HomeMy WebLinkAbout010621 PTAC Meeting PacketARTS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA  January 6, 2021  |  3:00 p.m.  |  Remote Meeting  ****The State of Emergency declared by Governor Inslee temporarily prohibits in‐person contacts  with the public required by the Open Public Meetings Act and the Public Records Act. The May 29,  2020 Public Health Order by Jefferson County Health Officer Thomas Locke also states no in‐person  meetings are allowed. The Commission will be participating by teleconference****  Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to:  publiccomment@cityofpt.us or join in person via computer or tablet at http://joinwebinar.com  enter the 9 digit Webinar ID 539‐393‐595 or listen by phone only (listening mode only) United  States: +1 (415) 655‐0052 access code: 155‐675‐573#  Local Dial In – (360) 390‐5064 access code: 155‐675‐573#  I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda III.Approval of Minutes from the December 2, 2020 Meeting IV. Public Comment (3 minutes per person) V. Commission Business A. Chair’s Update B. Budget Update C.Funding Application – Key City Public Theatre D.2021 Commission Workplan VI. Correspondence VII. Set Agenda for Next Meeting VIII.Next Scheduled Meeting – February 3, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. IX. Adjourn Mi n u t e s o f t h e P o r t T o w n s e n d A r t s C o mm i s s i o n M e e t i n g o f D e c e m b e r 2 , 2 0 2 0 LO C A T I O N : Ci t y H a l l ME M B E R S P R E S E N T : N h a t t N i c h o l s ( C h a i r ) , J o e G i l l a r d , D a n G r o u s s m a n , Mi c h e l l e H a g e w o o d , a n d J a s o n V i c t o r S e r i n u s ME M B E R S E X C U S E D : J u l i e J o h n s o n a n d N a n T o b y T y r r e l l ME M B E R S A B S E N T : Da n n y M c E n e r n e y ST A F F P R E S E N T : C i t y A t t o r n e y H e i d i G r e e n w oo d a n d L e g a l A s s i s t a n t A m b e r L o n g To p i c Mo t i o n s / R e c o m m e n d a t i o n / A c t i o n Ca l l t o O r d e r Th e m e e t i n g w a s c a l l e d t o or d e r a t 3 : 0 2 p . m . Ap p r o v a l o f A g e n d a Th e a g e n d a w a s u n a n i m ou s l y a p p r o v e d . Ap p r o v a l o f M i n u t e s fo r N o v e m b e r 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e m i n u t e s o f N o v e m b e r 4 , 2 0 2 0 w e r e u n a n i m o u s l y a p p r o v e d wi t h a c l a r i f i c a t i o n a b o u t S h e ll y L e a v e n s ’ r e s i g n a t i o n a n d t h e re m o v a l o f t h e l a s t s e n t en c e u n d e r A p p r o v a l o f A g enda. Pu b l i c C o m m e n t No n e Ch a i r ’ s U p d a t e Ch a i r N h a t t N i c h o l s s h a r e d t h a t s he h a d a p p o i n t e d J a s o n V i c t o r Se r i n u s a s C h a i r o f t h e P u b l i c A r t C o m m i t t e e . J a s o n g a v e a n up d a t e o n t h e C r e a t i v e D i s t r i c t w a y fi n d i n g s i g n pro j ect. Bu d g e t U p d a t e : Mo s t o f t h e a p p r o v e d p a y m e n t s f o r 2 0 2 0 ha v e b e e n m a d e . Th e C o m m i s s i o n w i l l d i s c u s s i t s b u d g e t i n J a n u a r y , a f t e r C i t y Co u n c i l a p p r o v e s th e 2 0 2 1 a m o u n t . Fu n d r a i s i n g O p t i o n s : Ci t y A t t o r n e y H e i d i G r e e n w o o d ex p l a i n e d t h a t r e g u l a t i o n s ar o u n d d o n a t i o n s m a k e i t im p r a c t i c a l f o r g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c i e s t o f u n d r a i s e . S h e re c o m m e n d e d t h a t P T A C m e m b e r s c o n s i d e r f o r m i n g a no n - p r o f i t s i m i l a r t o t h e Li b r a r y F o u n d a t i o n a n d s e e k a fi s c a l s p o n s o r . S h e c l a r i f i e d th a t i f t h e C o mm i s s i o n w a n t e d to a p p l y f o r a g r a n t , C i t y s t a f f w o u l d h a v e t o s u b m i t t h e ap p l i c a t i o n , m a n a g e f u n d s , a n d f o l l o w r e p o r t i n g re q u i r e m e n t s . Co m m i s s i o n e r s g e n e r a l l y e x p r e s s e d i n t e r e s t i n t h e i d e a o f a no n - p r o f i t a n d w i l l r e s e a r c h s i mi l a r o r g a n i z a t i o n s a t o t h e r ag e n c i e s . T h e C h a i r w i l l r e s e a r c h wh e t h e r a r t s c o m m i s s i o n s a t ot h e r c i t i e s h a v e a p p l i e d f o r g r a n t s . De a d l i n e s f o r A p p l i c a t i o n s : M o n t h l y v s . Q u a r t e r l y Th e C o m m i s s i o n u n a n i m o u s l y v o t e d t o c h a n g e i t s g r a n t ap p l i c a t i o n r e v i e w t o a q u a r t e r l y pr o c e s s b e g i n n i n g i n A p r i l 2 0 2 1 . Fo r t h e f i r s t t h r e e m o n t h s o f 2 0 2 1 , t h e C o m m i s s i o n w i l l a c c e p t an d r e v i e w a p p l i c a t i o n s m o n t h l y f o r e v e n t s o c c u r r i n g J a n u a r y th r o u g h M a r c h . A p p l i c a t i o n s f o r e v e n t s o c c u r r i n g A p r i l t h r o u g h Ju n e w i l l b e r e v i e w e d at t h e A p r i l m e e t i n g , J u l y th r ou g h To p i c Mo t i o n s / R e c o m m e n d a t i o n / A c t i o n Se p t e m b e r e v e n t s a t t h e J u l y m e e t i n g , a n d O c t o b e r t h r o u g h De c e m b e r e v e n t s a t t h e O c t o b e r me e t i n g . B e g i n n i n g i n 2 0 2 2 , Ja n u a r y t h r o u g h M a r c h e v e n t s w i l l b e r e v i e w e d a t t h e J a n u a r y me e t i n g . T h e C o m m i s s i o n w i l l a l l o c a te 1 / 5 o f i t s t o t a l y e a r l y bu d g e t t o e a c h q u a r t e r , a n d t h e r e m a i n i n g 1 / 5 o f t h e b u d g e t w i l l be s p r e a d o u t o v e r t h e y e a r f o r mi c r o g r a n t s ( $ 5 0 0 o r l e s s ) , w h i c h ma y b e r e v i e w e d o n a m o n t h l y b a s i s . Re v i e w o f A p p l i c a t i o n f o r F i n a n c i a l S u p p o r t a n d F A Q Sh e e t Th e C o m m i s s i o n a g r e e d t o m a k e th e f o l l o w i n g c h a n g e s t o t h e fu n d i n g a p p l i c a t i o n : a d d “ i f a n y” a f t e r O r g a n i z a t i o n N a m e , ch a n g e R e s p o n s i b l e N a m e t o P r im a r y C o n t a c t , r e m o v e t h e re q u e s t f o r o t h e r s p o n s o r i n g a g en c i e s , a n d c h a n g e t h e f i r s t se n t e n c e a f t e r t h e t a b l e o n t h e f i rs t p a g e t o : “ D e s c r i b e h o w y o u r pr o j e c t w i l l b e n e f i t a n d c o n s i d e r th e d i v e r s e p o p u l a t i o n o f t h e gr e a t e r P o r t T o w n s e n d c o m m u n i t y . ” T h e C h a i r w i l l m a k e e d i t s t o th e F A Q p a g e t o r e f l e c t t h e n e w f u n d i n g p r o c e s s a n d f o r w a r d bo t h d o c u m e n t s t o s t a f f f o r p o s t i n g o n l i n e . Ne x t M e e t i n g : Ja n u a r y 6 , 2 0 2 0 a t 3 : 0 0 p . m . Ad j o u r n : Th e m e e t i n g w a s a d j o u r n e d a t 4 : 5 8 p . m . Ar t s  Co m m i s s i o n  20 2 0  Gr a n t  Fu n d i n g _ R e v i s e d  12 / 2 8 / 2 0 Or g a n i z a t i o n E v e n t C o n t a c t  Pr e v i o u s l y   Ap p r o v e d  Gr a n t s  St a t u s  Pa i d  ou t   fr o m  or i g   bu d g e t    Cu r r e n t   bu d g e t   pr o p o s a l s   No t e s BU D G E T 24 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $                 7, 5 0 0 . 0 0 $         Re v i s e d  20 2 0  Bu d g e t / I s s u e d  Au g u s t  202 0 Ce n t r u m St o r y t e l l i n g  ev e n t G e o r g e  Ma r i e 1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       wi l l  su b m i t  ap p l i c a t i o n  fo r  20 2 1  ev e n t An d r e a  La w s o n Vi s i o n s  in  Mo t i o n 1 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d 1, 3 0 0 . 0 0 $   ‐ $                             PA I D St o r y b o r n e He a r t  St o r i e s B o n n i e  Ob r e m s k i 1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d 2, 3 0 0 . 0 0 $   ‐ $                             PA I D St o r y b o r n e fa c i l i t y  re n t a l 8 0 0 . 0 0 $                             Co m p l e t e d 40 0 . 0 0 $         ‐ $                             PA I D Ma n y  Mo o n s on e ‐wo m a n  sh o w Ph i n a  Pi p a 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       ‐ $                             Ma n d a l a Te e n  in i t i a t i v e M a r c  We i n b l a t t 1 , 2 2 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d ‐ $                       1, 0 1 3 . 0 0 $         PA I D  (r e q u e s t e d  le s s  th a n  gr a n t  am o u n t ) PT  Ba l l e t Gis e l l e Je n n i f e r  Ha r d e s t y 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       ‐ $                             Gw e n  Fr a n z Eu g e n e  Fr i e s e n  wo r k s h o p 9 7 5 . 0 0 $                             Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       Je f f  Co  Fa r m e r s  Ma r k e t ma r k e t  mu s i c A m a n d a  Mi l h o l l a n d 2, 0 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       ‐ $                             PT  Su m m e r  Ba n d co n c e r t s S t e v e  Re e d 50 0 . 0 0 $                             Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       So n g w r i t i n g  wo r k s Me m o r y  Ca f e s J u d i t h  Fr e e d m a n 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                             Co m p l e t e d 50 0 . 0 0 $         ‐ $                             4  PT  Pr o d u c t i o n s co n c e r t Bo b  Fr a n c i s 3 1 5 . 0 0 $                             Ca n c e l e d ‐ $                       ‐ $                             Aa r o n  As i s / C e n t r u m Fo r t  Wo r d s 1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $                       Co m p l e t e d ‐ $                       1, 5 0 0 . 0 0 $         PA I D JC H S Fi r s t  Sa t u r d a y T a r a  Mc C a u l e y 6 5 0 . 0 0 $                             Co m p l e t e d ‐ $                       65 0 . 0 0 $               PA I D  (c h a n g e d  to  Gr a c e  Lo v e  co n c e r t ) Su z a n n e  Ca r l s o n BL M  mu r a l 4 6 8 . 0 0 $                             Co m p l e t e d 46 8 . 0 0 $         ‐ $                             PA I D Sp e c i a l  Ev e n t :  KC P T  Pl a y f e s t  On e  Ac t  Pl a y   Pla y w r i g h t  Wo r k s h o p / I n s t r u c t o r 90 0 . 0 0 $         PA I D Pla y w r i g h t  Ju d g e s  (3 ) ‐ $                             Co m p e t i t i o n  no t  he l d  in  20 2 0 Pla y w r i g h t  Li c e n s e  Fe e  ‐   Le o n a r d  Go o d i s m a n 12 5 . 0 0 $               PA I D Pla y w r i g h t  Lic e n s e  Fe e  ‐   An g e l a  Gy u r k o 12 5 . 0 0 $               PA I D Pla y w r i g h t  Lic e n s e  Fe e  ‐   Do u g  Gi v e n 12 5 . 0 0 $               PA I D Pla y w r i g h t  Lic e n s e  Fe e  ‐   Ja m e s  Go r m l e y 12 5 . 0 0 $               PA I D Pla y w r i g h t  Lic e n s e  Fe e  ‐   Wy n n e  St e v e n s 12 5 . 0 0 $               PA I D To t a l  Ap p r o v e d  Gr a n t s  be f o r e  CO V I D 14 , 4 6 0 . 0 0 $                 To t a l  pa i d  ou t  fr o m  or i g i n a l  bu d g e t  be f o r e  Ma r c h  20 2 0 5, 8 6 8 . 0 0 $   Am o u n t  PA I D  fr o m  ne w  $7 5 0 0  bu d g e t   3, 7 8 8 . 0 0 $         On e  Ac t  Pl a y  ob l i g a t i o n  fr o m  ne w  bu d g e t 12 5 . 0 0 $                 3, 9 1 3 . 0 0 $         Re m a i n i n g  if  al l  is  fu n d e d  fr o m  ne w  bu d g e t 3, 5 8 7 . 0 0 $         Ar t s  Co m m i s s i o n  20 2 1  Gr a n t  Fu n d i n g  ‐ ‐   To t a l  Bu d g e t :  $2 0 , 0 0 0 Or g a n i z a t i o n E v e n t  Am o u n t  Ap p r o v e d   Am o u n t  Re q u e s t e d S t a t u s N o t e s Ke y  Ci t y  Pu b l i c  Th e a t r e Ma y ' s  Vo t e $1 , 4 8 6 . 0 0 fo r  re v i e w  at   1/ 6 / 2 1  me e t i n g $0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 4 8 6 . 0 0 Am o u n t  ap p r o v e d A m o u n t  re q u e s t e d A m o u n t  Pa i d A m o u n t  remaining Qu a r t e r  1   $1 , 4 8 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 5 1 4 . 0 0 Qu a r t e r  2   $4,000.00 Qu a r t e r  3   $4,000.00 Qu a r t e r  4   $4,000.00 Mi c r o g r a n t s   $4,000.00 To t a l  re m a i n i n g  in  bu d g e t  * $ 1 8 , 5 1 4 . 0 0 *i f  al l  ap p r o v e d  gr a n t s  pa i d  in  fu l l  & al l  re q u e s t e d  amounts  approved 1 of 3 (continue on back) City of Port Townsend Arts Commission Application for Financial Support Use additional space as needed. We encourage applicants to submit the application as an attachment to an email. Please submit according to the application review schedule. If you are applying for a grant of $500 or less, please submit at least one month ahead of the event and by the 20th of the month prior to the next PTAC meeting. Return completed applications to artscomm@cityofpt.us Date of Application Organization Name (if any) Primary Contact If under age 18, please provide the name of an adult willing to sign an agreement with the City on the applicant’s behalf Phone Number Email Project or Event Name Event Location Date(s) of Event(s) Amount Requested Admission Charge $ Donations accepted? ☐Yes ☐No Is there at least one free or “pay what you wish” performance? ☐Yes ☐No Total Budget $ Please attach the proposed budget for this event. Has the venue for the event(s) been assessed as ADA accessible? (If yes, please attach a copy of the assessment report or complete the attached Venue Accessibility Statement.) ☐Yes ☐No Describe how your project will benefit and consider the diverse population of the greater Port Townsend community: December 20, 2020 Key City Players, Inc. dba Key City Public Theatre Denise Winter 360-379-0195 denise@keycitypublictheatre.org Online/keycitypublictheatre.org January 26 - March 31, 2021 FREE ☐ $1486.00 8261.00 May's Vote, virtual theater performances Key City Public Theatre (KCPT) will produce a virtual tour of a professional theatrical production, MAY’S VOTE, a women’s suffrage play. MAY’S VOTE performances will illuminate the history of the Washington State women’s suffrage campaign and two of its influential leaders, Emma Smith DeVoe and May Arkwright Hutton. These performances serve to broaden awareness of the tie between the Washington State women’s victory and the national suffrage movement which led to the passage of the 19th Amendment. This dynamic and engaging story of historic women’s strength and victory ultimately empowers women to participate in local and national government elections so that we grow closer to gender equality in the U.S. and beyond. This project will bring history alive through16 professional theatrical performances offered for free online and in partnership with historical and educational venues throughout Washington State, including Jefferson County partners. All performances will be followed by post-play discussions to deepen the audiences experience of the play and the history it presents, including contextualizing the history of how and when America's diverse population of women were actually able to exercise their right to vote. Presenting partners will be invited to support the project's education goals by coordinating with local schools, as well as developing supporting educational materials and/or programs to supplement KCPT's performances. 2 of 3        Explain how the City’s funding will support the project. If the project can still be done without City funding, show how the requested funds will improve the project: Explain how the project will either target Port Townsend/East Jefferson residents or, if the event is designed to bring in visitors from the area, how you will advertise to those visitors: If this event has received Arts Commission funding in the past, please explain any proposed changes to the event and any change in the requested funding amount. Please attach the proposed budget for this event.  Not applicable. KCPT will develop a minimum of four partnerships in Jefferson County with groups whose work or interest centers on women’s voting or women’s history. These partnerships will have a multiplier effect in ensuring we meet our project goals and will be a major contributor to the project’s success. Performances are expected to reach more than 800 residents of WA state including 400 residents in Jefferson County. Local project partners will be provided marketing materials and poster/flyers by the MAY’S VOTE project lead. Partners will be encouraged and coached on using their publicity networks and client/patron lists to reach intended audiences and build local support and enthusiasm for the virtual performance(s). Partner marketing efforts will ensure local residents with an interest in women’s suffrage, women’s history, and state history are aware of the performances. Partnering with a variety of area organizations will allow KCPT to expand our reach into a diverse population in Jefferson County and project funding support will ensure subsidized performances will remove financial barriers to organizations' abilities to partner with us in order to reach their target audiences with cultural and educational offerings. In addition, while virtual events are being conceived as a means to present performances during the pandemic, the theater recognizes that barriers to attending performances unrelated to the pandemic are also eliminated: these include, access for home-bound individuals due to physical and mental health concerns, transportation barriers, work and family schedule conflicts, babysitting needs, and financial inability. MAY’S VOTE performances were presented in-person and virtually during 6 weeks in 2020 as part of the national suffrage centennial. These performances were presented in partnership with organizations located in primarily rural communities outside of Jefferson County. This 2021 project is designed to continue to reach cities throughout WA state during the lead up to and including women's history month (March). This statewide aspect of the virtual tour is well funded with a proven track record of success. The requested grant funds from the Port Townsend Arts Commission (PTAC) will allow KCPT to expand the project to have a broader, deeper impact on Port Townsend and Jefferson County residents by funding four performances that will be targeted to our community and in partnership with local groups/organizations. In exploring project partners in our area, KCPT has found that most potential partners lack the financial capacity to book performances of MAYS VOTE. Grant funds like those received from other government agencies cover the direct costs of producing the show and eliminate the burden to partnering organizations for bearing the cost of the production. However, these state grant funds require that the virtual performances reach beyond our county and have a broad impact throughout the state. PTAC's support of the project will ensure that more of this community's residents will experience this enriching cultural offering by focusing support for more performances targeted to our city and county. 3 of 3        Venue Accessibility Statement According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination "in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others in the services, programs, or activities provided or made available [funded] by local governments, their instrumentalities or agencies.” To operate legally and to ensure that ALL members of our community may benefit from arts events funded (wholly or in part) through the Port Townsend Arts Commission, any event receiving funding must be held in an accessible venue, and accessibility and any inaccessible aspects of a venue be noted in the publicity for each event. "Accessible" means that anyone in a wheelchair, scooter, walker, or on crutches or cane(s) can gain access and entry to and participate in the event being held, as can anyone who is temporarily able-bodied. This includes access to restroom facilities. The accessibility of several Port Townsend area venues is on record. If you are not sure, DASH (Disability Awareness Starts Here) has agreed to do assessments free of charge. Call 360-385-1790. Please check each question below. For further information, consult the booklet “People First: Planning Events Everyone Can Attend," which is available in City Hall, 2nd floor. Can a person with mobility issues or using walker, crutches, wheelchair, or scooter: ☐ Park near venue in a handicapped parking space? ☐ Enter the building without assistance? (i.e. no stairs or barriers to entry, door(s) able to be opened with closed fist and not too heavily weighted) ☐ Enjoy and participate in the event as fully as a temporarily able-bodied person? (i.e., wheelchair seating, elevator or lift if more than one floor) ☐ Are the restroom facilities accessible? (i.e., toilet at least 17" high, grab bars) NOTE: The event is virtual, so the above questions do not apply as there is no physical venue. NOTE: The event is virtual, so the above questions do not apply as there is no physical venue. Project Budget KCPT – May’s Vote: Virtual Tour - 2021 Prepared December 5, 2020 Project Expenses Production 5218 Administrative 1843 Marketing and Education 1200 Total Program Budget $8,261 Project Income Government Grants Humanities Washington/NEH 425 (Confirmed) ArtsWA/NEA 750 (Confirmed) Port Townsend Arts Commission 1,486 (Pending) Performance Fees 5,600 (60% Confirmed/40% Antic.) Total Program Budget (Year 1) $ 8,261 Budget Narrative Project expenses include: production costs ($5218) for virtual tour of May’s Vote (artist salaries plus taxes and benefits for two union actors and one union stage manager, royalties); administrative costs ($1843) for virtual technology, tour booking fees, box office technology fees, office supplies/printing/copying, and staff time for identifying/coordinating with project partners, scheduling, accounting/billing); and marketing costs ($1200) for website support, marketing/education materials, and staff time for marketing support provided to partner presenters. Budget reflects project expenses for 5 weeks of tour dates averaging 4 performances/week (January 26 – March 31, 2021). Project income includes: pro-rated portion of confirmed government grants from Humanities Washington/National Endowment for Humanities ($425 of a $5000 grant), and ArtsWA/National Endowment for the Arts ($750 of a $10,000 grant); Performance fees ($5600) charged to presenting partners at an average of $350/performance for 16 total performances, with 60% confirmed and 40% anticipated. The pending grant from Port Townsend Arts Commission ($1486) reflect the direct expenses of 4 performances to be offered free to presenting partners in Port Townsend and Jefferson County.  1       PRESS RELEASE December 3, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Mari F. Mullen, director@ptmainstreet.org   THE PORT TOWNSEND CREATIVE DISTRICT ANNOUNCES CALL TO ARTISTS RFP FOR WAYFINDING PROJECT    The Port Townsend Main Street Program was successful in its grant application to the WA State Arts Commission Creative Districts Capital Project Grant to fund the Port Townsend Creative District Wayfinding Infrastructure Project. The Request for Proposals is live as of December 1, 2020. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2021. The project is a commission for designing and fabricating five large-scale Art Markers and designing a creative sign template for wayfinding signs to signify that you have arrived in the Creative District. There is an optional element of creating a logo design for the Creative District. The signs and Art Markers will connect Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden State Park. Review the RFP on the Creative District page at ptmainstreet.org, click on Special Projects. Artists may apply via the Submittable platform at bit.ly/ptwayfinding. Generous local businesses, property owners and nonprofits contributed to the required cash match to secure the grant: The Port Townsend Main Street Program, Centrum, The Port Townsend Public Library Foundation, the Port Townsend Food Coop, 1st Security Bank, Northwind Arts Center, Port Townsend School of the Arts, KPTZ 91.9 FM Port Townsend Radio, The Kuhn Building, and Key City Public Theatre. The City of Port Townsend has committed to in-kind services for help with installation on this project. The Creative District Subcommittee will work with the City of Port Townsend Public Works Department, local artists and arts organizations to complete this project. CREATIVE DISTRICT BACKGROUND The goals of the Port Townsend Creative District are to develop a year-round economy through employment and entrepreneurship in the creative industries. The committee’s goals include connecting audiences with artists and unifying our community’s strategic efforts. The subcommittee plans to develop an artist registry of community artists, organizations, and venues representing area practitioners/supporters of visual, literary, performing, culinary and makers arts. The project will enhance the flow through the Creative District with marketing, signage, imaginative way-finding and transportation strategies. We are seeking grants to support elements of the Port Townsend Creative District strategic plan, such as developing the comprehensive Arts and Culture plan for our community. This plan will be the result of a community discussion to identify our road map and next steps for building and fueling the creative economy for the next 3-5 years. The discussion would include partners, artists, and community leaders. Artists would be surveyed to determine their needs. The Port Townsend Creative District subcommittee includes Kris Nelson, chair of the Port Townsend Main Street Program Economics Committee, Main Street board member and downtown restaurateur, Dominic Svornich, vice president of KPTZ 91.9 FM, Rob Birman, Executive Director of Centrum, Owen Rowe, City Council member, Michael D'Alessandro, Executive Director of Northwind Arts Center, Melody Sky Eisler, Library Director, City of Port Townsend Public Library, Mari Mullen, Executive Director, the Port Townsend Main Street Program, and Eryn Smith, Port Townsend Main Street Program Coordinator. Jason Victor Serinus, The Port Townsend Arts Commission Public Arts Subcommittee Chair, will also serve on the review panel.  2  Port Townsend was the sixth community in Washington State to be named a Creative District. Other cities which have received the designation include Edmonds, Olympia, Tenino, Chewelah, Langley, Twisp and Issaquah. For more information about Creative Districts in Washington State, visit www.arts.wa.gov.   Ptmainstreet.org 1 | P a g e The Port Townsend Creative District & The Port Townsend Main Street Program Call to Artists: Request for Proposals Issued December 1, 2020, Proposal Submissions Due January 15, 2021 1. Overview: Terminology & Definitions, Statement of Purpose, Background Page 2 2. Scope of Work: Roles & Responsibilities, Project Timeline Page 4 3. RFP Procedures: Evaluation & Award Process, Schedule, Submission Details Page 6 4. RFP Submission Requirements: Format, Proposal Requirements, Budget Page 7 5. Legal: Payment, Team Overview, Termination Page 8 2 | P a g e 1.Overview Terminology & Definitions Creative District: A Creative District is a geographically defined area of cultural and economic activity. It’s a fun place to live, work, and visit. It’s the heart of a community where innovation and creativity can thrive. It is a place for people to create, and to gather and enjoy their community’s arts and culture. A place that helps the community move enthusiastically into the future. (https://www.arts.wa.gov/creative-districts/) Art Marker: Large scale art pieces to be located along key points of identified pathways. Wayfinding Sign: Artistically designed small directional signs to connect the Port Townsend Creative District. Statement of Purpose The Port Townsend Creative District seeks to commission an artist or team of artists to develop art elements for a new infrastructure project to enhance the visibility of the Creative District. The project will include design and fabrication of five Art Markers and a single design for smaller directional wayfinding signs that thread pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists between the two ends of the Creative District, and link Downtown, Uptown and Fort Worden State Park. Working with the Port Townsend Arts Commission, the Creative District is launching this competition for artists to create the Art Makers and artistic wayfinding signs. The Creative District Subcommittee is engaging in outreach to the arts community and working with our local Arts Commission to solicit design proposals. We strongly encourage submissions from artists who live or show primarily in Jefferson County, but all Washington State artists will be considered. The artist(s) will create five large-scale Art Markers to signify that people have arrived in the Creative District. This can be one uniform design or five related designs. The artist(s) will also create one design for up to 60 small wayfinding signs; these signs will be enjoyable art pieces as well as directional in nature, and contain no text. The artist(s) is encouraged but not required to develop an initial logo for the Port Townsend Creative District. The logo design should complement the design of the Art Markers and signs and would earn the artist(s) an additional stipend. If such design work is not within their areas of expertise or interest, it will be commissioned separately. The Creative District has partnered with the City of Port Townsend to determine the best routes and locations for the signs, and to provide staff help to implement the plan within the project budget and timeline. Best efforts will be made to ensure high visibility. 3 | P a g e POINT OF CONTACT: The Port Townsend Main Street Program Submit your proposal online at https://bit.ly/ptwayfinding. Direct inquiries to the Creative District via the Main Street Administrative staff at admin@ptmainstreet.org. DEADLINE: Submissions open: December 1, 2020 Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2021. Background Information The Port Townsend Main Street Program and the Creative District Subcommittee received Creative District designation from ArtsWA on May 6th, 2020. The designation provides resources, grant opportunities, technical assistance, training, networking, and tracks each community’s creative economy progress. Port Townsend was the sixth community in Washington State to be named a Creative District. For more information about Creative Districts in Washington State, visit www.arts.wa.gov. The mission and goal of the Port Townsend Creative District is to develop a sustainable, year-round economy through employment and entrepreneurship in the creative industries. The Creative District Committee designated the Port Townsend Main Street Program, a 501c3 nonprofit, as the fiduciary and coordinating entity for the Port Townsend Creative District. Our goals include connecting audiences with artists, marketing our artists and makers to a larger audience, and unifying our community’s strategic efforts to strengthen the arts community. Plans include developing a registry of community artists, organizations, and venues representing area practitioners and supporters of visual, literary, performing, culinary and makers’ arts. We are also seeking grants to support other elements of our strategic plan, such as developing a comprehensive Arts and Culture plan. This plan will be the result of community discussions and engagement with the artists, makers, partners, civic leaders and funders in our region. It will identify actionable steps for building and fueling the creative economy for the next 3-5 years. This wayfinding project will enhance the flow through the Creative District with marketing, signage, imaginative wayfinding, and transportation strategies. The Port Townsend Main Street Program is working with the Creative District Subcommittee to implement this project. PT Main Street’s mission is to preserve, promote and enhance the historic business districts. www.ptmainstreet.org. 2.Scope of Work 4 | P a g e The artist(s) will design and fabricate five large-scale Art Markers to signify that people have arrived in the Creative District. There will be two markers located Downtown, two markers located Uptown, and one placed near Fort Worden. The artist(s) will also design a graphic or image for up to 60 directional wayfinding signs. These signs will be fabricated by the Creative District Subcommittee. All Art Markers and wayfinding signs will be installed by the City of Port Townsend Public Works Dept., so no installation will be required by the artist(s). Budget • Art Marker and small wayfinding sign design fee: $2,000. This fee is inclusive of the design for both the Art Markers and the single image for wayfinding signs. • Art Markers Commission fee: $25,000. This translates into $5,000 per Art Marker for labor and materials to complete fabrication for each original, ready-to-install sculpture, sign or similar. No additional funds will be provided if the project exceeds this budget. • Logo Design fee (Optional): $1,000. Applicant may be awarded an additional $1,000 for designing a graphic to use as the initial logo for the Port Townsend Creative District. Requirements and Guidelines for the Art Markers include: • Must be less than 7’ (213cm) in height. • Must be greater than 4’ 6” (137cm) in height. • Must be less than 3’ (91cm) in diameter, though square or oblong designs are permitted. • Markers will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may require slight modification to comply with zoning requirements. • Must be built from materials and installed in a manner to last at least 20 years in normal Port Townsend weather, and should not require repair or adjustment during that time • Design concepts should complement existing infrastructure and should embody the concept of the Creative District. • May include the words Port Townsend Creative District. • QR codes (provided by the Creative District) must be incorporated into and installed on the Art Markers themselves or on adjacent signs, which can be freestanding or mounted to the sidewalk as a plaque. This QR code will link to the Creative District website where the public can find additional information about artists, resources, and the history of the Port Townsend Creative District. The QR codes may also be integrated into the design of the Art Markers as the artist(s) see fit. • Should not include words or design elements that could be considered offensive or obscene • Must include colors or design elements that are consistent with the historical nature of the Districts • Must comply with City of Port Townsend standards for safety, and must not include any hazardous, sharp or otherwise dangerous elements or building materials. (If you have questions about this, please contact admin@ptmainstreet.org. and we will put you in touch with the appropriate Public Works staff. 5 | P a g e Requirements and Guidelines for the small wayfinding signs include: • One single art image in print ready format for use on up to 60 signs • Directional wayfinding sign design should not exceed 6” x 8” • Must allow space for a directional arrow or symbol to show people that they are on the right path while walking, biking, or driving along the routes. • Sign design will be applied to a flat metal sign on a post. Requirements and Guidelines for Creative District Logo Design (Optional) • To qualify, the logo must embody the mission and goals of the Creative District and should aim to exemplify Port Townsend’s identity as an arts community. • Must incorporate similar design elements as the Art Markers and wayfinding signs. • Must be a high resolution graphic that can be used in a variety of formats If there are any questions regarding these requirements, inquiries made to admin@ptmainstreet.org will be reviewed and answered by Creative District Subcommittee members. Roles and Responsibilities Project Timeline RFP Publicly Posted December 1, 2020 Proposals Due January 15, 2021 Proposals Reviewed January 15-25, 2021 Successful Proposal Announced February 5, 2021 Artwork Begins February 6, 2021 All Final Designs Due February 22, 2021 Art Finished May 1, 2021 Art Markers & Wayfinding Sign Installation Complete June 1, 2021 Ribbon Cutting June 15, 2021 Progress Reporting The selected artist(s) will report to the Creative District Subcommittee on a monthly basis and provide mid-month progress reports, starting February 15, 2021 through the completion date of May 1st, 2021. Financial Capacity 6 | P a g e Do you have the resources to carry out this project? Artist(s) must demonstrate or otherwise attest to their ability to undertake this project. A pay schedule can be arranged with the artist(s) or the full fee of $25,000 to create the five Art Markers will be paid upon completion of the project. Upon agreement, the pay schedule will be confirmed in a signed contract, which is a binding agreement. The successful applicant(s) may invoice for $2,000* for design services as of Feb. 6th (design fees will not be paid until final designs are submitted and approved.) *If logo option is part of contract, applicant may invoice for additional $1000 design fee at this time 3. RFP Procedures Evaluation Criteria and Award Process The Creative District Subcommittee members and the Public Arts Subcommittee Chair of the Port Townsend Arts Commission will review all proposals and interview finalist(s). The following primary factors will be considered in choosing the successful proposal: 1. Quality of Proposal 2. Technical Capabilities and Specialized Knowledge 3. Professional Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience 4. Budget Feasibility 5. Residence of Artist(s) 6. Estimated Endurance - Art Markers must be created to last at least 20 years outside in all types of Northwest weather, but proposals with longer estimated lifespans are encouraged. 7. Directional wayfinding sign design should not exceed 6” wide x 8” tall 4. RFP Submission Requirements Proposal Format Proposals must be submitted online at https://bit.ly/ptwayfinding, and must include, at a minimum, scale drawings or renderings of the proposed Art Markers and a design or 7 | P a g e graphic to be used in creating the directional signs. Ideally these submissions will be in color, if applicable, and be capable of showing all sides and rotations of the design, if three dimensional in nature. If a small-scale replica or small physical object is created as part of the proposal, please contact admin@ptmainstreet.org to coordinate delivery. Applicants must include technical specifications for the Art Markers, including estimated total weight, dimensions, building materials, etc. Even if a physical replica or scale sculpture is being produced to accompany the proposal, the transmittal letter, specifications, artist(s) resume and other written materials must be provided digitally as outlined above. Proposals shall include the following: Transmittal Letter Proposals must include a transmittal letter, or cover letter, that accompanies any other materials for the submission. This letter should detail the proposal. Include information such as: • A description and key design elements for the Art Markers and wayfinding signs • A brief background of the artist(s) and their connection(s) to the Creative District • Evidence of ability to execute this project within the given time frame • An Artist’s Statement • Recognition or awards received Preference will be given to applicants providing images of past work, history of other successful public art or installed art projects, and any other information that enables the subcommittee to vet the ability of the artist(s) to complete the Art Markers within the timeframe and budget outlined in this RFP. References Please submit three professional references. Information for references should include: • Contact Name, Position • Position and Organizational affiliation (if any) • Telephone • Email • Description of the professional relationship with the reference and duration of the relationship 5. Legal 8 | P a g e Contractual Terms and Conditions Submission of a proposal shall constitute agreement with all criteria, conditions and restrictions contained herein, and shall be considered a legally binding agreement. Commencement and Term of Agreement Final payment will be made to artist(s) upon completion and delivery of the five Art Markers and their successful review by the City of Port Townsend and the City’s Public Works Department to ensure compliance with zoning, safety and installation requirements and guidelines specified in Section 2 of this RFP. Rights to use images: The artwork, images, logos and designs of the successful applicant, are the property of the Port Townsend Creative District for any and all uses, including right to sell or bequeath the artworks and signs. A contract will be issued and will become the binding agreement between the successful applicant and the Port Townsend Creative District. Insurance Requirements Artist(s) submitting proposals must carry general liability insurance. Coverage must be acceptable per the City of Port Townsend’s vendor requirements. The subcommittee will provide these requirements prior to awarding the proposal. Payment and Penalties Art Markers and designs must be completed by the contractual due dates. Penalties may apply if these items are not completed by the dates outlined in this RFP. Termination of Agreement The Port Townsend Creative District Subcommittee and the Port Townsend Main Street Program reserve the right to terminate this agreement if it is determined that the artist(s) did not act in good faith and that the final Art Markers vary substantially from the initial proposal, or if it becomes evident by March 22, 2021 that the artist(s) will be unable to complete the project by the due date. If this agreement is terminated, no commission fees for labor and/or materials incurred by the artist(s)will be paid by any organizations named in this RFP. 9 | P a g e In the event of termination, the artist(s) may retain design fees, however, the designs will remain the property of the Port Townsend Creative District and may be utilized for the project and any other intended uses. Team Profile The Port Townsend Creative District Subcommittee that will review these proposals includes Kris Nelson, Chair of the Port Townsend Main Street Economics Committee, Main Street board member, and downtown restaurateur; Dominic Svornich, Vice President of KPTZ 91.9 FM; Rob Birman, Executive Director of Centrum for the Arts; Owen Rowe, City Council member; Michael D'Alessandro, Executive Director of Northwind Arts Center; Melody Sky Eisler, Library Director, City of Port Townsend Public Library; Denise Winter, Artistic Director, Key City Public Theatre; Mari Mullen, Executive Director, the Port Townsend Main Street Program; Eryn Smith, Program Coordinator, The Port Townsend Main Street Program; and Jason Victor Serinus, Public Arts Subcommittee Chair, Port Townsend Arts Commission. Limitations Neither issuing an RFP nor receiving a response constitutes any form of contract or agreement with respect to this project. The Port Townsend Main Street Program and the Port Townsend Creative District reserve the right to cancel, amend or alter the RFP, its contents, or the selection process. Shelly Leavens 2704 Cliff Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 (206) 450-6214 November 4, 2020 Dear Arts Commissioners & Mayor Sandoval, It has been a pleasure serving with you on the City of Port Townsend’s Arts Commission. I am writing today to express my thanks, and also to resign from my position as commissioner after our meeting today. It has become increasingly clear to me, through the pandemic, and in the recent months that we have been able to meet again, that my position as Arts Commissioner is no longer something that is sustainable in the few number of hours that I have available to give as a volunteer in the community. I am being called to be more involved in Port Townsend Rotary which is work that fills me up in ways that my job at the Museum does not. I will miss working with all of you, and of course, the deep satisfaction that comes from funding artists’ projects in Port Townsend. Best of luck, all of you! You have so many new, energetic commissioners, I know you will all work hard to continue to support the arts landscape here. Sincerely, Shelly Leavens