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Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2013, 3 pm, 3rd Floor Conference Room, City Hall
Members: Stan Rubin (chair), Kris Morris, Erin Fristad, Linda Okazaki, Laureen Martin, Nancy
Rody, Dan Groussman (minutes).
Review of minutes: Motion LM approved as corrected, 2nd by LO, unanimously approved.
Chair report: SR lamented the lack of The Leader's coverage of the Uptown public art project.
SR discussed JCHS's Free Day at the Museum proposal. EF noted that we still are in need of their
profit/loss statement. We are still waiting for them to respond.
SR reports that he finally got the receipts from the Odyssey group;the group also reports a successful
SR received word from the Arts to Elders group,who reports a good performance in April.
A few moments were taken for SR and LO to coordinate our ledger totals.
SR suggested we put the word out in the community about the availability for our support for 2013
proposals. DG agreed to contact KPTZ with a public service announcement.
Public Art: EF discussed the Artist Selection Panel meeting held yesterday. She said there were three
members of the public present and each spoke during the public comments phase of the meeting. EF
reports that the unanimous conclusion of the panel was that a final decision could not be made with the
proposals currently on the table. At the July 8 meeting (the next ASP meeting), RS will present the
various paths forward available to the panel.
Application for Financial Support form: The commission discussed the ADA accessible question on the
application form. NR thinks this is a good service for the artists but raised questions about the ADA
requirement. She reports that Northwind does not have an ADA approval, even though their facilities
are accessible. NR suggests we remove the ADA question from our application as a requirement,
instead having them just be handicapped accessible,which may offer similar access without the official
declaration. SR will contact John Watts regarding the requirements that we must ask for on our form,
and ask him how we can better word it while still sending the same message about our preference for
access to all and compliance with requirements. NR will draft new wording for the application form for
our review in July.
4:22pm: Judith Kate Friedman popped in to bring in a poster for Songwriting Works and invited us to
her event.
Funding Support: Northwind Arts Alliance's Art Port Townsend has requested support in the amount of
$2,000 for the printing of their studio tour brochure. Commissioners noted the value of this event and
associated publication. MOTION: NR moves that we fund up to$1,000 for the printing of 2013 Art Port
Townsend studio tour brochure. EF seconds. Unanimous approval.
Angel of Arts: LM and NR have volunteered to be the Angel of the Arts team. The agreed-upon date is
Friday, Oct 25th at the Cotton Building. The space is already reserved. Nominations for the 2013 Angel
of the Arts will occur for 7 weeks from July 17 to August 30. LM will email the nomination form to DG,
who will pass it along to Ann for the web site. The award decision will take place at the September PTAC
The issue of not having a declared 2012 Angel of the Arts was discussed. MOTION: LO moves that
Lockwood "Woody' Dennis be posthumously awarded the 2012 Angel of the Arts honor in recognition
of his artistic contribution to our community. Discussion and further action on this motion is tabled until
a future meeting.
Meeting adjourned 5:05. Next meeting is Monday, July 22, 3-5pm, City Hall.