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ti S OF O*popr ro. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND w.,..11, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT fp Olt? INSPECTION REPORT.y;:stot 04:: For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-3$5-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: /T G+if ZAaB PERMIT NUMBER: Ada -"23/ SITE ADDRESS: 953 IV.¢1 L g 7 PROJECT NAME: . / 'Y7 /J? '-31711a2.4-NICONTRACTOR: //ye CONTACT PERSON: i"7J49 L4cby" PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: L)49 rte, ,(a7Z / ,„1�,,'/'€C/ g i-ST' 0 .vh+-6 e--6 5 4.4) &-.0 5 eDe) '6 - O/L APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspecto_ Date /9,o Dz, Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. -17LPII7E FIRE AND SAFETY SYSTEMS,INC COMMERCIAL SPRAY BOOTH CONFIDENCE TRIP TEST CERTIFICATION DRY CHEMICAL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Job Name:, / 4;,// 41ef-Ther/--Ce.;. - Location: / t"...r" System Size and Manufacturer: 7- #"71k 4'; Hydrostatic Test Date: `:-.470:::0-‘4••. Master Control Head Tested Tandem Control Head Tested Pneumatic Slave Heads Tested Manual Pull Tested /-/' Electric Shutdown Tested Make Up Air Shutdown Tested N/A Link Detection Tested ,./7 20 lb Fire Extinguisher Installed t/F WitnessedBy: X Field Technician Alpine Fire & Safety Systems x Irispection Officer—Title X le c Date P.Q.--Box-265•Burlington,Washington 98233•(360) 755-5444 m k Thomas L. Au oc Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street,Port Townsend,WA 98368 [360]385-3938 Email:taumock @cablespeed.com Cell : [360]643-0272 PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM TO: Scottie Foster,City of Port Townsend Developm t ervices Dept. FR: Tom Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official DT: 04 January 2008 RE: BLD06-234,Lighthouse Café Commercial Kitchen Improvements—Alpine Fire Safety This consulting fire code official is in receipt of the set of plans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. The proposal was reviewed with the International Fire Code, 2006 Edition, and NFPA 17A and NFPA 96. The following constitutes this plans examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. Findings&Determinations: 1. This proposal contains provisions for an automatic fire suppression system for a commercial kitchen. hood,make-up air improvements,hood exhaust duct protection,and fire extinguishers. 2. Said suppression system is found to be designed, and shall be installed, to Underwriter's Lab Specification 300 including NFPA 96 and related specifications. 3. Plan submittals have been reviewed for the installation of commercial kitchen hood and exhaust only. Also, the submittal did not include make-up air provisions, however, discussion with Alpine Fire Safety, as contractor, indicated that a mechanical make-up air provision is to be supplied above the entrance doorway,and inter-tied to the hood sprinkler system. 4. The 3M brand. Fire Barrier grease and ventilation duct wrapping is found to be compliant with NFPA 96 standards for duct protection from combustibles, provided the minimum rating is one-hour, and; 5. Make-up air provisions shall comply with NFPA 96 Chapter 8.3. 6. This office shall inspect the installation for conformance with plan approvals, including witnessing of the installer's testing of the protection system, and; 7. A Class K wet-chemical fire extinguisher is proposed to be installed in the commercial kitchen space, and,a 40-B:C dry-chemical fire extinguisher shall be provided for the electric appliances; and, 8. The proposal meets the requirements of NFPA 96 Chapter for the operation of any extinguishing system shall automatically shut of all sources of fuel, heat, and make-up air to all equipment requiring protection by that extinguishing system, EXCEPT,the exhaust hood fan shall remain. operable. Electrically operating appliances are proposed to be shunt-tripped to the main panel, requiring a manual reset of the power in order to allow such appliances to regain operability,and; 9. The exhaust duct termination is found to be a sidewall termination. The existing termination hardware shall be replaced with an approved device, and consideration of its appearance should be consistent with the historic nature of the subject building. It is the recommendation of this plans examiner to approve the proposal, subject to the stipulations outlined herein. 1.0 hour of time shall be logged for this review. An additional 1.0 hour will be required for the inspection and test of the systems. S Permit#BLD06-234 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 before 3:00 p.m. for next day Inspection Permit Number: BLD06-234 Issued: 12/26/06 Parcel Number: 989 700 906 Job Address: 955 Water Street Zoning: C-III Type: V-B Occupancy: A-2 Total Occupant Load: NC Nature of Work: Provide improvements to existing Hood.System per attached enforcement report Owner: (Manier)Lessee: Joseph Tso/Lighthouse Cafe Contractor: Peninsula Fire/Max Welding PENINFE04l B5 GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY—SEE LAST PAGE SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED: Electrical—Contact Labor& Industries @ 360-417-2702 Hood Suppression REQUIRED INSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE MECHANICAL—details for exterior MUA unit shall be submitted for review and approval by HPC prior to installation (refer to attached paperwork) Mechanical Make-up Air and Exhaust Interlock 04--- 3/,9 Termination Clearances—no proposed changes — Duct Supports— @ 10'max. & each joint; no penetration of e duct walls per IMC 603.10 Joints/Seams/Connections—per IMC 603.9 1l— Make-up Air Duct Condensation Prevention—per IMC603.12, 506.3.1.2 and 508.1.1 Grease Duct Enclosure/Shaft—applicant proposes a fire- resistance-rated wrap system; manufacturer's installation instructions shall be on-site tr Clean Outs—per IMC 506.3.9 or per manufacturer c Air Velocity—provide cfms for exhaust„11-- Make-up Air Unit n---- Canopy Hood—no proposed changes at this time; owner/lessee may he required to phase-in.future improvements to bring existing system into full compliance if restaurant continues' operate Steel or Tempered Glass Baffle—see item #9 of Fire Department memo dated 12/22/2006 Permit 4HLD06-234 RE I UIRED INSPECTIONS APPROVED/DATE FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Extinguishers Witness of fire suppression/protection system 3/9701 FINAL—Mechanical Remove residential type stove or provide hood Performance test required prior to final approval per IMC 507.16 including capture and containment test (231 ,tloV Submit letter of intention for restaurant to address potential phased improvements to hood system GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor& Industries contractor's registration number and a City business license.Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control(TESC)measures shall be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; call 385-2294.Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance(see attached details). Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized with mulching,plastic sheeting,etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding,plantings,sodding,etc.once construction is complete.Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after any corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected.For Public Works inspection call 385-2294; a minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required.Public Works approval must be received prior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy are required PRIOR to occupancy. 8. Revisions require review and approval prior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department 379-5095 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 9. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. i OR7 Tp r pFp was CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PUBLIC WORKS re-vi- ° DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT r , INSPECTION REPORT �}-�. FOF WAS'��a j��1, I f PERMIT NUMBER: N/4 N Address L/6.TtiROusE c-. Contractor 9 /NO 4 F/f GS"4-1c-E-77 , of 'ZELLR.a7 Owner Tom LRte`y . Pu2cw,gteR. c Date of Inspection D3// �J.zda J60 385r--1I6S " R-' `kadt- �� , ❑ Plumbing/Top Out ❑ Drywall/Fire Wall CGS ` d ❑ Gas Pipe/Pressure Test ❑ Gas/Wood Appliance ❑ Propane Tank/Line ❑ Manufactured Home Set-up 3uj CkG� `'` ❑ Mechanical ❑ Public Works ❑ Framing - ❑ Other/Consultation U Insulation --6/11 U Interior Shear/BWP Nail ❑ FINAL ion must be done prior to covering or concealing areas 3 ,l 4 G4 ' (/ lay be assessed for multiple re-inspections. Message Line at (360)385-2294 prior to 8:00 AM. / / iD BY BUILDING AND, IF APPLICABLE, PUBLIC WORKS. / 4/ .J 1)6C- ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CORRECTION REQUIRED /'YL.Ia- 1 ❑ NEED APPROVED PLANS & PERMIT ON SITE )C AM' ,-f4 -£" 4/ L 6.0 reP 001-f/Me2C 10L EX41244/Sr 440401.3 -,0ROV/DE .4P,0,ebveD�Y Mood /s' Nor. /Ggeo Slv,0"et-rs/o/V �AYeme,i --eik9n/6 7o ut 300 SPmcE 1}OeS NOT COA/17g-//Y 4 /JL 300 A/2- 077/✓6 v/,f AMA —/Q QU//2Ex dA/ -)< Cobt rchLE-J Awl) £ /,W'. T burr NCT£,'./CL 4SCZ Y.tY uS,E.hpheci t e quiet/ G2 .8aotq X(b Os( of bee /dE24177� COO/C SAW( d1 EN ,-£nv/ h4Oo1, 447 EX r/ST 7d au7M/zaC 4-ne MI/D PlioV OM Pt!q ry - 7? //V DO /9-it egot u T!' erb k -/ArS7411- [47 cote PQi j r ® LEGtu/P. Es C rY c-D6 P bti /r ,c irk d• �. Ou/NE4e._ 7a ceNT jupPitt SS/e14.1 S'Y -7 t/k-7VPdiC AND J- Pae.T &4IPta wce. Sc_44 Uc-C 72) E f &DC ofF-/UDC. foie / /r A A 'vs .)�4ed/.Ir(c..` �r. /r� �,1Y's. r2r4nr6. // 14-u/"4e �/ro ed pl ATM-can-Ward must be on-site and available at time of inspection. Pp P 'f '3-2 Inspector ._._ '' ' Date D3/Z06 Ma Welding, LLC • 411 93 Gupster Road Estimate Sequim, WA 98382 Date Estimate# 11/7/2006 5 Name/Address Lighthouse Cafe' Project Description Qty Rate Total Welding Labor/ Job description is to install make-up air per fire 16 Marshall request. Fan to be installed inside where air conditioner is 75.00 1,200.00T currently.Fan to have shut off damper. To be connected to the fire suppression system by others. Filter on outside of building currently where the air conditioner sits. Fire Marshall requested a hood over the stove/range. Max Welding 0 75.00 suggests that this stove be removed from service and use existing 0-0OT cook line. Welding Labor/ Fire Marshall request for approved wrap around 1 existing exhaust duct above existing hood. 75.00 75.00T g F�rewrap is a grease approved wrap. Max Welding will wrap duct above hood approximately 2 feet. Welding Materials 1200 cfin fan for make-up air with damper and wire mesh filter 1 1,000.00 I,000.00T Welding Materials duct wrap 1 75.00 75.00T Estimate does not include permit costs. Estimate good for two weeks. Subtotal $2,350.00 Sales Tax (8.4%) $197.40 Total $2,547.40 p,QOArpy��s �� !TY OF PORT TOWNSEN!P UBLIC WORKS '' ' �'' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT fi1�02 4sfj°WAr'H� INSPECTION REPORT o1 c ^ O / 2-, PERMIT NUMBER: NA Address 4/64/7- i+ouse C �l 5 5 (,c)q i e S i• (70 97ese 9Q� Contractor Pe.,,/Nsoc ie C/F k¢no.bJ Owner TiM L_4Ge—y pug cA6q,seA Date of Inspection 03// -7/.zee ry Worksite or Cell Phone# J6 38S--/16S ❑ Erosion/Sedimentation ❑ Plumbing/Top Out J Drywall/Fire Wall ❑ Setbacks/Footings/LIFER U Gas Pipe/Pressure Test J Gas/Wood Appliance ❑ Foundation Walls ❑ Propane Tank/Line ❑ Manufactured Home Set-up ❑ Slab Interior Footing/Insulation ❑ Mechanical J Public Works ❑ Groundwork/Plumbing Test ❑ Framing Other/Consultation ❑ Underfloor Framing ❑ Insulation epoe- ey.w.rL,,,,.,. L] Shear Wall/Holdowns ❑ Interior Shear/BWP Nail LI FINAL If corrections required, re-inspection must be done prior to covering or concealing areas of construction. Additional fees may be assessed for multiple re-inspections. For Re-inspection, call Inspection Message Line at (360) 385-2294 prior to 8:00 AM. NO OCCUPANCY UNTIL FINALIZED BY BUILDING AND, IF APPLICABLE, PUBLIC WORKS. b VIOLATION ❑ APPROVAL XCORRECTION REQUIRED ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTION - NEED APPROVED PLANS & PERMIT ON SITE N® A-swi e-ri.° -41/e £- C 4 7'P ANC C 0�f Me_otC/oL ex 4 4 9 17- 44 c, -PiDV/OE 4P0,e ovv Przwied evarszt. TZmeN ?Voce /s vorJ/G3.®D SUAP,PE.s/GN (iYce y eNtr �' To uL 30 8 Svc bees NOT enororq-one 4 Lit-300 A.12E- 0177/v4v,fAMA -REGw/kEr ON CON � rr//E-7.) /) ,p L4,6144/5T b(kj ,SOT E/,/cLUSa [Amy&St' ,, ., L 1�RETE71rP aQ ,&).v.tt7 Us f OF -s/de-AuTi.k COOK J of ID✓ / REM)/et3 /4/0111) 4qex‘hvisr aan/bZ /le /4Wo PAM/ CDMPL m-n/GE 77, /,vDe4R/Itse dote rf e2ADe "/$rS7 tG £ 7 cip' 'tir C) L-6zu i as3 C/r-y. 8[ Abp P&2414.17- • • /e !rte 0,0'30 _ .�� O10NE4. 7D ceA/Ma. ,,StiPP@ESs/®N S' 1g-rtrvt VI771.1m04 AND, AE19047 Cr0p,!PL./#9A/cF T #- (o2E oiF>-Ug( ice.A AE1//e z�l <a_A,r+it_c.r jejoPERI CI,L#N 44,7 'aE P r. t --�....----- � �PL!C.4_13 (C- h�_7q-e:,7'�1 6O, /j{ryl,t Approved pl ns and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. Inspector ._,' Date P3/1A/1„ U • { J ;1' a 1 ',•-•-,;--:' - -- . -‘■ . : : ky, : : : :- -:: -:: : : :it':: : : . .N • v ,\ Cji N....',„ ., , , .:„ ,.,,, :74...::: .::: i. i •::. ::::.-f- : . . . . ' '.:' ".. ':. ::.-7..."...\:4:: ..: "r'' ,': i :' :' It; .1,•'''''j,"■.H--•-•:. ..:. .: ..... :: ,:: ' \ iLi ti U il/ I tom M. �' x U . 0 i ! ! ° � : G7 ,' U, ,,,. . \• o V � \ +` }U �,d y J 4 r .• 2 4 U U U ort � � n. ed� ; N M 'd' V; �p W , 1 �� A H W -4 iii a _ a w q 44 • • Amerex Kp Restaurant Fire Suppression System -e1M=R=X co Restaurgnt/ lichen Device Specifications Report Dstr�utor: Peninsula Fire Inc. noted To: 20373 Viking Fi Lighthouse Cafe Quote No: 06010 Way N.W. Suite A 953 Water Street P.O_BOX 1744 Poulsbo, WA 08370 Revision: fort Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360-598-3300 10:18 AM 09/21/2006 Fax: 360-598-3303 Attn: Tom Phone: 385-1165 Ra by: _ Pax: 385 7583 Ray i-- project Description: Lighthouse Cafe ---�.__..__._..._ Qty Device Type FP Specifications 1'P NOzcle(s) (A11 dimr'rrsinnti arr.inrhr_r) Hood qod/Plenum 'rot21 Plow Points, 17 n I Hood/plenum 1.0 11982 Width 27.00 Length 96.00 Penetrate 3.00 Detectio 01 0 1 Hound Duct 1,0 11982 Width 36.00 Length 1.0 16416 Diamete 8.00 36.00 Perietrati 3.00 Crrrtectio 1.00 1 Round Duct 1.0 16416 3.00 Style 1.00 I Round p FD Fryer-Split Vat 4.0 13729 Diamete 8.00 3.00 Style 1 Deep F-Flat Cooking,Sur 2.0 14178 3 9 Width 15.00 Depth 2.00 1 Range M Width 24.00 Depth 48.U0 Drip boa 2.00 Clearanc 40.00 0 14178 Burners i 4.00 Max Cc 12.00 Nozzle 2.00 Cleara 1 40.00 acanthi.; 40.00 Buck sl. 0.00 Notes: 50/I0 39 d 3NI 3?3I3 V1I1SNIN3d 606E8' 9s;E86509E Is~:60 900Z/IZ/GO A ' S • • UL)t tipn pf_ Lighthouse Cafe 955 Water Attn: Tom Quote No: 06010 Ater Street Phone: 385-1165 Fax: 385-7583 Revision: 10:18 AM 09/21/2006 Quoted by: Regarding the fire suppression system for commercial cooking operations of the project known Ray are proposes to provide an AntereX KP Fire Suppression stem U p n as Li ht/rouse Ca a Peninsula Fire Inc. are as follows: Y etails regarding the hazards to be protected,scope of work,and pricing HAZARDS TO BE PROTECTED. _ Qtv Deviceja e -- .•. ....� FF 1VOZ61e s -�- s .. _ Ut,.! S acificatiuna ...____`.(All dirricnslons are inches) 1 Hood/Plenum _� 1 Hood/Plenum 1.0 11982 Width 27.00 Length I Round Duct 1.0 11982 Width ? 96.00 Penetrate 3.00 Detectio 1.00 1.0 16416 36.00 Length 36.00 penetrate 3.00 Detectio 1 Round Duct Dlasmete 8.00 1.00 1 Round FD F 1.0 16416 Diamete 8.00 3.00 Style 1.00 Fryer-Split Vat 4.0 13729 3.00 Style 2.00 1 Deep F-Flat Cooking Sur 2.0 13 29 Width 15.00 Depth 6.00 bri 1 Range Width 24.00 De th °le boa 2.00 Cleararxc 40.00 2.0 14178 Burners i 4.00 P 4$00 Nozzle T 2.00 sack nc 40.00 Max Ce 12.00 Clearanc 40.00 Back Sh 0.00 Continued on Page 2 Page 1 of 3 50/al 3Sbd ONI 321I3 tr1FISNIN3d CO6E865096 IC:60 9002/.2/68 0 S Peninsula Fire Inc. SC OPE OF WORK: Quote No: 06010 For this priCC listed below. Peninsula Fits.Ins. Agrees lo provide and install perks is price i complete belCte the S a complete fire suppression system rd system,All system components below),including the yl em shall and $n and installed according to the manufacturer's listed installationncw(unlans as tested arc Wotan and 30,and the system 54.6 be The installation shall he performer'by factory trained installers in accordance with the latest editions of NPPA t manual and as tested t4 UL Standard 300 ULC/012D 124,6. applicable local codes and ordinances_Price includes(with the exceptions noted below)all associated labor,piping, component oca/codes freight, 7A,NTPA 96,and permits,and any g final acceptance resting with the Local Authority Ilaving • , P gi equipment, Y applicable salts taxes. Price is based upon all work being 7ngsd n aj (ork �, P.M.,Monday through Friday except holidays) l�rformed during normal ),drawings,fees and shall be Banc using ys)and does not include the use of union labor. All penetrations into the hood and/or duct g UL Listed grease fittings in accordance with NFPA 17A to S:OU included with r s stem.Training on the system's operation and hand portablecN�Pgur9G.1A s included in our price. on arts and labor is pcc. SPDT Coatacta: We are only prnvidtng,l sct(s)of SPOT day wutxets for remote al necessary wiring will be provided.The sec wiring, alarm and equipment shutdown.Ari electncal schematic showing the ecess r in our price.THIS provided.The necessary g,conduit,and labor for connecting these contacts to auxilliary devices is NOT MUST BE COMPLETED CHARGES.OTHERS AND 117<IJST BE COMPLETED I"RI'DR TD inclu ed i o p)�ER rI AVO j M Y T ADDITIONAL TED BY O ITFD IYINCRARCE WARRANTY: Peninsula Fire Inc.OFFERS A LIMITED WARRANTY AGAINST UNWANTED DISCHARGES.AS LONG Inc.IS pERFORMI7VG THE S A'S['>EM RECHARGING IS P G FFIE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE,THERE WILL BE NO NT AS Peninsula RECHA GINGIP. IP THE DISCHARGE WAS CAUSED BY COMPONENT AIL DEFECTIVE RESTAURANT FOR Continued on Page 3 Page 2 of 3 50/E0 39dd ONI V1f1SNIN3d 606686509E 16:60 900Z/16/60 S S Peninsula Fire Inc. Not all system proposals are the same. Quote No: 06414 Please compare our proposal with any other quotations: Will any used system components be used(other than the Our( uo[e others Will the system be installed by factory trained technicians? valve)? NO YES NO Will the system be designed according to its listing under UL300? YES S YES NO Will chrome sleeves be used on all exposed piping? YES YES NO Are 1 sets of electrical contacts being provided? NO YES NO Are UL listed grouse-tight fittings to be used on all penetrations? YES 1ESNO Arc drawings being provided? YES YES NO Will drawings be submitted to the local authority approval? for YES YES NO Will the system design and installation be in accordance with NFPA I YES all other local codes? 96 and NO Are all permit fees included? YES YES NO Is the first 6 months service included? YES YES NO Is a detailed scope of work and hazard dimensions bein NO YES NO g provided? Is final testing with the local authority included? YES YES NO YES Are hand portable tire extinguisher(s)included in the prier? NO YES NO Will training on this Ore system be given? NO YES NO YES YES NO Our price for the above referenced system and scope of work is: Pasrnen t^ o_ _T� $2,220.84 (U.S.Dollars) Net 30 days Quote valid for duy;,•from the date signed below, Signed: Date: Accepted by: Daze: Page 3 of 3 99f170 39tid ONI 3dld b'lflSNIN3d £0££86699£ 16:60 900Z/1Z/60 , . to 0 • _ 1... L ''‘ c*:. t.,.4. i-\ 0 .„„):---' C... z:-.._- ." -;.,_— _.L._ ,...r- .> r . -t (:),,,,,,, . /-1 t j..g,-.■,:„.._(:)(7 ‘,,,L.:;,, (2„...) : , _ r"- 1, A 1 . ., _:,. , , . , c- d . ..,..., L... 0 rc — , , (sj . ,-,—„N. ‘k ,i'-' A ,, , ,,,,,, / ! ., 4- €:-_, k./.• 4-0 • ,--- - 1 A 1 , ______ , ...,, 1,. :: .L . ,,t ' , . , (,..,„_-4. I<-\. 0 ,..olse , y-_„ k,..,-.1 - - ,. ("e' ._.. , , v. vo-, , c ..._ /1:1) C)...... LA Cl d_ ) ' : ';' L .4--- \-\ sec--r \ 1 I. , leci v-_L_Cca,„1, v•-\ E--' ....1 .__._. Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street,Port Townsend, WA 98368 Office : (360)385-3938 Email: taumock@cablespeed.corrrn Cell : (360) 643-0272 MEMORANDUM To: Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Services Department Fr: Thomas Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official Dt: 22 December 2006 Re: BLD06-234: Commercial Cooking Hood, Lighthouse Café, 955 Water Street—Amended Report Cc: Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire& Rescue I am in receipt of the proposal for the provision of a new commercial kitchen hood, automatic hood fire suppression system, and make-up air for the Lighthouse Cafe, from your office. Jurisdiction for this review is from International Fire Code, 2003 Edition, Section 904.2.1, which requires that an approved fire suppression system (i.e. sprinklers) be provided for the protection of commercial- type food heat-processing equipment. The proposed commercial kitchen is classified as a Type I Commercial Kitchen. Additional jurisdiction is derived from International Mechanical Code, 2003 Edition,and NFPA 96. 1. The proposal is in response to City of Port Townsend COD06-012, a code enforcement action dated March 20, 2006. The permit application is to include the September 08, 2006 submittal from Peninsula Fire Inc. for automatic hood fire suppression system, and; 2. The proposed system shall meet Underwriter's Lab Specification 300 including NFPA 96 and related specifications for fire protection; and, 3. Sprinkler protection design by Peninsula Fire, Inc. is found to be provided for hood and the enclosed plenum space within the hood above the filters and exhaust ducts serving Type I hoods;and, 4. The proposed hood fire extinguishing system shall provide a manual activation capability consistent with I.F.0 Section 904.3.2 requirements; and, 5. Where applicable, automatic equipment interlocks incorporated with the cooking appliance fuel shutoff shall be provided, however, hood exhaust fan(s) shall continue to operate after the extinguishing system has been activated, per NFPA 96, Section The hood exhaust fan is not required to start upon activation of the extinguishing system if the exhaust fan and all cooking equipment served by the fan have previously been shut off, per NFPA 96, Section; and, 6. If the existing hood is to be replaced, then the length and depth of the canopy shall meet or exceed the minimum oversize requirements of NFPA 96, and; 7. international Mechanical Code Section 508 requires the amount of make-up air supplied shall approximately equal to the amount of exhaust air—the application does not indicate the exhaust air output rating, and; 8. The proposal does not contain provisions for a code specified hood exhaust termination. It is understood that the City of Port Townsend Department of Community Development will allow the proponent to continue use of the existing hood exhaust termination. ? is . i 9. A steel or tempered glass baffle plate shall be installed at a minimum of eight [8] inches in height between the broiler and fryer,and between the fryer and burner where surface flames of the appliances adjacent to the fryer are present. Otherwise, a sixteen [16] inch separation of the fryer from such appliances is required [NFPA Section,and .5],and; (. 'jot) b oo1 10. A "K-Class"wet chemical fire extinguisher is required for the kitchen facility. dry-chemical type fire extinguisher shall be provided within the kitchen area foreelectrical-based additional flfi e protection, and; 11. International Mechanical Code Section 507.16 requires that the installer provide a performance test to be conducted prior to final approval to verify the rate of exhaust airflow and make-up air, and; 12. International Mechanical Code Section 507.16.1 requires that the installer provide a capture and containment test to be conducted prior to final approval to verify the visually that smoke or steam produced is exhausted, and; 13. Upon completion, the installation shall be inspected for code compliance, including witnessing of the installer's testing of the protection system by the City of Port Townsend,and; It is the recommendation of this plans examiner for approval of the proposal, subject to the terms outlined herein. 1.5 hour's time was logged for this review. Inspection time is estimated to be one [I] hour additional. Two [2] sets of approved plans and specifications are submitted herewith for return to the contractor with the approved building permit. Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street,Port Townsend, WA 98368 Office : (360) 385-3938 Email: taumock©cables eed.corn Cell : (360) 643-0272 MEMORANDUM To: Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Fr: Thomas Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official p t Services Department /v�7� Dt: 21 December 2006 Re: BLD06-234: Commercial Cooking Hood, Lighthouse Café, 955 Water Street Cc: Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire& Rescue I am in receipt of the proposal for the provision of a new commercial kitchen hood, a utomatic hood fire suppression system, and make-up air for the Lighthouse Cafe, from your office. Jurisdiction for this review is from International Fire Code, 2003 Edition, Section 904.2.1,an approved fire suppression system (i.e. sprinklers) be provided for the protection type food heat-processing .2.1, which requires g quipment. The proposed commercial kitchen classified f as Type Commercial Kitchen. Additional jurisdiction is derived from International Mec Edition, and NFPA 96. e Mechanical Code, 2003 1. The proposal is in response to City of Port Townsend COD06-012, a code 20, 2006. The permit application is to include the September 08, 2006 submittal from Peninsula Fire Inc. for automatic hood fire suppression system, and; a enforcement action dated 2. The proposed system shall meet Underwriter's Lab Specification 300 including NFPA 96 and related specifications for fire protection; and, 3. Sprinkler protection design by Peninsula Fire, Inc. is found to be provided for h ood and the enclosed plenum space within the hood above the filters and exhaust ducts serving Type The proposed hood fire extinguishing system shall provide a m g YPe I hoods;and, with I.F.0 Section 904.3.2 requirements; and, anual activation capability consistent 5. Where applicable, automatic equipment interlocks incorporated with the cooking shutoff shall be provided, however, hood exhaust fans)shall continue to operate a ter system has been activated,per NFPA 96, Section The hood exhaust fan not appliance fuel upon activation of the extinguishing system if the exhaust fan and all cooking after extinguishing fan have previously been shut off,per NFPA 96, Section; and, n is not required to start kmg equipment served by the 6. The hood is not shown to be a UL listed hood, therefore, length and depth of the canopy shall meet or exceed the minimum oversize requirements of NFPA 96, and; P 7. International Mechanical Code Section 508 requires the amount of make-up equal to the amount of exhaust air—the application does not indicate the exhaust rating, approximately pair supplied shall output ut xhaust air output 8. The proposal does not contain provisions for a code approved hood exhaust proponent shall provide a code compliant hood exhaust termination as 1.19 application, and; aust termination. The V ��A part of this permit 9. A steel or tempered glass baffle plate shall be installed at a minimum of eight [8] inches in height between the broiler and fryer, and between the fryer and burner where surface flames of the appliances adjacent to the fryer are present. Otherwise, a sixteen [16] inch separation of the fryer from such appliances is required [NFPA Section,and .5],and; 10. A "K-Class"wet chemical fire extinguisher is required for the kitchen facility. An additional 40-B:C dry-chemical type fire extinguisher shall be provided within the kitchen area for electrical-based fire protection, and; 11. International Mechanical Code Section 507.16 requires that the installer provide a performance test to be conducted prior to final approval to verify the rate of exhaust airflow and make-up air, and; 12. International Mechanical Code Section 507.16.1 requires that the installer provide a capture and containment test to be conducted prior to final approval to verify the visually that smoke or steam produced is exhausted, and; 13. Upon completion, the installation shall be inspected for code compliance, including witnessing of the installer's testing of the protection system by the City of Port Townsend,and; It is the recommendation of this plans examiner for approval of the proposal, subject to the, e terms outlined 1.0 hour's time was logged for this review. Inspection time is estimated to be one [I] hour additional. Two [2] sets of approved plans and specifications are submitted herewith for return to the contractor with the approved building permit.