HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.04.22 - Design Report for Froggy Bottoms Wetland ReconstructionDESIGN REPORTWetland Reconstruction of Wetland 6-1 - Frogry BottomsIn the City of Port Townsend, WashingtonPrepared for: Departrnent of Public WorksCity of Port Townsend5210 Kuhn StreetPort Townsend, WA 98368(360)38s-72t2Prepared by:Polaris Engineering & Surveying Inc.206 S. Lincoln StreetPort Angeles, WA 98362(360) 4s2-s393April22,1997JobNo. 97037 1. BackgroundCity tlrainage Basin 6, Froggy Bottoms, has a tributary area of 96.1 acres and drains to adepressional wetland, Wetland 6-1 (Froggy Bottoms). As suclu runoffcollects at thebasin bottom with the probable result of area flooding in high return period storms.Discharge is through a combination of direct infiltration and evapo-transpiration. Theslow natural discharge rates result in extended periods of flooding. The majority of thedrainage basin consists of glacial outwash soils having high rates of infiltration. Thedrainage basin, while mostly platted into 5,000 square foot lots, is less than50o/odeveloped. Once dweloped, it is expected that there will be localized flooding in thevicinity of the wetland. Improvements to the basin bottom, known as the "Cline GrahamProperty", were planned as CIP Item#6-2 in the Port Townsend Stormwater managementPlan at a cost of $103,000. The goals ofthe CIP Item are to: a) Decrease potentialflooding impacts due to future development, and b) Reduce pollution and contaminantsentering the depression.The wetland was the subject of a study by Polaris Engineering & surveying, Inc., andOlynpic Wetland Resources in April, 1997. Itwas found to be a regulatory Category Itrwetlan4 that has been highly disturbed due to filling and,grazing. The primary functionof the disturbed wetland are in storm drainage attenuation and groundwater recharge.Changes in hydroperiod due to future upstream development will have significant effectson the fragile natural resource functions of the wetland.Wetland 6-1 is a seasonal wetland that has a yearly high water level of elevation 15.0.Once the yearly water level is established, the level of the pool will vary depending onthe intensity of local storms. Dwing periods of exceedingly high rainfall,the level in thepool will increase. Discharge during the rainy season is atributed to groundwaterinfiltration and is a slow process due to the limited amount of permeable soil in thevicinity of the depression. While the general area consists of glacial outwash soils, theimmediate area of the depression has a layer of compacted silt/loam that forms a concaveshaped cernented pan that acts to contained a perched water pool. The cemented panlense lies atop highly permeable glacial outwash soils.The construction of road improvements on San Juan Avenue has necessitated the use ofthe wetland area as both an area retention basin and a reconstructed wetland. Runofffrom the reconstructed San Juan Avenue area will be conveyed through a storm drainsystem to the wetland area. Other offsite runoffwill be conveyed to the wetland fromCenter and Pacific Streets. The filled area of the wetland will be excavated, and portionsof the City owned lots will also be excavated to provide additional storage volume formitigation of 100-year storm flooding. The wetland functions will be enhanced andprotected by the excavation of wetland fills, pretreament of entering waters, and thereestablishment of wetland plants in the wetland and wetland buffer. The physicaldesign of the consfucted wetland is in confonnance with guidelines established by thePage2 Doe Technical Manual. The maintenance of the hydroperiod will be controlled by adischarge system that infiltrates outflow into the porous glacial outwash material. Thedischarge system will hold the seasonal high water level to the existing 15.0 elevationwhich will provide a stable pool elevation conducive to the establishment andprolongation of wetland plants.2. Hydrologic CalculationsHydrologic calculations were performed using Waterworks, an event simulatordeveloped by Egenious Systems of Seattle, Washington. The 96.1 acre watershed wasfirst modeled in the existing condition and inceptions were run for the 6-monttr, 2-,10-,25-, and 100-year storms to establish a baseline condition that could be compared toactual field observations. The runofffrom the Hydrograph were routed to the wetlandarea to determine the rise in pool elevation for the various storms. Because a seasonalpool exists, the effective volume of the receiving basin started at elevation 15.0.The model was then modified to reflect the basin under full development and the sameiterations were again performed. As predicted, the pool elevation for the entire range ofstorms increased as the percentage of impervious surface increased. The level of 100-year flooding forthe fully developed basin was determined to be 19.5 elevation.The model was again modified" this time to reflect the excavated depression and theaddition of an infiltration trench as a means of release. The excavated depression wasmodeled as an irregular basin (Storage Structure A) with depth and volumecharacteristics with a discharge orifice @ischarge Stnrcture A) that controls the releaserate to the infiltration trench. The discharge orifice was set at 15.0 elevation to insurethat the yearly pool level was maintained. The infiltration trench was modeled as atrapezoidal basin (Storage Structure B) 5 feet deep with a broad crested weir (DischargeStructure B) and a surface infiltration rate as the means of discharge. The broad crestedweir was added to the model to insure the vertical limits of operation of the trench at 5feet. Control of the infiltration trench was achieved by limiting the orifice diameter sothat the weir would not operate and, therefore, insure that the discharge from theinfiltration trench was only by direct infiltration. The infiltration rate was set at 50olo ofthe observed rate as a factor of safety. The resulting 100-year flood elevation for themodel was 18.17 feet, a decrease of 1.33 feet from the existing basin configuration forthe fully developed condition. The 6-month high water mark was 15.31 feet and had aduration of approximately 20 hours over the seasonal water level. The calculation setsare shown in Appendix A.Additional reductions in the 100-year flood level can be achieved by a number of meansPage 3 including infiltration of roof runoff, reductions in building density, use of porouspavement, or dedication of parkland. None of these methods were incorporated into themodel.3. Constructed Wetland DesignThe presence of a regulatory wetland, even though highly disturbe4 poses a specialdesign challenge. Goals for storm water management include increasing the storagevolume of the depression to minimize the 100-year flood level and providing a means ofreleasing runofffrom the depression. Goals for the wetland include restoration oforiginal wetland volume by removing fill material, providing water quality enhancementthrough the use of pre-treatment processes, providing a suitable hydroperiod for theestablishment of wetland plants, and providing the necessary wetland geometry toprovide the range of wetland and upland plants required for a successful wetland. Anadditional engineering goal, not related to drainagq was to remove the existing 18-inchconcrete sewer from the overflow bench area and to provide a suitable location for theconstruction of a 30-inch replacement sewer. These goals are not mutually exclusive andthey can and have been achieved.The selection and design criteria for the creation of a constructed wetland are specifiedin the Doe Technical Manual. The criteria include site selection requirements,Hydrologic requiremenb and geometric requirements for the constructed.wetland. Therating sheets used to analyze the basin project are included in Appendix B of this report.The interface between wetland and engineering is most critical in the basin design andoperating criteria. The constructed wetland geometry requires specific depth and arearatios which must be incorporated into the wetland design. This information wasincorporated into the plan and the Hydrologic model as Storage Device A The operatingcriteria limits the frequency and duration of flooding above the seasonal high water markfor the constructed basin. This was also incorporated into the Hydrologic model asDischarge Structure A.Pretreatment of runoffentering the wetland will reduce the sediment transport andprovide a degree or protection from introduced road related contamination. Thispretreatment is not present at this time. The pretreatment provided by the devices as wellas the additional filtration provided as a natural wetland function will cleanse the waterentering the infiltration system. This will be discussed further in the next section.As a combined system, the constructed wetland and pretreatment devices will provideadditional storage for drainage basin runoffwhich will reduce the level of 100-yearflooding. Runoffentering the wetland will be pretreated, thus preserving the quality ofPage 4 the wetland water. The basin configuration will insure that the widest variety of wetlandplants will have the opportunity to become established. The infiltration system will bothallow for the release of flood flows (an engineering requirements) and, allow for theregulation of wetland water levels to reduce the degree of periodic flooding that coulddamage the wetland ecosystem.4. Infiltration System DesignThe design of infiltration systems is controlled by the Doe Technical Manual. TheManual has specific requirements for site planning, soils screening, protection of existinginfrastructure and ground water quality, and infiltration trench design. Of primaryconcern is the protection of "waters of the state", insuring the infiltration system will notthe ground watergreatest concern is that the trench willbeand have asuccessful operation. The DOE Technicalforand general Limitations for InfiInationBW's are included inAppendix C.Since the site is a closed depression, the requirements for stream side erosion control arenot applicable. Soil investigations show that the wetland is a perched water tablecontained on a silt/loam lense inclusion within a large area of glacial outwash soils(Agnew Series). Access to the glacial outwash soils can be obtained through a shallowexcavation at the northeast corner of the City property. The receiving outwash materialhas the requisite infiltration and chemical characteristics to provide effective infiltrationand neutralization of contaminants. Normalcy infiltration ffenches are limited totributary areas of 15 acres of less. This is primarily an economic consideration relatingto the cost of a large trench system versus a large infiltration basin. The use of a secondbasin for infiltration is not applicable in this situation and, therefore, the trench is theonly option.The TM utilizes Darcy's Law methodology to determine ground water movement. Thesame approach is used by Waterworks. The infiltration trench was modeled as atrapzoidal basin with steep side slopes. The progftrm applies the infiltration factor toboth tench bottom and sides to determine the release rate through a range of ponddepths. The bottom width was decreased by 213 to account for the rock volume in thetrench. An overflow weir was added to the model. This does not reflect an actualcondition, but a limit on the operation of the model. To be successful, the model of theinfiltration trench must release the intended flow without overtopping the basin andcausing flow over the weir. If the weir is activated, the orifice must be reduced, or thearea of the infiltration trench increased to allow the trench to operate within the heightlimitations.Page 5 In the model, time series outflow from the surface basin is metered through an orificedevice and routed to the infiltration trench. The infiltration rate varies with the depth ofwater in the infilUation trench. The summary printout provided reports the maximumdepth in the trench. Details of the variation of pond depth with time are reported indetailed printouts which were not included with this report.The final design reflects a system that operates within the design parameters for theinfi ltration trench system.5. Basin PlantingA concept plan of basin planting is shown in the improvement plans. Basin planting isnot within the scope of this project. Consistent with CIP # 6-2 inthe City of Porttownsend Stormwater Master Plan, planting will be accomplished by communityvolunteers under the direction of a wetland specialist as part of a citizenparticipation/educational project. Wetland restoration will require a five year monitoringeffort.6. SummaryThe frnal project is the result of a number of engineering studies (hydrologic and soins),a wetland study, Technical Manual control, and engineering design. The constructedwetland will provide flood mitigation as well as re-establish a wefland regime for thereintroduction of wetland flora into the wetland. The wetland functions will be protectedby pretreatment of runoffand control of water levels in the wetland. The overflow benchoutside the wetland boundary will provide additional habitat as well as additionalprotected buffer area for the wetland.Page 6 ReferencesCH2M-Hill, High Water Survey - GPS Location of High Water Marks, City ofPort Townsend, lv{arctr, 199.Fleming, John S, Soils Logs, March 19,1997Fleming John S, Lewellin" Dixie, Wetland Determination Report on Wetland ID6-1, *Frogg5r Bottoms", April 1 1, 1997.HongWest & Associates, Infiltration Test Results - Proposed Infiltration PondSan Juan Avenue and Cedar Street Port Townsend, WashinSon" Project 94148-300, June19,1995.Myers-Biodynamics, Inc., Geotechnical Design Report-Port Townsend SchoolDistrict Proposed Middle School site (Site B),lday 21,1993.PageT Appendix A: Hydrologic Calculations Developed Watershed WExisting Depression Configuration 4/15/97 PoLaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED - STANDING POOL @ 1.5.0 Et6 MONTHpage 1BASIN SI'MMARYBASIN ID: A NAME: BASIN 6.DEVELOPEDTOTAL 4RE4.......: 96.10 Acres BASEFLOWS: O.0O cfsRAINFAII TYPE....: TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREAPRECIPITATION....: 0.64 inches AREA..: 33.60 AcresTII{E INTERVAL....: L0.0O nin CN....: 86.60TIME OF CONC z 67.00 min IMPERVIOUS AREAABSTRACTION COEFF: O.2O AREA..: 62.50 AcresCN....: 9L.00PEAK RATE: 0.65 cfs VOL: 0.80 Ac-ft TIME: 1070 mint)$oz':.-L'/ /,'.,'/1Z'{; ' .'a) ( . a-12-L .,-- /_)l* 966\3a'1 J/".n/'u./-/ -"-4a>/"7 7"@,Zr"t:t >'/,'-tl€aSaJn-U'!2C/)alf,l-./o ,4f 4/Ls/e7page 2DEVELOPED6 MONTHITYDROGRAPH SI'MMARYPolaris Engineeri97037 SAN JUAN AVENUESTANDTNG POOr G 15.0 ELng & SurveyDETENTION PONDITYDNT'MPEAKRT'NOFFRATEcfsTIMEOFPEAKmin-VOLT'MEOFI{YDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres96.1096.1096. L01230.6500.1350. 13s1070151015303489816033r.5938cfcfcf 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED - STANDING POOL @ 15.0 EL6 MONTHpage 3STORAGE STRUCTURE LISTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETLANDTRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFITTRATION TRENCHALength: 40.00 fSide Slope L: 1Side Slope 2: 1Infiltration Rate:t. Width: l-0.00 ft.Side Slope 3: 1Side Slope 4: 14.00 min/inchSTORAGE IIST ID No.Description: perteetaUNDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft. Length:Slope...: 0.0100 ft/ft100.00 ft. 4/75/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 497037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENUON PONDDEVELOPED - STANDING POOI G 1-5.0 EL6 MONTH__-__i===============DISCHARGE STRUCTURE IISTBROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAITURE RETEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:EI : 1-5 . 00 ft. Weir Increm:MUITIPIE ORIFICEDescription: WETTANDOutlet EIev: L5.00Elev: 15.00 ftBROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300El: 2L9.70 ft.Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in.50.0000 ft.0.10ID No. bID No.ORIFICEAWeirl,tleirlength:Increm:50.0000 ft.0.10 4/t5/97IilFItIRATIot{ IRBI{CH ..........Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENT'E DETENTION PONDSTANDING POOL @ 15.0 EL0. 650. t40.650.14A 15.31B 6.102 29613.33 cf3 40.50 cfTpage 5DEVELOPED6 MONfHTEVEL POOL TABLE ST]MMARYt{aTcH It{Ft0[ -slo- -DIs- <-pEtff-> S?0RAGE<--------DESCRIPTI0T{---------) (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- (-SIAGE> id Vot (cf)NETIAID BA$IIIB 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 197037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED - STANDING POOL G 15.0 EL2 YEAR_==_JBASIN ST'MMARYBASIN ID: ATOTAL AREA... .... !RAINFAII TYPE....:PRECIPITATION... .:TIME INTERVAL....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:PEAK RATE: 3.L1 cfsNAI4E: BASIN 6-DEVELOPED96.10 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfsTYPEI.A PERVIOUS AREA1.00 inches AREA..: 33.60 AcresL0.00 min CN....: 86.6067.00 nin IMPERVIOUS AREAO.2O AREA. . : 62.5A AcresCN....: 91.00VOt: 2.35 Ac-ft TIME: 560 min 4/15/97DEVELOPED2 YEARHYDNT'MPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN_AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDING POOI @ 1.5.0 EtHYDROGRAPH ST'MI{ARYpage 2123PEAKRUNOFFRATEcfsTIMEOFPEAKmin.VOLI'MEOFITYDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres96. 1096. 1096. 103.LO70.2380.233s601520L820to23L430s9129780cfcfcf 4/L5/e7DEVELOPED2 YEARSTORAGE IIST ID No"Description: WETLANDPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION POND- STAI{DING POOI @ 15.0 ELSTORAGE STRUCTURE LISTpage 3ATRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCHLength: 40.00 ft. Width: 1-0.00 ft.Side Slope 1: 1 Side Slope 3: 1Side Slope 2: L Side Slope 4: LInfiltration Ratet 4.00 min/inchSTORAGE LIST ID No. aDescription: perteetUNDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft. tength:S1ope...: 0.0100 ft/ft100.00 ft. 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 497037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED - STANDING POOI G 15.0 Et2 YEAR____-:===============DISCHARGE STRUCTURE IISTMUTTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETLAND ORIFICEOutlet Elev: L5.00Elev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in.BROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAILURE RELEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:El: 15.00 ft " lrleir Increm:BROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300EI : Ztg .70 ft -ID No. bWeir length:Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.o"1050.0000 fr.0. 10 page 5TEVEL P@L TABLE ST'MMARYI,IATCH INFIOH -STO- -DIS. <-PEA[.> STONAGE<--------DESCRIffI0il---------> (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-SIlcE) id V0l, (cf)I{ETTT}ID BASIII4/ts/97DEVELOPED2 YEARINFIIIRATIOI INEilCH3. 110.243. 1l4.2415.957.78Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENfION PONDSTANDING POOL G 1.5.0 EtAA2 91549.80 cf3 880.78 cfBB 4/ts/s7Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAI{ JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDTNG POOI G L5.0 Erpage 1DEVELOPED10 YEARBASIN ST'MMARYBASIN ID: ATOTAT 4RE4.......:RAINFATL TYPE....:PRECIPITATION.. ..:TIME INTERVAL....:TIME OF CONC. ....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:PEAK RATE: L1..71 cfsNA},TE: BASIN96.10 AcresTYPElAL.75 inches10.00 min67.00 min6-DEVETOPEDBASEFTOIIIS: 0.00PERVIOUS AREAAREA.,: 33.60CN....: 86.60IMPERVIOUS AREAcfsAcresO.2O AREA..: 62.50 AcresCN....: 91.00VOL: 6.68 Ac-ft TIME: 540 min 4/t5/e7PoLaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAI.T AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDING POOL @ 15.0 Etpage 2DEVETOPED10 YEARHYDROGRAPH ST'MMARYPEAKRT'NOFFRATEcfsTII.{EOFPEAKmin.VOLT'MEOFTIYDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres96. r_096.1096.10ITYDNT'ML23LL.7L2o -3640.3605401530203029LLt4s054848023cfcfcf 4/t5/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97437 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDTNG POOL @ 15.0 ELpage 3DEVELOPED10 YEARSTORAGE STRUCTURE IISTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETTANDATRAPEZOIDAL BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCHLengthz 40.00 ft. Width: 1Side Slope 1: 1 Side SlopeSide Slope 2: 1 Side SlopeInfiltration Rate: 4.00 ninr/inchft.L10. oo3:4:STORAGE IIST ID NoDescription: perteetaLTNDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameterz 4.00 ft. Length:Slope...: 0.0100 ft/ft100.00 ft. 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 497037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED - STANDING POOL G 15.0 EL10 YEAR===__DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LISTMUTTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETLAND ORIFICEOutlet Elev: 15.00Elev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in"BROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAITURE RETEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:El: 15.00 ft" Weir Increm:BROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300El : 2L9 .70 ft.ID No. bWeir length:Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.0.1050.0000 ft.0.10 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 597037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION POI'IDDEVETOPED - STANDING POOL @ 15.0 EL10 YEAR==== = = = ==== ================= = ========= === ==== ====== = ========= ==== === =tEVEt POOI TABTE ST'MMARYUITCH IIIFI,OII .SIO- -DIS- <-PEAff-> STORAGE<--------DESCRIPTI0il--------> (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- (-SfAcE> id v0[ (cf)IIBTIA}ID BASIIITI{FII,TRATIOI{ TREIICH11.710. 36A t7.22 2B 9.89 311. ?l0.36AB272098 ac-ft2393.35 cfiI 4/Ls/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDING POOL @ 15.0 Etpage l-DEVETOPED25 YEARBASIN ST'MMARYBASIN ID: ATOTAL AR84.......:RAINFATL TYPE....:PRECIPITATION. . .. :TIME INTERVAI....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:NAME: BASIN96.L0 AcresTYPElA2.OO inches10.00 min67.00 nin4.205-DEVETOPEDBASEFTOWS: 0.00PERVIOUS AREAAREA..: 33.60CN....: 86.60IMPERVIOUS AREAAREA. . : 62.50CN....: 91.00Ac-ft TIME: 540PEAK RATE: 15.11 cfs VOt: 8.31cfsAcresAcresmin page 2ITYDROGRAPH SI.TMMARY4/t5/97DEVELOPED25 YEARHYDNT'I{PEAKRUNOFFRATEcfsTIMEOFPEAKInrn.VOLT'MEOFI{YDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres96:1096.1096:10Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTA}TDING P@L @ 15.0 Et1231.5.1Ll.0.3880.38454.01530205036L879s46065L74tcfcfcf 4/Ls/e7Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAI{ JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDING POOI G 15.O.ELpage 3DEVELOPED25 YEARSTORAGE STRUCTURE LTSTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETTANDATRAPEZOIDAL. BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCHtength: - 40. O0 ft. Width: 1-0.00Side Slope 1: L Side Slope 3:Side Slope 2: 1 Side Slope 4:Infiltration Rate: 4.00 min,/inchSTORAGE LIST . ID No.Description: pertei:t .IINDERGROUI{D PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft" Length: 100.00 ft.Slope...: 0.0100 ft/ftft11a 4/L5/97 Polaris Engiineering & Survey page 497037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED - STANDING POOL @ 1.5.0 EL25 YEARDISCHARGE STRUCTURE LISTMULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No.Description: WETTAND ORIFICEOut1et EIev: 15.0OElev: 15.00 ft OrificeDiameter: 3.0000 in.ABROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAILURE RELEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:EI: 15.00 ft. Weir Increm:BROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300ELt 2L9;70 ft.ID No. bWeir length:Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.0.1050.0000 ft.0.10 4/L5/97Polaris Engineeri97037 SAN JUAN AVENUESTANDING POOI E 15.0 Etng & SurveyDETENTION PONDpage 5tDEVELOPED25 YEARLEVET P@L TABTE SUMMARYl{aTcfl lt{t't0t -$ttr -DIs- <-pEAff-> sIomGE<------J-DESCnImI0ll--------> (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-SIAGB> id V0t, (cf)- ----i-------TETI,AIID BASI}I .II{FII,IRA?IOII TREI{CH0.39 0.39 B B 10.26 3 2?19.03 cfI 4/Is/s7.page 1DEVETOPED1OO YEARBASIN STJMMARYPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDING POOI G 15.0 EtBASIN ID: ATOTAL AREA. .. . ...:RAINFALL TYPE. .. .:PRECIPITATION. . . .:TIME INTERVAL....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:NAI{E: BASIN96.L0 AcresTYPE1A2.5O inches10.00 nin67.00 mino.206-DEVELOPEDBASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfsPERVIOUS AREAAREA..: 33.60 AcresCN....: 86.60IMPERVIOUS AREAAREA..: 62.5O AcresCN....; 9L.00Ac-ft TIME: 540 minPEAK RATE: 22.28 cfs VOL: tL.7L 4/L5/97. Polaris Engineering & Survey page z97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVEIOPED - STANDING POOI @ 15.0 EL1OO YEAR==== === = === === ==== = = = == = = = = == == == == ===== ======== ==== = == == == === = = == = ==}TYDROGRAPIT ST'MMARYPEAK TIME VOLT'MEHYD RIINOFF OF OF ContribNT'M RATE PEAK }TYDRO ATeacfs min. cf\AcFt AcresL 22.282 54O 510054 cf 96.102 0.435 1530 6L97O cf 96.103 0.430 2t2O 58419 cf 96.10 4/Ls/e7-DEVELOPED1OO YEARpage 3STORAGE STRUCTURE IISTSTORAGE IIST ID No. ADescription: WETLANDTRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFITTRATION TRENCHLength: 40.00 ft. Width: 10.00Side Slope J.: 1 Side Slope 3:Side Slope 2: L Side Slope 4:Inf iltration Rate: 4.00 min,/inchSTORAGE LIST ID No. aDescription: perteetUNDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft. tength: 100.00 ft.Slope...: 0.0100 ft/ftPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDTNG POOr G 15.0 Etft.1L 4/t5/e7.DEVETOPED1OO YEARMUITIPIE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETLAND ORIFICEOutlet EIev: 15"00Elev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter:BROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAITURE RELEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:El: 15.00 ft. Weir Increm:Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDSTANDING P@L @ 15.0 EtDISCHARGE STRUCTURE LISTpage 4BROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300EI : zLg .7O f t.ID No. bWeir length:Weir Increm:3.0000 in.s0.oo00 ft.0.10s0.0000 fr"0.10 -lpage 5LEVEL P@L TABLE ST'MMARYuAtcH lilFr0r{ -8t0- -Drs- <-pEA[-> sTonAcE(--------DESCRrPTr0lr---------) (cfs) (cfs) *id- --id- <-srIGE> id iCIl (cf)4/tsl97,DEVELOPED1OO YEARI{ETI,AITD BASII .IIIFTI,TRIIIOII TREI{CH22.280.44A A 18.17 2B B 10.96 3Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTTON PONDSTANDTNG POOL @ 15.0 EL22.280.44485855 ac-ft3372.53 cf Developed Watershed wlExcavated Depres sion Confi guration 4/ts/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAI{ JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASXN COIIDI{IONSpage LDTI/ELOPED2 YSARBASIN ST'MI{ARYBASIN ID: ATOTAL 4RE4.......:RAINFAII TYPE....:PRECIPITATION. . .. :TIME INTERVAI....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:PEAK RATE: 3.1.1 cfsNAII{E: BASIN 6.DEVELOPED96.10 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0"00 cfsTYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA1.00 inches AREA..: 33.60 Acres10.00 nin CN....: 86.6067.00 min IMPERVIOUS AREAA.2O AREA. . : 62.50 AcresCN....: 91.O0VOL: 2.35 Ac-ft TIME: 560 min 4/Ls/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAT.I JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASIN CONDITIONSpage 2DEVELOPED2 YEARI{TDROGR.APH SI'MMARYITYDNT'MPEAKRUNOFFRATEcfsTIMEOFPEAKmin.vot{rMEOFIITDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres13.107 560 L023L4 cf96.10 4/ts/97STORAGE LIST ID No.Description: perteetPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDCONDITIONSpage 3DEVELOPED BASIN2 YEARSTORAGE STRUCTURE LISTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETTANDATRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCIItength: 40.00 ft. Width: 10.00 ft.Side Slope 1: L Side Slope 3: 1Side Slope 2: 1 Side Slope 4: 1Infiltration Rate: 4.00 min/inchaUNDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft. tength: 100.00 ft.Slope...: 0.01-00 ft/ft 4/L5/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASIN CONDITIONSpaele 4DEVETOPED2 YEARDISCHARGE STRUCTURE LISTMUTTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETLAND ORIFICEOut1et EIev: 15.00EIev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter:3.0000 inBROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAILURE RETEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:El: 15.00 ft. Weir Increm:BROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300EI: 2L9.70 ft.ID No. bWeir length:Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.0.1050.0000 ft0.10 4/ts/e7Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDCONDITIONSpage 5IDEVELOPED BASIN2 YTARtEVEt POOI TABLE SI'MMARYln?CH II{FTOI -$M- -DIS- (.PBTF-> $TORAGE<--------DESCntmIffi--------) (cts) (cfs) -id- --id- <-SIAct> id VOt (cf)HETTA}ID BASIIIA A 14.78 2B B 6.003II{FI I,TRIIIOI| TNEilCH3.ll 3.ll0.00 0.00102314 ac-ft0.00 cf4,Iti-III 4/ls/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASIN CdNDITIONSpage 1DEI/ETOPEDTO YEARBASIN SI'MMARYBASIN ID: ATOTAL AREA. .. . ... :RAINFATL TYPE....:PRECIPITATION. ... :TIME INTERVAL....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:PEAK RATEz 1t.7t cfsNA}'TE: BASIN 6-DEVELOPED96.10 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfsTYPE1A PERVIOUS AREAL.75 inches AREA..: 33.60 Acres10.00 nin CN....: 86.6067.0O nin IMPERVIOUS AREAA.2A AREA. . : 62.50 AcresCN.,..: 91.00VOt: 6.68 Ac-ft TIME: 540 min 4/Ls/e7Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDCONDITIONSpage 2DEVETOPED BASIN10 YEAR}TYDROGRAPH SUMMARYIIYDNT'MPEAKRT'NOFFRATEcfsTIMEOFPEAKmin.VOII'MEOFTTYDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres96. 1096.1096.10123Lt.7t20.3030.2975401530198029LLL4368923s264cfcfcf 4/L5/97 PoLaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpage 3STORAGE STRUCTURE IISTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETTANDATRAPEZOIDAT BASINDescription: INFItength: 40.00Side Slope 1:Side Slope 2:Infiltration RateID No. BLTRATION TRENCHft. Width: 10.00 ft1 Side Slope 3: 11 Side Slope 4: Lz 4.0O nin/inchSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: perteetaIJ1IDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft. tength:Slope...: 0.0100 ft./ft100.00 ft. 4 /L5 /97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASIN CONDITIONSpage 4DEVETOPED].0 YEARDISCI{ARGE STRUCTURE LISTMULTIPTE ORIFICEDescription: WETLANDOut1et EIev: 15.0OEIev: 15.00 ftBROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription: FAILUREcd: 3.0300EI: 15.00 ft.BROAD CRESTED WEIRDescription:cd: 3.0300EI: 2L9 .70 ft.ID No.ORIFICEID No. BRELEASEWeir l-ength:lfeir Increm:ID No. bWeir length:Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.0.1050.0000 fr.0.10AOrifice Dianeter: 3.0000 in. 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARROUTING REPORT0+2Scfs-ninASTORAGE(cf I97325103403149482115560t25206134851144497t54142163788I 7343318307919272424n702t21t52247152374t42501142628132 75s132882123009123136113263113390103613803837504061200+2Scfs-dnouTFtot{(cfs)page 50+2Scfs-ninSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETLANDMULTIPTE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETLAND ORIFICEOutlet Elev: 15.00EIev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in.ROUTING CURVE$TAGE STONAGE OUTI'LOI{(ft) (cf) (cfs)STAGE(ft)owFLol{(cfs)0.00000.00000.00000.00004.07720. 10920. r3380. 15450.t72t0. 18920.20430.21840.23170.24420.25620.26750 .27850.28900.29910.30890.31840.32t7,0. 33670.345{0.35390.36230.3704STAGE(ft)STONACE(cf)t2 .0012.t012.2012.3012.4012.5012.60t2.7012.8012 .9013.0013. 1013.2013.300.37840.38620.39380.401 30.40870.41s90.42300.43000.43690. 44370.45030.45690. 46340.46980.47610. 48230.488s0 .49450. 50050 .506s0.51230.51810 .52380. 52950. 5351105450.0000210942t8632t84361265414763t68721898121090244592182731 196345643?9334130144674480385r4075477560854669327301 I79089851 68912460.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00007.030014.06021.09028.t2035.15042.18049.21056.24063.27070. 30081 . s2892.757103.99115.21126.44137.67148.90160.13171 .36182 .58202.85223.rr243.3714.7014.8014.9015.00ls. 1015.20324.4234{.68364.94385.204r7.43449.61481,79s13. 96546.13s78. 30610. {7642.63674.80706.96749.30?91.65833.998?6. 33918.67961.02100310461088113012051280135417.4417.50428490450860473n449560051797054034056271058s0806074496298196521886745586969277t92977416667640367864058l?283848161879039909917940795971673100255r1033429t4291503157816521727180218761951202521002r742249232423982473254726222725282829373034313732393342344517.6017. 7017.8017. 9018. 0018.1018. 2018. 3018.4018. 5018. 6018. 7018 .8018.9019.0019 .1019.2019.3019.4019.5019 .6019. 7019.8015. 3015.40t5 .5015. 6015.7015.8015. 9016 .0013 .4013.5013. 6013. 7013 .8016. 1016,2416.3016 .4016 .5016 .6016.7016.8016.9017.0017.10n.2a17.3013. 90t4 .0014.10t4.2014.3014.4014. 5014. 60263.63283 .89304.15 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97437 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpage 6tEVEt POOL ROUTING TABTEWETTAND BASINMATCH Q (cfs) :PEAK STAGE (ft):PEAK TIME: L530.00INFLOW }IYD NO. : 1INFtOw O (cfs):PEAK OUTFTOW :tt.7LL6. s3min.tt.7L0.30OUTFTOW IIYD No. : 2LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 zSL StM 01 02+252=00o0000000000001Lt1_223346I9.0000.0000.0000.0003.oo47.0180.0401_.0810.L457.2266.332L.4643.6065.7698.9597.1572.3827.6453.9198.2366.6105.0106.6748.8005.3780.2075.9560LL.794LL.7L211.685L].33214.7479.90528.95888.09067.37706.896s6. s0846.L9075.93695.72465.53470 .00000.00000.0003o.oo470.01800.040L0.08100.14570.22660.33210.46430.6065o.76980.9597t.L572L.38271.64531 .91982.23662.6tO53.0L063.67484.80056.37808.20759.9560L\.L94tL.77211.68stL.332to.7479.90528.95888.09067.37706.89656.50846.t9075.93695.72465.53475.39010. oo000. oo000.00000. 0003o.00s2o.0279o.0859o.207ao.43370.8059L.36462.L6LO3.23L84. 6081_6.33768.454570.99414.o22L7.58721".74426.59L32.21238.89747 .37358.55L73.1379r_.300Lt2.45135.36158.75L8t.77203.85224.50243.36260.4L27s -88290.L6303. s63L6.26328.39340.05351.3L0.00000.00000.00030.00520.02790.0859o.20704.43370.80s91,.36462.L6tO3.23184.60816.33768.454s10.994L4.022t7.5872L.74426.59L32.2L238.89747.37358.551_73.t3791.300LLz.45135.36158.75441.77203.85224.50243.36260.4L275.88290.L6303.563t6.26328.39340.05351..31362 -230.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o. 00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. oooo0.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00030.00520.42790.0859o.20740.43370.80591.36462.L6tO3.23184.60816.33768.454sLO.994t4.o22t7.5872L.74426.sgt32.2L238.89747.37358. s5173.L3791.300L1,2 .4s135.36158.7sLBt.77203.85224.50243.36260 .4L275.88290.t6303.563L6.26328.39340.0s35L.31_362 -23STAGE( fr)L2.OO1_2. O01,2.L012.1012.LO!2.10t2.LOL2.tOt2.La12.10T2.LOt2 -LOt2.tot2.!oLZ.LOl.2.L2L2.7672.20L2.25t2.3LL2.3812.46L2.55L2.67t2.8313.03r.3.1913.3813.5813.7913.9914. L0L4.2LL4.3014.38L4.4614.5314.60L4.6614.72L4.7814.83TIME(min)270.00280.00290.OO300.003L0.00320 - 00330.00340.00350.00360.00370.00380.00390.00400.00410.00420.00430.00440.00450. 00460.00470.00480.00490.00500.00510.00520.00530.00s40 - 00550.00560.00s70.00580.00590.00600. o0610.00620.00630.00640.006s0.00660.00570.00680.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAT'I JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpage 7TEVEL POOI ROUTING TABTEtEVEt POOI ROUTING TABLE11 12 2S1 SUM Ol- 02+2525.39015.2s865.L3825.03634.94974.8'7284.81184.75484.69934.64884.59694.54L34.48794.43664.391s4.35734.33074.30584.28004.25144.22354.202L4.L8264.L5974.13124.098s4.06674.04L94.01893.99243.96073.92473.88943.86183.84L43.82733.8L803.80973.79743.77923.75263.72033.69093.66253 " 63013.59263.55L23. s1025.2s855.13825.03634.94974.87284.81184 -75484.69934.64884.59694.54r.34.48794.43664.391s4.35734.33074.30584.28404.25L44.22354 -20214.78264.L5974.t3L24.09854.06674.04L94.01893.99243.96073.92473.88943,86183.84143.82733.8L803.80973.79743.77923.75263.72033.69093.66253.63013.59263.55123.51023.477L362.23372.98383.28393.43403.354L3.O7422.6A43L.99441,.26450.39459.4L468.3L477.A9485.74494.29502.75511_. L45L9.47527.73s35.93544.A7552.15560.18568. L6576 -O7s83.9259L.70599.42607.076L4.68622.21629.68637.06644.386sL.646s8 .86666.0s673.22680.36687.47694.s27Qr.52708.44715.30722.LO"128.82735.46742.02-372.88383.28393.45403.424t3.L8422.75432.L744L.45450.,60459.64468.55477,34486.01494.57503. 04stl -44519.78528.05536.26544.41552.50s60 - s3s68.52576.45s84.30592.09599.81607 .486L5. O9622.63630. L0637 .49644.8L652.08659.3L666.5L673.68680.83687.94695. O0702.0O708.937L5.79722.59729.32735.97742.53749.0L0.00000.00000.00000.01980.04360.06690.08250.09180.10100.10990. L1680.1236o. 13030. r.3640.141.90.L4740.15280.L577a.L624o.t67a0.17160.17590. 18000. 18410.1881_0.19190. L956o.t99z6.zoze0.20630.20964.2L29o.2L6Lo.2L934.2223o.22520.2282o.23tt0.2340o.23670.239so.24220.2447o.2467o.24860.2505o.2523'0.2542372.88383.28393.45403.40413.1_3422.68432.09441.36450.504s9.53468.43477.22485.88494 .43502.90stL.295L9.62527.89536.10544.24s52.32s60.36568.34576.26584.L2591.90s99.6L607.286L4 - 88622.42629.89637.28644.60651.86659.09666.29673 .45680 - 60687.7t694.7670L.76708.68715.55722.3s729.O7735.72742.27748.75STAGE(ft)L4.8914.9414.99L5.0315.0615.0915 .1215.1515. L7t5.20L5.23L5.26L5.2915.31_1.5.3415.3715.39L5 .42L5.44\5.471.5.4915.52L5.54l_5.5715.59Ls .62L5. 6415.67L5.691,5.7LL5.7415.76L5. 7815.8L15.8315.8sL5.871_5.90L5.9215.9415.9615.9816.00L6.0216-0416.05L6.0716.08TIME(min1690.00700. o07r.0.00720.00730.00740.OA750.00760.00770.00780.00790.00800. o0810.00820.00830. O0840.008s0.00860.00870. O0880.00890.00900.0091_0.00920.00930.00940.00950.00960.00970. O0980.00990.001000.00L0L0.00L020.001030.001040.0010s0.00L060.001070 - o01_080.00L090.001_100.001-1r-0.001120.001130.001140.00L150.00L160.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpage ILEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLELEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTEIL 12 2S1 SIjM 01 02+2523.477L3.44673.4L243.37303.32963.28683.252L3.22583.20533.191_13.L8263.18103.18403.18883. 19383.19843.20303.20783.2?-233.2LO93.20003.\7693.L4423.10543.06983.04133.0L863.00252.94292 -76L82 .47542.0629L -5776L.L423o.7734o .47970.25300.101 10.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00003.44673.41243.3?303.32963.28683.25213.22583.20533.19L13.t8263.181_03. L8403.18883.19383.L9843.20303.20783.2L233.2tA93.20003.L7693.l.4423.10543.06983.041_33.01863.00252.94292.76L82.47542.0629L.5776t.L423o.77340.47970.2s300. 1011_0.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000 - oooo0.0000748.50754.9L76L.25767.5L773.69779.7878s -7979t.73797.63803.48809.3281s.13820.95826.77832 -60838.43844.27850.12855.97861.83867.67873 .47879.2L884.88890 -47896.0090t.47906.90912 -259L7.3692t.99925.93928.97931..09932.40933.05933.L7932.92932.4293r..8193L.2L930.61930.00929.40928.80928.L9927.59926.99755.4276t.76768.03774.22780.3L786.32792.27798.t6804.42809.86815.68821.. s0827.32833.1s838.99844.83850.68856.54862.40868.24874.94879.79885.46891..0s896.589O2 tO6907.499t2.849L7.95922.59926.53929.57931.69933. O0933.65933. 78933.53933.02932.42931_.8193t.2L930.61930.00929 .40928.80928.19927.59926.990.2560o.25770.2594a.26LL0.2628a.2644o.26600,26760.2692a -2707o.27220.2737o.2752o.27670.2782o.27960.2811o.28250.28400.28550.2869o. 2883o.28974.291Lo.29240.2938o.29st0.2964o.29770.29890.30000.30090.30160.3021o.30240.302so.30260.302so.30240.30220.30210.30200.30L80.30L70.30150.30140.30130.3011755. 1676t.st767.77773.95780.04786. 06792.OO797.90803.75809.598L5.41821.22827.05832.88838 - 71844.558s0.40856.26862.LL867.9s873.76879.50885. L7890.76896.299A1..76947.L991.2. s59L7.66922.29926.23929.2793L.39932.70933.35933.48933.22932.72932.12931. s1930.91930.30929.70929.LO928.49927.89927.29926.69STAGE(ft)1_6,1016.1r.16.13L6.1416-16t6.L7L6. 1916.20L6.2L]6.23L6.24t6.2676.2716.28L6.3016.3116.3216.341,6.3st6.3716.3816.3916.41L6 -42L6 .43r_6.4516.46L6 .47]-6.4916.50L6.5L16.52r-6.5316.531_6.5316. s316.5316.5316. s3L6. s316.53L6.5316.53L6.53t6.52t6 -52!6.5216.52TIME(min)1170.00r.180.001L90.001200. o01210.00L220.OOr_230.001240.001250. 00L260.00L270.OO1280.001_290.001300.00L310.001320.00L330.001340. 001350.001360.001370. 001380. 001390.001400.001410.001,420 -OO1430.001440.001450.001460.001470.001480. 001490.001500.001510.001520. 001530.001540.001ss0.001560.001570.001580.001590.001600.0016L0.001620 - 001630.00L640.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS]-O YEARLEVEL POOI ROUTING TABLELEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTE1L T2 zsL SttM 01 02+252page 90.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000 . oo000. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. oo000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000926.39925.78925.L8924.58923.98923.38922.78922.L8921. s8920.98920.389L9.789L9.1_8918.589L7.989L7.399L6.79916. 1991.5.6091s.009t4.40913 - 81-9j.3.2L9L2 .6L912.02gtL.42910.839L4.239O9;64909.05908.45907.86907.27906.67906.08905.49904.90904.31_903.7L903.t2902.5390r..94901.3s900.76900.L7899. s8898.99898.40926.39925.78925.18924.58923.98923.38922.78922.L892L.58920;98920.38919.78919.18918.589L7.9891.7.399L6.7991.6. L99L5.60915. OO9L4.40913.819L3.2L9L2.6L9L2.029LL.4291-0.83gto.23909.64909.05908.45907.86907.27906.67906.08905.49904.90904.31903.7L903.12902.5390L.94901.35900.76900. L7899. s8898.99898.40o. 30100.30080.30070.30060.30040.30030.30010.3000o.2999o.2997o.29960.2994o.2993o.2992o.29904.29890.2987o.29860.2985o.29830.29820.2984o.29790.29770.2976a.2975o -29730.2972o -2970o.2969o.2967o.29660.2965o -2963o.2962o.29600.29590.29580.29560.2955o.2953o.29520.29500.2949o.29480.2946o.29450.2943926.0892s.48924.88924.28923.68923.08922.4892L.8892L.28920.68920.08919.48918.889L8.28917.69917.099L6.4991_5.899L5,309L4.7A914. 10913.519L2.9L9L2.329L1.72911.13910. s3909.94909.34908.7s908.16907.56906.97906.38905.7890s.19904.60904.01903.42902.83902.24901.6590L.06900.47899.88899.29898. 70898. 11STAGE( ft)L6 .5216.5216.5216. sL16. s116.5L16.5116.5LL6.5L16.5L16.5016.50L6.501_6.50L6.5016.50L6.50L6.4916.49L6.4916.4916.49L6.4916.4916.481_6.48i,6.48L6 .4a16.4816.4816.48r.6.48L6 .4776.47L6.47L6.47L6.47'J.6 .47L6.47L6.46L6.46L6.46L6.46:l-6.4616.46t6.46r.6.45L6.45TTME(min)16s0.001660. O016?0.00L580.00r.690.001_700.0017L0.001720 -oo1730.00L740.001_750.00L760.00L770.OO1780.001_790.001800.00L810.001_820. O01830.00L840.00L850. o0L860.00L870.001880. O0L890.00L900.0019r.0.001920.00L930.001940.001950.001960.001970 - 00r.980.001.990.002000.002010.002A20.OO2030.002040.002050.002060.002070.002080. o02090.002100.002L10.002L20.00 4/15/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1.0 YEARpage 10tEVEt POOI ROUTING TABTELEVEL POOI ROUTING TABLE11 T2 2S1 SttM 0L o2+2520. oooo0.00000 . 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000 .00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. 0000o.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000897.82897.23896.64896.05895.46894.88894.29893.70893.L2892. s3891_.95891.36890. 78890.19889.6r_889.02888.44887.8s887.27886.69886.1088s. s2884.94884 - 36883.78883.19882.6L882.03881_.45880.87880.29879.71879.13878.55877.97877.39876.82876.24875.66875.08874.50873.93873.35872.77872.2087L.62871.05870.47897.82897.23896.64896.0589s .46894.88894.29893.70893.12892.53891.9589r..36890.78890.19889.51889.02888.44887.85887.27886.69886.10885.52884.94884.36883. 78883. L9882.61882.03881.45880.87880. 29879.7I879.L3878.5s877.97877.39876.82876 -24875.66875 - 08874.50873.93873.35872.77872.2087L.62871.05870.47o.2942o.294Lo.29390.2938o.29360.293s0.2934a.2932o.293La.2929o.2928a.292?0.292s0.2924o.2922o.292ta.2920a.29L8o.29L70.2915o.29L40.29L3o.29tLo.29LOo. 2908o.2907o.29460.29040.29030.290t0.29000.28990.28970.28960.28940.28930.28920.28900.2889o.28870.28860.28850.28834.28820.2880o.28790.28770.2876897.52896.93896.35895.76895. L7894.58894.00893.41892.82892.24891.6s891.07890.48889.90889.31_888.73888.1-5887. s6886.98886.40885.81_885.23884.65884.07883.48882.90882.3288t.74881.16880.58880.00879.42878.84878.26877.68877.tO876.53875.95875.37874.79874.22873.64873.06872.49871 .91871.33870.76870.1_8STAGE(fr)1_6.45L6.4516.4516.4s16.45L6.44t6.44L6.4416.44t6.4416.44t6.44L6.431.6.4316.4316.43L6.4316.4316.43L6.43t6.421.6.42!6 -42L6.42L6 .42L6.42L6.42L6.4'J"L6.4L16 .41"16.4LL6 .41.t6.4LL6.4LL6.40L6.4016.4016.4016.40r_6.40L6.4016.4016.3916.3916.391_6.3916.39L6.39TIME(min)21_30.002140.002150.002160.002L70.OO2L80.0021_90.002200. o02210 -OO2220.002230.0O2240.O02250.OO2260.O02270.042280.002290.002300.002310.002320.0O2330.002340.002350.002360.002370.002380.002390.002400.0024LO.OO2420.O02430.0O2440.0O2450.00246A.OA2470.0O2480.002490. O02s00.002510.002520.OO2530.002540.002s50.002560.002570.002580.002590.002600.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineerlng & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpage 11tEVEt POOL ROTITING TABTELEVET POOt ROUTING TABLE1L 12 2Sl- SttM 01 02+252 STAGE0.00000.00000.00000. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. 00000.00000.00000.0000o. 00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.0000o. 00000. 00000.00000.00000 .00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000 .0000869.90869.32868.7s868. L7867.60867.O2866.45865.88865.31864.73864.L6863. s9863. 02862 -4s861.97861.30860.73860. L6859.59859.02858.45857.898s7.328s6.75856.18855.618s5.048s4.48853.918s3.34852.78852.2t85L.64851.08850. s1849.9s849.38848.82848.25847.69869.90869.32868.75868.17867.60867.O2866.4s86s.8886s.31864.73864.16863.59863. 02862.4s861.8786L.30860.73860. L6859.59859.02858;45857.89857.32856.7s856.18855.6,1855.04854.48853.9r.853.34852.78852 .2185L.648s1.088s0. s1849.9s849.38848.82848.2s847.690.28754.2873o.2872a.28700.2869o.28670.28660.28650.2863o.28620.28600.28s90.28570.28560.28550.2853o -28520.28s0o.28490.28484.2846o:2845o.28430.28420.28400.28390. 28380.28360. 28350.2833o.28320.28310.28290.28280.2826o.28250.28240.28220.282Io.2819869. 61869.03868.46867.89867.3L866.74866.L6865.5986s. 02864.45863.87863.30862.73862.t686L.5986L.02860.4s8s9.88859.318s8.74858. 17 '857.60857.03856.46855.9085s.33854.76854. L9853.638s3.06852.49851.93851.36850.80850.23849.67849. 10848.54847.97847.4L16.3916.38L6.381_6.38r.6.3816.3816.3816.38L6.3716.37L6.3716.37t6.37t6.37L6.37!6.371.6.36L6.3616.36:16.,36L6..36' 16'.3616.36L6.35r.6.35L6.351_6.3516.3516.3s16.3sL6.35L6.34L6.341.6.34L6.34L6.3416. 34L6.34L6.3316.33TIME(min)261_0.002620.oO2630.002640.002650.002660.00267A.OO2680.002690.002700.oo27tA.OO2720.O02730.OO2740.OO2750. O02760 -OO2770.OO2780.O02790.OO2800.002810.00282A.OO2830.002840 - 002850.002860.002870.002880.002890.002900.002910.002920.OO2930.002940.OO2950.002960.002970.OO2980. OO2990.003000.00 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpalte 12ROUTING REPORTTRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TBENCIItength: 40.00 ft. htidth: 10.00 ft.Side Slope 1: 1 Side Slope 3: 1Side Slope 2: 1 Side Slope 4: 1Inf iltration Rate: 4. O0 minr/inchBROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAITURE RELEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:El: 15.00 ft. Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.0.10ROUTING CURVESTAGE STORAGT OUTFTOT(ft) (cf) (cfs)0+2Scfs-nin0.00000.27880.42220.56890. 71910. 87281.03001. 1907I .3550t,5229I .69441.86952.04832.n482.41702. 60702.80072.99823. 19963.40483.61383.82684.04384.26464.48954.7t844.95135. 18835.42935. 6745s.92396.t7746.43516.6970STAGE(ft)SlORAGE(cf)199024702150223223152400248525t22661275128422934302831233219331734r73517361937233828393440424151426243t444884603nza48384958507952015326STAGE(ft)STORACE(ct I545r557957475838597061036238637565136653679569387083722973777527767878317986814383018460862287S58950911792859456962898019977ouTFt0l{(cfs)0+2$cfs-nin0lnFI,0X 0+2Slcfs) cfs-cin6.006. r06.206.306.406.506. 606.706.806. 907. 607.707.807.908.008.108.208. 308.408.500.000040. 50182.011124.54168.092t2.67258.29304.96352. 68441.47451.33502.27554.30607.43661.66717.00?73.46831.0s889. 78949. 65101110731136t20tn6ar3331401147115411613168617601836tgL?0.00000. 14380. 14880. 15380.15880. 16390.169r0.t7420. 179{0. 18470. 19000. 19530,20060.20600.21154.n700.22250.22800.23360.239 30.24500.25070,25640.26220. 26814.27390.21980.28580. 29180.29780.30390.31000.31610.32230.32860.33480.34110.34750.3s380.36030.366?0.37320.37980.38640.39300.39960.40630.41310.41980.42670.433s0.44040.44t30.45430.46130.4684.4755.4826.4898.49?0.5042.5115.5188.5262.533612 .80t2.9013.0013.100.56360.57120. 57890:58650.59430.60200. 60984.6n70.625s0. 63350.54140. 64940.65?40. 66550.67360. 68180.69000. 69820. 70650.71480.723t0 . ?3150.73995. s39218.73419. 16619.60320.04620.49324.9462l;4A421.86822.33t22.8n23.29123.77624.26624.76225.26425.77126.28426.8032t.32727.85628.39228. 93329.48034.82344.142s6.04970. 05285.865103,29r22.20t42.476t7788II99000000000000I .40I .509.609.709 .809 .90t0 .0010.10r0. 2010.3010. 4010 .5010.6010.7010.8010.9011.0011.1011.2011.3011.4011 .5011.6011. 70i1.8011.9012.0012. l012.2012.3012.4012 .50n.6a12.70607A809000102030.9632.2337.5085.7876.0711.3589.6512947913.2013.3013.4013.5013. 6013.7013 .8013.9014.0014.10t4.2014.3014.4014.5014.6014. ?014 .801{.90t5 .0015.1015. 2015. 3015.402491554?14. 30725. 65939 .10154.34671.20289.528109.219 .864910. 18010.49910.82 311.15111.485tl.82212.16512.5t212.86413.22t13. s8313. 949t4.32114.69715. 07815.4 6415.85516 .25116. 65317.05915. 5015. 6015. 7015.805411 17.4?05485 17.886s561 18.308 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARLEVET POOL ROUTING TABTEpage L3INFILTRATION TRENCHMATCHQ(cfs) : 0.30PEAK STAGE (ft): 8.88PEAK TIME: 1980.00 min.INFLOW IIYD No. : 2INFtOw Q (cfs):PEAK OUTFTOW :0.300.30OUTFTOW IIYD No. : 3LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE11 T2 2S1 SttM 01 02+2520.00000.01980.04360.06690.08250.09180.1-0100.10990. 1L680.12360. r.3030.13640.1_41_9o.L4740. 15280.t5770.L6240.l_6700.L7L60. 17590.18000.18410. L881_0.19L90.19560.t9920.20280.20630.2096o.2129o.2L6Lo.2793o -22230.2252o.2282o.23LLo.23400.23674.239s0.24220.24470.24670.01980.04360.06690.08250.09L80. 10100.1099o.1168o.t2360.1303o.L3640.L419o.L4740.1528o.L5770.t6240.16700.17L60.L7590.18000.18410.18810.19190.19s6o.t992o.20280.2063o.2096o.2L290.216Lo.2L934.22230.22520.22820.23LLo.23400.23670.23954.24220.24470.24670.24860.00000.00960.03040,0526o.07070.08210. 09080.09930.10660.1L300. r_193o.L2540.13080.1368o.L4870. 1_698o. 19870.23450.27690.3248o -3776o.4347o.49590.56050.62800.698Lo.77060.8451o.92140.9991t;O7821. L585L.23961.3215L.4040L.48711 .57081.65481,.7390L.8235L.9081!.991-90.01-980.07300. L409o.2020o.2449o.27500.301-70.3260o.34700.36690.3860o .4037o.420Lo.43690.45920.48980.5280o.5732o -62440. 6807o.74L70.80700.87s90.9480L.0228L. L001t.17971,.26LO1.34391.428LL.51361.6000r.687L!.7749L.86331.95232.O4L52.L3LO2.22072.3r_O52.39952.487L0.00000.01020.03240.05600.07530.0875o.09670.10570.11360.L2040.L27L0 - 13350.13930.14390. L4430.145Lo -L46L0.L4740. r.4890.1506o. 15250.15450.15660.15890.t6Lz0.1636o.16600. L68s0.17110.1736o -17620.17890. 18L50.18410.18680.1894o.792Ao.L9470. L9730.19990.202s0.20500.01980.06280.10860. 14600. 16960. L8750.2050o.22020.2334o.24650.25890.270L4.28070.29310.31.490.34480.38L94.42580.47s50.53010. s8920.6s250.7L930.7891_0.86160.9366L.01371.0925r.L7281.2545l_.3373L.42LL1.5056L.5907L.67667.7628L.8495L.93632.02342.LLO62.t9702.2821,STAGE( ft)6.006.016. L06.1_06.1_06. L06. L06.106. L06. L06.1_O6.106.106.106. 116.136.1-56.L76. .406.456 .496.546.596 .646. 696.746.796 -846.896.946.997.O47.097.147.L97.237 -28TIME(min)720.OO730.00740.OO750.00760.00770.40780.00790.00800.008L0.00820.00830. 00840. O0850.00860.00870.00880.00890.00900.00910.00920.00930.00940.00950.00960.00970.00980.00990.001000.00Lol_o.001_020.00r-030.001040.001_050.001060.001_070.001080.00r_090.001100.001110. O0r_l_20.001_130. O0 4/15/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1.0 YEARpage t4TEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLELEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTE11 12 2S1 SUM 01 02+252o.2486 00.2505 0o.2sz3 0o.2542 00.2560 0o.2577 0o.2594 0o.26LL 00.2628 0o.2644 00.2660 0o.2676 00.2692 00.27A7 00.2722 00.2737 00.2752 00.2767 0o.2782 0o.2796 0o.28LL 00.2825 0o.2840 00.2855 0o.2869 00.2883 0o.2897 0a.29rL 00.2924 00.2938 0o.295t 00.2964 00.2977 0o.2989 00.3000 00.3009 00.3016 00.3021 0o.3024 00.3025 00.3026 00.302s 00.3024 00.3022 00.3021 00.3020 00.3018 00.3017 0.2505.2523.2542.2s60.2577.2594.26LL.2628.2644.2660.2676.2692.2707.2722.2737.2752.z',r67.2782.2796.28I.r.2825.2840.285s.2869.2883.2897.2911.2924.2938.295L.2964.2977.2989.3000.3009.3016.302L-3024.3025.3026.3025.3024.3022.3021..3020.3018.3017.301s2.07462. r.5602.23642.3L582.39412.47L42.54762 .62282.69702.77032.84262.9L402.98443. 05403.L2263.19043.25743.32383.38943.45443.5L873.s8243.64563.70823.77033.83203.89313.9s384.01394.07344.l.3254.tgto4.24904.306s4.36324.4L904.4?354.52644 .577 44.62634.67284.7L704.75874.79824.83534.87044.90344.93442.57362.65882.74292.82592.90782.98863.06823.t4673.22423.30073.37623.45083.52433. s9683.668s3.73933.80933.87863.94724.01514.08244.14904.21504.28054.34554.41004.47404.53734.60014.66234.72394.78504.84554.90534 -96475.02155.47725. L3095.1823s.23L35.27785.32L85.36345.40255.43945.474a5.50695.5377o.207s0.2100o.2L240.2L480.2t7L0.2L940.2216a.22380.2259o.22800. 2301o.23220.23420.236L0.2381o.24000.24L80.24370.24550.2473o.249L0.2s080.25260.25430.2560o.2576o.2s93o.2609o.26250.264L0.26570.26720.26880.2703o.27L80.27330.2747o.276t4.27740.27870.27990.28104.282L0.2831-0.28410.28s00.28580.28662.36602.44882.53052 .6tt22.69072.76922.84662.92292.99833.07273.L46L3.2L863.290L3.36073.43043.49933.56753.63493.70L73.76783.83333.89813.96244.02634.08964.l.5244.21474.27644 "33764.39824 "45824.51_784.57684.63s04.69234.74824.80254.8s484.90494.95274.99805.04085.08L35. r.1945.15535.18925.221,05.25r_1STAGE( ft)7.337.377.427 .467.507.547.587.627.667.7A7.747.777.8L7.847.887.9t7.957. gg8. O18. L68. O01160.001170.001180.001L90.001200 . o0L210.00L220.OO1230.00t240.oo1250.00L260.OOL270.001280.001_290. OO1300.00L3L0.001320.00L330.001_340.001350.001360.00L370. O01380.001390.001400.00L4L0.00L420.001430.001440.001_450. O0l_460.00L47A.OO1480.001490.001s00.0015r_0.001520.001530.001540 - O015s0.00L560. o01570.00L580. oo1590.001600 - 00l_61_0.00 4/15197 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARpage L5tEVEt POOI ROUTTNG TABTEtEVEt POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 2SL SUM 01 02+252 STAGE TIME_r_============0.301_50.30140.301_30.3011o.301_00.30080.30070.30060.30040.30030.30010.30000.29990.2997o.29960.2994o.2993o.2992o.29900.29890.2987o.29860.29850.29830.29820.2980o -29790.29770.2976o.2975o.2973o.2972o.297A0.2969a.29670.29660.2965o.2963o.2962o.2960a.29s90.29580.29560.295s0.29530.2952o.29soo -29490.30140.30130.30110.30100.30080.30070.30060. 30040.30030.30010.3000o.29990.29970.29960.2994o.29934.29920.2990o.2989o.29870.29860.2985a.29830.29820.29800.29790.2977o.29764.297so.29730.2972o.2970a.29690.29670.29660.296so.2963o.2962o.29600.29s90.29580.29560.29s50.29s3o.29520.2950o -29490.29484.96374.99L25.0171_5.0415s.06435.08585.10595.L2475.L4235. 15885.17425.18865.20205.2L455.22605.23685.246',75.2s595.26445.272L5.27925.28575.29L6s.296es.3017s.30s95.3097s.31_305.31595.31835.32035.32205.32335.32435.32495.3253s.32s35.32505.32455.32385.32285.32L65.32015.3L855.3L665.3r_465.3L245.31005.56665.59395.6L955.64365.666Ls.68735.70715.72575.74305.75925.77445.78855.8016s.81385.8251s.83555.84525.85415.8623s.86985.8766s.88285.8e845.89345.89795.90185.9053s.90835.9L095.9131"s.9148s.91,625.91725.9L79s.91835.91835.9L815.9175s.9L685.9Ls75.9t445.9L295.9tL25.90935.90715.90485.90235.8997o.28740.2881o.2887o.2893o.2899o.2905o.29LOo.29L5o.29L9o.2923o.2927o.293ro.29340.29370.2940o.2943o.29450.29480.2950o.2952o.2954o.29ss0.29s70.2958o.29590.2960o.296L4.2962o.2963Q;2963o.2964o.29640.29650.29650.2965o,296s0.2965o.2965o.2965o.296so.2965o.29640.29644.29630.2963o.29624.29624.296ts.27935.3058s.33085.35425.37625.39685.41625.43425,4511s.46695.48175.49545. s0825.5201s.531.r.5. s4135. s5075.55935.56735.57465.58L25.58735.59275.59765.6019s.60585.60925.6L2L5.61465.6L675.61845.61985.6208s.62i_45.62185.62185.62L65.62105.62035.6L925.6180s.6165s.6148s.6L295.61085.60865.6062s. 60368.738.748.758.768.778.788.798.79I .908.8L8.828.828.838.838.848-848.858.858.858.868.868.868.868.878.878.878.878.878.878.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.878.878.878.871_620.00L630.001640.0016s0.00L660.001670. O0L680.001690.00L700. o0L710.00L720.AO1730.00l_740.001750.00L760.001770.001780.00L790.001800.001_810.00L820.001830. O01840. O01850.00L860.00L870.001880.001890.00L900.001910.001920.001930.001940.001.950.001960.001_970.001980.001990.002000. o02010.002020.oo2030.002040. o02050.002060.002070.oo2080.002090.00 4/15/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDIT]ONS].0 YEARpage 1-6LEVET POOI ROUTING TABLELEVET P@t ROUTING TABLE11 12 2S1 SUI{ 01 02+252 STAGE TIME_F=========== ==0.2948o.29460.29450.2943o.29420.294L0.29390.29380.2936o.293s0.2934o.29320.293L0.29290.2928a.2927o.29250.2924o.2922a.292r0.29200.29180.29L70.29150.29L40.29L3o.29Lt0.29ta0.29080.29070.29060.29040.29030.290L0.2900o.2899o.28970.28960.28940.28930.2892o.28900.28890.28870.28860.28850.2883o.2882.2946.2945.2943.2942.294L-2939.2938.2936.2935.2934.2932.2931.2929.2928.2927.2925.2924.2922.2921.2920.29L8.2917.29L5.2914.29L3..29LL.29L0,2908-2907.2906.29A4.2903.290L.2900.2899.2897.2896.2894.2893.2892.2890.2889.2887.2886.2885.2883.2882.28805.30755.30485.30205.29905.29s95.29275.28945.2860s -28245.27885.27505.27L25.26735.26335.2592s.25505.25085.24655.24225.23785.23335.22885.22425.27965.21505.21035.20555.20075. L9s95. L911s.1862s. 18L25.1_7635. L71_35. 16635.16L35.L5625.15125.14615. 14105.13585.1_3075.1255s. L2035.1151_5.10995.10465.0994s.89695.89395.89085.88765.88425.88075.877L5.87345.8695s.86s6s.86L65.85755.85335.84905.84465.84025.8357s.83115.82655.82185.81"715.8L235.80745.8025s.79765;,79265.78765.78255.77745.77235 -76715.76L95.75675.75155 .7 4625.7409s.73555.73025.72485.7L945.714A5.70865.70315.6977s.69225.68665.68115.6755-2961.2964.2959.29s9.2958.2957.2956.2955.2954.2953.2952.2952.2951.2950.2948.2947.2946.2945.2944.2943.2942.294]-.2940.2938.2937.293s.2934.2933.2937.2930.2929.2928.2926.2925;2924.2923-292L.2920.29L9.2917.29L6.29L5.2913.2912.29LL.2909.29085.60085.59795.59495.591.75.58845.58505.581_55.57785.5?4Ls.57035.5663s. s6235.55825.55405.54985.54555.54L1_5.53665.53215. s2755.52295.5182s.5135s.50875.50395.494r5.48925.48425 -47925.474L5.46915.4640s.45885 .45375.44855.44335.43815.43285.4276s.42235.4L705.41t75.40635.40095.39565.39025.38478.878.878.878.878.878.868.868.868.868.868.868.868.8s8.858.858.858-8s8.858.848.848.848.848.848.838.838.838.838.838.828.828.828.828.828.818.8r_8. B18.818.8L8.808.808-808.808.798.798.798.798.798.782100.0021L0.00212A.002L30.002140.002150. O02L60.002L70.002L80.002190.002200.o022tO.OO2220.AO223A.OO2240.002250.002260.OO2270.OO2280.0O2290.OO2300.0023L0.002320.OO2330.002340.002350.002360.002370.002380,002390.002400.4a24L0.002420.O02430.002440.OO2450. O02460.OO2470.002480.00z490.oo2s00.002510.002520.002530.002s40.002550.002560.002s70.oo00000000o00o00000000000000000po000000000000000000000000000o00000oo00000000o0000o0000000000000000.2936 5.4990 4/15/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page t797037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS10 YEARJ_===LEVET POOI ROUTING TABLELEVEL P@t ROUTING TABLE11 12 23! SIIM OT. 02+252 STAGE TIME_======0.2880o.2879o.2877o.2876o.2875o.2873o.2872o.28700.2869o.2867o.28660.2865o -2a63o.28620.28600.2859o.28570.28s60.28550.28s30.28520.2850o -2849o.2848o.2846o.2845o,28430.2842o.28400.28390.28380.28360.283s0.2833o.2832o.2831o.28290.2828o.2826a -282s0.2824o.2822o.282L0.2879o.2877o.2876o.28750.28730.28720.2870o.28690.28670.28660.286s0.2863o.28620.28600.28590.28570.28560.28550.2853o.28s2o,.28500.28490.2848o.28460.2845a.2843o.2842o.28400.28390.28380.28360.28350.28330.28320.283L0.2829o.28280.28260.2825o -2824o.28220.282L0 .28195.094Ls.08885.08345.07815.07285 .067 45.06205.05675.05135.0459s.04055.03s0s.02965.02425.0L875 . 01335.00785.00244.99694.99L44.98604.98054.97504.969s4.96404.9s8s4.95304.94754.94204.936s4.93104.92554.92004.9L4s4.90904.903s4.89804.89254.88704.88154.87604.870s4.86505.67005 .66445.6588s.65325.64755.64195.63625.63065.6249s.61925.6L355.60785.6021_5.5964s.59065.58495.5792s.s7345.56775.56L95.55625.55045.54465. s3895.5331_5.52735.521_55.51585.51005.50425.4984s.49265.48685. 48LLs.47535 .46955.46375.45795.452t5.44635.44065.43485.4290o.29070.290so.2904o.29030.2901o.2900o.2899o.2897o.28960.28940.2893o.28920.28900.28890.28880 - 28860.28850.2883o.28820.2881o.28790.28780.2876o.28750.28740.2872o.287Lo.28690.2868o.28670.28650.28640.28620.28610.28600.28580.28570.28s5o.28540.28520.28510.2850o.28485.37935.37395.3684s.36295.3574s.3519s.3464s.34095.33535 .32985.32425.31865.31315.30755.30195 .29635.29075.28515.27955.27395.2683s.26265.25705.25!45.24575.240Ls.23455.22885.2232s.2L755.2L195.20635.20065.19s0s.18935.1_8375.17805.L7245.16675.16115.15555.14985.1442.,, O02640.0026sO.002660.002670.002680.002690.002700.ao27LO.OO2720.OO2730.002740.AO2750.002760.002770.OO2780.OO279A.OO2800.002810.002820 -OO2830. O02840.OO2850.002860.002870. OO2880.002890.002900.002910.002920.O02930.002940.OO2950.002960.002970.0O2980 - 002990.003000.00 4/Ls /97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDCONDITIONSpage 1DEVELOPED BASTN25 YEARBASIN SI.'MI4ARYBASIN ID: ATOTAT ARE4.......:RAINFALT TYPE....:PRECIPITATION. .. .3TIME INTERVAL....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTTON COEFF:PEAK RATE: L5.11 cfsNAl,tE: BASIN 6-DEVELOPED96.10 Acres BASEFLOWS: O.OO cfsTYPEI.A PERVIOUS AREA2.00 inches AREA..: 33.60 Acres10.00nin CN....: 86.6067.00 min IMPERVIOUS AREAO.2O AREA. . : 62.50 AcresCN-...: 91-.00VOt: 8.3L Ac-ft TIME: 540 minvJ.ier': + i+"....rt;!i , i.-:;:s;l 4/15/97Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENT'E DETENTION PONDCONDITIONSpage 2DEVETOPED BASIN25 YEARITYDROGRAPH ST'}IMARYHYI)NI'MPEAKRUNOFFRATEcfsTIMEOFPEAKmin.vort MEOFIIYDROcf\AcFtContribAreaAcres96. L096.1_O96.10L23ls.1L10.349o.3445401530206036L87944464422L3cfcfcf 4/Ls/e7Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN-AVENUE DETENTION PONDCONDITIONSpage 3DEVELOPED BASIN25 YEARSTORAGE STRUCTURE IISTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETLANDTRAPEZOIDAL BASIN ID NoDescription: INFILTRATIONtength: 40.00 ft"Side Slope 1: 1Side Slope 2: 1Infiltration Rate:ATRENCHWidth; 10.Side Slope 3Side Slope 4BftL1004.00 min/inchSTORAGE IIST ID No.Description: perteetttNDERGROttND PIPE ID NoDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft.Slope...: 0.0100 ft/ftapitength: 100.00 ft. 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 497437 SAT.I JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEAR--------DISCHARGE STRUCTURE IIST!,TUI.TIPLE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETTAND ORIFICEOut1et EIev: 15.00Elev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in.BROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAITURE RELEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length: 50.0000 ft.E1: 15.00 ft. Weir Inciem: 0.10BROAD CRESTSD WEIR.Description:cd: 3.0300EI : 2L9 .70 ft.ID No.Weir .1Weir Ibength:ncrem:50.0000 fr.o. L0 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97437 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEARpage 5ROUTING REPORTSTORAGE IIST ID No. ADescription: WETLANDMULTIPTE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETTAND ORIFICEOutlet EIev: l-5 . 00EIev: L5"00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in.ROUTING CURVESTAGE STOBAGT OUIFI,OI{(ft) (cf) (cfs)0+2Scfs-ninSTAGE( ft)STONAGE(cf)0mFt0t{(cfs )0+2Scfs-dnSTAGE( ft)t7.4017.5017.6017.7017.8017. 9018 .0018. 1018.2018. 3018.4018.5018. 6018. ?018 .8018. 9019 .0019.1019.2019. 3019 .4019. 5019.6019. 7019.80STORAGB(cf)ourFt0t{(cfs)0+2Scfs-nin12.3012.4012 .50n.6a12.7012. 8012.9012.00 0.000012.10 2109n.za 42n42849045086047323049s6005179705{0340562714s850806074496298196s21886745586969271192977416667640367864058172838481618?903990991794079597t6731002551103342913.0013.1013 .2013 .3013.4013. 5013.7013.8013 .9014. 0014.10t4.2014.3014.4014 .5014. 6016.4016.5016.6016. 7016.8016.9017.0017.1017.2017.300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00007. 030014.06021.09028.t2035. 15042.18049.2t056.24063.27070. 30081.52892.757103.99ll5.2tt26.44t37.67324.42344.58364. 94385.204t7.43449.6t481 .79513. 96546.13578. 30610.47642.63674. 80706. 96?49 .30791.65833 .998?6.33918.67961.0210031046108811301205128013540.37840.38620. 39380.40130.{0870.41590.42300. {3000. 43690. 443?0.45030.45590 .46340. 46980.47610.48230.488s0. 49450. s0050.50650. s1230.51810.52380. s2950.5351632714.7014.8014.9015 .0015.1015 .2015.308436105{5t26541476316812r89812109024459278213119634564379334130144670480385140?54t75608546693273011790898s1689124697325103403109482115560t25206134851t444971s4142163788173433183079192t2424n702t20t52247152374t42501142628132755132882t2300912313611326311339010361380383?s04061200.00000.00000.00000.00000.47720. 10920.13380.15450.n270. 18920.20430.21840.231 70.24420.25620.26750.2 7850.28900.29910.30890.31840.32t10.33670.34540.3s390.36230.37040. .4015 .5015.6015. 7015 .80ls. 9016.0016. l016.2016. 30148.90160. 131?1.36182 .58202.85223.n243.37263. 63283 .89304. 15 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 697437 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEAR_:___TEVEL P@t ROUTING TABLEWETLAND BASINMATCH q (cfs) :PEAK STAGE (ft):PEAK TIME: L53O.00INFTOW IIYD No. : LINFtOw 0 (cfs):PEAK OUTFLOW :L5.11L7.O4min"15. 1L0.3sOUTFTOW ITYD No.: 2LEVEL POOI ROUTING TABTE11 T2 2S1 SttU 01 O2+2SZ0.00000.0041o.0L520.03460.071L0.1325o.2Lt70.3199o.459L0.61L00.78370.9800L.L789r.3976L.644t1.89592.L8t92.5L542.86403.26563.73824.24275.08106. s05s8.504910.81613.005L4.52615. L1_L14.989L4.46tL3.644!2 -sL3LL.26010.12L9.19008.56828.06747.65787.33107.05786.81340.004L0.01_520.03460.0711o. L325a.2tL70.31990.459L0.6110o.78370.9800L.17891.3976L.644Lr..89s92.t8L92.5L542.86403.26s63.73824.24275.08L06.505s8.504910.8L6L3.005t4.52615. L11L4.989L4.46tL3.64412.5L3tL.260LO.LzL9.19008.56828.06747.65787.33107.45786.8L346.62720.00000.004Lo.02340.07330.1790o.3827o.7270L.25862.O3763.10784.50256.26628.425211 - 002L4.O43L7.58321.66L26.35831.73837.86744 -B7L52.85262.17673.76288.773108.09131.91L59.45L89.082t9.18248.63276.74302.89326.66348.05367.3638s.1140L.7L4L7.32432.L4446.33459.980.00410.02340. 07330. L790o.38270.7270L.25862.03763. 10784.50256.26628.425211-.00214.04317. s832L.66L26.35831.73837.86744.87L52.85262.L7673.76288.773108.09131.91159.45189.082L9.L8248.63276.74302.89326.66348.0s367.36385.1140L.7541l.7.44432.3L446.53460.20473.420.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o.00000.00000.03974.07720.09190. L06Lo -LL720.0041o.02340.07330.1,790o.38270.72701.25862.03763.1_0784.50256.26628 .42521_1. O02t4 -o4317.5832L.66L26.3583L.73837.86744.871s2 .85262.17673.76288.773108.09131.91159.4s189.082l.9.t8248.63276.74302.89326.66348. 05367.36385. L1-40!.754L7.40432.23446.43460.09473.30STAGE( ft)12.0012.00L2.LOT2.LOL2.LOL2.LAL2 -tOL2.tOL2 .10t2.LOL2.LOL2.LOL2.L2t2.16L2.2012.25L2.31L2.37L2 .45t2 -54L2.6412.75L2.8813. 03r.3.16L3.34L3.55L3.7914.03L4.1814.33L4.4614.59L4.71,l.4.82L4.9L15.0015. 0515.1015. 1515. L9Ls.23TIME(min)270.oo280.00290.00300.00310.00320.00330.00340. 00350.00360.00370.00380.00390.00400.004L0.00420.O0430.00440.00450.00,460.00470.00480 . 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OO0.0000 0.0000 Lo67 Lo67 0.3323 LA67 16.85 2870.OO0.0000 0.0000 1066 1066 0.3321 1065 L6.8s 2880.000.0000 0.0000 t-066 L066 0.3320 106s 16.85 2890. OO0.0000 0.0000 106s 1065 0.33L8 L065 L6.8s 2900. Oo0.0000 0.0000 Lo64 LA64 0.33L7 L064 L6.84 29L0.000.0000 0.0000 1064 1064 0.33L6 1063 L6.84 2920.O00.0000 0.0000 1063 1063 0.3314 1063 L6.84 293o.OO0.0000 0.0000 to62 Lo62 0.3313 LO62 16.84 2940.0O0.0000 0.0000 Lo62 L062 0.3311 L06L 16.84 2950. OO0.0000 0.0000 1.061- 1061 0.3310 1061 16.84 2960.000.0000 0.0000 1060 L060 0.3309 t 060 16.84 297A.OO0.0000 0.0000 L060 1060 0.3307 1059 16.83 2980.000.0000 0.0000 10s9 1059 0.3306 1059 16.83 2990.000.0000 0.0000 L058 1058 0.3304 1059 16.83 3000.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page t297037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONSt25 YEAR=========-?q----==---ROUTING REPORTTRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCHtength: 40.00 ft. Width: 10.00 ft.Side Slope 1: L Side Slope 3: LSide Slope 2: L Side Slope'4: 1Inf iltration Rate: 4.00 mtnr/inchBROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAILURE RETEASEcd: 3.0300 hleir length:El: 15.00 ft. Weir Increm:50:0000 ft "0. L0ROUTING CURVESTAGT STORIGE OI'TFIOX(ft) (cf) (cfs)0+2$cfs-ninSTAGE( ft)SIORIGE(cr11990207A215022322315i2400,2{852572266t275t284229343028312332t9331734n351?3619372338283934404241514262431444884603412048384958507952015326outFr0[(cfs)0.3s380.36030 .36674.37320.37980.38640.39300.39960.40630.41310.41980.42670 .433s0.4{0{0 .44730.45430.46130.468{0.47550.48260.48980.49700.50420.51150.51880.52620. s3360.54110.54850.55610+2Scfs-nin6.96327.23377.50857,78768.071 I8.3589 -8.65128.94?99 .24919 .554?9 .864910.18010.49910.82311.1511l .485tr.82212. l6sLZ.5r2-12.864t3.22113.58313.94914.321t4.697STAGT( ft)$TORAGg(cf)'54515579570?5838s9706103623863756s1366s367956938708312297377752t7678783179868143830184608622878589509m92859456962898019977OUTFI,OII(cfs )0+2Scfs-dn2t2.6t25i8.29304.96352.68401.47{51 .33502.27554.30607.43661.66717.00773.46831.05889.78949.6510116.006. r06.206.306.406.506.606.706.806.90?.007. 107.207.307.407.507.607.707.807.908. .608.708.808.909.009.'109. 209. 300.000040.50182.01 It24.54168.090.00000:14380. t 4880. 15380.15880.16390.32860.33480.34110.19000.19530. 20060.20 600.21150. 21 700.22250.22800.23360.23930.24500.25070.2564a.26220.26810.27390.27980.28580.29180.2 9 780.30390.31000.316r0.322312.8012. 9013.0013.1013.2013.3013. {0t3 .5013. 6013.7013.8013. 9014 .0014.10t4.2014.3014 .4014.501{.6014.7014.8014.9015.0015 .1015.2015.3018.73419.16619.60320.04624.49320.94621.40421.86822.33t22.8n23.29r23.77624.26624.16225.26425.77t26.28426 .80327,32727.85628.39228. 93329 .48034.82344.142s6.04970.05285 .865103. 29122.20t42.410.34759 .409. s09.609.709 .809.9010.0010. l010.2010.3010.4010. s010.6010. 7010.8010.9011.0011.1011 .201l .3011 .4011 .5011.6011 .7011.8011.9012.0012 .10n.2a12.3012.4012.5012.60t2.700.00000.27880.42220.56890. 71910.8728r .03001. 1907I .35s0t.5229t.6944I .86952.04832.23082.41702.60702.80072.99823. 19963 .40483.61383.82684.04384.26464 .48954.7t844 .9513s. 18835.42935. 67{55.92396.fi?46. 43516. 6970.5636.5712. s789.5865.5943.6020.6098.6t77.6255.6335.6414.6494.6574:6655.6736.6818.6900.6982.7065.7148.723t. ?315.7399.53920000000000000000000000050.16910,17420.1 7940.18471073ll361201t266r3331401t47t15411613168617501836191215 .4015.5015 .6015. 7015 .8015.07815.46{15. 85516. 25116.6s314. 30725. 65939.10154.3467t.20289.528109.2117.05917.47017.88618 .308 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & SurveyDEvELopED BAsrN gffil-i3ilrtu* A'ENUE DErENrroN PoND25 YEARpage 13LEVET POOI ROUTING TABLEINFILTRATION TRENCHMATCHQ(cfs) : 0.35PEAK STAGE (ft): 9.64PEAK TIME: 2Q6O.OO min.INFTOW HYD No. : 2INFLOW Q (cfs):PEAK OUTFLOW :0.3so -34OUTFTOW ITYD No.: 3LEVET POOL ROUTING TABTE11 T2 2S1 StM 01 02+2s2 STAGE TIME-----:-- -:------0.0000o.03970.0772o. 09190.1061"o.tL72o.t2730.13660. L4460.L5240.15940. 1661o.L7'260. L7840. 18410. 1897o.L9490. L999o.2049o.2094o.2L40o.2L84o.2226o.22670.2308o.2347o. 2385o.24230.2456o.24830.25090.2s360.25620.25870.26L20.2637o.266L0.2685o.2707o.2730o.2753o -27750.03970.07720.09190. L0610.11"720.L2730. L366o.L4460,15240.1.5940. L6610.17260.17840.1_8410.18970.1.9490.19990.2049o.2094o.2t400.21840.2226o.22670.23080.23470.2385o.24230.2456o.24830.25094.25360.25620.2587a.26120.2637o.26610.2685o.2707o.27300.2753o.2775o.27970. 00000: OL920.05600.08010.09330. 10s20.1151o.L24to .].322o.L442o. 16700.2013o.24604.2994o.3604o.42820.50L70. s8020.6631_o.74970.8395o.932LL.A2721.1242L .223LL.3235t.42517.52781.63L1_L.7339L.83571.93662.03672.L3592.23412.331.42 -42782.s2342.6!8L2.7Lt82 -AO472.89680.03970. L360o.225Lo.278t0.3L66a.34970.37890.4053o.42920.4561o.49250.54000.5970a.662A0.73430.81280.896s0.9850L.O774t.t73t1.27L91.3732'1 .47651.58L81..68867.7967L.90592.0L572.L2492.233L2.34032.446s2.55L72.65582.75892.86tt2.96233.06263.16183.26013.3s7s3.45400.00000.02050.05960.08s30.09940.1120o.t226a.L3220. L408o.L442o. L4500.t462o.L4780.L4970.1.5190.15430.15680.1_595o.L6240.16530.1683o.L7L4o.L7464.t7770.18L00.L842o.L8740. 19070. L9390. r.971_0.2003o.2034o.2064o.2a94o.2L230.2L520.21810.2209o -2236o.2264o.229A0.23L7o.03970. 11s60. 16540.19280.2L72o.23770.2563o.27310.28840.31200.347s0.39380.44920.5123o.58240.65850.73970.82540.9Ls01.00781.10361.20L81..30191.4040L.50771_.61251..7185L.82501.93L02.03602.L4002.243t2.34532.44642.s4662.64s92.74432.84L72.93823.03383.1_28s3.22236.006.016. L06. 156.186 -226.266.3r.6.366 .4L6.476.536.596.6s6.7L6.776.836.896.957.Ot7.077.137.L97.257.3L7.367.427 .477.527 .577.627 .677.727.76640.00650.00660.00670. 00680.00690.00700.00710.00720.0O730.00740.00750.00760.0077A.OO780.00790. O0800.008L0.00820.00830.00840. OO8s0.00860.00870.00880.00890.00900.009L0.00920.00930. O0940.00950.00960.00970.00980.00990.001000.001010 - 001"020.001030.001040.00r_0s0.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDTTIONS25 YEARpage t4TEVEL POOI ROUTING TABLELEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 2Sl SUM 01 02+252.2797.2818.2839.286t.2882.2902.2922.2942.296L.2980.2999.301-7.3035.3053.3071.3088.'3105.3t2t.3L37.3153.3169.3185.3200.32L5.3230.3245.3260.3276.3290.3305.3320.3335.3350.3364.3379.3393.3406.3420.3433.3447.3457.3464.347t.3476.3480.3483.3485.34860.2818o.2839o.286L0.28820.29020.2922o.29420.296L0.29800.29990.30170.303so.'30530.30710.30880.310so.3L2Lo'.3L370.31s30.31690.3L850.32000.32L50.3230Q.3245o.3260a.32760.32900.330s0.33200.333s0.33500.3364o.33790.33930.3406o.34200.34330.3447o.34s70.3464a.347Lo.34760.34800.34830.348s0.34860.34862.98803.07843. L6803.2s683.34493.43233.51893.60463.68973.77403.85763.94034 . 02234.10354.18394.26354.34244.42044.49764.574L4 .64974.72464.79874.872L4.94475.0167s.08805.15885.22905 -29875.36785.43645.50465.5723s.6395s.70635.77255.83825.9034s.96816.03206.09466.15556.2L476.27206.32736.38056.43t43.54953.64423.73803.83103.92334.0L464.LO524.L9494.28384.37t94 -4s924.54564.63114.71584.79984.88284.96505.04635.L2675.20635. 28515.36305.44025.51665.59235.66735.74L75.81545.88865.96L26.03336.to496. L7606.24666.31666.38626.45516.523s6.591-46. 65856.72426.788L6.85026.9L036.96837.O24L7.07757.L28s.2343.2368.2393.24L8.2443.2467.249t.25L4.2538.256t.2583.2605.2628.2649.267L.2692.27L2.2733.2753.2773.2793.28L2.283L.2850;2869.2887.2905.2923.294L.2958.2976.2993.301_0.3027.3044.3060.3076.3093.3L09.3t24.3140.31_55.3170.3185.3198.32t2.3225.32373.31533.40743.49873.58923.67903.76793.8s613.943s4.0301_4.11594.20Q94.28sL4.36844.45094.53274.6L364.69374.77304. 85144.92905.0058s.08185.15715.23765.3054s.37865.4sLr-5.52315.59455. 66545.73575.80s65.87505.94396.01236.08016.L4756.2L436 - 280s6.34606.41026 -47266.53326. s9196.64856.70296.75506.8048STAGE(ft)7.877.867.907.947.998.038.078.1r.8.158. L19.L49 -179. L99. 060.001070.001080.001090. o0r.L00.001110.001L20.00L130. O01L40.00L150.001160.001170.001180.001190.001.200.001210.00L220.001230.00L240.OO12s0.00L260.001270.001_280.001290.001300.001310. O0L320.001330 - 00L340.00L350. O01360.001370.00L380.00L390. 001400.001410.00t420.ao1430.001440.001450.00L460.001470.001480.001490.001s00.001510.001520.001530.00=0000000000000000000000000o0000000000000o000o0000=00o0o000o00000o0000o00oo000000000000000000000000 4/15/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEARLEVET POOL ROUTING TABLEtEVEt POOL ROUTING TABLE11 T.2 2S1 St !{ 01 02+252page 150.3486o.34860.3485o.348:40.34830.3483o.34820.3481.0.3480o.34790.34790.34780.3477o.3476o.34750.34750.3474a.3473o.34720.347t0.347L0.34700.34690.34680.3467o.34670.34660.3465o.34640.34630.3463o.34620.346L0.3460fo.34s90.34590.3458o.34570.34560.34s60.34s50.34540.34530.34510.3450O;3448o.3447o.34450.34860.3485o.34840.34830.34830.34820.34810.3480o.34790.34790.34780.3477o.3476o.34754.347s0.34740.34730.3472o.347L0.347t0.34700.34690.34680.3467o.34670.34660.34650.34640.34630.34630.34620. 346L0.34600.34s90.34s90.34s80.34570.34560.34560.34550.34540.34530.34510.34s00.34480.34470.34450.34446.48006.52636.57046.6L236.652L6.68986.72576.75976.ir9206.82276.85L86.87946.90556.93036.95386.97606.997L7.O!7!7.03607.05387.47077.Aa677. 10187.11607.L2947.I42L7.L5407.L6527.L7577. L8567.L9497.20377.2LL87.2L9s7.22667.23337.23957.24537.25067.2s567.26027.26447.26827.27L57.27447.27707.279L7.28087.L77L7.2234'7.26737.30907.34877.38637.42207.45s87.48807.518s7.54747.57487.60087.62547.64887.67A97.69L87.7tL67.73037.7480't.76487.7806'1 .79557.8095' 7.82287..83537.847L7.85817.86857.87827.88747.89607.90407.9LI'57 -91847.92497.93107.93667.94t87.94667.95107.95507.9s857.96t67.96427.9665?.96837.96970.32480. 3260o.32700.32800.32900.32990.33070.331s0. 3323.0.33300.33370.33440.33500.33560.33610.33660. 33710.33760. 33800.33850;33890.33920.3396o. 3399o.34020.340s0.34080.341 10.34130.341s0.34180.3420o.34220.3423o.3425o.34270.34280.34290.34310.34320.3433o.34340.34350.34350.34360.3437o.34370.34386.85236.89746.94036.98107.OL977.05647.09L27.12437.15577. 18557.2L377.24057.26587.28997.31277.33427.35477.37447.39237.40967.42597.44t37.45597.46967.48267.49487.50627.51707.52727.53677.54567.55407.56187.569t7.57597.58237.58827.59377.59887.64347.60777.6LL67.615L7.6L8L7.62067.62287.62467.6260STAGE( ft)9.349.369.389.399.4L9.429.439.4s9.469 .479.489 .499. s09.519.529.539.549.549.5s9.569.569.579.589.589.599. s99.609.609.609.619.61-9.619.629.629.629.629.639.639.639.639.639 .649.649 .649.649.649 -649.64TIME(min)1540.001550.001560.00L570.00L580.00L590.001600.00L610.001620.001630.001_640. O0L650.00L660.001670.001680.001690.001700.00r.7r.0.00L720.OO1730.001740.001750.001_760.001770.001780.00L790.001800.001810.001_820.00L830.001840.00L850.001860.001870. O01_880.001890 .001900.0019L0.00L920.001930.001940.001950.001960.00r_970.001980.001990.002000.0020L0.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineeri97037 SAN JUAN AVENUEDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEARng & SurveyDETENTION PONDpage 16LEVET POOL ROUTING TABTELEVEL POOL ROUTTNG TABTE1L 12 2S1 SLIM 01 Q2+252o -3444o.34430.344L0.34400.3438o.34370.3435a.34340 - 34330.34310.3430o.34280.3427o.3426Q.34240.3423o.342L0.34240.3418o.34170.3416o.34t40.34130.34110.34100,3409o.34070.34060.34040.34030.34020.34000.33990.33970.33960.339s0.3393o.33920.33900.33890.33880.33860.33850.33830.33820.3381a.3379o.33780.34430.344ro.34400.34380.34370.343so.34340.34330.34310.34300.3428o.3427o.3426o.3424o.3423o.3427o.34ZO0.341_8o.34L70.34L60.34L40.34130 . 3411_0.34100.34090.34070.3406a.34040.34030.34020.34000.33990.33970.33960.33950.33930.33920.33900.33890.33880.33860.33850.33830.33820.3381_0.33790.33780.3376v .28227.28327.28407.28447.28457.28437.2839v.28327.28227.28LA7.27967.27807.27627.27427.27207.26967.2671"7 .26447.26t57.25857.25547.252L'7.24877.24527.24L57.23787.23397.23007.22597 .22L87.2L767.2L327.20897.20447.19997.19537.19067. L8597. L81L7.L7627.L7737.16647.16L47.15637.L5L37.L46L7.74107.13s87.97087.97767.97207.97227.97207.97157.97087.96987;96867.967L7.96547.96357.96L47.95927.95677.95407.95L27.94827.945L7 -94LA7.93837.93487.93LL7.92737.92347'.9t947.9L527.91107.90677.90227.89777.89317.88857.88377.87897.87407.869L7.864L7.85907:85397.84877.843s7.83827.83297.82757.822L7.8L67't.8LL2o.34380.34380.34380.34380.34380.34380.34380.34380.34380.34380.3437o.3437o.34370.34360.34360.343s0.34340.34340.34330.34320.34320.34310.34304.34290.34280.34280.3427o.3426o.3425o.3424o.3423o.3422o.34210'.34200.34L90.34L80.34t7o.34L64.34140.34134.34L20.34110.34L00.3409o.3407o. 34060.340s0.34047.627t7.62787.62827.62837.628L7.62777.62707 .62607.62487.62347.62t77.6L997.6L787.61ss7.6L3L7.610s7.60777.60487.60L77.59857.59527.59t77.58817 -58447.58057.57667.57257.56847.56427. s5987. s5547.55097.54647.54L77.53707.53237.52747.52257.5L767.51257.50757.50247.49727 .49207.48687.48157.47627.4708STAGE( fr)9.649.649.649.649.649 "649.649.649.649.649.649.649.649.649.649.649.649.649.639.639.639.639.639.639.639.639.629.629.629.629.629.629.629.619.619.619.619.61-9.619.609.609.609.609.609. s99.599.599.59TII,IE(min)2020 -oo2030.002040.002050.002060.002070.002080. 002090.002100.002110.002L20.002130. 002L40.OQ2150.002160.002L70.OA2L80.002190.002200.0022LO.0A2220.0O2230.O02240.002250.002260.OO2270.002280.0O2290.O02300.0023L0.002320.002330.002340.OO2350 - 002360.002370.002380. O02390.002400.0024r_0.00242A.OO2430.0O2440.002450.002460.002470.0A2480.002490.00 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEARpage t7LEVET POOt ROUTING TABLETEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTE11 12 2S1 StM 01 02+252 STAGE TrME_______====____0.3376o. 3375o.33744.33720. 33710.33690.33680.33670.33650.33640.33620.3361o.33590.33580.33570.3355o.33540.33520.335Lo.33490.33480.33470.33450.33440.33420.33410.33400.33380.33370.333s0.33340.33320.33310.3330o.3328o.33270.332s0.33240.33230.33210.33200.33180.33170.33160.33140.33130.33110.33100.337s0.3374o.33720.33710.3369o.33684.33670.336s0.33640.33620.33610.3359o.33580.33570.33550.33s40.33520.33510. 33490.3348o.33470.3345o.33440.33420.33410.33400.33380.33370.333s0.33340.33320.33310.33300.33280.33270.3325o.3324o.33230.332L0.33200.33180.33L70.33160.33140.33130.33L10.33100.33097.13067.L2537 -L2007.1L477.LO937.to407.09867.O93L7.08777.08227.07677.O71L7.06567.06007.05447.04887.O43I7.O3757.03187.026L7.02047.01467.00897.00316.99746.99166.98586.98006.97426.96836.962s6.95676.95086.94496.939r-6.93326.92736.921,46.91s56.90966.90376.89786.89196.88606.8801_6.87426.86836.86247 -80577.800L7.79467.78907.78337.77777.77207.76637.76A6'l .75487.74907.74327-.73737.73L57.72567.7t977.7L377.70787.70L87.69587.68987. 68387.67787.67t87.66577.65967.65367.64757.64L47. 63537.629L7.62307.61697 .6L077.60467.59847.s9237.58617.57997.57377.56767.56t47.55527.s4907.54287.53667.53047.52420.34030.3401_0.34000.33990.33980.33960.339s0.33940.33920.33910.33900.33890.33870.33860.33850.33830.33820.33810.33790.33780.33770.33750.33740.33730.33710.33700.33690.33670.33660.33640.33630.33620.33600.33s90.33s80.33560.33s50.33530.33520.33510.33490.33480.33470.33450.3344o.33420.334L0.33407 .46547.46007.45467 .449L7.44367.438L7.43257.42697.42L37.4t577.4LOO7.40437.39867.39297.387L7.38137.375s7.36977.36397.35807.35227.34637.34047.33457.32867.32267.3t677,3L077.30487.29887.29287.28687.28087.27487.26887.26287.25687 -25077.24477.23877.23267.22667.22057.2L457.20847.20247.19637.1 9039.599.589.589.589.589.589 .579.579.579.579.579.559.569.569.569.569.559. ss9.5s9.559.559.549.549.549.549.539.539.539.539.539.529.529.529.529.519.5r_9. s19.5r_9.5L9.509.509. so9.509.509 .499.499-499.492500.0025L0.002520.OO2530.002540.0025s0.002560.002570.002s80.002590.002600.00261_0.002620.0O2630.002640 -OO2650.002660.002670.002680. O02690.002700.0027L0.00272A.O02730.002740.002750.OA2760.O02770.O02780.0O2790.O02800. o028r.0. 002820.002830.002840.0028s0.002860.002870.O02880.002890.002900.002910.00292A.OO2930 - O02940.OA29s0.002960. O02970.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS25 YEARLEVET POOI ROUTING TABLE11 12 2S1 SttM 01 02+252page LBLEVET POOt ROUTING TABLE0.33090.33070.33060.33070.33060.33046.8s656.85066.84467.51807.5LL87.50s6.3338.3337.333s7.1,8427.L7827.L72LSTAGE( fr)9.489.489.48TIME(min)2980.002990.003000.00=000 4/15/97DEVELOPEDlSr"-EAnBASIN ID: ATOTAT AREA.. . ... ":RAINFATL TYPE....:PRECIPITATION. . . . :TIItfE INTERVAI....:TIME OF CONC.....:ABSTRACTION COEFF:NAI,IE: BASIN96.10 AcresTYPElA2.5O inches10.00 min67.00 nnin0.206-DEVETOPEDBASEFTOWS: 0.00 cfsPERVIOUS AREAAREA..: 33.60 AcresCN....: 86.60IMPERVIOUS AREAAREA..: 62.50 AcresCN....: 91.00Ac-ft TIME: 540 minPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASIN CONDITIONSBASIN ST'MMARYpage 1PEAK RATE: 22.28 cfs VOt: LL.7L 4/L5/97 ^*^-!"lgrig__!!sile-ellns !_ Survey pase 297a37 sar JUAN AvENUE DusgNrrow poNDDEIIELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1-OO YEAR___ _---==============================================HYDROGRAPH ST'UMARYPEAK TIME VOLI'MEHYD RT'NOFF OF oF ContribNttl,l RATE PEAK HYDRO Areacfs min. cf\AcFt Acres=========== ==== = == === == ======================L 22.283 540 513835 cf IOT.LA2 0.468 1s30 65r.68 cf 10?. J.03 0.463 2150 6LLLZ cf LAZ.LA 4/Ls/97DEVETOPED1OO YEARSTORAGE IIST ID No.Description: WETTANDPolaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDBASIN CONDITIONSSTORAGE STRUCTTJRE LISTpage 3ATRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCHLength: 40.00 ft. Width: 10.O0Side Slope 1: L Side Slope 3:Side Slope 2: 1 Side Slope 4:Infiltration Ratez 4,00 min/inchSTORAGE tISf ID No. aDescription: perteetUNDERGROUND PIPE ID No. piDescription: MS PipeDiameter: 4.00 ft. tength: 100.00 ft.Slope...: 0.0100 ftlftft.1L 4/ts/e7 poraris-_Flgllg_":lns q_l,qlyey pase 49203T sA-r{ JUAN AvENUE DesexrroN poNDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEAR==== === ====== ===== = = = ====== = ===== === =============== == = = == = = ===== = === =DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LISTMUTTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETTAND ORIFICEOut1et Elev: 14.00EIev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 inBROAD CRESTED WEIR. ID No. BDescription: FAILURE RELEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir tength:EI : 15 . O0 f t. Weir Inciera:BROAD CRESTED WETRDescription:cd: 3.0300EI: 2L9 .7O ft.ID No. bs0.0000 ft.0.1050.0000 ft.0. 10Weir Length:Weir Increm: 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEARpage 5ROUTING REPORTSTORAGE LIST ID No.Description: WETLANDMULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. ADescription: WETTAND ORIFICEOut1et Elev: L4.00Elev: 15.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 3.0000 in.AROUTING CURVESTA6E STONAGE OUTTXOI{(ft) (cf) (cfs)0+2Scfs-ninSTAGE(fr)STORAGE(cf)97325103403109482115560t25206134851t44497154t42163?881?3433183079t92t242An7A2120152247t52374t4250n42628t3275513288212300912313611326311339010361380383750406120ouPt0l{(cfs )0.20430,21840.23t7a.24420.25620.26750,27850.28900.29910.30890. 318{a3n70.336?0.34540.35390.36230 .37040.37840.38620.39380. {0130.40870. {1590. 42300.43000.43690.44370+2Scfs-ninSTAGE( fr)SIORAGE(cf)19.70 100255119.80 10334290UTFL0|{ 0+2S(cfs) cfs-nint429150315781652t72t180218761951242521002n422492324239824t3254t262227252828293t3034313732393342344512.0012. 1012.2012.30t2.4012.5012.7012.80n.9a13. 0013. 1013.2013. 3013. 40u.7a14.8014.9015.0015. 1015.2015 .3060L22A2.92223.22243. s0263.78284.06304 .340 .00002109421863278436105451265414763t68721898121090244592t82t311963456437933{130144670{80385140754t75608s466932i30117908985168912460.00000. 00000.00000.00000 .00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.07724.n920.13380. 15454.n270. 18920.00007.030014.06021.09028.r2035. 1s042. 18049.2r056.24063.27070. 30081.52892.757103.99trs.2L126.44t37.67160.13171.36182. s815 .4015.5015.6015.7015.8015.9016.0016. 1016.2016.3016.4016.50i6.6016.7016.8016.901?.0017.10n.2a17.3042849A4508604732304956005t79705403405627t0s850806074496298196521886745586969217t929774166676403678640581?28384816187903990991794079597t673324.62344.90365. 17385.444t7.6t449.77{81.93514. 10546.26578.42610.58642.74674.90707. 06749.40791.74834.08876.42918. 760. {5030.45690.46340.46980,47610.{8230.48850. 49450.50050.50650.51230.51810.52380.52950. s35 10.s4060.54610. s5160.5s690.56230.56750.57280.57800.58310. 588217.4017.5017. 6017.7017.8017.9018.0018. 1018.2018.3018 .4018.5018. 6018. 7018.8018.9019 .0019.1019.2019.3019.4019.5019.6013.5013. 6013. 7013.8013. 9014.0014. 1014.2014.3014.4014. 5014.60148.90961.101003104610881130120512801354 4/Ls/e7 Polaris--glgilggrlng !-g-gly.v page 697a3T sAN JUAN AVENUE isrsNrroN poNDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS199=gi:=============================================================LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLEWETTAND BASINMATCHQ(cfs) : ZZ.ZaPEAK STAGE (ft): L7.67PEAK TIME: 1530.00 min.INFLOW ITYD No. : 1LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 25LINFTOW Q (cfs):PEAK OUTFLOW :OUTFLOW IIYD No. : zsttM22.280 .4702+252 STAGE TIME===========================0.0005 L2.OO 210.000.0029 12.00 220.o00.0093 L2.LO 23o.OO0.0298 12.10 240.000. 0904 L2 .1,0 250. oo0.2246 t2.LO 260.000.4785 12-LO 270.AO0.9L64 L2.ta 280.001.5926 J.2.LO 2go.oo2.5576 1.2.L0 300.003.8765 L2.LO 31o.oo5.5951 t2.70 320.007.7483 L2.LO 33o.Oo10.386 72.t1, 340. oo13.536 ]-2.75 350.00L7.2L5 t2-19 360.oo2t.464 L2.24 370.oo26.300 12.3L 380. O03L.742 L2.37 390. OO37.854 !2.45 4oo.oo44.682 12.54 41_0.0052.284 L2.64 420 .OO60.779 L2.74 43o.OO70.256 !2.86 44o.OO80.813 L3.00 450. o092.624 L3-09 460.O0r.05.83 L3.20 470.oo120.96 L3.32 480.00139.33 L3.45 490.00L62.62 13.61 soo. ooL92.09 L3.82 51o.OO227 .90 L4. 05 s20. oo268 .7 4 L4 .22 530 . OO312.29 14.42 540.00356. 13 L4 .64 s5o . 00398.64 14.86 560.00438.86 L5. 04 570.00476.00 15. 17 580 - OO509.46 L5.28 590.00539.28 Ls.39 600. oo565.98 15.48 61o. O0590.37 15.56 620. O0o1___0.00000.00050.001_90.00460.01s90.04480.0894o. L6450.2734o .40270. s623o.7566o.9620t.j.972L.44697.7028L.976L2.27262.56322.87883.23323.59524.00704 .48754.99005.56736.24396.96358.L62370.20613.08316.393L9.4882t.58422.2832L.9392L.022L9.706L7.9561_6. Os4L4.344L2.9570.000s0.00L90.00460.01590.04480.08940.L645o.27340.4Q270.56230.75660.9620t.L9L2L .4469L.7028L.976r2.27262.s6322.87883.23323.59524.O0704.48754.99005.56736.24396.963s8.L623r.0.20613.08316.39319.4882L.58422.2832L.9392L.022L9.706\7.956L6.O54L4.344L2.957L2.O4L0.00000.000so.oo2g0.0093o.02980.0904o.22460.47850.9t641,.59262 -55763.87655.595L7.7483r_0.38613.536L7.2L521,.46426.3003L.74237.8s444.68252 -28460.77970 -2s680.8L392 -6241_05.83720.96139.33L62.62792.06227.79268.593L2.LO355.90398.39438.60475.72509.1_7s38.98565. 680.00050.00290.00930.02980.09040.22460.478s0.91641,.59262.55763.876s5.595L7.748310.38613. s3617.21"52L.46426.3003L.74237.85444.68252.28460.77974.25680.81392.624105.83L20.96139.33162.62L92.A9227.94268.863t2.45356.32398.86439.LL476.26509.73539.57s66.28s90 - 680.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. 00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000o. 00000.036Lo.LL490. L5890. 19510.22580.249Lo.2637o.276so.2875o.29690.3051 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1.OO YEARpage 7LEVET POOI ROUTING TABLELEVET POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 2S]. St,M 01. Q2+252 STAGE TIMEt2.o4LlL.307LO.707la.2299.83029 .47339.2AL28.95388.72728.53498.37058.22288.10487.994L7.88637.78877.68937.58387.48377.38737.34L77.235s7.L82L7. L3137.08007.02426.96956.92676.88726.84\76.78786.72716.66776 .62096.57746.52786 .47006.40546.342t6.29206.25406.22606.20656.18856. 16366.L2926.O8t26.0243LL.307IO.707LO.2299.83029.47339.20128.9s388.72728.53498.37058.22288.10487.994L7,88637.78877.68937.58387.48377.38737.30t77.23557.782L7.L3L37.08007.02426.969s6.92676.88726.84176.78786.727L6 -66776.62096.57746.52786 -470A6.40546.342L6.29206.25406.22606.20656.18856.16366.12926.O8L26.02435.9727590.066t2.78634.L4654.42673.82692.447LO.43727.89744.86761.42777.6L793.48809.08824.44839.58854:51869.24883.7s898 .06912.L6926.08939.84953.47967.00980.42993.73100710201_033to461059raTt1084L0961109LLzL11_33LL45115711691181Ltg2L204L2L51.227L238L250L26L6L3.4L634 -796s5.08674 .48693.L27t1 .12728.58745.57762.L3778.32794.20809.81825.18840.328s5.26869.99884.51898.829L2.93926.85940.62954.26967.7998L.2L994.521_008LO2LL034LO471060LO72108sLO971_1101L22LL34LL46L1587L7011.811193t205tzL6L228L2391250L262L273o.3L25o.3L920.32530.33L00.33640.34150.34610.34970.3s3L0.3s640.359s0.36270.36570.36860.371so.37434.377L0.3798o.38240.3850o.38760.3900o.39250.3949o.39730.3997o.4020a .40430.40650.40880.4LL00.41310.4L53o .4t740.419so.42L5a .4233o.4245o .4256o.4267o.42784.4289o .42990.43100.432t0.43310.43420.4352613.09634 .47654.75674.L5692.78710.77728.24745.22761.77777.97793.84809.44824.8L839.9s8s4.89869 -62884.13898.449L2.55926 .47940.23953.87967.40980.82994 -L3100710201033LO4610s9t0721084LAg7l_109Lt2!LL34lL46L15811.691L811193L204J,216L227L2397250t26LL27215.6415.71L5.77L5.8415.90L5.9616.0116.0516.0916. L3L6.L7L6.20L6.24L6.2816.3116.35r.6.38L6.4216.45L6.49L6.s2r.6.5516. s816.61L6.6516.68L6.7Lt6.74L6.7716.8016.83r.6.8616.8916.9216.9516.9817.0017.Q217.041_7.05t7.o717-08L7.tOL7.LL77.L3L7.L5L7.L6L7.L8630.00640.00650.00660.00670.00680.00690.00700.007L0.00720.00730.00740 -OO750.00760.00770.OO780.00790.00800.00810.00820. O0830.00840.00850.00860.00870.00880.00890.00900.009L0 " 00920.00930.00940.00950.00960.00970.00980.00990.001000.001010.001020.001030.001_040.001_050.001_060.00L070.001080.001090.00L100.00 4/t5/e7 Poraris--Slgltgs--{1ng g-sqry.v pase 897037 sAN JUAN AvENUE DsrsnrroN poNDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEAR= = = == == = == = ==== == = = = === ==== ==== ==== = ===== === = == == = = === = = == = == == = == ===TEVEL POOI ROUTTNG TABLELEVET POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 2s1 sUM o1. 02+252 STAGE TIME======================= ==== =========================================== =5 -9727 5.9230 1272 L284 A.4362 7283 L7 .Lg 11.L0. oos.9230 s.8667 L283 !295 0.4372 t2g+ t7.21 1L20.0o5.8667 s-8023 L294 1306 0.4382 isbs L7.22 L130.00s.8023 s.73L4 1305 L316 0.azgz iSio L? .23 1140. oo5-73L4 s-66L6 1315 t327 0.Eeoz llia t7.2s 11s0.oos-66L6 s.6050 1326 t337 0.a+n riiz t7.26 1160.00s.60s0 s.ss31 1336 ts47 0.qazt lliz L7.28 1170.00s - 5531 5 -4946 7347 13s8 o. aeso iisz t7 .2s 1180. oo5 -4946 s -4279 L3s7 1368 0.eng ll-az 17.30 L1e0. OOs -4279 5.3s50 ]-367 1378 0 . qe+e Tiiz t7 .32 1200. oos-3ss0 5.2831 L377 138? o.aqsi La.-i Li'.33 iito.oos-283L 5.2248 1386 t3g7 o.++ao iigo !7.34 L22o.OO5-2248 5.180L L396 L406 0.qqs lqoe 1,7,36 1230.0o5. 180L s.1.449 1405 L4t6 o . a+aa reis t7 .37 1,240 .OO5-L449 s-1201 L4Ls t42s o.++gi lnis 17.38 12s0.OOs-720L s-1043 !424 1435 o.+soo ii1+ L7.3s 1260.00s-1043 5.0994 L434 L444 0.asoe iiig , L7.4L L270-OA5 . 09e4 s - 1018 L443 1453 o .1r\6 r.iss 1,7 .42 1280 . O05-1018 5-LO72 7452 tq,a2 6.aszs I+az L7.43 L2sO.OOs-to,z: s.Lt26 L46z +1r, o.asss r'ir i;:ii iioo.oo5.1L26 5.LL77 L47L rael o:4s4i liitt L7.46 13r.o.oos-Lt77 5,L22e L480 LA}O O.Ei+g ii60 L7.47 1320.OO5-122e s.L282 L48e 1500 0 .+siz Tigg L7.48 1330.005.t282 5. L332 !4ee lsoe o:.is;e i6og 1.7 .4s 1340.00s -L332 5 -t287 1so8 iais o'.4ar4 iEie r.7.51 L350. oo5 -t287 5.1087 1s17 $ia o'.4582 tizt t7 .s2 1360. oo5-1087 5-06e0 ts27 Ls37 o.asgo lsiz 17.53 L370.00s.0690 5.0141 1536 L546 o.esge rsao L7.s4 1380.OO.5. 014r. 4.9497 1s4s rsss 0:A606 iSss L7 . s6 1390. OO4-e4e7 4.8e12 1ss4 ts64 o.iaii i6da t7.s7 1400.oo4-8912 4-844L 1563 tszi o-.+azz lszz L7.58 14!O.OO4-8441 4-8066 ts72 1582 a.edzg iser L7.ss 1420.OO4-8066 4.7797 1s81 1590 0-.qasz isgo L7.60 1430.004-7797 4-6842 L589 1s99 0.4644 isge L7.62 1440.004.6842 4-3926 1s98 7607 0'.+osz lsoz L7.63 145o.OO4-3926 3-9288 1606 L6t4 o.eosg latq L7.64 L460.003-9288 3-263L L613 L62L o.aoos raio 17.6s L470.QO3 -263L 2 -4874 L62A rczi o-.aoio 76i's L7 -66 1480.002-4874 L.7949 L625 1,629 o.+oze, taia L7.66 L490.0OL-7949 L-2LL2 L628 L631 0.e6zz i65b L7.67 1500.ooL -2L12 0 -7 497 1630 :-632 0 . +atg ioSr 17 . 67 r.510 . ooo -7 497 0 - 3954 163L L632 o . eoao lazz L7 - 67 1520 . OO0 - 39s4 0 - 1s81 1631 1632 o . aogo i6a1 t7 .67 1s3o . oo0- 1s81 0-0000 L631 L631 o.eoeo 163b L7.67 Ls40.oo0.0000 0.0000 L630 1630 o.467s i65b L7.67 15s0.000 - 0000 0 - 0000 L629 !62s o . +aze 16tb L7 .67 1s60. oo0-0000 0-0000 L628 L628 0.4677 L6rb :.7.67 1s70.000 . 0000 0 . 0000 L627 1627 0-. eozz 16ri L7 .67 1s80 . oo 4/L5/97 polaris__Flgiqq.ring & Survey page g97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEAR:==_________=================================LEVET POOL ROUTING TABLEtEVEt POOI ROUTING TABLE11 rz zsi. sttM 01 o2+2s2 srAGE rrME=== ====================================== ==============================0.0000 0.0000 L626 L626 0.4676 t626 L7.67 1590.0o0.0000 0.0000 L62s t62s 0.467s 7a2s :-7.66 iooo.oo0-0000 0.ooo0 L624 L624 A.4674 tala n .aa Loro.oo0.0000 0.0000 L623 L623 Q.4673 IAZS !7.66 1620.000 . 0000 0 . 0000 1-623 L623 0 .4673 rc22 L7 .66 iOgo. oo0.0000 0.0000 t622 1622 0.4672 10h L7.66 ioeo.oo0.0000 0.0000 L62L !62L 0.467L 1020 tz.aa roso.oo0.0000 0.0000 ]-620 L620 0.4670 ioig L7.66 ioso.oo0.0000 0. oooo 16L9 16L9 0.466s ioie n .ao rozo. oo0.0000 0.0000 1618 1618 0 .466s 7012 L7.6s roao.oo0.0000 0.0000 L6L7 L6L7 0.4668 ioio n.ai rogo.oo0.0000 0.0000 1616 1616 A.4667 roio 17.6s L700. oo0-0000 0.0000 1615 1615 0.4666 rors L7.65 L7lo.oo0.0000 0.0000 1614 1614 0.466s iol+ 17.6s LIaA.OO0-0000 0.0000 1613 1613 0.4665 iOig L7.65 1730.000.0000 0.0000 t6t2 L6L2 0.4664 tolz :-7.65 1?40.000-0000 0.0000 161r. 1611 0.4663 iOir u.oi r?so.oo0.0000 0.0000 1610 1610 o.4662 ioio tz.oa rioo.oo0.0000 0.0000 1609 1609 0.4661 ioog L7 .64 !770 .OOg.ggqq 9.0000 160e L6oe 0.466L rOoe v.aq riso.oo0.0000 0.0000 1.608 1608 o. eooo iooz L7 .64 L7eo.0o0.0000 0.0000 ]-607 L607 0.4659 iooo u.aq ,iebo.oo0.0000 0.0000 1606 1606 0.46s8 ioos L7 .64 18r.0.000.0000 0.0000 1605 1605 0.4657 iOOe t7.64 182o.OO0.0000 0.0000 1604 L604 0.46s7 roos :-7.64 1830.000-0000 0.0000 1603 1603 0.4656 IAaz L7.63 re+o.oo0.0000 0.0000 L602 L602 0-46s5 iaoz L7.63 185o.OO0 . 0000 0 . 0000 L60L 1601 0 . 46s4 ioor L7 .63 1860. O00-0000 0.0000 1600 1600 0.4653 iooo L7.63 187o.OO0.0000 0.0000 159e 1s99 0.46s3 isgg tt.ol iaeo.oo0.0000 0.0000 L598 1598 0.46s2 isga L7.63 r.890.000-0000 0.0000 tsg? t5s7 0.4651 iigz t7.63 1900.000.0000 0.0000 1596 1s96 0.46s0 isgo 1.7.63 19r.0.000 . 0000 0 . 0000 1s96 1596 o .464s isgs t7 .62 1920 . OO0.0000 0.0000 1s95 1595 0.464s tig+ L7.62 1930.000.0000 0.0000 Lse( Lse4 0.4648 isgr n.a2 igio.ooo. 0000 0 . 0000 1s93 1s93 a .4647 Tigz !7 .62 19sO . OO0-0000 0.0000 Ls92 L592 0.4646 rsgr 1,7.62 1960.000 . 0000 0 . 0000 1s91 1s91 0 .4646 tsgo L7 .62 1970. OO0-0000 0.0000 1590 1590 0.464s rseg L7.62 1980.000 . 0000 0 . 0000 1s89 1589 a .4644 iseg fi .62 1990. O00 - 0000 0 . 0000 1s88 1588 0 .4643 ilee 77 .6L 2oOO . O00 . 0000 0 . 0000 1s87 1587 o .4642 iSez 17 .61, 2or.o . oo0.0000 0.0000 1586 1s86 0.4642 isao u.oi io20.oo0.0000 0.0000 158s 1585 0.4641 rses t7.6t 2030.000.0000 0.0000 1-s84 1584 0 .aa+o 1584 t7 .6L 2040. oo0.0000 0.0000 1s83 L583 0.4639 iSag t7.61 2oso.oo0-0000 0.0000 1583 1583 o.egge isez n.ai iooo.oo 4/15/97 Polarls Englneering & Survey page j.097037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEAR=========================================================== ==========LEVEL POOI ROUTING TABLEtEVEt POOL ROUTING TABTE11 LZ 2S1 StrM 01 O2+ZS2 STAGE TIME=================== ======================== ============== =====.=====$===0.0000 0.0000 L582 L582 0.4638 L58r. t7.6L 2070.000.0000 0.0000 L58L L581 0.4637 1580 !7.60 2o8o.0o0.0000 0.0000 1580 1580 0.4636 L579 L7.60 iogo.oo0.0000 0.oo00 1.579 t579 0.4635 1578 L7.60 2L00.oo0.0000 0.0000 Ls78 1s78 0.4634 L577 ]-7.60 2iro.oo0,0000 0.0000 !s77 1.577 A.4634 L576 17.60 21zo.oo0.0000 0.0000 rs76 1576 0.4633 15?6 L7.6A iigo.oo0.0000 0.0000 157s 1s7s o.4632 1575 t?.60 2ia,o.oo0.0000 0.0000 L574 ts74 0.463L L574 L7.60 ziso.oo0.0000 0.0000 Ls73 ]-573 0.4630 ts73 t 7.s9 iioo.oo0.0000 0.0000 ts72 L572 0.4630 Ls72 17.5s 21zo.oo0.0000 0.0000 1s7L ts7t 0.4629 15?L L7.sg ireo.oo0.0000 0.0000 L570 1570 0.4628 1s70 L7.ss iigo.oo0.0000 0.0000 l-s70 Ls?o o.4627 1569 t7 .5s iioo .oa0.0000 0.0000 L569 r.569 0.4626 r.s68 !7 ,ss iito .oo0.0000 0.0000 1s68 1568 0.4626 ts67 17.s9 zizo.oo0.0000 0.0000 ts67 L567, 0.4625 1s66 L7.59 i2so.oo0.0000 0.0000 1s66 1566 0.4624 156s 17.s8 22+o.ooq.gqgg 0.9000 156s 1565 0-4623 1s64 17.s8 iiso.oo0 . 0000 0 . 0000 Ls64 1"s64 o .4622 iSoa 17 . s8 2260 . OO0.0000 0.0000 1s63 1s63 0.4622 1s63 rz.se ,t o-.oo0.0000 0.0000 1562 rs62 0.462L t562 17.s8 Z2AO.OO0.0000 0.0000 1561 1561 0.4620 1561 1 7.s8 i2go.oo0.0000 0.0000 1s60 Ls60 0.461e 1s6o 1?.58 2iOO.OOo;,0000 0.0000 1559 L559 0.4618 iSSg iZ. Se Ziro. oo0.0000 0.0000 1s58 15s8 0.46L7 1558 L7.s7 ilZO.Oag-gqqg q-ggqo 1s58 15s8 0.46L7 1s57 L7.57 2330.oo0.0000 0.0000 Ls57 L557 0.4616 1556 L7.s7 ZSaO.OO0.0000 0.0000 1556 L5s6 0.4615 L555 L7.57 ZSSO.OO0.0000 0.0000 155s 1s55 0.46L4 1554 :t7 .s-t iioo. oo0.0000 0.0000 L554 15s4 0.4613 1s53 L7.57 21ZO.OO0.0000 0.0000 L5s3 1553 0.4613 L552 77.57 i3eo.oo0.0000 0.0000 Lss2 L5s2 0.46L2 L552 L7.57 2igO.OO0.0000 0.0000 L551 1551 0.461L 1551 rZ. so iaoo. oo0.0000 0.0000 1550 1550 0.4610 1550 17 .56 24!O.OO0.0000 0.0000 1s49 7549 0.4609 L54g L7.56 iqZa.Oo0.0000 0.0000 1548 Ls48 0.4609 1s48 L7.56 2430.000.0000 0.0000 1547 ts47 0.4608 L547 ].7.56 244A.OO0.0000 0.0000 !546 l_s46 0.4607 L546 L7.56 2450.000.0000 0.0000 L546 L546 0.4606 is+s L7.s6 zebO.OO0.0000 0.0000 L545 1545 0.4605 ]-544 ]7.56 2470.OO0.0000 0.0000 L544 L544 0.4605 L543 17.55 2qAO.OO0.0000 0.0000 L543 1s43 0.4604 L542 17.s5 2qgo.oo0.0000 0.0000 ]-542 !542 0.4603 r.541 L7.5s 2SOO. OO0.0000 0.0000 L54l- 1541 0 .4602 1540 17.55 iSrO. OO0.0000 0.0000 L540 L540 0.4601 1540 L7.5s ZiZO.OO0.0000 0.0000 1s39 1539 0.4601 1539 17. 55 2530. OO0.0000 0.0000 1538 1s38 0.4600 L538 17.55 2540. OO 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEARpage 11TEVEL POOI ROUTING TABLEtEVEt POOI ROUTING fABLE11 12 2S1 Stn{ O1- 02+252 STAGE TIME== = ==== ==================================== ========= ===================o.oooo 0.0000 t537 Ls37 0.4599 1s37 17.55 25sO.O00 . 0000 0 .0000 1s36 1s36 0. 4s98 L536 t7 .54 2560. 000. oo00 0.0000 1s3s 1s3s o .4s97 153s L7 .54 2570.000 . 0000 0. 0000 1534 1_534 a .4597 L534 t7 .54 2580 . 000.0000 0.0000 1534 L534 0.4596 1533 L7.54 2590.000.0000 0.0000 1s33 1s33 0.459s 1s32 L7 .s4 2600.00o.0000 0.0000 L532 L532 0.4594 153L L7.54 26L0.000.0000 0.0000 1531 1531 0.4593 1530 !7.54 2620.000.0000 0.0000 1s30 1530 0.4593 L529 L7.54 2630.000,0000 0.0000 1529 L529 0.4592 J.529 L7.54 2640.O00.0000 0.0000 1.528 L528 0.4591 1.528 L7 .53 2650. OO0.0000 0.0000 L527 L527 0.4590 ]-527 1?.53 2660.000.0000 0.0000 Ls26 1s26 0.4589 Ls26 17.s3 2670.000.0000 0.0000 1525 L525 0.4s89 tszs 17.53 2680.000.0000 0.0000 L524 L524 0.4588 1-524 17.53 2690.000.0000 0.0000 7523 1,523 0 .4587 ]-523 17.53 2700.000.0000 0.0000 Ls23 L523 0.4586 1522 17.53 27LO.000.0000 0.0000 L522 L522 0.458s ].szL L7.53 272o.OO0.0000 0.0000 L52L L52t 0.4585 L520 ]-7.52 273Q.OO0.0000 0.0000 L52a ]-520 0.4584 Ls19 L7.52 2740.0O0.0000 0.0000 1s19 1s19 0.4s83 15L8 L7.52 2?50.000.0000 0.0000 1518 15L8 0.4582 15L8 t7.52 276A.000. oo00 0.0000 1s17 L5t7 0.4582 t5L7 L7 .52 2770 .OO0.0000 0.0000 1516 151-6 0.4581 L516 L7 .52 2780. OO0.0000 0.0000 L515 L515 0.4580 L515 L7 .52 2790.0A0 . 0000 0 . 0000 1514 1514 0 .4579 15L4 t7 .52 2800. O00.0000 0.0000 1s13 L513 0 .4578 L5L3 L7 .5t 2810.000.0000 0.0000 L572 t5!2 0.4s78 1512 L7.51 2820-OO0.0000 0.0000 L5L2 L5L2 0 .4577 1511 L7 .5L 2930. OO0.0000 0.0000 1s11 15LL 0.4s76 15L0 L7.s7 2840.000.0000 0. 0000 1510 L510 0.4575 1.509 L7 .5L 28s0. OO0.0000 0.0000 1509 1509 0.4574 L508 L7.51 2860.000.0000 0.0000 1508 1508 0.4574 L507 L7.5L 2870.0O0.0000 0.0000 1s07 1507 0.4573 1sO7 t7.sl 2880.000.0000 0.0000 1506 1506 A .4s72 1506 17.50 2890. OO0.0000 0.0000 1s05 1-505 0 .457L 1_505 1_7.50 29oO.0o0.0000 0.0000 1504 1504 0.457A 1s04 1?.50 291o.OO0.0000 0.0000 1503 1503 A.457A 1s03 17.s0 2920.000.0000 0.0000 L502 L502 0.4569 L502 17.50 2930.000.0000 0.0000 Ls01 1s01 0.4568 Ls01 17.50 2940.000.0000 0.0000 1s01 1-501 0 .4567 1500 17.50 2950. OO0.0000 0.0000 1500 L500 0.4566 L499 L7 .50 2960. OO0.0000 0.0000 L499 L499 0.4566 1498 t7.49 2970.O00.0000 0.0000 1498 L498 0.456s L497 L7.49 2980.000.0000 0.0000 t497 L497 0.4s64 t496 L7.49 2990.000.0000 0.0000 L496 1496 0.4563 L496 L7.49 3000.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEARROUTING REPORTTRAPEZOIDAT BASIN ID No. BDescription: INFILTRATION TRENCHtength: 40.00 ft. Width: 1Side Slope 1: 1- Side SlopeSide Slope 2: 1 Side SlopeInfiltration Rate: 4.0O min/inchft.110.003:4:page !20+2Scfs-ninBROAD CRESTED WEIR ID No. BDescription: FAILURE RETEASEcd: 3.0300 Weir length:EI: 15.00 ft. Weir Increm:50.0000 ft.0.10ROUTING CURVESTAGE STORACE OUfFIOH(ft) (cf) (cfs)0+2Scfs-ninSTAGE( fr)STORAGE(ct10+2Scfs-ninSTAGE( fr)STORACE(cf)OUTFTOH(cfs)OUTFI,OI{(cfs)60110.19530.20060.20600.21150.21700.22254.22840. 23360.23930.24500. 25070.2 s640.26220.26810.27390.27980.28s80.29180.29780. 30390.31000.3161a32236.00 0.00006.10 40.s016.20 82.0116.30 124.546.40 168.096.50 212.676.60 258.296.70 304.966.80 352.686.90 401.477.00 451.337.10 502.277.20 554.307.30 607.437.40 661.667.50 717.007.60 773.467.70 831.057.80 889.787.90 949.658.00 10118.10 10738.20 11368.30 12018.40 t2668.50 13338.60 i4018.70 t4t18.80 15418.90 16139.00 16869.10 17609.20 18369.30 19t20.00000. 14380. 14880. 15380.15880. r6390. r6910.1'1420.17940.18470. 1900000000I1I11I222222J3J244444J55566600002788422256897tgt872803001907355052296944869s048323084170607080079982199640486138826804382646{8957t849s1318834293674592391t74435169?019902070215022322315240024852572266t2751284229343028312332t9331 734t735173619372338283934404241s142624374448846034720483849585079520153260. 32860.33480.34110.34i50.3s380.36030. 36670.37320.37980 .38640.39300. 39960. 40630.41310.41980.42670. 433s0 .44044.44730.45430.46130.46840.47550.48260.48980.49700 .50420.51150.51880.52620. 53360.54110. 54850.556r6.96327.23377.50857.78768.071 I8.3s898.65128.94799.249t9 .55479.864910.18010.499l0 .82311.15111.485n.82212.165t2.5t212.864t3.221r3. 58313.94914. 32 I14.697Is.07815.46415 .85516.25116.6531 7.059r7.47017.88618. 30813.009.409. s09. 609.709 .809 .9010.0010.1010.2010.3010.4010 .5010.60i0 .7010. 8010. 9011 .9012 .0012.10t2.2012 .3012.4012 .5012. 6012.7012 .8012.9018.73419.16619.60313. 1013.205451 0.563655?9 0.57125707 0.57895838 0.58655970 0.59436103 0.60206238 0.60986375 0.61776513 0.625566s3 0.63356795 0.64146938 0.64947083 0.65747229 0.665s7377 0.67367527 0.68187678 0.69007831 0.69827986 0.70658143 0.71488301 0.?2318460 0.73158622 0.73998785 5.53928950 14.3079117 25.659928s 39.1019456 54.3469628 7t.2029801 89.s289977 n9.2t20. 04620.49320.94621.40421 .86822.33722.81123.29123.77624.26624.76225.26425.77126.28426.80327,32t27.85628.39228.93313.3013.4013 .5013.6013. 7013.8013. 9014. 0014.1014.2014.3014 .4014.5014 .6014.701{. 8014. 9015 .0015.1015 .2015 .3015.4015 .5011 .0011 .10n.2ai1.3011.40il .50I1.7011.8029.48A34.82344.14256.04970.05285.865103.29r22.20142.4t15. 6015.7015.80 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YE.ARtEVEt POOL ROUTING TABLEpage 13INFITTRATION TRENCHMATCHQ(cfs) : 0.47PEAK STAGE (ft): Lt.43PEAK TIME: 2L5O.O0 min.INFLOW IIYD No. : 2INFLOW Q (cfs):PEAK OUTFTOW :o "470.46OUTFLOW IIYD No. : 3LEVET POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 2S1 ST'M 01. Q2+252 STAGE TIME0.0000 0.0361- 0.0000 0.0361 0.0000 0.0361 6.00 520.00o.0361 0.1149 0.0175 0.1685 o.0L86 o. L499 6.01. s3o.0oo.LL49 0.1589 0.0726 0.3464 0.0773 0.269L 6.10 s40.000. 1589 0.1951 0.1303 0.4843 0. 1388 0.34s5 6.1_0 550.000.1951_ O.2258 0.L994 0.6203 0.1461_ O .4742 6.15 560.00o.2258 A.249L O.3236 0.7985 0.L506 0.6480 6.24 s70.00o.249L O.2637 0.4915 L.0043 0.156s O.8479 6.35 580.00o .2637 0.276s 0.6848 1.2249 0..163L 1.0618 6.48 s90.00o .2765 0.2875 0.89L7 L.4556 0.170L l_ .2856 6.62 600.00o.287s O.2969 1.L083 L.6927 A.1772 1.51_s5 6.76 610.00o .2969 0.3051 L.3310 t_.9331 0.1844 L.7487 6.90 620.000.305L A .3t25 1.5571 2.t747 0. 1916 1.9831 7.03 630. O0o .3L2s O .3t92 t.7844 2.4L60 0.1987 2.2L73 7 .L6 640.00o.3L92 0.32s3 2.At!7 2.656L 0.20s6 2.4505 7.29 6s0.00A.3253 0.3310 2.2380 2,8944 O.2L25 2;68L9 7.42 660.000.3310 0.3364 2.4628 3.1303 0.2191 2.91!2 7.54 670.000.3364 0.3415 2.6856 3.3635 0.2256 3.1379 7.66 680.000.3415 0.346r. 2.9060 3. s937 0.23L9 3.3617 7 .77 690.00o .346L O .3497 3.L237 3.8195 0.2381 3. s814 7 .88 700.00o.3497 0.3s31 3.3373 4.0400 0 .244L 3.7960 7 .98 710.000.3531 0.3564 3.546L 4.2556 0.2498 4.0057 8.09 720.000.3564 0.3s9s 3.7s03 4.4662 0.2554 4.2L08 8.18 730.000.359s A.3627 3.9500 4.6722 0.2608 4-471-4 8.28 740.000.3627 0.3657 4.1454 4.8737 0.2660 4.6077 8.37 750.000.3657 0.3686 4.3366 5.0708 0.27LL 4.7998 8.4s 760.000.3686 0.37r.5 4.5238 s.2639 A.2760 4.9879 8.53 770.000.371s O.3743 4.707L s.4529 0.2808 5.1722 8.62 780.00o.3743 0.377L 4.8868 5.6382 0.2854 5.3528 8.69 790.000.377t 0.3798 5.0629 5.8198 0.2899 5.5299 8.77 800.000.3798 0 .3824 5.2357 5.9979 A .2943 5. 7036 8.84 8L0.00o .3824 0.3850 s.4051 6.7725 0.2985 5.8740 8.9L 820.000.3850 0.3876 5.57L4 6.3439 A.3027 6.04L3 8.98 830.000.3876 0.3900 5.7346 6.5L22 0.3067 6.2055 9.05 840.000.3900 0 .3925 s.8948 6.6774 0.3r.07 6 .3667 9. 11 8s0.00o .392s 0.3949 6.Os22 6. 8396 0.314s 6. s2s1 9 .L7 860.000.3949 0.3973 6.2069 6.999L 0.3183 6.6808 9.23 870.00o .3973 0 .3997 6.3s89 7. 15s9 0 .32L9 6.8339 9 .29 880.000.3997 0.402A 6.5084 7.310L 0.325s 6.9845 9.3s 890.00o.4a20 0.4043 6.65ss 7.46L7 0.3290 7.]-327 9.41 900.000.4043 0.4065 6.8002 7.6LLO 0.3325 7.2785 9.46 910.000.406s 0.4088 6.9427 7.7580 0.3358 7.4222 9.52 920.000.4088 0.41L0 7.0830 7 .9028 0.3391 7 .5636 9 .s7 930.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEARpage L4LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLELEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE11 T2 2S1 STIM 01 02+252 STAGE TIME_J_-____0.41L00.41310.4153o .4L7 40.4195o .421.s0.42330.42454.42564.42670.4278o.42890.42990.43L0o.432L0.4331o.43420.43s20.43620.4372o.43820.4392a.4402o.44tto.442L0.4430o -4439o .4448o.44570.44660.4475o.4483o.449L0.45000.45080.45160.4525o.4s330.4541o.45490.45570.45664.45740.45820.4s900.45980.46060.46L40.41310.4L53o.4t740.41_950.42L5a.4233o.4245Q.42s6o .42670.4278o,4289o.42990.43L00.432t0.4331o.4342o.4352o.43620.43720.4382o.43920.4442o.44Lt0.442to.44300.4439o.4448o -44s7o .44664.447so.44830.449L0.45000.45080.45160.452s0.4s33o.454L0.45490.45570.4566o.45740 .45820.45900.45980.4606o.46140.46227.22L27.35747.49L67.62397.75447.88308.00978.13378.2s438.37188.48638.59798.70688.8r_308.91689.01819.LL7L9.2L399.30869.40t29.49199. s8069.66759.7s259.83s99.91769.997610. 07610. L5310.22910.303r.0.375LO.44610.5L610.585r.0.65310. 7L9LO.78410.8481_0.911LO -9741r..035r.1 .095LL.155tL.2t3:l.t.27LLL.32811.3848.04538. L8588.32438.46088.59548.72798.85758.98379.1_06s9.22629.34299 .45679.56779.676!9.78209.88549.986sL0.08510. L82L0.277L0.36910.4601_0.54910.636LO.72L10.80510.88610.96711.045LL.t23Ll. L981.t.2731L.346LL.4L71_1.48811.557tL.625tL.692tL.757LL - 82211.886LL.949t2 . ottL2.O72L2.r321,2.19LL2.25012.308,3424.345s.3487.3517.3s47.3576.3605.3633.3661.3687.37t3.3738.3762.3785.3808.3831.3852.3873.3894.39t4.3934.39s3.3972.3990.4008.4026.4043.4060.4076.4092.4108.4t23.4L38.4153.41_68.4L82.4L96.4209.4223.4236- 4249.4262.4274.4287.4299.431l_.4323.43347.70307.84037.97568. 109L8.24A78.3702::I .49708 -62038. 74058.85758.97L79.08309.t9L69.29769.40L19. s0239.60139.69809.79269.88s39.975910.06510. L521o.237L0.320LO.402LO.48210.56L10.63810.7131_0.78810.860L0.93211.00211.071-L1. 13911.205LL.27L11.335L1.398tL -461LL.523L1.583r_L.643lL.702Lt.76011.81811.87s9.629 .679.729.77g'.919.869.909.959.9910.03L0.0710. LLLO.L4L0. r.8LO -2210.2sI_0.281o.3210.3510.3810.41.10.4410.461o.4910.5210.541_0.57L0.59LO.62to.64LO .67L0.69LO.7110.73L0.7s10.7810.8010.8210.841-0.861_0.871_O.8910.91L0.9310.9s10.96L0.98LL.00940.00950.00960.00970.00980.00990.00L000.001010.001020.00L030.001040. 0010s0.001060.001070.00r_o80.001090.001100.0011_L0.0011-20.00r.130.001140.001.1_50.001L60.00L170.0011_80.001190.001200.001210.00L220.AO1230.00t240.ooL250.001_260.001270.00r.280.001290.001300.001310.001320.001330.001340.00l_350.001360.001370.001380.00L390.001400.00L4L0.0000000000o0o00000o000o000o0o000o0o00000000000000o 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENfION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1-OO YEARtEVEt POOI ROUTING TABLETEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE11 12 25L SttM 01 02+252page 15o.4622o .4629o .4637o.4644o.46520.46590.4665o .4670o .467 40.4677o.46790.46800.46800.46804.4679o.4678o.4677o .46770.4676o - 4675o -46740.46730.4673o .4672o - 4671o .4670o -46690.46690.4668o .4667o .46660.46650.4665o.46640.4663o.4662o.466L0.46610.46600.46590.4658o .4657o .46570.46560.46550.46540.46530.4653o.4629o.4637o - 4644o.46520.46590.4665o.467Ao.4674o.46770.46790.46800.41680o.4680o .4679o.4678o .4677o.4677o .467 6o .4675o .4674o.46734.4673o.4672o - 467L0.467A0.4669o.4669o.4668o.4667o .4666o.46650.4655o.46640.4663o.4662o -466L0.46610.46600.46590.4658o .4657o - 46570.46560.46550.46540.46530.46530.4652LL.44011.495LL -54911.6021L.655tL -707L1.758L1.80911_.85811.906Lt.952tL.99712.040L2.O82T2.LzL12.159L2.L96t2.23072.264L2.295L2.32612.355L2.38212.409L2 -434L2.458L2 -48L12.503L2.52412.544L2.5631_2.581_12.598L2.6L4t2.630L2.645t2 -659L2.672L2.68512.697L2 -708L2,7].9t2.729L2.739L2.748L2.75612.764L2.772L2.365t2.42L12.47712.5321_2.5861,2.639t2.69212.743L2.793t2.84112.88812.933L2.976l_3.018L3.05713.09513.13r_13.166L3.19913.230L3.26L1.3.28913 - 31713.34313.36813.39213.41_5t3 .437L3.45713.47713.49613.5L413. s3113.54713.562L3.57713.59r.L3.60413.61"7L3.628L3.64013.650r.3.660L3.670t3.679L3.687r.3.69s13.7020.4346o .43570.43680 .43790.4390o.440to -44LLa .442t0.443Lo .444Lo.4450o .4460o.4468o .44770.44850.44930.45000.45074.45t4o .4520o.4526o .45320.45380.45430.4s480.45s30.45570.45620.4566o .4570o.4574o .45770.4581-0.45840.45870.45900.4s930.45960.45980.46010.46030.4605o .46070.46090.461r.0.4613o.46t40.46L611.93111.986L2.O4012.Q94L2.L47t2.t99t2.25LL2.30L12.3s012.397L2.443L2.487L2.52972.570L2.60912.646L2.68LL2.715L2.747t2.7781_2.808t2.836L2.86312.889L2.9L3L2.937t2.9s9r.2.980L3.001L3.02013.03813.0s6L3.07313.088L3.104L3.11813.t3273.L44L3.15713.168L3.L7913. L90r.3.200L3.20913.2L8L3.22613.234L3.24LSTAGE(ft)tL.o2r.1.0311.0511.061L.0811.0911.1LLt.t2LT.L411.15LL.!71L.18L1_.1911.20LL.227t.23Lt.24tL.25LL.26tL.27LL.28lL.28LL.2911.30LL.3111.31LL.3211.33L1.3311.341l_.3411_.35L1_.35L1.361L .36LI.3711.37LL.3711-.3811.381r. .3911_.3911.3911.39L1 .4011.40Lr_.4011_.40TIME(min)L420.001430.001440.001450.00r.460.001470.00L480.001490.001500.0015r_0.001520.001530.001s40.001_550.001560.001570.001580.001590.001600.001610.001_620.001_630.001640.001650.001660.00L670.001680.00L690.001700.0017L0.00L720.OO1730.00L740.OO1_750.001760.00L770.001_780.001790 - 00L800.00L81_0.001820.001830.001840.0018s0.00L860.001870.001880.001-890.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEARLEVEL POOL ROUTING TABT.,ETEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTE11 12 2S1 StM 01 02+252page 160.46520.46510.4650o.46490.46490 .4648o.4647o .4646o.46460.4645o.4644o.46430.46420.4642o.464L0.46400.46390.46380.4638o .46370.46360.463s0.4634o.46340.4633o.46320.463L0.46300.46300.4629o.4628o .46270.46264.4626o.46250.46240.46230.4622o.4622o.462L0.4624o .46L90 - 46180.46L7o .46t70.46160.46150.46L40.46510.46500.46494.46490.4648a.46470.4646o.46460.464s0.4644o.4643o.46420.46420.464L0.46400.46390.46380.4638o .46370.46360.463so.46340.46340.4633o.46320.46310.46300.4630o.46290.46280.46270.46260.4626o.46250.4624o.4623o.4622o.46224.46210.462Ao .46L90.46180.46L7o -46L74.46L60.46150.46t40.46r.3L2.779L2 -786L2.792L2.798L2.80412.809L2 .8L412.8L812 .822L2.826L2.83012.833L2 .836L2.838L2.84tL2.84312.845t2.84612.848t2.84912.85012.85r.L2 .8s2t2.852L2.85212.853L2.8s3!2 .852t2 .852t2 .852L2.85t12.8s0L2.849L2.848t2.847L2.84672.84sL2.84312.84212.84012.838t2.836L2.834L2 - 83212 - 830't 2 .828L2.826L2 .824t3.7LO:l-3.7t6t3 -722L3.72813.733L3.738!3.74313.747L3.75L13.75513.758L3.76LL3.76413.767L3.76913.77LL3.773L3.774L3.775L3.776L3.777l.3.778L3 -778].3.779L3.77913.779L3 -77913.7'1813.778L3.777t3.776j.3.776t3.77413.77313.772L3.77L73.769L3.76713.76613.76413.762L3.760L3.75813.7561"3.754L3.751:j3.749t3.746o.46L70.46r.8o -4620o.462!o.4622o.46230.46240.462s4.4626o.4626o.46270.46280.4628o.4629o.46290.46300.46300.46310.46310.4631o.463L0.463Lo -4632o.46320.4632a.4632o.46324.46320.4632o.46320.463L0.46310.46310.46310. 4631o.46300.46300.46300.46300.4629a.46290.46280.4628o.4628o .46270.4627o.46260.4626t3.24813.254L3.260\3.2661"3.27LL3.276L3.281_13.28513.28913.292L3.296L3.29913.301.13.304L3.306L3.30813.3L013.311L3.3L213.313L3.3L413.3L513.31513.31_613.31.6L3.31_61_3.31613.31513.31s13.31413.31313.31213.31113.31_0L3.3091_3.30813.30613.30413.30313.301L3.299L3.29713.29sL3.29313.29LL3'.28913.286L3.284STAGE(ft)LL .4Ltt .4LLL .41,Lt.4t1L.4LLl-.41_lL.42LL.42tL .4211 .42LL.42tL .42tL .42lL.42LL .42lt.42tL .42tt .42Lt .4211.4311.4311.4311-437r.431_L - 431L.43IL .431,1.43LL.4311.43LL.43tL.431,1_.43L1, - 42LL .42LL .42L'1.42LL-42tt .42LL .4271.42LL .42tL .42Lt-421,L.42LL .42lL .42LL.42TIME(min)1900.0019L0.001.920.001930. O01940.0019s0.001960.00L970.001980.001990.002000.0020L0. o02020.0o2030.002040.0020s0.002060.002070.002080. o02090.002100.002LL0. O02L20.OO2130.002L40.OA2150. O02160.002L70.OO2180. 0021-90.002200. 0022LO.OO2220,OO2230.OO2240.OO2250.002260.O02270.002280.002290.OO2300.0023L0.002320.402330.002340.0A2350.002360.002370.QO 4/t5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENTION PONDDEVETOPED BASIN CONDITIONS1OO YEARtEVEt POOL ROUTING TABTEpage t7LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTE11 12 2S1SUM 0L 02+252min ---- >o.46L30.46L3o.46t20.46110.46100.46090.46090.4608o .46070.46060 - 460s0.460so.46040.4603o.46020.460Lo - 46010.46000.45990.4598o.4597o .4597o.4s960.4595o.45940.4s93o.4593o .45920.4591o.45900.4s890.4s890.45880.4s870.4s860.45850.4s850.45840.45830.4582o.4s820 - 45810.4580o.45790.4578o.4578o .45770.45760.461_3o.46720.46110.4610o.46090.46090.46080.46070.46060.460s0.4605o .46040.4603o.46020.4601_0.460L0.46000.45990.45980.45970.4s97o.45960.45950.45940.4s930.4s93o.45920.459L0.45900.4s890.45890.4588o.45870.45860.4585o.45850.45840.45830.45820.4582o - 4s810.4580o .4s790.4s78o.4578o .4577o -45760.4575L2.82LL2.8L912.81672.8L412.8!L12.808L2.80612.803L2.80012.797L2.794!2.79LL2.788L2.785t2.782t2.779L2.776L2.773L2.77072.766L2.763L2.7601,2.756t2.75312.750L2.746L2.743t2.739L2.736t2.732L2.72912.725L2.72212.7t8t2.7L5L2.TLLL2.70712 -70412.700L2.697L2.693L2.68912.685L2.682L2.678L2.674L2.67LL2.667L3.744L3.74t13.739L3.73613.73313.730L3.727L3.724t3.72Lr.3.7I_81 3.71sL3.772L3.70913.7061_3.70313.699L3.696L3. 693r.3.68e13.68613.68213.679L3.676t3.67213.66813. 66s13.661-13.65813.65413.650L3.647L3.64313.63913.636L3.63213.62813.624L3.62L13.61.713.61313.60913.60513.60113.59813. s941.3.59013. s8613,5820.4625o .4625o -462s0.4624a.46234.4623o.46220.46220.462Lo .462Lo.46204.4620o -46190.461_80.46L8o .46L7o.46L70.46160.46L50.46150.46L40.46130.461_3o .46120.46110.46L1o -46LO0.46090.46080.46080.46070.46060.46060.460so.4604o.46040.4603o.46020.460Lo. 46010.46000.4s990.45980.4598o .45970.45960.4s950.4595L3.ZgLL3.279L3.276L3.273L3.27LL3.268L3.265L3.262L3.25913.256L3.25313.250L3.24713.244!3.24LL3.238!3.234t3.23LL3.228L3.224L3.22L1"3.218L3.2L4t3.ztL13.2Q7L3.2041,3.200t3.L971_3.19313. 1901_3.1_86L3.L82L3.L79L3.1751_3.t7t13. L6813.16413.16013. 15713.1_53t3.L4913. L4513.t4213.13813.1-34L3, 13013.L26L3.L23STAGE(ft)L7 -42tL.42LL.42Ll.42LL.4L11.4LLL.4L1L.4LLL .4L11.41LL .477'J,.4tLL .4Lt'J,.41LL.4Ltt.4L11.4011.40l_1.4011.4011.401L.4011.4011.401 1.4011.4011.401r..391_1.3911.3911.39L1-.391L.3911.3911.39r.1.3911.3911.3811.381L.38Lr_.3811.3811.38L1.381_L.3811.38Ll.37Lt.37TIME(min)2380.002390 - 002400.0024tO.OA2420.0O2430.002440.0A2450.002460.002470.002480.002490.002500.002510.002520.oo2530.002540.002550.002560.002570.OO2580.002590.002600.002610.002620.002630.002640.002650.002660.002670.0O2680. 002690.002700.002710.002720.OO2730.002740.OO2750.002760.OO2770.O02780.002790.0O2800.002810.002820.002830.002840. O028s0.00 4/L5/97 Polaris Engineering & Survey page 1g97037 SAN JUAN AVENUE DETENrION PONDDEVELOPED BASIN COT{DITIONS1OO YEARLEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTELEVEL POOL ROUTING TABTE11 T2 2S1 ST'M O]. C.2+252 STAGE TIME0.4575o .457 40.45740.4573o.4572o .457L0.4s70o ,45740.4s690.4s68o.45670.45660.45660.45650.45640.45740.4574o.4573o.4572o.457L0.45700.4s700.4s690.45680.45670.4s660.45660.45650.45640.456313.578t3.s7413.57013. s6613.562L3.5581_3.554L3. ss113.54713.54313. s39r_3.535L3.53113.52713. s23o.45940.4s930.4s924.45920.459L0.45900.4s890.4s890.45880,45870.4s860.45860.458s0 .4s840.45831_3.1L91_3. 115L3.11LL3. L0713. L0313.09913.09613.o9213.08813.08413.080L3.076L3.O7213.068L3.064tL.371_L.37LL.37LL.37LL.3711.37LL.37L1.3611.3611.3611.36L1.3611.361L.3611.362860.002870.002880.002890. OO2900. oo2910.002920.0O2930.002940.002950. OO2960.002970.A02980.002990.003000.00L2.L2.t2.L2.t2.t2.L2.12.L2.12.L2.12.L2.!2.L2.6636596566s26486446406376336296256276186t46r.0 Appendix B: Technical Manual Worksheets for Consffucted Wetlands AItr-s.I APPENDXAINFORMATION NEEDED TO APPLY GUIDELINESNOTE: The following information listed for each guide sheet is most essential for applying the Wetlandsand Stormwater Management Guidelines. Information need be assernbled only for the guide sheets thatapply to the project.Guide Sheet I1.1 Statement of prqjea objectives (basin-wide and for specific wetland(s)).Ans.Wetland is highly disturbed, partially filled, Class III wedand. It is located at a lowpoint in Drainage Basin 6. Its highest current function is stormwater control.Project will remove existing fill and restorc close to originat wefland conliguration.The prcject will also pruvide a release of stormwater by means of an infiltrationsystem that will reduce the extremes of water level that limit the growth of wetlandvegetetion. All water entering the wetlend will be pre'treated to provide a higherqudity of influent than exists at this time.1.2 Existing manage,ment and monitoring plans.Ans.No management plan exists at this time. The fust phase of constmction will providefor excavation of the basin and petr€atmenl This will be followed up with areplanting and monitoring plan prepared by a wetland specialistQuids Shest 22.1 Existing and projected watershed land use in the following categories: commercial industrial,multi-family residential single-family residential, and undeveloped (expressed as percentages ofthe totalwatershed area).Ans.Eristing uses are characterized by single family rtsidential (50%l and undevelopedsingle family lots (50o/o). When develo@, the basin will consist of single familyparcels (96%) and undeveloped single famrty parcels (47o - wetland lots).2.zWetland type and zon€s present, with special note of estuarfurc, priority peat system, forested, sensitivescrub-shrub zong sensitive emergent zone and other seruitive or critical areas designated by state or localgovernrnent (with dominant plant species).Ans. One zone - herb, Class III emergent, isoleted wetland2.3 Maximum existing water level as measured according to the appropriate guidelines in Guide Sheet 7Wetland water elevation has been obseryed on an informel basis, primarily throughuse of aerial photographs and recent GPS surveys. The normal yearly maximumwater levd is 15.0. This recedes to en clevation of 14.0 at the beginning of thegrowing season, and 12.0 (observed in ercavations) in mid-snmmer.AnsAppendix B Page I 2.4 Frequency, duratioq and timing of projected increase above morimum existhg water level.Ans. Project will be iitted with an infiltration system that will capture water above the15.0 elevation. Ihere should be no appreciable increase over the 15.0 elevation forVea*y conditions.2.5 Fish and wildlife inhabiting the wetland.Ans. None" This is a highly disturbed wetland with little or no vegetation or pemanentstandingwater.Guide Sheet 33.1 Wetland category (I-IV in draft Puget Sound Water Quality Authority wetland protection guidelines);designation as rare or irreplaceable as defined in Guide Sheet 3. Refer to the Washington Natural HeritageProgram data base. If the needed information is not available, a biological assessment will be necessary.Ans. Wedand was cetegorized, delineated and rated according to Washington Statewefland determination methods. Classified as Category Itr based upon the pnesenceofonc FAC herb plant3.2 Rare, threatened, or endangered species inhabiting the wetland.Ans None listed in Nationd Heritege or Priority Species inderes. None observed.Guide Sheet 44.1 Water pollution assessment as descriH in Guide Sheet 4.Ans. No point sounces of pollution were identified, only area sounces (roof runoff, streets,domestic fertilizers, sedimenf ctc.). \iletland area requires pre-treatment forsediment and road oils" Biofiltration, a standard BMP, will be used to provideeffective pretrcatment. No other BMP's were required.4.2 Wetland cr$egory G-fV in draft Puget Sound Water Quality Authority wetland protection guidelines);designation as rare or irreplaceable as defined in Guide Sheet 3. Refer to the Washington Natural HeritageProgram data base. Ifthe needed information is not svailable, a biological assessment will be necessary.Ans. See answer to 3.14.3 Rare, threatened, or endangered species inhabiting the wetland.Ans. See answer to 3.24.4 Wetland water volume (live storage).Ans. 9,260 C.F.4.5 Outflow rate.AppendixBPage 2 Ans. Obseryations of draw down after storm events show a recharge rete for the pond of0.0115 cFs.4.6 Grotrnd water rechargddischarge status.Ans.Minimum rccharge available at prcsent through compacted siltloam layer. Wetlandis situated on perched lense of compacted material under.lain and bordered byporous gleciel outwash soils. Excavated basin will have a releese constructed to theoutwash material at the level of the yearly pond depth et elevstion 15.O Outwashmeteriel hes a permeability of 8'lmin. Design will use 4'lmin. for calculrtions.4.7 Wet pool areaAns. 46,260 SF.4.8 Contributing watershed areaAns. 96.1Acrcs4.9 Inlet and outlet locations.Ans. None4.10 winter water depths.Ans. Wintcr elwation peaks at 15.0. Existing pond depth is l', although prior to filling,the pond depth would be 3'.4.1I Flow pattern through wetland.Ans. Wetland is in depression. There is no flow through it at presenL4.l2pII.Ans. Not meesurcd4.13 Surface soil characteristics (general texture, organic content).Ans.Existing surface texturc is compact silt/loam on the undisturbed portions of the site"At least 407e of the wetland has been filled with debris as deep as 48". This materielis un-compacted silt with pavement and other man-made debris included.Guide Sheet 55.1 A complete definition of goals.Ans. See ansn'er 1.1. See attached plans #2, 3, and 5 for construction proposd.5.2 The presenc€ ofvarious landscape features, as outlfuied in Guide Sheet 5.Ans There ere no landscape features of note. Site is covered with seasonal grasses.Constnrction Sheet 5 shows a preliminary re-vegetation plan showing theAppendixB Page 3 establishment of trees, shrub/scrub, and emergent vegetation.5.3 Existing wetland hydroperiod and hydrodynamics.Ans.Wetland hydroperiod is characterized by standing water in winter and dqy duringsummer months. \iletland appeans to be set upon a perched water table that is fedby rain water and rain runoff- not through ground water recharge. There is a smallsand wedgg approximately 1' thick, connecting the wetland to a large glacialoutwash body. The elevation of the wedge is 15.0, which is the elevation of thenormal high water in the wet season. While this wedge allows the wetland to drain,the small size of the wedge caus€s the wedand to drain very slowly. The existingslow drainage contributes to the leck of vegetation in the wetland.Guide Sheet 6No new information in addition to that required for preceding guide sheets.Suoplementa{v Information (to provide a more comprehensive basis for project analysis and planning).S. t Characteristics of other watershed wetlands-Ans.The closest and most similar wetland is Townsend Meadows, an emergentscrub/shrub wetlend sitnated epprorimately 1"300 feet to the northwest TownsendMeadows is also a disturbed Class III wetland, though not to the degree as thesubject wetland, which is in the process of rejuvenation. The wetland is containedwithin the Blue Heron Middle School gruunds and is undergoing a S-yearmonitoring period. In the past two years, the wetland has demonstrated an increasein plant densities and the reintroduction of reptiles - signs of a recovering wetland.S.2 Refined land use description (including agricultural categories, types ofundeveloped land, differentresidential densities, and active and potential construction sites).Ans.City Drainage Basin 6 will be the subject of an intense study commencing in July.The study will analyze the basin end provide strategies for mitigating the potentialdevelopment for issues such as building density, runolf pre.treatment, andinfiltration standards.S.3 Hydrologic modeling to provide detailed analysis of existing and projected wetland hydroperiodcharacteristics.Ans.No hydroperiod modeling was performed. Future studies will include HSPF analysisfor hydroperiod characteristics. Present design is based upon observations ofwetland performance.Appendix BPage 4 Appendix C: Technical Manual Worksheets for Infiltration Trenches m-3.3 FEASIBILITY ANALYSE AND GEITERAL LIIVtrTATIONS FOR INFILTRATION BMPsIII-3.3.1 OverviewThis section provides the basis for an assessment of the maximum amount of on-site infiItration that ispractically achievable for each Hydrologic soil group. In additiog it provides guidance in determiningimportant design variables.For a site to be suitable it must meet or exceed all of the specific criteria listed under GLI through 6.Should a site investigation reveal that any one ofthe General Limitations cannot be met, the implementationof the infltration practice should not be pursued.III-3.3.2 General LimitationsThe General Limitations (GL's) are governed by the physical suitability of the site and the need to preventpollution of ground water. They include:GL-IGL-2GL-3GL4GI,.5GL-6Soil SuitabilityDepth to Bedroclg Water Table, or Impermeable Layer, or Dissimilar soil layerProximity to Drinking Water Wells, Septic Tanks, Drainfields, Building Foundations,Structures, Native Growth Protection Easements, and Property LinesLand SlopeDrainage AreaControl of SiltationGL-l Soil SuitabilitvThe zuitability of soil for infiltration is to be based on erzaluating the following:For runofftreatment, the soil infiltration rate, (f), shall be between 0.5 and 2.4 inches perhour;Ans.InfiItration rate used was 4 inches/hour. Runofftreatment will be provided bybiofiltration swales and a settling basin in eddition to that provided by the restoredwetland.o)For streambank erosion control there is no limitation on soil infiltration rate but aminimum rate of 0.5 inches per hour is recommended;Ans. Not applicable.(c)Runoffmust infiltrate through at least 18 inches of soil which has a minimum cationexchange capacity (CEC) of 5 milliequivalents per 100 grams of dry soil.Ans.Soil tests show soil to be discharged into is loamy sand having a cation exchange ofmilliequivalents per 100 grams and is, thereforg acceptable.Soils with 30 percent or greater clay content or 40 percent or greater silVclay content shallnot be used;Ans- Silt/clay content is weII below 307"G)(d)Appendix C Page 1 (e)Infiltration systems shall not utilize fill material nor be placed over fill soils;Ans. Infrltration system utilizes rock filI withirt sandy native material.Any stone subgrade installed as part of an infiltration structure must extend below the frostline.Ans. Stone materiel will be buried *t least 5 feet deep, well below the frost line.Aerobic conditions are to be maintained to the fullest extent possible for runofftreatmentBMPs by designing them to drain the water quality design storm in 24 hours or less.(Note: If aWater Qaality Infiltration Basin or Trench (BMP R1.05 or N.06,respectively) is preceded by a Presettling Basin (BMP RD.I0) then the combirntion ofboth BMPs (i.e., the Presettling Basin od the Wltration BMP) must be designed tofuain the 6month, 24-hour design stormwilhin 24 hours. This is neceswryt to ensarelhat aerobic conditions are moinloined in the infiltration BMP.)Ans.The presettling basin will be a portion of the wefland and as such will notdrain within 24 hours as specified above. The infiltretion trench will receivewater from Gmonth storm that exceed the normal yearly high water levelfor the wetland. These weterc will be infiltrated within the 24-hour timeperiod.In addition, it is recommended that a more detailed soils investigation be conducted if potantial impacts toground water are a concenl or ifthe applicant is proposing to infiltrate in areas underlain by till or otherimpermeable layers. No formal procedures have been adopted for use in this manual. For furtherinvestigations, consultation with soils and ground water specialists is recommended. One document whichmay be of use is the Soil Conservation Service's "Washington State Water Quahty Guide," available (inlimited supply) from the SCS office in Spokanq WashinSon (W. 316 Boone Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201-2348r.Ans.Detailed soils investigations were undertaken by Myers-Biodynamics for the MiddleSchool site and by Perteet Engineering end by Polaris Engineering & surveyingInc., for the subject dreinage facility. Soil logs and cross sections are included withthe engineering reporL Infiltration rates for the sand layer were deter:mined byJohn Fleming PE, of Polaris Engineering.GL-2 Depth to Bedrock Water Table or lrnpermeable LayerThe base of all facilities shall be located at least three feet above the seasonal high water marlq bedmck (orhardpan), and/or impermeable layer. A high water table can indicate the potential for ground watercontamination. Also, infiltration may be inhibited by the water table; this could result in the BMP notfu nctioning as designed.Ans.Seasonal high water table for wetland area is 15.0, higher than bottom of infiltrationtrench. Since this is a perched aquifer, its elevation is not relevant to the infiltrationtrench. No standing water was noted in the sand during exploratory trenching inMarch, 1997, t time of year when the grnund water level should be et its higheststage.GL-3 Proximitv to Drinkine Water Wells. Septic Tanks- Drainfields- Building Foundations.(0G)Appendix CPage 2 Stnrctures. Native Growth Protection Easements (NGPE)- and Propertv LinesThe proximity of infiltration facilities to other sftuctures and facilities must be taken into account. Otherwisethe potential qcists to contaminate ground water, disrupt the proper fi.rnctioning of septic tank systems,damage foundations and other property. The site designer/engine€r must conduct an investigation todetermine the most appropriate locations of infiltration facilities; this is best done on a case-by-case basis butthe following basic criteria is provided for information purposes:oInfiltration facilities on commercial and industrial sites should be placed no closer than 100feet from drinking water wells, septic tanks or drainfieldq and springs used for publicdrinking water zupplies.Ans. Area is sewed by City water rnd sewer. There rne no known welk, septicsystems, or springs in the immediate area-oInfiltration facilities should be situated at least 20 feet downslope and 100 feet up slopefrom building foundations. Infiltration facilities should be situated at least 20 fbet from aNGPE. An exception is roof down spout systems which should be located a minimum ofl0 feet from any structurg property line or NGPE, and 30 feet from a water zupply wel!septic tank or drainfield.Ans.Infiltration facilities are situated at least 20 feet downslope from anyeristing building foundations. There are no Native Growth PnotectionEasements in the area There are no water supply wells in the area.GL-4 Land SlooeSlope restrictions depend on the BMP selected. Application of irfiltration practices on a steep gradeincreases the chance ofwater seepage from the subgrade to the lower areas ofthe site and reduces theamount ofwater which actually infiltrates.Ans. Basin is situated at the bottom of a regional depression. InfiItration trench issituated lower than closest adjacent building foundations.InfiItration facilities can be located on slopes up to I 5 percent as long as the slope ofthe base ofthe facilityis less than 3 percent. All basins should be a minimum of 50 feet from any slope greater than 15 percent.Ans. Not applicable due to flat land slopes.GL-5 Drainage AreqInfiltration BMPs are limited in their ability to accept flows from larger drainage areas. The followingdrainage area limitations will be applied:Infiltration basins - maximum of 50 acresInfiltration trenches - maximum of l5.acresPorous pavement - maximum of l5 acresConcrete grid/modular pavement - maximum of l5 acresRoof down spout system - maximum of 5000 square feetTributary erea is 96.1 acrts where base soils ere primerily glacial outwesh.The ar.ea of the constructed wetland is 1.6 acres or l.7o/o of the tributaryoOaaaAns.fupendix C Page 3 (a)area. This is within the guidelines for constructed wetlands. The drainagesystem intake to the infiltration trench is controlled by an orifice plate thatrestricts inllory to 0.24 cfs at peak stage. The constructed wetland hassufficient volume to contain the Gmonth storm up to the l0Gyear storm.GL-6 Control of SiltationSuweys show that siltation is one of the major reasons for failure ofinfiltration facilities. This often occursduring construgtioq thus it is most important not to excavate trenchcs or ponds to final grade during thisphase. Even after construction it is vital to prevent as much sediment as possible from entering by firstroutirg the water through a pretreatment BMP. Also there may be other construction activities upstreamthat take place and could result in surges of sediment entering the site.The following conditions also apply:Final constru&ion of infiltration facilities shall not be done until after other siteconstruction has finished and the site has bear properly stabilized with permanent erosioncontrol practices as outlined in Volume II, Erosion and Sediment Control.Ans. Infiltration basin will not be constructed until constructed wetland gradingis accomplished. This is consistent with (a) above.(b)Infiltration facilities are not recommended for use as temporary sediment traps during theconstruction phase. Infiltration facilities should be constructed only after upstreamdrainage areas have been stabilized. If an infiltration BMP is to be used as a sediment trapit must not be excavated to final grade until after the upstream drainage area has beenstabilized. Any accumulation of silt in the basin must be removed before putting it inseruce.Ans.Infiltration facilities will not be used as temporenr sediment traps. Suitabletemporary devices will be installed.(c)Inflow to infiltration BMPs used for runofftreatment- other than roof down spoutsystems, must first pass through a pretreatment BMP in order to minimize the suspendedsolid load and prevent siltation of the infiltration facility.Ans.Drainage firm Center and Pacific Streets will have biofiltration prior toentry into constructed wetland. Drainage from San Jusn will be treated ina prtsettling pond prior to entering wetland. Wetland will also causesediments and fines to settle prior to entry into the infiltretion system.III-3 3-3 Feasibiliw Analysis DiscussionCollection and analysis of soils, geologic, and Hydrologic information are a critical component of theplanning and design process for infiltration BMPs. A subsurface investigation must be conducted under thesupervision of an engineer or scientist of appropriate qualifications. The investigation shall involve both areview ofthe available literature from the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and any other relevant sources anda field investigation as part ofthe overall geotechnical site investigation.A soils report is required for each location. A soil log should be taken at a minimum 3 foot depth below theproposed base ofthe faciltty and an additional soil log shall be taken for every 5,000 square feet ofinfi ltrating surface area.Appendix CPage 4 To effectively desigrr an infiltration structure, the following information is required:Texnrral character ofthe soil horizons and/or strata units within the subsoil profile. Basedon this texhrral analysis the following variables are to be determined:soil infiltration rate, "fsoil cation exchange capacity (or CEC),percent clay content in soil(b)Location of the seasonal high ground water table, depth to bedrock or impermeable layer,and/or depth to dissimilar soil layers (duplex soils).The first step in determining the site capabilities should be to conduct an on-site investigation, in conjunctionwith conzulting the available soil survey data. Soil Surveys are available for all counties in Washington andmay be obtained from the Soil Conservation Service of the local Soil Conservation District. Due toglaciation, soil types may llary dramatically within a small area. An on-site investigation is always necessarybecause local conditions may be differerrt than what published soil zurvey data indicates.For larger land dwelopments, soil information has traditionally been collected during the geotechnical siteinvestigation in order to determine foundation conditions for structures and to design earth structures suchas fills and cuts. The standard method ofconducting s.rbsrface investigations is to drill holes and collect a1-3le inch diameter soil sample, 1.5 feet long at 3 to 5 foot intervals in the boring using a split-spoon samplerSolid augers are also used to collect large samples for compaction testing but do not provide an accuratepicture ofthe soil profile.For @ the most suitable soils will generally be in Hydrologic Group d though it ispossible some Group B soils could also be used.The location of the seasonal high ground water table can be determined by field observation of static waterelevation in bores, changes in soil moisture content, and changes in soil color (mottling for example). Itshould be noted that the ground water table elevation fluctuates not only on a seasonal basis but also on anannual basis in response to prolonged periods ofwet and dry precipitation cycles. Thus, the field workshould be zupplernented vrith conzultation ofthe local government's health and public works departments tobenefit from their long-term experience with lopal ground water conditions.Developments which occur on sloping and rolling sites may use extensive cut and fill operations. The use ofinfiltration systems on fill material is not permitted because ofthe possibility of creating an unstablesubgrade. Fill areas can be very susceptible to slope failure due to slippage along the interface ofthe in-situand fill material. This condition could be aggravated ifthe fill material is allowed to become saturated byusing infi ltration practices.In zummary, the following procedure may be used for investigating the feasibility ofusing infiltration BMPs:Preliminary Screenine - Investigate soil characteristics and General Limitations based on published soilsurveyq local studies, and field investigations of site. If the soil infiltration rate is less than 0.5 inches perhour, the site is not feasible for infiltration. If the soil infiltration rate is greater than 2.4 inches per hour itmay be acceptable for streambank erosion control purposes but not runofftreatment.Soil Bores - Soil bores will be required for two purposes:(1) Collect soil samples so that a textural analysis can be conducted. The textural analysis is to be used todetermine the following variables:(a)(i)(ii)(iii)Appendix C Page 5 infiltration ratg fcation exchange capacity, CECpercent clay contentSoils identified by the tortural analysis as Hydrologic Soil Group B are the most appropriate ones forproidngnmofftreatmentthose which are Hydrologic Soil Group A are most appropriate for providingstream bqnk erosion control.If this analysis indicates that any ofthe conditions in General Limitation #1 are violated, then infiltrationshould not be purzued.(2) Determine location and depth to the seasonal high water tablg be&oclq impermeable layer, and/ordissimilar soil layers.Ifthis analysis indicates that any ofthe conditions in General Limitation #2 are violated, then infiltrationshould not be pur$ed.fu this point, the feasibility of infihration should be clearly established. If feasible, the applicant may proceedto size and design the BMP as described in Sections m-3.4,III-3.6, and III-3.7 zubject to meeting all otherGeneral Limitations.M-3.4 GEIYERAL DESIGN CRITERIA FOR INFILTRATION AND FILTRATION BMPsA Darcls Law approach is recommended for sizing both infiltration and filtration BMPs. Stage-storage andstage-discharge relationships can be developed and, through an iterative process, the final BMP size andgeometry can then be determined by routing the appropriate design storm(s) through the facility. SeeSection m-1.4.3 for guidance on developing storagedischarge relationships.Darcy's Law of ground water movement can be used to develop the stage-discharge relationship:Q = f*i*Ao,whereflowrate at which runoffis infiltrated/filtrated by BMPinfiltration rate of soil or filtration mediahydraulic gradientSurface area ofthe infiltration or filtration BMPConservative values of "f should be used. For infiltration BMPs, a factor of safety of two should be appliedto the infiltration rate detemrined from the textural analysis and, hereafter, the design infiltration rate will belabeled "fi" uvl ere fu:0.5 * f For dltration BMPs an nf value of about 2 inches per hour isrecommended for design purposes. This appears to be a low value but reflects actual rates achieved byoperating sand filtration systems treating urban runoff.If the approximate depth available for the BMP is known then a stage-storage relationship can also bedeveloped (see Section m-1.4). A minimum of one foot of freeboard is recommended when establishing theBMP depth.The appropriate design storms can th€n be routed through the BMP using a level pool analysis (Section III-1.4.4) to finalize the BMP size and geometry. This will be an iterative process. The analysis mustdemonstrate that the BMP will completely percolate the design storm within 24 hours (or 48 hours for the100-year event). If this is not the case the surface area and or depth of the BMP will have to be increased. IfoaoafiA,Appendix C Page 6 the analysis indicates that the desigrr storms can only be partially infiltrated the BMP should still be utilizedbut the additional runoffmust be conveyed to another BMP for runofftreatment and/or streambank erosioncontrol.Ans.Discharge or infiltration was calculated using the program Watcrworks whichutilizes the Darcy equation to calculate infiltration. A level pool routing routine wasused in the calculations. Both the design storn and the 100-year storm percolatedwithin the required time periods.(Note: If a Water Quality Infiltation Basin or Trench (BMP Rf.05 or R1.06, respecfively) is preceded by aPresettling Basin (BMP RD.I0) then the combination of both BMPs (i.e., the Presettling Basin and theInfiltration BMP) mast be designed to drain the Gmonth, 24-hour design stormwithin 24 hours. This isnecesvr)/ to ensure that aerobic conditions ctre maintained in the infltration BI"IP)Ans.A presettling basin is in-line with the infiltration trcnch, however, the presettlingbasin residence time was not added to the calculated total time. The wetlandrcceiving flows from the prsettling basin is designed to provide eerobic conditionsend therefore qualifies for exc'lusion from the time period.M-3.5 CONSTRUCTIONAIID MAINTENANCE[I-3.5.1 OverviewThe failure of infiltration and filtration BMPs to function properly can often be traced back to constructionand maintenance iszues. By utilizing appropriate construction practices and conducting systematic andrigorous maintenance, infiltration/filtration BMPs should function properly.III-3.5.2 ConstructionRegardless of the type of infiltration/filtration practice to be constructed, careful consideration must be givenin advance of construction to the effects ofthe work sequencg techniques, and the equipment employedduring construction of the facility. Serious maintenance problems can be averted, or in large part mitigated,by the adoption of relatively simple measures during construction.Previous experiencc with infiltration and filtration praotices in the States ofMaryland and Texas has shownthat these BMPs must not be put into use, or preferably even constructed, until the drainage areas thatcontribute runoffto the structure have been adequately stabilized. When this precaution is not taker\infiltration/ filtration structures often become clogged with sediment from upland construction and thus failto operate properly from the outset. It cannot be ernphasized enough how important it is to protect thesefacilities from sediment deposition at all times.Care must also be taken to not compact soils during the construction phase as this can seriously affectinfiltration and filtration rates. If vehicles must be driven over the infiltratior/filtration BMP duringconstruction only those with large tracks shall be used.Specific construction methods and specifications are provided for each infiltration and filtration BMP inSections m-3-6 and III-3.7III-3.5-3 MaintenanceThe maintenance requirements of infiltration and filtration BMPs are an important aspect which is often notaddressed in the planning and desigrr ofthese structures. Infiltration and filtration basins can be visuallyfupendix CPage 7 inspected and easily maintained. The surface of an infiltration/filtration trench or roof down spout systemcan also be visually inspected and maintained, but the subsurface storage area cannot. It is therefore arequirement to install an observation well in practices such as these in order to have an observationmechanism available.lnfiltration and filtration practices must be rqgularly inspected. Specific maintenance specifications andrecommendations are provided for each infiltration and filtration BMP in Sections m-3.6 and III-3.7.m-3.6 STANDARDS AllD SPECIFICATIONS FORII{FILTRATION BMPsIII-3.6.4 BMP RI.10 Water Ouality (WO) Infiltration TrenchPurpose and DefinitionThis BMP is a shallow excavated trench designed prinnrily to provide runof treatment but pq! streambankerosion control. The soils underlying this BMP must be capable of removing pollutants from runoffand willlikely have insufficient permeability to be used for streambank erosion control. Trenches are generally 2 tol0 feet in depth bacldlled with a coarse stone aggregate, allowing for temporary storage of storm runoffinthe voids between the aggregate material. Stored runoffthen gradually infiltrates into the surrounding soil.The surface of the trench can be covered over with Fating and/or consist of stone, gabio4 sand, or agrassed covered area with a surface inlet.One alternative design is to install a pipe in the trench and srrround it with coarse stone; this will increase theternporary storage capacity ofthe trench. A second alternative design is to build a vault or tank without abottom (see BMP RD.l5 for details). An infiltration vault/tank is equivalant to a detention vault with thebottom acting as the outlet, instead of having a control structure.Ans. Trench will have a slotted pipe sunounded by drain rock and filter fabric. Trenchwill be installed in non-traflic erea-D"sigr CriteriaThe procedure described in Section m-3.4 should be used to design an infiltration trench. Trenches areaszumed to have rectangular cross-sections, thus the infltration surface area (sides and bottom) can bereadily calculated from the trench geometry. The storage volume of the trench must take into account thevolume ofbacldll material placed in the trench (i.e., void ratio).Ans.Volume requirements for this epplication are met by wetland. Entrance toinfiltration trench is controlled by orifice to limit intake flow to surfince arrarequired to infiltrate runofrwithout exceeding top of permeable surfece.The same general criteria that were presented for Water Quality Infiltration Basins (BMP RI.05) shall applyto trenches, the following information is also provided for guidance:Soils Investigation - A minimum of one soils log shall be required for every 50 feet of trench lengttLand in no case less than two soils logs for each proposed trench location. Each soils log shouldextend a minimum of 3 feet below the bottom of the trencb describe the SCS series of the soil, thetextural class ofthe soil horizon(s) through the depth ofthe log and note any evidence ofhighground water level, such as mottling. In additiorl the location of impermeable soil layers oroAppendix C Page 8 adissimilar soil layers shall be determined.Ans.One deep soil log was taken in the immediate area of the trench. Sullicient soil logswere taken in the general area to provide a soil profile showing that suflicientpermeable soil is present in the area of construction for a successful infiltrationtrench.The design infiltration rate, fu, will be equal to one-half the infiltration rate found from the soiltexhrral analysis.Ans. Infiltration rate reported by John Fleming is half the actual infiltration rate'therefore, providing z 200o/o factor of safety.Pretreatment - Water Qudity Infiltration Trenches rnust be preceded by a pretreatment BMP. SeeChapter I-4 for selecting appropriate pretreatrnent BMPs.Ans. Both biofiltration and presetdement basins are being utilized as pretreatment forsediment removalDrawdown Time - Infiltration trenches shall be designed to empty the 6-month 24-hour stormevent within one day (24 hours). This will ensure that the necessa.ry aerobic conditions erdsts inorder to provide effective ffeatment of pollutants. If a Presettling Basin @MP RD. I 0) precedes theinfiltration tranclr, the combined drawdown time for both BMPs should be 24 hours.Ans. Drawdown time for the Gmonth storm is less than 24 hours.Baclcfill Material - The aggregate material for the infiltration trench shall consist of a cleanaggregate with a maximum diameter of3 inches and a minimum diameter of 1.5 inches. Theaggregate should be graded such that there will be few aggregates smaller than the selected size.Void space for these aggregates is assumed to be in the range of30 percent to 40 percent.Ans. Aggregate will be washed drain rock of approximately 1.5" diameter.Filter Fabric - The aggregate fill material shall be completely surrounded as shown in Figure III-3.9with an engineering filter fabric. In the case ofan aggregate surface, filter fabric should surroundall of the aggregate fill material except for the top one foot.Ans. Accommodated in designOverflow Channel - In general, because ofthe small drainage areas controlled by an infiltrationtrench, an emergency spillway is not necessary. In all cases, the overland flow path of surfacerunoffexceeding the capacity of the trench should be evaluated to preclude the development ofuncontrolled, erosive, concentrated flow. A nonerosive overflow channel leading to a stabilizedwatercourse shall be provided.Ans. Facility is located in a dosed depression which has an established 100-year floodplain. No surface overflow device is planned.Seepage Analysis and Control - An analysis shall be made to determine any possible adverse effectsof seepage zones when there are nearby building foundations, basements, roads, parking lots orsloping sites. Developments on sloping sites often require the use of extensive cut and filloperations. The use of infiltration trenches on fill sites is not permiued.aaoaaAppendix C Page 9 Ans.Facility is located in a closed depression at an elevation below existing houses. Noeffects from seepage are anticipated.aBuildings - Infiltration trenches should be located 20 feet downslope and 100 feet up slope frombuilding foundations.Ans. Facility is located more than 20 feet downslope from all building foundations.aObservation Well - A:r observation well shall be installed for every 50 feet of infiltration trenchlength. The observation well will serve two primary functions: it will indicate how quickly thetrench dewaters following a storm and it will provide a method of observing how quickly the trenchfills up with sediments. Figure III-3.16 illustrates observation well details.The observation well should consist of perforated PVC pipe, 4 to 6 inches in diameter. It should belocated in the center of the structure and be constructed flush with the ground elevation of thetrench as shown in Figure m-3.9. The top of the well should be capped to discourage vandalismand tampering.Ans. Tbo observation wells will be established along with the construction of this facility.Construction and Maintenance CriteriaConstruction TimingAn infiltration trench shall not be constructed or placed into service until all ofthe contributing drainage areahas been stabilized and approved by the responsible inspector.Trench PreparationExcavate the trench to the design dimensions. Excavated materials shall be placed away from the trench sidesto enhance trench wall stability. Care should also be taken to keep this material away from slopegneighboring property, sidewalks and streets. It is recommended that this material be covered with plastic if itis to be left in place for more than 30 days (see BMP E1.20 in Volume II).Fabric LaydownThe filter fabric roll must be cut to the proper width prior to installation. The cut width must includesufficient material to conform to the trench perimeter irregularities and for a 12 inch minimum top overlap.Place the fabric roll over the trench and unroll a sufficient length to allow placemant of the fabric down intothe trench. Stones or other anchoring objects should be placed on the fabric at the edge ofthe trench tokeep the lined trench open during windy periods. When overlaps are required between rolls, the upstreamroll should overlap a minimum of 2 feet over the downstream roll in order to provide a shingled effect. Theoverlap insures fabric continuity and allows the fabric to conform to the excavated surface during aggregateplacement and compaction.Stone Aggregate Placement and CompactionThe stone aggregate should be placed in lifts and compacted using plate compactors. As a rule of thumb, amaximum loose lift thickness of 12 inches is recommended. The compaction process ensures fabricAppendix C Page l0 toSediment RemovalSedimert buildup in the top foot of stone aggregate or the surface inlet should be monitored on thesame schedule as the observation well. A monitoring well in the top foot of stone aggregate shallbe required when the trench has a stone surhce. Sediment deposits shall not be allowed to build upto the point where it will reduce the rate ofinfiltration into the trerrch-L L.-Ilr-I\_t_!!IIIIIt_Iilt-LAppendix CPage 12 r; i i I t5 i:\ I .l I I C) bJn Qr +r, ^/\JraT I J I17 MILO E! 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