HomeMy WebLinkAbout082218 Minutes - Public Art Committee Minutes of the Port Townsend Arts Commission Public Art Committee Special Meeting of August 22, 2018 LOCATION: City Hall, Conference Room 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Groussman, Kris Morris (Chair), Owen Rowe (Alt. Chair), Maryann Tapiro, Lisa Wentworth Members of public present: Richard Dandridge, Robert Gray, Deanna Pindell STAFF PRESENT: Acting Clerk Pam Kolacy TopicMotions/Recommendation/Action Call to Order/Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. Approval of Agenda There was agreement to add review of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Functional Plan and Non-Motorized Plan to the agenda. Public Comment: No comments Approval of Minutes: Motion by Wentworth, second by Rowe to approve minutes as Change to 7/22 minutes: reverse Maryann Tapiro’s corrected, carried unanimously. site visit assignments with Owen Rowe’s. Identify recommended locations and criteria for public art: Site Visit Reports: Reports will be re-formatted for consistency before next meeting. Committee members reviewed their site visit reports Chair will ask staff to create a template based on the previously as assigned at last meeting approved site criteria with space for comments particular to the site. Review of Parks, Recreation and Open Space Sites listed on the “City of Port Townsend Park Facilities” map (page Plan and Non-Motorized Plan: 17) and “Open Space Inventory” (page 21) were assigned to Three maps and the Executive Summary from the individual committee members for site visits and reviews. Parks Plan were presented. It was noted that the Non-Motorized Plan was difficult to bring up on the City’s website. Discussion of Potential Sites on Non-City Sites listed on “Park Facilities by Other Agencies” (page 24 of the property Parks Plan) were assigned to individual committee members for site visits and review. TopicMotions/Recommendation/Action Create maintenance plan for current public art The Chair will work with City staff to determine the status of Ms. Morris noted that the Art in Public Places Policy maintenance plans and add annual review to the Arts Committee provides for the City to have a maintenance plan for work plan. each piece of public art with annual review by the Arts Committee. She noted that the map of public art on the City website is incorrect. Public Comment Deanna Pindell commented that art can sometimes serve infrastructure needs. Next Meeting Next meeting set for Wednesday, September 12, 3-5 p.m. Agenda to include: Reports from site visits: review site visits discussed today in new format Discuss public arts maintenance plan Update on progress with additional site reviews Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.