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City of Port Townsend
Joint CDLU and Planning Commission Workshop
Fire Hall
June 15, 20062:00 PM
Meeting Materials:
EXH. I Agenda
EXH. 2 Issne Matrix, Draft 06115106
Councilor Michelle Sandoval called the CDLU meeting to order at 2:00 PM.
Chair Randels called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 2:00 PM.
There was a brief round of introductions.
City Council/CDLU members present were: Laurie Medlicott, Catherine Robinson and Michelle
Planning Commission members present were: Steve Emery, Roger Lizut, George Ranclels, and
George Unterseher. Harriet Capron, Liesl Slabaugh, and Cindy Thayer were unable to attend.
There was not a quorum present. However, the agenda contained no actionable items for the
Planning Commission. There were no changes to the agenda.
Copies ofEXH. 2 were provided.
Mr. Sepler explained that in order to best support the Council and Commission in this planning
effort, he would suggest going through each issue and deciding which body or committee is the
most appropriate to consider it. Any outstanding thoughts or information should be voiced in
order to help scope each item. After all these are allocated, and this group has indicated what the
priorities should be, staff will bring a work piau to the meeting in July, which will spell out the
schedule and process steps for each issue - the work plan for the next six months.
Mr. Randels added one comment. He said that if there are items that can and should be moved
forward in the interim, between now and late July, he suggested that we not feel constrained to
wait to begin work on such items.
Sign Code Advisory Group:
Ms. Sandoval asked staff if work had begun to put that together. Ms. Surber said that the
advertisement had been published, there had ,been one response, and that there may be a second
person applying. She said that she had not yet made phone calls. Mr. Randels said that the
Planning Commission had appointed its designee, Roger Lizut. Mr. Sepler said that, in support of
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this, based on the minutes of the City Council meeting wherein this was discussed as a work item,
staff was creating a base document summarizing what is in the code and identifying the issues that
have been raised. That document will be ready when the advisory group convenes.
Regarding the committees in the Process column, Mr. Randels asked if the order listed (SCAG to
CDLU to PCOM to CC) was correct. Ms. Robinson responded that she would reverse the CDLU
and the Planning Commission in the process. Ms. Sandoval said that what had been done on
occasion was to have the CDLU be the oversight committee, which receives a report or
conversation from the Advisory Group as a progress or status update. Ms. Robinson suggested
that the AG be asked to present updates to both the CDLU and Planning Commission when they
came to appropriate segments or milestones of the project. She said it could be a body of
questions or suggestions. Several Councilors and Commissioners voiced their agreement, and Ms.
Sandoval added that keeping a group of Councilors involved throughout would likely decrease the
time spent by Council at the end of the process. This would provide the opportunity for CDLU
Councilors to bring up issues that had not been thought of or addressed, andJor to take issues back
to the full Council, as necessary, during the project.
Mrs. Medlicott asked how many members the Sign Code Advisory Group would have. Several
others responded that it was a fairly large and diverse group, probably with about 15 members.
Mr. Sepler summarized: The Advisory Group \vould be semi-autonomous; there would be
frequent status/issue check points with CDLU/PCOM, and course corrections, as needed. Mr.
Lizut asked if the HPC would have a representative on the Sign Code Advisory Group. Councilor
Robinson said that was her recollection. Mr. Sepler said that C-I1 Design Committee would also
have a designee.
Mrs. MedJicott said that this was her first experience in working witb the CDLU or the Planning
Commission. She asked how the Sign Advisory Group would know what to look at and include in
their purview. Ms. Sandoval responded that we (CDLU) are directing them. She said that the
scope had been outlined during meetings that Mrs. Medlicott may have missed. She said that they
had gone back through the Council Meeting minutes and highlighted what some of the concerns
were from citizen testimony and the sessions that we had about the sign code; they also went back
through notes that Jean Walat had had, complaints or concerns about sign code, and in addition the
issues that the C-Il Design Standard had high-lighted. All of that was compiled into a list. Ms.
Robinson said that work had started last year. Mr. Sepler said that Council had expressed concern
at that meeting about sandwich board signs in the downtown, and that had been added to the list.
He said the issues are identified, but in order to support the AG, staff is preparing a summary of
each issue, the current standard, and a description of the problems, and possible solutions or
Mr. Randels asked about the meaning of the "Lead" column. Mr. Sepler said that for certain
items, either CDLU or Planning Commission will be indicated. (This is not a designator for the
lead staff person, but rather for the body or committee with primary responsibility for the work.)
For the Sign Code item, it would be the Advisory Group, who will give periodic updates to
CDLUlPJanning Commission jointly.
Dovvntovvn Streetscape ~ Phase 2
Councilors Sandoval and Robinson said they did not recall what had been included in Phase].
Councilor Medlicott suggested the Fountain, and Mr. Sepler said that he thought the Maritime
Center sidewalks, Water St. and Madison St. (under the federal grant) were also part of it. There
was a brief discussion about what had been covered during City Council meetings, and Mrs.
Medlicott said that Phase 2 included the Wave Gallery, the Tidal Bowl, and that she had proposed
that LT AC funds be used in the construction of a visitors' plaza and new public bathrooms when
the Police Station moves. Mr. Sepler said that having read the minutes, it still seemed somewhat
undefined. He said there were about four things happening right now. After several questions
about which components were included and who was doing what, he suggested that the name
Downtown Streetscape be used to deal with the whole group of items, and that staff may need to
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put them into sequence, prepare a white paper and come back with a status update. The sub-
projects mentioned include the 1989 Streetscape Manual, the Maritime Center designs relating to
parking~ curbs and sidewalks, the Fountain area, and Taylor Street.
It was suggested that research be done on the Uptown Streetscape issues, as well, although they
would not be combined into one project. Mr. Lizut suggested that an issues list or punch list be
created that identifies which groups (HPC, Mainstreet, C-Il Design, CDLU, etc) have an interest,
role or responsibility in each.
Mr. Sepler suggested that staff do the following: I. identify the status of all these pieces, so
everyone knows where we are on the timeline; 2. map out a quick strategy that would include
asking for input and information from HPC and other groups in similar meetings such as this one;
frame the issues beforehand; 3. posit a recommendation on how to approach each. This would
provide a starting point and hopefully result in a roadmap of what should to be accomplished.
Ms. Robinson asked if the 1989 Streetscape Plan was now defunct and unusable, or should it be
revised? Mr. Sepler recalled that it called for many very specific standards that may no longer be
viable. Mr. Lizut said that he thought the expectation of having all the same light fixtures or door
knobs was the real issue. Mr. Unterseher asked why uptown and downtown should have distinctly
different standards. There was a brief discussion about that question and the recognition that there
are at least several schools of thought regarding one standard versus several standards for areas of
town or neighborhoods. In response to a question from Mrs. Medlicott, Mr. Sepler said that the
input from the business owners must be an integral 'part of any scheme.
Mr. Septer noted that so much of this item is related to design that it may be well to get the input
of the soon to be selected urban design consultant. He mentioned that standard parts can mean
cost savings, and still allow for aesthetically interesting and appealing streetscapes. Mrs.
Medlicott voiced her concern that business/property owners should not be asked to pay for
standards without the opportunity for input in their development. There was a brief discussion
about the installation of a pergola on the sidewalk by a property owner, and how such a situation
could be prevented in the future.
Mr. Sepler added that since the same resources need to be applied, he suggested that the Uptown
and Downtown Streetscape needs be considered together - even though tbey may be different.
He again stated that the action plan would be for staff to do some research, come hack with status,
and a suggested process; it will be a CDLU item, with the Planning Commission involved if there
is need to modify codes or standards.
Mr. Emery asked about the Living Sidewalk concept, i.e. the woonerf. Mr. Sepler gave a brief
description, and mentioned its relationship to the Transportation Plan. Mrs. Medlicott said that
that item was very low on the priority list. Mr. Sepler said that elements of the concept might
work on Taylor Street, but that each instance must be evaluated to determine what works.
Library Renovation
Ms. Sandoval asked how the CDLU might be involved. Mr. Sepler said that there is an ongoing
discussion. He said that Library staff had had some discussion with city staff to talk about the
zoning and what is feasible, as well as the steps needed to design for space needs. He said that
perhaps this group should just hear an npdate on the process to consider any possible policy
changes, commonalities, opportunities for co:-location, or economies of scale. Or, is there a need
that could be met elsewhere? (For example, a computer lab for Peninsula College co-located with
the Library.) Ms. Robinson said that the Library's process this far has been, more or less, their
own. There was agreement that an update would be appropriate, and the role of the CDLU would
be limited for the time being.
Housing Needs Assessment
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Ms. Surber reported that the Housing Advisory Group contiuues to meet. There will be an Open
House on June 28 for both County and City residents at the Jefferson County Library, Humphrey
Room. At that time the consultant will be showing various packages of options that are prototypes
of development tbat could occur in rural and in urban areas. This will be an opportunity to collect
feedback from tbe community regarding their preferences and sense of feasibility for their
neighborhoods. The Advisory Group is awaiting a complete draft of the consultant's report;
certain pieces of the report have been reviewed. At the point that the Advisory Group has
considered and endorsed the report, including any recommendations, there would be presentations!
updates to the CDLU and Planning Commission; sbe said tbat that could be a joint meeting or
separate meetings. There would then be a report to the full City Council for action on the plan.
Ms. Sandoval said that she and Mr. Emery both served on the Task Force, and she said that the
work is almost done. They are conducting surveys now, or will be shortly; the recipients will
receive a fairly lengthy written survey, which they are asked to complete before providing their
responses during a follow up phone call. The results will be included in the presentations before
CDLU, Planning Commission and City Council. From there, she said, there w1l1 be more work
after it is blessed by the County Commissioners and the City Council. The Planning Commission
will then consider possible zoning changes or other types of incentives, based on policy decisions
by the County Commissioners and City Council. She said that a suggestion will be forthcoming
that a blended county/city Housing Needs oversight group be established to work with the non-
profit organizations and government entities in implementation of the plan. She and Ms. Surber
estimated that report to be "Titten by October, 2006.
Mrs. Medlicott noted that several citizens had spoken with her about the outstanding performance
of the Advisory Group leader(s): Ms. Surber gave full credit to the consultant. Ms. Sandoval said
that she and Ms. Surber had met with the Real Estate Association Government Affairs Committee,
and heard very positive comments from Terry Jeffrey's about the draft, including that they would
like to be more involved in the future. Ms. Surber added that the report and update coming to the
CDLU and Planning Commission was with the hope for their approval on the action plan, and that
once the action plan is approved, they would be responsible for specific actions, as well.
Infrastructure Policy
Mr. Sepler explained that this item pertains to the standards for new development and dealing with
new growth and is related to the Impact Fees item, which deals with the cumulative impact of
growth. Both are important policy choices that City Council will make, with land use implications
arising from them. He suggested ajoint meeting with the Public Works and Finance and
Budgeting committees, who are working on the mechanics of these issues, to talk about what the
implications might be, on the ground. Would this discourage permit applications and what is the
balance between achieving the infrastructure and keeping the growth we anticipate? Mr.
Unterseber said that tbis really affects housing needs. He said that he had seen first hand what is
required from a builder "at the whim of the city". He cited an example of a $27 ,000 bus shelter
operational for less than a month, which is now not needed due to a change in the bus route. He
said that these things really affect the cost ofbouses, and that must be considered in detennining
requirements. Mr. Emery said that there would be suggestions coming out of the Housing Task
Force, including impact fee reduction especially for affordable housing.
Mrs. Medlicott added that the long term impacts must be considered. There was discussion about
the need to factor in the increased service demands and costs for not only roads, but also police,
fire, water/sewer hookup and other senrices. Ms. Sandoval said some of the cost may be passed
on to individuals as they come and use the services of our city, or it needs to be born by the
increases in taxes for everyone. Mr. Unterseher said that he had built in other places and that he
was surprised that Port Townsend had not yet had an impact fee. Ms. Sandoval said that
developers are well aware that the current situation is advantageous for them financially, although
they may publicly complain about City policies and rules. She added that if we want to encourage
affordable housing, land banks and similar things, that the City needs the funds to accomplish that.
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Ms. Sandoval said that some initial information has been received from John Watts, and that this
item is her number one priority on this list. Mrs. Medlicott concurred, indicating that it was also
her top priority. Mr. Sepler said that he would recommend getting an update from the other
committees and understanding how they operate. He noted that there would likely be a tiered fee
structure, or possibly have designated areas with "incentives" fees. For example, this may be a
way to encourage growth in the Gateway area. Ms. Sandoval noted that when this topic had been
discussed at a recent City Council meeting related to the budget, she had suggested incentives for
the commercial district since that would have a better pay back in taxes. She had asked whether
there could be duplication of the LID process (i.e. for the Howard St. Corridor) to be in place
along the Sims Way corridor, in support of infrastructure development by property owners there.
She also suggested a less cumbersome approach might be to implement the tiering approach
already in the Comp Plan. However, she said that has only been funded to the amount of$25,000.
Ms. Robinson asked for consideration of how these various committees would be meshed or
coordinated; what would be role of CDLU and when would their role begin? She said that there
may be so much overlap that there is, in effect, full Council participation. Mr. Sepler said that the
best way may be to promote a general strategy, then parse out the pieces. For example, the CDLU
and Planning Commission could consider the tiering options and select the most appropriate
structure. Ms. Sandoval said that she believed the Planning Commission could get started on this
almost immediately, as discussed at the last Council meeting. Mr. Sepler summarized: the
Planning Commission will look at tiering and approaches that can be used in terms of land use,
identify areas that are likely to develop because of utilities, and try to weigh the differences in
return on commercial and residential to achieve the best balance in growth, cost, viable economy
and quality oflife.
Village Rezones
Ms. Sandoval said she had heard that the Planning Commission had had some discussion about
Upper Sims Way and mixed use. She said that she thought that could lend itselfto the changes
that many would like to see in the Upper Sims area, particularly with regard to appearance and
aesthetic appeal. Also, she said she thought it would give the developers more flexibility in being
able to accommodate a variety of different uses there. She added that the notion would need to go
back up to Council, because Sims Way is one of the top Council priorities. There would need.to
be a discussion about that as a Village Rezone area. Ms. Robinson asked what Ms. Sandoval had
in mind originally when she brought up Village Rezones in Council. She said that she had thought
of additional village mixed use centers scattered throughout the city, and of taking action now,
before the option is lost to other forms of development. It can also lend itself to more affordable
housing because of reduced distance to stores and routine services. She noted that because of
unfamiliarity and for lack of convincing precedents in this town, there has been some negative
response to the idea, for example at F and San Juan Streets. There is some reluctance to
development of remaining open space within the town. On the other hand, there has been high
interest in some kind of commercial sub-area in North Beach by some residents.
Ms. Robinson asked if this might be appropriate for the Planning Commission to work on. Mr.
Randels and Ms. Surber responded that this had been on the Planning Commission's list of
suggested endeavors. Mrs. Medlicott interjected that she felt quite strongly that the matter must
go through the Council to task the Planning Commission to work on it. She disagreed that Village
Rezones and the assignment to the PlalU1ing Commission, had been discussed by the COW1cil.
There was further discussion among Councilors Medlicott, Robinson and Sandoval about what
Council had discussed, about priorities and decisions. Ms. Robinson recalled that the entire Jist
had been discussed and adopted, with the understanding that the Planning Commission could
pursue items on the list. Ms. Sandoval said that her advice would be to go back to the Mayor and
Council for a fOffilaI action, especially if that is what Mrs. Medlicott deemed necessary. Ms.
Sandoval said she was quite certain that the issue had been specifically addressed by the Council,
particularly so that the Plarming Commission could begin work on some items as soon as possible.
She said that there had not been a formal vote but there had been agreement that it was a good
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idea. Also, that when she had spoken with Councilor Masci a few days earlier, he had the same
In summary, Mr. Sepler said that if Council considers it, the steps wonld be: first, to develop
criteria, i.e. what must be done to make it work; second, examine the locations and select
candidate sites, in accordance v.rith the criteria. Ms. Sandoval added that she assumed this would
be a somewhat lengthy process, with provisions for plenty of public input. Mr. Emery added that
he understood that the F and San Juan intersection was likely to be the first test case. Mr. Randels
added that, in tbe context of Upper Sims, it was the strip of Howard St, between Sims and
Discovery Road -- How could we maximize the urban design and the returns from that particular
site? The thought was that mixed use might make more sense there. Mr. Sepler added that just
doing streetscapes was not going to change it -- a lesson learned from other communities; it would
take streetscapes and use together. Mr. Randels added that was not inconsistent with the advice
from the consultant brought in for the charette.
Teardmvns in Historic District
Ms. Sandoval said this was about what is worth saving in the Historic District and the teardO"wns
that are beginning to occur. Mr. Septer said that in other communities, jt has been common to see
secondary or tertiary, smaller Victorian structures on highly desirable/valuable lots be removed in
order to build larger structures. The erosion of these background buildings can have an overaJJ
deleterious effect on the district. There are schemes that guide expansions and preservation of
buildings with certain add-ons. He said that a significant enough body of ordinances has been
developed as framework, which could be brought to the Planning Commission for consideration.
Ms. Sandoval said that it was important to at least do the discovery work on this, and to package it
in a way that can be easily considered. Mr. Lizut asked if this was related to the McMansion
issue, and whether this should be included in the scope. Ms. Sandoval said that it was, in that the
most desirable lots, with good views and central locations, are those that were built on first, and
are the most common sites for older Victorian homes.
Mr. Sepler said that staff can very quickly compile information, include input from the HPC, and
have the Planning Commission consider it and compile a recommendation to City Council. Ms.
Sandoval and Mrs. Medlicott brought up the height and grade issue. Ms. Surber said that was
under the Public Works committee. Mrs. Medlicott said that alteration of elevation is presently
not covered under any policy, and she considers it urgent. Mr. Randels offered his opinion that
these. several issues ought to be dealt with comprehensively, not in pieces by different entities.
Ms. Sandoval said that she agreed, noting that view equity was also very much related, but had
been stricken from the list to be addressed. Ms. Surber noted that under the Public Works
committee, it said height and grade (also CDLU).
Mr. Sepler summarized: The intention is for the Planning Commission to include intrusions,
teardowns (both overly large and diminishment) and alterations to site. They will look at the
current body of knowledge, frame the issue and come forward with a scheme/approach prior to an
ordinance, a first blush kind of thing. If agreed by Council, they will then take more time to craft
an ordinance.
Councilors noted that the foHowing last four items had relatively low priorities.
WoodslolleJ Smoke Control
There was no additional discussion on this item.
Taylor Street Woonerf
Councilor Medlicott said that she would like to see Public Safety included in this project.
Councilor Robinson said that the preliminary design had already been done. Mrs. Medlicott said
that the Public Safety committee had not been involved. She said that Police and Fire have to be
included at the beginning of planning. There was further discussion about the overlap between the
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woonerf concept and the streetscape design. Ms. Robinson recalled that the Taylor Street part had
been put off, while dealing with the Fountain area. Mr. Sepler said that this would be bronght out
as part of Streetscape, and staff would ensure that the appropriate parties and components are
Mrs. Medlicott reminded that the woonerf is low priority. Mr. Sepler asked whether the priority
would change if the $800,000 grant money is awarded. Mrs. Medlicott said she did not recall
Council discussions or authorization for grant applications for this endeavor. Mr. Sepler said that
he understood the monies to be linked to the second phase of funding to do the rest of the
streetscape; this was an application for federal funding from the Northwest Maritime Center and
the City. He said that it was not specifically directed at the woonerf, but that if those funds came
in, there would be greater urgency to look at the streetscape issue. Ms. Robinson added that a
specific desigu had not yet been adopted.
Cottage Housing
There was some uncertainly about the scope and intent of this item. Several Councilors recalled
that Mr. Benskin had placed this on the list. However, they were not certain of the particular issues
he wished to address. Mr. Sepler said that he would find that out, and report on it.
"Steve Corra" Park
Ms. Sandoval noted that this item would come up under the streetscape discussion. Ms. Robinson
added that the funding for this was in process and that a group was already working on that. Mr.
Sepler said that he would include this in the report "With a reference to the funding arrangements.
Mr. Randels asked about several items that were not on the list. He said that since Upper Sims
Way was a high priority for City Council and the Planning Commission, it should be added to the
list. The second item was "ordinance tweaking". He said that staff is in the process of identifying
issues and problems in the code, mainly minor but some more significant, that are projected for
attention in the falL Mr. Sepler added, for clarification, that a number of minor procedural
changes and inconsistencies had been identified by staff. When ready, they would like to bring
forward suggested changes and clarifications, including the SMP-related changes, as an omnibus
code bundle. Mr. Randels mentioned the density issue. Mr. Sepler said that presently, there is no
minimum density in the multi-family zoning districts, so there is single-family development there.
Ms. Sandoval said that that would also come out as part of the Housing Needs assessment; that is a
problem because the available acreage is being used up.
Mr. Sepler sununarized: The CDLU has indicated that their number one priority, in conjunction
with other committees, is infrastructure policies and fees. The Sign Code is also high priority but
also has its own track, as does Streetscape and all associated issues. We need to sort out all the
pieces and statuses within their various processes, and knit them together. The committee will be
involved in other things that are more informational than action-oriented. The Village Rezone will
be given greater clarification. For the Planning Commission, the main items are teardowns in the
Historic District, Upper Sims Way, the Sign Code, and ordinance t\tveaking. Whatever comes out
of the Committee ultimately will reside with the Planning Commission to start and then go
forward to City Council. Ms. Robinson asked if the height and grade would be coupled with the
teardowns in the Planning Commission. Mr. Sepler said it would be considered there, but also
with the Public Works committee.
He said that the next time he attends the CDLU meeting, staff would bring clarifications on
Streetscape, CDLU would provide better direction on Village Rezones, and there would be more
information on the Sign Code, with issues identified. The next meeting for CDLU in scheduled
for Jrme 27th, on Impact Fees, to receive a briefing from John Watts. Ms. Sandoval said she would
not be able to attend that meeting. Mr. Sepler indicated he would return and see the CDLU on
July 25", with the Streetscape information prepared.
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The next meeting for the Planning Commission is scheduled for June 22; this is a public hearing
on the Shannon-Elder zoning change. Mr. Sepler said he would attend the July meeting with the
consultant to follow up on the Upper Sims discussion.
Mrs. MedJicott asked ifHPC communicates with Plarming Commission. Mr. Randels responded
that they sometimes did, and that Roger Lizut is a member of both bodies. She said that she
understood that HPC has done a lot of investigation on alternatives to the sandwich board type
signs. Mr. Lizut said they had done some research on that, but they did not have a definitive
answer. She said that it was an issue with the LTAC (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee),
particularly safety concerns. She brought up the need for Main Street, HPC, L T AC and other
committees to work together. She said that as Chair of LT AC, she would like to attend an HPC
meeting, and Mr. Lizut said the HPC would welcome her.
Mr. Lizut said he would like to thank the CDLU and Mr. Sepler for arranging the joint meeting,
which had been very useful. Ms. Sandoval noted that it was well to save staffs time by
disseminating information all at once and for everyone to hear the same information.
Mrs. Medlicott offered a factoid from the L T AC meeting. She reported that while Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland are all down significantly with their tourist income, (i.e. 20+ percent), Port
TO"W11send is up 13 percent so far this year.
Ms Sandoval adjourned the meeting at 3: 15 PM
> George Randels
Gail Bernhard, Recorder
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