Date: 2-4-14 Location: City Hall, 1 st Floor Conference Room
Time: 3:00 p.m. - (time) Scribe: C Paul
Members Present: X❑ Charles Paul; Chair X❑ Richard Berg X❑ Cate Comerford
❑ Jim Manier X❑ Marsha Moratti X❑ Rosalind Russell X❑ Don Schussler
Staff Present: J McDonagh, R Sepler Other Attendees: S. Chapin, M. May, G. Randels
Agenda Item Recommendation /Action Follow-up
(If Needed)
Role Call Absent- J. Manier
Approval of Minutes Approved
Agenda Approved 6-0, with item 7 to go before item 6
Additions or Corrections
Correspondence None
New Business Discussion- Hardscaping within City Limits HPC to recommend to City Council
that BSD pursue with HPC input
Old Business Discussions- Hastings Project, Window Guidelines
Other Business Sign Code J .Watts to be invited to 3-18-14 Mtg.
Announcements Next unstaffed Special Meeting 3-18-14 Invite Staff
Note to HPC members. Per follow up discussion with the City Attorney,members who are not recused because of a fairness conflict are expected to vote,yea or nay.
Abstention is not an option. As the abstention in this case did not affect the majority's recommendation, staff has included the vote as it occurred. Future efforts to abstain
will be recorded as per Robert's Rules,which staff believes record an abstention as an"aye"vote.