HomeMy WebLinkAbout011209CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 12, 2009 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend and the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners met in joint workshop session the twelfth day of January 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Michelle Sandoval and Commission Chair David Sullivan called the special meeting to order. ROLL CALL Council members present at roll call were Brent Butler, David King, Laurie Medlicott, George Randels, Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval and Mark Welch. Commissioners present at roll call were David Sullivan, Phil Johnson, and John Austin. Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, County Administrator Philip Morley, City Attorney John Watts, Senior Planner Judy Surber, Planning Director Rick Sepler, County Planning Staff members Zoe Ann Lamp and Carla Leckenby, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE Ms. Surber reviewed the packet materials and action items requested regarding the Climate Action Committee activities and recommendations. She noted that one resolution is provided for adoption of the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and a second resolution corrects a typo and makes one change to the procedural rules, allowing a meeting to occur when a majority of members (not majority plus one) is present. Committee Chair Kees Kolff provided a power point presentation for the group reviewing the Committee activities and provided written material for the record. Ms. Surber noted that the Committee must now cull the list of action items and reduce it to 20-25 items and recommend measures for implementation. The Committee estimates that a $12,000 expenditure will be needed for a consultant to assist with additional public process. In addition, a monitoring program will be developed and input will be solicited from state agencies. Policy amendments will be drafted for comprehensive plans and possible legislative documents. Ms. Surber introduced Zoe Ann Lamp, the newly assigned County staff person to the Climate Action Committee. City Council/BOCC Special Meeting Page 1 January 12, 2009 Brief discussion ensued. COUNTY RESOLUTION 06-09 CITY RESOLUTION 09-002 JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING INVENTORY OF ENERGY USAGE AND ASSOCIATED GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS, BACKCASTS, FORECASTS, AND INTERIM TARGETS AND APPROVING CLIMATE CHANGE COMMITTEE WORKPLAN COUNTY RESOLUTION 07-09 CITY RESOLUTION 09-003 JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AMENDING COUNTY RESOLUTION 02-08 AND CITY RESOLUTION 08-001 CLIMATE ACTION COMMITTEE PROCEDURAL RULES Motion: Mr Welch moved for adoption of Resolution 09-002. Mr. Butler seconded. Mr. Randels suggested amending the Fourth "Whereas" to make "standard" plural ("standards") and to add "percent" after "80". There were no objections. Vote: motion at adopt resolution with amendments carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Motion: Mr Johnson moved for approval of Resolution 09-002 as amended, approval of Resolution 07-09, and approval of the recommendation of the Mayor and Commission Chair to appoint Richard Dandridge as a member of the Climate Action Committee and Nora Burnfield (former altemate) as the lead Student representative. Mr. Austin seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0, by voice vote. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved for approval of the recommendation of the Mayor and Commission Chair to appoint Richard Dandridge as a member of the Climate Action Committee and Nora Burnfield (former alternate) as the lead Student representative. Mr. Welch seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved for approva! of Resolution 09-003. Mr. Welch seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. City Council/BOCC Special Meeting Page 2 January 12, 2009 HOUSING ACTION PLAN NETWORK COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Ms. Surber reviewed the packet materials. She noted that the City and County lack a "pass through"agency -most jurisdictions have a housing authority with some type of funding but Port Townsend/Jefferson County has various groups which need to be brought together (examples: OLYcap, Habitat for Humanity, Dove House, Homeward Bound, WSU Extension) to make something happen in regard to affordable housing. She introduced HAPN chair, David Rymph. The HAPN has realized that all 42 strategies in the action plan cannot be accomplished at once and there is no one outstanding action that will solve the problem; there is some "low hanging fruit" but the group did not believe concentrating on those items at this time would help get units on the ground. The issue is how to develop a project that would be funded; some limited funding is available for capacity building and the group would like to start working on that. A huge hurdle to affordable housing is funding, land and infrastructure; the City's Howard/Sims project will result in bringing infrastructure to higher density and commercial areas and that type of initiative on the City's part is helpful to the overall solution. Many things have been done, and the 15 partners named in the action plan are working on their pieces of the puzzle; however, we are also bound to lose some of the low income housing stock currently in place. Many affordable units are 40 years old and the ability to purchase and keep these affordable is contingent on getting funding from federal, state or local government. The global economy only adds to the pressing need for affordable housing. Ms. Surber noted that there are some small steps forward; Homeward Bound has use of a city office during the time they are able to spend in Port Townsend; HAPN is working with OLYcap; space for HAPN meetings is provided by San Juan Baptist Church. Ms. Surber introduced Cara Leckenby, who has been assigned as County staff to the HAPN. She stated that about 20-25 hours of staff time a month are allocated to the Housing Network which is not a lot of time above producing agendas and minutes and attending meetings. Questions: Mr. Austin asked if Kitsap Consolidated Housing is ready to offer new units, as referenced in Mr. Rymph's letter. Mr. Rymph stated that he believes they are but only if the USDA has funding that can be used to purchase land for the housing units. City Council/BOCC Special Meeting Page 3 January 12, 2009 In response to Mr. Butler, Mr. Rymph stated he is not sure how to address the issue of density bonuses for Planned Unit Developments that offer affordable housing; he stated that the scale of development in the County is so small there would probably not be a significant amount of housing derived through that process; he stated he sees more potential for partnerships with Homeward Bound and Habitat. He added the richest area of partnership is to hold the land in trust and lease to anon-profit partner. Mayor Sandoval stated she would like to see the City and County work together looking at the land currently owned by the entities that would be appropriate to set aside for affordable housing and the possibilities of then turning it over to an organization or holding for potential long term leases. Mr. Timmons noted the City is currently administering two CDBG grants but part of the problem is that CDBG funds are geared to moderate and low income populations; we are not competitive using our demographics which are skewed by Port Ludlow and Kala Point. Therefore we need a specific project and an active partner to make sure units are perpetually affordable. He cited the example of the Tree House development, which was designed as affordable housing but subjected to market forces and now does not provide affordable housing units. Mr. Timmons noted that the Mountain View School site has been discussed as there is enough property there with infrastructure in place, but we would need an active partner to make it happen; it is owned by the School District and their plans are not firm yet. Ms. Sandoval noted that it would be difficult for a government entity to enforce affordable housing in perpetuity; that implementation has to be in the jurisdiction of a third party. Mr. Johnson stated it is frustrating to see how complicated the process is as the County has discovered with the Castle Hill property. Mr. Sullivan stated that housing in the Tri-area could be expanded with a sewer system; this could be instituted under the urban growth designation for the area. He hopes to see such infrastructure investment benefit from the economic stimulus package. Ms. Sandoval noted the Tri-area sewer is a long term project and if a 37 million dollar investment is needed, it is not an affordable solution. The City currently has sewer capacity and land possibilities should be explored within areas where there is currently infrastructure. Ms. Sandoval stated the City and County should have joint meetings and bring potential land parcels to the table. Crty Council/BOCC Special Meeting Page 4 January 12, 2009 Mr. Sullivan stated that every piece of land in public ownership has issues, like wetlands or some other interest in the property already. He asked where people displaced from current sites would go. It was agreed to have an action item regarding land inventory at the next joint meeting. Mr. King asked what the process is for finding a partner once land is identified. Mr. Timmons noted that anon-profit can be created to be the primary mechanism which would act as a large property management company; he has experienced this model before and stated it can work if you get the right people; the key issue is putting something on the ground and dealing with the population to keep in perpetuity. There are substantial CDBG loan funds for the development of affordable housing but the non-profit bridge is needed. Ms. Sandoval noted that the Public Development Authority model can be considered; Mr. Timmons stated that one advantage of that is it can issue tax exempt bonds. In response to a question from Mr. Austin, Mr. Timmons stated that the bond rating for tax exempt bonds would probably be considered by looking at the City and County both and piggybacking off those ratings. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved to approve the appointments of Cheryl Bozarth and Jamie Maciejewski to the Housing Action Plan Network. Mr. Randels seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Motion: Mr Johnson moved to approve the appointments of Cheryl Bozarth and Jamie Maciejewski to the Housing Action Plan Network. Mr. Austen seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0, by voice vote. Ms. Leckenby stated that the County Planning Commission will appoint Ashley Bullit as their representative (to replace Barbara Nightingale). RECESS The presiding officers called a recess at 8:13 for the purpose of a break. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:30 p.m. City Council/BOCC Special Meeting Page 5 January 12, 2009 COORDINATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Katherine Baril reviewed the economic development efforts of Team Jefferson and provided written materials. There was agreement that all entities need to get on the same page for economic stimulus funding. There must be a commitment that the City and County as well as the Port and PUD will prioritize and cooperate when seeking funds. Consensus was that discussion of provision of water and sewer infrastructure throughout various parts of the County must be subject to a partnership discussion Mr. Morley stated that the staff will be looking at goals which will guide the City and County's framing of region wide priorities. Mr. Johnson stated that the citizens he meets have a great desire for the government entities to work together, particularly in hard times; every opportunity to collaborate at the administrative level should be supported. Ms. Sandoval expressed the need for the City and County to support the local school systems. FUTURE MEETINGS Consensus was to schedule meetings at least quarterly, starting with the end of January or February, with one special meeting topic to be economic priorities. PUBLIC COMMENT Ms. Sandoval asked if there was anyone who wanted to make public comment. There was none. ADJOURN There being no further Business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. upon motion By King, second by Rande/s, unanimous approval and motion by Johnson, second by Austen, unanimous approval. Attest: ~~ Pam Kolacy, MMC City Clerk City Council/BOCC Special Meeting Page 6 January 12, 2009