DATE: February 18, 2014 START TIME: 2:00 p.m. LOCATION: Cotton Building, 607 Water Street
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Sandoval (Chair), Cindy Finnie, Sherri Hanke, Nathan Barnett, Janette Force, Denise
Winter, Dave Robison, Jake Beattie
NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Xoe Huffman and Mari Mullen (Main Street)
MEMBER(S) EXCUSED: Sue McIntire, Will O'Donnell, Rob Birman
OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Roney, Jeffco Tourism Coordinating Council; Bill Tennant Jeffco Historical Society, and Deputy City Clerk
Joanna Sanders
Topic: Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Approval of Minutes: December 17, 2013 Minutes Unanimous approval of the minutes as
Strategic Planning Exercises: Casey Reeter led LTAC through the following Ms. Reeter would provide a revised 3-yr
exercises as carried over from the January 14 retreat. strategic plan 2015-20174
1. Strength Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats SWOT
2. Reviewed Customer Information
3. Draft 3-Year Strategic Plan
4. Values, Vision Mission exercise
Digital Marketing and Technology Proposal: Keven Eiliff and Christina Unanimous approval to recommend to
Pivarnik explained their proposal for framing a tourist narrative and developing a Council spending $11,500 of the unallocated
more effective presentation of the area's major events. This message would LTAC Technology Update budget for the
better promote why we are a unique and desirable destination and give partners Digital Marketing and Technology Proposal
common campaigns to use in their marketing efforts. They also explained the presented.
need for a paid search presence beyond Enjoy PT which is a lure site. This
proposal would also involve creating a monthly editorial calendar and consumer-
oriented email with the core element being the event. Those interested would
sign up/opt in through opening a website forum. Mr. Eiliff then reviewed the
strategy to build the website versus search campaign with $11,500 a year to
have Christina Pivarnik do the writing and Kevin Eiliff developing the search
engine. There was some discussion and explanation that the measure of
success would be who clicked and where they went.
Advertising: Ms. Pivarnik reviewed her written proposal ($2,000 Coop ad Unanimous approval for allocating $3,530
actually cost$1,600). There was discussion of cooperative advertising in The with Ms. Pivarnik to make recommendations
Stranger, LGBT, Portland Monthly, and Yes magazines. that support the strategic plan as discussed
with an allocation to The Stranger to ensure
Steam Punk event is advertised. The
LTAC Minutes Page 1 of 2 February 18, 2014
Topic: Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
recommendation would be sent to LTAC
before the April regular meeting.
Next Meetings: The next meeting would be a retreat on Tuesday, April 8, 2014
at 3p.m.
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
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