HomeMy WebLinkAbout082505 MinutesCITY OF PORT TOWNSEND
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Meeting Materials:
EXH 1. Memorandum on Draft SMP, from Richazd Settle of Foster, Pepper & Shefehnan to John Watts
dated August 5, 2005
EXH 2. Memorandum on Draft SMP, from David King of Townsend Bay Marine to Planning Commission
dated August 12, 2005
EXH 3. Letter from Joseph Finnie of Rainshadow Properties, Inc, to Planning Commission dated August 4,
EXH 4. Email from Judy Surber to Planning Commission dated August 19, 2005 with two attachments:
Sections 5.6: 5.11 and Table 5 Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses
EXH 5. Excerpts from Section 4.105 Urban of the existing Shoreline Master Program
EXH 6. Excerpt from Section 4.106, Performance Standazd #9 of the existing Shoreline Master Program
and associated map of the Urban Waterfront Plan
EXH 7. Excerpts from the Urban Waterfront Plan
EXH 8. Figure 5 "Indian Point" from the Comprehensive Public Access Plan
EXH 9. Table of Land Uses permitted at Indian Point
EXH 10. Ordinance 2320 pertaining to shoreline management
EXH 11. Staff Report, Draft Shoreline Master Program -Exhibits, August 25`" Hearing from Judy Surber to
Planning Commission dated August 25, 2005
EXH 12. Planning Commission Meeting Agenda for August 25, 2005
EXH 13. Planning Commission Meeting Guest List for August 25, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Randels.
Planning Commission members present were: George Randels, Hamer Capron, Steve Emery, Roger Lizut,
Liesl Slabaugh and Cindy Thayer. Alice King was excused, and Jeff Kelety continues to be on leave of
Ms. Thayer moved that the agenda be approved, which was seconded and approved, all in favor.
July 14, 2005: Corrections
Page 2, line I under A.; drop the firs[ "be"
"The background" paragraph: line 5, drop "the" before formula restaurants
Page 3, # 4, should be "if there is, is [here ..."
11,500 versus 11,000 -leave as written
Page 4, P3; 2nd line -insert space between be and difficult (printing error)
Pazagmph beginning "Upon adoption...": add "the "before local level
Page 5, 2nd to Last pazagraph; "and a Planning Commission representative" instead of Ms.
Thayer s name
Pazagraph above; make 1 word: wherever
Page 6, P 6, NO. 1: defmitions aze specified in detail
Ms. Thayer moved that the minutes be approved, as amended; seconded by Mr. Emery. The minutes of
July 14, 2005 were approve , as amended.
July 28, 2005: Corrections
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 1
Page 1: Ms. Capron was inadvertently lefr off the Roll list.
Pazagraph "The meeting began: the 'f on'the' is not readable (printing )
Page 3: Paragraph 2, "Mr. Randels added that [here was the psychological benefit, not psychic
Page 4: Paragraph carried over: variety of the community, should be "in "the community
Under Ted Labbe; 2nd to last line: So we will talk about the things that didn't go quite as
well. (printing overstrike)
Page 5: The Table number is'2'
Page 6: Chapin paragraph: Boat Haven should be caps
statuary should be statutory
Page 8: 2nd pazagraph, line 4: add "number" before 1500
3rd paragraph, line 2, waterfront is one word
Page 9, 1st paragraph, line 2; strike endnronmental
4th pazagraph, reword " versioning "sentence
last paragraph: change Mr. Randels to Randall
Ms. Thayer moved that the minutes be approved, as amended,' seconded by Mr. Emery. The minutes of
July 28, 2005 were approved , as amended.
Port Townsend Shoreline Master Program Update Public Hearing
( Continued from August 11, 2005)
Mr. Randels opened this portion of the meeting by stating that the public hearing was a continued from
previous meetings, and that the rules read at the first meeting remain in effect. He asked commission
members to state if any circumstances had changed with regard to conflicts of interest or other relevant
items. There were none.
Staff Presentation
Judy Surber, Senior Planner, said that she would give a brief overview on activities at the staff level since
the last meeting. Eazlier in the day, the SAG Restoration subcommittee me[ for the second time. Attendees
mentioned were: Richazd Brockhurst, Mazine Council, Heida Diefenderfer, Battel and SAG, Ted Labbe,
Tribes and SAG, Jerry Gorsline with Washington Endvonmental Council, and Jim Stewazd, DOE. Paul
Ingram and Judy Surber discussed the most recent drafr of the Restoration Element, i.e. Chapter 14 of the
SMP. The discussion went very well; it appeazs that this chapter will require very minor modifications in
order for the group to complete their work. Monitoring was discussed at length. Ms. Surber reported that
there seemed [o be frustration across the boazd, that at all levels of government, there must be greater
attention to ensure that conditions set on permits are actually carried out and that the intended goals aze
Paul Ingram added that there was also discussion at the subcommittee meeting of the possible need for
prioritization of restoration opportunities. Terry Gorsline had brought up the Everett experience of building
an elaborate and expensive indexing system for evaluating and weighting all their projects or opportunities.
The group considered the possible viable and affordable methods for accomplishing some prioritization.
One option is "opportunistic": "when you have access to the site, when it's feasible, and when you have
money, you do it." Mr. Ingram said that some language reflecting the subcommittee's deliberation will be
added to the text. Ms. Surber added that they aze also planning within the restoration element to reflect the
linkage of the tinning of future updates to the SMP and the Comp Plan.
Ms. Surber reported that she had met twice with Mr. Bill Woolcott, owner/developer of the Indian Point
site. Mr. Woolcott's designer, Jim Rozatrslfl was present at the first meeting; his wife, Diana, was present
at the second. Mr. Woolcott is interested in making changes to the Shoreline Master Program rules as they
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 2
apply to Indian Point She said that later in the meeting, preparatory to next week's SMP hearing,
background information related to Indian Point would be covered.
The determination ofnon-significance SEPA environmental review period is over. Only one comment
letter was received, and the SEPA review can be finalized and turned over to the Planning Commission as a
packet handout.
New material: Ms. Surber distributed the packet for the evening including the material previously e-mailed,
as well as some additional items. (See also Meeting Materials above.)
The staff report, 082505, from J. Surber, lists all exhibits and outlines the issues related to Indian Point.
EXH. 1. Memo, 080505, from Richard Settle to John Wa[[s offers legal environmental advice for the SMP
EXH. 2. Memo, 081205, from David King to Planning Commission: SMP comments. Ms. Surber clarified
the rules relating to wetlands buffers. "We aze not saying that where we have a wetland we have a different
buffer. We aze saying that if you restore a wetland, and the buffer ends up extending onto private property,
that we are going to try [o come up with different buffets, or a[ least try to consider that, so that we don't
discourage or present a disincentive to doing restoration projects. This is consistent with Eric Lashever's
report." Ms. Thayer and Mr. Randels suggested talking with David King, as well.
EXH.3. Memo, 080405, from Joseph Finnie to Planning Commission: SMP and zoning code revisions
regazding building mass. Ms. Surber said there was neither a plan to change nor a proposed change to what
is currently allowed. Design would require HPC review; noise etc. would be covered under the SEPA
review; and the issue of a restaurant next to a hotel is not something you would restrict in a shorelines
EXH. 4. E-mail, 081905, from J. Surber: SMP drafts of Chapter 5.7- 5.11 and Table of Uses for Chapter 5.
She asked commissioners to be especially mindful of consistency and correspondence between the text and
the table. Ms. Thayer asked when page numbers would be revised. Ms. Surber explained that when the
additions and deletions are finalized, all the pagination will change. For Section 5.9, rewording will occur in
Setbacks, page 23. After looking at the CAO and how it relates to shoreline residential setbacks, the buffers
for geologically hazardous areas, and the vegetation protection information in Chapter 9, there is no change
to the setback rules. There will be changes to organization and wording.
Mr. Randall raised the question of how the SMP and the CAO were going to be made consistent and kept
consistent with each other. Ms. Surber said that the textual changes would be in the Sept. 1 draft and could
be examined then. She also suggested that they allow the changes to go through the entire process of
approval, i.e. through City Council and DOE review. She also noted that there had been an appeal by Ms.
Nancy Dorgan related to the CAO, and Mr, Watts would be providing more guidance on that. Mr. Randall,
responding to Mr. Randels request for more information on the appeal, explained that the main issue was
not using, not adopting, the 2005 Storm Water Manual, i.e. not using the best available science. She had
also referenced, non-specifically, the failure to apply "no net loss" standazds. The appeal goes to a hearings
board. He added that, although he had not duectly participated, he understood the City's position [o be that
it had/has every intention of adopting the new Manual, but there had not been adequate time to review,
amend and adopt it. Mr. Ingram noted that regazdless of the timing and outcome of the appeal, any
inconsistencies in the CAO and SMP documents should and would be addressed, as Mr. Randels had urged.
Indian Point - Ms. Surber pointed out the red colored azeas that carry the Urban designation, including the
condominium, Tides Inn hotel, and the buildings on the opposite side towards the Boat Haven.
Exhibits 5 through IO aze background and regulations pertinent to Indian Point
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 3
Exhibit 5, Urban Environment, page 29, 5.10.3 through 5.10.5 pertains to the Indian Point area and may
need to be changed depending on what comes out of the Indian Point considerations.
She said that the existing SMP folds in the Urban Waterfront plan from an earlier plan. There was
recognition that citizens didn't want to see a continuation of transient accommodations and condominiums
on the waterfront (referring to a survey taken as part of the ordinance document development process), and
so they also looked at Ecology's (DOE'S) guidance on how to encourage water-oriented uses. Mixed use
deveiopment is one of the strategies for encouraging waterfront development. So, these things got folded
into the Shoreline Master Program and what you have here aze pertinent excerpts from the existing SMP:
4.105 Urban No. 1.
She also pointed out 4.106 Port Townsend Urban Waterfront Specie] District Policy 1 A, which allows fot a
mixture and variety of uses, especially public water enjoyment uses, and Perfomtance Standazd 9.b.iii which
prohibits residential on the ground floor and specifies an exemption from the 50%water-oriented rule for a
specific azea in the vicinity of Indian Point.
In 2002, the previous owner o£ Indian Point requested the removal of the 50% ground floor rule; it was
denied. The new owner, Bill Woolcott, is now also requesting that change. Ms. Surber explained that this
must be considered in light of the new state guidelines, which allow flexibility for mixed use development
as an incentive for restoration. Since the southern shoreline is one of the most heavily modified aeeas, this
is a prime azea for restoration to occur. With new information and new goals, the Planning Commission
will consider what, if any, flexibility might be appropriate and beneficial to achieve restoration (beyond
mitigation required) and/or enhanced public access. She mentioned The Tides Inn walkway as an example
of what might be considered typical mitigation, not enhanced public access.
Discussions with Bill Woolcott aze reviewing what [he current requirements would be, and exploring what
flexibility might be attractive to a developer. The process would also involve identification of possible
restoration activities. The City would then need to work out some sort of compromise or exchange
acceptable to all, assuming compliance with SMP and other regulations.
Exhibit 8 is a citizen's survey asking what is most appropriate and least appropriate on the shoreline. Uses
not thought appropriate were RV pazks, condominiums and apartments.
She noted that the above materials and overview was intended to prepaze the commissioners for next week's
presentation and discussion on the pros and cons of flexibility and incentives for developers to do
Chapter 1: This was deferred last week, so it could be reviewed this evening.
Chapter 5: There aze associated map revisions that you will want to take note of while you aze looking at the
Natural, Conservancy and Shorelines Residential designations. Ms. Surber pointed out the circles on the
map. At the Chinese Gardens, the SAG placed a Natural designation on the majority of Chinese Gardens
where WA State Parks is in ownership. And the water bodies of Chinese Gardens and Kah Tai were both
designated as Natural in recognition of the fact that these aze both prime aeeas for wildlife habitat. Natural is
our most limited designation and really puts ecological functions and habitat to the forefront. So, it is cleaz
that Natural is the designation that the advisory group wanted in these areas. What changed is that when
Tyler Johnson [GPS Specialist] began to refine the maps, the shorelines jurisdiction expanded a bit, in both
aeeas. In Chinese Gardens, it expanded so that it goes farther to the south, and is into aeeas that aze zoned
residential and within private ownership. So, we aze recommending that that be a residential designation
which would be consistent with the SAG recommendation for the (west) shoreline, which is also
residentially zoned. SAG had decided on Shoreline Residential, and this would be consistent with their
"On Kah Tai Lagoon, the north boundary was pushed up, because of the vegetation in that azea (it is a little
hard to see where the actual high water mark is). Again, you would not actually Imow until you did a site
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 4
specific study, but Tyler asswed us that it needed to be moved farther to the north, given his experience
with GPS in the azea. Again, you are pushed into areas of private ownership zoned Residential, so we aze
recommending Shoreline Residential be applied to those azeas. Where it clips off at the bottom of the golf
course, it could stay Natwal because that comer is where there aze native seeds." At this point, Mr. Randels
and Ms. Thayer interjected that the pertinent seed area was across the fairway, not on the edge. Mr.
Randels also said that if it touches the fairway, then you have to be cazeful. Ms. Swber said it was
definitely not on the fairway. Ms. Thayer said it was on the comer of San Juan and 19th St.; Mr. Randels
identified the area as the Pea Patch, formerly a gazden.
Ms. Surber: Then, on the eastern shore, the SAG asked that she contact a representative of Kah Tai Care
Center. She said she e-mailed Mr. Black, who responded by phone, and they talked about the designations
considered for the Kah Tai Caze Center. She said he would obviously like to see it zoned Urban, which is
consistent with the underlying zoning and with the fact that it is privately owned. The SAG had not made a
recommendation on that, pending contact with the Care Center.
The final map revision is for the SMP boundary between the Urban and Historic Waterfront. Ms. Swber
passed azound a map, showing the C-III historic commercial zoning in the color pink. She called attention
to another line that defines the outline of the Landmark Historic District. She said that while working with
the SAG, the boundary between the two districts followed the Landmark Historic District. There was a
question about the building on the comer where the Pizza Factory shop and barbershop are located. When
she checked the historical archives, she verified that it is indeed a historic structure, even though it is
outside the Landmark Historic District. The SAG had said that if it is outside the Landmark Historic
District, they would place it in Historic Waterfront. That would result in three different lines: Zoning Lme,
Landmark Historic District Line, and the SMP division, based on this one building. Ms. Slabaugh asked,
"Why not make the SMP match the Historic District?" Ms. Surber: "Yes, that is what it was originally, but
this building was historic. Staff would prefer to be consistent with the zoning, the reason being that the
historic design review within the C-III would be very complicated otherwise. To write it would involve
getting into detail in both the Urban and the Historic in order to describe correctly how the historic design
review would apply to certain properties, but not others. It would be admvtistratively difficult to follow the
zoning rather than the SMP differentiation. So, you will need to look at the zoning boundazies and the maps
in yow review of the related SMP sections.
At the end of Ms. Barber's presentation, Mr. Randels opened the public testimony portion of the meeting
Public Testimony:
Larry Crockett 153 McCwdv Point Road Port Townsend Executive Director Port of Port Townsend
Mr. Crockett said he wanted to touch on a couple of minor items he found within the latest SMP draft, and
that he would go over them with Ms. Swber or Mr. Ingram at a later time. He said, "On page 13, it talks
about restoring vegetation at Point Hudson and removing [he RV pazking area; then under restoration and
monitoring activities, it states "Port of Port Townsend Comprehensive Scheme". I'm not swe what all that
means -- because it isn't in ow Comp Scheme. I can get with you later on that."
"A couple of other things, just to remind everybody, on the Restoration Plan, I was on the SAG as well.
We did receive a Letter from the DOE, Sydney Donoghue and I've got a copy here. I'm just reminding all of
us, with regazd to the Restoration Plan, of the significant bullets on the back of the letter, that we take credit
for those activities that we've already accomplished in the recent past, or ongoing. For instance, we are
totally redoing the Point Hudson Marina. There are hundreds and hundreds of creosote pilings in that
Marina. We aze going to remove all of those as part of our restoration of that azea, and put in
environmentally safe material, etc. So, we ought to take credit, you know, we are talking millions of dollazs
worth of work here, so let's pat owselves on the back here where we can." Also, the lastbullet reminds us
(to identify?) the list of restoration opportunities that can realistically be implemented. And I still think a
cwsory review of the list of restoration opportunities in the draft plan (will show that) there are a few things
there, that although we may all think they would be admirable objectives to accomplish, like moving the
Point Wilson lighthouse, I'm not sure that's realistic. There are a few other things of that sort, you know,
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 5
that due to enormous costs, legal issues, and _(inaudible). Also, there's one there to breach the break wall at
the Boat Haven to allow salmon passing. Well, if you aze going to jeopazdize that whole big marina, that
could have catastrophic effects if that's not engineered, and again, you're talking amulti-million dollar effort
if you were to ever do that, affecting marine trades and other marine-related uses. So, we just need to make
sure we are realistic, and we all want to restore, but just do it in a sensible manner.
Also, just as I was leaving several weeks ago, there was some SAG a-mail about the trail that we just put in
at Point Hudson -- that's a pedestrian walking trail. Just to reiterate, one of the primary goals of the SMP is
to improve and increase public access to the shoreline. Well, you do that through environmentally sensitive
trails; that was fully permitted, it went through the city's permitting process, Fish and Wildlife, DOE, all the
state agencies were involved in it, and it was done to the permit code levels or standazds, if you will. And
that trail is called for in the city's Urban Waterfront Plan, called for in the Port's Comprehensive Scheme of
hazbor improvements, and even the 1994 Point Hudson Plan. Although it was never adopted by the City,
the City conducted that plan, and it called for that same Vail. We see it, from the Port's perspective, as
fulfilling what the community has told us to do for literally a decade or more.
And lastly, Joe Finnie's letter. I'm a friend of Joe Finnie and all that, but again, I just read his letter. The
restaurant's already there, and if you azen't familiaz with that azea, it almost sounds like this could be a brand
new facility. Well, the Landfall's already there. So, it was already bacon grease smell in the morning, and
caz traffic and bands playing. And, I'm just here to tell you that the Landfall is the least of the impacts in
that immediate sector. When that Maritime Center starts being built, that's going to be a huge impact. And,
by the way, Joe Finnie is wanting to build atwo-story addition to his hotel right along Water Street where it
will have a bigger visual impact than the Landfall. Md I'm here to tell you that if you were to stand in the
middle of Water Street, looking toward Point Hudson, once the Maritime Center is built, and Joe Finnie's
two story addition, you won't even see the restaurant building. So, thank you.
Mary Winters 213 Taylor St., Port Townsend ,Port Attorney
We still can talk about anything m the plan, is that correct? Excuse me for jumping azound a bit, but I can't
be here next week. So I just had four fairly minor issues that I wanted to address. The fvst is that I
understand at the last public testimony, where I couldn't be here, there was some public comment about the
shoreline mixed use at Point Hudson, and I'm not sure if that was on the term or the idea, but speaking to
the term itself, I understand that there has been an entrance sign over the years, at Point Hudson, that says
Point Hudson Resort. I wasn't sure if it was still there or not, but it has been there and the word resort can
mean 6 cabins and some kayaks or it can mean something huge, so I just wanted to remind you that that
word is a commonly used term. As for the idea that Judy talked about earlier, i.e. mixed use development
as intended to encourage water-oriented uses, and in this case there's the second goal of replacing the
transient accortuuodations such as RVs with another one, so when you get to that section, please look at i[ in
the context of Point Hudson. The second issue is: Judy did send the Port an e-mail regazding the Boa[
Haven that there are two potential delis; the one at the Main Basin, which is the only water-enjoyment use
in the SAG draft. That is limited to 1,500 square feet and we all know there is a deli there. There is also a
reference to a deli in the North East Basin, and that doesdt have a size limitation. She asked whether the
Port had a concern with a size limitation, and the answer is "No"-- we are Erne with the squaze foot
limitation there also. And again, the idea there is that the two areas could develop differently, and this is a
long term document. The deli at the Main Basin could go someday, and we are just trying to keep some
flexibility. If people want to go to the Co-op and walk further, I would say the mazket should determine
that, not the plan itself.
Judy also went through the map, and that may have answered our concern. This isn't so much a Port
concern as when we looked at the Kah Tai sections, when it defined Natural, it talked about the open water
and the County/City-owned land. And then under Conservancy, it spoke of the south side of Kah Tai, and
just when we read that, we thought about what are you doing with the north and the east sections. Well, I
think the map makes it cleaz, but when I read the language about the map I thought there was a gap in the
description, so that's maybe something to take a look at. So, if you think the map's enough, that's Erne.
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 6
And then lastly, this is again in the Boat Haven section, on page 40, in the Northeast Boat Basin. It refers tc
anew mixed-use development, so we are in this transition zone. And one of the Planning Commission
members may bring this up, but I just didn't want it forgotten. The SAG drafr references the non-water-
orienteduses as part of a new mixed use development, provided non-water-oriented uses do not exceed
20% of the mixed-use structure. I would suggest that instead of the word "structure", that that reference be
to "development" because you might not want only one structure, it might be better environmentally or
visually to have two small buildings. So, I just didn't want that forgotten, as you go through this, and that is
on (my) page 40. That's all I have, thank you.
Dave Thompson 2700 Jefferson Street PT
I would like to speak against the idea. of changing the shoreline regulations to allow a hotel to be
consttncted at Point Hudson. It seems that the property as it exists right now is generating quite a lot of
revenue, and it's relatively undeveloped. I think that if you put a building there the revenues will increase,
the costs for the Port will increase,. If they privatize it, they will be able to employ people, say at minimum
wage level, so it doesn't add any to the economic development of the Port's properties, and it makes public
access to the beach more difficult. I mean, people aze now being asked to leave pazking azeas at the beach
by the staff, it seems that if pazking at Point Hudson is difficult now, it will be more difficult if there is a
hotel there. Thank you.
Mr. Randels: Thank you, that concludes the members of the public who have asked to speak, but I'll open
it again if anyone has changed their mind. Apparently not, so we will close the public comment portion of
the hearing and move to Planning Commission deliberation.
Platmine Commission Deliberation
We did not do chapter 1, as I understand it, so I suggest we take that up first unless anyone has any
objections to that. Ms. Capron raised the question of whether others were prepared to review Chapter 1
during this session. After a brief discussion, the commissioners decided to resume review of Chapter 5 at
the point where they had ended at the previous meeting, deferring Chapter 1 to a later date.
is a new draft, with all the verb changes, dated August 19, 2005
l1 a,b,c,d should have periods after them
Kine19- a; b; c; -- or should go after c
assigned to should be softened to "should be
"considered for"
12 5.7.3 Verb: start with Allow the following uses in
5.7.3 is this where we would need to say the northern
......, "but not including.....
5.7.1 Limit new uses.... do we need the phrase " to
the extent feasible°, leave it the way it is
changed by JS
13 5.7.4 Policy; leave it as JS has changed
Line 2 Low intensity - is it defined? Yes, in
Recreational facilities
14 5.7.3 Spelling of intensity
Line 15 Add single family where ever it notes "one
residential" --Not accepted
5.7.5 a Setbacks one word
Discussion: the change is made because it
gives discretion rather than mandates
Printing comments changes the pagination;
use the item number to refer to [he change
No change - this is OK
There was a brief discussion about whether
this and related terms needed better
definitions or clatification, but resulted with
no changes to text.
GR read AK notes; discussion about whether
" one detached single (family) residential
dwelling" or variation meets the
constitutional test andlor improves language
in draft. All agreed to leave as written.
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 7
Line 23 ESA and CAO consistency --
" is "should be "are"
Line 42- If appealable, not final, so take out the phrase
43 or rewrite
Paragrap E.g. and following ;font change should be
h 1 . line waected
a,b,c,d,e Add periods after letters
Line 32 Reword consistent with Natural: Consider
assigning the Conservancy environment
designation to appropriate shoreline areas, that
is, those areas planned for development that
are compatible.....azea, and that are......
Line ] 0 Add a., b., c.,.....: change to "and in areas of
Jefferson County..."
Line 1 f. Non-water-oriented recreation
Line 26 Correct the indent and numbering
Also use the same language relating to
constitutional issues
DR-5.8.5 a. property, and that impacts...
c. roads should be lower case
DR-5.8.6 Delete "Unless appealed,"
DR-5.9.1 Should be 5,8.8, and also appear in 5.9.1
Does this incentivize as intended to minimize
impervious surfaces?
DR-5.9.2 Change & to and; delete "may be allowed"
Page 5.9.1
5.9.7 -
Line 24
HC: questions entire policy; thinks it is
misleading and needs [o clarify what the limits
are, as well as specify under what wnditions
this does and does not apply; also suggested
adding "water-oriented" before public
LS: Noted that she approves of the rewriting
and thinks it addressed her earlier concerns
GR: Multi-lot developments,....Why are
cottage developments specified; should it
include multi-family ?
LS: Interjected with question about the line by
line review process, and asked whether more of
the allotted time could be spent discussing
substantive issues.
Missing: check numbering
SE: suggested adding Wind powered generators
to the shall not apply list
GR: Advise writers to delete the Why? And
Because... type of language
Remove the "an"
Reminder to check again
Delete it.
Check for "designation versus environment
throughout, e.g. line 8 and line 28
JS: this is Richard's Settle s language; so
check that other references throughout text
are consistent
Much discussion: JS will compare with
CAO and zoning. GR spoke to goals and
option of changing the strategy. Paul spoke
about rationale for it as written: given range
of lot sizes, need a rule; if lower density is
required, need different changes. JR: This is
a reasonable use issue, but may need minor
JS: recognizes the fact that there are sheet
ends and other public areas within [his
designation, and i[ urges city to find ways to
encourage and support; add at end "provided
that property rights are preserved", but not
"water-oriented" because state does not
recognize that distinction.
lR: Add if the intention is to allow it as an
accessory to a home structure, not to allow
commercial, e.g. private residential wind
power generators...
1S advised to defer until later full discussion
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 8
Page Line 12 30 feet change to 30 inches
Line 44 Should or shall? Shall
Page Line 13 Dele[e hyphens and "in height"
Page Line 12 HC: What does overlay district mean?
5.10.2 Encourage uses "[hat" (not which)
Page 5.10.3 Check numbering
5.103 HC: why use the phrase "while not preferred"?
Page Line All related to Indian Point will be discussed
30 22,23 separately later.
Page l~' Add'some apps floor residential"
31 paragmp
Page Line 19 Change to critical areas
Line 42 Start b. with "Support and reinforce the
Line 23 Reword to refer to C-III zoning district
Page Line 29 Change which to that
Page Historic Overlay District is correct
Line 43 Correct format, i.e. circle and square bullets
Standazdize on "Downtown Historic Overlay
JS: i[ is common in the shorelines regs to
refer to non-water-oriented uses in this way
After a five minute break at 8:10 PM, the commission took up the issues Ms. Swber had explained during
the staff presentation regarding designations for Kah Tai and Chinese Gardens. After a very brief
restatement of the issues by Ms. Swber, the commissioners approved the three staff recommendations.
Ms. Thayer moved that Kah Tai Care Center be designated as Urban. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Slabaugh. The motion was approved, all in favor: 6/0/0.
Ms. Thayer moved that in the shoreline areas of Kah Tat; where zoned Residential, the SMP designation
should be changed to Shoreline Residential, rather than Natural. Mr. Emery seconded the motion. The
motion was approved, all in favor: 6/0/0.
Ms. Thayer recommended the areas of Chinese Gardens indicated by circles on the refined map, be
designated Shoreline Residential, rather than Natural; Mr. Emery seconded. The motion was approved, all
in favor: 6/0/0.
Before resuming the document review, Mr. Randels suggested that a meeting ending time of 10:00 PM be
set. There were no objections.
33 Line 5 Add 2005 before M-lI(A) zoning district
Line 5 Insert'states that it' is intended CT raised ET/MW edit
34 Change bullets to a., b., c., d.
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 9
33 Line 28-48 4Vhy include information referring to outside JR: The SMP is supposed to include
the shorelinejurisdiction? relevant information even if not within the
34 Line 34 Rewrite stating "Prohibit water enjoyment
unrelated to public access, and non-water-
oriented uses within the main boat basin."
35 Pol. 5.12.5 GR: asked for explanation of term "priority
use" and how it actually works in practice
36 Line 17, Add'and zoning' after'intended use'
36 Line 7 Semi-colon after standards
36 CT wished to check on ET changes from
several weeks ago.
36 LS asked about Liveaboard policy
37 Line 3 Add building' before spaces
37 Line 30 Add comma after'not limited to'
38 Line 3 Correct numbering type face and indent
Line 7 Delete dash before feet
Line 16 ff Convert bullets to appropriate numbering or
39 Linea Delete dashes in 75 feet west and line 5, 4 acre
Linea 13 Correct bullets
Line 36 subdistriot not sub-district
40 Line 1 Change structure to development
40 Check fonts, typefaces uid indents
40 Line 1 Add'not to exceed 1,500 s.f.' after employees,
40 Line 24 ...access, whichever (comma & one word)
From AK notes; JS will consider when
convening all policies to begin with verbs
JS: usually directs whether it is permitted
outright or conditional; in Boat Haven, the
text reflects the Port subcommittee's
CT referring to notes based on ET edits
Clarification: JS has incorporated ET
changes unless she noted otherwise in the
Staff Presentation at this or previous
They are allowed
This was moved and seconded, and
At the completion of the Boat Haven text review, Mr. Randall said he had a few other issues to raise. Ms.
Slabaugh returned to the issue of liveaboazds. She referred to Chapter 9, Specific Modifications, page S,
under Docks, Piers and Floats, Policy 9.4.2. This appeazs to contradict the other references to liveaboazds
in Chapter 5 and other chapters. The intention is that liveaboazds are allowed with certain conditions
applied. Ms. Surber and Mr. Randall will investigate and address the Chapter 9 policy.
Mr.Randal] and Ms. Surber returned to DR 5.12.b.iii * at the top of page 40, asking if there was agreement
to add "not to exceed 1,500 s.f." to the deli item. Mr. Randels moved to add the language, which was
seconded and approved by all.
Next, Mr. Randall asked the Commission to verify that there was understanding and support for designating
the two subdistricts in the Boat Haven: i.e. relaxing the water-dependent ruleslrequirements in the East Boat
Basin, and recognizing that it is in a process of transforming as the fishing boats and fish processing
business are phasing out. Mr. Emery asked if the Dos Okies bazbecue vendor was considered to be a
restaurant. Mr. Randall said it was temporary use. He asked if there were any other issues. Ms Surber said
that the Boat Haven and Point Hudson were the areas of most significance in terms of change and transition.
There were no other issues for the Boat Haven, and Ms. Capron suggested that the Point Hudson issues
would be dealt with the following week.
Ms. Capron then made a motion for adjotunment.
There was no old business.
Ms. Thayer said she wished to bring up one other item that was not on the agenda. She read a letter from
Catherine McNabb, on behalf of the City of Port Townsend, inviting the Planning Commission to send a
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 10
representative to a committee being formed to develop a community arts functional plan. Ms. Thayer
expressed great interest in the project. Mr. Randels and other commission members were happy to have
Ms. Thayer participate as the Planning Commission representative.
Mr. Randall also had an announcement. He reported that Jean Walat would be leaving her full time position
as a Planner far the City to take a position with the Marine Science Center. Her last day will be September
16, 2005.
09/01/05: Public Hearing -- Shoreline Master Program Update to start at 6:00 PM
09/08/05: Public Hearing -- Shoreline Master Program Update, to start at 6:00 PM
Mr. Randels noted that the motion for adjournment was still on the table. He adjourned the meeting at 9:55
Gail Bernhazd, Meeting Recorder
Planning Commission Meeting
Minutes for August 25, 2005 Page 11