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City of Port TownsendwA
Meeting Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board
Tuesday, April 24, 2013, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
City Hall Meeting Room 41
L Meeting called to order at 4:35 pm by President, Rosemary Sikes.
Members in Attendance: Daniel Milholland, Ron Sikes, Rosemary Sikes, Lys Burden and Debbie Jahnke Sally
Robbins is excused.
Staff: Steve Wright
Visitors: Margaret Lee
II. Approval of Agenda —Agenda Nvas approved.
III. Approval of Minutes—Minutes for March 26th Nvere approved.
IV. Staff Report, Parks &Recreation 2013 Budget- Steve Wright distributed copies of the 2013 budget and discussed
the budget categories. At Board request, he indicated volunteer activities that Nvould be most helpful are:
-trash pickup along Sims Way at Kali Tai(It Nvas noted that Admiralty Audubon is doing this activity once per month.),
-weeding at the Bell ToNver, Chetzemoka and Haller Fountain/Terrace Steps.
Steve reported that they are awash Nvith donated benches for Chetzemoka, and John McDonough Nvas redirecting one to
the Haller steps. It Nvas noted by the board members that benches Nvould be Nvelcome at many other parks,including Kali
Tai and(pending)Parkside Park. Board members Nvill N-,-rite a press release to try for more volunteers to help Nvith park
Nveeding and to recruit people Nvilling to adopt individual parks. A monthly flyer Neill also be submitted for posting on the
City Nvebsite. Mention Nvas made of an adjacent landovrier's effort to cut back Himalayan blackberries on the NW
perimeter of Kali Tai in order to reach apple trees there to prune them. Board members asked Steve to speak Nvith this
landoN-,ner to inform her that the blackberries Nvere on LWCF park land, not private land, that they protect nesting habitat
and that apple trees Nvere there for Nvildlife, not for humans. They mentioned that opportunities to contribute pruning
talents Nvould be Nvelcomed by the local Gleaners organization at their expanding orchard operations.
V. PRT 2013 Work Plan
A. Tree City USA—
1. Report Progress of Parkside Park Planting: The tree planting grant submitted in March Nvas not funded(see
below). HoNvever, tree planting at Parkside Park is proceeding this year as Rick and Debbie Jahnke volunteered to serve as
park stewards and have donated$1,400 to the City for young trees for planting. Admiralty Audubon also offered to
contribute and plant salal shrubs ($200 donation) as an understory to stabilize the new berms. The City has set aside funds
and received preliminary bids for installation of fencing, berms and irrigation. Pledged contributions from both Rotaries
for play equipment have been received, although they currently have only about half of their planned funding. The City
may have a picnic shelter available. Some parts of the park may have to be completed in stages.
2. Tree City Grant Update: The Tree City USA grant proposal(drafted by Debbie)for 22 young trees for
Parkside Park Nvas turned doN-,n by DNR, but Nve Nvere encouraged to rev rite and resubmit. The reasons given for rejection
included: too many trees for such a small site and cost of the certified arborist compared to cost of the trees. Since a
certified arborist Nvas required for the grant and since Nve Nvere Nvorking Nvith the City's design in hand, neither issue Nvas
considered to be resolvable or worthwhile to address in order to re-submit this proposal for such a modest amount of
funding. Donors have stepped forward to purchase trees up to the cost requested in the rejected proposal.
3. Create Significant Trees brochure of PT: a DRAFT Significant Trees of PT brochure Nvas approved by staff
and has been posted on the PRT webpage for comments and corrections. Copies of the DRAFT brochure Nvere printed and
distributed to Ron, Rosemary and Lys in preparation for Arbor Day activities. Debbie Neill take copies to Sarah Fairbank.
4. Arbor Day Activity Planning: Ron Nvill lead a tree Nvalk at Fort Worden on Apr 26 at 10 am, Sarah Fairbanks
Nvill lead a tree Nvalk at Chetzemoka and uptoN-,n on Apr 26 at noon; Rosemary Nvill lead a tree Nvalk at Castle Hill on Apr
26 at 1:30 pm. As Nve Nvere having difficulty getting an outside commitment to lead a bicycle tour, Lys agreed to lead the
Arbor Day bike ride, `Tour du Trees PT',which Nvas scheduled for Apr 27 at 6 pm leaving from the Recyclery. Rick
Sepler provided a liability Nvaiver release for the bicycle riders. Lys suggested that for future events, Nve ask if Nve can
replace'require'helmets N ith'highly recommend'helmets' in the language of the release, as there is less liability.
B. Volunteers for our Parks -
1. Work parties are scheduled at Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park from 9 am—noon, on May 19 and June
22. Emphasis will be pulling Scotch broom and garbage pick-up. Press releases of the events will be submitted
by Rosemary, and notice to the City website will be drafted and sent by Debbie.
2. Steve Wright requested volunteers to help with weekly weeding at Chetzemoka (see information
above under Staff Report. On Apr 2 Barb Pastore volunteered to serve as volunteer coordinator for Chetzemoka.
The plan for volunteer weeding at both Chetzemoka and Haller will be BYOB (bring your own bucket), where
individual volunteers will be checked out for weeding skills by lead volunteer and then encouraged to weed as
convenient for the individual's own schedule.
C. Vision for Bulbfest 2013 -
(See Danny Milholland's email from April 1, attached) Danny is proposing a community event to plant 1000+
bulbs at Bobby McGarraugh Park on December 1, from l lam-3pm. A list of bulbs was provided by Matt
Berberich that will cost 25 or 50 cents each. It was recommended that Bulbfest should be scheduled earlier
(either October 13 or 20 as the weather may be warmer and better than in December) as an advertised
community event. Ron and Rosemary were willing to donate $25 to purchase 100 bulbs. Steve indicated that
$250 could be found in the Parks budget for Bulbfest. Lys, Debbie and visitor, Margaret Lee, also each offered
to donate $25 toward fiinding Bulbfest.
D. Complete Park Functional Plan -The preparation of this planning document is on hold because staff time
is consumed by the MPD process. Roseman*Sikes and Debbie Jahnke are designated PRTAB subcommittee members
Nvith 2 members of Planning Commission to help redraft this plan.
E. Metropolitan Park District - Report on MPD Steering Committee meeting Apr 23: the agenda focused on
all facilities in the City and County inventorv. Use statistics Nvere requested for those facilities that are the most expensive
to operate, particularly those Nvithin City limits. A perception of many residents in Jefferson County outside of Port
Tovmsend exists that only City residents benefit from these facilities, and data should be compiled to determine the actual
use statistics. Many questions concerned the fate of existing programs. Programs Nvill be discussed at the next meeting.
Valuation by taxing district Nvas requested. The group Nvas asked to brainstorm about what should be included,ranging
from all facilities to only a few expensive facilities of regional interest.
VI. Future Meeting Agenda Items -to be decided later.
VII. Visitor and PRT Board Comment—The visitor Nvas observing only and board members had no additional
VIII. Adjournment—Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.
Action Steps Needed:
1. Advertise and conduct Arbor Day activities.
2. Advertise and conduct volunteer work parties at Kah Tai in May and post volunteer opportunities to the
City's website
3. Determine how best to donate to the City for Bulbfest bulb procurement
4. Lys still has it on her list to check with Sally Chapin about the WSU Extension software for logging in
volunteer hours.
5. Adopt-a-Park program needs to be promoted.
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Milholland <danielmilhollandagmail.com>
To: Lys Burden <wpburdenaaol.com>
Cc: Rosemary Sikes <rosemarysikes(c-)olvmpus.net>; Debbie Jahnke <dbiahnke(c-)att.net>; Ron Sikes
<sikesaolym pus.net>; Sally Robbins <srobbins917(cDg mail.com>
Sent: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 11:31 am
Subject: BULBFEST 2013
Hey y'all....
As promised, here is the 1 st Draft production outline/vision for BULBFEST 2013. Check it out.... let me know thoughts &
ideas at the next meeting.
Best! ... Danny
PRT Presents
Sunday Dec. 1st
11AM - 3PM
Bobby McGarraugh Park
Located on Cherry St. Between S & P Streets
Formally Known as Cherry St. Park
BYO Picnic Lunch
Help us Plant 1,000+ Bulbs!!!
Bulbs for Bobby!!!
Celebrating Port Townsend Parks & Recreation
List of potential bulbs provided by Matt Berberich.... Matt has offered to place a wholesale order of bulbs when we are
ready to move forward: (25 - .50 cents per bulb depending on what we choose to order& how many)
Parks, Recreation and Tree Committee
Bulb List 2013
Lawn Areas-for winter/early spring bloom Shrub Boarders
Crocus tomassinianus Camassia leichtlinii
Camassia quamash Camassia cusickii
Galanthus elwesii Allium christophii
Galanthus nivalis Narcissus `New Baby'
Chionodoxa sardensis Narcissus `Canaliculatus'
Chionodoxa luciliae Eremerus `Cleopatra'
Eranthis cilicica Fritillaria meleagris
Iris reticulate Leucojum aestivum
Iris danfordiae
Muscari armeniacum
Scilla siberica
Triteleia ixiodes-not best for lawns..
Anemone nemarosa
Source: Brent and Becky's Bulbs. Best prices and quality of bulk bulbs.
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