HomeMy WebLinkAboutAL Pettygrove Block 2 Lot 4 - Geologically Hazardous Area - 1997.03.26seEr-(rtr-(J.+ Ul :55P Lres iqn Studio' ' 63167/2A54 E8:O7 29622{AAL8 P tilctilEEn [rlc, llrlc. Ivlarch 26, tgg7 L"- A,Bwazz_ oF rLt-s'*' GLG 206 7a3 7562 P -02l-'J{(:iL VZ e ,shar'* <rrev 2RoFESstoN^L CeNTEn , .r r OAK 8Ay ROAO / p.O BOx t 3Zs POnT HAOLOCK, wASHtNGTeN 9A339360.379.9661 360-3 z9 -0 t 50 FAx Ms. Colcne Kosrclec, p-E- f,hvdopmenr Roiew Endncer Ctryof Pm Townscnd 540 WatcrSecer Pon.Iopnscnd WA 9E369 R.e: Michele Sandovrt and lvlarry Gay Ncw Rcsidcnce, euincy and Adscvclt J Dear Colene: ls.o5-100n- r. I am uriting regarding thc aborrc pujecr and it s Topprng ou rhe ciry ESA Maps as accologically llezarrdous arca' orioirnrial ama hior u discussioa of rhe orrdinancepardculals and &eir reladonship u ais sitc, t need io rrrriry trro, I do nor repnssenr myscuto be a gcotechnical engincer. As a crrr eogheer, when ri;.i rhff &e poteniial forinsubility cxists' I regues-t fErmd geoteclnicat evalrntions and rccommcodarioos frwc$capucs who plcti:r.., ryf.p*ialry- wirh &is si*, i do nor uerievc thu rhare issignifieant risk qr likdy ininbili|, -di wish o wd;J;rhy I bctiwe that rhis siteshould not bc aa ESA undcrthe "hssifi.".ion connincd wifiin itrogn"i*ntr cnullyscnsirive A&&s otai .o.oT, specifcally rmder seqdon rg.0ilfrd B. This secdo' of thcordinance conrdns critccia fc identtyn s cr*r"gtuilti;;;us A,reas as fo[ows. The site and ues gre uappcdia rhe USDA S.CS Soil Survey of Jeffcrson Countyas orllam serics soih ;Lcr cralarn gravgny se'dy ro.r,bi" 15 pacent slopes(CEC), orC_lallam gravelly sgndy tori, tS o 30 permt slopcs (CED). Ihesesqils are srcll draiacd soils *-hich h.r."'"*y slowty e.r;fi; .emenrcd iayer ar adepttr of 20 ro 40 irchcs, urd has roaoarc p"rmeririiry above dre cenncnred raycr.The hszad of erosioo is srighr ro -oa"oio no, oe cor6 viri;r and nodcrarc forthe cmD varianq born of which rru tess rhan ttrc ;*;;;il'r.r,*,adngrcquircd for Classification undcrrhis puagraph. '- .-J while oo slrc, I hurd du-g y:.nrJpirs to obscrvc subsurface condirioos. oue pityas due ro approximarely 40 inchcs, aad showcd ,h";;;;-orrrr*, ."n !obrqwn, moisr' firrc l,oamy_sand 1o srndy roam- I e.ridt a t" ,ir, .na clay contonrthroughout rhe proftle Os *g00 sie"ej "ii"r, than 5 pe,lceru. whle no gradarion TlllmnN sep-pA-Ozt Ol:35P Eesign Studio' A9/97/29A4 66:67 2662?38818 ,:,:.y Ms. Colcrrc Kostelcc. p.E. March 26, lggz Page - 2 2Cj6 783 7562 o3Pg3PAGEe-G rests wcrt pcrformed,J h.r: hrdsonrc cxperience in estimadng sih conrenr frornsamplcs ftom our work wirh on sire scptiisysrcms. The Frofil; was wellconsolidatcd but not compa'rcd or ccmcnred, conraincJ ;; b*;;;iril* coarscf,rnarcrials or fine greincd scdirrcn$. ufr, avery smau pateniagc or gnvat- Thc second pir was sinirq ln thc uppcr 12 .o 14 inchcs, but was abandoned d,ue rodifific.h root diga"g condfuions. se.,crar othcr shelrow pis w.*e dug o check forrhg prcscnce of fills and/or cganics bcro* he teaf litsr rnd humus. 19.05 100 E_?,, The alca is characrcrizcd by slopes greercr rhan the 1,5 perccnr rhrcshold requircdfor ua_pping and ideutiffcariqr as a porcndar ESa Hoi.r*, irin* ;; ;;ibrypesCpsibed within tbc scs c profflcs as t oxen'ea on sirc conffro cifierftrte'tcdding gnnuru end siltycrrys r {$r" orpctctred warer rabk, spaings, orgroud wotrr loG?8€G- I do norc rhat &e Scs indiciro rtr", in qpecificioi",lonorhcre is $c potcndal of lareral wetcrnow."or at*. rhc csrcared tawtdrringthe rainy sessoD.- Durhs my sia visir eaticr tis sroit (which is sodsid'red .i,ewet season), soils were ooist but nor sannaed, and no waEr able wrs obscnred. 19.05-100 B. 3. This site in sgecinc {nd rhc Erca h gEEerEl docs rot rFpear o be subject no mr$sr'ova&ent of crttr. Tb9 exisring homc ro rlre nqth riong nooscrrett wasdrring Ty sire inspccdon. Ercsgirc.onrmroi6o h &c ,ofvJgSO*, ,L,booc has not expai'encoa {igpag1, senlancnrs, or oftcutricr *-,1ili ,rr, "pr,ileanh dcspie ir's cutino rne littsae lrc*ion rn o"*r ,p* *rr-lrrfo o"y-""",the uptrill sidc of the hosre whcre I would. rt". ripotca he footirgs m inmceprsubsurface wetcr molcrcnr Furtlrcr, **go"o fi-"oi*ar, "ppfi l*O, *U;ffi*rff r didnot aob anv unusual sufice eanucs-ttrg, ",i6ii"dicar.;an r,o os roo n a. There ore no drainagc channcls proxinare ro or through rhe propcrty, incl'dingsrr?iurui, dirches q rhe like. _sep-()8-04 OI :3Sp Des ign- €9/67/20'O4 @g:A7 ?A52ZAA9L StudioI P-0464GLG 206 783 7562 PAGE lvls- Colerre Kostelcc, p.E. March 26, t9g7 Pagc - 3 .{incml- P.E. arachmenn SCS SoilsTpcMap la n5_ | no B. 5. The site stopes &te less- than 40 P"T:il- No opographic rnapping of rlris spccifi,cparccr has been creared bur I measrued slopes;o ,; d-*r,g my sire visir wirh aK&E hand rcvel and gtd. ,"d, ; rouoJt" ,]op-.ir'a. ress than 30 perccnrro,05..100 B, 6- The site fut-*! appear to bc suscepdble ro scvgrc risk of danage as mcasuredrgainst &e crftffia oithis secuon- ftc $ docr "","L.o rhcprcsencc of poorty&ained sols cxcepr fq rhc'nderlying dur ;ilil;;r.susccptible o,rarnagcfr'oo crtlrquake, erc- Th; dlF;" to stebilizc rhs sirc berow rhc top 20 a 40rnchcs' rndir::e.' ap!'eort"r *y.pouftrrr"p.;;i,,T. could only gcgrnia rtrcsurficid soilc if at rri.'ias;;"-* ;in *ar,t d;liilrru. rhat thc site corrainsany fills, high mganic con*nr *fu, perr, orpstlandslide dc's. 3"T::"Ts1:ffiTf, fl tffiffi $;u"*HTffi3trffii:ffifiHazardous Arca* prease .-tl r- if t;;#e qucstioas ,g*diog this rccer. I would beHru:rKH#l * ilirlJ" *"Ja dh. ,; ;; ;"*;ifoir condidons orveciry sep-(Ju-OZ1 Ol :36p Des ign69ra7t2ag4 66:67 ?o6z2t6el ', ,:::=EF...)./ Stud io B 206 7a'3 756? PAGE P B5 o5q_G h-t"*ilrt- ccveloP*nr cuvirrcs etict qatd rcd,rcc +..gd rvrrcr ronrgc yer'rsffiTffiffinnl:ffirsrffiHstr ?' Tb qplic* strll dcdjr rrch coo'GEsrbrt $q! fSiliria a 5. or crc-d cunar rrud.,& endtrfffitrffimff ffi. Mruud a" o.i# !o*a a".io, 3. Tb. epplhrnr rtell providc r Im!-cr:nr urinrrncc plea for $orryt f_jlirias.a. IfcodidoElwtsr*'il de;trffi.?r?.ffi or trrv ctbr* tr ,.&c o'cr roar.,G.r' Drbl'ro€ 5. For dorrutopclr ectinitirr ccuriar itr dr_ .d- ,!^ ^_ .-rtma.or *dC ;,iTiEoffi,[}* 'qe' thc qplicut lbrn cat r in.o r .f,ord{rrrrrs. G. Sp.E'rl R+ortg Ap3ti€urr 6rrll erdopur tocrd.rritib !:qrgUy llood*_r9r dtotcriricd dairyc co,nidcs$rII pq-e 'r*+'dn*lE*gilg1-1fiIl oarr.n*r-*';; .rrard b"tff- a'opoa * o ;#fr;. rqrcd -tl'o-ffi.,o - artry. "o*Jii €ee Frc*rnc L*,nnr*il::r#ffi,r,Jiffi rj.frT$,rg",*## 3:t::*lll ! dcfi!.d oo.r si.. spcift hdr wirr srrbectr rlbdcd bstE lld off-ritc. Geerrlly. UA{i J""6"i* b tcse rheo 2f frct. $orat lifc &d proFrrt borboo- F. Illitiltrriol or Cmrpcncrdou -lo-(?oa Tolucld. Ocrobff lg, fgr2) Seo-OA-OZI Ol:36P Desiqn Studio. vltauz6v4 66ivl ?85?23881.8 .a I * a * -*--ry7 ' lt."t{l- rrp.gc froa pcretcC ulrlcf tabler. 206 743 7562 PA6E P a6 o6q-G 3. Aay rtr pocadrtly sbjcct b rus qrycg3lr drrc 19 r coobb*hvdrotogicfi.Lrs. r,riaor tioiea .o dr;; e.FFd., d-'ifrfflHl"#ffir#ttc wrsbbgldsue Dcptucilof Eroiogy, D.p.d., of N;aJicsourEar or u.s. eorqicscnricc.Ttec crrssifieedms ori u" hr;;il; s,.adrnrr tuh.( ,* Erppirg. l; *Ht.o"dtyu*rblc rs e rc.,dt of npid strrn i$isiq!, s!!rr b"ot .,adou, on udrrurrh3 S. t\Dy slope of forty pcaar (t(l*) or s@cp.". C. t4rdrlrd nrdonucar . t. Scidc IL.fo Airs iE pon Tor' d-. .*.-; nLict rrc Gcilrd umy ia rrces or fiir. nrch rs po.rriocr of tc 2' Purnro r thil cbaptar, ew dcvclqp:ot or rlior:siors ? ,r:p slopcs. h[4di&, emrioo h.2rrd ortrtrhHitr;Htri#:ffi il.rffi s*d;l,,'od; D- Scrfonuno Slrdlr* forDcvdopcar f. Smdrr& fm*btcErll{ Ant L sudirds for &wtopar oftrucurqr Ed itrFror€ro.og in ods-io hrz.sd rrcrs rtrll beis *corduca ei6 Qp rn*itt*" i"-tL ultffira, c-Jinilr?n a b, tu eiry;ffiffi|' li' edditioJ -d"fi;;t'E;;;;;l -;,-" b resur,b ' b' eiq{ icrid.. *ett aot b' l(rrlcd ia rdoic I3.d rrais unlccs Eirittria bhll ba# ." rlo popoccd dFrd;ffi; srrbh .s if ir *Grr; bcilld rritua r *a Strg Slof.t,I&&lida.rd ErudonErzrrd AratDcvcloposar o4.il6+ rlopcwi.hliI;;-;;;;;;rr rhzlrcoaprywirt rhc fo*a,iu3pcrforuracaffiffiffiX,ffiffi1r:**-* t"a-'r".r6"il^Erioos, bnrc6, de'clopoor rocrdoo, '' P:rforanmo smdtdr fotstornrrrcr comtol, rrrhrrcdqpar crced r5ti with iqpcoarbleroih. rad b rlt aotion hrrrd rgs, rbe .ggiicrli.ar; d.r"lory tl tc uporuy rrd fiuriqro'"-u io a{oDt nraofisrrr gdlit',il *d- rd rcdiusrioa iacorpoeuamcccoatrok lert MrorFt frra;c_, -dd-,G;;rd dr|nr&riog cquuls thil rltl lor.8g*ilrs u crirria3 prcbloo or qu!. r l', poblcor b oacrr. b. pcrfrrnlnce Stradrds for Erocioa Cauusl -31 -OonTorruroa. Octobcr lr, igD2)