HomeMy WebLinkAboutOriginal Townsite Block 7 - Quincy Street Canary Tidelands Eelgrass Survey 1998.09.95Q uATtc Ewvr no TMENTAr Srnucrs 2730{ WASHINGTON S:L p.O. BOX 14S, PORTTOWNB{D, WA 9S35S, 360 .385 .7976 FA,y 360. 37g .9705 The foreshore grades very gently from the bulkhead to deeper water. Mean lower low water is approximately 35 feet seaward of the bulkhead the PRO.IECT: Quincy Street Canary Tidelands Eelgrass Suryey LOCATION: Adjacent to Quincy StreetDock, port Townsend WADATE: Saturday, August 22, and Saturday September 5, l99g PERSONNEL: Dale B. Bonar Tide: Low tide of -0.2'trar-w predicted for ll:32 am on g/22/99; Weather: 8/22/98: Partly cloudy,-brr."y. Warm, air temperature in 70,s, water temp in upper 50's. Waterrough, mu*y. 9/5/98: Clear, calm. Warrn, air temperature in the i0's, water temperature in the low60's. Watercalm, clear. -----f srrE DEscRrPTroN: (See Photographs, Figures | &2,and lvlaps, Figures 3 & 4) The Quincy Steet Cannery is located at the waters edge on the Pbrt Townsend waterfront and is constructed directly on top of the southeast-facing bulktiead, imnediately adjacent to the old.Quincy !.teet lerry Dock. As can b€ seen from the photograph in Figft Zltle approximate ordin4ry high water na{k is midyvay up the bulkhea4 aia poiniabouiT fert above the foot of the bulktiead. The base of the bulkhead is at atidal elevation of approximately + 2.5, (above mean lower low water = MLLW). The intertidal area imneAateiy adjacent to the bulkheaA'rna extending seaward from it for l0 to 15 feet is composed of large, broken slabs of concrete. Seaward ofthese concrete slabs the intertidal subJtate is comlosed of san4 grauetaod o; the southwest aspect ofthe property, larger cobbles and stones. Alo4g tncsoithwest boundary qf the Cannerybulkhead is a sandy beach, with a sligbtly clivated rock and gavel bar extending out into the lower intertidal. EXHIBIT F- INTERTIDAL BIOTA the' Ulva and Enteromorpha in this area is not aftache{ but washes arouud with the dsitg and falling tide. It appears that the area is not well flushed by longshore curients or tidal action, as algae, leaves and wood chips are cornmon in this nearshore area. Three small patches of eelgrass were noted within 30 feet ofthe bulkfiead. Two patches of the local eelgrass Zostera marina are located on the southeast margn ofthe inJertidal as shorin on Figure 3. The larg64 denser patch is approximately 6'by 3' in size and is 27' seaward of the bulkhead. A smaller, spaf,se patch approximately 5' by 2' insize is located another 4 feet seaward ofthe dense patch. On the sotrthwest portion of the intertidal area" near the rock rubble bar, a small, sparse patch (approximately I' by 3') of Japanese eelgnss, Z. iaponiium is present on the sandy bottom. A variety of invertebrate species typical of the local intertidal fauna was observe4 including small red rock crabs CCancer antennarius), and several species of starfish and sea cucunbers. SUM1UARY The intertidal area in front of the bulkhead at the Quincy Steet Cannery site is primarily a rocky-shore intertidal fauna and flora. Two species of eelgrass are present in sandy 6reas of the intertidal at 18' and27'from the bulkfiead wall. The other algal species in the arda are predominantly tllva aud Enteromorpha- much of which is not attached" The southeaslem exposure of the site will allowthe intertidal in front ofthe bgtksead tobe fully expos.d to r, ''iight at all times,of the year, so that there should be no inaAing effects resultingfromthecantileveredl0-footwidewallcwaypropgsedforthesite. " '. a Submiued: September 7, 1998 Dale B. Bonar, Ph.D. C:\MYTILES\IIIPD@S\CIJENTS\IVIISC\BALLENAS"DOC 4 ,riii ) Figure 1. Cannery intertidal, looking northeast l.r i fi, - ) Figure 2. Cannery intertidal, looking southwest Q u rruay Src err CannecgNlaxoB.e-as-t-.J.-Bose o ebguxneap/6e5\tI{\\\\l1tI\\,[3s-oxe^L- -- I(,oxcaft /Yt\\\\II-tt\/\tI\Exts-rtuoDooK .\/-Bug.g,.aIRp-grs--.--.Rgs.PLeII\,-\\r\,lI2I7II\,-\- /t\\\\\\,I---it$II/Snr.o /onate-.. Eeto4aSS,yilih{4/.=\tE,ecc"neSSPralr.t.-o-5--'BalhnasPortToYmsend,WAQuhcySteetSedembsS.l9SSheetilo.: 3'AQUANC EilVIROIIIilEIITAL SERVICES5{lEOseStedPotl Tovmsed, M 98368 (3001 38S?9?6-) I-Cnttuecy13ucx Aenoor4W a+ 8-3ttt-LLt^t-ao-ee.etE / Ruee.-e,.E ecr-RASS27'BallErasQufrtcyStnetPortTovmgend,WA$eotems5,1998N{^SheetAquAnc Eill,lR0lfilEllTAt sERvlcEsSlSOseShdPort Toymsend, TtA S368 (3601 385-7976 I! !, f .',1'' " r' NEq i,i t++ iR-i 'i uco.l'cr'tl{$t;9q4 ,trt I :: :',it ;.il l'r t' .! i l.-.I 't t, ,l "'t"t' ,:.3. tl r.l {j.t t ;:::.-i:.' 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