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O popY Tom CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND f ` I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT • p r_ },� INSPECTION REPORT 444c. For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: 1.1,F,//3 4_,/)PERMIT NUMBER: e�/ d�/ SITE ADDRESS: f_3D t 1 x PROJECT NAME:' et./ .c4 1tONTRACTOR. .<11-0G /f CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ' CZ) 1271.-1-471— eir---"44--feAfr? fa)- Ar. eer7t, j " / __ 1°r 40/11 I a-Int-575 ❑ APPROVED APPROVED WITH I ', Q.. NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector r- - Date eV/ � Approved p ans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ORT p ,_ - 1100 00 O O�T15ENo . City of Port Townsend .,./it -°4 R y A. 13 Fire Department ��� • ' �� &Consulting Fire Code Official for Jefferson County r t tN TI °PW Fire Protection System Inspection Checklist: Automatic Sprinkler System NEPA 13,13R,13 D,15,24 General • Sprinkler System Permit No ! '6- • / '' • Building Permit No.: • Facility Address: • Facility Name: �....,.. rS st Wet ❑ Dry ❑Deluge ❑Preaction W Su 1 : -Public ❑Private 0 Domestic ❑ Other Source: Above-Ground Contractor's State License: Inspector Int.&Dt.: ❑ Contractor's State License[Level]: {C C- ' '�:.' 'e t'i ❑ Certicate of Competency Stamp[Level]: Z ------- Underground Contractor's State License: L. ( ..it f( C` :'.' ❑ Contractor's State License[Level U]: "� , Inspector Int.&Dt.: ❑ Certicate of Competency Stamp [Level U]: c il Plan Review i AE "-/C-1.c: Inspector Int.& Dt.: ❑ Plans Received[Date: _. ] (- Ls f / /( ❑ Hydraulic Calculations Summary Sheet © Detailed Work Sheet ') t7 / / ,' e /!""-.( t/ ❑ Graph Sheet l ( 7,7) �,' . ‘` ❑ Back Flow Prevention Specification Y :,, © Public Water Works/Private System Review of Back Flow Prevention Device l . /'r 71 t" '__,i ❑ Above Ground Engineer's Stamp: Level and Expiration Date: ❑ Underground Engineer's Stamp: Level and Expiration Date: 7. 7 ' Site I ection I Locates) Inspector Int.& . '.) : ire Department Connection [Storz] ❑ Vault[s] ❑ Post Indicator Valve Underground Inspection's'&System Testis' Inspector Int.&Dt.: O Hydrostatic Test[2-hour,200 psi min. 13, 13R; Static(a, 13D] • Start Time: hours @ #;End Time: hours @ # ❑ Pressurized Air Test[24-hour dry test to 40 psi] • Start Time: hours @ #;End Time: hours @ # ❑ Flush with sieve and De-Chlorination tablet[to sewer man-hole only] ❑ Flow Test—Water Pressure Gauge Reading: psi static to psi flow reading C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Business\City Contract■Fomts&Templates\Sprinkler System\Inspection Checklists\Sprinkler System Inspection Checkoff doc 8/13/07 SO SOO Aboveground Inspection's' &System Testis.' Inspector Int.&Dt.: ❑ Hydrostatic Test[2-hour,200 psi min. 13, 13R;Static(a. 13D] • Start Time: hours @ #;End Time : hours @ # ❑ Pressurized Air Test[24-hour dry test to 40 psi] • Start Time: hours @ #;End Time : hours @ __ _ # ❑ Flush with sieve and De-Chlorination tablet[to sewer man-hole only] ❑ Flow Test—Water Pressure Gauge Reading: psi static to psi flow reading ❑ Fire Alarm System Inter-tie with Sprinkler System Test ❑ roval for intermediate pipe cover[except @joints when prior to flow tests] ,,-SPrinkler head installation fri piping,bracing,system installation Labeling[Control Valves,drains,etc.] inkier Box Contents Water Motor Alarm[25 heads or more] [Tamper and flow]:,, "Secs F. epartment Connection l;/ /I (---,1 y- I ( ( `. < l/ ntifier Escushions _Adequate heat provision for piping protection Check Valves © Drain and drip device between FDC and Check Valve ❑ Approval for Cover[except @joints when prior to flow tests] Back Flow Prevention Material&Test Certificate filed with Public Works: Inspector Int.&Dt.: Underground Contractor's Material&Test Certificate Filed: /1// A / Inspector Int.&Dt.:;1 c / " Aboveground Contractor's Material&Test Certificate Filed: /-7/...1:: /„? Inspector Int.&Dt.:, ( "t As-Built Plans/Instructions in Plan Box Inspector lit.& DI.: Water Service Purveyor ,- • Name: /( ,,t, • Address: • Contact Number: • Account Number: Sprinkler Maintenance Company • Name: _,.r f)/179,: ,. '_ ;, 7 • Address: — _. • Contact Number: _ _ • Account Number: Back Flow Prevention Device Maintenance Company • Name: • Address: __.____._.._,,_....M._...._..�... • Contact Number: ... • Account Number: ._._. Fire Department Final Approval • Inspector: -- 1;7'aji, _ (i• Date Permit Signed: , • Filed w/Bldg.Official: (`/ 1/j`-7/ i Notes : r � �, L/ .r " C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Business\City Contract\Forms&'Templates\Sprinkler System\Inspection Checklists\Sprinkler System Inspection Checkoff.doc 8/13/07 Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street,Port Townsend, WA 98368 Office : (360) 385-3938 Email: taumock@cablespeed.com Cell : (360) 643-0272 MEMORANDUM To: Scottie Foster, City of Port Townsend Development Services Dept. Fr: Tom Aumock,Consulting Fire Code Official Dt: 25 January 2008 Re: BLDOV 198 & SDP06-065, Eisenbeis Bldg. Auto Sprinkler System Installation Cc: None SDP06-065 relates, in part, to the street development permit for a fire protection water main connection to the City's water main. The file contains an inspection report note that the installation was inspected and approved. BLD05-198 relates to the installation of the fire protection automatic sprinkler system installation for the Eisenbeis Bldg. The file contains an"Inspection Report" dated August 13, 2007 that I filed that noted: 1. The above-ground automatic fire protection system can be finaled and proper test certification has been filed by the licensed contractor. 2. The under-ground fire protection system water main is complete, but no formal "Contractor's Material& Test Certificate was filed by Newland Construction Co. 3. The report noted one deviation in that the annular space around the fire service main where it enters the building is less than the NFPA standard of two inches. International Fire Code,2003 Edition,Chapter 901.5 requires that testing be approved. The subject files indicate that all the required testing has been conducted and approved. Sprinkler contractor licensing laws and rules are administered by the Washington State Fire Marshal from R.C.W. 18.160 and W.A.C. 212-80. Your department contacted Larry Glenn of that office to report the lack of contractor's material and test certificate for underground piping for the subject City permit. The City's obligation has been fulfilled. to BLDO,F-198 can be finaled by the City as the contractor's underground piping test certificate matter is with the State Fire Marshal. r Page 1 of 1 Scottie Foster From: Tom Aumock [taumock @cablespeed.com] Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:42 AM To: Scottie Foster Subject: BLD05-198 and SDP06-065 Attachments: Eisenbeis BLD05-198 Sprinks.doc Hi Scottie. Here's the report you requested, attached. Please add one-hour for research and reporting to the Eisenbeis inspection log tally. Regards, Tom 1/25/2008 SO ®®ETON 5 P L OP CONTRACTORS' MATERIALS & TEST REPORT FOR ABOVEGROUND PIPING - --j PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and test shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME DATE c 5 6(\ r 1 timo 3o bvi i i NG gA'slo 7 PROPERTY ADDRESS CC SO WI.Yff_ `:3112- .E'T po12T-f dSENr , IA/Pk 9iC368 ACCEPTED BY APPROVING AUTHORITIES(NAME) 1140Mi L, A )M°CK ~- coNsvL'no f'ig.e CcivE oFiJRA+L ADDRESS PLANS ZOOS ‘.1 NNLi STc.Eo-, ?oa-T -hhWIVStt�D, WI\ 9$36 INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS YES 0 NO EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED YES 0 NO IF NO,EXPLAIN DEVIATION HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTOL VALVE AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? YES 0 NO IF NO,EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING BEEN LEFT ON THE PREMISES: 1. SYSTEM COMPONENTS INSTRUCTIONS )16 YES 0 NO 2. CARE AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS YES 0 NO 3. NFPA 13 ES 0 NO LOCATION SUPPLIES BUILDINGS OF SYSTEM MAKE MODEL YEAR OF ORIFICE SIZE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE RATING MANUFACTURE Vie- 456 s.P V, 4i 2,006 +/ '' 10L 1550 r. SPRINKLERS V1° 500 WF-16i- Q.-.• a o g I/L- // —it'L7 15 r TYPE OF PIPE / ,/ PIPE AND ST'E F L- c clt Y n KE '1.0 / LP VC C FITTINGS TYPE OF FITTINGS c cr '"J C-P✓C, ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST CONNECTION TYPE MAKE MODEL MINUTES SECONDS ALARM VALVE OR "�L.oJ ForrE� FLOW INDICATOR 1 r Vs c, iv4 3000-450-001 9/02 von!r CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT • ,5 : e -OIL/ INSPECTION REPORT vin4 For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: 6- 7 n 7 PERMIT NUMBER: B La)(0 - I q SITE ADDRESS: U[.) Q` PROJECT NAME: Fl LS-fl n h I° Cs CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: �hm PHONE: .2_0(c) 730 9'765- '7 TYPE OF INSPECTION: H r (l l F1 re. S� ri nldelf` "4-0i/e=„ze, At/ea -..#1241.--,-1 s )"r 2 G 7 A E Cfratit.ve 5,04 f4'/c / ,r4 v o I -t Esc v ❑ APPROVED LJ APPROVED WITH LJ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector . / Date D�d� � - -0 - - Approved H ans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 00 el evoRrra16, ti CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND a *-. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT opw }` s,�1 INSPECTION REPORT For inspections,call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections,call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: 0)1--Its, C ( " ' 1 j SITE ADDRESS: ) --n et 4_,-,7t.-(' t. 0_. ( _i PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: O :j i t.1:,....' PHONE: %..7' 7 C� - / C-1- TYPE OF INSPECTION: .1( 0 , Q• ce I �? L._ --T-E, re 171_, (-) K____ ---77- o,-\ k/ t,,, IL :2/1. - - c``.F i1 /cm 171_ Yb (4 4 r% f; f rr- () _1 -A 7. /ft) ,,I. .,1; r (-- A.( ))0 0, a L1 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED,.....) ______— CORRECTIONS -`-- - Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re-inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector ' C Date 7:3, Cn (7' Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may he assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSENDII' E OF WASHINGTON ®0N„ TOOL CONTRACTORS' MATERIALS &TEST REPORT FOR ABOVEGROUND PIPING j f j` `r PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and test shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME DATE PROPERTY ADDRESS ACCEPTED BY APPROVING AUTHORITIES(NAME) ADDRESS PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS ❑YES ❑NO EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED ❑YES 0 NO IF NO,EXPLAIN DEVIATION HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTOL VALVE AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? YES ❑NO IF NO,EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING BEEN LEFT ON THE PREMISES: t SYSTEM COMPONENTS INSTRUCTIONS ❑YES ❑NO 2. CARE AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ❑YES ❑NO 3. NFPA13 ❑YES ❑NO LOCATION SUPPLIES BUILDINGS OF SYSTEM MAKE MODEL YEAR OF ORIFICE SIZE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE RATING MANUFACTURE SPRINKLERS • TYPE OF PIPE PIPE AND FITTINGS TYPE OF FITTINGS ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST CONNECTION TYPE MAKE MODEL MINUTES SECONDS ALARM VALVE OR FLOW INDICATOR 3000-450-001 9/02 Se m DRY VALVE QUICK OPENING DEVICE MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. TIME TO TRIP WATER TRIP POINT TIME WATER ALARM OPERATED THRU TEST PRESSURE AIR PRESSURE AIR REACHED TEST PROPERLY DRY PIPE CONNECTION PRESSURE OUTLET OPERATING TEST MIN SEC PSI PSI PSI MIN SEC YES NO WITHOUT Q.O.D. WITH Q.O.D. IF NO,EXPLAIN OPERATION ❑ PNEUMATIC ❑ ELECTRIC ❑ HYDRAULIC PIPING SUPERVISED ❑ YES ❑ NO DETECTING MEDIA SUPERVISED ❑ YES ❑ NO DOES VALVE OPERATE FROM THE MANUAL TRIP AND/OR REMOTE CONTROL STATIONS? ❑ YES ❑ NO DELUGE& IS THERE AN ACCESSIBLE FACILITY IN EACH CIRCUIT FOR TESTING? IF NO,EXPLAIN PREACTION ❑ YES ❑ NO VALVES DOES EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE DOES EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE MAKE MODEL SUPERVISION LOSS ALARM? VALVE RELEASE? RELEASE YES NO YES NO YES NO HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic levels shall be made at not less that 200 psi(13.6 bars)for two hours of 50 psi(3.4 bars)above static pressure in excess of 150 psi(10.2 bars)for two hours" Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during test to prevent damage. All aboveground TEST piping leakage shall be stopped. DESCRIPTION PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi(2.7 bars)air pressure and measure drop which shall not exceed 1 Y2 psi(0.1 bars)in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop which shall not exceed 1 Y psi(0.1 bars)in 24 hours ALL PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT FOR HRS IF NO,STATE REASON DRY PIPING PNEUMATICALLY TESTED - ❑YES ❑NO EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPERLY ❑YES ❑NO DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTRACTOR THAT ADDITIVES AND CORROSIVE CHEMICALS,SODIUM SILICATE OR DERIVATIVES OF SODIUM SILICATE,BRINE OR OTHER CORROSIVE CHEMICALS WERE NOT USED FOR TESTING SYSTEMS OR STOPPING LEAKS? ❑YES 0 NO DRAIN READING OF GAGE LOCATED NEAR WATER SUPPLY TEST RESIDULE PRESSURE WITH VALVE IN TEST TESTS TEST CONNECTION: PSI CONNECTION OPEN WIDE: PSI UNDERGROUND MAINS AND LEAD IN CONNECTIONS TO SYSTEM RISERS FLUSHED BEFORE CONNECTION MADE TO SPRINKLER PIPING. VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE U FORM NO 85B ❑YES ❑NO FLUSHED BY INSTALLER OF UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER PIPING ❑YES ❑NO IF NO,EXPLAIN BLANK TESTING NUMBER USED LOCATIONS NUMBER REMOVED GASKETS WELDED PIPING ❑YES 0 NO IF YES,COMPLETE BELOW DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9,LEVEL AR-3? 0 YES 0 NO WELDING DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMED BY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS 010.9,LEVEL AR-3? ❑YES ❑NO DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WELDING WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANCE WITH A DOCUMENTED QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE TO ENSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED,THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTH,THAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED,AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED? ❑YES ❑NO CUTOUTS DO YOU CERTIFY THAT YOU HAVE A CONTROL FEATURE TO ENSURE THAT ALL (DISCS) CUTOUTS(DISCS)ARE RETRIEVED? 0 YES 0 NO FUNCTIONAL DOES AHJ REQUIRE A FUNCTIONAL FLOW TEST OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS? ❑YES ❑NO FLOW TEST WERE FUNCTIONAL FLOW TEST RESULTS SATISFACTORY? ❑YES ❑NO HYDRAULIC NAME PLATE PROVIDED ❑YES C]NO IF NO,EXPLAIN DATA NAMEPLATE REMARKS DATE LEFT IN SERVICE WITH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN: NAME OF SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR LICENSE# DATE SIGNATURES TESTS WITNESSED BY PROPERTY OWNER OR REPRESENTATIVE TITLE DATE CONTRACTORS' MATERIALIST CERTIFICATE FOR ®®CTON 6TA rA PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAINS I,. ; J _.. ..:_,1. .:.. Lim PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and test shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives, Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME DATE PROPERTY ADDRESS ACCEPTED BY APPROVING AUTHORITIES(NAMES) ADDRESS PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS ❑YES ❑NO EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED ❑YES ❑NO • IF NO,STATE DEVIATIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? ❑YES Q NO INSTRUCTIONS IF NO,EXPLAIN SUPPLIES BUILDINGS LOCATION PIPE TYPES AND CLASS TYPE JOINT PIPE CONFORMS TO STANDARD ❑YES ❑NO FITTINGS CONFORM TO STANDARD ❑YES ❑NO IF NO,EXPLAIN PIPES AND JOINTS BURIED JOINTS NEEDING ANCHORAGE CLAPED,STRAPPED,OR BLOCKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD ❑YES ❑NO IF NO,EXPLAIN FLUSHING: Flow the required rate until water is clear as indicated by no collection of foreign material in burlap bags at outlets such as hydrants and blow-offs. Flush at flow not less than 390 GPM(1476 Umin)for 4-inch pipe,810 GPM(2309 Umin)for 5-inch pipe,880(GPM 3331 Umin) for 12-inch pipe. When supply cannot produce stipulated flow rate,obtain maximum available. HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi(118 bars)for two hours or 50 psi(3.4 bars)above static pressure in TEST excess of 150 psi(10.3 bars)for two hours. DESCRIPTION LEAKAGE: New pipe laid with rubber gasketed joints shall,if the workmanship is satisfactory,have little or no leakage at the joints. The amount of leakage at the joints shall not exceed 2 qts.per hr. (1.89 Uh)per 100 joints,irrespective of pipe diameter. The amount of allowable leakage specified above may be increased by 1 fl oz.per in.valve diameter per hr.(30 mU25 mm/h)for each metal-seated valve isolating the test section. If dry barrel hydrants are tested with the main valve open,so the hydrants are under pressure,an additional 5 oz.per minute(150 mUmin) leakage is permitted for each hydrant. NEW PIPING FLUSHED ACCORDING TO STANDARD BY (company) ❑YES ❑NO IF NO,EXPLAIN HOW FLUSHING FLOW WAS OBTAINED: THROUGH WHAT TYPE OPENING: FLUSHING TESTS ❑PUBLIC WATER ❑HYDRANT BUTT ❑TANK OR RESERVOIR ❑OPEN PIPE ❑FIRE PUMP LEAD-INS FLUSHED ACCORDING TO STANDARD ❑YES ❑NO HOW FLUSHING FLOW WAS OBTAINED: THROUGH WHAT TYPE OPENING: ❑PUBLIC WATER ❑Y CONNECTION TO FLANGE&SPIGOT ❑TANK OR RESERVOIR ❑OPEN PIPE ❑FIRE PUMP 3000-450-005 9/02 0 I. HYDROSTATIC BURIED JOINT COVERED TEST ALL NEW PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT PSI FOR HOURS ❑YES ❑NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF LEAKAGE MEASURE GALS. HOURS LEAKAGE NO LEAKAGE ALLOWED FOR VISIBLE JOINTS TEST ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE(BURIED) NO LEAKAGE ALLOWED FOR VISIBLE JOINTS GALS. HOURS NUMBER INSTALLED TYPE AND MAKE ALL OPERATED SATISFACTORILY HYDRANTS ©YES ❑NO WATER CONTROL VALVES LEFT WIDE OPEN ❑YES ❑NO IF NO,STATE REASON CONTROL VALVES HOSE THREADS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION AND HYDRANTS INTERCHANGEABLE WITH THOSE OF 0 YES ❑NO FIRE DEPARTMENT ANSWERING ALARM DATE LEFT IN SERVICE REMARKS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _ NAME OF INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TESTS WITNESSED BY SIGNATURES FOR PROPERTY OWNER(SIGNED) TITLE DATE FOR INSTALLING CONTRACTOR(SIGNED) TITLE DATE ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION AND NOTES ADVANCED FIREECTION, INC. 110100 P.O. Box 1543 19738- 144th Avenue N.E. Woodinville, Washington 98072 DATE JOB NO. (425) 483-5657 • FAX: 483-5077 10 - "0 Co ATTENTION ,�' �7 RE: TO (• rr- [ T �.1nl� ►�1n �1:a F1B�l S /7�� e�,� LA- G1 63c Army; OF--PT OF r I pEA LADIES/GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 41Kached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: <chop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION I° 3 4)41° (v R L 4,07— £1 c to (Z4•J1 rJ /� o- 3 - 06 Y(]2A. 1i_1 L 6_444_Li L Jit 01-1 Ora-1)4' - 0-3 0(0 ;r\v-% ( i L e v. air p THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval ❑ Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit .copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints r review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 20 _❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Fore- AP2044-e_J PU) t4 COPY TO SIGNE LT-584-2 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at nce. PRINTED IN S.A. Thomas L. Aurnock 110 Consulting Fire Code Official 1111 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend,WA 98368 Office : (360)385-3938 Email: taumockCcablespeed.com Cell : (360) 643-0272 MEMORANDUM To: Scottie Foster, City of Port Townsend Development Services Dept. Dt: 13 August 2007 Re: BLD06-198 Eisenbeis Bldg. Fire Detection and Sprinkler Systems Cc: None As you are aware, I have completed the site inspections for the above-referenced facility, and provide you with this memo to quantify the number of hours provided. For the period of August 01-13, 2007, the total number of hours for inspections and reporting amounts to 5.25 hours. The only other time to spend on this permit is whether a formal "deficiency report" would need to be filed with the State Fire Marshal's office for a contractor who may not have been licensed to work on the underground fire service sprinkler system main . I estimate that will be at least 0.75 hours. 0 /s/ T. Aumock Page 1 of 1 Scottie Foster From: Tom Aumock[taumock @cablespeed.com] Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 12:27 PM To: Scottie Foster Subject: BLD06-198 Eisenbeis Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Systems Attachments: Eisenbeis Hours.doc Greetings Scottie! Find attached a memo for the hours spent on the above-referenced project, for your department's billing purposes. The only other time to spend on this permit is whether a formal "deficiency report"would need to be filed with the State Fire Marshal's office for a contractor who may not have been licensed to work on the underground fire service mainline for the sprinkler system. Call or email me with any questions. Tom. 8/13/2007 ite Thomas L. Aurnock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street,Port Townsend,WA 98368 Office : (360)385-3938 Email: taumock€cablesspeed.com Cell: (360) 643-0272 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM TO: City of Port Townsend Development Services D rtm t FR: Tom Aumock,Consulting Fire Code Official i,t,1' _ _ -�'-- ""- DT: 13 November 2006 RE: BLD06-198,The Cracker Factory, 830 Water Street, Automatic Fire Sprinkler System, CC: Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire&Rescue This consulting Fire Code Official is in receipt of the set of fire sprinkler plans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. The following constitutes this reviewer's findings and determinations based upon the sprinkler system plans of record submitted dated 09/19/06, wet-stamped by a licensed Level III sprinkler contractor, Advanced Fire Protection,Inc. License Number ADVANFP199B6,Exp.May of 2007. Findings&Determinations: 1. The proposal was reviewed under NFPA 13, 13R, and NFPA 24, and the International Fire Code, and; 2. The automatic fire sprinkler system is found designed and certified by a licensed technician (W.A.C. 212-80);and, 3. No manufacturer data sheets were found for the sprinkler devices, backflow prevention, or hangers and shall be provided prior to permit issuance, and reviewed for Code compliance, and; 4. The proposed new under-ground domestic/fire service line [4-inch] shall be installed by a licensed "Level III"or"U"contractor,currently licensed by the Washington State Fire Marshal,and; 5. The underground fire service main shall be flushed, and confidence tested in the presence of this office, and a formal "Contractor's Material & Test Certificate" [provided with this document] shall be filed at the completion of testing and approval,and; 6. The fire service main riser enclosure shall be completed, including heating provision, prior to acceptance testing. A 2-inch annular space shall be provided around the fire service main when passing through any solid surface or solid ground cover. 7. The FDC Storz fitting shall be 4-inch, and have integral hose locking capability, and shall have an identification placard which may be brass color in keeping with historic values,and; 8. The rear of the subject structure has exit balconies. International Fire Code Section 903. "Balconies" requires that"sprinkler protection shall be provided for exterior balconies and ground floor patios of dwelling units wine building is of Type V construction. . ew l sprinklers that are used to p f g g protect such areas shall be permitted to be located such that their deflectors are within 1 inch to 6 inches below the structural members, and a maximum distance of 14 inches below the deck of the exterior balconies that are constructed of open wood joist construction." 9. The"Double-Check assembly" backflow prevention device call-out shall be approved for installation by the City of Port Townsend Department of Public Works, Water Division,prior to installation,and; 10. Any required thrust blocks shall meet or exceed City of Port Townsend Engineering Design Standards [NFPA 24] and shall be inspected by the City of Port Townsend Department of Public Works or this department prior to cover,and; 11. International Fire Code Section 905 "Standpipe Systems" requires that standpipe systems shall be provided in new buildings and structures based upon Section 905.3.1 "Building height". The fourth floor of the subject structure is found to be located 32'-1" above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, and therefore, may be subject to International Fire Code standpipe requirement. The City of Port Townsend Building fficial shall render judgment as to whether the subject building is considered a "new building". `/ /.1d4 �- /laf "Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet (9144 mm) above the lowest level of the fire department vehicle access, or where the floor level of the lowest story is located more than 30 feet(9144 mm) below the highest level offire department vehicle access. Exceptions: 1. Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. [2., and 3.parts do not apply to this proposal] 4. Class I standpipes are allowed in basements equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system. " 12. A complete set of as-built drawings of the system plans shall be filed for record with the owner. Format and shall include the contractor's wet-stamped license seal and expiration date,and; 13. The automatic sprinkler system shall be confidence tested in the presence of the Fire Code Official, and a formal "Contractor's Material & Test Certificate" [Copy attached] shall be filed at the completion of testing and approval prior to TCO. The same will hold true for the underground service main. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 3.5 hours time was consumed in the review of this proposal It is the recommendation of this Consulting Fire Code Official that the proposal be approved for permitting subject to the aforesaid requirements,particularly the manufacturer cut sheets. Two [2] sets of approved plans, specifications, and flow data are to be provided a wet-stamp City of Port Townsend "approval" from your office for return to the sprinkler contractor, including a copy of this report. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND,WASHG ON 250 Madison Street,Port Townsend,Washington 98368 Business(360)379-5059 SPRINKLER PLAN REVIEW—NFPA 13 SYSTEM Date Received: /0/4,5710#0 Plan Checker: 773,4,014e-se- File Index Number: 64444B - /9f Date Checked: 1yArA6 Approved: Approved With Revisions: Revision Required: Project Location: d+90 L&s ,.G Business: r0/ Contractor: didtmovveir,9 / -14,--ee Contractor Phone Number: 4J"-y8„f 4%67 Hazard Classification: a..arr "daft Density/Area of Protection: / ..rr. Allowable Coverage / '' High Piled / In- Per Sprinkler Head: a�ti/Storagc: �t//6 Rack: .=a Z d I. DESIGN CRITERIA / Hazard classification(s) [Refer to page 4] shall be on the plans. Density and area of sprinkler operation shall be on the plans. Allowable area/coverage per sprinkler head shall be on the plans. Dry System Designs: Dry pipe valve(s)—Including MFG and listing. Compressor size—Including MFG listing Anti-Freeze Designs: Amount and manufacturer of solution to be indicated on plans. I Check valve to prevent contamination. Filler cup location. Deity For High-Filed Storage: Commodity classification shall be on the plans. 1-- Rackkr pallet storage. In-rack sprinklers required. Hose stations provided. Smoke vent ration shown on the plans. Draft curtains_ Square feet shown on the plans. Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Sprinkler Checklist Page 1 of 5 r 0410 • Z c4 3 d II. WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION Minimum supply provided. 1 i Connection to water supply. ✓� FDC and/or PIV location(s)are acceptable(within 50' of a public fire hydrant) I PIV sectional location(s)are a maximum of 5 devices. Hydrant Test Information On Plans: I d Location and elevation of static and residual pressure. MFlow location from property to be protected. [ Static pressure indicated on the plans. I I I GPM indicated on the plans. Date and Time of testing is indicated on the plans. ✓I Test conducted by/who supplied supply information indicated on plans. &Tr Q This project requires super hydrants(6x2-2 '/2"x l-4"). AZ9Aragat New on-site pipe diameter(s)and piping materials per NFPA 24. System use limited to 90%of available water supply. ao Z a O III. WATER SUPPLY UNDERGROUND DESIGN I 1 L 1 Pipe material type and MFG indicated/provided. Valves data include model number and listing. Hydrant location(s)and/or pipe size and depth of bury indicated. Thrust blocking. Supply NFPA notes on plan. 1 Joining method used. o an Z rx 3 Q IV, OVERHEAD SYSTEM CO MPON ENTS Piping: I I I I Material and size—including wall thickness. Hangers---including the listing and proper location. Earthquake bracing—including materials,size,and proper location. Drainage: 1 Main drain. Inspectors test outlet(MRA). ICI Auxiliary drains in basements and pitched ceilings. jhinjStatjroIFirejtecjnBtIreajPrinjercjckIijPj2j5ge 2 of 5 , SO 00 a 3 oA Z 15 �pd O IV. OVERHEAD SYSTEM COMPONENTS(continued Sprinklers: 1 Manufacturer specification sheet,model,and listing. ✓ Number of sprinklers. (� J Temperature rating. r r �j��''`- / ajoSr 1 f ✓ Proper spacing on each branch line. ✓ Alarms provided. Alarms monitored by a central station. Construction Plans,etc.: I I V Complete construction details(full height and cross section) f ✓1 Room dimensions and label rooms use/purpose. ✓I Building elevation. f " Roof design(smooth ceiling,beams,girders,bar joists)..4 .. AQu4t.-.� Hydraulic Calculations: 1 ] _ , d Summary sheet of Hazard Classification(s)/Density(Refer to page 4). 1 V Detailed work sheets. I_ ✓1 Graph sheet. I Abbreviations and symbols. Peaking of grid systems. r 1 I I Most remote area(MRA). 1 Hydraulic reference points. Additions And/Or Remodels: lir f 1 pi Details of existing sprinkler system. - Calculations for additions to system. r Z a: 3 d V. MAXIMUM SPACING FOR PIPE SUPPORTS ✓ Threaded lightweight steel of less than 3"diameter at no more than 12 feet. r Steel pipe of less than 1 '/�"diameter at no more than 12 feet. I I ,/I Steel pipe more than 1 ''/Z"diameter at no more than 15 feet. 111 1 Copper tube of 3/4"to 1"at no more than 8 feet. Lf r I Copper tube of 1 '/a"to 1 ''A"at no more than 10 feet. Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Sprinkler Checklist Page 3 of 5 S. MO a Z r d VI. MAXIMUM SPACING FOR SWAT BRACING Seismic bracing calculation sheet. 1 1 Assigned load calculations shall be indicated on plans. I I ED Longitudinal: 80'maximum for feed and cross mains. Lateral: QQ 1 I I 40'maximum for feed and cross-mains. ..IL I'' V°I?la-- [ iu-dt lG ' 1 Within 24"of every other with flex coupling on the mains. u If primary structural members exceed 40',then spaced up to 50'. Last length of feed and cross-mains. Required on branch lines 2 ''/2"and larger. 1 May not be omitted on pipes with rods less than 6". rI Longitudinal and lateral at top of risers(4 way) /y 4 • 0 Z t d VII. DESIGN CRITERIA FOR SPECIFIC HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS Hazard Classification: Light Hazard ..fib Q.a MA 40-/77,4 Quantity or combustibility of contents is low. Fires have a relatively low heat release rate. J I II I [ Ordinary Hazard,Group 1 ,e14-J j-1,~' Combustibility of contents is low. Quantity of combustibles is moderate. Stockpiles are less than 8 feet in height. Fires have a moderate heat release rate. IT Ordinary Hazard,Group 2 ,jps�s• Combustibility of contents is moderate. Quantity of combustibles is moderate. Stockpiles are less than 12 feet in height. Fires have a moderate heat release rate. - I 1 Ordinary Hazard,Group 3 Quantity or combustibility is high. Fires have a high rate of heat r release. Storage is limited to 12 feet in height. I I L ] Extra Hazard,Groups 1 &2 Quantity and combustibility is very high. Flammable liquids,dusts, and/or other materials are present that result in rapidly developing fires with high heat release rates. I . I L Undetermined When buildings have an undetermined use,Ordinary Hazard,Group 3 design standards are the minimum that are acceptable. 7` /3 A i er->.C.P , FZ0 Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Sprinkler Checklist Page 4 of 5 S. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Sprinkler Checklist Page 5 of 5 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IP PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT# el.D06 —/9/ DATE RECEIVED: /c/6 5/a D SCOPE OF WORK: /=.2e` /-A T CT/Div J.'yj7- 7i taco.6 "C4 c' a TZ72 Y(� S3" - 1#-?E j,r ?—r DATE ACTION INITIALS Entered into TRIPS ESA--to Planning -no evidence of ESA- Vested Date Checked for Completeness ..c...e. z /o . /D*t. /7Ø b . 770-,rx ..e,4.5s ,,e_e7,ez.ja ,ii e.441..4.7%) 4,04/. '/ /`ice 17`t 7-7 o Ae -�.ei.;--0 14.9 M, t,ec, - a‘41-41 41W c a9/$` .0 2E4s' y771✓G ht t5 . LyvT SSTs a q-S Ata)?/> / (.-7 11 Bcd_permits\forms\BUILDING\Permit Activity Log.doc CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 4 PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT# LC(7 - l?� DATE RECEIVED: SCOPE OF WORK: acre sPrtrkier for loet.s bFdj DATE ACTION IATITIALS'. v)0010 Entered into TRIPS ' ^ ESA—to Planning -no evidence of ESA- Vested Date Checked for Completeness 4 10 . _1.0 _A --1-0 070731 7 �e 1.4aLt4 "d i r- 6-tioctino je2/Coi66. \lantLed \\Bcdpermits\forms\BUThDING\Permit Activity Log.doc