HomeMy WebLinkAbout031708CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 17, 2008 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session the seventeenth day of March 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Michelle Sandoval presiding. ROLL CALL Council members present at roll call were Brent Butler, David King, Laurie Medlicott, George Randels, Michelle Sandoval, Mark Welch and Catharine Robinson. Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, Senior Planner Judy Surber, City Engineer Dave Peterson, and Legal Assistant Joanna Sanders. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There were no changes proposed to the agenda. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (consent and non-agenda items) Joshua Bennun regarding code enforcement. He mentioned arecently-dug trench adjacent to the 22"d Street Pocket Park that was done without a permit. Jim Fritz regarding the downturn in the US economy and world financial markets and rise in gas prices. Susan Langlois regarding the Critical Areas Ordinance and clearing work in Rosecrans Terrace without permits. David Goldman regarding the electrical box at the Tides Inn blocking shoreline access. Andrew Redding regarding his desire for strict enforcement of environmental regulations. Ms. Sandoval reminded that Council would address the code enforcement topic at its March 315 meeting. Mr. Timmons said Staff would bring forward for review and discussion some examples/case studies along with some policy considerations. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Mr Randels moved for approval of the following items on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Welch seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. City Council Business Meeting Page 1 March 17, 2008 Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants: Vouchers 904045 through 220089 in the amount of $580, 664.83. Approval of Minutes: February 25, 2008 workshop; March 3, 2008 regular business. PUBLIC HEARING(S) PURSUING FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC ELECTRIC UTILITY Judy Surber, Senior Planner and staff person assigned to the Alternative Electric Management Committee (AEMC), explained the Committee's work based on Council's direction to the committee to review and update the recommendations and information in the 2000 PSE Electric Franchise Committee Report. She distributed a residential electric rate comparison summary and a clean copy of the Committee's written recommendation that the City pursue a feasibility study of the three management models. Committee members then spoke to the specific benefits of conducting a feasibility study. Kees Kolff, a member of the AEMC, endorsed Judy's presentation and read eight key potential benefits to pursuing this course. Larry Crockett spoke about the makeup of the committee and addressed some of the pitfalls. He would recommend to the Port Commission that they support the study. Andrew Redding applauded staff and said while there would be significant cost of setting up the infrastructure, there would be local economic benefits. Mr. Timmons explained the background history of how the City started electric utility discussions including Snohomish PUD's application for alternative energy production. He agrees the City Administration process would be arduous which is why he would support looking at hybrid models for more locally-based electric generation. Terry Oxley, PSE community services director commented on the recommendations of the advisory committee. He said PSE looks forward to continuing their investment in the community, they are not interested in selling their business investment, and they are committed to a greener future, and are anxious to work with the City. Public comment: City Council Business Meeting Page 2 March 17, 2008 Steve Hamm regarding his support of the feasibility study. He has citizen petitions (with unverified signatures) reflecting constituent support for the formation of a local electric utility. Bill Wise, a member of the AEMC, urged Council support for the feasibility study and putting this measure on the November ballot. Joshua Bennun regarding urging the community to control its own electric power. Dana Roberts, PUD District 1 Commissioner, was present to answer questions. The question of the City's contribution to the PUD may need to be raised. He is glad the City is considering the study and believes the PUD Commission would assist with funding a feasibility study. This matter would come before the PUD at their next meeting. Ted Shoulberg presented items to include in the feasibility study scope of work. Judy Surber summarized that the alternative within the City does not specify a municipal utility. She pointed out that Bob Hittle of Hittle & Associates was available for questions. Andrew Redding spoke in support of City considering Mr. Shoulberg's approach being countywide. In response to Council questions about the cost to the City of the feasibility study and partner participation, Ms. Surber explained the estimate of $20-30K is an estimate and that Council's direction is to authorize staff to explore the costs of the study and meet with partners. Staff from jurisdictions would meet to understand and then present to their governing bodies, before meeting again and talking about what models to pursue. Mr. Timmons pointed out that a macro overview could not be obtained for this cost All models would require an affirmative vote of the City residents and the question on the ballot would be whether the PUD should form the utility. He envisions the PUD taking the lead on funding the feasibility study. Action: Brent Butler moved to direct staff to investigate opportunity to partner with Jefferson PUD, the Port of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, and any tribes/first nations within the County on a feasibility study of establishing a public electric utility, and return to City Counci! with the estimated cost and city fair share contribution. Mr. Randels noted to his knowledge there are no tribes within the service area. Vote on Motion: Motion failed for lack of a second. George Randels moved to direct staff to investigate opportunity to partner with Jefferson PUD, the Port of Port Townsend, and Jefferson County on a feasibility study of establishing a public electric utility, and return to City Counci! with the City Council Business Meeting Page 3 March T 7, 2008 estimated cost and city fair share contribution. Mr. Welch seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. RECESS At 8:01 p.m., Mayor Sandoval declared a recess for the purpose of a break. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:14 p.m. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ORDINANCE 2974, AMENDING ORDINANCE 2953 TO CLARIFY THAT COMMERCIAL B UTILITY RATE APPLIES TO FORT WORDEN Mr. Timmons explained this is the second reading of Ordinance 2974 to clarify the classification of Ft. Worden as a Commercial B rate customer. This ordinance clarifies actions Council took in October. Mr. Randels reported that at last week's WRIA meeting, the City received a grant for leak detection equipment. Once this is acquired, a priority would be to use this equipment to identify water leaks at Fort Worden. Public comment: none Action: Mr. Welch moved to adopt Ordinance 2974, Amending Ordinance 2953 to Clarify that Commercial 8 Utility Rate Applies to Fort Worden. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by roll call vote. RESOLUTION 08-008, JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL, PROVIDING COMPOSITION, TERMS OF OFFICE AND PROCEDURAL RULES FOR THE HOUSING ACTION PLAN NETWORK COMMITTEE Staff presentation: Senior Planner Judy Surber said while she was not present when this resolution first came before Council, she hopes she addressed any concerns in the agenda bill. Since this is a joint committee, it was thought to be important to review this resolution before forwarding it to the County and then again afterwards in the event there are any changes to discuss. Ms. Robinson pointed out that on Page 1, Section 1, the last sentence should read "City Manager and County Administrator." Page 4, under 6.4, the alternative can exercise the privilege rather than private. City Council Business Meeting Page 4 March 17, 2008 In response to a suggestion by Mr. Butler to include the Port of Port Townsend under the Committee's possible membership, Councilors discussed a desire to instead include "major employment sectors" as a separate category under Section 3 -Committee Members, Appointment, and Confirmation Process, Terms and Vacancies. Ms. Surber pointed out that under Committee representation, it says "broad range of interests in affordable housing, which may include but is not limited to" the list. Under Section 14 -Staffing, there was a desire to ensure there would be adequate staffing for the committee. Public comment: None Action: Mr Randels moved (with the changes as noted above to pages 7 and 4, the addition of "major employment sectors" to Section 3, and revisions to Section 74 to remove the second sentence) to approve first reading of Resolution 08-008, Joint Resolution of the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners and the Port Townsend City Council, Providing Composition, Terms of Office and Procedural Rules for the Housing Action Plan Network Committee. Mr. Welch seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER RELOCATION Mr. Timmons explained that one of the City's goals related to ferry mitigation strategies was a realignment of visitor centers in the County, including a relocation of the current visitor center to the Haines Street Park and Ride. In addition to the relocation, the Larry Scott trailhead might be relocated as originally planned and perhaps other facilities co-located such as bicycle and flex car rentals. The current visitor center site would be used as ferry holding and restroom area. The Attorney General opinion has said the City could use lodging tax funding to support functions or activities as long as money goes to an asset that the City owns. He reviewed his proposal as outlined in the agenda bill, noting that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee gave their support for the City assisting with the Visitor Center relocation. A relocation of the current building would be too costly and the size inadequate. In response to Council questions about funding, Mr. Timmons explained the City would own the asset, and the Chamber would operate it. Jefferson Transit owns the land on which the building would be located, so there would need to be a lease agreement with Jefferson Transit. Half of the cost of the new facility would come from a CTED grant, with the remaining $25,000 from lodging tax reserve funds. Public comment: Jim Todd regarding his support for this idea. He hopes what is added will contribute and not take away from parking spaces at the Haines Street Park and Ride. City Council Business Meeting Page 5 March 77, 2008 Tim Caldwell, Port Townsend Chamber, responded that the modular unit would take up 13 parking stalls. The Chamber is excited about this idea and being able to intercept traffic coming to and from Port Townsend. Action: Mrs. Medlicott moved to approve: (7) an agreement with the Chamber to relocate the Visitor Information Center (VIC) on Sims Way to the Transit Center at Haines Park and Ride; (2) a lease with Transit for location of the VIC at the Transit Center,' and (3) authority for the City Manager to purchase a new (or used) unit to house the VI C at a price not to exceed $50, 000 ($25, 000 CTED grant funding and not to exceed $25, 000 Dodging tax funding). Mr Butler seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT Ms. Sandoval asked Councilors to consider their telephone list a telephone tree. She circulated the list to Councilors to update and provide a phone where they can be reached during an emergency. It was suggested that during the Council Retreat, there be a discussion about an optimal telephone tree, including a staff emergency contact list. The American Association University Women (AAUW) just celebrated their 60`h anniversary. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Timmons reported that East Jefferson Fire-Rescue held a Joint Oversight Board meeting last week to review different recruitment options. What came out of the meeting was to maintain their course. Ms. Medlicott announced that Commissioner Heineman recently passed away. A body was discovered at Kai Tai this afternoon. Police are investigating. The Code Enforcement workshop is scheduled for March 31. Staff is planning to go through a code enforcement role-playing exercise. Mr. Timmons is talking with Chief Daily regarding Police Dept. authority to issue stop work orders. He reviewed situations that have occurred where police could have become involved. Mr. Timmons noted that there have been communications with Norm Dicks' staff regarding infrastructure needs and issues. Discussions are occurring with WSDOT on how best to track legislative decisions on the ferry. Mr. Randels raised an ongoing issue of the planned maintenance schedule for the Pierce County ferry which is planned for December. The Northwest Maritime Center only had two bids. At least one contractor cited transportation issues as a barrier. City Council Business Meeting Page 6 March 17, 2008 STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & LAND USE (CD/LU) COMMITTEE VICTORIA HOUSE/JUST CAUSE Mr. Timmons explained this is a follow-up to the committee recommendation explained in the agenda bill to send a letter urging the State legislature to take action to increase the Medicaid daily reimbursement rate and ensure resident replacement by attrition rather than eviction through termination of Medicaid contract (in which case residents do not have the opportunity to appeal) and to send a letter to the Washington State Housing Finance Commission to ensure that tax credit requirements are being met pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Mr. Randels reported that a bill has now passed both the house and senate that addresses a portion of the concerns raised by CD/LU. There was no Council objection to his suggestion to wait until there is final action before preparing a letter outlining any outstanding concerns. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & LAND USE COMMITTEE WORK PLAN Mr. Butler, as Chair of CD/LU, reviewed the recommended Council action as written. Action: Mr. Butler moved to approve the recommendation of the CD/LU Committee that the CD/LU Work Plan include the following: 1) PUD short plat/lots of record; 2) Tree Ordinance; and 3) regular reports to CD/LU by the Advisory Boards Counci! assigns (such as Arts Commission, Park & Recreation Advisory Board, Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Committee, Housing Action Plan Network). Ms. Robinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Thanks were given to the Mayor and City Staff for their work organizing the Town meeting. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m Minutes Prepared By: Joanna Sanders, Legal Assistant ~st: CI/YY~ Pam Kolacy, MMC City Clerk City Council Business Meeting Page 7 March 17, 2008