluailon of soil contanrination and determinatiorr of soil cleanup levels be bued on consicieration of direct contact and on prorecrion of ground water, Similarly, the Interim TPH Policy requires consideration of LrotJr components in evaluating petroleum contamination and arriving at a soil cleanup level. To evaluate the level of contamination and calculate a soil cleanup level tbr t}e site's i.ttsulating oil in accordance with the Interim TPH Policy, iderrtii'icacion of rhe petroleum product hi'drocarbon fracrions a:rd quanrification of their toxiciry (using surrogates) arrd transporl characteristics were required. Considerations of current and future site use also q'ere necessary to apply the appropriate MTCA merhod. For this site, rve made the most conservative assumption that the site must meet residential cleanup srandards; drerefore, MTCA Method B rvas used for evaluaiion of contamination and in calculating a soil cleanup level. The h,{TCA i{erhod B formula for evaluating soil contamination and calculating a hun:an hea.lrh risk-based soil cleanup based on direct contact, as applied in rhe Interim TPH Policy, considers only the soil irrgestion exposure pathway. This was considered sufficient for contaminaiion evaluariorr and calcularion of an insulating oil cleanup level in soil. The potential for inhalatiorr of vapors from insulating oil conramination is considered negiigible because of its low volarility. Soil-ro-ground water transport of insulating oii and subsequent ingestion of ground rvater also was considered in our assessment. The reader is referred to the Interim TPH Policy @cology Publication ECY 97-5m) for background informatiorr and assumptions that pertain to the use of the Interim TPH policy. SURROGATE APPROACH Perroleum products rlpically are cofiiposed of thousands of individual chemicals. Toxiciry criteria rhar relace the intake (dose) of a chemical ro a re.sponse are available for only a handful of rhe individual chemicals rhat may be present.in petroleum produccs. A cleanup level cannot be calculared for individual chemicals (or for petroleum products) unless a toxiciry criterion, such as a reference dose for a non-carcinogen or a potency factor for a carcinogen, is available. The Inrerim TPII Policy uses a surrogate approach to account for compound-specific data that is noc ),et available. In ihe surrogate approach, a reference compound is identified as e repiesentative of individuai perroleum hydrocarbon fraciions. These reference comPounds are selected because tlreir toxiciq, is relatively well characterized in that eirher a reference dose or potency factor is available, or a dose-response value can be developed from ai'ailable toxicity data. The toxiciry criterion identit'ied for the reference compound is then assumed to rePresent a surrogale toxiciry criterion for the associated h)'drocarbon fraction' For the purpose of identifying surrogate toxicify criteria for hydrocarbon fractions, petroleum hydrocarbons are divided into broad chemical classes. Surrogate toxiciry criteria are qozo GeoEnginagrs d A.l Filc No, 01$6-385-S5-t t50 01.'ll;98 )I0I 15;{)O F.{-\ .l?5 861 6ri50 (.;EIJ E\GINEERS then iderrtified for each group of compounds using the methods desribed above. Ecolog} has selecred one compound representing the aliphatic tiactions (n-hexane) and one compound represenring ihe aromaric fractions (pi,rene) that likely have the most consen'al,i\re loxicity criteria. Surrogare crireria for u.rher h.vdrocarbon fractions are likely multiples of these. Until sufficient dara are made available for developing surrogate toxiciry criteria for the other hydrocarbon fracrions, rhe Ecologr- Incerinr TPH Policy requires that (l) all eJiphatics be grouped toge,Jrer, (2) all aromatics be grouped together and (3) the aliphatic and aromatic groups be represenred by the toxiciry criteria for n-hexane and pyrene, respectively- This surrogare approach was userl in our calculation of ihe Metirod B cleanup level for insulation oil in soil based ort direct contacl. The surrogare merhod used in the Interim TPH Policy for ei'aluadon of contamination and in calculaEing pecroleum hydrocarbon cleanup levels does not account for the noflcarcinogenic toxicity contriburion of etirylbenzene, toluene, and xylene. It also does not account for the carcinogenic health effect conriburion from benzene and carcinogerric PAHs that may be present in rhe petroleum producr. These compounds are quantified and evaluated separately,' and cleanup levels are calcutared for each compound using rheir specific reference dose or potency factors. Evaluaiion of peuoleum contamination and calculacion of Method B cleanup levels completed for rhis srudy account on-ly for petroleum hydrccarbons in the absence of rhese co,r:rpounds; benzene was nor derccted and carcinogenic PAHs were less than N4TCA Method A cleanup levels in che soil sample oh'tained from rJ:e subjert site. .4lthough a reference dose vaiue is not avaiiable for benzene for non-catcinogenic health eft'ects, rhese health effects a.re accounted for in evaluating the contamination and in calculating the TPH cleanup Ievel by the surrogate approach. The lnserim TPH Policy assumes that benzene has noncarcinogenic health effects as well as its carcinogenic health effecu and assumes rhat rhe reference dose for benzene is equal to the surrogate value for aromatics (0-03 mgikglday). The hydrocarbon fractious ald their associated surrogate toxiciry criterion values for the Ecology Inrerim TPH Policy are suilrrnafized in Tables 3 and 4. The hydrocarbon compounds are all considered non-carcinogenic, based on the toxicity informarion currencly available. Therefore, only ref'erence dose (ORFD) values are provided- Wo2r GgoEngin.srt Filc No. 0 t86.3S5-85- t 150 ceo Sflnngineers January 8, 1998 Mr. Jeff Randdl City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development 540 Water Street Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Dear Jeff: Re: Ecology's Interim TPH Policy In response to your request, we have attached a copy of the Washington State Department of Ecology's Interim Interpretive and Policy Statement 'Cleanup of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons" (Interim TPH Policy). A letter documenting our use of the Interim TPH Policy in calculating Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Method B cleanup levels for Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Kearney Sqbstation property will follow. It is our experience that Lynn Coleman Qffi) 40[4194 at Ecology has an excellent understanding of the policy and its formulation. Please call me QM) 728-2674 or Barry Lombard of PSE (206) 224-2102 if you have questions or require more information. Yours very truly, GeoEngineers, Inc Kurt R e Associate KRF:cdl Docurncot I.D. P:\0 I 863t5.LTR Attachment cc: Barry l-ombard, PSE Clty of Fort Townsend FIECEIVED JAN 1 q 1998 Consulting lngineers and Geoscientists 0fTices in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska GeoEngineers, Inc. Plaza 600 Building 600 Stewart St., Suite 1215 Seattle, WA 98101 I'elephone (205) 7 28-267 4 F.ax (206) 12&2132 rwwvgeoengineers.com Printsd otr. recyclsd gotrst lull*lq & (omnunfi Dowlepncnt a Washington State Department of Ecology Toxics Gleanup Program INTERIM INTERPRETIVE AND POLICY STATEMENT Cleanup of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) 1 ti 1 ) J Ecology publication No. January, L997 ECY97-600 TO .fanuary 15, L997 Interested Persons FROM Carol Kraege Toxics Cleanup Program SLIBJECT: Interim TPH Policy Attached is a copy of an "Interim Interpretative and Policy Statement--Cleanup of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)" (nterim Policy) affecting cleanups of petroleum contamination. This Interim Policy is the result of the recommendation of the Model ToxicsContol Act (MTCA) Policy Advisory Committee that the Department of Ecology adopt an Interim total pefroleum hydrocarbons (TPFD policy. Our task was to look at methods being proposed by numerous states and determine whether they could be used as the basis forcalculating MTCA Methods B and C risk-based cleanup levels. The Interim TpH policy is intended to be consistent with existing MTCA regulations, and not to change these regulations in any way. Methods B and C take all majorpotential exposure pathways into account in setting cleanup levels- ln the Interim Policy we have provided guidance on only npo of these pathways: (i) direct human health contact, and (2) soil-to-groundwater. Because of the limiGd availabiity of information, technical uncertainty, and unresolved issues, this Interim Policy does not completely address all of the issues related to potential impacts to human health and the environment from TPH contamination. For instance, this Interim Policy does not completely address the health effects for occupants of a stnrcture where there is repeated, long-temr expos're to TPH vapors. Also, this Interim Policy does not provide cleanup levels that address ecological protection or residual odors from TPH contaminated soils. These issues, and others, will be evaluated more completely by Ecology and the Duwamish Coalition TPfo Brownfields project Oversight Group and will, as appropriate, be incorporated into a final TpH policy and/or amendments to the MTCA regulations. Until then, issues not addressed, or not thoroughly addressed, by this Interim Policy need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis using Ulie, appropriate policies and guidance, and professional judgment. I An I4terim Policy was proposed because changes to the Model Toxics Contol Act for Method Acleanup levels, or the way cleanup levels are derived, would require .*;;J;g the regulation.This might not occur until sometime in 1998, while this Interimpolicy is effective immediately. In June 1996' Ecology invited interested parties to participate in a working group to assist in thedevelopment of the Interim Policy. over a period of approximately five rio-n,t r, the workinggroup met seven times. In addition, various subgroups met to discuss specific topics (toxici!,fate and tansport, analytical issues, and groundwatei beneficial use). Aher the working groupmade its recommendations, Ecology consulted with the Science Advisory Board, the EpA, theWashington Department of Health, and the office of the Attorney General. This Interim TpHPolicy refl ects their recommendations. The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) also asked Ecology to evaluate how we implement rulesthat describe the reasons that can be used to demonstate that groundwater at a site is not apotential futue source of drinking water. Because this issue applies to more than TpH, and withthe agreement of others in the workgroup, this groundwater issue witt U. uaar.rr.d separatelyfrom this Interim Policy. New analytical methods have been developed for this Interim Policy. These methods are beingmade available to the laboratories. If you have site-specific questions on how to apply this Interim policy, please contact theappropriate regional office. If you have questions about this Interim Foiiry, please contact SteveRobb at (360) 407-7188 in olympi4 or you can contact him by e-mail ut tioi+etgecy.wa.gov. Questions about the soil-to-groundwater or soil-to-vapor components should be directed to LynnColeman at (360) 407-7194 or e-mail at lcol46l@ecy.wa.gov. CBK: df Att.achment 1 Contents lntroduction and Purpose of lnterim Policy "'.. Background .......... Surrogate Approach for TPH Overview.. Human Health Toxicity Fate and Transport......... Analytical Relationship Between This Document and Existing Ecology Guidance'on TPH Step-by-Step DescriPtibn Step 1: Remove Active Product Source Step 2: Conduct lnterim Actions As Needed .... Step 3: Characterize the Site Step 4: ldentify Cleanup Levels.'.......... Method B and Method C .... Vapors and Odors Human Health ToxicitY (a) Groundwater (i) Drinking Water....... (ii) Nonpotable Groundwater .. (b) Surface Water (c) Soil Carcinogen Formulas and Calculations... (ii) Soilto Groundwater PathwaY Option 1: 100 X Groundwater.........'. Option 2: Soil/Pore Water Partitioning and Mixing Fate and TransPort Parameters.. Partitioning Residual Saturation... Calculations Option 3: EmPirical Demonstration Option 4: LUST Matrix.....'. (iii) Soil to Confined Space lndoor Air P Step 5: Compare Site Concentrations to Cleanup Levels"""" Step 6: Select and lmplement Cleanup Action (if Appropriate) Step 6.1: Evaluate Altematives Step 6.2: Select the Remedy for the Site.......,.'.'. Step 6.3: lmplement the Remedy.............. Step 6.4: Disposal and End Use Criteria.........'.'.' Paqe 2 2 3 4 5 5 b 7 7 7 7 II 9 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 zo 1 Step 7: Evaluate Cleanup Action..'...26 ') lntroduction and Purpose of lnterim Policy The Model Toxics ControlAct (MTCA) establishes a process for cleaning up sites that are contaminated with hazardous substances, including total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). One step in the cleanup process is defining appropriate cleanup levels. MTCA allows cleanup levels to be set in three different ways, known as Methods A, B, and C. Method A levels are set by lookup tables, background concentrations, analytical quantitation limits, and other regulations. Methods B and C levels must be calculated using formulas in MTCA. Use of the formulas requires certain information about the contaminants, including toxicity data. Toxicity data is also necessary to determine levels in one media (such as soil) that will also protect other media (such as air or water). Because of concern about the absence of adequate toxicity data for TPH, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) has discouraged the use of Methods B and C for deriving cleanup levels for TPH. Ecology issued a Focus Sheet in 1994 recommending that only Method A cleanup levels be used for TPH. This lnterim lnterpretive and Policy Statement (lnterim Policy) supersedes that Focus Sheet. Members of the regulated community have asked Ecology to provide guidance on how valid cleanup levels, other than Method A, may be established for TPH under the current MTCA regulations. The purpose of this lnterim Policy is to explain how cleanup levels protective of two primary exposure pathways may be set for TPH using Methods B and C, and to provide a step-by-step description of the process to be followed. These pathways include direct human contact with contaminated soil, and soil levels that will also protect groundwater. This lnterim Policy is advisory; it is not binding on Ecology or the regulated community. It does not completely address health effects of vapors, nor does it provide cleanup levels that necessarily address residual odors or ecological (non-human) receptors. The statements contained in this document reflect Ecology's interpretation of its existing regulations. However, this document does not take the place of the regulations, and it should be read in conjunction with those regulations. Furthermore, nothing in this document is intended to modify, in any way, MTCA or its implementing regulations. Future changes to the statute or regulations may affect the statements contained in this document. Since Ecology anticipates proposing amendments to the MTCA regulations regarding TPH cleanup levels within the next few years, the reader is cautioned to watch for such changes. Backqround Ecology adopted cleanup standards for MTCA in 1991. Risk-based, site-specific cleanup methods that protect air, soil, and water were developed. Risk scenarios were based on residential (Method B), and commercial and industrial exposures (Method C). 3 ln addition, a "routine" method was provided (Method A). Method C (commercial and industrial) will result in restrictions on the future use of the site. Cleanup levels for soils established under Methods B and C must meet four requirements. First, they must be at least as stringent as concentrations established under applicable state and federal laws, commonly known as "ARARs." Second, they must not cause contamination of groundwater at levels that exceed groundwater cleanup levels set under MTCA. Frequentty, this value is established by multiplying the applicable groundwater cleanup level by 100. However, the regulations allow for a demonstration to be made that a higher soil concentration will be protective of the groundwater. For TpH, the regulations expressly allow the demonstration to be made 6n the basis of data on individual substances that compromise the TPH. Third, cleanup levels for soils established under Methods B and C must not result in acute or chronic effects on human health via direct contact with contaminated soils. These levels are calculated using a formula provided in the MTCA regulations. Use of the formulas requires toxicity data about the hazardous substance of concern. Fourth, cleanup levels for soils must ensure there will be no exceedances of ambient air concentrations established under MTCA. Because of the absence of adequate toxicity data regarding all constituents of petroleum mixtures Ecology has discouraged the use of Methods B and C to calculate TpH cleanup levels; Ecology has recommended that only Method A be used. petroleum products are complex chemical mixtures that consist of hundreds of compounds. Although good toxicity data exist for some of these compounds, for many others there is no dJta or is inconclusive. Evaluation of the toxicity of petroleum ,"i""r"J into the environment is further complicated by the fact that the chemical composition of a release changes over time due to weathering effects and natural degradation. ln order to clarify the cleanup process and show how cleanup levels and remedy selection interact, this lnterim Policy outlines the steps of the remedy selection process for petroleum release sites- Surrooate Approach for TPH-Overview This lnterim policy explains how to calculate Methods B and C cleanup levels for TPH using surrogates.- The surrogate approach involves representing complex weathered petrJleum rirtrr", ny suustiiuting'known data for particular substances or for ranges of substances. since thl whole product mixture at each site can no longer be evaluated, smaller fractions of the mixture from the site must be evaluated instead. The use of surrogates is a two-step process: (1) define the fractions, and (2) define the surrogate values to be used for those fractions' 4 Cleanup levels under MTCA must protect humans from direct exposure to the hazardous substance, and also must protect other media that may become contaminated if the substance migrates. ln this lnterim Policy, direct exposure is referred to as "toxicity,' and the migration of contaminants from soil to other media is referred to as "fate and transport." For toxicity, the surrogate values needed for Methods B and C are toxicity oral reference doses (ORfDs). For fate and transport the surrogate values are the physical and chemical properties that can be used in mathematical models for chemical movement through and into soil, water, and air. Fractions of petroleum can be defined by the size of the molecules of the substances. Since a common analytical technique, chromatography, relies on the mobility of the substances and mobility is related to the size of the molecules, chromatography can be used to define and quantiff fractions of the mixtures. Petroleum compounds have molecular structures based on atoms of carbon. The shape of the molecules (straight chain, branched chained, cyclic, etc.) and the size (number of carbon atoms) determine the chemical and physical properties. The relationship between the structure and the chemical and physical properties can also be expressed by how many carbons each substance acts as if it has rather than how many it actually has. This will better allow groups of substances, or'fractions" (fractions of the total), to be combined with similar-acting substances. The fractions used in this lnterim Policy for fate and transport use the term "EC" ("equivalent carbons," also called "relative carbon index numbe/') which is nof always the sarne as actual carbon numbers. The analytical data must be reported in this manner in order to use the formulas in this lnterim Policy. Petroleum hydrocarbons can be divided into two major fractions based on their structures: (1) aliphatic hydrocarbons (carbon chains that are straight such as normal hexane, branched such as 3-ethyl hexane, or cyclic such as cyclohexane); and (2) aromatic hydrocarbons (typified by benzene-unsaturated 6 carbon ring-structures). The two fractions tend to have similar compounds within each, both in terms of toxicity and fate and transport properties. Hydrocarbons can have single carbon-to-carbon bonds (alkanes); one or more double carbon-to-carbon bonds (alkenes); or one or more triple carbon-to-carbon bonds (alkynes). Alkynes are rare in petroleum products. Since it is easier from an analytical perspective to include most alkenes with aromatics and they share many properties, the term "aromatics" in this lnterim Policy is meant to include alkenes (some alkenes, especially volatile low carbon number alkenes may be quantified as aliphatics rather than as aromatics). Surrogate Approach for TPH-Human Health Toxicity It has not yet been demonstrated to Ecology that there is adequate data to support more than one surrogate substance with a corresponding oral reference dose (ORfD) for each of the two groups, aliphatic and aromatic. Therefore, only n-hexane, as the 5 surrogate for the entire aliphatic group, and pyrene, as the surrogate for the entire aromitic group, are discussed. The oral reference doses for these two substances are atready established and used in MTCA. An important principle in MTCA for toxicity (non-carcinogen) determinations is "additivity.' That is, toxic effects can be the sum of everything that produces the toxic effect. For purposes of calculating Methods B and C cleanup levels, differing toxic effects do not need to be added together, but similar effects must be added together.r All the toxic effects of all the petroleum compounds are not known, and defining them for fractions has not yet been accomplished to Ecology's satisfaction. At this time, Ecology assumes toxic effects can be the result of aliphatics, aromatics, or any fraction thereoi Therefore, as described in the MTCA regulation, they must be summed and the sum cannot exceed a hazard index of "one."z Surrogate Approach for TPH-Fate and Transport This lnterim policy also proposes a way to use surrogates to model the fate and transport of petroieum. The use of fractions and surrogates is well suited to a complex mixture such as petroleum. The broad range of physical properties of the compounds in a mixture can be modeled by many fractions. This lnterim Policy recommends six fractions for aliphatic compounds, benzene and toluene for the smallest aromatic compounds, and five additional aromatic fractions. There are two fate and transport pathways of major concern: (1) movement from the soil to groundwater; and (2) from ihe soil to air. There are numerous models in scientific literature for these pathways, but most apply to single substances or simple mixtures. The modeling of the complex petroleum *i*ture is itiil under study, especially for vapor transport. For protection of groundwater, especially when the groundwater is or.can be a source of drinking water, i t"te and transport model is suggested that is considered to be protective. Surroqate Approach for TPH-Analytical The analytical method is a two-step process: (1) measure volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VpH) by a "purge and trap" process followed by gas chromatography (GC) and detection'UV t*o detectors that can discriminate between many aliphatics and aromatics; and (2) measure extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) by a solvent extraction and solid-phase extraction/fractionation followed by gas chromatography and a single detector. The distinction between aliphatics and aromatics for EPH occurs in the extraction stePs. lFor instsance, each compound affecting the nervous syslem should be added tsogether, but, they do not need !o be added with compounds thaE affect only the Iiver zwac 123-340-700 (3) (b) a (c) 6 ln addition, individual substances must be analyzed in many instances: benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes (BETX), carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic compounds(cPAHs),:and possibly other hazardous substances such as fuel additives that may occur with petroleum products. Current "W-TPH" (Washington methods for TPH) analytical methods may still be used for screening samples or for Method A. on TP ln 1991, Ecology issued a guidance document for remediation of petroleum contaminated soils for leaking underground storage tanks. ln 1994 the document was updated and its focus was changed so that it was no longer aimed at leaking tanks That guidance document, entitled Contaminated Soils remains valid However, it should be read in conjunction with this lnterim Policy which describes how Methods B and C cleanup levels may be calcutated for TPH. For example, Table V (End Use Criteria For Petroleum Contaminated Soils) of the Guidance for Remediation of leum Contamin ated Soils is based on Method A. This lnterim Policy permits the development of cleanup levels that are risk-based and site-specific. This lnterim Policy may be used to modify Table V values of the Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils to reflect Methods B or C values appropriate for the disposal location or end use. ln 1992, Ecology issued a document entitled: Petroleum Contaminated Soils Rating Matrix to provide guidance on circumstances in which TPH concentrations in soils could exceed Method A levels without harming a drinking water aquifer. However, an upper limit could not be determined for toxicity, so the guidance was limited. The Matrix can still be used for example, when the TPH contamination is low and guidance is needed on how to do a TPH analysis, as for Method A. ln 1994, Ecology issued a "Focus" sheet entitled: Total Petroleum Hvdrocarbon (TpH) Cleanup. ln the "Focus" Ecology stated, "Methods B or C can be used for contaminants that are on-site along with TPH, but TPH cleanup levels must be defined by Method A or the LUST Matrix." This lnterim Policy replaces that Focus document ln 1995, Ecology issued Guidance on Samplinq and Data Analysis Methods to provide information on common sampling and data analyses issues. The document is Publication No. 9449. This Guidance is still recommended. 3The list, of the 7 compound.s is found in wAC L73-340-200 under the definitsj-onfor I'PAHs (carcinogenic) ". They are also listed laEer in this documenE in thet,able for TPH compounds. 7 Step-by-Step Description Following is a step-by-step description of how a petroleum release may be addressed under MTCA: Step 1: Remove Active Product Source lf the removal of a tank or other active product source is already planned or undenruay at the site, remove heavily contaminated soil as part of the project. (ln areas with a high water table, conduct the project during periods of low groundwater levels, if possible, to allow removal of any heavily contaminated "smear zone" soil.) The heavily contaminated soil should be treated or disposed of at a fully permitted facility that is authorized to accept such material. The decision whether to treat or dispose of the contaminated soil should be made in accordance with the remedy selection requirements of WAC f73-340-360. Step 2: Conduct lnterim Actions As Needed Where an interim action is appropriate, it should focus on stopping free product or vapor migration. The goal is to eliminate or minimize migration beyond the property boundary or point of actual exposure, whichever is closest to the source. Eliminate explosion hazards and immediate inhalation risks, remove free product in the tank pit, stop any obviously on-going product releases, migration, et cetera. See WAC 173-340- 430 for interim action requirements. Step 3: Characterize the Site Site characterization should be commensurate with the site conditions and complexity. Enough data must be collected to complete the site characterization. These may be done all at once or in phases (i.e., enough data are collected to select the next action, then additional data are collected as the need arises). See WAC 173-340-350 and 450 for requirements related to remedial investigation and feasibility studies. Table 1 shows TPH compounds and TPH fractions that could be found in releases; use it as a guide for analysis. However, it cannot be taken as a complete list. Caution should-be used, especially when the type of release is uncertain, when there may be contaminants, or when the release may contain more than one product- B Table 1 TPH Compounds and TPH Fractions Type of Release TPH Compounds and TPH Fractions Gasoline Kerosene, Jet fuels Diesel, Light fuel oils Heavy fuelr: oils Unknown (l) Benzene X X X Toluene X x X Ethylbenzene X X X Xylenes x X X : :i,: s inr s ii5 p4 irbljPll*jl*j, Benzo(a)pyrene X X X X Chrysene X x X x D ibenzo(a,h)anthrac ene X X X X Ideno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene X X X X Benzoft)fluoranthene X x X X Benzo(a)anthracene X X X X Benzo(b)fluoranthene X X X X Other PAHs X X X X (2)(2) Lead (inorganic)(2)(2) Ethers (e.g. MTBE)(2)(2) Ketones (2)(2) Alcohols (2)(2) Aliphatics EC5-EC6 X X X X Aliphatics >EC5-ECt x X x X X Aliphatics >ECr-EC,o X X X X x Aliphatics >ECro-ECr2 x X x X Aliphatics > ECrz-ECr6 x X x Aliphatics >EC,.X X Aromatics >EC8-ECro X X x X Aromatics >ECro-ECr2 X X X X X Aromatics >EC,2-EC,6 x(3)x X X X Aromatics )EC,"-EC",x X x x Aromatics >EC2r-ECrj X X (1) Wast,e oil could contain halogenated compounds such as trichloroethylene and PCBs, and hearry metals such as chromium and cadmium(2) When suspecEed to be presenL 9 (3) There are few compounds of this aromaEic fraction "extended'r vPH method should be adequaEe for this fracti-on in gasoline. The 10 Step 4: ldentifo Cleanup Levels cleanup levels are determined by one of three methodsMethod C. Table 2: MTCA Method A petroleum Cleanup Levels Method A, Method B, or Groundwater (pg/L)Soil(mg/kg) TPH Gasoline Diesel Other 1,000 100.0 200.0 200.0 Benzene 5 0.5 Ethyl benzene 30 20.0 Toluene 40 40.0 Xylenes 20 20.0 J Method A-Method A cleanup levels may be used at appropriate petroleum releasesites, but they are not mandatory. Method A consists oi lookup tju,r", w1h media-specific TPH cleanup levels, as well as cleanup levels for certain indivioual constituents(9'g'' BETX)' MTCA Method A cleanup levels for TPH and BETX are shown in Table 2(from wAc 173-340-720; 173-340-740: and 17g-340-745). The Method A lookuptables do not provide creanup revers for surface water or air. Method B and Method c-As noted.earlier, a principal objective of the TpH lnterimPolicy is to explain how petroleum cleanup teu"rr r"y be established using Methods Band c' To do this-, it is.necessary to evaluate the toxicity of a given p"lrot"r1n releaseand the potential for migration. The EPA has developed prouiiionrl'dose-responsevalues and cancer slope factors for some whote prod'ucts (e.g., gasoline). However,these values are for fresh product and do not take into account the changes in theproduct due to weathering and natural degradation; thus, toxicity evaluations based onwhole product values have large uncertainties. These uncertainties may besubstantially reduced by evaluating the toxicity of the diff";;;f;;rb"; n'uro"r fractionsin a mixture' This lnterim Policy describes a way to use these fractions for a surrogateapproach as well as a way to use fractions of TPH for predicting fate and transport toother media. 11 Vaoors and Odors This lnterim Policy does not completely address health effects of vapors nor does it provide cleanup levels that necessarily address residual odors. Human H Ith Toxicitu For human health toxicity (non-carcinogen), Ecology is recommending two fractions for TPH: "total aliphatics" and "total aromatics." All petroleum mixtures can be represented by these two plus the three substances with oral reference doses used in MTCA: toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (total of the three xylene isomers). The ORfDs for these fractions and substances are shown in the following section on "Non-Carcinogen Formulas and Calculations for Human Health Contact-Soils" (see page 12). Surrogates are used only to evaluate non-carcinogenic effects. They are not used to evatuate the carcinogenic risk posed by a petroleum release. lnstead, carcinogenic risk is determined by benzene and, if appropriate, carcinogenic PAHs (cPAHs). The procedure for evaluating the carcinogenic risks of a petroleum release is the same as current MTCA practices: benzene, cPAHs, and any other contaminant cannot exceed their individual Methods B or C carcinogen formula levels for individual or total risk (see wAc 173-340-720 (3) & (a); fi3-340'-740 (3) & (a); and 173-340-745 (4)). It is necessary to comply with other non-carcinogen Methods B or C levels or other regulatory standards such as "Maximum Contaminant Levels" (MCLs) for potable groundwater even when using BTEX and surrogates for toxicity. Under MTCA, cleanup levels must be established for each impacted medium. Moreover, the cleanup level must be set at a levelthat not only is protective in the case of human direct contact (e.g., ingestion of soil or water), but also accounts for exposure through other pathways or to environmental receptors (e.9., soil to groundwater, soil to buildings or subsurface structures, vapor explosion hazards, surface water). ln considering these other potential impacts, it may be necessary to take into account considerations other than direct human health contact levels such as chemical saturation levels. (a) Groundwater Cleanup levels for groundwater depend on the highest beneficial use and reasonable maximum exposure expected to occur under both current and potential future site use conditions. Under MTCA, it is presumed that the highest beneficial use of groundwater is its use as drinking water, and that the reasonable maximum exposure occurs through ingestion and other domestic uses. t2 (i) Drinking Water lf the groundwater is a current or potential future source of drinking water, cleanup levels can be established using the same surrogate approach as described for cleanup levels for direct contact with soil, applying that approach to the groundwater cleanup formula provided in WAC 173-340-720. However, the Method A TPH cleanup level of one milligram per liter for all petroleum hydrocarbons can be used if it is higher than a formula value. (ii) Nonpotable Groundwater lf it is demonstrated that the groundwater is not potable under WAC 173-340-720, then it is necessary to determine the highest beneficial use. Alternative beneficial uses include discharge to surface water (and pr,otecting the uses of the surface water including habitat in both the water and sediments), agricultural uses, industrial uses, recreational uses, as well as discharge to another aquifer that is a current or potential future source of drinking water. Once the alternative beneficial use is determined, it is necessary to establish the cleanup level applicable to that use (e.9., surface water quality criteria, bioassays, or other criteria may be needed, as appropriate, to establish surface water cleanup levels). (b) Surface Water No adverse impact is allowed on surface water including the uses described above. Adverse impacts include water quality criteria violations such as a visible oil sheen. (c) Soil (i) Direct Contact The recommended procedure for establishing a cleanup level for direct contact with soil is shown in the Toxicity Worksheet (Table 3, page 13). Hazard quotients are calculated for each TPH fraction-aliphatics and aromatics. The Ecology analytical method for total aromatics includes ethylbenzene and xylenes but not benzene and toluene, so benzene must be added (there is not an ORfD for benzene so the benzene concentration must be added to the aromatic fraction rather than calculating its toxicity separately) and ethylbenzene and xylenes subtracted and calculated separately (see 13 following formulas). + Hazard quotients should also be determined for toluene, ethylbenzun", "nd total xylenes. The hazard quotients then must be added. lf the sum (the hazard index) is greater than 1.0, the direct contact levels are too high and must be lowered. They can be lowered through several methods. Ecology has no preference as to a method. The totalTPH can be reduced, or individual fractions or substances can be reduced. The resulting concentrations must be compared to the concentrations derived to protect other media, and the lowest protective numbers must be used. Non-Ca nooenic Fo ulas and Calcu tions for Hu n Health C ls For Residential Soils: soil concentration(SC)-ppm = (oRfDXABW=1 6 kqXUCF2=1,000.000 mq/kqxHQ) (SlR=200 mg/kgXABl =1 XFOC=1 ) or: HQ=(SC-oomX20 0 mo/koX1X 1) (ORfDXl 6 kgx1,000,000 mg/kg) Hazard Q u otie nt = (S o i I Co n ce ntratio n-p p m) ("facto /')/O RfD FactoriORfD = "multiplier" Residential Factor = 20Ah6,000,000 = 1.25 x 10e-5 Commercial Soils Factor = 3.125x 10e-6 lndustrial Soils Factor = 2-86 x 10e-7 aThe fractsions and formulas used for toxicity are nou the same as for faEe and EransporE, so analytical resultss cannoE be used wiEhouts manipulatsion for aE least one seE of the calculations ' L4 Oral Reference Dose (ORfD)s TotalAliphatic = 0.06 mg/kg-day TotalAromatic (5'EC" fractions plus benzene)s - 0.03 mg/kg-day Ethylbenzene = 0.1 mg/kg-day Toluene = 0.2 mg/kg-day Total Xylenes = 2.0 mg/kg-day EXAMPLE ln the following Table, example soil concentrations have been selected to illustrate howone determines the hazard quotients and hazard index. ln this example, no hazardquotient or hazard index exceeds "one" so these levels would be considered to beprotective for human health contact toxicity (non-carcinogen) under this surrogate approach. (The term "Factor" is the number representing all the values of the formula other thanthe ORfD; the term "Multiplie/' is the number representing the "Factor" divided by the ORfD for the compound. The soil concentration times the multiplier results in the hazard quotient.) Table 3: Example Worksheet Non-Carcinogen--Human Health Soils Contact soRfDs are subjec! to upd.ating. check with Ecology if uncert,ain.6"Tota1 aromatics" should not include ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes sincethey are comput,ed separaEely. The Ecology analyEical method for aromaticsincludes ethylbenzene and xylenes in the result for the EC>B-10 fraction. "Total aromat,ics" is uhe sum of t,he 5 fractions, so those compounds slrould besubEracted. Benzene is not included in any of lhe I'ECrr fracEions, so it mustbe added to account for its cont,ribution. 15 Compound Soil Conc. (ppm) Residen. Factor Multiplier HQ Commer. Multiplier HQFactor lndus. Factor Multiplie HQORfD Totalaliphatic Total aromatic Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylenes Total aromatic+B-E-X 3000 1200 20 200 s00 500 520 0.06 0.03 0.10 o.20 2.00 0.03 1.258-04 2.08E-03 0.63 1.25E-04 1.25E-04 1.25E-04 1.25E-U 1.25E-03 6.25E-04 6.25E-05 4.17E-03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.22 3.13E-M 1.56E-04 1.56E-05 1.04E-03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 3.125E-05 5.21E-04 0.16 3.125E-05 3.125E-05 3.125E-05 3.125E-05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.86E-06 4.77E-05 0.01 2.86E-06 2.86E-06 2.86E-06 2.86E-06 2.86E-05 1.43E-05 1.43E-06 9.53E-05 ,:"i:i$!$*H3-2.!rgr!1"{eX irf: ,;..rr,*lss**.$R**;i.':Is\iYi: itiiiP:so .$-iii'. ri.s:..,i,s" .,-,:i:: "::';t i;::l*i0.23 $ii.i\j!:ir$.ji;.\,', r. 0.02 Carcinoqen Formulas and Galculations for Human Hea Ith Contact--Soils For Residential Soils Soil Concentration-ppm = (OCP FXS I R=200 mg/day)(AB 1 = 1 XDU R=6 yrs)(FOC= 1 ) or: Risk = €C-ppm) (OCPfl (200 mg/dayX1)(6 yrsXl) (16 kgx75 yrsxl ,000,000 mg/kg) Risk = (SC--ppmXOCPFXl x 106) Commercial Soils: Risk = (SC-ppmXOCPFX2.5 x 10'?) lndustrial Soils: Risk = (SC-ppmXOCPFX7.62 x 10{) Oral Cancer Potency Factor (OCPflz ?OCPFs are subjecE to updating. Check vrith Ecology Lf uncertain ife=7 U L5 Benzene = 0.029 kg-day/mg Carcinogenic PAHs (all) = 7.3 kg-day/mg L7 (ii) Soil-to-Groundwater Pathway An evaluation of the soil-to-groundwater pathway determines what concentrations may be left in vadose zone soil and not cause an exceedance of groundwater cleanup levels. Under Method B, this cleanup level is established by multiplying the applicable groundwater cleanup level by 100 (Option 1 below), unless it can be demonstrated that I nign"r soit conceniration is protective of groundwater (WAC 173-340-740(3)(a)(iixA)). OptLns 2 - 4 are given below as suggested ways to make the demonstration allowed in the rule in order to deviate from the 100x method. These options may be used to calculate vadose zone soil concentrations protective of groundwater unless the release of hydrocarbons in soil has already reached groundwater and the groundwater cleanup leveis are exceeded at the point of compliance, or the assumptions inherent in the options are not appropriate for the site (i.e. use of the options would tend to underestimate the migration of the chemical in the environment). lf groundwater cleanup levels have blen exceeded, a remedial action should be selected. These calculations will also be useful in selecting remedial actions and focusing efforts on the material/situations presenting the greatest risk to groundwater. Other options to develop cleanup levels may be proposed to Ecology on a site-specific basis. Also, the theoreiical and empirical methods presented here may be refined or new methods added as Ecology continues work on the issue of fate and transport. Option 1: 100 X Groundwater The Method B approach given in the rule may still be used. That is, the soil cleanup level protective oi groundwater may be established by multiplying the applicable groundwater cleanirp level by 100. Groundwater units of mg/l convert directly to soil inits of mg/kg after multiplying by 100. For example: where the Method A drinking water concentration of t m-gdis ihe "ppropriate cleanup level, 100 times 1 mg/L would equal a soil cteanup level of 100 mg/kg. Option 2: Soil/Pore Water Partitioning and Groundwater Mixing Equilibrium partitioning in the vadose zone and a simple mass balance mixing model in the saturated zone mJy oe used to estimate soil concentrations that are protective of groundwater. Use of these two concepts is based on the following simplifying assumptions: . Soil contamination extends from the surface to the water table; o The source is infinite (i.e., steady-state concentrations will be maintained ingroundwaterovertheexposureperiodofinterest);. Contaminants are uniformly distributed throughout the zone of contamination; 18 ' There is no chemical or biological degradation in the unsaturated zone;' Fquilibrium soil/water partitioning is instantaneous and linear in thecontaminated soil; ' The receptor well is at the edge of the source (i.e., there is no dilutionfrom recharge downgradient of the site) and is screened within the plume;. The aquifer is unconsolidated and unconfined (surficial);. Aquifer properties are homogeneous and isotropic; and ' There is no attenuation (i.e., adsorption or degradation) of contaminants inthe aquifer. Under this approach, two fate and transport mechanisms are accounted for: (1) vadosezone partitioning between the contamination in the soil and the water "leachatei flowingthrough that contamination source, and (2) mixing of contaminated "leachate" from thJsource and clean water in the saturated zone. Fate and Transport Parameters Part of the difficulty in conducting fate and transport modeling for TpH has been that itis a mixture of many chemicals, and the values for various ptiysical and chemicalproperties of petroleum distillates vary widely. These physicai and chemical properties are input variables for the different fate and transport equations/models used toevaluate chemicals' movement in the subsurface. \Mthout estimates of theseproperties, it has been impossible to evaluate TPH as a whole, and efforts have beenlimited to use of indicator chemicals such as BTEX. Recently, work has been done to estimate these physical and chemical properties bysplitting TPH into smaller'slices" or fractions. Properties such as solubiiity, Henry,sConstant, or molecular weight of each fraction, have been estimated by looking ai whatdata are available for the compounds in each fraction and assuming that similjr compounds would have similar properties. Ecology has reviewed two different schemes for establishing fractions and the corresponding physical and chemicalparameters for those fractions (e.9., solubility or molecular weight). Currenfly, Ecologybelieves that the work done by the nationalTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbon CriteriaWorking Group (TPHCWG) provides the most accurate estimate of these parameters. The work done by the state of Massachusetts was arso reviewed. Fate and transport parameters from the TPHCWG are presented below. These values(from the October 8, 1996 final draft of Selection of Representative TpH Fractions Based on Fate and Transport Considerationst may be used unless intormation isavailable indicating that other values are appropriate for a particular mixture. The TPHCWG has not yet completed lab or field validation of these theoretically calculatednumbers. As more experience with these theoreticalvalues and the surrogate approach is gained, there may be modifications. 19 20 Table 4 Fate and Transport Fractions and Surrogate Values * EC - Equivalent carbon number "* Koc - Octanol/water partition coefficient Partitioninq Below are two theoretical equations that can be used to determine partitioning (of dissolved phase) to pore water in the vadose zone. The two equations are: Raoult's Law and a three-phase equilibrium partitioning equation. \l/hen certain chemical mixtures, such as TPH, are present or when chemicals exceed the chemical saturation level, Raoult's Law governs the concentrations of chemical(s) in the vapor and water phases of the soil. Raoult's Law states that the equilibrium concentration of a chemical in the moisture phase is dependent on the mole fraction and the solubility of the chemical in water. That is, the composition and solubilitv of the fractions determine the pore water concentration rather than TPH concentration in the soil. Raoult's Law will probably be the equation most commonly used for determining soil pore water concentrations at TPH sites because TPH is a mixture rather than a single compound. COMPOUND EC*Water Solubility Mol. WT Henry's Constant Koc* (mg/l)(s/mol)(cc/cc)(Ukg) ALIPHATICS EC5-6 5.5 2.6Qf+01 81.0 3.4E+01 7.94E+02 EC>6-8 7.0 4.20E+00 100.0 5.1E+Ot 3.98E+03 EC>8-10 9.0 3.30E-01 130.0 8.2E+0t 3.16E+04 EC>10-12 1 1.0 2.60E-02 160.0 1.30+02 2.51E+05 EC > 12-16 14.0 5.90E-04 200.0 5.4E+A2 5.01E+06 EC > 16-21 19.0 1.00E-06 270.0 6.4E+03 1.00E+09 AROMATICS Benzene (EC 5-7)6.5 1.8E+03 78.0 2.3E-01 7.94E+01 Toluene (EC >7-8)7.6 5.2E+02 92.0 2.7E-01 2.51E+02 EC>8-10 9.0 6.5E+01 120.0 4.9E-01 1.59f+03 EC>10-12 11.0 2.5E+01 130.0 1.4E-01 2.51E+03 EC > 12- 16 14.0 5.8E+00 150.0 5.4E-02 5.01E+03 EC > 16 -21 19.0 5.1E-01 190.0 1.3E-02 1.58E+04 EC > 21 -35 28.0 6.6E-03 240.0 6.8E-04 1.26E+05 2L ln order to determine if the soil is protective of groundwater, the calculation starts with the soil fraction concentrations, calculates a corresponding pore water concentration for each fraction based on Raoult's Law, allows a dilution factor in the saturated zone, and compares the diluted pore water concentrations to the groundwater cleanup level to determine if the TpH composition is protective of groundwater. The equation for applying Raoult's Law to groundwater is below' Co* = XS where: Co*=concentration in the vadose zone pore water, i.e', effective solubility for each fraction (mg/L) X = mole fraction of each fraction in the soil ^S = solubility of each fraction in water (mg/L) This approach assumes: (1) partitioning between non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) and the pore water controls the concentration of chemical in the pore water; and (2) the fractional composition of the NAPL is the same as the fractional composition of total soil sampte. TH|S AppRoAcH SHOULD BE USED FOR StrES UNLESS THERE ARE LOW TPH CONCENTRATIONS AND ONLY A SINGLE FRACTION PRESENT. For soilwith low concentrations and only a sing le chemical or fraction present, a three phase partitio ning equation will more accurately predict the pore water concentration \Mile this equation will probablY not be common ly used, it is presented along with some background information for those situations where it will be appropriate. "Low concentrations"in soil are defined as those less than the chemical saturation concentration (Csat)in the soil. Csat corresPonds to the chemical concentration in soil at which sorption lim its of the soil Particles,solubility limits of the soil Pore water, and saturation of soil Pore air, have been reached At these low concentrations. the concentration in the soil. The equation to determine Csat is below. c'ot = ]{*"'f"" Pt * o * + H o') where: C,"t = chemical saturation concentration (mg/kg) 5 = water solubility of the fraction (mg/L)(see Table-4 above) pr = du bulk density (kg/Lxsuggested default is 1.85 kg/L for subsurface soils) 'io, = rbil orgrnic carbon /water partition coefficient (Ukg)(see Table 4 above) f:: = fraction organic carbon in soil (g/gxsuggested default is 0'001) "0"* = water-filled soil porosity (l-,.*/L*ir)(suggested default is 0'15) i= Henry's constant (cm3/cm3) (see Table 4 above) 22 0" = air-filled soil porosity (n - 0,)(L./L.oir)(suggested default vatue is 0.1s)n = total soil porosity; (1 - (po /a )xsuggested defautt is 0.30)p" = soil particle density (kg/Lxsuggested defautt is 2.65 kglLi The recommended default value for fn is 0.1% based on a preliminary review of soildata from Washington State. other numbers for all default values pv o" proposed toEcology on a site-specific basis. Ile lollowing C,", concentrations are calculated based on the C.", equation with theTPHCWG values (from Table 4) for solubility, Henry's constant,ind Ko"values for eachfraction. Table 5 Csat: Chemical Saturation Concentration COMPOUND C""t (ms/kg) ALIPHATICSEC 5- 6 EC> 6- 8 EC> g-10 EC> 10-12 EC> 12-16 EC > 16 -21 AROMATICS Benzene (EC 5-7) Toluene (EC >7-8) EC> g-10 EC>10-12 EC > 12- 16 EC > 16-21 EC > 21 -35 319 182 111 65 30 8 1 102 34 13 7 3 1 23 I rl: -t Below is the three-phase equilibrium partitioning equation. This is Equation 10 on page 29 of EPA's "Soil Screening Guidance: Users' Guide " (April 1996) with a dilution factor added. Use of this equation allows direct calculation of a soil level that is protective of groundwater if the groundwater cleanup level is known. Again, this equation should be used only for soil concentrations below Csat and where only one fraction exists. c" = (c-)(r*Xr,,)*(e. * o,I{) Pa where: C" = soil cleanup level (mg/kg) C* = groundwater cleanup level (mg/L) DF - dilution factor Ko" = soil organic carbon /water partition coefficient (Ukgxsee Table 4) f"" = lraction organic carbon in soil (g/gxsuggested default is 0'001) 9* = water-filled soil porositY (L*""/L,o,')(suggested default is 0.15) If = Henry's constant (cm3/cm3)(see Table 4) 0, = air-frlled soil porosity (n - g- XL",/L*i, )(suggested default value is 0.'15) n = total soil porosity; (1 - (po la ))(suggested default is 0.30) h = dry bulk density (kg/L)(suggested default is 1.85 kg/L for subsurface soils) p, = soil particle density (kg/L)(suggested default is 2.65 kg/L) Residual Saturation The upper limit to any pore water partitioning equation is when the soil becomes physically saturated with NAPL such that the NAPL liquid begins to flow downward under the force of gravity. This concentration is termed "residual saturation". This concentration is dependent on product properties and soil properties (including grain size and soil moisture content). Typical literature estimates of petroleum residual saturation for the vadose zone vary from 10 to 20o/o of the pore space (values reported range from 5 to 60%). This translates to gasoline concentrations of approximately IZ,OOO to 24,000 mg/kg (assuming a porosity of 3Ao/o and gasoline specific gravity of 0.7). The value woulO increase to 39,000 mg/kg if porosity were as high as 43% such as might be found in surficial, non-compacted soil. Values can be higher or lower for other distiltates and different soittypes or stratigraphy. lf petroleum is in the soil above residual saturation foi that product type and soil. product will begin to flow downward purely under the force of gravity. This is a different transport mechanism than pore 24 water partitioning and may cause an exceedance of groundwater cleanup levels if liquid product reaches the groundwater table. A site-specific determination of residual saturation for different petroleum distillates and soil types could be done by reviewing literature sources or conducting lab testing to estimate the concentration for the soil type(s), soil moisture condition(s), and product type(s) at the site. Having an accurate, site-specific estimate of residual saturation would be important for those situations where residual product is close to the groundwater table, the leak or spill is relatively recent and product may still be slowly draining downward, there is a high likelihood of an additional product release, or other circumstances indicate that this is a likely transport mechanism for moving product to the groundwater. Calculations The steps for using the equilibrium partitioning and mixing zone approach when mixtures are present are below. Step (a): Calculate partitioning from the soil to the pore water in the vadose zone Step (b): Determine the dilution factor for the saturated zone. Step (c): Calculate the projected concentration in monitoring well. Step (a): Calculate partitioning from the soil to the pore water in the vadose zone for each fraction. As described above, Raoult's Law should be used for most TPH calculations to determine if groundwater is protected. Co* = XS wherel Co* = concentration in the vadose zone pore water, i.e., effective solubility for each fraction (mg/L) X = mole fraction of each fraction in the soil S = solubility of each fraction in water (mg/L) This approach assumes: (1) partitioning between the NAPL and the pore water controls the concentration of chemical in the pore water, and (2) the fractional composition of the NAPL is the same as the fractional composition of total soil sample Step (b): Calculate the dilution factor for each fraction 25 lf the source area (i.e., area of contaminated material in the vadose zone) is less than 0.5 acre in size, water from precipitation is the only source of infiltration to the subsurface (e.g., no stormwater ponds or leaking/broken pipelines) and there is no upgradient contamination flowing into the site, a default value of 20 may be used as the oitution factor. This value is based on work done by the EPA and is documented in the G nd lf the source area is greater than 0.5 acre in size, there is infiltration other than precipitation or there is upgradient contamination flowing into the site; other methods must be used to derive the dilution factor. The EPA Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Backqround Document provides an approach that can be used in these "ircrrrt"""* (iee text starting on page 42). Ecology is currently evaluating the EPA method to derive the dilution factor, and plans to provide additional guidance' Step (c): Calculate projeqted concentration in monitoring well. For each fraction, divide the pore water concentration calculated in the first step by the dilution factor to obtain the concentration in groundwater at a well downgradient of the contaminant source. Then sum the water concentrations for each fraction. This total number can be compared to Method A drinking water value (if drinking water has been ) O.termined to be the highest beneficial use of the groundwater) and used to evaluate whgther or not the soil is protective of drinking water. lf the calculated groundwater number is greater than 1 mg/l, the soil concentrations are not protective of groundwater lf the calcuiated groundwater number is less than 1 mg/!, the soil TPH concentration should be protective of drinking water' Example The following is an example of the soil to groundwater calculation using Raoult's Law. Column 1 shows the different aliphatic and aromatic fractions' Column 2 shows the soil concentrations in each fraction for a hypothetical soil sample. Column 3 shows the molecular weight of each fraction (from the TPHCWG values). Column 4 shows the number of moles of each fraction (Column 2 divided by Column 3) Column S shows the mole fraction of each fraction (each row in Column 4 divided by the sum of Column 4). Column 6 shows the solubility of each fraction (from the TPHCWG values). Column 7 shows the effective solubility of each fraction in the pore water (Column 5 multiplied bY Column 6). Column g shows the dilution factor (the value of 20 is presented here for the purposes of illustration only - the dilution factor should be determined according to the procedures given in the text). 26 Column 9 shows the concentration of each fraction that would be in a monitoring well at the downgradient edge of the source area. The sum of these values (shown in bold at the bottom of the column - 3.8 mg/L in this example) should be compared with the appropriate groundwater standard. This hypothetical soil example would not be protective of the Method A drinking water standard of 1 mg/L since 3.8 mg/l is greater than 1 mg/L. Table 6 Hypothetical Soil-to-Grou ndwater Exam ple 1 GOMPOUND Aliphatics EC5-6 EC>6-8 EC >8 -10 EC >10 -12 EC >12 -16 EC >16 -21 Aromatics Benzene Toluene EC>8-10 EC >10 - 12 EC >12 - 16 EC >16 - 21 EC >21 - 35 2345678Soil MW Moles Mol. Frac. Solubility Effect. Sol. DF (mg/kg) (g/mol) (mmoUkg) (percent) (mg/t) (mg/t) 9 Gonc.@ well (mg/l) 0.036 0.087 0.0026 0.00002 0.00000 0.000000 100 2000 1000 100 5 5 0.03 0.41 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.17 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 81 100 130 160 200 270 1.2 20.0 7.7 0.6 0.0 0.0 28 0.7 204.2 1.73 200.33 0.052 200.026 0.0003 20 0.00059 0.00000 20 0.0000010 0.0000000 20 100 100 1 000 1 000 50 10 10 78 92 120 130 150 190 240 1.3 1.1 8.3 7.7 0.3 0.1 0.0 48.4 1780 520 65 25 5.80 0.51 0.01 2.36 0.584 0.559 0.1 99 0.002 0.0000 0.0000 47.1 2011.7 2011.2 2A4.0 200.04 200.001 20 0.00001 4 3.8 lf the highest beneficial use of the groundwater is determined to be something other than drinking water (e.9., surface water), it is necessary to use cleanup levels applicable to that beneficial use in calculating soil cleanup levels protective of groundwater. Option 3: Empirical Demonstration Alternatively, the pore water concentrations may be estimated by using a leach test instead of the soil/water partitioning equations. The leach test should be designed to accomplish the following goals: 27 1) Determine the actual pore water concentration coming from contaminated material, not a diluted concentration; 2) Model desorption rather than sorption; 3) Prevent biodegradation both prior to and during leach testing; 4) Prevent volatilization during sampling, sample storage/transporting and leach testing; 5) Address variabilig in soil characteristics and product composition; and 6) Complete a mass balance by measuring fraction concentrations both in water and in the soil or NAPL Phase. Ecology is evaluating various protocols to provide specific guidance on this topic. This type ol testing may also be used on a site-specific basis to confirm the theoretical values calculated using the partitioning equations in Option 2. Option 4: LUST Matrix The existing Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) matrix may be used to determine soil cleanup levels protective of groundwater if the conditions specified in the guidance apply to the site. (iii) Soil to Confined Space lndoor Air Pathway lf there are surface or subsurface structures that may be affected by vapors from a residual hydrocarbon source and the residual hydrocarbon includes volatile constituents, cleanup levels must be established that address both short-term and long- term risks, as approPriate. Short-term risks may exist where there is periodic short-term worker exposure (e.9., utility maintenance). The risks may relate to the vapor's potential for explosivity or flammability, as well as toxicity. lf such short-term risks are suspected to exist, the air inside the structure should be measured (1) for the threshold limit values (TLV) by using an appropriate detector, and (2) for explosivity and flammability by using a combustible gas indicator. Alternatively, soil gas sampling may be used to assess the presence of i"porr in the soil outside the structure. lt should be recognized that vapor migration is highly variable and soil vapor measurements should be made at times and locations when concentrations would be greatest: e.g., during times of barometric pressure changes or water table increases-single measurements cannot be relied on' lf me"surements indicate that the concentrations pose a risk, a cleanup action must be selected and implemented under Step 6. Long-term vapor risks may exist where occupants of the structure have repeated, long- term exposure (e.g., a full residential basement). Additional work to specity a method to 2A predict soil concentrations which will be protective of this pathway is underway. Methods available at this time to monitor for vapor concerns include: soil gas monitoring as described above, building vapor monitoring, or soil sampling and analyses. The evaluation of the vapor pathway should include consideration of the volatile fractions present at the site and/or an indicator chemical approach such as that provided in the Arherican Society for Testing and Materials - Risk-Based Corrective Action (ASTM-RBCA) standard. lt should be noted that the RBCA vapor equations only account for slow diffusion of vapors and do not account for advective flow which can be a primary transport mechanism. ASTM provides soil screening levels for BTEX, naphthalene, and benzo(a)pyrene. There may be other volatiles which pose a risk via vapors. STEP 5: Compare Site Concentrations to Cleanup Levels The media-specific cleanup levels determined under Step 4 are compared to the corresponding concentrations found at the site. lf the concentrations at the site do not exceed the cleanup levels, no further action is required at the site (other than any appropriate long-term monitoring), assuming that all appropriate pathways have been addressed. Otherwise, it is necessary to select and implement a cleanup action under Step 6. STEP 6: Select and lmplement Cleanup Action (lf Appropriate) A cleanup action must protect human health and the environment and be "permanent to the maximum extent practicable". These and other requirements for selectiqg a remedy are given in WAC 173-340-360. Step 6.1: Evaluate Alternatives ln accordance with WAC 173-340-360, evaluate alternative remedial actions. Common technologies for petroleum contaminated sites include: soil vapor extraction, thermal desorption, bioremediation, groundwater pump-and-treat, air sparging, landfilling, etc. The following types of technologies shall be considered in order of descending preference: reuse or recycling, destruction or detoxification, separation or volume reduction, immobilization, disposal at an engineered facility, isolation or containment, and institutional controls/monitoring. Step 6.2: Select the Remedy for the Site Ecology expects that a combination of methods will often be used. For example, in-situ treatment or removal of material that is migrating and/or material causing the greatest 29 ;l risk might be used in combination with on-site containment (and associated institutional controls) for material which is not migrating or posing a risk to human health and the environment if it is contained. Step 6.3: lmplement the Remedy lmplement the remedial action selected for the site. Long-term monitoring and institutional controls shall be required if on-site disposal, isolation, or containment is the selected cleanup action for a site or a portion of a site (WAC 173-340-360 (8)). Other requirements for cleanup actions are given in WAC 173-340400. Step 6.4: Disposal and End Use Criteria Cleanup levels for soil are determined based on conditions at a particular site. lf soils are transported from the site at a later date, the assumption should NOT be made that the soil concentrations are protective for all purposes. Each situation and soil should be evaluated as to the appropriateness of using that soil at another location and whether the soil may cause exceedances of cleanup levels at that location. For example, a soil concentration that is protective based on human ingestion at a commercial site may not be protective if placed close to a surface water body. Table V in the Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils.page 38, presents soil concentrations and recommended uses based on Method A cleanup levels and protection for all pathways. Soils with concentrations greater than these may be appropriate if it is demonstrated that all pathways/issues at the new location are addressed. Step 7: Evaluate Cleanup Action Once a cleanup action has been implemented (other than operation and maintenance and long-term monitoring), the action is evaluated to determine whether it provides the required protection of human health and the environment. lf it does provide such protection, no further action is required (except for institutional controls, operation and maintenance, and other long-term monitoring activities, if required). lf it does not provide such protection, additional steps must be taken to assure protection. For sites conducted under an order or consent decree, Ecology is required to review the remedy at least once every five years. Compliance monitoring is required for all cleanup actions. ln particular, the soil-to- groundwater calculations are based on theoretical assumptions; therefore, groundwater monitoring must be conducted to ensure that the groundwater is, in fact, protected. Goals of the monitoring are: (1) confirm that cleanup standards and other performance 30 standards (if appropriate) have been attained, and (2) confirm the long-term effectiveness of actions once cleanup standards and other performance standards (if appropriate) have been attained. See Ecology's document Guidance on Sampling and Data Analyses Methods, January 1995; EPA's document Methods for Evaluating the Attainment of Cleanup Standards - Volume 2: Groundwater, 1992; and WAC 173-340- 410 for additional detail. 1 I ,,,/ 31 @ 0or i"]-,'Li,'gri :,ltoN 1t:' tl F'{r lgi '36 J;(]GEO ENGINEERS ceoffiEngineers FAX TRAI\SMITTAL Coup*nY: City of Port To*rsend 0186-385-85 Jaluar.v 12, 1998 Additional Remedial E'tcavadon and llrerim TPH Polisi" 8410 - l5'1th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 TelePhone: (+25) 861-6000 Fax: ('125) 861'6050 tr'rr Number: (.360) 385-4290Attentiofl: JeffRa:rdall Filc: Date; Regnrding: Totd Pages: 21 comments: Jeff_ we tenrativery have scheduled the additional remcdial cxcavation tg mke place at the PSE' Keamcy St, site on 1/21l98,.ner.1Y"tu::d:I:li-"" "t'""tt-a * g"ntJ-tilc pUn stto*iog the'Iocation and dimension of the pran:ned additionar oor-*io*lii" ffi&;; a;t,h";;il;ffie of iaditional soil removed ftom thcsc ..*ou"rion. ,iiil;" ;;.;n t0 ana i's .uui, y.r'ar, Th" *;J;tt"n-wi11 not be corrductcd in the rain W. i"ifl.tff you if the schedr:le changes dus to wcathu' I arso have i*cluded a copy of our letter report srunrnanzing the rcsurrs of r'c lnterim TPH Policv - MrcA Method B creanup lever carcurauil.-Ib, thc pcuoleurn ir;ilffi;;il.t""i*a ^, rrrr *t*. A hard ,opy of ttot lefter including the laboratory repons t.AnachmenrB) has beenmailed to yon' PlcasccalltneQo6).72s-1z6?4orBarryLonrbard(206;)224.21t)2ifyouhaveanyquestronsorrcquircadclitiorralinfornarion. iv pv - City ol port To,rmsond RECEIVFD JAN I 3 0gB luildlng & (omrnumity Bovclcpnonf DcscriPtionIlatcPages Sruiltury Report' Interim TPH Policy - tvfTCA N{cthod B Cleanup Level Cllculatiott Remedial ExcavabonAdditionalof PlannedLocationsGeneral Site Plan ShorryinBu rl9l98 I l9 Signed ldaese@-1 geoen gheers' com s*#lrdSF1,fccin\lffddrt*r$ Be-cdliof- E .ov"trroSd"d"t{4 {* S".*r. lf\+-\02040l----L- t rScrl-c tN fEErFFlo(oCDtFence-xzPful5,fiJ:rJul€F@t.z c.vllo'TPtIIllIIIA10 412--. -. -'- o .-AFEAAS^14Straet Substolion.a2-'6- 1cto 2. Ecs;-s--ls,-/ c+g*sl* L5* ^.dxr'fxa.5'lsA2IIIAFEAAREA BA1fi,trllrl,2,H'ztllfrln(.l.)$ltcrPt$tAll(}l{:O SOIL s$IPLE T'Y G}1Of:hTLIEERSullllE oF e(cAYAnoH(DtfTHS ARE 1.5' uNLESS oTllERgJlSE l{oTfo)Holc: The locotions ol sll (eollres shotn ore cppror'imote'Refcrcnee" Droring entilled'combincd Doto' concr*l€ Docl At'o' Xeorn?fPort foroserul' Wcbington- b1 Plnnocle GooScicrrcs' undclc{'Nc.lsG*#nq$o*t*REIitEDIAL EXCAVATIONFIOURE 3FORIIERCOI|CREIE DCCKl5 01/13/fi8 )IuN 1{:i0 FA-I {15 861 6050 GEO ENGII{EERS SummarY RePort lrrterim TPH PolicY - MTCA Method B Clearrup Level' Calculation Petroleum nYOrocarborrs irr Soil Kearney Street Substation Site Port Townsend, Washirrgton January 9, 1998' .: For .t Pulet Sound ErrergY @oat (,t\a 3 1 J GaoEngin€61!Fils No. 0186'385'8i-l t50