HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashington State Highway Department - construct pipe line across SR 9 H.F. 12.03. State Form No.-2004-1927. Approved as to Form by Dept. of Efficiency. 4052. STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT District No. .. .......... No.. 2:u.,.. PERMIT Subject to all the terriis, conditions, and provisions written or printed below br on any part of this f orm PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO. Citr of Font Town end:...... f Port Townsend. �Vashi,ngtcn to construct pipe line across State Road No a _9 at Station 111$20 in Lot t.,+'f Sec y on 0� �? ,h, Range Ir 77est, p oIljz. , in Jefferson County. oWn A 16 inch steel overflow pipe from the City bake to be placed under State Road ITo. 9, a minimum of 3 feet under the surface of the roadway with the same cover on both slopes . The pipe to be encased in a minimum of 6 inches of 1-2-4 concrete, backfill to be tamped, separauting the gravel surfacing from the material used for backfill., and replacing such gravel surfacing as the top layer° of backfill. { The pipe shall be laid on one-half of the roadway at a time or if necess- ary the trench shall be bridged in a manner that will not interfere With or interrupt traffic during the placing of the pipe line. Warning signs with red flags during hours of daylight and red lights during hours of darkness shall be placed 300 feet it each direction during construction and if consider_ ed necessary by the District Engineer or his representative flagmen shall be provided, by the 70ity of fort Townsencl in order to properly safeguard traffic. 1fter the construction of the pipe line the bridge is to be removed, and the backfill smoothed up in such a manner as will insure a smooth riding surface . All slopes cut shall be smoothed up and the roadway ditches cleaned out to insure proper drainage. It is agreed: that any damage to the roadway a:fd slowe s through breakage or leakage during or after the construction of this pipe line , shall be re- paired by the State and the cost thereof shall be promptly paid by the City of fort Townsend upon -claims therefor being submitted, It is also agreed: that amcy alteration in the pipe line ree.,uired through Widening of the roadluay or flattening- of slopes in the future bNr the State ruill be taken care of by the City of fort Tow send_, when reouested, at the expense of the city of sort Townsend. The construction to conform to the plans attached hereto . CHAPTER 309, LAW'S OF 1927 ` Section.48 'It"shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to;'build, `erect, estaIbiish operate, maintain or conduct alongside anv of the public hightivays'of this state, any platform, box, staid or any other'temparary"or permanent deviee or structure to he used for the purpose of receiving from or'delivery to any vehicle; mail, milk cans, vegetables; fruits,' merchandise,+produce or r.t i r a i I 3 No work shall be done under'this permit until the party or parties to whom it is granted shall have coanmicneated with and received instructions from..... Z.O. .....Tomm s,.and-.,...T;>i� �� �.caz�..�... ... ..... . :: This permit shall be void unless the work herein eoutemplated shall have been completed bef ore .......... ........ ..... .. ....... ........ ._...... ". . . .... ....':... .......39 .... .Dated at..v.:....�. .�y .i ........ .......... this- _._... ,..-._..dcz o f...r,: .p � Z............. :. _.....192 . .... " STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER By 37ish B*jlne6 CHAPTER 309, LAWS OF 1927 Section,48 "It shall`be unlawful for any'person, firm or corporation to"build, erect, establish; operate, maintain or conduct alongside any of the public highways of this state, any platform, lax, stand or any other'temporary or permanent device or structure to lie used for the purpose of receiving from or delivery to any Ve'hIcIel mail, milk cans, vegetables, fruits, merchandise, produce 'or commodities of ary character, unless a permit is first obtained'from the State Highway Engineer, if a state highway is involved; and/or the County Commissioners, if a county highway is involved; 'The State Highway Engineer and the`County'Commission-'' ers of each'county are Hereby authorized. to adopt, amend and,enforce all rules and regulations necessary to carry out the pro visions of this section." GENERAL PROVISION APPLICABLE TO ALL PERMITS A bond in the amount of $_......__... '.l . _. is required for the protection of.the state as set forth in the'terms of the bond. During the progress of the .work such barriers shall be erected and maintained as may be necessary or as may be directed for the protection of the travelling public; the barriers shall be properly lighted at night. In accepting this permit the petitioner, his successors and assigns agrees to .protect the State of Washington and save it harmless from all claims, actions or damages of every kind and description which,may accrue Jo or_be suffered by any person, or persons, corporation or property by reason of the performance of any such work, character of materials used or manner of installation, maintenance and,operation or by the improper occupancy of rights of way or public place or public structure,`and in case of any suit or action is brought against said State of Washington for damages arising out of or by reason of any of the above causes, the petitioner, his successors or assigns will upon notice to him or them of commencement of such action, defend the same at hls'orr their own sole cost and expense and will satisfy any judgment after the said suit or action`shall have finally,, been determined if"adverse to the State of Washington.. Except as herein authorized, no excavation shall be made or obstacle placed within the limits of the state highway in such a manner as to interfere with the travel over said road. Except as herein authorized, no excavation shall be made or obstacle placed within—Sour (4);feet of'the,edge"of the pavement. If the work done under this permit interferes in any way with,the drainage of the State Highway, the grantee shall wholly and at his own expense make such provision as the engineer may direct to take care'of said`drainage. On completion of said work herein contemplated all rubbish and debris shall be immediately removed and the roadway and roadside shall be left neat and presentable and satisfactory to the engineer. All of the work herein contemplated shall be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the State Highway Engi- neer and the entire expense of said supervision shall be borne by the party or parties to whom this permit is issued. i The State Highway Engineer hereby reserves the right to order the change of location or the removal of any structure or structures authorized by this permit at any time, said change or removal to be made at the sole expense of the party or parties to whom this permit is issued, or their successors and assigns. I All such changes, reconstruction or relocation by the grantees shall be done in such manner as will cause the least inter- ference with any of the State's work and the 'State of Washington shall in no wise be held liable for any damage to the grantee by reason of any such work by the State of Washington, its agents or representatives, or by the exercise of any rights by the r State upon roads, streets, public places or structures in question. I This permit or privilege shall not be deemed or held to be an,exclusive one and shall not prohibit the State from granting f other permits or franchise rights or like or other nature to other public or private utilities,nor shall it prevent the State from r using any of its roads, streets, or public places, or affect its right to full supervision and control over all or any part of them, none of which is;'hereby surrendered. r The State Highway Engineer may revoke, annul, "change, amend, amplify, or terminate this permit or any of the conditions herein enumerated if grantee fails to comply with any or all of its provisions, requirements or regulations as herein set forth Eor thru wilful or unreasonable neglect, rails to heed or comply with notices given or if the utility herein granted is not-Installed or operated and maintained in conformity herewith or at all or for any cause or reason whatsoever.. The party or parties to whom this permit is issued shall maintain at his or their sole expense the structure or object for which this permit is granted in a condition satisfactory to the State Tghway, Engig" In accepting this permit the grantee; big successors and assigns, agree th an da�rrag r ins-ury do yet the"property of the grantee or any expense incurred by him through the pperat7on o a cntprkin�foz tta or stateem - pioyee shall.be at the sole expense of the grantee, his-successors-or as r '. 68 i� -- ......... .......:. the un signe rehyE t o this ,perm t-s the terms and conditions as herein set forth. . Dated this F_ day of:: 19 .,..."€ `C a CA L ...... .... ......... 1 WITNESS: .............. ......... --- " � ,