HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD06-237 • • • ot or!TOw, , CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 4c . �'t DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT " 171 ° 250 MADISON STREET—SUITE 3 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 PHONE (360) 379-5082 FAX(360) 344-4619 RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE OF FINAL INSPECTION ADDRESS: -Z1 a I Eb o n\J PARCEL NUMBER: vl S5 2OO 'f 6 BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: P.L,DO(e - 37 PERMIT APPLICANT: C F.D I3c.51.(c)e `3 This form, when signed and dated by a City of Port Townsend building inspector, certifies that the work performed on the structure named above, under the specific permit listed, conforms with the requirements of the City of Port Townsend Municipal Code. Inspector Signature: Date: This form is a three-part form. The original of each part is as follows: 1—White(City File); 2—Yellow(permit holder); 3—Pink(lender copy). Accept no photo static copies. CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE KEPT ON FILE BY THE CITY FOR 90 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF FINAL INSPECTION. AFTER THE END OF THE REQUIRED 90-DAY TERM, PLANS NOT PICKED UP WITHIN 30 DAYS MAY BE DESTROYED. SO OD 04 90 ro4 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND tit. ::: �• DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT y� INSPECTION REPORT � grwAe7 For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: I & L p `(07 PERMIT NUMBER: f3 L 0/a - 237 SITE ADDRESS: eZ l 2-0 E bon PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: F F) CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: I 286)— TYPE OF INSPECTION: V) (1 a I illialeak L, K' , ( ,,,, (_,/ ( L. , r -t , 7' ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITII Li NOT APPROVED y, CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. l Inspector i c. .. Date 0 �- 0/7 Approved plans and permit card mast be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. p*pc:pT)704, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND e .;',1.1 ,4); DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT er INSPECTION REPORT TWA For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-38.5-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: 8 - 15-0'7 PERMIT NUMBER: j5 j51-,0 10(0(p" 3-1 SITE ADDRESS: (2 1 �_�co PROJECT NAME: P &p p CONTRACTORS f____13 CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: `7-7-e4 (p 8-y,q TYPE OF INSPECTION: �S`-or-rn ci ro l r\ 3 ----Fiziwet.( sZV_N,A...) c,, Allik-066- 61/ c L ---- / ❑ APPROVED ) ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector IC (.' Date 1/(Ve 7 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection/E may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. -. • . IMO 1010 o*vo."!ro� CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND to u —t t DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT d 1/4 ,_,. � � INSPECTION REPORT co siA For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: -1 4)7)0 7 PERMIT NUMBER:,F3LD 0 t - 31 SITE ADDRESS: a- I 2C) .1,30r-)y/ PROJECT NAME: q E-p CONTRACTOR:/ q F t // // CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: —7 74 t,g l.o 7 TYPE OF INSPECTION: 1 Yl 501 et_ h - /- (N,+. :,..1) CAI ()1(1,1-',(• 7-r-- (7t a4:777-11- :_ (7 1 'F;t f ril. c-(:_l tea)c_o id tr_ri. 14._/10 (4. 1--( ,1 0,_,. Ari il CA/k 0 &,_) /c..11. J K • ./42,4irk)6..... ei.,. (.)-- 1 C '13 Iiiii. P..1 P PC. Kf. _ kniit2: A / ,e_. /k.)Sc L-I'\77 t i,J ._, (_d t I``�4 A74_., / . L. APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector i° i C Date I:// '- ! _ Approved plans and permit card must he on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection.fee may he assessed if work is not ready for inspection. .............mis., w sit CITY OF PORT TOWNS 181 VELOPAc T SERVICES D � Quincy Strom,Suite 301A p DEPARTMENT . PLYIMBIN6 CERTIFICATION PR Townsend WA 9ST BUILDING OWNER U�TEST ADDRESS CONTRACTOR —�---..�. PERMIT# e w :s DATE OF TEST `-1 GROUND WORK LICENSE*_ - � .. �", i. D, OUGI1-IN PLUMBING `a FIN, , s$RVrCF PSI � Jwr - r• Head Warms,g inc `Mautcs Time Minutes N TESTING REQUIREMENTS(SECT) UN/FORM PLUMBING CODE)�:V I0'H Head Minutes Test at W o g P n z u r e A r T e s t—S#PSI l S Mutes I hem, certify the S0#PSI—15 Minutes wed at the indicated information �'i� above is the RCW,9A.72A40 subject ad insult of the Plumb' object to a and date. M Plumbing System COVER -year state of limitation. of this certification is Pr�sure test conducted by the Si SYSTEM INSPECTION IS�Q�tE �cr BEFORE ----__._ Date ^off ,. O . 11110 Richard Berg Architects, Pc 719 Taylor Street richard(richardbergarch.itects.com Port Townsend,WA 98368 Phone: (360)379`8090 tax: (360)379-8324 December 30, 2006 City of Port Townsend Department of Development Services 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Attn: Plans Examiner I have reviewed the permit plans for the residence proposed to be constructed at 2105 Ebony Street in Port Townsend. I was asked by the builders to determine if the northern end of the structure meets the requirements for prescriptive lateral design. The northern end of the house does meet the requirements in terms of braced wall locations and percentage of braced wall lines on both the first and second floors. The only way in which it does not filly meet the requirements is that one of the second floor walls is located over open space below. I have provided an engineered solution to tie the braced walk panels in this wall directly to the foundation. Please see the attached detail drawing. 'i If the wall and beam over the open space is constructed as shown,I believe that the shear walls and holdowns shown on the submitted construction plans in the Main Floor bedroom, closet, and bathroom, and the Second Floor office, can be deleted and the walls of these rooms constructed as per the requirements of 2003 IRC Section R602.10 instead. Please note that Section R602.10.11 requires that the outside corner of the Main Floor bathroom be framed as shown in Figure R602.10.5 because the bathroom window is less than 4' from the corner. If you have any questions about this letter,please feel free to contact me. Thank you very much, 5665 .. ILD O 6 -2 3 FIEG;STERED OR IlITEDT L , RICHARD C. N. n7D.r STATE OF WASHINGTON Ill ... . . Richard Berg Architects. pc 719 Taylor Street Port Tovvnsend,WA 98368 , rich,trcic,PricharclIpergarchitects corn Phone: (360)379-8090 Fax: (360)379-8324 itinGSOU'r- f,eLY-09 I(IA'()h kpc4 Vie' 0 tg. REGIZTECI7'' ., i .. RI A P.D C NI. PrP,-; i 11/1‘ rA cb 64 ve.p,C. 090 1 <GI n 6 t ("Iii‘-''A 1 . .ri 'rke2.1-(.103.2i ,01)4 Psid°c114-lr;.------■\ v STATE CP WAIHipprrrom V2 1 ok6 L., 0 r 0(; 19` /r, b itt*l ( ,-<‘\,, ''';‘, , „.-., ....,,,.. ...„.,.,.. 7-_-_ , „ et" .5 I-1 4• 1 r.- A t':.4,01-t S-C/,‘;',6;?AzZ.7 '.1 1 Aril i.„3.4?,elcif,e) ' 1,1 ,441e1.-12., fc...,'S 7.-----___ 1 ...S ,fr4^-Pe,. ,--- ---, , , 77-1a-- 1;! z.) I – ..._ i .._— ) 1 koi Ye-acAVQ.1./ ' 1'il SrivilkScM1 1. ---- • „ 1----''''-- \ i \ 11, Plie).2. ... ■-,,, . -7 ::7---- -"\ -,--,__,_ 1 1; i , I• ',,, \ 4.- ...... -- . ..,•-■ --, ^.-r. 111.' i il Se 6,41,1 'N.. 1 et 63(I VE, i I I 1 r ) II , 1 il 1 ,,..."' il t / ,4'-3ô7 .5 res.& V- -1- .....,...___...., 1 1 TH6 P-e-)0 11 i , 1 1 li f _ _ __ --.,,... __ __ (12_710 1 R4 7/ . ' ' I tt•::. ! 1 GE e 44C/.7" c v..... .).'r _ > .... ,.1 :1 ---- / / / ° GO al, �*Po".1 rn� �A. _�Y �,, � CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND z -,• t t DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ,, r w ?, iii INSPECTION REPORT �C°wa For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: /o2..4/o'7 PERMIT NUMBER: �3 LDO( - 7 SITE ADDRESS: 12 b Ek nn LI PROJECT NAME: CONTRACT-9H: 6 CONTACT PERSON: C-4r1 b3 PHONE: 361 -5(D).2_, TYPE OF INSPECTION: ''J ' ' e ' ` itiri ' ',1) Wc fiCki RO: 0)(' VII\ --,4) 7 C" r v f , _ ;_ t/vf c (<L., ''t f L a �� /�--) ,4 �/[,,f j � 1' i2,���i :--). ' '19Z U ( 1\(,, Kire'fiti a) EX'11kiri.\4-',(- - u c i 6 _ 0 0 C i M . o (...> i 7-6 P)t .4 v. t 1 `11 )!)'---; ( ( I Ck' . 06,00ie RIC (B 6'I) —7j t LL n a__K_ /-4(2/l (I Al-'70112_12 :7) Ri/Q— C Ltc?eeN A e)--F A45)<: i n:. __ R, (i 017-k. 00 tit 4 l�'(LIU ilk l A't --(. ( .-) /Ar _. ......__ k\------ F,'(- - ---', - 61, F ()---1 1 t'/ ( AcT if'', '' 71-7 . (; t41 PLk ' i-tigif-4 4 _, ,___ ., 0_,'::;), 3.,t-,,,:kik,,(L6.--._ 7,4-,Liveti,„_,, ,,,--_, ---(-).,_. ,)___ , ,(,, , \p,,,I,-,,,,_ (cc( T-7----Cie-__ 2 --- -I-t ,!-0_,(1,-- r-iqjc C tA, j ArAt t A 43 1.:‘,,ce'4 cNvii 'CT 11 APPROVED /1 APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED / CORRECTIONS + Ok to proceed. Corrections will bi Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proc eding. Inspector ` ), - .. Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. . . 0 IP Oi poll!Toi. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND =� c ='.•.i ' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT , INSPECTION REPORT C For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: A /icy 1(j7 PERMIT NUMBER: 151,-,C)(%) —.2 3-7 SITE ADDRESS: 07 I ,21) E o ray PROJECT NAME: ( E-D CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: ``�� k ke,PHONE: 30 1 ` a SO 2- TYPE OF INSPECTION: Cofl(x-T - lab -- 1,M— / iirr .. �C �- � l ` -MP /kJ ,, 'f X 1/ g /1 / . E a_y £(• :i'k.1 _ ....,_ _,,to�� f , �.."%� t o a.-. `� E Z ,6 f 1.:C K -7 2c:?& e ? 4 ) A-01 IQ_ _ I-.'7-C._,t -_,, 0-e,,,, ' 1 ' / � ❑ APPROVED 17 APPROVED WITH I I NOT APPROVED � _—� CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection procee mg. Inspector C. Date -a ) 7 Approved plans and permit card inns!be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection,fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. i • 0*v0 xr 0„, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND cf; "W= r IN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT file INSPECTION REPORT qcW For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: 0 3123/07 PERMIT NUMBER:e, oL Q �p ~ 31 SITE ADDRESS: c; . 1 1) C GG�v n Li PROJECT NAME: ED CONTRACTbR: p ED CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: 3 k f aroa_l ) - E‘t,-(--e %.. ,\., k, 4,s--...)4z)4- v‘,4_,_, ,44, 0 le- cik i: cor-kit.,e ......t.---e_k--- PROVED IJ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before \ 1 ,checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector _mil _ �.._......_........ Date "c'4 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. „Ask ,,11141111.-, Al vORIrn. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 03,"I! "l l' INSPECTION REPORT For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: 1124 •Zte ? PERMIT NUMBER: j561:-) Od..T -. 3/ rA"/' SITE ADDRESS: Z/Zc) r r PROJECT NAME: p CONTRACTOR: gi /> CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: �� .7i_ I T TYPE OF INSPECTION: y'LL4C. ?CG=jr_c. /t. t,. T f7 APPROVED 11 APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector i Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may he assessed if work is not ready for inspection. O�pORT riy, . .. , de% a ia� _ �,. �,� CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND --,, t o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ,0 ter ti INSPECTION REPORT 140, :,---e For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. kii)\\)\ ATE OF INSPECTION: ,a--/1-2-1/07 PERMIT NUMBER: BOO c)(0 ,237 SITE ADDRESS: a2 I -t £hri PROJECT NAME: ( CONTRACTOR. (.:-. F_f CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: 7 `7 4 - (0 AID? TYPE OF INSPECTION: rounc,h4-1 01A, WaUI „r '6%)APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH 17 NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS aOk to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before 1 checked at next inspection proceeding. e �'' . . Inspector' ;) e, ,` e � Date ‘,4,f, 1�' c; Approvedplans anct'permit card must l e on-site and available at lime of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for in.. pection. 0 °*_.__ ��� CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND _ �� DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4 C'�l� INSPECTION REPORT ciFW For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the/inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. ATE OF INSPECTION: Q._,/ I a/n 7 PERMIT NUMBER: J3 L Dd� - 3 7 SITE ADDRESS: ` Q I 2n d,. V PROJECT NAME: 1 ED CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: OD ice_ PHONE: ,-' 61 - . g"C2_ . e_ TYPE OF INSPECTION: a r 77 4 - CP V o 9 r: '«. Par-171(J "POO-11 f SE 1 r ---, A, ;: , ,7--, _ (...„ ,/(,_,. 06,) /i. /(?.-- (s-,) ,..-. ( (-) f, n ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before - checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector ? ?:laft,,_ Date e/ r/i c. / u Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may he assessed if work is not ready for inspection.